
1363 lines
47 KiB
Executable file

#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Compilers;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.Scripting;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Properties;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using ScintillaNET;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
internal enum ScriptStyleType
PlainText = 0,
Keyword = 1,
Constant = 2,
Comment = 3,
Literal = 4,
LineNumber = 5,
String = 6, //mxd
Include = 7, //mxd
Property = 8, //mxd
internal partial class ScriptEditorControl : UserControl
#region ================== Enums
// Index for registered images
internal enum ImageIndex
ScriptConstant = 0,
ScriptKeyword = 1,
ScriptError = 2,
ScriptSnippet = 3, //mxd
ScriptProperty = 4, //mxd
#region ================== Constants
private const string LEXERS_RESOURCE = "Lexers.cfg";
private const int HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR = 8; //mxd. Indicators 0-7 could be in use by a lexer so we'll use indicator 8 to highlight words.
private const string ENTRY_POSITION_MARKER = "[EP]"; //mxd
private const string LINE_BREAK_MARKER = "[LB]"; //mxd
const int SCI_SETTABINDENTS = 2260;
#region ================== Delegates / Events
public delegate void ExplicitSaveTabDelegate();
public delegate void OpenScriptBrowserDelegate();
public delegate void OpenFindReplaceDelegate();
public delegate bool FindNextDelegate();
public delegate bool FindPreviousDelegate(); //mxd
public delegate bool FindNextWrapAroundDelegate(FindReplaceOptions options); //mxd
public delegate bool FindPreviousWrapAroundDelegate(FindReplaceOptions options); //mxd
public delegate void GoToLineDelegate(); //mxd
public delegate void CompileScriptDelegate(); //mxd
public event ExplicitSaveTabDelegate OnExplicitSaveTab;
public event OpenScriptBrowserDelegate OnOpenScriptBrowser;
public event OpenFindReplaceDelegate OnOpenFindAndReplace;
public event FindNextDelegate OnFindNext;
public event FindPreviousDelegate OnFindPrevious; //mxd
public event FindNextWrapAroundDelegate OnFindNextWrapAround; //mxd
public event FindPreviousWrapAroundDelegate OnFindPreviousWrapAround; //mxd
public new event EventHandler OnTextChanged; //mxd
public event EventHandler OnFunctionBarDropDown; //mxd
public event GoToLineDelegate OnGoToLine; //mxd
public event CompileScriptDelegate OnCompileScript; //mxd
#region ================== Variables
// Script configuration
private ScriptConfiguration scriptconfig;
//mxd. Handles script type-specific stuff
private ScriptHandler handler;
// Style translation from Scintilla style to ScriptStyleType
private Dictionary<int, ScriptStyleType> stylelookup;
// Current position information
private int linenumbercharlength; //mxd. Current max number of chars in the line number
private int lastcaretpos; //mxd. Used in brace matching
private int caretoffset; //mxd. Used to modify caret position after autogenerating stuff
private bool expandcodeblock; //mxd. More gross hacks
private string highlightedword; //mxd
private static Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1251); //mxd. ASCII with cyrillic support...
//mxd. Event propagation
private bool preventchanges;
#region ================== Properties
public bool IsChanged { get { return scriptedit.Modified; } }
public int SelectionStart { get { return scriptedit.SelectionStart; } set { scriptedit.SelectionStart = value; } }
public int SelectionEnd { get { return scriptedit.SelectionEnd; } set { scriptedit.SelectionEnd = value; } }
public new string Text { get { return scriptedit.Text; } set { scriptedit.Text = value; } } //mxd
public string SelectedText { get { return scriptedit.SelectedText; } } //mxd
public bool ShowWhitespace { get { return scriptedit.ViewWhitespace != WhitespaceMode.Invisible; } set { scriptedit.ViewWhitespace = value ? WhitespaceMode.VisibleAlways : WhitespaceMode.Invisible; } }
public bool WrapLongLines { get { return scriptedit.WrapMode != WrapMode.None; } set { scriptedit.WrapMode = (value ? WrapMode.Char : WrapMode.None); } }
internal Scintilla Scintilla { get { return scriptedit; } } //mxd
internal static Encoding Encoding { get { return encoding; } } //mxd
#region ================== Contructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public ScriptEditorControl()
// Initialize
// Script editor properties
//TODO: use ScintillaNET properties instead when they become available
scriptedit.DirectMessage(SCI_SETBACKSPACEUNINDENTS, new IntPtr(1), IntPtr.Zero);
//scriptedit.DirectMessage(SCI_SETMOUSEDOWNCAPTURES, new IntPtr(1), IntPtr.Zero);
scriptedit.DirectMessage(SCI_SETTABINDENTS, new IntPtr(1), IntPtr.Zero);
// Symbol margin
scriptedit.Margins[0].Type = MarginType.Symbol;
scriptedit.Margins[0].Width = 20;
scriptedit.Margins[0].Mask = 1 << (int)ImageIndex.ScriptError; // Error marker only
scriptedit.Margins[0].Cursor = MarginCursor.Arrow;
scriptedit.Margins[0].Sensitive = true;
// Line numbers margin
scriptedit.Margins[1].Type = MarginType.Number;
scriptedit.Margins[1].Width = 16;
scriptedit.Margins[1].Mask = 0; // No markers here
// Spacing margin
scriptedit.Margins[2].Type = MarginType.Symbol;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Width = 5;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Cursor = MarginCursor.Arrow;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Mask = 0; // No markers here
// Images
RegisterAutoCompleteImage(ImageIndex.ScriptConstant, Resources.ScriptConstant);
RegisterAutoCompleteImage(ImageIndex.ScriptKeyword, Resources.ScriptKeyword);
