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#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Plugins;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config
public class ProgramConfiguration
#region ================== Constants
#region ================== Variables
// Original configuration
private Configuration cfg;
// Cached variables
private bool blackbrowsers;
private int visualfov;
private float visualmousesensx;
private float visualmousesensy;
private int imagebrightness;
private float doublesidedalpha;
private float activethingsalpha; //mxd
private float inactivethingsalpha; //mxd
private float hiddenthingsalpha; //mxd
private byte doublesidedalphabyte;
private float backgroundalpha;
private bool qualitydisplay;
private bool testmonsters;
private int defaultviewmode;
private bool classicbilinear;
private bool visualbilinear;
private int mousespeed;
private int movespeed;
private float viewdistance;
private bool invertyaxis;
private string screenshotspath; //mxd
private int autoscrollspeed;
private int zoomfactor;
private bool showerrorswindow;
private bool animatevisualselection;
private int previousversion;
private PasteOptions pasteoptions;
private int dockersposition;
private bool collapsedockers;
private int dockerswidth;
private bool toolbarscript;
private bool toolbarundo;
private bool toolbarcopy;
private bool toolbarprefabs;
private bool toolbarfilter;
private bool toolbarviewmodes;
private bool toolbargeometry;
private bool toolbartesting;
private bool toolbarfile;
private float filteranisotropy;
private int antialiasingsamples; //mxd
private bool showtexturesizes;
private bool texturesizesbelow; // [ZZ]
private bool locatetexturegroup; //mxd
private SplitLineBehavior splitlinebehavior; //mxd
private MergeGeometryMode mergegeomode; //mxd
private bool splitjoinedsectors; //mxd
private bool usehighlight; //mxd
private bool switchviewmodes; //mxd
private bool showfps;
private int[] colordialogcustomcolors;
private bool autolaunchontest;
private bool parallelizedlinedefplotting;
private bool parallelizedvertexplotting;
//mxd. Script editor settings
private string scriptfontname;
private int scriptfontsize;
private bool scriptfontbold;
private bool scriptontop;
private bool scriptautoindent;
private bool scriptallmanstyle; //mxd
private bool scriptusetabs; //mxd
private int scripttabwidth;
private bool scriptautoclosebrackets; //mxd
private bool scriptshowlinenumbers; //mxd
private bool scriptshowfolding; //mxd
private bool scriptautoshowautocompletion; //mxd
//mxd. Text labels settings
private string textlabelfontname;
private int textlabelfontsize;
private bool textlabelfontbold;
private ModelRenderMode gzDrawModelsMode;
private LightRenderMode gzDrawLightsMode;
private bool gzDrawFog;
private bool gzDrawSky;
private bool gzToolbarGZDoom;
private bool gzSynchCameras;
private bool gzShowEventLines;
private bool gzOldHighlightMode;
private int gzMaxDynamicLights;
private bool doomStretchView;
private float gzVertexScale2D;
private bool gzShowVisualVertices;
private float gzVertexScale3D;
private string lastUsedConfigName;
private string lastUsedMapFolder;
private bool gzMarkExtraFloors;
private bool enhancedrenderingeffects = true; //mxd
private int maxRecentFiles;
private bool autoClearSideTextures;
private bool storeSelectedEditTab;
private bool checkforupdates;
private bool rendercomments; //mxd
private bool fixedthingsscale; //mxd
private bool rendergrid;
private bool dynamicgridsize;
private int ignoredremoterevision;
private bool classicRendering;
private bool flatShadeVertices;
private bool alwaysShowVertices;
// SRB2
private bool srb2rendernights;
private bool srb2renderzoomtubes;
private bool srb2renderpolyobjects;
// These are not stored in the configuration, only used at runtime
private int defaultbrightness;
private int defaultfloorheight;
private int defaultceilheight;
