codeimp eaffa440be @ Renamed sector fixed index to resolve conflict with real index lookup functions
All info panels now show the current real index of the element (as it would be when saved or loaded at that moment)
2009-03-10 06:46:02 +00:00

587 lines
19 KiB

#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes;
using System.Drawing;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
internal abstract class BaseVisualGeometrySidedef : VisualGeometry, IVisualEventReceiver
#region ================== Constants
private const float DRAG_ANGLE_TOLERANCE = 0.06f;
#region ================== Variables
protected BaseVisualMode mode;
protected float top;
protected float bottom;
protected long setuponloadedtexture;
// UV dragging
private float dragstartanglexy;
private float dragstartanglez;
private Vector3D dragorigin;
private Vector3D deltaxy;
private Vector3D deltaz;
private int startoffsetx;
private int startoffsety;
protected bool uvdragging;
// Undo/redo
private int undoticket;
#region ================== Properties
public bool IsDraggingUV { get { return uvdragging; } }
new public BaseVisualSector Sector { get { return (BaseVisualSector)base.Sector; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Destructor
// Constructor for sidedefs
public BaseVisualGeometrySidedef(BaseVisualMode mode, VisualSector vs, Sidedef sd) : base(vs, sd)
this.mode = mode;
this.deltaz = new Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
this.deltaxy = (sd.Line.End.Position - sd.Line.Start.Position) * sd.Line.LengthInv;
if(!sd.IsFront) this.deltaxy = -this.deltaxy;
#region ================== Methods
// This performs a fast test in object picking
public override bool PickFastReject(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir)
// Check if intersection point is between top and bottom
return (pickintersect.z >= bottom) && (pickintersect.z <= top);
// This performs an accurate test for object picking
public override bool PickAccurate(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir, ref float u_ray)
// The fast reject pass is already as accurate as it gets,
// so we just return the intersection distance here
u_ray = pickrayu;
return true;
#region ================== Events
// Unused
public virtual void OnEditBegin() { }
protected virtual void SetTexture(string texturename) { }
public abstract bool Setup();
// Insert middle texture
public virtual void OnInsert()
// No middle texture yet?
if(!Sidedef.MiddleRequired() && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sidedef.MiddleTexture) || (Sidedef.MiddleTexture[0] == '-')))
// Make it now
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Create middle texture");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Created middle texture.");
// Update
// Other side as well
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sidedef.Other.MiddleTexture) || (Sidedef.Other.MiddleTexture[0] == '-'))
// Update
VisualSector othersector = mode.GetVisualSector(Sidedef.Other.Sector);
if(othersector is BaseVisualSector) (othersector as BaseVisualSector).Rebuild();
// Delete texture
public virtual void OnDelete()
// Remove texture
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Delete texture");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Deleted a texture.");
// Update
// Processing
public virtual void OnProcess(double deltatime)
// If the texture was not loaded, but is loaded now, then re-setup geometry
if(setuponloadedtexture != 0)
ImageData t = General.Map.Data.GetTextureImage(setuponloadedtexture);
if(t != null)
setuponloadedtexture = 0;
// Change target height
public virtual void OnChangeTargetHeight(int amount)
// Change ceiling
case 1:
// Change floor
case 2:
// Reset texture offsets
public virtual void OnResetTextureOffset()
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Reset texture offsets");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Texture offsets reset.");
// Apply offsets
Sidedef.OffsetX = 0;
Sidedef.OffsetY = 0;
// Update sidedef geometry
VisualSidedefParts parts = Sector.GetSidedefParts(Sidedef);
if(parts.lower != null) parts.lower.Setup();
if(parts.middledouble != null) parts.middledouble.Setup();
if(parts.middlesingle != null) parts.middlesingle.Setup();
if(parts.upper != null) parts.upper.Setup();
// Toggle upper-unpegged
public virtual void OnToggleUpperUnpegged()
if(this.Sidedef.Line.Flags.ContainsKey(General.Map.Config.UpperUnpeggedFlag) &&
// Remove flag
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Remove upper-unpegged setting");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Removed upper-unpegged setting.");
this.Sidedef.Line.Flags[General.Map.Config.UpperUnpeggedFlag] = false;
// Add flag
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Set upper-unpegged setting");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Set upper-unpegged setting.");
this.Sidedef.Line.Flags[General.Map.Config.UpperUnpeggedFlag] = true;
// Update sidedef geometry
VisualSidedefParts parts = Sector.GetSidedefParts(Sidedef);
if(parts.lower != null) parts.lower.Setup();
if(parts.middledouble != null) parts.middledouble.Setup();
if(parts.middlesingle != null) parts.middlesingle.Setup();
if(parts.upper != null) parts.upper.Setup();
// Toggle lower-unpegged
public virtual void OnToggleLowerUnpegged()
if(this.Sidedef.Line.Flags.ContainsKey(General.Map.Config.LowerUnpeggedFlag) &&
// Remove flag
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Remove lower-unpegged setting");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Removed lower-unpegged setting.");
this.Sidedef.Line.Flags[General.Map.Config.LowerUnpeggedFlag] = false;
// Add flag
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Set lower-unpegged setting");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Set lower-unpegged setting.");
this.Sidedef.Line.Flags[General.Map.Config.LowerUnpeggedFlag] = true;
// Update sidedef geometry
