mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 07:11:36 +00:00
Reverted "Delete Item" action to the way it worked in DB2. Added "Dissolve Item" action, which works the way "Delete Item" worked in previous revisions of GZDB. Added "Auto Clear Sidedef Textures" action, "Edit" menu and toolbar button, which toggle automatic removal of sidedef textures when floor or ceiling height is changed or when geometry is drawn, copied or pasted. Draw Settings panel: upper/lower texture overrides can now be used. Draw Settings panel: added 2 sets of buttons, which allow to quickly set or clear textures in current selection. Things are now rendered behind AND on top of the grid/linedefs/vertices when they are dragged. Redesigned hints system. They are now shown in a side panel. Edit area auto-focusing is now disabled when script editor is open. Texture Browser form: no texture group was selected when opening the form in some cases. Fixed several strange/misleading text messages.
1096 lines
30 KiB
1096 lines
30 KiB
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using System.Drawing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map
public sealed class Linedef : SelectableElement
#region ================== Constants
public const float SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE = 0.01f;
public const int NUM_ARGS = 5;
#region ================== Variables
// Map
private MapSet map;
// List items
private LinkedListNode<Linedef> startvertexlistitem;
private LinkedListNode<Linedef> endvertexlistitem;
private LinkedListNode<Linedef> selecteditem;
// Vertices
private Vertex start;
private Vertex end;
// Sidedefs
private Sidedef front;
private Sidedef back;
// Cache
private bool updateneeded;
private float lengthsq;
private float lengthsqinv;
private float length;
private float lengthinv;
private float angle;
private RectangleF rect;
private bool impassableflag;
// Properties
private Dictionary<string, bool> flags;
private int action;
private int activate;
private int tag;
private int[] args;
private bool frontinterior; // for drawing only
private int colorPresetIndex;//mxd
// Clone
private int serializedindex;
#region ================== Properties
public MapSet Map { get { return map; } }
public Vertex Start { get { return start; } }
public Vertex End { get { return end; } }
public Sidedef Front { get { return front; } }
public Sidedef Back { get { return back; } }
public Line2D Line { get { return new Line2D(start.Position, end.Position); } }
internal Dictionary<string, bool> Flags { get { return flags; } }
public int Action { get { return action; } set { BeforePropsChange(); action = value; UpdateColorPreset(); } }
public int Activate { get { return activate; } set { BeforePropsChange(); activate = value; UpdateColorPreset(); } }
public int Tag { get { return tag; } set { BeforePropsChange(); tag = value; if((tag < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag) || (tag > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Tag", "Invalid tag number"); } }
public float LengthSq { get { return lengthsq; } }
public float Length { get { return length; } }
public float LengthInv { get { return lengthinv; } }
public float Angle { get { return angle; } }
public int AngleDeg { get { return (int)(angle * Angle2D.PIDEG); } }
public RectangleF Rect { get { return rect; } }
public int[] Args { get { return args; } }
internal int SerializedIndex { get { return serializedindex; } set { serializedindex = value; } }
internal bool FrontInterior { get { return frontinterior; } set { frontinterior = value; } }
internal bool ImpassableFlag { get { return impassableflag; } }
internal int ColorPresetIndex { get { return colorPresetIndex; } } //mxd
internal bool ExtraFloorFlag; //mxd
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
internal Linedef(MapSet map, int listindex, Vertex start, Vertex end)
// Initialize
this.map = map;
this.listindex = listindex;
this.updateneeded = true;
this.args = new int[NUM_ARGS];
this.flags = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
this.colorPresetIndex = -1;//mxd
// Attach to vertices
this.start = start;
this.startvertexlistitem = start.AttachLinedefP(this);
this.end = end;
this.endvertexlistitem = end.AttachLinedefP(this);
if(map == General.Map.Map)
// We have no destructor
// Disposer
public override void Dispose()
// Not already disposed?