private int defaultthingtype = 1;
private double defaultthingangle;
private List<string> defaultthingflags;
// Autosave
private bool autosave;
private int autosavecount;
private int autosaveinterval;
#region ================== Properties
internal Configuration Config { get { return cfg; } }
public bool BlackBrowsers { get { return blackbrowsers; } internal set { blackbrowsers = value; } }
public int VisualFOV { get { return visualfov; } internal set { visualfov = value; } }
public int ImageBrightness { get { return imagebrightness; } internal set { imagebrightness = value; } }
public float DoubleSidedAlpha { get { return doublesidedalpha; } internal set { doublesidedalpha = value; doublesidedalphabyte = (byte)(doublesidedalpha * 255f); } }
public byte DoubleSidedAlphaByte { get { return doublesidedalphabyte; } }
public float ActiveThingsAlpha { get { return activethingsalpha; } internal set { activethingsalpha = value; } } //mxd
public float InactiveThingsAlpha { get { return inactivethingsalpha; } internal set { inactivethingsalpha = value; } } //mxd
public float HiddenThingsAlpha { get { return hiddenthingsalpha; } internal set { hiddenthingsalpha = value; } } //mxd
public float BackgroundAlpha { get { return backgroundalpha; } internal set { backgroundalpha = value; } }
public float VisualMouseSensX { get { return visualmousesensx; } internal set { visualmousesensx = value; } }
public float VisualMouseSensY { get { return visualmousesensy; } internal set { visualmousesensy = value; } }
public bool QualityDisplay { get { return qualitydisplay; } internal set { qualitydisplay = value; } }
public bool TestMonsters { get { return testmonsters; } internal set { testmonsters = value; } }
public int DefaultViewMode { get { return defaultviewmode; } internal set { defaultviewmode = value; } }
public bool ClassicBilinear { get { return classicbilinear; } internal set { classicbilinear = value; } }
public bool VisualBilinear { get { return visualbilinear; } internal set { visualbilinear = value; } }
public int MouseSpeed { get { return mousespeed; } internal set { mousespeed = value; } }
public int MoveSpeed { get { return movespeed; } internal set { movespeed = value; } }
public float ViewDistance { get { return viewdistance; } internal set { viewdistance = value; } }
public bool InvertYAxis { get { return invertyaxis; } internal set { invertyaxis = value; } }
public int AutoScrollSpeed { get { return autoscrollspeed; } internal set { autoscrollspeed = value; } }
public int ZoomFactor { get { return zoomfactor; } internal set { zoomfactor = value; } }
public bool ShowErrorsWindow { get { return showerrorswindow; } internal set { showerrorswindow = value; } }
public bool AnimateVisualSelection { get { return animatevisualselection; } internal set { animatevisualselection = value; } }
internal string ScreenshotsPath { get { return screenshotspath; } set { screenshotspath = value; } } //mxd
internal int PreviousVersion { get { return previousversion; } }
internal PasteOptions PasteOptions { get { return pasteoptions; } set { pasteoptions = value; } }
public int DockersPosition { get { return dockersposition; } internal set { dockersposition = value; } }
public bool CollapseDockers { get { return collapsedockers; } internal set { collapsedockers = value; } }
public int DockersWidth { get { return dockerswidth; } internal set { dockerswidth = value; } }
public bool ToolbarScript { get { return toolbarscript; } internal set { toolbarscript = value; } }
public bool ToolbarUndo { get { return toolbarundo; } internal set { toolbarundo = value; } }
public bool ToolbarCopy { get { return toolbarcopy; } internal set { toolbarcopy = value; } }
public bool ToolbarPrefabs { get { return toolbarprefabs; } internal set { toolbarprefabs = value; } }
public bool ToolbarFilter { get { return toolbarfilter; } internal set { toolbarfilter = value; } }