VisualSidedefParts parts = Sector.GetSidedefParts(Sidedef);
if(parts.lower != null) parts.lower.Setup();
if(parts.middledouble != null) parts.middledouble.Setup();
if(parts.middlesingle != null) parts.middlesingle.Setup();
if(parts.upper != null) parts.upper.Setup();
// Flood-fill textures
public virtual void OnTextureFloodfill()
if(BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedTexture != null)
string oldtexture = GetTextureName();
long oldtexturelong = Lump.MakeLongName(oldtexture);
string newtexture = BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedTexture;
if(newtexture != oldtexture)
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Flood-fill textures with " + newtexture);
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Flood-filled textures with " + newtexture + ".");
// Get the texture
ImageData newtextureimage = General.Map.Data.GetTextureImage(newtexture);
if(newtextureimage != null)
// Do the alignment
Tools.FloodfillTextures(this.Sidedef, oldtexturelong, newtextureimage, true);
// Get the changed sidedefs
List<Sidedef> changes = General.Map.Map.GetMarkedSidedefs(true);
foreach(Sidedef sd in changes)
// Update the parts for this sidedef!
BaseVisualSector vs = (mode.GetVisualSector(sd.Sector) as BaseVisualSector);
VisualSidedefParts parts = vs.GetSidedefParts(sd);
if(parts.lower != null) parts.lower.Setup();
if(parts.middledouble != null) parts.middledouble.Setup();
if(parts.middlesingle != null) parts.middlesingle.Setup();
if(parts.upper != null) parts.upper.Setup();
// Auto-align texture X offsets
public virtual void OnTextureAlign(bool alignx, bool aligny)
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Auto-align textures");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Auto-aligned textures.");
// Make sure the texture is loaded (we need the texture size)
if(!base.Texture.IsImageLoaded) base.Texture.LoadImage();
// Do the alignment
Tools.AutoAlignTextures(this.Sidedef, base.Texture, alignx, aligny, true);
// Get the changed sidedefs
List<Sidedef> changes = General.Map.Map.GetMarkedSidedefs(true);
foreach(Sidedef sd in changes)
// Update the parts for this sidedef!
BaseVisualSector vs = (mode.GetVisualSector(sd.Sector) as BaseVisualSector);
VisualSidedefParts parts = vs.GetSidedefParts(sd);
if(parts.lower != null) parts.lower.Setup();
if(parts.middledouble != null) parts.middledouble.Setup();
if(parts.middlesingle != null) parts.middlesingle.Setup();
if(parts.upper != null) parts.upper.Setup();
// Select texture
public virtual void OnSelectTexture()
string oldtexture = GetTextureName();
string newtexture = General.Interface.BrowseTexture(General.Interface, oldtexture);
if(newtexture != oldtexture)
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Change texture " + newtexture);
// Paste texture
public virtual void OnPasteTexture()
if(BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedTexture != null)
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Paste texture " + BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedTexture);
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Pasted texture " + BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedTexture + ".");
// Paste texture offsets
public virtual void OnPasteTextureOffsets()
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Paste texture offsets");
Sidedef.OffsetX = BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedOffsets.X;
Sidedef.OffsetY = BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedOffsets.Y;
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Pasted texture offsets " + Sidedef.OffsetX + ", " + Sidedef.OffsetY + ".");
// Update sidedef geometry
VisualSidedefParts parts = Sector.GetSidedefParts(Sidedef);
if(parts.lower != null) parts.lower.Setup();
if(parts.middledouble != null) parts.middledouble.Setup();
if(parts.middlesingle != null) parts.middlesingle.Setup();
if(parts.upper != null) parts.upper.Setup();
// Copy texture
public virtual void OnCopyTexture()
BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedTexture = GetTextureName();
if(General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats) BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedFlat = GetTextureName();
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Copied texture " + GetTextureName() + ".");
// Copy texture offsets
public virtual void OnCopyTextureOffsets()
BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedOffsets = new Point(Sidedef.OffsetX, Sidedef.OffsetY);
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Copied texture offsets " + Sidedef.OffsetX + ", " + Sidedef.OffsetY + ".");
// Copy properties
public virtual void OnCopyProperties()
BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedSidedefProps = new SidedefProperties(Sidedef);
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Copied sidedef properties.");
// Paste properties
public virtual void OnPasteProperties()
if(BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedSidedefProps != null)
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Paste sidedef properties");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Pasted sidedef properties.");
// Update sectors on both sides
BaseVisualSector front = (BaseVisualSector)mode.GetVisualSector(Sidedef.Sector);
if(front != null) front.Rebuild();
if(Sidedef.Other != null)
BaseVisualSector back = (BaseVisualSector)mode.GetVisualSector(Sidedef.Other.Sector);
if(back != null) back.Rebuild();
// Return texture name
public virtual string GetTextureName() { return ""; }
// Select button pressed
public virtual void OnSelectBegin()
dragstartanglexy = General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY;
dragstartanglez = General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleZ;
dragorigin = pickintersect;
startoffsetx = Sidedef.OffsetX;
startoffsety = Sidedef.OffsetY;
// Select button released
public virtual void OnSelectEnd()
// Was dragging?