// Already set isdisposed so that changes can be prohibited
isdisposed = true;
// Dispose sidedefs
if((front != null) && map.AutoRemove) front.Dispose(); else AttachFrontP(null);
if((back != null) && map.AutoRemove) back.Dispose(); else AttachBackP(null);
if(map == General.Map.Map)
// Remove from main list
// Detach from vertices
if(startvertexlistitem != null) start.DetachLinedefP(startvertexlistitem);
startvertexlistitem = null;
start = null;
if(endvertexlistitem != null) end.DetachLinedefP(endvertexlistitem);
endvertexlistitem = null;
end = null;
// Clean up
start = null;
end = null;
front = null;
back = null;
map = null;
// Clean up base
#region ================== Management
// Call this before changing properties
protected override void BeforePropsChange()
if(map == General.Map.Map)
// Serialize / deserialize (passive: doesn't record)
new internal void ReadWrite(IReadWriteStream s)
updateneeded = true;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> f in flags)
int c; s.rInt(out c);
flags = new Dictionary<string, bool>(c);
for(int i = 0; i < c; i++)
string t; s.rString(out t);
bool b; s.rBool(out b);
flags.Add(t, b);
s.rwInt(ref action);
s.rwInt(ref activate);
s.rwInt(ref tag);
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_ARGS; i++) s.rwInt(ref args[i]);
// This sets new start vertex
public void SetStartVertex(Vertex v)
if(map == General.Map.Map)
// Change start
if(startvertexlistitem != null) start.DetachLinedefP(startvertexlistitem);
startvertexlistitem = null;
start = v;
if(start != null) startvertexlistitem = start.AttachLinedefP(this);
this.updateneeded = true;
// This sets new end vertex
public void SetEndVertex(Vertex v)
if(map == General.Map.Map)
// Change end
if(endvertexlistitem != null) end.DetachLinedefP(endvertexlistitem);
endvertexlistitem = null;
end = v;
if(end != null) endvertexlistitem = end.AttachLinedefP(this);
this.updateneeded = true;
// This detaches a vertex
internal void DetachVertexP(Vertex v)
if(v == start)
if(startvertexlistitem != null) start.DetachLinedefP(startvertexlistitem);
startvertexlistitem = null;
start = null;
else if(v == end)
if(endvertexlistitem != null) end.DetachLinedefP(endvertexlistitem);
endvertexlistitem = null;
end = null;
throw new Exception("Specified Vertex is not attached to this Linedef.");
// This copies all properties to another line
new public void CopyPropertiesTo(Linedef l)
// Copy properties
l.action = action;
l.args = (int[])args.Clone();
l.flags = new Dictionary<string, bool>(flags);
l.tag = tag;
l.updateneeded = true;
l.activate = activate;
l.impassableflag = impassableflag;
// This attaches a sidedef on the front
internal void AttachFront(Sidedef s)
if(map == General.Map.Map)
// Attach and recalculate
// Passive version, does not record the change
internal void AttachFrontP(Sidedef s)
// Attach and recalculate
front = s;
if(front != null) front.SetLinedefP(this);
updateneeded = true;
// This attaches a sidedef on the back
internal void AttachBack(Sidedef s)
if(map == General.Map.Map)
// Attach and recalculate
// Passive version, does not record the change
internal void AttachBackP(Sidedef s)
// Attach and recalculate
back = s;
if(back != null) back.SetLinedefP(this);
updateneeded = true;
// This detaches a sidedef from the front
internal void DetachSidedefP(Sidedef s)
// Sidedef is on the front?
if(front == s)
// Remove sidedef reference
if(front != null) front.SetLinedefP(null);
front = null;
updateneeded = true;
// Sidedef is on the back?