public bool ToolbarViewModes { get { return toolbarviewmodes; } internal set { toolbarviewmodes = value; } }
public bool ToolbarGeometry { get { return toolbargeometry; } internal set { toolbargeometry = value; } }
public bool ToolbarTesting { get { return toolbartesting; } internal set { toolbartesting = value; } }
public bool ToolbarFile { get { return toolbarfile; } internal set { toolbarfile = value; } }
public float FilterAnisotropy { get { return filteranisotropy; } internal set { filteranisotropy = value; } }
public int AntiAliasingSamples { get { return antialiasingsamples; } internal set { antialiasingsamples = value; } } //mxd
public bool ShowTextureSizes { get { return showtexturesizes; } internal set { showtexturesizes = value; } }
public bool TextureSizesBelow { get { return texturesizesbelow; } internal set { texturesizesbelow = value; } }
public bool LocateTextureGroup { get { return locatetexturegroup; } internal set { locatetexturegroup = value; } } //mxd
public SplitLineBehavior SplitLineBehavior { get { return splitlinebehavior; } set { splitlinebehavior = value; } } //mxd
public MergeGeometryMode MergeGeometryMode { get { return mergegeomode; } internal set { mergegeomode = value; } } //mxd
public bool SplitJoinedSectors { get { return splitjoinedsectors; } internal set { splitjoinedsectors = value; } } //mxd
public bool ShowFPS { get { return showfps; } internal set { showfps = value; } }
public int[] ColorDialogCustomColors { get { return colordialogcustomcolors; } internal set { colordialogcustomcolors = value; } }
public bool AutoLaunchOnTest { get { return autolaunchontest; } internal set { autolaunchontest = value; } }
public bool ParallelizedLinedefPlotting { get { return parallelizedlinedefplotting; } internal set { parallelizedlinedefplotting = value; } }
public bool ParallelizedVertexPlotting { get { return parallelizedvertexplotting; } internal set { parallelizedvertexplotting = value; } }
//mxd. Highlight mode
public bool UseHighlight
get { return usehighlight; }
usehighlight = value;
General.Map.Renderer3D.ShowSelection = General.Settings.UseHighlight;
General.Map.Renderer3D.ShowHighlight = General.Settings.UseHighlight;
public bool SwitchViewModes { get { return switchviewmodes; } set { switchviewmodes = value; } } //mxd
//mxd. Script editor settings
public string ScriptFontName { get { return scriptfontname; } internal set { scriptfontname = value; } }
public int ScriptFontSize { get { return scriptfontsize; } internal set { scriptfontsize = value; } }
public bool ScriptFontBold { get { return scriptfontbold; } internal set { scriptfontbold = value; } }
public bool ScriptOnTop { get { return scriptontop; } internal set { scriptontop = value; } }
public bool ScriptAutoIndent { get { return scriptautoindent; } internal set { scriptautoindent = value; } }
public bool ScriptAllmanStyle { get { return scriptallmanstyle; } internal set { scriptallmanstyle = value; } } //mxd
public bool ScriptUseTabs { get { return scriptusetabs; } internal set { scriptusetabs = value; } } //mxd
public int ScriptTabWidth { get { return scripttabwidth; } internal set { scripttabwidth = value; } }
public bool ScriptAutoCloseBrackets { get { return scriptautoclosebrackets; } internal set { scriptautoclosebrackets = value; } } //mxd
public bool ScriptShowLineNumbers { get { return scriptshowlinenumbers; } internal set { scriptshowlinenumbers = value; } } //mxd
public bool ScriptShowFolding { get { return scriptshowfolding; } internal set { scriptshowfolding = value; } } //mxd
public bool ScriptAutoShowAutocompletion { get { return scriptautoshowautocompletion; } internal set { scriptautoshowautocompletion = value; } } //mxd
//mxd. Text labels settings
public string TextLabelFontName { get { return textlabelfontname; } internal set { textlabelfontname = value; } }
