Fork 0
mirror of https://git.do.srb2.org/STJr/UltimateZoneBuilder.git synced 2025-03-06 01:30:58 +00:00
MaxED 0e78e6d39f Changed, Select Similar Sectors action: when "Effect" option is enabled, all sectors with at least one matching generalized/predefined effect will be selected.
Added, Tag Explorer plugin: a separate category for each generalized/predefined effect is now created when "Sort by action special" sort mode is used.
Added, Edit Effect window: normal and generalized effects can now be set at the same time.
Fixed, Edit Action window: in some cases Generalized actions were incorrectly processed.
Fixed, Edit Effect window: in some cases Generalized effects were incorrectly processed.
Fixed, Select Similar window: Tab control was incorrectly anchored.
Fixed, Nodes Viewer mode, cosmetic: segs angles were calculated incorrectly when showing nodes in classic format.
Fixed: HiRes textures, which didn't override any texture or flat were not loaded. 
Fixed, Tag Explorer plugin: linedef action categories were missing title when "Sort by action special" sort mode was used.
Cosmetic: renamed "Grid Setup" action to "Grid and Backdrop Setup".
2016-03-21 15:19:14 +00:00

1008 lines
36 KiB

#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
public class FieldDescription : Attribute
private bool doom = true;
private bool hexen = true;
private bool udmf = true;
private string description = "Unnamed field";
public bool DOOM { get { return doom; } set { doom = value; } }
public bool HEXEN { get { return hexen; } set { hexen = value; } }
public bool UDMF { get { return udmf; } set { udmf = value; } }
public string Description { get { return description; } set { description = value; } }
public bool SupportsCurrentMapFormat { get { return General.Map != null && (General.Map.DOOM && doom || General.Map.HEXEN && hexen || General.Map.UDMF && udmf); } }
public abstract class MapElementPropertiesCopySettings
protected MapElementPropertiesCopySettings()
// Set all properties supported by currect map format to true
FieldInfo[] props = this.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach(FieldInfo prop in props)
foreach(Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(prop))
if(attr.GetType() == typeof(FieldDescription))
FieldDescription fd = (FieldDescription)attr;
prop.SetValue(this, fd.SupportsCurrentMapFormat);
public abstract class MapElementProperties
private readonly UniFields fields; // Only custom (e.g. not UI-managed) fields here
private readonly UniFields uifields; // Only UI-managed fields here
private readonly MapElementType elementtype;
protected MapElementProperties(UniFields other, MapElementType type)
// Should we bother?
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return;
// Copy source fields except the ones controlled by the UI
fields = new UniFields();
uifields = new UniFields();
elementtype = type;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, UniValue> group in other)
uifields.Add(group.Key, new UniValue(group.Value));
fields.Add(group.Key, new UniValue(group.Value));
protected void Apply(UniFields other, string key)
if(uifields.ContainsKey(key)) other[key] = new UniValue(uifields[key]);
else if(other.ContainsKey(key)) other.Remove(key);
protected void Apply(UniFields other, string key1, string key2)
Apply(other, key1);
Apply(other, key2);
protected void ApplyCustomFields(UniFields other)
// Remove custom fields
string[] keys = new string[other.Keys.Count];
other.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
foreach(string key in keys)
if(!General.Map.FormatInterface.UIFields[elementtype].ContainsKey(key)) other.Remove(key);
// Replace with stored custom fields
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, UniValue> group in fields)
other.Add(group.Key, new UniValue(group.Value));
#region ================== Vertex
public class VertexPropertiesCopySettings : MapElementPropertiesCopySettings
[FieldDescription(Description = "Vertex Floor Height", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool ZFloor = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Vertex Ceiling Height", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool ZCeiling = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Custom Fields", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Fields = true;
// Vertex
public class VertexProperties : MapElementProperties
private static VertexPropertiesCopySettings defaultsettings = new VertexPropertiesCopySettings();
public static VertexPropertiesCopySettings CopySettings = new VertexPropertiesCopySettings();
private readonly float zceiling; //mxd
private readonly float zfloor; //mxd
public VertexProperties(Vertex v) : base(v.Fields, MapElementType.VERTEX)
zceiling = v.ZCeiling; //mxd
zfloor = v.ZFloor; //mxd
//mxd. Applies coped properties
public void Apply(Vertex v, bool usecopysettings)
Apply(v, (usecopysettings ? CopySettings : defaultsettings));
//mxd. Applies coped properties using selected settings
public void Apply(Vertex v, VertexPropertiesCopySettings settings)
if(settings.ZCeiling) v.ZCeiling = zceiling;
if(settings.ZFloor) v.ZFloor = zfloor;
#region ================== Sector
public class SectorPropertiesCopySettings : MapElementPropertiesCopySettings
[FieldDescription(Description = "Floor Height")]
public bool FloorHeight = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Ceiling Height")]
public bool CeilingHeight = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Floor Texture")]
