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synced 2025-03-03 16:30:56 +00:00
389 lines
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Executable file
389 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO
internal class UniversalStreamWriter
#region ================== Constants
// Name of the UDMF configuration file
private const string UDMF_CONFIG_NAME = "UDMF.cfg";
#region ================== Variables
private Configuration config;
private bool remembercustomtypes;
#region ================== Properties
public bool RememberCustomTypes { get { return remembercustomtypes; } set { remembercustomtypes = value; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public UniversalStreamWriter()
// Make configurations
config = new Configuration();
// Find a resource named UDMF.cfg
string[] resnames = General.ThisAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
foreach(string rn in resnames)
// Found it?
if(rn.EndsWith(UDMF_CONFIG_NAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Get a stream from the resource
Stream udmfcfg = General.ThisAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(rn);
StreamReader udmfcfgreader = new StreamReader(udmfcfg, Encoding.ASCII);
// Load configuration from stream
// Now we add the linedef flags, activations and thing flags
// to this list, so that these don't show up in the custom
// fields list either. We use true as dummy value (it has no meaning)
// Add linedef flags
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> flag in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlags)
config.WriteSetting("managedfields.linedef." + flag.Key, true);
// Add linedef activations
foreach(LinedefActivateInfo activate in General.Map.Config.LinedefActivates)
config.WriteSetting("managedfields.linedef." + activate.Key, true);
//mxd. Add sidedef flags
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> flag in General.Map.Config.SidedefFlags)
config.WriteSetting("managedfields.sidedef." + flag.Key, true);
//mxd. Add sector flags
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> flag in General.Map.Config.SectorFlags)
config.WriteSetting("managedfields.sector." + flag.Key, true);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> flag in General.Map.Config.CeilingPortalFlags)
config.WriteSetting("managedfields.sector." + flag.Key, true);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> flag in General.Map.Config.FloorPortalFlags)
config.WriteSetting("managedfields.sector." + flag.Key, true);
// Add thing flags
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> flag in General.Map.Config.ThingFlags)
config.WriteSetting("managedfields.thing." + flag.Key, true);
// Done
#region ================== Writing
// This writes the structures to a stream
// writenamespace may be null to omit writing the namespace to the stream
public void Write(MapSet map, Stream stream, string writenamespace)
Write(map.Vertices, map.Linedefs, map.Sidedefs, map.Sectors, map.Things, stream, writenamespace);
// This writes the structures to a stream
// NOTE: writenamespace may be null to omit writing the namespace to the stream.
// NOTE: The given structures must be complete, with the exception of the sidedefs.
// If there are missing sidedefs, their reference will be removed from the linedefs.
public void Write(ICollection<Vertex> vertices, ICollection<Linedef> linedefs,
ICollection<Sidedef> sidedefs, ICollection<Sector> sectors,
ICollection<Thing> things, Stream stream, string writenamespace)
UniversalParser textmap = new UniversalParser();
// Begin with fields that must be at the top
if(writenamespace != null) textmap.Root.Add("namespace", writenamespace);
Dictionary<Vertex, int> vertexids = new Dictionary<Vertex, int>(vertices.Count); //mxd
Dictionary<Sidedef, int> sidedefids = new Dictionary<Sidedef, int>(sidedefs.Count); //mxd