public int TextLabelFontSize { get { return textlabelfontsize; } internal set { textlabelfontsize = value; } }
public bool TextLabelFontBold { get { return textlabelfontbold; } internal set { textlabelfontbold = value; } }
public ModelRenderMode GZDrawModelsMode { get { return gzDrawModelsMode; } internal set { gzDrawModelsMode = value; } }
public LightRenderMode GZDrawLightsMode { get { return gzDrawLightsMode; } internal set { gzDrawLightsMode = value; } }
public bool GZDrawFog { get { return gzDrawFog; } internal set { gzDrawFog = value; } }
public bool GZDrawSky { get { return gzDrawSky; } internal set { gzDrawSky = value; } }
public bool GZToolbarGZDoom { get { return gzToolbarGZDoom; } internal set { gzToolbarGZDoom = value; } }
public bool GZSynchCameras { get { return gzSynchCameras; } internal set { gzSynchCameras = value; } }
public bool GZShowEventLines { get { return gzShowEventLines; } internal set { gzShowEventLines = value; } }
public bool GZOldHighlightMode { get { return gzOldHighlightMode; } internal set { gzOldHighlightMode = value; } }
public int GZMaxDynamicLights { get { return gzMaxDynamicLights; } internal set { gzMaxDynamicLights = value; } }
public bool DOOMStretchView { get { return doomStretchView; } internal set { doomStretchView = value; } }
public float GZVertexScale2D { get { return gzVertexScale2D; } internal set { gzVertexScale2D = value; } }
public bool GZShowVisualVertices { get { return gzShowVisualVertices; } internal set { gzShowVisualVertices = value; } }
public float GZVertexScale3D { get { return gzVertexScale3D; } internal set { gzVertexScale3D = value; } }
public string LastUsedConfigName { get { return lastUsedConfigName; } internal set { lastUsedConfigName = value; } }
public string LastUsedMapFolder { get { return lastUsedMapFolder; } internal set { lastUsedMapFolder = value; } }
public bool GZMarkExtraFloors { get { return gzMarkExtraFloors; } internal set { gzMarkExtraFloors = value; } }
public bool EnhancedRenderingEffects { get { return enhancedrenderingeffects; } set { enhancedrenderingeffects = value; } } //mxd
public int MaxRecentFiles { get { return maxRecentFiles; } internal set { maxRecentFiles = General.Clamp(value, 8, 25); } }
public bool AutoClearSidedefTextures { get { return autoClearSideTextures; } internal set { autoClearSideTextures = value; } }
public bool StoreSelectedEditTab { get { return storeSelectedEditTab; } internal set { storeSelectedEditTab = value; } }
internal bool CheckForUpdates { get { return checkforupdates; } set { checkforupdates = value; } } //mxd
public bool RenderComments { get { return rendercomments; } internal set { rendercomments = value; } } //mxd
public bool FixedThingsScale { get { return fixedthingsscale; } internal set { fixedthingsscale = value; } } //mxd
public bool RenderGrid { get { return rendergrid; } internal set { rendergrid = value; } } //mxd
public bool DynamicGridSize { get { return dynamicgridsize; } internal set { dynamicgridsize = value; } } //mxd
internal int IgnoredRemoteRevision { get { return ignoredremoterevision; } set { ignoredremoterevision = value; } } //mxd
public bool ClassicRendering { get { return classicRendering; } internal set { classicRendering = value; } }
public bool FlatShadeVertices { get { return flatShadeVertices; } internal set { flatShadeVertices = value; } }
public bool AlwaysShowVertices { get { return alwaysShowVertices; } internal set { alwaysShowVertices = value; } }
public bool SRB2RenderNiGHTS { get { return srb2rendernights; } internal set { srb2rendernights = value; } }
public bool SRB2RenderZoomTubes { get { return srb2renderzoomtubes; } internal set { srb2renderzoomtubes = value; } }
public bool SRB2RenderPolyobjects { get { return srb2renderpolyobjects; } internal set { srb2renderpolyobjects = value; } }
//mxd. Left here for compatibility reasons...