public bool FloorTexture = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Ceiling Texture")]
public bool CeilingTexture = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Floor Texture Offset", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool FloorTextureOffset = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Ceiling Texture Offset", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool CeilingTextureOffset = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Floor Texture Scale", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool FloorTextureScale = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Ceiling Texture Scale", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool CeilingTextureScale = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Floor Texture Rotation", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool FloorTextureRotation = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Ceiling Texture Rotation", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool CeilingTextureRotation = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Floor Alpha", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool FloorAlpha = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Ceiling Alpha", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool CeilingAlpha = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Sector Brightness")]
public bool Brightness = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Floor Brightness", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool FloorBrightness = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Ceiling Brightness", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool CeilingBrightness = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Floor Render Style", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool FloorRenderStyle = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Ceiling Render Style", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool CeilingRenderStyle = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Floor Slope", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool FloorSlope = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Ceiling Slope", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool CeilingSlope = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Tags")]
public bool Tag = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Effect")]
public bool Special = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Flags", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Flags = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Light Color", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool LightColor = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Fade Color", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool FadeColor = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Desaturation", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Desaturation = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Sound Sequence", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool SoundSequence = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Gravity", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Gravity = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Custom Fields", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Fields = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Comment", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Comment = true;
// Sector
public class SectorProperties : MapElementProperties
private static SectorPropertiesCopySettings defaultsettings = new SectorPropertiesCopySettings();
public static SectorPropertiesCopySettings CopySettings = new SectorPropertiesCopySettings();
private readonly int floorheight;
private readonly int ceilheight;
private readonly string floortexture;
private readonly string ceilingtexture;
private readonly int effect;
private readonly int brightness;
private readonly float ceilslopeoffset;
private readonly float floorslopeoffset;
private readonly Vector3D ceilslope;
private readonly Vector3D floorslope;
private readonly List<int> tags;
private readonly Dictionary<string, bool> flags; //mxd
public SectorProperties(Sector s) : base(s.Fields, MapElementType.SECTOR)
floorheight = s.FloorHeight;
ceilheight = s.CeilHeight;
floortexture = s.FloorTexture;
ceilingtexture = s.CeilTexture;
brightness = s.Brightness;
effect = s.Effect;
ceilslopeoffset = s.CeilSlopeOffset;
floorslopeoffset = s.FloorSlopeOffset;
ceilslope = s.CeilSlope;
floorslope = s.FloorSlope;
tags = new List<int>(s.Tags); //mxd
flags = s.GetFlags(); //mxd
//mxd. Applies coped properties
public void Apply(Sector s, bool usecopysettings)
Apply(s, (usecopysettings ? CopySettings : defaultsettings));
//mxd. Applies coped properties using selected settings
public void Apply(Sector s, SectorPropertiesCopySettings settings)
if(settings.FloorHeight) s.FloorHeight = floorheight;
if(settings.CeilingHeight) s.CeilHeight = ceilheight;
if(settings.FloorTexture) s.SetFloorTexture(floortexture);
if(settings.CeilingTexture) s.SetCeilTexture(ceilingtexture);
if(settings.Brightness) s.Brightness = brightness;
if(settings.Tag) s.Tags = new List<int>(tags); //mxd
if(settings.Special) s.Effect = effect;
s.CeilSlopeOffset = ceilslopeoffset;
s.CeilSlope = ceilslope;
s.FloorSlopeOffset = floorslopeoffset;
s.FloorSlope = floorslope;
s.ClearFlags(); //mxd
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> f in flags) //mxd
s.SetFlag(f.Key, f.Value);
// Should we bother?