RegisterAutoCompleteImage(ImageIndex.ScriptSnippet, Resources.ScriptSnippet); //mxd
RegisterAutoCompleteImage(ImageIndex.ScriptProperty, Resources.ScriptProperty); //mxd
RegisterMarkerImage(ImageIndex.ScriptError, Resources.ScriptError);
// These key combinations put odd characters in the script. Let's disable them
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Q, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.W, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.E, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.R, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.I, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.P, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.G, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.H, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.K, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.B, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.N, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Q, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.W, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.E, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.R, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Y, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.O, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.P, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.A, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.S, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.D, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.F, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.G, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.H, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.K, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Z, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.X, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.C, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.V, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.B, Command.Null);
scriptedit.AssignCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.N, Command.Null);
#region ================== Public methods
// This launches keyword help website
public bool LaunchKeywordHelp()
string helpsite = scriptconfig.KeywordHelp;
string currentword = GetCurrentWord();
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentword) && (currentword.Length > 1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpsite))
currentword = scriptconfig.GetKeywordCase(currentword);
helpsite = helpsite.Replace("%K", currentword);
return true;
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpsite); //mxd
// This replaces the selection with the given text
public void ReplaceSelection(string replacement)
scriptedit.ReplaceSelection(replacement); //mxd TODO: encoding check/conversion?
// This moves the caret to a given line and ensures the line is visible
public void MoveToLine(int linenumber)
//mxd. Safety required
linenumber = General.Clamp(linenumber, 0, scriptedit.Lines.Count);
// This makes sure a line is visible
public void EnsureLineVisible(int linenumber)
int caretpos = scriptedit.CurrentPosition;
// Determine target lines range
int startline = Math.Max(0, linenumber - 4);
int endline = Math.Min(scriptedit.Lines.Count, Math.Max(linenumber, linenumber + scriptedit.LinesOnScreen - 6));
// Go to target line
scriptedit.DirectMessage(SCI_ENSUREVISIBLEENFORCEPOLICY, (IntPtr)startline, IntPtr.Zero); // Unfold the whole text block if needed
scriptedit.ShowLines(startline, endline);
// We may want to do some scrolling...
if(scriptedit.FirstVisibleLine >= startline)
else if(scriptedit.FirstVisibleLine + scriptedit.LinesOnScreen <= endline)
// We don't want to change caret position
scriptedit.CurrentPosition = caretpos;
private void SelectAndShow(int startpos, int endpos)
// Select the result
int startline = scriptedit.LineFromPosition(startpos);
int endline = scriptedit.LineFromPosition(endpos);
// Go to target line
scriptedit.DirectMessage(SCI_ENSUREVISIBLEENFORCEPOLICY, (IntPtr)startline, IntPtr.Zero); // Unfold the whole text block if needed
scriptedit.ShowLines(startline, endline);
// We may want to do some extra scrolling...
if(startline > 1 && scriptedit.FirstVisibleLine >= startline - 1)
scriptedit.Lines[startline - 1].Goto();
else if(endline < scriptedit.Lines.Count - 1 && scriptedit.FirstVisibleLine + scriptedit.LinesOnScreen <= endline + 1)
scriptedit.Lines[endline + 1].Goto();
// Update selection
scriptedit.SelectionStart = startpos;
scriptedit.SelectionEnd = endpos;
// This returns the line for a position
public int LineFromPosition(int position)
return scriptedit.LineFromPosition(position);
// This clears all marks
public void ClearMarks()
// This adds a mark on the given line
public void AddMark(int linenumber)
// This refreshes the style setup
public void RefreshStyle()
// Re-setup with the same config
// This sets up the script editor with a script configuration
public void SetupStyles(ScriptConfiguration config)
//mxd. Update script handler
handler = General.Types.GetScriptHandler(config.ScriptType);
handler.Initialize(this, config);
functionbar.Enabled = (config.ScriptType != ScriptType.UNKNOWN);
Configuration lexercfg = new Configuration();
// Make collections
stylelookup = new Dictionary<int, ScriptStyleType>();
// Keep script configuration
scriptconfig = config;
// Find a resource named Lexers.cfg
string[] resnames = General.ThisAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
foreach(string rn in resnames)
// Found one?
