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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Tools;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows
internal partial class SectorEditFormUDMF : DelayedForm
#region ================== Events
public event EventHandler OnValuesChanged; //mxd
#region ================== Variables
private ICollection<Sector> sectors;
private List<SectorProperties> sectorProps; //mxd
private bool blockUpdate; //mxd
private StepsList angleSteps; //mxd
//mxd. Persistent settings
private static bool linkCeilingScale;
private static bool linkFloorScale;
private static bool useFloorLineAngles;
private static bool useCeilLineAngles;
//mxd. Window setup stuff
private static Point location = Point.Empty;
private static int activeTab;
private struct SectorProperties //mxd
public readonly int Brightness;
public readonly int FloorHeight;
public readonly int CeilHeight;
public readonly string FloorTexture;
public readonly string CeilTexture;
//UDMF stuff
public readonly int LightColor;
public readonly int FadeColor;
//public float Desaturation;
//UDMF Ceiling
public readonly float CeilOffsetX;
public readonly float CeilOffsetY;
public readonly float CeilScaleX;
public readonly float CeilScaleY;
//public float CeilAlpha;
public readonly float CeilRotation;
public readonly int CeilBrightness;
public readonly bool CeilLightAbsoulte;
//UDMF Floor
public readonly float FloorOffsetX;
public readonly float FloorOffsetY;
public readonly float FloorScaleX;
public readonly float FloorScaleY;
//public float FloorAlpha;
public readonly float FloorRotation;
public readonly int FloorBrightness;
public readonly bool FloorLightAbsoulte;
public SectorProperties(Sector s) {
Brightness = s.Brightness;
FloorHeight = s.FloorHeight;
CeilHeight = s.CeilHeight;
FloorTexture = s.FloorTexture;
CeilTexture = s.CeilTexture;
//UDMF stuff
LightColor = UDMFTools.GetInteger(s.Fields, "lightcolor", 16777215);
FadeColor = UDMFTools.GetInteger(s.Fields, "fadecolor", 0);
//UDMF Ceiling
CeilOffsetX = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "xpanningceiling", 0f);
CeilOffsetY = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "ypanningceiling", 0f);
CeilScaleX = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "xscaleceiling", 1.0f);
CeilScaleY = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "yscaleceiling", 1.0f);
//CeilAlpha = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "alphaceiling", 1.0f);
CeilRotation = s.Fields.GetValue("rotationceiling", 0.0f);
CeilBrightness = s.Fields.GetValue("lightceiling", 0);
CeilLightAbsoulte = s.Fields.GetValue("lightceilingabsolute", false);
//UDMF Floor
FloorOffsetX = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "xpanningfloor", 0f);
FloorOffsetY = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "ypanningfloor", 0f);
FloorScaleX = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "xscalefloor", 1.0f);
FloorScaleY = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "yscalefloor", 1.0f);
//FloorAlpha = UDMFTools.GetFloat(s.Fields, "alphafloor", 1.0f);
FloorRotation = s.Fields.GetValue("rotationfloor", 0.0f);
FloorBrightness = s.Fields.GetValue("lightfloor", 0);
FloorLightAbsoulte = s.Fields.GetValue("lightfloorabsolute", false);
#region ================== Constructor
public SectorEditFormUDMF() {
//mxd. Widow setup
if(location != Point.Empty) {
this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
this.Location = location;
if(activeTab > 0) tabs.SelectTab(activeTab);
// Fill flags list
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> lf in General.Map.Config.SectorFlags)
flags.Add(lf.Value, lf.Key);
//mxd. Fill renderstyles
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> lf in General.Map.Config.SectorRenderStyles) {
// Fill effects list
// Initialize custom fields editor
// Fill universal fields list
// Initialize image selectors
// Set steps for brightness field
brightness.StepValues = General.Map.Config.BrightnessLevels;
// Value linking
ceilScale.LinkValues = linkCeilingScale;
floorScale.LinkValues = linkFloorScale;
cbUseCeilLineAngles.Checked = useCeilLineAngles;
cbUseFloorLineAngles.Checked = useFloorLineAngles;
#region ================== Methods
// This sets up the form to edit the given sectors
public void Setup(ICollection<Sector> sectors) {
blockUpdate = true; //mxd
// Keep this list
this.sectors = sectors;