else if(back == s)
// Remove sidedef reference
if(back != null) back.SetLinedefP(null);
back = null;
updateneeded = true;
//else throw new Exception("Specified Sidedef is not attached to this Linedef.");
// This updates the line when changes have been made
public void UpdateCache()
// Update if needed
// Delta vector
Vector2D delta = end.Position - start.Position;
// Recalculate values
lengthsq = delta.GetLengthSq();
length = (float)Math.Sqrt(lengthsq);
if(length > 0f) lengthinv = 1f / length; else lengthinv = 1f / 0.0000000001f;
if(lengthsq > 0f) lengthsqinv = 1f / lengthsq; else lengthsqinv = 1f / 0.0000000001f;
angle = delta.GetAngle();
float l = Math.Min(start.Position.x, end.Position.x);
float t = Math.Min(start.Position.y, end.Position.y);
float r = Math.Max(start.Position.x, end.Position.x);
float b = Math.Max(start.Position.y, end.Position.y);
rect = new RectangleF(l, t, r - l, b - t);
// Cached flags
impassableflag = IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.ImpassableFlag);
//mxd. Color preset
// Updated
updateneeded = false;
// This flags the line needs an update because it moved
public void NeedUpdate()
// Update this line
updateneeded = true;
// Update sectors as well
if(front != null) front.Sector.UpdateNeeded = true;
if(back != null) back.Sector.UpdateNeeded = true;
// This translates the flags and activations into UDMF fields
internal void TranslateToUDMF()
// First make a single integer with all bits from activation and flags
int bits = activate;
int flagbit = 0;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> f in flags)
if(int.TryParse(f.Key, out flagbit) && f.Value) bits |= flagbit;
// Now make the new flags
//mxd. Add default activation flag if needed
if(action != 0 && activate == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DefaultLinedefActivationFlag))
flags[General.Map.Config.DefaultLinedefActivationFlag] = true;
foreach(FlagTranslation f in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlagsTranslation)
// Flag found in bits?
if((bits & f.Flag) == f.Flag)
// Add fields and remove bits
bits &= ~f.Flag;
for(int i = 0; i < f.Fields.Count; i++)
flags[f.Fields[i]] = f.FieldValues[i];
// Add fields with inverted value
for(int i = 0; i < f.Fields.Count; i++) {
if(!flags.ContainsKey(f.Fields[i])) //mxd
flags[f.Fields[i]] = !f.FieldValues[i];
//mxd. Update cached flags
impassableflag = IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.ImpassableFlag);
// This translates UDMF fields back into the normal flags and activations
internal void TranslateFromUDMF()
// Make copy of the flags
Dictionary<string, bool> oldfields = new Dictionary<string, bool>(flags);
// Make the flags
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> f in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlags)
// Flag must be numeric
int flagbit = 0;
if(int.TryParse(f.Key, out flagbit))
foreach(FlagTranslation ft in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlagsTranslation)
if(ft.Flag == flagbit)
// Only set this flag when the fields match
bool fieldsmatch = true;
for(int i = 0; i < ft.Fields.Count; i++)
if(!oldfields.ContainsKey(ft.Fields[i]) || (oldfields[ft.Fields[i]] != ft.FieldValues[i]))
fieldsmatch = false;
// Field match? Then add the flag.
flags.Add(f.Key, true);
// Make the activation
foreach(LinedefActivateInfo a in General.Map.Config.LinedefActivates)
bool foundactivation = false;
foreach(FlagTranslation ft in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlagsTranslation)
if(ft.Flag == a.Index)
// Only set this activation when the fields match
bool fieldsmatch = true;
for(int i = 0; i < ft.Fields.Count; i++)
if(!oldfields.ContainsKey(ft.Fields[i]) || (oldfields[ft.Fields[i]] != ft.FieldValues[i]))
fieldsmatch = false;
// Field match? Then add the flag.