if(rn.EndsWith(LEXERS_RESOURCE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Get a stream from the resource
Stream lexersdata = General.ThisAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(rn);
if(lexersdata != null)
StreamReader lexersreader = new StreamReader(lexersdata, Encoding.ASCII);
// Load configuration from stream
// Done with the resource
//mxd. We are done here
//mxd. Reset document slyle
// Check if specified lexer exists and set the lexer to use
string lexername = "lexer" + (int)scriptconfig.Lexer;
if(!lexercfg.SettingExists(lexername)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown lexer " + scriptconfig.Lexer + " specified in script configuration!");
scriptedit.Lexer = scriptconfig.Lexer;
//mxd. Set extra word chars?
scriptedit.WordChars += scriptconfig.ExtraWordCharacters;
// Set the default style and settings
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Font = General.Settings.ScriptFontName;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Size = General.Settings.ScriptFontSize;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Bold = General.Settings.ScriptFontBold;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Italic = false;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Underline = false;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Case = StyleCase.Mixed;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].ForeColor = General.Colors.PlainText.ToColor();
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBackground.ToColor();
scriptedit.CaretPeriod = SystemInformation.CaretBlinkTime;
scriptedit.CaretForeColor = General.Colors.ScriptBackground.Inverse().ToColor();
// Set tabulation settings
scriptedit.UseTabs = General.Settings.ScriptUseTabs;
scriptedit.TabWidth = General.Settings.ScriptTabWidth;
//scriptedit.IndentWidth = General.Settings.ScriptTabWidth; // Equals to TabWidth by default
//TODO: use ScintillaNET properties instead when they become available
scriptedit.DirectMessage(SCI_SETTABINDENTS, new IntPtr(1), IntPtr.Zero);
scriptedit.DirectMessage(SCI_SETBACKSPACEUNINDENTS, new IntPtr(1), IntPtr.Zero);
// This applies the default style to all styles
// Set the code page to use. [mxd] No longer needed?
//scriptedit.CodePage = scriptconfig.CodePage;
//mxd. We can't change Font or Size here because this will screw displayed tab width (because it's based on character width)...
// Set the default to something normal (this is used by the autocomplete list)
//scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Font = this.Font.Name;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Bold = this.Font.Bold;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Italic = this.Font.Italic;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Underline = this.Font.Underline;
//scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Size = (int)Math.Round(this.Font.SizeInPoints);
// Set style for linenumbers and margins
scriptedit.Styles[Style.LineNumber].BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBackground.ToColor();
scriptedit.SetFoldMarginColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptFoldBackColor.ToColor());
scriptedit.SetFoldMarginHighlightColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptFoldBackColor.ToColor());
for(int i = 25; i < 32; i++)
//mxd. Set style for (mis)matching braces
scriptedit.Styles[Style.BraceLight].BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBraceHighlight.ToColor();
scriptedit.Styles[Style.BraceBad].BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBadBraceHighlight.ToColor();
//mxd. Set whitespace color
scriptedit.SetWhitespaceForeColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptWhitespace.ToColor());
//mxd. Set selection colors
scriptedit.SetSelectionForeColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptSelectionForeColor.ToColor());
scriptedit.SetSelectionBackColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptSelectionBackColor.ToColor());
// Clear all keywords
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) scriptedit.SetKeywords(i, null);
// Now go for all elements in the lexer configuration
// We are looking for the numeric keys, because these are the
// style index to set and the value is our ScriptStyleType
IDictionary dic = lexercfg.ReadSetting(lexername, new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Check if this is a numeric key
int stylenum;
if(int.TryParse(de.Key.ToString(), out stylenum))
// Add style to lookup table
stylelookup.Add(stylenum, (ScriptStyleType)(int)de.Value);
// Apply color to style
int colorindex;
ScriptStyleType type = (ScriptStyleType)(int)de.Value;
case ScriptStyleType.PlainText: colorindex = ColorCollection.PLAINTEXT; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Comment: colorindex = ColorCollection.COMMENTS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Constant: colorindex = ColorCollection.CONSTANTS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Keyword: colorindex = ColorCollection.KEYWORDS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.LineNumber: colorindex = ColorCollection.LINENUMBERS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Literal: colorindex = ColorCollection.LITERALS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.String: colorindex = ColorCollection.STRINGS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Include: colorindex = ColorCollection.INCLUDES; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Property: colorindex = ColorCollection.PROPERTIES; break;