public string DefaultTexture { get { return General.Map != null ? General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture : "-"; } set { if(General.Map != null) General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture = value; } }
public string DefaultFloorTexture { get { return General.Map != null ? General.Map.Options.DefaultFloorTexture : "-"; } set { if(General.Map != null) General.Map.Options.DefaultFloorTexture = value; } }
public string DefaultCeilingTexture { get { return General.Map != null ? General.Map.Options.DefaultCeilingTexture : "-"; } set { if(General.Map != null) General.Map.Options.DefaultCeilingTexture = value; } }
public int DefaultBrightness { get { return defaultbrightness; } set { defaultbrightness = value; } }
public int DefaultFloorHeight { get { return defaultfloorheight; } set { defaultfloorheight = value; } }
public int DefaultCeilingHeight { get { return defaultceilheight; } set { defaultceilheight = value; } }
public int DefaultThingType { get { return defaultthingtype; } set { defaultthingtype = value; } }
public double DefaultThingAngle { get { return defaultthingangle; } set { defaultthingangle = value; } }
// Autosave
public bool Autosave { get { return autosave; } internal set { autosave = value; } }
public int AutosaveCount { get { return autosavecount; } internal set { autosavecount = value; } }
public int AutosaveInterval { get { return autosaveinterval; } internal set { autosaveinterval = value; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
internal ProgramConfiguration()
// We have no destructor
defaultthingflags = new List<string>();
pasteoptions = new PasteOptions();
#region ================== Loading / Saving
// This loads the program configuration
internal bool Load(string cfgfilepathname, string defaultfilepathname, string legacyfilepathname)
// First parse it
if(Read(cfgfilepathname, defaultfilepathname, legacyfilepathname))
// Read the cache variables
blackbrowsers = cfg.ReadSetting("blackbrowsers", true);
visualfov = cfg.ReadSetting("visualfov", 90);
visualmousesensx = cfg.ReadSetting("visualmousesensx", 40f);
visualmousesensy = cfg.ReadSetting("visualmousesensy", 40f);
imagebrightness = cfg.ReadSetting("imagebrightness", 0);
doublesidedalpha = cfg.ReadSetting("doublesidedalpha", 0.4f);
doublesidedalphabyte = (byte)(doublesidedalpha * 255f);
activethingsalpha = cfg.ReadSetting("activethingsalpha", Presentation.THINGS_ALPHA); //mxd
inactivethingsalpha = cfg.ReadSetting("inactivethingsalpha", Presentation.THINGS_BACK_ALPHA); //mxd
hiddenthingsalpha = cfg.ReadSetting("hiddenthingsalpha", Presentation.THINGS_HIDDEN_ALPHA); //mxd
backgroundalpha = cfg.ReadSetting("backgroundalpha", 1.0f);
qualitydisplay = cfg.ReadSetting("qualitydisplay", true);
testmonsters = cfg.ReadSetting("testmonsters", true);
defaultviewmode = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultviewmode", (int)ViewMode.Normal);
classicbilinear = cfg.ReadSetting("classicbilinear", false);
visualbilinear = cfg.ReadSetting("visualbilinear", false);
mousespeed = cfg.ReadSetting("mousespeed", 100);
movespeed = cfg.ReadSetting("movespeed", 100);
viewdistance = cfg.ReadSetting("viewdistance", 3000.0f);
invertyaxis = cfg.ReadSetting("invertyaxis", false);
screenshotspath = cfg.ReadSetting("screenshotspath", General.DefaultScreenshotsPath); //mxd
autoscrollspeed = cfg.ReadSetting("autoscrollspeed", 0);
zoomfactor = cfg.ReadSetting("zoomfactor", 3);
showerrorswindow = cfg.ReadSetting("showerrorswindow", true);
animatevisualselection = cfg.ReadSetting("animatevisualselection", true);
previousversion = cfg.ReadSetting("currentversion", 0);
dockersposition = cfg.ReadSetting("dockersposition", 1);
collapsedockers = cfg.ReadSetting("collapsedockers", false);
dockerswidth = cfg.ReadSetting("dockerswidth", 300);
pasteoptions.ReadConfiguration(cfg, "pasteoptions");
toolbarscript = cfg.ReadSetting("toolbarscript", true);
toolbarundo = cfg.ReadSetting("toolbarundo", true);
toolbarcopy = cfg.ReadSetting("toolbarcopy", true);