if(sectors.Count > 1) this.Text = "Edit Sectors (" + sectors.Count + ")";
sectorProps = new List<SectorProperties>(); //mxd
//mxd. Make undo
string undodesc = "sector";
if(sectors.Count > 1) undodesc = sectors.Count + " sectors";
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Edit " + undodesc);
// Set all options to the first sector properties
// Get first sector
Sector sc = General.GetByIndex(sectors, 0);
// Flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
if(sc.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString())) c.Checked = sc.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()];
// Effects
effect.Value = sc.Effect;
brightness.Text = sc.Brightness.ToString();
// Floor/ceiling
floorheight.Text = sc.FloorHeight.ToString();
ceilingheight.Text = sc.CeilHeight.ToString();
floortex.TextureName = sc.FloorTexture;
ceilingtex.TextureName = sc.CeilTexture;
//UDMF stuff
//Texture offsets
ceilOffsets.SetValuesFrom(sc.Fields, true);
floorOffsets.SetValuesFrom(sc.Fields, true);
//Texture scale
ceilScale.SetValuesFrom(sc.Fields, true);
floorScale.SetValuesFrom(sc.Fields, true);
//Texture rotation
float ceilAngle = sc.Fields.GetValue("rotationceiling", 0.0f);
float floorAngle = sc.Fields.GetValue("rotationfloor", 0.0f);
ceilRotation.Text = ceilAngle.ToString();
floorRotation.Text = floorAngle.ToString();
ceilAngleControl.Angle = General.ClampAngle(360 - (int)ceilAngle);
floorAngleControl.Angle = General.ClampAngle(360 - (int)floorAngle);
//Texture brightness
ceilBrightness.Text = sc.Fields.GetValue("lightceiling", 0).ToString();
floorBrightness.Text = sc.Fields.GetValue("lightfloor", 0).ToString();
ceilLightAbsolute.Checked = sc.Fields.GetValue("lightceilingabsolute", false);
floorLightAbsolute.Checked = sc.Fields.GetValue("lightfloorabsolute", false);
ceilAlpha.Text = General.Clamp(sc.Fields.GetValue("alphaceiling", 1.0f), 0f, 1f).ToString();
floorAlpha.Text = General.Clamp(sc.Fields.GetValue("alphafloor", 1.0f), 0f, 1f).ToString();
//Render style
string[] rskeys = null;
if (General.Map.Config.SectorRenderStyles.Count > 0) {
rskeys = new string[General.Map.Config.SectorRenderStyles.Count];
General.Map.Config.SectorRenderStyles.Keys.CopyTo(rskeys, 0);
ceilRenderStyle.SelectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(rskeys, sc.Fields.GetValue("renderstyleceiling", "translucent"));
floorRenderStyle.SelectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(rskeys, sc.Fields.GetValue("renderstylefloor", "translucent"));
} else {
ceilRenderStyle.Enabled = false;
floorRenderStyle.Enabled = false;
soundSequence.Text = sc.Fields.GetValue("soundsequence", string.Empty);
gravity.Text = sc.Fields.GetValue("gravity", 1.0f).ToString();
desaturation.Text = General.Clamp(sc.Fields.GetValue("desaturation", 0.0f), 0f, 1f).ToString();
//Sector colors
// Action
tagSelector.Setup(UniversalType.SectorTag); //mxd
// Custom fields
fieldslist.SetValues(sc.Fields, true);
angleSteps = new StepsList();
// Now go for all sectors and change the options when a setting is different
// Go for all sectors
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
// Flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes) {
if(s.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString())) {
if(s.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()] != c.Checked) {
c.ThreeState = true;
c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
// Effects
if(s.Effect != effect.Value) effect.Empty = true;
if(s.Brightness.ToString() != brightness.Text) brightness.Text = "";
// Floor/Ceiling
if(s.FloorHeight.ToString() != floorheight.Text) floorheight.Text = "";
if(s.CeilHeight.ToString() != ceilingheight.Text) ceilingheight.Text = "";
if (s.FloorTexture != floortex.TextureName) {
floortex.MultipleTextures = true; //mxd
floortex.TextureName = "";
if (s.CeilTexture != ceilingtex.TextureName) {
ceilingtex.MultipleTextures = true; //mxd
ceilingtex.TextureName = "";
//mxd. UDMF stuff
//Texture offsets
ceilOffsets.SetValuesFrom(s.Fields, false);
floorOffsets.SetValuesFrom(s.Fields, false);
//Texture scale
ceilScale.SetValuesFrom(s.Fields, false);
floorScale.SetValuesFrom(s.Fields, false);
//Texture rotation
if(s.Fields.GetValue("rotationceiling", 0.0f).ToString() != ceilRotation.Text) {
ceilRotation.Text = "";
ceilAngleControl.Angle = 0;
if(s.Fields.GetValue("rotationfloor", 0.0f).ToString() != floorRotation.Text) {
floorRotation.Text = "";
floorAngleControl.Angle = 0;