Dictionary<Sector, int> sectorids = new Dictionary<Sector, int>(sectors.Count); //mxd
// Index the elements in the data structures
int counter = 0; //mxd
foreach(Vertex v in vertices) vertexids.Add(v, counter++);
counter = 0; //mxd
foreach(Sidedef sd in sidedefs) sidedefids.Add(sd, counter++);
counter = 0; //mxd
foreach(Sector s in sectors) sectorids.Add(s, counter++);
// If we write the custom field types again, then forget
// all previous field types (this gets rid of unused field types)
if(remembercustomtypes) General.Map.Options.ForgetUniversalFieldTypes();
// Write the data structures to textmap
WriteVertices(vertices, textmap);
WriteLinedefs(linedefs, textmap, sidedefids, vertexids);
WriteSidedefs(sidedefs, textmap, sectorids);
WriteSectors(sectors, textmap);
WriteThings(things, textmap);
// Get the textmap as string
string textmapstr = textmap.OutputConfiguration();
// Write to stream
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.ASCII);
// This adds vertices
private void WriteVertices(ICollection<Vertex> vertices, UniversalParser textmap)
// Go for all vertices
foreach(Vertex v in vertices)
// Make collection
UniversalCollection coll = new UniversalCollection();
coll.Add("x", v.Position.x);
coll.Add("y", v.Position.y);
if(!float.IsNaN(v.ZCeiling)) coll.Add("zceiling", v.ZCeiling); //mxd
if(!float.IsNaN(v.ZFloor)) coll.Add("zfloor", v.ZFloor); //mxd
coll.Comment = v.Index.ToString();
// Add custom fields
AddCustomFields(v, "vertex", coll);
// Store
textmap.Root.Add("vertex", coll);
// This adds linedefs
private void WriteLinedefs(ICollection<Linedef> linedefs, UniversalParser textmap, IDictionary<Sidedef, int> sidedefids, IDictionary<Vertex, int> vertexids)
// Go for all linedefs
foreach(Linedef l in linedefs)
// Make collection
UniversalCollection coll = new UniversalCollection();
if(l.Tag != 0) coll.Add("id", l.Tag);
coll.Add("v1", vertexids[l.Start]);
coll.Add("v2", vertexids[l.End]);
coll.Comment = l.Index.ToString();
//mxd. MoreIDs
if(l.Tags.Count > 1) //first entry is saved as "id"
string[] moreidscol = new string[l.Tags.Count - 1];
for(int i = 1; i < l.Tags.Count; i++)
moreidscol[i - 1] = l.Tags[i].ToString();
coll.Add("moreids", string.Join(" ", moreidscol));
// Sidedef references
if((l.Front != null) && sidedefids.ContainsKey(l.Front))
coll.Add("sidefront", sidedefids[l.Front]);
coll.Add("sidefront", -1);
if((l.Back != null) && sidedefids.ContainsKey(l.Back))
coll.Add("sideback", sidedefids[l.Back]);
coll.Add("sideback", -1);
// Special
if(l.Action != 0) coll.Add("special", l.Action);
if(l.Args[0] != 0) coll.Add("arg0", l.Args[0]);
if(l.Args[1] != 0) coll.Add("arg1", l.Args[1]);
if(l.Args[2] != 0) coll.Add("arg2", l.Args[2]);
if(l.Args[3] != 0) coll.Add("arg3", l.Args[3]);
if(l.Args[4] != 0) coll.Add("arg4", l.Args[4]);
// Flags
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> flag in l.Flags)
if(flag.Value) coll.Add(flag.Key, flag.Value);
// Add custom fields
AddCustomFields(l, "linedef", coll);
// Store
textmap.Root.Add("linedef", coll);
// This adds sidedefs
private void WriteSidedefs(ICollection<Sidedef> sidedefs, UniversalParser textmap, IDictionary<Sector, int> sectorids)
// Go for all sidedefs
foreach(Sidedef s in sidedefs)
// Make collection
UniversalCollection coll = new UniversalCollection();
if(s.OffsetX != 0) coll.Add("offsetx", s.OffsetX);
if(s.OffsetY != 0) coll.Add("offsety", s.OffsetY);
if(s.LongHighTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName) coll.Add("texturetop", s.HighTexture);
if(s.LongLowTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName) coll.Add("texturebottom", s.LowTexture);
if(s.LongMiddleTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName) coll.Add("texturemiddle", s.MiddleTexture);
coll.Add("sector", sectorids[s.Sector]);