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return;
// Apply fields
// Apply UI fields
if(settings.FloorTextureOffset) Apply(s.Fields, "xpanningfloor", "ypanningfloor");
if(settings.CeilingTextureOffset) Apply(s.Fields, "xpanningceiling", "ypanningceiling");
if(settings.FloorTextureScale) Apply(s.Fields, "xscalefloor", "yscalefloor");
if(settings.CeilingTextureScale) Apply(s.Fields, "xscaleceiling", "yscaleceiling");
if(settings.FloorTextureRotation) Apply(s.Fields, "rotationfloor");
if(settings.CeilingTextureRotation) Apply(s.Fields, "rotationceiling");
if(settings.FloorBrightness) Apply(s.Fields, "lightfloor", "lightfloorabsolute");
if(settings.CeilingBrightness) Apply(s.Fields, "lightceiling", "lightceilingabsolute");
if(settings.FloorAlpha) Apply(s.Fields, "alphafloor");
if(settings.CeilingAlpha) Apply(s.Fields, "alphaceiling");
if(settings.FloorRenderStyle) Apply(s.Fields, "renderstylefloor");
if(settings.CeilingRenderStyle) Apply(s.Fields, "renderstyleceiling");
if(settings.Gravity) Apply(s.Fields, "gravity");
if(settings.LightColor) Apply(s.Fields, "lightcolor");
if(settings.FadeColor) Apply(s.Fields, "fadecolor");
if(settings.Desaturation) Apply(s.Fields, "desaturation");
if(settings.SoundSequence) Apply(s.Fields, "soundsequence");
if(settings.Comment) Apply(s.Fields, "comment");
// Apply custom fields
if(settings.Fields) ApplyCustomFields(s.Fields);
#region ================== Sidedef
public class SidedefPropertiesCopySettings : MapElementPropertiesCopySettings
[FieldDescription(Description = "Upper Texture")]
public bool UpperTexture = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Middle Texture")]
public bool MiddleTexture = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Lower Texture")]
public bool LowerTexture = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Texture Offset X")]
public bool OffsetX = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Texture Offset Y")]
public bool OffsetY = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Upper Texture Offset", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool UpperTextureOffset = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Middle Texture Offset", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool MiddleTextureOffset = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Lower Texture Offset", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool LowerTextureOffset = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Upper Texture Scale", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool UpperTextureScale = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Middle Texture Scale", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool MiddleTextureScale = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Lower Texture Scale", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool LowerTextureScale = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Brightness", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Brightness = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Flags", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Flags = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Custom Fields", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Fields = true;
// Sidedef
public class SidedefProperties : MapElementProperties
internal static SidedefPropertiesCopySettings DefaultSettings = new SidedefPropertiesCopySettings();
public static SidedefPropertiesCopySettings CopySettings = new SidedefPropertiesCopySettings();
private readonly string hightexture;
private readonly string middletexture;
private readonly string lowtexture;
private readonly int offsetx;
private readonly int offsety;
private readonly Dictionary<string, bool> flags; //mxd
public SidedefProperties(Sidedef s) : base(s.Fields, MapElementType.SIDEDEF)
hightexture = s.HighTexture;
middletexture = s.MiddleTexture;
lowtexture = s.LowTexture;
offsetx = s.OffsetX;
offsety = s.OffsetY;
flags = s.GetFlags(); //mxd
//mxd. Applies coped properties with all settings enabled
public void Apply(Sidedef s, bool usecopysettings)
Apply(s, (usecopysettings ? CopySettings : DefaultSettings));
//mxd. Applies selected settings
public void Apply(Sidedef s, SidedefPropertiesCopySettings settings)
if(settings.UpperTexture) s.SetTextureHigh(hightexture);
if(settings.MiddleTexture) s.SetTextureMid(middletexture);
if(settings.LowerTexture) s.SetTextureLow(lowtexture);
if(settings.OffsetX) s.OffsetX = offsetx;
if(settings.OffsetY) s.OffsetY = offsety;
s.ClearFlags(); //mxd
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> f in flags) //mxd
s.SetFlag(f.Key, f.Value);
// Should we bother?
