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#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using System.Drawing;
using SlimDX;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes
/// <summary>
/// Provides specialized functionality for a visual (3D) Doom Builder editing mode.
/// </summary>
public abstract class VisualMode : EditMode
#region ================== Constants
private const float ANGLE_FROM_MOUSE = 0.0001f;
private const float MAX_ANGLEZ_LOW = 100f / Angle2D.PIDEG;
private const float MAX_ANGLEZ_HIGH = (360f - 100f) / Angle2D.PIDEG;
private const float CAMERA_SPEED = 6f;
#region ================== Variables
// 3D Mode thing
protected Thing modething;
// Graphics
protected IRenderer3D renderer;
private Renderer3D renderer3d;
// Camera
private Vector3D campos;
private Vector3D camtarget;
private float camanglexy, camanglez;
// Input
private bool keyforward;
private bool keybackward;
private bool keyleft;
private bool keyright;
// Map
protected VisualBlockMap blockmap;
protected Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> allsectors;
protected Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> visiblesectors;
#region ================== Properties
public Vector3D CameraPosition { get { return campos; } set { campos = value; } }
public Vector3D CameraTarget { get { return camtarget; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
/// <summary>
/// Provides specialized functionality for a visual (3D) Doom Builder editing mode.
/// </summary>
public VisualMode()
// Initialize
this.renderer = General.Map.Renderer3D;
this.renderer3d = (Renderer3D)General.Map.Renderer3D;
this.campos = new Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 96.0f);
this.camanglez = Angle2D.PI;
this.blockmap = new VisualBlockMap();
this.allsectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(General.Map.Map.Sectors.Count);
this.visiblesectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(50);
// Disposer
public override void Dispose()
// Not already disposed?
// Clean up
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> s in allsectors) s.Value.Dispose();
visiblesectors = null;
allsectors = null;
blockmap = null;
// Done
#region ================== Start / Stop
// Mode is engaged
public override void OnEngage()
// Update the used textures
// Fill the blockmap
// Find a 3D Mode thing
foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
if(t.Type == General.Map.Config.Start3DModeThingType) modething = t;
// Found one?
if(modething != null)
// Position camera here
campos = modething.Position + new Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 96.0f);
camanglexy = modething.Angle + Angle2D.PI;
camanglez = Angle2D.PI;
// Start special input mode
// Mode is disengaged
public override void OnDisengage()
// Do we have a 3D Mode thing?
if(modething != null)
// Position the thing to match camera
modething.Move((int)campos.x, (int)campos.y, 0);
modething.Rotate(camanglexy - Angle2D.PI);
// Stop special input mode
#region ================== Events
public override void OnUndoEnd()
// Make new blockmap
if(blockmap != null)
blockmap = new VisualBlockMap();
#region ================== Input
// Mouse input
public override void OnMouseInput(Vector2D delta)
// Change camera angles with the mouse changes
camanglexy -= delta.x * ANGLE_FROM_MOUSE;
camanglez += delta.y * ANGLE_FROM_MOUSE;
// Normalize angles
camanglexy = Angle2D.Normalized(camanglexy);
camanglez = Angle2D.Normalized(camanglez);
// Limit vertical angle
if(camanglez < MAX_ANGLEZ_LOW) camanglez = MAX_ANGLEZ_LOW;
if(camanglez > MAX_ANGLEZ_HIGH) camanglez = MAX_ANGLEZ_HIGH;
General.MainWindow.UpdateCoordinates(new Vector2D(camanglexy, camanglez));
[BeginAction("moveforward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveForward()
keyforward = true;
[EndAction("moveforward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveForward()
keyforward = false;
[BeginAction("movebackward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveBackward()
keybackward = true;
[EndAction("movebackward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveBackward()
keybackward = false;
[BeginAction("moveleft", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveLeft()
keyleft = true;
[EndAction("moveleft", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveLeft()
keyleft = false;
[BeginAction("moveright", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveRight()
keyright = true;
[EndAction("moveright", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveRight()
keyright = false;
#region ================== Visibility Culling
// This preforms visibility culling
private void DoCulling()
Vector2D campos2d = (Vector2D)campos;
float viewdist = General.Settings.ViewDistance;
// Get the blocks within view range and make a collection of all nearby linedefs
RectangleF viewrect = new RectangleF(campos.x - viewdist, campos.y - viewdist, viewdist * 2, viewdist * 2);
List<VisualBlockEntry> blocks = blockmap.GetSquareRange(viewrect);
List<Linedef> nearbylines = new List<Linedef>(blocks.Count);
foreach(VisualBlockEntry b in blocks) nearbylines.AddRange(b.Lines);
// Find the sector to begin with
Sector start = FindStartSector((Vector2D)campos, nearbylines);
// Find visible sectors
visiblesectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(visiblesectors.Count);
if(start != null) ProcessVisibleSectors(start, (Vector2D)campos);
// This finds and adds visible sectors
private void ProcessVisibleSectors(Sector start, Vector2D campos)
Stack<Sector> todo = new Stack<Sector>(50);
Dictionary<Sector, Sector> stackedsectors = new Dictionary<Sector, Sector>(50);
Clipper clipper = new Clipper(campos);
float viewdist2 = General.Settings.ViewDistance * General.Settings.ViewDistance;
// TODO: Use sector markings instead of the stackedsectors dictionary?