toolbarprefabs = cfg.ReadSetting("toolbarprefabs", true);
toolbarfilter = cfg.ReadSetting("toolbarfilter", true);
toolbarviewmodes = cfg.ReadSetting("toolbarviewmodes", true);
toolbargeometry = cfg.ReadSetting("toolbargeometry", true);
toolbartesting = cfg.ReadSetting("toolbartesting", true);
toolbarfile = cfg.ReadSetting("toolbarfile", true);
filteranisotropy = General.Clamp(cfg.ReadSetting("filteranisotropy", 16.0f), 1.0f, 16.0f);
antialiasingsamples = General.Clamp(cfg.ReadSetting("antialiasingsamples", 4), 0, 8) / 2 * 2; //mxd
showtexturesizes = cfg.ReadSetting("showtexturesizes", true);
texturesizesbelow = cfg.ReadSetting("texturesizesbelow", false); // [ZZ]
locatetexturegroup = cfg.ReadSetting("locatetexturegroup", true); //mxd
splitlinebehavior = (SplitLineBehavior)General.Clamp(cfg.ReadSetting("splitlinebehavior", 0), 0, Enum.GetValues(typeof(SplitLineBehavior)).Length - 1); //mxd
mergegeomode = (MergeGeometryMode)General.Clamp(cfg.ReadSetting("mergegeometrymode", (int)MergeGeometryMode.REPLACE), 0, Enum.GetValues(typeof(MergeGeometryMode)).Length - 1); //mxd
splitjoinedsectors = cfg.ReadSetting("splitjoinedsectors", true); //mxd
usehighlight = cfg.ReadSetting("usehighlight", true); //mxd
switchviewmodes = cfg.ReadSetting("switchviewmodes", false); //mxd
showfps = cfg.ReadSetting("showfps", false);
autolaunchontest = cfg.ReadSetting("autolaunchontest", false);
parallelizedlinedefplotting = cfg.ReadSetting("parallelizedlinedefplotting", true);
parallelizedvertexplotting = cfg.ReadSetting("parallelizedvertexplotting", false);
//mxd. Script editor
scriptfontname = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptfontname", "Courier New");
scriptfontsize = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptfontsize", 10);
scriptfontbold = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptfontbold", false);
scriptontop = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptontop", true);
scriptautoindent = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptautoindent", true);
scriptallmanstyle = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptallmanstyle", false);
scriptusetabs = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptusetabs", true);
scripttabwidth = cfg.ReadSetting("scripttabwidth", 4);
scriptautoclosebrackets = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptautoclosebrackets", true);
scriptshowlinenumbers = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptshowlinenumbers", true);
scriptshowfolding = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptshowfolding", true);
scriptautoshowautocompletion = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptautoshowautocompletion", true);
//mxd. Text labels
textlabelfontname = cfg.ReadSetting("textlabelfontname", "Microsoft Sans Serif");
textlabelfontsize = cfg.ReadSetting("textlabelfontsize", 10);
textlabelfontbold = cfg.ReadSetting("textlabelfontbold", false);
gzDrawModelsMode = (ModelRenderMode)cfg.ReadSetting("gzdrawmodels", (int)ModelRenderMode.ALL);
gzDrawLightsMode = (LightRenderMode)cfg.ReadSetting("gzdrawlights", (int)LightRenderMode.ALL);
gzDrawFog = cfg.ReadSetting("gzdrawfog", false);
gzDrawSky = cfg.ReadSetting("gzdrawsky", true);
gzToolbarGZDoom = cfg.ReadSetting("gztoolbargzdoom", true);
gzSynchCameras = cfg.ReadSetting("gzsynchcameras", true);
gzShowEventLines = cfg.ReadSetting("gzshoweventlines", true);
gzOldHighlightMode = cfg.ReadSetting("gzoldhighlightmode", false);
gzMaxDynamicLights = cfg.ReadSetting("gzmaxdynamiclights", 16);
doomStretchView = cfg.ReadSetting("doomstretchview", false);
gzVertexScale2D = cfg.ReadSetting("gzvertexscale2d", 1.0f);
gzShowVisualVertices = cfg.ReadSetting("gzshowvisualvertices", true);
gzVertexScale3D = cfg.ReadSetting("gzvertexscale3d", 1.0f);
lastUsedConfigName = cfg.ReadSetting("lastusedconfigname", "");
lastUsedMapFolder = cfg.ReadSetting("lastusedmapfolder", "");
gzMarkExtraFloors = cfg.ReadSetting("gzmarkextrafloors", true);
maxRecentFiles = cfg.ReadSetting("maxrecentfiles", 8);