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return;
// Apply fields
// Apply UI fields
if(settings.UpperTextureOffset) Apply(s.Fields, "offsetx_top", "offsety_top");
if(settings.MiddleTextureOffset) Apply(s.Fields, "offsetx_mid", "offsety_mid");
if(settings.LowerTextureOffset) Apply(s.Fields, "offsetx_bottom", "offsety_bottom");
if(settings.UpperTextureScale) Apply(s.Fields, "scalex_top", "scaley_top");
if(settings.MiddleTextureScale) Apply(s.Fields, "scalex_mid", "scaley_mid");
if(settings.LowerTextureScale) Apply(s.Fields, "scalex_bottom", "scaley_bottom");
if(settings.Brightness) Apply(s.Fields, "light", "lightabsolute");
// Apply custom fields
if(settings.Fields) ApplyCustomFields(s.Fields);
#region ================== Linedef
public class LinedefPropertiesCopySettings : MapElementPropertiesCopySettings
[FieldDescription(Description = "Action")]
public bool Action = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Action Arguments", DOOM = false)]
public bool Arguments = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Activation", DOOM = false, UDMF = false)]
public bool Activation = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Tags", HEXEN = false)]
public bool Tag = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Flags")]
public bool Flags = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Alpha", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Alpha = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Render Style", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool RenderStyle = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Lock Number", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool LockNumber = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Custom Fields", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Fields = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Comment", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Comment = true;
// Linedef
public class LinedefProperties : MapElementProperties
private static LinedefPropertiesCopySettings defaultsettings = new LinedefPropertiesCopySettings();
public static LinedefPropertiesCopySettings CopySettings = new LinedefPropertiesCopySettings();
private readonly SidedefProperties front;
private readonly SidedefProperties back;
private readonly Dictionary<string, bool> flags;
private readonly int action;
private readonly int activate;
private readonly List<int> tags;
private readonly int[] args;
public LinedefProperties(Linedef l) : base(l.Fields, MapElementType.LINEDEF)
front = (l.Front != null ? new SidedefProperties(l.Front) : null);
back = (l.Back != null ? new SidedefProperties(l.Back) : null);
flags = l.GetFlags();
action = l.Action;
activate = l.Activate;
tags = new List<int>(l.Tags); //mxd
args = (int[])(l.Args.Clone());
//mxd. Applies coped properties with all settings enabled
public void Apply(Linedef l, bool usecopysettings) { Apply(l, usecopysettings, true); }
public void Apply(Linedef l, bool usecopysettings, bool applytosidedefs)
Apply(l, CopySettings, (applytosidedefs ? SidedefProperties.CopySettings : null));
Apply(l, defaultsettings, (applytosidedefs ? SidedefProperties.DefaultSettings : null));
//mxd. Applies selected linededf and sidedef settings
public void Apply(Linedef l, LinedefPropertiesCopySettings settings, SidedefPropertiesCopySettings sidesettings)
if(sidesettings != null)
if((front != null) && (l.Front != null)) front.Apply(l.Front, sidesettings);
if((back != null) && (l.Back != null)) back.Apply(l.Back, sidesettings);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> f in flags)
l.SetFlag(f.Key, f.Value);
if(settings.Activation) l.Activate = activate;
if(settings.Tag) l.Tags = new List<int>(tags); //mxd
if(settings.Action) l.Action = action;
for(int i = 0; i < l.Args.Length; i++)
l.Args[i] = args[i];
// Should we bother?
