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synced 2025-02-20 19:02:12 +00:00
Removed, Texture Browser: removed "Show image sizes" checkbox. "Show texture and flat sizes in browsers" preferences setting is now used instead. Fixed, Things mode: event line between pre-last and the last PatrolPoint was not drawn. Fixed, Things mode: highlight range for sizeless things (things with "fixedsize" game configuration property) was calculated incorrectly. Fixed: fixed a crash when opening Script Editor after using "Open map in current wad" command to switch to UDMF map with SCRIPTS lump when current script configuration was not saved in the wad's .dbs file. Fixed: map closing events were not triggered when using "Open map in current wad" command, which could potentially result in plugin crashes/incorrect behavior. Fixed: Sector Drawing overrides panel could trigger an exception when closing the map during resource loading. Internal: added "Debug + Profiler" solution configuration, added 2 profiling methods to DebugConsole. Internal: rewrote MainForm.DisplayStatus() / StatusInfo to handle selection info in a more structured way. Fixed, internal: some destructors could potentially be executed more than once potentially leading to exceptions. Other destructors were not called at all. Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
573 lines
18 KiB
573 lines
18 KiB
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using System.IO;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows
internal partial class TextureBrowserForm : DelayedForm
// Variables
private string selectedname;
private Point lastposition;
private Size lastsize;
private readonly ListViewGroup usedgroup;
private readonly ListViewGroup availgroup;
private TreeNode selectedset; //mxd
private long selecttextureonfill; //mxd. Was string, which wasn't reliable whem dealing with long texture names
private readonly bool usedgroupcollapsed; //mxd
private readonly bool browseflats; //mxd
// Properties
public string SelectedName { get { return selectedname; } }
// Constructor
public TextureBrowserForm(string selecttexture, bool browseflats)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
General.Interface.DisableProcessing(); //mxd
TreeNode item; //mxd
long longname = Lump.MakeLongName(selecttexture ?? "");
longname = (browseflats ? General.Map.Data.GetFullLongFlatName(longname) : General.Map.Data.GetFullLongTextureName(longname)); //mxd
int count; //mxd
selectedset = null; //mxd
this.browseflats = browseflats; //mxd
// Initialize
//mxd. Set title
string imagetype = (browseflats ? "flats" : "textures");
this.Text = "Browse " + imagetype;
// Setup texture browser
ImageBrowserControl.ShowTexturesFromSubDirectories = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.showtexturesfromsubdirs", true);
ImageBrowserControl.UseLongTextureNames = General.Map.Options.UseLongTextureNames;
browser.BrowseFlats = browseflats;
// Update the used textures
tvTextureSets.BeginUpdate(); //mxd
//mxd. Texture longname to select when list is filled
selecttextureonfill = longname;
// Make groups
usedgroup = browser.AddGroup("Used " + imagetype + ":");
availgroup = browser.AddGroup("Available " + imagetype + ":");
//mxd. Make "Used" group collapsible
usedgroupcollapsed = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.usedgroupcollapsed", false);
browser.SetGroupCollapsed(usedgroup, usedgroupcollapsed);
//mxd. Fill texture sets list with normal texture sets
foreach(IFilledTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.TextureSets)
count = (browseflats ? ts.Flats.Count : ts.Textures.Count);
if((count == 0 && !General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats) || (ts.Flats.Count == 0 && ts.Textures.Count == 0))
item = tvTextureSets.Nodes.Add(ts.Name + " [" + count + "]");
item.Name = ts.Name;
item.Tag = ts;
item.ImageIndex = 0;
//mxd. Add container-specific texture sets
foreach(ResourceTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.ResourceTextureSets)
count = (browseflats ? ts.Flats.Count : ts.Textures.Count);
if((count == 0 && !General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats) || (ts.Flats.Count == 0 && ts.Textures.Count == 0))
item = tvTextureSets.Nodes.Add(ts.Name + " [" + count + "]");
item.Name = ts.Name;
item.Tag = ts;
item.ImageIndex = 2 + ts.Location.type;
item.SelectedImageIndex = item.ImageIndex;
//mxd. Add "All" texture set
count = (browseflats ? General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Flats.Count : General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Textures.Count);
item = tvTextureSets.Nodes.Add(General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Name + " [" + count + "]");
item.Name = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Name;
item.Tag = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet;
item.ImageIndex = 1;
item.SelectedImageIndex = item.ImageIndex;
//mxd. Should we bother finding the correct texture set?