default: colorindex = ColorCollection.PLAINTEXT; break;
scriptedit.Styles[stylenum].ForeColor = General.Colors.Colors[colorindex].ToColor();
//mxd. Set keywords
handler.SetKeywords(lexercfg, lexername);
// Setup folding (https://github.com/jacobslusser/ScintillaNET/wiki/Automatic-Code-Folding)
if(General.Settings.ScriptShowFolding && (scriptconfig.Lexer == Lexer.Cpp || (int)scriptconfig.Lexer == 35)) // 35 - custom CPP case insensitive style lexer
// Instruct the lexer to calculate folding
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold", "1");
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold.compact", "0"); // 1 = folds blank lines
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold.comment", "1"); // Enable block comment folding
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold.preprocessor", "1"); // Enable #region folding
scriptedit.SetFoldFlags(FoldFlags.LineAfterContracted); // Draw line below if not expanded
// Configure a margin to display folding symbols
scriptedit.Margins[2].Type = MarginType.Symbol;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Mask = Marker.MaskFolders;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Sensitive = true;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Width = 12;
// Configure folding markers with respective symbols
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.Folder].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.BoxPlus;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderOpen].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.BoxMinus;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderEnd].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.BoxPlusConnected;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderMidTail].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.TCorner;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderOpenMid].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.BoxMinusConnected;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderSub].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.VLine;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderTail].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.LCorner;
// Enable automatic folding
scriptedit.AutomaticFold = (AutomaticFold.Show | AutomaticFold.Click | AutomaticFold.Change);
// Disable folding
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold", "0");
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold.compact", "0");
scriptedit.Margins[2].Type = MarginType.Symbol;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Mask = 0; // No markers here
scriptedit.Margins[2].Sensitive = false;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Width = 5;
scriptedit.AutomaticFold = AutomaticFold.None;
// Rearrange the layout
// This returns the current word (where the caret is at)
public string GetCurrentWord()
return GetWordAt(scriptedit.CurrentPosition);
// This returns the word at the given position
public string GetWordAt(int position)
return scriptedit.GetWordFromPosition(position);
// Save one undo checkpoint when making many changes in the editor.
public void UndoTransaction(Action callback)
// Perform undo
public void Undo()
// Perform redo
public void Redo()
// This clears all undo levels
public void ClearUndoRedo()
//mxd. This marks the current document as unmodified
public void SetSavePoint()
// Perform cut
public void Cut()
// Perform copy
public void Copy()
// Perform paste
public void Paste()
// This steals the focus (use with care!)
public void GrabFocus()
public byte[] GetText()
return encoding.GetBytes(scriptedit.Text); //mxd TODO: other encodings?..
public void SetText(byte[] text)
scriptedit.Text = encoding.GetString(text); //mxd TODO: other encodings?..
public void InsertSnippet(string[] lines)
// Insert the snippet
List<string> processedlines = new List<string>(lines.Length);
int curline = scriptedit.LineFromPosition(scriptedit.SelectionStart);
int indent = scriptedit.Lines[scriptedit.CurrentLine].Indentation;
string tabs = Environment.NewLine + GetIndentationString(indent);
string spaces = new String(' ', General.Settings.ScriptTabWidth);
string[] linebreak = { LINE_BREAK_MARKER };
int entrypos = -1;
int entryline = -1;
// Process line breaks
foreach(string line in lines)
if(line.IndexOf(linebreak[0], StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
processedlines.AddRange(line.Split(linebreak, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
processedlines.Add(line.Replace(linebreak[0], " "));
// Process special chars, try to find entry position marker
for(int i = 0; i < processedlines.Count; i++)
if(!scriptedit.UseTabs) processedlines[i] = processedlines[i].Replace("\t", spaces);
// Check if we have the [EP] marker
if(entrypos == -1)
int pos = processedlines[i].IndexOf(ENTRY_POSITION_MARKER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if(pos != -1)
processedlines[i] = processedlines[i].Remove(pos, 4);
entryline = curline + i;
entrypos = processedlines[i].Length - pos;
// Replace the text
string text = string.Join(tabs, processedlines.ToArray());
scriptedit.SelectionStart = scriptedit.WordStartPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPosition, true);
scriptedit.SelectionEnd = scriptedit.WordEndPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPosition, true);
// Move the cursor if we had the [EP] marker
if(entrypos != -1)
// Count from the end of the line, because I don't see a reliable way to count indentation chars...