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return;
// Apply fields
// Apply string arguments
Apply(l.Fields, "arg0str");
//TODO: re-enable when UI part is ready
//Apply(l.Fields, "arg1str");
//Apply(l.Fields, "arg2str");
//Apply(l.Fields, "arg3str");
//Apply(l.Fields, "arg4str");
// Apply UI fields
if(settings.Alpha) Apply(l.Fields, "alpha");
if(settings.RenderStyle) Apply(l.Fields, "renderstyle");
if(settings.LockNumber) Apply(l.Fields, "locknumber");
if(settings.Comment) Apply(l.Fields, "comment");
// Apply custom fields
if(settings.Fields) ApplyCustomFields(l.Fields);
#region ================== Thing
public class ThingPropertiesCopySettings : MapElementPropertiesCopySettings
[FieldDescription(Description = "Type")]
public bool Type = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Angle")]
public bool Angle = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Z Height", DOOM = false)]
public bool ZHeight = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Pitch", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Pitch = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Roll", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Roll = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Scale", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Scale = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Action", DOOM = false)]
public bool Action = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Action Arguments", DOOM = false)]
public bool Arguments = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Tag", DOOM = false)]
public bool Tag = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Flags")]
public bool Flags = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Conversation ID", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Conversation = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Gravity", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Gravity = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Health Multiplier", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Health = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Score", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Score = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Alpha", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Alpha = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Fill Color", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool FillColor = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Render Style", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool RenderStyle = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Custom Fields", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Fields = true;
[FieldDescription(Description = "Comment", DOOM = false, HEXEN = false)]
public bool Comment = true;
// Thing
public class ThingProperties : MapElementProperties
private static readonly ThingPropertiesCopySettings defaultsettings = new ThingPropertiesCopySettings();
public static readonly ThingPropertiesCopySettings CopySettings = new ThingPropertiesCopySettings();
private readonly int type;
private readonly float angle;
private readonly float zheight; //mxd
private readonly int pitch; //mxd
private readonly int roll; //mxd
private readonly float scalex; //mxd
private readonly float scaley; //mxd
private readonly Dictionary<string, bool> flags;
private readonly int tag;
private readonly int action;
private readonly int[] args;
public ThingProperties(Thing t) : base(t.Fields, MapElementType.THING)
type = t.Type;
angle = t.Angle;
zheight = t.Position.z;
pitch = t.Pitch;
roll = t.Roll;
scalex = t.ScaleX;
scaley = t.ScaleY;
flags = t.GetFlags();
tag = t.Tag;
action = t.Action;
args = (int[])(t.Args.Clone());
//mxd. Applies coped properties with all settings enabled
public void Apply(Thing t, bool usecopysettings)
Apply(t, (usecopysettings ? CopySettings : defaultsettings));
//mxd. Applies selected settings
public void Apply(Thing t, ThingPropertiesCopySettings settings)
if(settings.Type) t.Type = type;
if(settings.Angle) t.Rotate(angle);
if(settings.ZHeight) t.Move(t.Position.x, t.Position.y, zheight);
if(settings.Pitch) t.SetPitch(pitch);
if(settings.Roll) t.SetRoll(roll);
if(settings.Scale) t.SetScale(scalex, scaley);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> f in flags)
t.SetFlag(f.Key, f.Value);
if(settings.Tag) t.Tag = tag;
if(settings.Action) t.Action = action;
for(int i = 0; i < t.Args.Length; i++)
t.Args[i] = args[i];
// Should we bother?
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return;
// Apply fields
// Apply string arguments
Apply(t.Fields, "arg0str");
//TODO: re-enable when UI part is ready
//Apply(t.Fields, "arg1str");
//Apply(t.Fields, "arg2str");
//Apply(t.Fields, "arg3str");
//Apply(t.Fields, "arg4str");
// Apply UI fields
if(settings.Conversation) Apply(t.Fields, "conversation");
if(settings.Gravity) Apply(t.Fields, "gravity");
if(settings.Health) Apply(t.Fields, "health");
if(settings.FillColor) Apply(t.Fields, "fillcolor");
if(settings.Alpha) Apply(t.Fields, "alpha");
if(settings.Score) Apply(t.Fields, "score");
if(settings.RenderStyle) Apply(t.Fields, "renderstyle");
if(settings.Comment) Apply(t.Fields, "comment");
// Apply custom fields
if(settings.Fields) ApplyCustomFields(t.Fields);
#region ================== Properties Comparer
//mxd. A class, which checks whether source and target map element's properties match
public static class PropertiesComparer
#region Vertex
public static bool PropertiesMatch(VertexPropertiesCopySettings flags, Vertex source, Vertex target)
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return true;
// Built-in properties
if(flags.ZCeiling && source.ZCeiling != target.ZCeiling) return false;
if(flags.ZFloor && source.ZFloor != target.ZFloor) return false;
// Custom fields
return !flags.Fields || UniFields.CustomFieldsMatch(source.Fields, target.Fields);
#region Sector
public static bool PropertiesMatch(SectorPropertiesCopySettings flags, Sector source, Sector target)
// Built-in properties
if(flags.FloorHeight && source.FloorHeight != target.FloorHeight) return false;
if(flags.CeilingHeight && source.CeilHeight != target.CeilHeight) return false;
if(flags.FloorTexture && source.FloorTexture != target.FloorTexture) return false;
if(flags.CeilingTexture && source.CeilTexture != target.CeilTexture) return false;
if(flags.Brightness && source.Brightness != target.Brightness) return false;
if(flags.Tag && !TagsMatch(source.Tags, target.Tags)) return false;
if(flags.Flags && !FlagsMatch(source.GetFlags(), target.GetFlags())) return false;
// Generalized effects require more tender loving care...
