MaxED ae56aad3b7 Hints panel was improperly resized in some cases.
Info panel was not updated after leaving Visual mode.
Moved hints logic to ClassicMode, so hints can be displayed by any plugin.
Visual mode: dynamic light animation was not working.
Minor performance improvements in Actor, Configuration, UDMF and TEXTURES parsers.
2013-12-18 09:11:04 +00:00

351 lines
8.9 KiB

#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ZDoom
public abstract class ZDTextParser
#region ================== Constants
#region ================== Variables
// Parsing
protected string whitespace = "\n \t\r\u00A0\0"; //mxd. non-breaking space is also space :)
protected string specialtokens = ":{}+-\n;";
// Input data stream
protected Stream datastream;
protected BinaryReader datareader;
protected string sourcename;
// Error report
private int errorline;
private string errordesc;
private string errorsource;
#region ================== Properties
internal Stream DataStream { get { return datastream; } }
internal BinaryReader DataReader { get { return datareader; } }
public int ErrorLine { get { return errorline; } }
public string ErrorDescription { get { return errordesc; } }
public string ErrorSource { get { return errorsource; } }
public bool HasError { get { return (errordesc != null); } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
protected ZDTextParser()
// Initialize
errordesc = null;
#region ================== Parsing
// This parses the given decorate stream
// Returns false on errors
public virtual bool Parse(Stream stream, string sourcefilename)
datastream = stream;
datareader = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.ASCII);
sourcename = sourcefilename;
datastream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return true;
// This returns true if the given character is whitespace
protected internal bool IsWhitespace(char c)
return (whitespace.IndexOf(c) > -1);
// This returns true if the given character is a special token
protected internal bool IsSpecialToken(char c)
return (specialtokens.IndexOf(c) > -1);
// This returns true if the given character is a special token
protected internal bool IsSpecialToken(string s)
if(s.Length > 0)
return (specialtokens.IndexOf(s[0]) > -1);
return false;
// This removes beginning and ending quotes from a token
protected internal string StripTokenQuotes(string token)
// Remove first character, if it is a quote
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) && (token[0] == '"'))
token = token.Substring(1);
// Remove last character, if it is a quote
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) && (token[token.Length - 1] == '"'))
token = token.Substring(0, token.Length - 1);
return token;
// This skips whitespace on the stream, placing the read
// position right before the first non-whitespace character
// Returns false when the end of the stream is reached
protected internal bool SkipWhitespace(bool skipnewline)
int offset = skipnewline ? 0 : 1;
char c;
if(datastream.Position == datastream.Length) return false;
c = (char)datareader.ReadByte();
// Check if this is comment
if(c == '/')
if(datastream.Position == datastream.Length) return false;
char c2 = (char)datareader.ReadByte();
if(c2 == '/')
// Check if not a special comment with a token
if(datastream.Position == datastream.Length) return false;
char c3 = (char)datareader.ReadByte();
if(c3 != '$')
// Skip entire line
char c4 = ' ';
while((c4 != '\n') && (datastream.Position < datastream.Length)) { c4 = (char)datareader.ReadByte(); }
c = c4;
// Not a comment
c = c3;
else if(c2 == '*')
// Skip until */
char c4, c3 = '\0';
c4 = c3;
c3 = (char)datareader.ReadByte();
while((c4 != '*') || (c3 != '/'));
c = ' ';
// Not a comment, rewind from reading c2
datastream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
while(whitespace.IndexOf(c, offset) > -1);
// Go one character back so we can read this non-whitespace character again
datastream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
return true;
// This reads a token (all sequential non-whitespace characters or a single character)
// Returns null when the end of the stream has been reached
protected internal string ReadToken()
string token = "";
bool quotedstring = false;
// Return null when the end of the stream has been reached
if(datastream.Position == datastream.Length) return null;
// Start reading
char c = (char)datareader.ReadByte();
while(!IsWhitespace(c) || quotedstring || IsSpecialToken(c))
// Special token?
if(!quotedstring && IsSpecialToken(c))
// Not reading a token yet?
if(token.Length == 0)
// This is our whole token
token += c;
// This is a new token and shouldn't be read now
// Go one character back so we can read this token again
datastream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
// Quote?
if(c == '"')
// Quote to end the string?
if(quotedstring) quotedstring = false;
// First character is a quote?
if(token.Length == 0) quotedstring = true;
token += c;
// Potential comment?
else if((c == '/') && !quotedstring)
// Check the next byte
if(datastream.Position == datastream.Length) return token;
char c2 = (char)datareader.ReadByte();
if((c2 == '/') || (c2 == '*'))
// This is a comment start, so the token ends here
// Go two characters back so we can read this comment again
datastream.Seek(-2, SeekOrigin.Current);
// Not a comment
// Go one character back so we can read this char again
datastream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
token += c;
token += c;
// Next character
if(datastream.Position < datastream.Length)
c = (char)datareader.Read();
return token;
// This reads the rest of the line
// Returns null when the end of the stream has been reached
protected internal string ReadLine()
string token = "";
// Return null when the end of the stream has been reached
if(datastream.Position == datastream.Length) return null;
// Start reading
char c = (char)datareader.ReadByte();
while(c != '\n')
token += c;
// Next character
if(datastream.Position < datastream.Length)
c = (char)datareader.Read();
return token.Trim();
protected internal bool ReadSignedFloat(string token, ref float value) {
int sign = 1;
if (token == "-") {
sign = -1;
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
float val;
bool success = float.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out val);
if (success) value = val * sign;
return success;
protected internal bool ReadSignedInt(string token, ref int value) {
int sign = 1;
if (token == "-") {
sign = -1;
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
int val;
bool success = int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out val);
if (success) value = val * sign;
return success;
// This reports an error
protected internal void ReportError(string message)
// Set error information
errordesc = message;
errorline = GetCurrentLineNumber();
errorsource = sourcename;
protected internal int GetCurrentLineNumber() {
long position = datastream.Position;
long readpos = 0;
int linenumber = 1;
// Find the line on which we found this error
datastream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
StreamReader textreader = new StreamReader(datastream, Encoding.ASCII);
while (readpos < position) {
string line = textreader.ReadLine();
if (line == null) break;
readpos += line.Length + 2;
// Return to original position
datastream.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return linenumber;