int pos = scriptedit.Lines[entryline].EndPosition - entrypos;
if(scriptedit.Lines[entryline].Text.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine)) pos -= 2;
//mxd. Find next result
public bool FindNext(FindReplaceOptions options, bool useselectionstart)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.FindText)) return false;
// Find next match/abort when trying to replace in read-only tab
if(scriptedit.ReadOnly && options.ReplaceWith != null)
if(options.SearchMode != FindReplaceSearchMode.CURRENT_FILE && OnFindNextWrapAround != null)
return OnFindNextWrapAround(options);
return false;
int startpos = (useselectionstart ? Math.Min(scriptedit.SelectionStart, scriptedit.SelectionEnd) : Math.Max(scriptedit.SelectionStart, scriptedit.SelectionEnd));
// Search the document
scriptedit.TargetStart = startpos;
scriptedit.TargetEnd = scriptedit.TextLength;
scriptedit.SearchFlags = options.CaseSensitive ? SearchFlags.MatchCase : SearchFlags.None;
if(options.WholeWord) scriptedit.SearchFlags |= SearchFlags.WholeWord;
int result = scriptedit.SearchInTarget(options.FindText);
// Wrap around?
if(result == -1)
if (options.WrapAroundDisabled)
return false;
if (options.SearchMode != FindReplaceSearchMode.CURRENT_FILE
&& OnFindNextWrapAround != null && OnFindNextWrapAround(options))
return true;
scriptedit.TargetStart = 0;
scriptedit.TargetEnd = startpos;
result = scriptedit.SearchInTarget(options.FindText);
// Found something
if(result != -1)
// Select the result
SelectAndShow(result, result + options.FindText.Length);
// Update extra highlights
// All done
return true;
// Nothing found...
return false;
//mxd. Find previous result
public bool FindPrevious(FindReplaceOptions options)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.FindText)) return false;
// Find previous match/abort when trying to replace in read-only tab
if(scriptedit.ReadOnly && options.ReplaceWith != null)
if(options.SearchMode != FindReplaceSearchMode.CURRENT_FILE && OnFindPreviousWrapAround != null)
return OnFindPreviousWrapAround(options);
return false;
int endpos = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(scriptedit.SelectionStart, scriptedit.SelectionEnd) - 1);
// Search the document
scriptedit.TargetStart = endpos;
scriptedit.TargetEnd = 0;
scriptedit.SearchFlags = options.CaseSensitive ? SearchFlags.MatchCase : SearchFlags.None;
if(options.WholeWord) scriptedit.SearchFlags |= SearchFlags.WholeWord;
int result = scriptedit.SearchInTarget(options.FindText);
// Wrap around?
if(result == -1)
if(options.SearchMode != FindReplaceSearchMode.CURRENT_FILE
&& OnFindPreviousWrapAround != null && OnFindPreviousWrapAround(options))
return true;
scriptedit.TargetStart = scriptedit.TextLength;
scriptedit.TargetEnd = endpos;
result = scriptedit.SearchInTarget(options.FindText);
// Found something
if(result != -1)
// Select the result
SelectAndShow(result, result + options.FindText.Length);
// Update extra highlights
// All done
return true;
// Nothing found...
return false;
//mxd. (Un)indents selection
public void IndentSelection(bool indent)
// Get selected range of lines
int startline = scriptedit.LineFromPosition(scriptedit.SelectionStart);
int endline = scriptedit.LineFromPosition(scriptedit.SelectionEnd);
for(int i = startline; i < endline + 1; i++)
scriptedit.Lines[i].Indentation += (indent ? General.Settings.ScriptTabWidth : -General.Settings.ScriptTabWidth);
public void DuplicateLine()
// Do it manually instead of using Scintilla's builtin variant to avoid triggering InsertCheck event,
// which conatains only "\r\n" text, which in turn messes with our scriptedit_InsertCheck handler logic
// resulting in extra indentation...