if(flags.Special && source.Effect != target.Effect)
if(!General.Map.Config.GeneralizedEffects || source.Effect == 0 || target.Effect == 0) return false;
// Get effect bits...
HashSet<int> sourcebits = GameConfiguration.GetGeneralizedSectorEffectBits(source.Effect);
HashSet<int> targetbits = GameConfiguration.GetGeneralizedSectorEffectBits(target.Effect);
// No bits match when at least one effect is not generalized, or when bits don't overlap
if(sourcebits.Count == 0 || targetbits.Count == 0 || !sourcebits.Overlaps(targetbits)) return false;
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return true;
// UI fields
if(flags.FloorTextureOffset && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("xpanningfloor", "ypanningfloor", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.CeilingTextureOffset && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("xpanningceiling", "ypanningceiling", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.FloorTextureScale && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("xscalefloor", "yscalefloor", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.CeilingTextureScale && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("xscaleceiling", "yscaleceiling", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.FloorTextureRotation && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("rotationfloor", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.CeilingTextureRotation && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("rotationceiling", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.FloorBrightness && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("lightfloor", "lightfloorabsolute", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.CeilingBrightness && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("lightceiling", "lightceilingabsolute", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.FloorAlpha && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("alphafloor", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.CeilingAlpha && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("alphaceiling", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.FloorRenderStyle && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("renderstylefloor", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.CeilingRenderStyle && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("renderstyleceiling", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Gravity && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("gravity", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.LightColor && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("lightcolor", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.FadeColor && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("fadecolor", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Desaturation && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("desaturation", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.SoundSequence && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("soundsequence", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Comment && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("comment", source, target)) return false;
// Custom fields
return !flags.Fields || UniFields.CustomFieldsMatch(source.Fields, target.Fields);
#region Linedef
public static bool PropertiesMatch(LinedefPropertiesCopySettings linedefflags, SidedefPropertiesCopySettings sideflags, Linedef source, Linedef target)
// Built-in properties
if(linedefflags.Action && source.Action != target.Action) return false;
if(linedefflags.Activation && source.Activate != target.Activate) return false;
if(linedefflags.Tag && !TagsMatch(source.Tags, target.Tags)) return false;
// Classic args
for(int i = 0; i < source.Args.Length; i++)
if(source.Args[i] != target.Args[i]) return false;
// String args
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg0str", source, target)) return false;
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg1str", source, target)) return false;
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg2str", source, target)) return false;
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg3str", source, target)) return false;
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg4str", source, target)) return false;
if(linedefflags.Flags && !FlagsMatch(source.GetFlags(), target.GetFlags())) return false;
// UI fields
if(linedefflags.Alpha && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("alpha", source, target)) return false;
if(linedefflags.RenderStyle && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("renderstyle", source, target)) return false;
if(linedefflags.LockNumber && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("locknumber", source, target)) return false;
if(linedefflags.Comment && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("comment", source, target)) return false;
// Custom fields
if(linedefflags.Fields && !UniFields.CustomFieldsMatch(source.Fields, target.Fields)) return false;
// Sidedef properties
return (source.Front != null && target.Front != null && PropertiesMatch(sideflags, source.Front, target.Front)) ||
(source.Front != null && target.Back != null && PropertiesMatch(sideflags, source.Front, target.Back)) ||