//Texture brightness
if(s.Fields.GetValue("lightceiling", 0).ToString() != ceilBrightness.Text) ceilBrightness.Text = "";
if(s.Fields.GetValue("lightfloor", 0).ToString() != floorBrightness.Text) floorBrightness.Text = "";
if(s.Fields.GetValue("lightceilingabsolute", false) != ceilLightAbsolute.Checked) {
ceilLightAbsolute.ThreeState = true;
ceilLightAbsolute.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
if(s.Fields.GetValue("lightfloorabsolute", false) != floorLightAbsolute.Checked) {
floorLightAbsolute.ThreeState = true;
floorLightAbsolute.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
if(s.Fields.GetValue("alphaceiling", 1.0f).ToString() != ceilAlpha.Text) ceilAlpha.Text = "";
if(s.Fields.GetValue("alphafloor", 1.0f).ToString() != floorAlpha.Text) floorAlpha.Text = "";
//Render style
if (rskeys != null) {
if (ceilRenderStyle.SelectedIndex > -1 && ceilRenderStyle.SelectedIndex != Array.IndexOf(rskeys, s.Fields.GetValue("renderstyleceiling", "translucent")))
ceilRenderStyle.SelectedIndex = -1;
if (floorRenderStyle.SelectedIndex > -1 && floorRenderStyle.SelectedIndex != Array.IndexOf(rskeys, s.Fields.GetValue("renderstylefloor", "translucent")))
floorRenderStyle.SelectedIndex = -1;
if(s.Fields.GetValue("soundsequence", string.Empty) != soundSequence.Text) soundSequence.Text = "";
if(s.Fields.GetValue("gravity", 1.0f).ToString() != gravity.Text) gravity.Text = "";
if(s.Fields.GetValue("desaturation", 0.0f).ToString() != desaturation.Text) desaturation.Text = "";
//Sector colors
// Action
if(s.Tag != sc.Tag) tagSelector.ClearTag(); //mxd
// Custom fields
s.Fields.BeforeFieldsChange(); //mxd
fieldslist.SetValues(s.Fields, false);
//mxd. Store initial properties
sectorProps.Add(new SectorProperties(s));
//mxd. Angle steps
int angle;
foreach(Sidedef side in s.Sidedefs){
if (side.Line.Front != null && side.Index == side.Line.Front.Index)
angle = General.ClampAngle(270 - side.Line.AngleDeg);
angle = General.ClampAngle(90 - side.Line.AngleDeg);
if(!angleSteps.Contains(angle)) angleSteps.Add(angle);
// Show sector height
//mxd. Angle steps
if(useCeilLineAngles) ceilRotation.StepValues = angleSteps;
if(useFloorLineAngles) floorRotation.StepValues = angleSteps;
blockUpdate = false; //mxd
// This updates the sector height field
private void UpdateSectorHeight() {
int delta = 0;
int index = -1; //mxd
int i = 0; //mxd
// Check all selected sectors
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
if(index == -1) {
// First sector in list
delta = s.CeilHeight - s.FloorHeight;
index = i; //mxd
} else if(delta != (s.CeilHeight - s.FloorHeight)) {
// We can't show heights because the delta
// heights for the sectors is different
index = -1;
if(index > -1) {
int fh = floorheight.GetResult(sectorProps[index].FloorHeight); //mxd
int ch = ceilingheight.GetResult(sectorProps[index].CeilHeight); //mxd
int height = ch - fh;
sectorheight.Text = height.ToString();
sectorheight.Visible = true;
sectorheightlabel.Visible = true;
} else {
sectorheight.Visible = false;
sectorheightlabel.Visible = false;
#region ================== Events
private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Verify the tag
tagSelector.ValidateTag(); //mxd
if((tagSelector.GetTag(0) < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag) || (tagSelector.GetTag(0) > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag)) {
General.ShowWarningMessage("Sector tag must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
// Verify the effect
if((effect.Value < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinEffect) || (effect.Value > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxEffect)) {
General.ShowWarningMessage("Sector effect must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinEffect + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxEffect + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
string[] rskeys = null;
if(General.Map.Config.SectorRenderStyles.Count > 0) {
rskeys = new string[General.Map.Config.SectorRenderStyles.Count];
General.Map.Config.SectorRenderStyles.Keys.CopyTo(rskeys, 0);
// Go for all sectors
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
// Apply all flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes) {
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) s.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), true);
else if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked) s.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false);