activate = a.Index;
foundactivation = true;
if(foundactivation) break;
//mxd. Update cached flags
impassableflag = IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.ImpassableFlag);
// Selected
protected override void DoSelect()
selecteditem = map.SelectedLinedefs.AddLast(this);
// Deselect
protected override void DoUnselect()
if(selecteditem.List != null) selecteditem.List.Remove(selecteditem);
selecteditem = null;
#region ================== Methods
// This checks and returns a flag without creating it
public bool IsFlagSet(string flagname)
if(flags.ContainsKey(flagname)) return flags[flagname];
return false;
// This sets a flag
public void SetFlag(string flagname, bool value)
if(!flags.ContainsKey(flagname) || (IsFlagSet(flagname) != value))
flags[flagname] = value;
// Cached flags
if(flagname == General.Map.Config.ImpassableFlag) impassableflag = value;
// This returns a copy of the flags dictionary
public Dictionary<string, bool> GetFlags()
return new Dictionary<string, bool>(flags);
// This clears all flags
public void ClearFlags()
impassableflag = false;
// This flips the linedef's vertex attachments
public void FlipVertices()
// make sure the start/end vertices are not automatically
// deleted if they do not belong to any other line
General.Map.Map.AutoRemove = false;
// Flip vertices
Vertex oldstart = start;
Vertex oldend = end;
General.Map.Map.AutoRemove = true;
// For drawing, the interior now lies on the other side
frontinterior = !frontinterior;
// Update required (angle changed)
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
// This flips the sidedefs
public void FlipSidedefs()
// Flip sidedefs
Sidedef oldfront = front;
Sidedef oldback = back;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
// This returns a point for testing on one side
public Vector2D GetSidePoint(bool front)
Vector2D n = new Vector2D();
n.x = (end.Position.x - start.Position.x) * lengthinv * SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE;
n.y = (end.Position.y - start.Position.y) * lengthinv * SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE;
n.x = -n.x;
n.y = -n.y;
Vector2D p = new Vector2D();
p.x = start.Position.x + (end.Position.x - start.Position.x) * 0.5f - n.y;
p.y = start.Position.y + (end.Position.y - start.Position.y) * 0.5f + n.x;
return p;
// This returns a point in the middle of the line
public Vector2D GetCenterPoint()
return start.Position + (end.Position - start.Position) * 0.5f;
// This applies single/double sided flags
public void ApplySidedFlags()
// Doublesided?
if((front != null) && (back != null))
// Apply or remove flags for doublesided line
SetFlag(General.Map.Config.SingleSidedFlag, false);
SetFlag(General.Map.Config.DoubleSidedFlag, true);
// Apply or remove flags for singlesided line
SetFlag(General.Map.Config.SingleSidedFlag, true);
SetFlag(General.Map.Config.DoubleSidedFlag, false);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
// This returns all points at which the line intersects with the grid
public List<Vector2D> GetGridIntersections()
List<Vector2D> coords = new List<Vector2D>();
Vector2D v = new Vector2D();
float gx, gy, minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
bool reversex, reversey;
if(start.Position.x > end.Position.x)
minx = end.Position.x;
maxx = start.Position.x;
reversex = true;
minx = start.Position.x;
maxx = end.Position.x;
reversex = false;
if(start.Position.y > end.Position.y)
miny = end.Position.y;
maxy = start.Position.y;
reversey = true;
miny = start.Position.y;
maxy = end.Position.y;
reversey = false;
// Go for all vertical grid lines in between line start and end
gx = General.Map.Grid.GetHigher(minx);
if(gx < maxx)
for(; gx < maxx; gx += General.Map.Grid.GridSizeF)
// Add intersection point at this x coordinate
float u = (gx - minx) / (maxx - minx);
if(reversex) u = 1.0f - u;
v.x = gx;
v.y = start.Position.y + (end.Position.y - start.Position.y) * u;
// Go for all horizontal grid lines in between line start and end
gy = General.Map.Grid.GetHigher(miny);
if(gy < maxy)
for(; gy < maxy; gy += General.Map.Grid.GridSizeF)
// Add intersection point at this y coordinate
float u = (gy - miny) / (maxy - miny);
if(reversey) u = 1.0f - u;
v.x = start.Position.x + (end.Position.x - start.Position.x) * u;