// Dragging stops now
uvdragging = false;
// Add/remove selection
// Edit button released
public virtual void OnEditEnd()
// Not using any modifier buttons
if(!General.Interface.ShiftState && !General.Interface.CtrlState && !General.Interface.AltState)
List<Linedef> lines = new List<Linedef>();
DialogResult result = General.Interface.ShowEditLinedefs(lines);
if(result == DialogResult.OK) (this.Sector as BaseVisualSector).Rebuild();
// Mouse moves
public virtual void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
// Dragging UV?
// Select button pressed?
if(General.Actions.CheckActionActive(General.ThisAssembly, "visualselect"))
// Check if tolerance is exceeded to start UV dragging
float deltaxy = General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY - dragstartanglexy;
float deltaz = General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleZ - dragstartanglez;
if((Math.Abs(deltaxy) + Math.Abs(deltaz)) > DRAG_ANGLE_TOLERANCE)
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Change texture offsets");
// Start drag now
uvdragging = true;
// This is called to update UV dragging
protected virtual void UpdateDragUV()
float u_ray;
// Calculate intersection position
Line2D ray = new Line2D(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position, General.Map.VisualCamera.Target);
Sidedef.Line.Line.GetIntersection(ray, out u_ray);
Vector3D intersect = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position + (General.Map.VisualCamera.Target - General.Map.VisualCamera.Position) * u_ray;
// Calculate offsets
Vector3D dragdelta = intersect - dragorigin;
Vector3D dragdeltaxy = dragdelta * deltaxy;
Vector3D dragdeltaz = dragdelta * deltaz;
float offsetx = dragdeltaxy.GetLength();
float offsety = dragdeltaz.GetLength();
if((Math.Sign(dragdeltaxy.x) < 0) || (Math.Sign(dragdeltaxy.y) < 0) || (Math.Sign(dragdeltaxy.z) < 0)) offsetx = -offsetx;
if((Math.Sign(dragdeltaz.x) < 0) || (Math.Sign(dragdeltaz.y) < 0) || (Math.Sign(dragdeltaz.z) < 0)) offsety = -offsety;
// Apply offsets
Sidedef.OffsetX = startoffsetx - (int)Math.Round(offsetx);
Sidedef.OffsetY = startoffsety + (int)Math.Round(offsety);
// Update sidedef geometry
VisualSidedefParts parts = Sector.GetSidedefParts(Sidedef);
if(parts.lower != null) parts.lower.Setup();
if(parts.middledouble != null) parts.middledouble.Setup();
if(parts.middlesingle != null) parts.middlesingle.Setup();
if(parts.upper != null) parts.upper.Setup();
// Sector brightness change
public virtual void OnChangeTargetBrightness(bool up)
// Change brightness
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Change sector brightness", UndoGroup.SectorBrightnessChange, Sector.Sector.FixedIndex);
Sector.Sector.Brightness = General.Map.Config.BrightnessLevels.GetNextHigher(Sector.Sector.Brightness);
Sector.Sector.Brightness = General.Map.Config.BrightnessLevels.GetNextLower(Sector.Sector.Brightness);
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Changed sector brightness to " + Sector.Sector.Brightness + ".");
// Rebuild sector
// Go for all things in this sector
foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
if(t.Sector == Sector.Sector)
// Update thing
BaseVisualThing vt = (mode.GetVisualThing(t) as BaseVisualThing);
// Texture offset change
public virtual void OnChangeTextureOffset(int horizontal, int vertical)
if((General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo == null) || (General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo.TicketID != undoticket))
undoticket = General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Change texture offsets");
// Apply offsets
Sidedef.OffsetX -= horizontal;
Sidedef.OffsetY -= vertical;
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Changed texture offsets to " + Sidedef.OffsetX + ", " + Sidedef.OffsetY + ".");
// Update sidedef geometry
VisualSidedefParts parts = Sector.GetSidedefParts(Sidedef);
if(parts.lower != null) parts.lower.Setup();
if(parts.middledouble != null) parts.middledouble.Setup();
if(parts.middlesingle != null) parts.middlesingle.Setup();
if(parts.upper != null) parts.upper.Setup();