//mxd. Get the previously selected texture set
string selectname = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.textureset", "");
TreeNode match;
// When texture name is empty, select "All" texture set
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectname) || selectname == "-")
match = tvTextureSets.Nodes[tvTextureSets.Nodes.Count - 1];
match = FindNodeByName(tvTextureSets.Nodes, selectname);
if(match != null)
IFilledTextureSet set = (match.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
foreach(ImageData img in (browseflats ? set.Flats : set.Textures))
if(img.LongName == longname)
selectedset = match;
//mxd. If the selected texture was not found in the last-selected set, try finding it in the other sets
if(selectedset == null && selecttexture != "-")
foreach(TreeNode n in tvTextureSets.Nodes)
selectedset = FindTextureByLongName(n, longname);
if(selectedset != null) break;
//mxd. Texture still not found? Then just select the last used set
if(selectedset == null && match != null) selectedset = match;
//mxd. Select the found set or "All", if none were found
if (tvTextureSets.Nodes.Count > 0)
if (selectedset == null) selectedset = tvTextureSets.Nodes[tvTextureSets.Nodes.Count - 1];
// Keep last position and size
lastposition = this.Location;
lastsize = this.Size;
// Position window from configuration settings
this.Size = new Size(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizewidth", this.Size.Width),
General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizeheight", this.Size.Height));
this.WindowState = (FormWindowState)General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.windowstate", (int)FormWindowState.Normal);
if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
Point location = new Point(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positionx", int.MaxValue), General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positiony", int.MaxValue));
if (location.X < int.MaxValue && location.Y < int.MaxValue)
this.Location = location;
this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
//mxd. Set splitter position and state (doesn't work when layout is suspended)
if(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.splittercollapsed", false)) splitter.IsCollapsed = true;
//mxd. Looks like SplitterDistance is unaffected by DPI scaling. Let's fix that...
int splitterdistance = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.splitterdistance", int.MinValue);
if(splitterdistance == int.MinValue)
splitterdistance = 210;
if(MainForm.DPIScaler.Width != 1.0f)
splitterdistance = (int)Math.Round(splitterdistance * MainForm.DPIScaler.Width);
splitter.SplitPosition = splitterdistance;
private static int SortImageData(ImageData img1, ImageData img2)
return img1.FullName.CompareTo(img2.FullName);
private TreeNode FindTextureByLongName(TreeNode node, long longname)
//first search in child nodes
TreeNode match;
foreach(TreeNode n in node.Nodes)
match = FindTextureByLongName(n, longname);
if(match != null) return match;
//then - in current node
IFilledTextureSet set = (node.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
foreach(ImageData img in (browseflats ? set.Flats : set.Textures))
if(img.LongName == longname) return node;
return null;
private static TreeNode FindNodeByName(TreeNodeCollection nodes, string selectname)
foreach (TreeNode n in nodes)
if (n.Name == selectname) return n;
TreeNode match = FindNodeByName(n.Nodes, selectname);
if(match != null) return match;
return null;
private void CreateNodes(TreeNode root)
ResourceTextureSet set = root.Tag as ResourceTextureSet;
if (set == null)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Resource " + root.Name + " doesn't have TextureSet!");
int imageIndex = set.Location.type + 5;
char[] separator = new[] { Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar };
ImageData[] images;
if (browseflats)
images = new ImageData[set.Flats.Count];
set.Flats.CopyTo(images, 0);
images = new ImageData[set.Textures.Count];
set.Textures.CopyTo(images, 0);
Array.Sort(images, SortImageData);
foreach(ImageData image in images)
string[] parts = image.VirtualName.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
TreeNode curNode = root;
if (parts.Length == 1) continue;
int localindex = (parts[0] == "[TEXTURES]" ? 8 : imageIndex);
string category = set.Name;
for(int i = 0; i < parts.Length - 1; i++)
//string category = parts[i];
category += (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + parts[i]);
//already got such category?
if (curNode.Nodes.Count > 0 && curNode.Nodes.ContainsKey(category))
curNode = curNode.Nodes[category];
else //create a new one
TreeNode n = new TreeNode(parts[i]) { Name = category, ImageIndex = localindex, SelectedImageIndex = localindex };
curNode = n;
ResourceTextureSet ts = new ResourceTextureSet(category, set.Location);
ts.Level = i + 1;
curNode.Tag = ts;
//add to current and parent nodes
if(i == parts.Length - 2)
TreeNode cn = curNode;
while (cn != root)
ResourceTextureSet curTs = cn.Tag as ResourceTextureSet;
if (image.IsFlat)
cn = cn.Parent;
if(root.Nodes.Count == 1 && root.Nodes[0].Nodes.Count > 0)
TreeNode[] children = new TreeNode[root.Nodes[0].Nodes.Count];
root.Nodes[0].Nodes.CopyTo(children, 0);
foreach (TreeNode n in root.Nodes) SetItemsCount(n);
private void SetItemsCount(TreeNode node)
ResourceTextureSet ts = node.Tag as ResourceTextureSet;
if (ts == null) throw new Exception("Expected IFilledTextureSet, but got null...");
if (node.Parent != null && General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats)
node.Text += " [" + ts.Textures.Count + "]";
node.Text += " [" + (browseflats ? ts.Flats.Count : ts.Textures.Count) + "]";
foreach (TreeNode child in node.Nodes) SetItemsCount(child);
// Selection changed
private void browser_SelectedItemChanged()
apply.Enabled = (browser.SelectedItem != null);
// OK clicked
private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set selected name and close
if(browser.SelectedItem != null)
ImageBrowserItem item = browser.SelectedItem as ImageBrowserItem;
selectedname = item.TextureName;
DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
selectedname = "";
DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
// Cancel clicked
private void cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// No selection, close
selectedname = "";
DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
// Activated
private void TextureBrowserForm_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
General.Interface.EnableProcessing(); //mxd
// Loading
private void TextureBrowserForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Normal windowstate?