v.y = gy;
// Profit
return coords;
// This returns the closest coordinates ON the line
public Vector2D NearestOnLine(Vector2D pos)
float u = Line2D.GetNearestOnLine(start.Position, end.Position, pos);
if(u < 0f) u = 0f; else if(u > 1f) u = 1f;
return Line2D.GetCoordinatesAt(start.Position, end.Position, u);
// This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line
public float SafeDistanceToSq(Vector2D p, bool bounded)
Vector2D v1 = start.Position;
Vector2D v2 = end.Position;
// Calculate intersection offset
float u = ((p.x - v1.x) * (v2.x - v1.x) + (p.y - v1.y) * (v2.y - v1.y)) * lengthsqinv;
// Limit intersection offset to the line
if(bounded) if(u < lengthinv) u = lengthinv; else if(u > (1f - lengthinv)) u = 1f - lengthinv;
// Calculate intersection point
Vector2D i = v1 + u * (v2 - v1);
// Return distance between intersection and point
// which is the shortest distance to the line
float ldx = p.x - i.x;
float ldy = p.y - i.y;
return ldx * ldx + ldy * ldy;
// This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line
public float SafeDistanceTo(Vector2D p, bool bounded)
return (float)Math.Sqrt(SafeDistanceToSq(p, bounded));
// This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line
public float DistanceToSq(Vector2D p, bool bounded)
Vector2D v1 = start.Position;
Vector2D v2 = end.Position;
// Calculate intersection offset
float u = ((p.x - v1.x) * (v2.x - v1.x) + (p.y - v1.y) * (v2.y - v1.y)) * lengthsqinv;
// Limit intersection offset to the line
if(bounded) if(u < 0f) u = 0f; else if(u > 1f) u = 1f;
// Calculate intersection point
Vector2D i = v1 + u * (v2 - v1);
// Return distance between intersection and point
// which is the shortest distance to the line
float ldx = p.x - i.x;
float ldy = p.y - i.y;
return ldx * ldx + ldy * ldy;
// This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line
public float DistanceTo(Vector2D p, bool bounded)
return (float)Math.Sqrt(DistanceToSq(p, bounded));
// This tests on which side of the line the given coordinates are
// returns < 0 for front (right) side, > 0 for back (left) side and 0 if on the line
public float SideOfLine(Vector2D p)
Vector2D v1 = start.Position;
Vector2D v2 = end.Position;
// Calculate and return side information
return (p.y - v1.y) * (v2.x - v1.x) - (p.x - v1.x) * (v2.y - v1.y);
// This splits this line by vertex v
// Returns the new line resulting from the split, or null when it failed
public Linedef Split(Vertex v)
Linedef nl;
Sidedef nsd;
// Copy linedef and change vertices
nl = map.CreateLinedef(v, end);
if(nl == null) return null;
nl.Selected = this.Selected;
nl.marked = this.marked;
nl.ExtraFloorFlag = this.ExtraFloorFlag; //mxd
// Copy front sidedef if exists
if(front != null)
nsd = map.CreateSidedef(nl, true, front.Sector);
if(nsd == null) return null;
nsd.Marked = front.Marked;
// Make texture offset adjustments
if(!General.Map.UDMF) //mxd
nsd.OffsetX += (int)Vector2D.Distance(this.start.Position, this.end.Position);
// Copy back sidedef if exists
if(back != null)
nsd = map.CreateSidedef(nl, false, back.Sector);
if(nsd == null) return null;
nsd.Marked = back.Marked;
//mxd. Make texture offset adjustments
int distance = (int)Vector2D.Distance(nl.start.Position, nl.end.Position);
if(General.Map.UDMF) {
if (distance != 0)
} else {
back.OffsetX += distance;
//mxd. Both sides of line are required, so we do it here...
if(nl.Front != null && General.Map.UDMF) {
int distance = (int)Vector2D.Distance(this.start.Position, this.end.Position);
if(distance != 0) nl.Front.SetUdmfTextureOffsetX(distance);
// Return result
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
return nl;
// This joins the line with another line
// This line will be disposed
// Returns false when the operation could not be completed
public bool Join(Linedef other)
// Check which lines were 2 sided
bool l1was2s = ((other.Front != null) && (other.Back != null));
bool l2was2s = ((this.Front != null) && (this.Back != null));
// Get sector references
Sector l1fs = other.front != null ? other.front.Sector : null;
Sector l1bs = other.back != null ? other.back.Sector : null;
Sector l2fs = this.front != null ? this.front.Sector : null;
Sector l2bs = this.back != null ? this.back.Sector : null;
// This line has no sidedefs?