var curline = scriptedit.Lines[scriptedit.CurrentLine];
scriptedit.InsertText(curline.EndPosition, curline.Text);
// Offset selection by line length
scriptedit.SetEmptySelection(curline.EndPosition + (scriptedit.SelectionStart - curline.Position));
internal List<CompilerError> UpdateNavigator(ScriptDocumentTab tab)
List<CompilerError> result = new List<CompilerError>();
// Just clear the navigator when current tab has no text
if(scriptedit.Text.Length == 0)
functionbar.Enabled = false;
return result;
// Store currently selected item name
string prevtext = functionbar.Text;
// Repopulate FunctionBar
result = handler.UpdateFunctionBarItems(tab, new MemoryStream(GetText()), functionbar);
// Put some text in the navigator (but don't actually trigger selection event)
functionbar.Enabled = (functionbar.Items.Count > 0);
if(functionbar.Items.Count > 0)
preventchanges = true;
// Put the text back if we still have the corresponding item
foreach(var item in functionbar.Items)
if(item.ToString() == prevtext)
functionbar.Text = item.ToString();
// No dice. Use the first item
functionbar.Text = functionbar.Items[0].ToString();
preventchanges = false;
return result;
#region ================== Utility methods
// This returns the ScriptStyleType for a given Scintilla style
internal ScriptStyleType GetScriptStyle(int scintillastyle)
return (stylelookup.ContainsKey(scintillastyle) ? stylelookup[scintillastyle] : ScriptStyleType.PlainText);
// This registers an image for the autocomplete list
private void RegisterAutoCompleteImage(ImageIndex index, Bitmap image)
// Register image
scriptedit.RegisterRgbaImage((int)index, image);
// This registers an image for the markes list
private void RegisterMarkerImage(ImageIndex index, Bitmap image)
// Register image
scriptedit.Markers[(int)index].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.RgbaImage;
private string GetIndentationString(int indent)
string indentstr = string.Empty;
int numtabs = indent / scriptedit.TabWidth;
if(numtabs > 0) indentstr = new string('\t', numtabs);
// Mixed padding? Add spaces
if(numtabs * scriptedit.TabWidth < indent)
int numspaces = indent - numtabs * scriptedit.TabWidth;
indentstr += new string(' ', numspaces);
return indentstr;
return new string(' ', indent);
//mxd. https://github.com/jacobslusser/ScintillaNET/wiki/Find-and-Highlight-Words
private void HighlightWord(string text)
// Remove all uses of our indicator
scriptedit.IndicatorCurrent = HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR;
scriptedit.IndicatorClearRange(0, scriptedit.TextLength);
// Update indicator appearance
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].Style = IndicatorStyle.RoundBox;
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].Under = true;
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].ForeColor = General.Colors.ScriptIndicator.ToColor();
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].OutlineAlpha = 50;
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].Alpha = 30;
// Search the document
scriptedit.TargetStart = 0;
scriptedit.TargetEnd = scriptedit.TextLength;
scriptedit.SearchFlags = SearchFlags.WholeWord;
while(scriptedit.SearchInTarget(text) != -1)
//mxd. Don't mark currently selected word
if(scriptedit.SelectionStart != scriptedit.TargetStart && scriptedit.SelectionEnd != scriptedit.TargetEnd)
// Mark the search results with the current indicator
scriptedit.IndicatorFillRange(scriptedit.TargetStart, scriptedit.TargetEnd - scriptedit.TargetStart);
// Search the remainder of the document
scriptedit.TargetStart = scriptedit.TargetEnd;
scriptedit.TargetEnd = scriptedit.TextLength;
//mxd. Handle keyboard shortcuts
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keydata)
// F3 for Find Next
if(keydata == Keys.F3)
if(OnFindNext != null) OnFindNext();
return true;
//mxd. F2 for Find Previous
if(keydata == Keys.F2)
if(OnFindPrevious != null) OnFindPrevious();
return true;
//mxd. F5 for Compile Script
if(keydata == Keys.F5)
if(OnCompileScript != null) OnCompileScript();
return true;
// CTRL+F for find & replace
if(keydata == (Keys.Control | Keys.F))
if(OnOpenFindAndReplace != null) OnOpenFindAndReplace();
return true;
// CTRL+G for go to line
if(keydata == (Keys.Control | Keys.G))
if(OnGoToLine != null) OnGoToLine();
return true;
// CTRL+S for save
if(!scriptedit.ReadOnly && keydata == (Keys.Control | Keys.S))
if(OnExplicitSaveTab != null) OnExplicitSaveTab();
return true;
// CTRL+O for open
if(keydata == (Keys.Control | Keys.O))
if(OnOpenScriptBrowser != null) OnOpenScriptBrowser();
return true;
// CTRL+Space to autocomplete
if(!scriptedit.ReadOnly && keydata == (Keys.Control | Keys.Space))
// Hide call tip if any
// Show autocomplete
return true;
//mxd. Tab to expand code snippet. Do it only when the text cursor is at the end of a keyword.
if(!scriptedit.ReadOnly && keydata == Keys.Tab && !scriptedit.AutoCActive)
string curword = GetCurrentWord().ToLowerInvariant();
if(scriptconfig.Snippets.Contains(curword) && scriptedit.CurrentPosition == scriptedit.WordEndPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPosition, true))
return true;
//mxd. Skip text insert when "save screenshot" action keys are pressed
Actions.Action[] actions = General.Actions.GetActionsByKey((int)keydata);
foreach(Actions.Action action in actions)
if(action.ShortName == "savescreenshot" || action.ShortName == "saveeditareascreenshot") return true;
// Pass to base
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keydata);
#region ================== Events
// Layout needs to be re-organized
protected override void OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs e)
// With or without functions bar?