if(this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
// Keep last position and size
lastposition = this.Location;
lastsize = this.Size;
// Resized
private void TextureBrowserForm_ResizeEnd(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Normal windowstate?
if(this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
// Keep last position and size
lastposition = this.Location;
lastsize = this.Size;
// Moved
private void TextureBrowserForm_Move(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Normal windowstate?
if(this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
// Keep last position and size
lastposition = this.Location;
lastsize = this.Size;
// Closing
private void TextureBrowserForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
int windowstate;
// Determine window state to save
if(this.WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized)
windowstate = (int)this.WindowState;
windowstate = (int)FormWindowState.Normal;
// Save window settings
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.positionx", lastposition.X);
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.positiony", lastposition.Y);
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.sizewidth", lastsize.Width);
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.sizeheight", lastsize.Height);
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.windowstate", windowstate);
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.splitterdistance", splitter.SplitPosition); //mxd
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.splittercollapsed", splitter.IsCollapsed); //mxd
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.usedgroupcollapsed", browser.IsGroupCollapsed(usedgroup)); //mxd
//mxd. Save last selected texture set, if it's not "All" (it will be selected anyway if search for initial texture set fails)
if(this.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK && tvTextureSets.SelectedNodes.Count > 0 && !(tvTextureSets.SelectedNodes[0].Tag is AllTextureSet))
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.textureset", tvTextureSets.SelectedNodes[0].Name);
//mxd. Save ImageBrowserControl settings
General.Settings.WriteSetting("browserwindow.showtexturesfromsubdirs", ImageBrowserControl.ShowTexturesFromSubDirectories);
if(General.Map.Config.UseLongTextureNames) General.Map.Options.UseLongTextureNames = ImageBrowserControl.UseLongTextureNames;
// Clean up
// Static method to browse for texture or flat
// Returns null when cancelled.
public static string Browse(IWin32Window parent, string select, bool browseFlats)
TextureBrowserForm browser = new TextureBrowserForm(select, browseFlats);
if(browser.ShowDialog(parent) == DialogResult.OK) return browser.SelectedName; // Return result
// Cancelled
return select;
// Item double clicked
private void browser_SelectedItemDoubleClicked()
if(apply.Enabled) apply_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);
// This fills the list of textures, depending on the selected texture set
private void FillImagesList()
// Get the selected texture set
IFilledTextureSet set = (selectedset.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
// Start adding
browser.BeginAdding(set.Level, false); //mxd. Pass current folder level
if (browseflats)
// Add all available flats
foreach(ImageData img in set.Flats)
browser.Add(img, img, availgroup);
// Add all used flats
foreach(ImageData img in set.Flats)
if(img.UsedInMap) browser.Add(img, img, usedgroup);
// Add all available textures and mark the images for temporary loading
foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)
browser.Add(img, img, availgroup);
// Add all used textures and mark the images for permanent loading
foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)
if(img.UsedInMap) browser.Add(img, img, usedgroup);
// Done adding
// Help
private void TextureBrowserForm_HelpRequested(object sender, HelpEventArgs hlpevent)
hlpevent.Handled = true;
private void TextureBrowserForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (selectedset != null) //mxd. Calling FillImagesList() from constructor leads to TERRIBLE load times. Why? I have no sodding idea...
// Select texture
if(selecttextureonfill != 0)
browser.SelectItem(selecttextureonfill, (usedgroupcollapsed ? availgroup : usedgroup)); //mxd. availgroup/usedgroup switch.
selecttextureonfill = 0;
//mxd. Focus the textbox. Calling this from TextureBrowserForm_Activated (like it's done in DB2) fails when the form is maximized. Again, I've no idea why...
private void tvTextureSets_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
selectedset = e.Node;
private void tvTextureSets_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if(tvTextureSets.SelectedNodes.Count > 0 && tvTextureSets.SelectedNodes[0] != selectedset)
selectedset = tvTextureSets.SelectedNodes[0];
} |