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synced 2025-03-09 19:51:32 +00:00
Added map scripting capabilities to UDB (#656). Documentation at https://biwa.github.io/udbscript-docs/
358 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
358 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml;
using SharpCompress.Archives.SevenZip;
//using SharpCompress.Common;
using SharpCompress.Readers;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder
internal static class UpdateChecker
internal static void PerformCheck(bool verbosemode)
MessageBox.Show("Checking for updates is disabled in this version.");
private delegate DialogResult ShowWarningMessageDelegate(string message, MessageBoxButtons buttons);
private const string NO_UPDATE_REQUIRED = "Your version is up to date.";
private static BackgroundWorker worker;
private static bool verbose;
internal static void PerformCheck(bool verbosemode)
// Update check already runing?
if(worker != null && worker.IsBusy)
if(verbosemode) General.ShowWarningMessage("Update check is already running!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
// Check if we have write access...
string msg = "Cannot perform update: your user account does not have write access to the destination folder \"" + General.AppPath + "\"\n"
+ "Move the editor to a folder with write access, or run it as Administrator.";
if(verbosemode) General.ShowWarningMessage(msg, MessageBoxButtons.OK);
else General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, msg);
// Start checking
verbose = verbosemode;
worker = new BackgroundWorker();
worker.DoWork += DoWork;
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += RunWorkerCompleted;
worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
private static void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
string updaterpath = Path.Combine(General.AppPath, "Updater.exe");
if (!File.Exists(updaterpath))
ShowResult("Update check failed: \"" + updaterpath + "\" does not exist!");
e.Cancel = true;
string inipath = Path.Combine(General.AppPath, "Updater.ini");
if (!File.Exists(inipath))
ShowResult("Update check failed: \"" + inipath + "\" does not exist!");
e.Cancel = true;
// Get some ini values...
string url = string.Empty;
string updaterpackname = string.Empty;
string[] inilines = File.ReadAllLines(inipath);
foreach (string line in inilines)
string cplatform = (Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86");
if (line.StartsWith("URL")) url = line.Substring(3).Trim();
else if (line.StartsWith("UpdaterName")) updaterpackname = line.Substring(11).Trim().Replace("[PLATFORM]", cplatform);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
ShowResult("Update check failed: failed to get update url from Updater.ini!");
e.Cancel = true;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updaterpackname))
ShowResult("Update check failed: failed to get updater pack name from Updater.ini!");
e.Cancel = true;
// Get local revision number
int localrev = General.ThisAssembly.GetName().Version.Revision;
int actuallocalrev = localrev;
if (!verbose) localrev = Math.Max(localrev, General.Settings.IgnoredRemoteRevision);
// Get remote revision numbers
int remoterev, remoteupdaterrev;
MemoryStream stream = DownloadWebFile(Path.Combine(url, "Versions.txt"));
if (stream == null)
ShowResult("Update check failed: failed to retrieve remote revision info.\nCheck your Internet connection and try again.");
e.Cancel = true;
List<string> lines = new List<string>(2);
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
while (!reader.EndOfStream) lines.Add(reader.ReadLine());
if (lines.Count != 2)
ShowResult("Update check failed: invalid remote revision number.");
e.Cancel = true;
if (!int.TryParse(lines[0], out remoterev))
ShowResult("Update check failed: failed to retrieve remote revision number.");
e.Cancel = true;
if (!int.TryParse(lines[1], out remoteupdaterrev))
ShowResult("Update check failed: failed to retrieve remote updater revision number.");
e.Cancel = true;
// Update the updater!
string result = UpdateUpdater(url, updaterpackname, remoteupdaterrev);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
ShowResult("Update check failed: " + result);
e.Cancel = true;
if (remoterev > localrev)
// Get changelog info
string changelog = GetChangelog(url, actuallocalrev);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changelog))
ShowResult("Update check failed: failed to retrieve changelog.\nCheck your Internet connection and try again.");
e.Cancel = true;
// Pass data to MainForm
General.MainWindow.UpdateAvailable(remoterev, changelog);
else if (verbose)
catch (Exception ex)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, string.Format("Update check failed:\n\n{0}", ex.ToString()));
private static string UpdateUpdater(string url, string updaterpackname, int remoterev)
// Check if updater is running...
Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses();
// Abort if it's running...
foreach(Process process in processes)
if(process.ProcessName == "Updater" &&
Path.GetDirectoryName(process.MainModule.FileName) == Application.StartupPath)
return "Updater.exe is already running.";
catch(Exception e)
return "failed to check Updater process: " + e.Message;
// Check local revision
int localrev = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo("Updater.exe").ProductPrivatePart;
if(localrev < remoterev)
// Download update
MemoryStream stream = DownloadWebFile(Path.Combine(url, updaterpackname));
if(stream == null)
return "failed to download Updater package.";
// Unpack update
using(SevenZipArchive arc = SevenZipArchive.Open(stream))
if(!arc.IsComplete) return "downloaded Updater package is not complete.";
IReader reader = arc.ExtractAllEntries();
// Unpack all
if(reader.Entry.IsDirectory) continue; // Shouldn't be there, but who knows...
reader.WriteEntryToDirectory(General.AppPath, new ExtractionOptions() { ExtractFullPath = true, Overwrite = true });
catch(Exception e)
return "failed to unpack the Updater: " + e.Message;
return string.Empty;
private static void ShowResult(string message)
General.MainWindow.Invoke(new ShowWarningMessageDelegate(General.ShowWarningMessage), new object[] { message, MessageBoxButtons.OK });
General.ShowWarningMessage(message, MessageBoxButtons.OK);
else if(message != NO_UPDATE_REQUIRED)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, message);
private static void RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
worker = null;
private static string GetChangelog(string url, int localrev)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(@"{\rtf1");
using(MemoryStream stream = DownloadWebFile(Path.Combine(url, "Changelog.xml")))
if(stream == null) return string.Empty;
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
// Revision infos go in descending order
if(doc.ChildNodes.Count == 0) return string.Empty;
foreach(XmlNode log in doc.ChildNodes)
if(log.ChildNodes.Count == 0) continue;
foreach(XmlNode logentry in log.ChildNodes)
if(logentry.Attributes == null) continue;
var revnode = logentry.Attributes.GetNamedItem("revision");
var comnode = logentry.Attributes.GetNamedItem("commit");
if(revnode == null || comnode == null) continue;
int noderev;
if(!int.TryParse(revnode.Value, out noderev)) continue;
if(noderev <= localrev) break;
string commit = comnode.Value;
string message = string.Empty;
XmlNode msgnode = logentry["msg"];
if(msgnode != null) message = msgnode.InnerText.Trim().Replace(Environment.NewLine, @"\par ");
// Add info
sb.Append(@"{\b R")
.Append(" | ")
.Append(@":}\par ")
.Append(@"\par\par ");
return sb.ToString();
private static MemoryStream DownloadWebFile(string url)
// Open a data stream from the supplied URL
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
WebResponse response;
response = request.GetResponse();
catch(WebException /*e*/)
//General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, e.ToString());
return null;
Stream source = response.GetResponseStream();
if(source == null) return null;
// Download the data in chuncks
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
// Download the data
MemoryStream result = new MemoryStream();
// Let's try and read the data
int numbytes = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if(numbytes == 0) break; // Download complete
// Write the downloaded data
result.Write(buffer, 0, numbytes);
// Release resources
// Rewind and return the stream
result.Position = 0;
return result;