if((l2fs == null) && (l2bs == null))
// We have no sidedefs, so we have no influence
// Nothing to change on the other line
// Other line has no sidedefs?
else if((l1fs == null) && (l1bs == null))
// The other has no sidedefs, so it has no influence
// Copy my sidedefs to the other
if(this.Start == other.Start)
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, front)) return false;
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, back)) return false;
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front)) return false;
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, back)) return false;
// Copy my properties to the other
// Compare front sectors
if((l1fs != null) && (l1fs == l2fs))
// Copy textures
if(other.front != null) other.front.AddTexturesTo(this.back);
if(this.front != null) this.front.AddTexturesTo(other.back);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, back)) return false;
// Compare back sectors
else if((l1bs != null) && (l1bs == l2bs))
// Copy textures
if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.front);
if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.front);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front)) return false;
// Compare front and back
else if((l1fs != null) && (l1fs == l2bs))
// Copy textures
if(other.front != null) other.front.AddTexturesTo(this.front);
if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.back);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, front)) return false;
// Compare back and front
else if((l1bs != null) && (l1bs == l2fs))
// Copy textures
if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.back);
if(this.front != null) this.front.AddTexturesTo(other.front);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, back)) return false;
// Other line single sided?
if(other.back == null)
// This line with its back to the other?
if(this.start == other.end)
// Copy textures
if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.front);
if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.front);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front)) return false;
// Copy textures
if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.back);
if(this.front != null) this.front.AddTexturesTo(other.front);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, back)) return false;
// This line single sided?
else if(this.back == null)
// Other line with its back to this?
if(other.start == this.end)
// Copy textures
if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.front);
if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.front);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front)) return false;
// Copy textures
if(other.front != null) other.front.AddTexturesTo(this.front);
if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.back);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, front)) return false;
// This line with its back to the other?
if(this.start == other.end)
// Copy textures
if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.front);
if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.front);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front)) return false;
// Copy textures
if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.back);
if(this.front != null) this.front.AddTexturesTo(other.front);
// Change sidedefs
if(!JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, back)) return false;
// Apply single/double sided flags if the double-sided-ness changed
if( (!l1was2s && ((other.Front != null) && (other.Back != null))) ||
(l1was2s && ((other.Front == null) || (other.Back == null))) )
// Remove unneeded textures
if(other.front != null) other.front.RemoveUnneededTextures(!(l1was2s && l2was2s));
if(other.back != null) other.back.RemoveUnneededTextures(!(l1was2s && l2was2s));
// If either of the two lines was selected, keep the other selected
if(this.Selected) other.Selected = true;
if(this.marked) other.marked = true;
// I got killed by the other.
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
return true;
// This changes sidedefs (used for joining lines)
// target: The linedef on which to remove or create a new sidedef
// front: Side on which to remove or create the sidedef (true for front side)
// newside: The side from which to copy the properties to the new sidedef.
// If this is null, no sidedef will be created (only removed)
// Returns false when the operation could not be completed.
private bool JoinChangeSidedefs(Linedef target, bool front, Sidedef newside)
Sidedef sd;
// Change sidedefs
if(target.front != null) target.front.Dispose();
if(target.back != null) target.back.Dispose();
if(newside != null)
sd = map.CreateSidedef(target, front, newside.Sector);
if(sd == null) return false;
sd.Marked = newside.Marked;
return true;
internal void UpdateColorPreset() {
for(int i = 0; i < General.Map.ConfigSettings.LinedefColorPresets.Length; i++) {
if(General.Map.ConfigSettings.LinedefColorPresets[i].Matches(this)) {
colorPresetIndex = i;
colorPresetIndex = -1;
// String representation
public override string ToString()
return "Linedef " + listindex;
#region ================== Changes
// This updates all properties
public void Update(Dictionary<string, bool> flags, int activate, int tag, int action, int[] args)
// Apply changes
this.flags = new Dictionary<string, bool>(flags);
this.tag = tag;
this.activate = activate;
this.action = action;
this.args = new int[NUM_ARGS];
args.CopyTo(this.args, 0);
this.updateneeded = true;