scriptpanel.Top = functionbar.Bottom + 6;
scriptpanel.Height = this.ClientSize.Height - scriptpanel.Top;
scriptpanel.Top = 0;
scriptpanel.Height = this.ClientSize.Height;
//mxd. Script text changed
private void scriptedit_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Line number margin width needs changing?
int curlinenumbercharlength = scriptedit.Lines.Count.ToString().Length;
// Calculate the width required to display the last line number
// and include some padding for good measure.
if(curlinenumbercharlength != linenumbercharlength)
const int padding = 2;
scriptedit.Margins[1].Width = scriptedit.TextWidth(Style.LineNumber, new string('9', curlinenumbercharlength + 1)) + padding;
linenumbercharlength = curlinenumbercharlength;
if(OnTextChanged != null) OnTextChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void scriptedit_CharAdded(object sender, CharAddedEventArgs e)
// Hide call tip if any
// Offset caret if needed
if(caretoffset != 0)
scriptedit.SetEmptySelection(scriptedit.SelectionStart + caretoffset);
caretoffset = 0;
if(!expandcodeblock) return;
// Move CodeBlockOpen to the new line?
if(scriptedit.CurrentLine > 0)
string linetext = scriptedit.Lines[scriptedit.CurrentLine - 1].Text;
int blockopenpos = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.CodeBlockOpen) ? -1 : linetext.LastIndexOf(scriptconfig.CodeBlockOpen, StringComparison.Ordinal));
if(blockopenpos != -1)
// Do it only if initial line doesn't start with CodeBlockOpen
string linestart = linetext.Substring(0, blockopenpos).Trim();
if(linestart.Length > 0)
scriptedit.InsertText(scriptedit.Lines[scriptedit.CurrentLine - 1].Position + blockopenpos,
Environment.NewLine + GetIndentationString(scriptedit.Lines[scriptedit.CurrentLine - 1].Indentation));
expandcodeblock = false;
// Auto-match braces
//TODO: Auto-match quotes
bool endpos = (scriptedit.CurrentPosition == scriptedit.TextLength);
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.CodeBlockOpen) && e.Char == scriptconfig.CodeBlockOpen[0] && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.CodeBlockClose) &&
(endpos || (char)scriptedit.GetCharAt(scriptedit.CurrentPosition + 1) != scriptconfig.CodeBlockClose[0]))
scriptedit.InsertText(scriptedit.CurrentPosition, scriptconfig.CodeBlockClose);
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.FunctionOpen) && e.Char == scriptconfig.FunctionOpen[0] && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.FunctionClose) &&
(endpos || (char)scriptedit.GetCharAt(scriptedit.CurrentPosition + 1) != scriptconfig.FunctionClose[0]))
scriptedit.InsertText(scriptedit.CurrentPosition, scriptconfig.FunctionClose);
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.ArrayOpen) && e.Char == scriptconfig.ArrayOpen[0] && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.ArrayClose) &&
(endpos || (char)scriptedit.GetCharAt(scriptedit.CurrentPosition + 1) != scriptconfig.ArrayClose[0]))
scriptedit.InsertText(scriptedit.CurrentPosition, scriptconfig.ArrayClose);
if(!scriptedit.ReadOnly && General.Settings.ScriptAutoShowAutocompletion)
// Display the autocompletion list
private void scriptedit_UpdateUI(object sender, UpdateUIEventArgs e)
// If a word is selected, highlight the same words
if(scriptedit.SelectedText != highlightedword)
// Highlight only when whole word is selected
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptedit.SelectedText) && scriptedit.GetWordFromPosition(scriptedit.SelectionStart) == scriptedit.SelectedText)
// Clear highlight
scriptedit.IndicatorCurrent = HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR;
scriptedit.IndicatorClearRange(0, scriptedit.TextLength);
highlightedword = scriptedit.SelectedText;
// Has the caret changed position?
int caretpos = scriptedit.CurrentPosition;
if(lastcaretpos != caretpos && scriptconfig.BraceChars.Count > 0)
// Perform brace matching (https://github.com/jacobslusser/ScintillaNET/wiki/Brace-Matching)
lastcaretpos = caretpos;
int bracepos1 = -1;
// Is there a brace to the left or right?