(source.Back != null && target.Front != null && PropertiesMatch(sideflags, source.Back, target.Front)) ||
(source.Back != null && target.Back != null && PropertiesMatch(sideflags, source.Back, target.Back));
#region Sidedef
public static bool PropertiesMatch(SidedefPropertiesCopySettings flags, Sidedef source, Sidedef target)
// Built-in properties
if(flags.OffsetX && source.OffsetX != target.OffsetX) return false;
if(flags.OffsetY && source.OffsetY != target.OffsetY) return false;
if(flags.UpperTexture && source.HighTexture != target.HighTexture) return false;
if(flags.MiddleTexture && source.MiddleTexture != target.MiddleTexture) return false;
if(flags.LowerTexture && source.LowTexture != target.LowTexture) return false;
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return true;
// UDMF-specific properties
if(flags.Flags && !FlagsMatch(source.GetFlags(), target.GetFlags())) return false;
// UI fields
if(flags.UpperTextureScale && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("scalex_top", "scaley_top", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.MiddleTextureScale && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("scalex_mid", "scaley_mid", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.LowerTextureScale && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("scalex_bottom", "scaley_bottom", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.UpperTextureOffset && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("offsetx_top", "offsety_top", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.MiddleTextureOffset && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("offsetx_mid", "offsety_mid", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.LowerTextureOffset && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("offsetx_bottom", "offsety_bottom", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Brightness && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("light", "lightabsolute", source, target)) return false;
// Custom fields
return !flags.Fields || UniFields.CustomFieldsMatch(source.Fields, target.Fields);
#region Thing
public static bool PropertiesMatch(ThingPropertiesCopySettings flags, Thing source, Thing target)
// Built-in properties
if(flags.Type && source.Type != target.Type) return false;
if(flags.Angle && source.AngleDoom != target.AngleDoom) return false;
if(flags.Action && source.Action != target.Action) return false;
// Classic args
for(int i = 0; i < source.Args.Length; i++)
if(source.Args[i] != target.Args[i]) return false;
// String args
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg0str", source, target)) return false;
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg1str", source, target)) return false;
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg2str", source, target)) return false;
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg3str", source, target)) return false;
if(!UniFields.ValuesMatch("arg4str", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Tag && source.Tag != target.Tag) return false;
if(flags.Flags && !FlagsMatch(source.GetFlags(), target.GetFlags())) return false;
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return true;
// UDMF-specific properties
if(flags.Pitch && source.Pitch != target.Pitch) return false;
if(flags.Roll && source.Roll != target.Roll) return false;
if(flags.Scale && (source.ScaleX != target.ScaleX) || (source.ScaleY != target.ScaleY)) return false;
// UI fields
if(flags.Conversation && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("conversation", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Gravity && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("gravity", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Health && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("health", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.FillColor && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("fillcolor", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Alpha && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("alpha", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Score && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("score", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.RenderStyle && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("renderstyle", source, target)) return false;
if(flags.Comment && !UniFields.ValuesMatch("comment", source, target)) return false;
// Custom fields
return !flags.Fields || UniFields.CustomFieldsMatch(source.Fields, target.Fields);
private static bool FlagsMatch(Dictionary<string, bool> flags1, Dictionary<string, bool> flags2)
if(flags1.Count != flags2.Count) return false;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> group in flags1)
if(!flags2.ContainsKey(group.Key) || flags2[group.Key] != flags1[group.Key]) return false;
return true;
private static bool TagsMatch(List<int> tags1, List<int> tags2)
if(!General.Map.UDMF) return tags1[0] == tags2[0];
if(tags1.Count != tags2.Count) return false;
Dictionary<int, int> count = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach(int s in tags1)
if(count.ContainsKey(s)) count[s]++;
else count.Add(s, 1);
foreach(int s in tags2)
if(count.ContainsKey(s)) count[s]--;
else return false;
return count.Values.All(c => c == 0);