// This algorithm uses a breadth-first search for visible sectors
// Continue until no more sectors to process
stackedsectors.Add(start, start);
while(todo.Count > 0)
Sector s = todo.Pop();
VisualSector vs;
// Find the basesector and make it if needed
// Take existing visualsector
vs = allsectors[s];
// Make new visualsector
vs = CreateVisualSector(s);
allsectors.Add(s, vs);
// Add sector to visibility list
visiblesectors.Add(s, vs);
// Go for all sidedefs in the sector
foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs)
// Camera on the front of this side?
float side = sd.Line.SideOfLine(campos);
if(((side > 0) && sd.IsFront) ||
((side < 0) && !sd.IsFront))
// Sidedef blocking the view?
if((sd.Other == null) ||
(sd.Other.Sector.FloorHeight >= (sd.Sector.CeilHeight - 0.0001f)) ||
(sd.Other.Sector.CeilHeight <= (sd.Sector.FloorHeight + 0.0001f)) ||
(sd.Other.Sector.FloorHeight >= (sd.Other.Sector.CeilHeight - 0.0001f)))
// This blocks the view
clipper.InsertRange(sd.Line.Start.Position, sd.Line.End.Position);
// Go for all sidedefs in the sector
foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs)
// Doublesided and not referring to same sector?
if((sd.Other != null) && (sd.Other.Sector != sd.Sector))
// Get the other sector
Sector os = sd.Other.Sector;
// Sector not added yet?
// Within view range?
if(sd.Line.DistanceToSq(campos, true) < viewdist2)
Vector2D p = sd.Line.Start.Position;
if((p.x > s.BBox.Left + Linedef.SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE) &&
(p.x < s.BBox.Right - Linedef.SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE) &&
(p.y > s.BBox.Top + Linedef.SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE) &&
(p.y < s.BBox.Bottom - Linedef.SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE))
// Sidedef is inside source sector, other sector always visible!
stackedsectors.Add(os, os);
// Can we see this sector?
else if(clipper.TestRange(sd.Line.Start.Position, sd.Line.End.Position))
// Process this sector as well
stackedsectors.Add(os, os);
// Done
// This finds the nearest sector to the camera
private Sector FindStartSector(Vector2D campos, List<Linedef> lines)
float side;
Linedef l;
// Get nearest linedef
l = MapSet.NearestLinedef(lines, campos);
if(l != null)
// Check if we are on front or back side
side = l.SideOfLine(campos);
if(side > 0)
// Is there a sidedef here?
if(l.Back != null)
return l.Back.Sector;
else if(l.Front != null)
return l.Front.Sector;
return null;
// Is there a sidedef here?
if(l.Front != null)
return l.Front.Sector;
else if(l.Back != null)
return l.Back.Sector;
return null;
return null;
#region ================== Processing
// This creates a visual sector
protected abstract VisualSector CreateVisualSector(Sector s);
// This fills the blockmap
protected virtual void FillBlockMap()
// Processing
public override void OnProcess()
Vector3D camvec;
Vector3D camvecstrafe;
// Calculate camera direction vectors
camvec = Vector3D.FromAngleXYZ(camanglexy, camanglez);
camvecstrafe = Vector3D.FromAngleXY(camanglexy + Angle2D.PIHALF);
// Move the camera
if(keyforward) campos += camvec * CAMERA_SPEED;
if(keybackward) campos -= camvec * CAMERA_SPEED;
if(keyleft) campos -= camvecstrafe * CAMERA_SPEED;
if(keyright) campos += camvecstrafe * CAMERA_SPEED;
// Target the camera
camtarget = campos + camvec;
// Apply new camera matrices
renderer.PositionAndLookAt(campos, camtarget);
// Visibility culling
// Now redraw
#region ================== Rendering
// Call this to simply render all visible sectors
public override void OnRedrawDisplay()
// Render all visible sectors
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in visiblesectors)
#region ================== Actions
[EndAction("reloadresources", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void ReloadResources()
// Trash all visual sectors, because they are no longer valid
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> s in allsectors) s.Value.Dispose();