coll.Comment = s.Index.ToString();
//mxd. Flags
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> flag in s.Flags)
if(flag.Value) coll.Add(flag.Key, flag.Value);
// Add custom fields
AddCustomFields(s, "sidedef", coll);
// Store
textmap.Root.Add("sidedef", coll);
// This adds sectors
private void WriteSectors(ICollection<Sector> sectors, UniversalParser textmap)
// Go for all sectors
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
// Make collection
UniversalCollection coll = new UniversalCollection();
coll.Add("heightfloor", s.FloorHeight);
coll.Add("heightceiling", s.CeilHeight);
coll.Add("texturefloor", s.FloorTexture);
coll.Add("textureceiling", s.CeilTexture);
coll.Add("lightlevel", s.Brightness);
if(s.Effect != 0) coll.Add("special", s.Effect);
if(s.Tag != 0) coll.Add("id", s.Tag);
coll.Comment = s.Index.ToString();
//mxd. MoreIDs
if(s.Tags.Count > 1) //first entry is saved as "id"
string[] moreidscol = new string[s.Tags.Count - 1];
for(int i = 1; i < s.Tags.Count; i++)
moreidscol[i - 1] = s.Tags[i].ToString();
coll.Add("moreids", string.Join(" ", moreidscol));
//mxd. Slopes
if(s.FloorSlope.GetLengthSq() > 0)
coll.Add("floorplane_a", Math.Round(s.FloorSlope.x, Sector.SLOPE_DECIMALS));
coll.Add("floorplane_b", Math.Round(s.FloorSlope.y, Sector.SLOPE_DECIMALS));
coll.Add("floorplane_c", Math.Round(s.FloorSlope.z, Sector.SLOPE_DECIMALS));
(float.IsNaN(s.FloorSlopeOffset) ? 0f : Math.Round(s.FloorSlopeOffset, Sector.SLOPE_DECIMALS)));
if(s.CeilSlope.GetLengthSq() > 0)
coll.Add("ceilingplane_a", Math.Round(s.CeilSlope.x, Sector.SLOPE_DECIMALS));
coll.Add("ceilingplane_b", Math.Round(s.CeilSlope.y, Sector.SLOPE_DECIMALS));
coll.Add("ceilingplane_c", Math.Round(s.CeilSlope.z, Sector.SLOPE_DECIMALS));
(float.IsNaN(s.CeilSlopeOffset) ? 0f : Math.Round(s.CeilSlopeOffset, Sector.SLOPE_DECIMALS)));
//mxd. Flags
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> flag in s.Flags)
if(flag.Value) coll.Add(flag.Key, flag.Value);
// Add custom fields
AddCustomFields(s, "sector", coll);
// Store
textmap.Root.Add("sector", coll);
// This adds things
private void WriteThings(ICollection<Thing> things, UniversalParser textmap)
// Go for all things
foreach(Thing t in things)
// Make collection
UniversalCollection coll = new UniversalCollection();
if(t.Tag != 0) coll.Add("id", t.Tag);
coll.Add("x", t.Position.x);
coll.Add("y", t.Position.y);
if(t.Position.z != 0.0f) coll.Add("height", t.Position.z);
coll.Add("angle", t.AngleDoom);
if(t.Pitch != 0) coll.Add("pitch", t.Pitch); //mxd
if(t.Roll != 0) coll.Add("roll", t.Roll); //mxd
if(t.ScaleX != 0 && t.ScaleX != 1.0f) coll.Add("scalex", t.ScaleX); //mxd
if(t.ScaleY != 0 && t.ScaleY != 1.0f) coll.Add("scaley", t.ScaleY); //mxd
coll.Add("type", t.Type);
if(t.Action != 0) coll.Add("special", t.Action);
if(t.Args[0] != 0) coll.Add("arg0", t.Args[0]);
if(t.Args[1] != 0) coll.Add("arg1", t.Args[1]);
if(t.Args[2] != 0) coll.Add("arg2", t.Args[2]);
if(t.Args[3] != 0) coll.Add("arg3", t.Args[3]);
if(t.Args[4] != 0) coll.Add("arg4", t.Args[4]);
coll.Comment = t.Index.ToString();
// Flags
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> flag in t.Flags)
if(flag.Value) coll.Add(flag.Key, flag.Value);
// Add custom fields
AddCustomFields(t, "thing", coll);
// Store
textmap.Root.Add("thing", coll);
// This adds custom fields from a map element to a collection
private void AddCustomFields(MapElement element, string elementname, UniversalCollection collection)
// Add custom fields
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, UniValue> f in element.Fields)
// Not a managed field?
if(!config.SettingExists("managedfields." + elementname + "." + f.Key))
// Add type information to DBS file for map
General.Map.Options.SetUniversalFieldType(elementname, f.Key, f.Value.Type);
// Store field
collection.Add(f.Key, f.Value.Value);