// Effects
if(!effect.Empty) s.Effect = effect.Value;
s.Brightness = General.Clamp(brightness.GetResult(s.Brightness), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinBrightness, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxBrightness);
// Action
s.Tag = tagSelector.GetTag(s.Tag); //mxd
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ceilAlpha.Text)) {
float ceilAlphaVal = General.Clamp(ceilAlpha.GetResultFloat(s.Fields.GetValue("alphaceiling", 1.0f)), 0f, 1f);
UDMFTools.SetFloat(s.Fields, "alphaceiling", ceilAlphaVal, 1.0f);
float floorAlphaVal = General.Clamp(floorAlpha.GetResultFloat(s.Fields.GetValue("alphafloor", 1.0f)), 0f, 1f);
UDMFTools.SetFloat(s.Fields, "alphafloor", floorAlphaVal, 1.0f);
if (rskeys != null) {
if (ceilRenderStyle.SelectedIndex > -1) {
UDMFTools.SetString(s.Fields, "renderstyleceiling", rskeys[ceilRenderStyle.SelectedIndex], "translucent");
if (floorRenderStyle.SelectedIndex > -1) {
UDMFTools.SetString(s.Fields, "renderstylefloor", rskeys[floorRenderStyle.SelectedIndex], "translucent");
if(soundSequence.Text != "") s.Fields["soundsequence"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.String, soundSequence.Text);
if(gravity.Text != "")
UDMFTools.SetFloat(s.Fields, "gravity", gravity.GetResultFloat(s.Fields.GetValue("gravity", 1.0f)), 1.0f);
if(desaturation.Text != "") {
float val = General.Clamp(desaturation.GetResultFloat(s.Fields.GetValue("desaturation", 0f)), 0f, 1f);
UDMFTools.SetFloat(s.Fields, "desaturation", val, 0f);
// Update the used textures
// Store value linking
linkCeilingScale = ceilScale.LinkValues;
linkFloorScale = floorScale.LinkValues;
useCeilLineAngles = cbUseCeilLineAngles.Checked;
useFloorLineAngles = cbUseFloorLineAngles.Checked;
// Done
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); //mxd
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
private void cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//mxd. Let's pretend nothing of this really happened...
// Be gone
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
private void browseeffect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
effect.Value = EffectBrowserForm.BrowseEffect(this, effect.Value);
private void SectorEditFormUDMF_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) {
location = this.Location;
activeTab = tabs.SelectedIndex;
private void SectorEditFormUDMF_HelpRequested(object sender, HelpEventArgs hlpevent) {
hlpevent.Handled = true;
private void tabcustom_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) {
private void ceilAngleControl_AngleChanged() {
ceilRotation.Text = (General.ClampAngle(360 - ceilAngleControl.Angle)).ToString();
private void floorAngleControl_AngleChanged() {
floorRotation.Text = (General.ClampAngle(360 - floorAngleControl.Angle)).ToString();
private void cbUseCeilLineAngles_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ceilRotation.StepValues = (cbUseCeilLineAngles.Checked ? angleSteps : null);
private void cbUseFloorLineAngles_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
floorRotation.StepValues = (cbUseFloorLineAngles.Checked ? angleSteps : null);
#region mxd. Sector Realtime events
private void ceilingheight_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
//restore values
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ceilingheight.Text)) {
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
s.CeilHeight = sectorProps[i++].CeilHeight;
//update values
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
s.CeilHeight = ceilingheight.GetResult(sectorProps[i++].CeilHeight);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void floorheight_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
//restore values
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(floorheight.Text)) {
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
s.FloorHeight = sectorProps[i++].FloorHeight;
//update values
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
s.FloorHeight = floorheight.GetResult(sectorProps[i++].FloorHeight);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void brightness_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
//restore values
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(brightness.Text)) {
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
s.Brightness = sectorProps[i++].Brightness;
//update values
} else {
//clamp value?