if(caretpos > 0 && scriptconfig.BraceChars.Contains((char)scriptedit.GetCharAt(caretpos - 1)))
bracepos1 = (caretpos - 1);
else if(scriptconfig.BraceChars.Contains((char)(scriptedit.GetCharAt(caretpos))))
bracepos1 = caretpos;
if(bracepos1 > -1)
// Find the matching brace
int bracepos2 = scriptedit.BraceMatch(bracepos1);
if(bracepos2 == Scintilla.InvalidPosition)
scriptedit.BraceHighlight(bracepos1, bracepos2);
// Turn off brace matching
scriptedit.BraceHighlight(Scintilla.InvalidPosition, Scintilla.InvalidPosition);
private void scriptedit_InsertCheck(object sender, InsertCheckEventArgs e)
// Do we want auto-indentation?
if(!expandcodeblock && General.Settings.ScriptAutoIndent && e.Text == "\r\n")
// Get current line indentation up to the cursor position
string linetext = scriptedit.Lines[scriptedit.CurrentLine].Text;
int selectionpos = scriptedit.SelectionStart - scriptedit.Lines[scriptedit.CurrentLine].Position;
int indent = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < selectionpos; i++)
case ' ': indent++; break;
case '\t': indent += scriptedit.TabWidth; break;
default: i = selectionpos; break; // break the loop
// Store initial indentation
int initialindent = indent;
// Need to increase indentation? We do this when:
// 1. Line contains '{' and '}' and the cursor is between them
// 2. Line either doesn't contain '}', or it's before '{', or the line contains '{' and the cursor is after it
int blockopenpos = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.CodeBlockOpen) ? -1 : linetext.LastIndexOf(scriptconfig.CodeBlockOpen, selectionpos, StringComparison.Ordinal));
int blockclosepos = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptconfig.CodeBlockOpen) ? -1 : linetext.IndexOf(scriptconfig.CodeBlockClose, selectionpos, StringComparison.Ordinal));
// Add indentation when the cursor is between { and }
bool addindent = (blockopenpos != -1 && blockopenpos < selectionpos) && (blockclosepos == -1 || (blockopenpos < blockclosepos && blockclosepos >= selectionpos));
if(addindent) indent += scriptedit.TabWidth;
// Calculate indentation
string indentstr = GetIndentationString(indent);
// Move CodeBlockOpen to the new line? (will be applied in scriptedit_CharAdded)
expandcodeblock = General.Settings.ScriptAllmanStyle;
// Offset closing block char?
if(addindent && blockclosepos != -1)
string initialindentstr = GetIndentationString(initialindent);
indentstr += Environment.NewLine + initialindentstr;
// Offset cursor position (will be performed in scriptedit_CharAdded)
caretoffset = -(initialindentstr.Length + Environment.NewLine.Length);
// Apply new indentation
e.Text += indentstr;
private void scriptedit_AutoCCompleted(object sender, AutoCSelectionEventArgs e)
// Expand snippet?
string[] lines = scriptconfig.GetSnippet(e.Text);
if(lines != null)
string definition = scriptconfig.GetFunctionDefinition(e.Text);
int entrypos = definition.IndexOf(ENTRY_POSITION_MARKER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Replace inserted text with expanded version?
if(e.Text.StartsWith("$") || entrypos != -1)
// Remove the marker
if(entrypos != -1) definition = definition.Remove(entrypos, 4);
// Replace insterted text with expanded comment
int startpos = scriptedit.WordStartPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPosition, true);
scriptedit.SelectionStart = startpos;
scriptedit.SelectionEnd = scriptedit.WordEndPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPosition, true);
// Update caret position
if(entrypos != -1) scriptedit.SetEmptySelection(startpos + entrypos);
private void functionbar_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(!preventchanges && functionbar.SelectedItem is ScriptItem)
ScriptItem si = (ScriptItem)functionbar.SelectedItem;
scriptedit.SelectionStart = si.CursorPosition;
scriptedit.SelectionEnd = si.CursorPosition;
// Focus to the editor!
private void functionbar_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(OnFunctionBarDropDown != null) OnFunctionBarDropDown(sender, e);
#region ================== Context menu Events
private void contextmenu_Opening(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
menuundo.Enabled = scriptedit.CanUndo;
menuredo.Enabled = scriptedit.CanRedo;
bool cancopy = (scriptedit.SelectionEnd > scriptedit.SelectionStart);
menucut.Enabled = cancopy;
menucopy.Enabled = cancopy;
menupaste.Enabled = scriptedit.CanPaste;
menudelete.Enabled = cancopy;
menufindusages.Enabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptedit.GetWordFromPosition(scriptedit.SelectionStart));
private void menuundo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void menuredo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void menucut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void menucopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void menupaste_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void menudelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
scriptedit.DeleteRange(scriptedit.SelectionStart, scriptedit.SelectionEnd - scriptedit.SelectionStart);
private void menuduplicateline_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void menuselectall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)