int val = brightness.GetResult(0);
int clampedVal = General.Clamp(val, 0, 255);
if(val != clampedVal) {
brightness.Text = clampedVal.ToString();
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
s.Brightness = General.Clamp(brightness.GetResult(sectorProps[i++].Brightness), General.Map.FormatInterface.MinBrightness, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxBrightness);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void ceilingtex_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
//restore values
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ceilingtex.TextureName)) {
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
//update values
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
// Update the used textures
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void floortex_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
//restore values
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(floortex.TextureName)) {
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
//update values
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
// Update the used textures
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void floorRotation_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
floorAngleControl.Angle = (int)General.ClampAngle(360 - floorRotation.GetResultFloat(0));
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
//restore values
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(floorRotation.Text)) {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
UDMFTools.SetFloat(s.Fields, "rotationfloor", sectorProps[i++].FloorRotation, 0f);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
//update values
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
UDMFTools.SetFloat(s.Fields, "rotationfloor", floorRotation.GetResultFloat(sectorProps[i++].FloorRotation), 0f);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void ceilRotation_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ceilAngleControl.Angle = (int)General.ClampAngle(360 - ceilRotation.GetResultFloat(0));
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
//restore values
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ceilRotation.Text)) {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
UDMFTools.SetFloat(s.Fields, "rotationceiling", sectorProps[i++].CeilRotation, 0f);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
//update values
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
UDMFTools.SetFloat(s.Fields, "rotationceiling", ceilRotation.GetResultFloat(sectorProps[i++].CeilRotation), 0f);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void lightColor_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
lightColor.ApplyTo(s.Fields, sectorProps[i++].LightColor);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void fadeColor_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
fadeColor.ApplyTo(s.Fields, sectorProps[i++].FadeColor);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region mxd. Ceiling/Floor realtime events
private void ceilOffsets_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
ceilOffsets.ApplyTo(s.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, sectorProps[i].CeilOffsetX, sectorProps[i++].CeilOffsetY);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void floorOffsets_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
floorOffsets.ApplyTo(s.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, sectorProps[i].FloorOffsetX, sectorProps[i++].FloorOffsetY);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void ceilScale_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
ceilScale.ApplyTo(s.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, sectorProps[i].CeilScaleX, sectorProps[i++].CeilScaleY);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void floorScale_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
floorScale.ApplyTo(s.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, sectorProps[i].FloorScaleX, sectorProps[i++].FloorScaleY);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void ceilBrightness_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
//restore values
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ceilBrightness.Text)) {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
UDMFTools.SetInteger(s.Fields, "lightceiling", sectorProps[i++].CeilBrightness, 0);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
//update values
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
bool absolute = false;
if(ceilLightAbsolute.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) {
absolute = s.Fields.GetValue("lightceilingabsolute", false);
} else if(ceilLightAbsolute.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) {
absolute = true;
int value = General.Clamp(ceilBrightness.GetResult(sectorProps[i++].CeilBrightness), (absolute ? 0 : -255), 255);
UDMFTools.SetInteger(s.Fields, "lightceiling", value, 0);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void floorBrightness_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
int i = 0;
//restore values
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(floorBrightness.Text)) {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
UDMFTools.SetInteger(s.Fields, "lightfloor", sectorProps[i++].FloorBrightness, 0);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
//update values
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
bool absolute = false;
if(floorLightAbsolute.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) {
absolute = s.Fields.GetValue("lightfloorabsolute", false);
} else if(floorLightAbsolute.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) {
absolute = true;
int value = General.Clamp(floorBrightness.GetResult(sectorProps[i++].FloorBrightness), (absolute ? 0 : -255), 255);
UDMFTools.SetInteger(s.Fields, "lightfloor", value, 0);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void ceilLightAbsolute_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
if(ceilLightAbsolute.Checked) {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
s.Fields["lightceilingabsolute"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Boolean, true);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
} else if(ceilLightAbsolute.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) {
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
if(sectorProps[i].CeilLightAbsoulte) {
s.Fields["lightceilingabsolute"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Boolean, true);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
}else if(s.Fields.ContainsKey("lightceilingabsolute")) {
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
if(s.Fields.ContainsKey("lightceilingabsolute")) {
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void floorLightAbsolute_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if(blockUpdate) return;
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
s.Fields["lightfloorabsolute"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Boolean, true);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
} else if(floorLightAbsolute.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) {
int i = 0;
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
if(sectorProps[i].FloorLightAbsoulte) {
s.Fields["lightfloorabsolute"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Boolean, true);
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
} else if(s.Fields.ContainsKey("lightfloorabsolute")) {
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
} else {
foreach(Sector s in sectors) {
if(s.Fields.ContainsKey("lightfloorabsolute")) {
s.UpdateNeeded = true;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);