autoClearSideTextures = cfg.ReadSetting("autoclearsidetextures", true);
storeSelectedEditTab = cfg.ReadSetting("storeselectededittab", true);
//checkforupdates = cfg.ReadSetting("checkforupdates", true); //mxd
checkforupdates = false;
rendercomments = cfg.ReadSetting("rendercomments", true); //mxd
fixedthingsscale = cfg.ReadSetting("fixedthingsscale", false); //mxd
rendergrid = cfg.ReadSetting("rendergrid", true); //mxd
dynamicgridsize = cfg.ReadSetting("dynamicgridsize", true); //mxd
ignoredremoterevision = cfg.ReadSetting("ignoredremoterevision", 0); //mxd
// volte
classicRendering = cfg.ReadSetting("classicrendering", false);
alwaysShowVertices = cfg.ReadSetting("alwaysshowvertices", true);
flatShadeVertices = cfg.ReadSetting("flatshadevertices", false);
// SRB2
srb2rendernights = cfg.ReadSetting("srb2rendernights", true);
srb2renderpolyobjects = cfg.ReadSetting("srb2renderpolyobjects", true);
srb2renderzoomtubes = cfg.ReadSetting("srb2renderzoomtubes", true);
//mxd. Sector defaults
defaultceilheight = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultceilheight", 128);
defaultfloorheight = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultfloorheight", 0);
defaultbrightness = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultbrightness", 192);
// Color dialog custom colors
colordialogcustomcolors = new int[16] { 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215, 16777215 }; // White
IDictionary colordict = cfg.ReadSetting("colordialogcustomcolors", new Hashtable());
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in colordict)
string colornum = Regex.Match(de.Key.ToString(), @"^color(\d+)$").Groups[1].Value;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(colornum))
int colorid = Convert.ToInt32(colornum, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int colorval = Convert.ToInt32(de.Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (colorid >= 0 && colorid < 16)
colordialogcustomcolors[colorid] = colorval;
catch (FormatException)
// Do nothing
// Autosave
autosave = cfg.ReadSetting("autosave", true);
autosavecount = cfg.ReadSetting("autosavecount", 5);
autosaveinterval = cfg.ReadSetting("autosaveinterval", 5);
// Success
return true;
// Failed
return false;
// This saves the program configuration
internal void Save(string filepathname)
Version v = General.ThisAssembly.GetName().Version;
// Write the cache variables
cfg.WriteSetting("blackbrowsers", blackbrowsers);
cfg.WriteSetting("visualfov", visualfov);
cfg.WriteSetting("visualmousesensx", visualmousesensx);
cfg.WriteSetting("visualmousesensy", visualmousesensy);
cfg.WriteSetting("imagebrightness", imagebrightness);
cfg.WriteSetting("qualitydisplay", qualitydisplay);
cfg.WriteSetting("testmonsters", testmonsters);
cfg.WriteSetting("doublesidedalpha", doublesidedalpha);
cfg.WriteSetting("activethingsalpha", activethingsalpha); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("inactivethingsalpha", inactivethingsalpha); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("hiddenthingsalpha", hiddenthingsalpha); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("backgroundalpha", backgroundalpha);
cfg.WriteSetting("defaultviewmode", defaultviewmode);
cfg.WriteSetting("classicbilinear", classicbilinear);
cfg.WriteSetting("visualbilinear", visualbilinear);
cfg.WriteSetting("mousespeed", mousespeed);
cfg.WriteSetting("movespeed", movespeed);
cfg.WriteSetting("viewdistance", viewdistance);
cfg.WriteSetting("invertyaxis", invertyaxis);
cfg.WriteSetting("screenshotspath", screenshotspath); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("autoscrollspeed", autoscrollspeed);
cfg.WriteSetting("zoomfactor", zoomfactor);
cfg.WriteSetting("showerrorswindow", showerrorswindow);
cfg.WriteSetting("animatevisualselection", animatevisualselection);
cfg.WriteSetting("currentversion", v.Major * 1000000 + v.Revision);
cfg.WriteSetting("dockersposition", dockersposition);
cfg.WriteSetting("collapsedockers", collapsedockers);
cfg.WriteSetting("dockerswidth", dockerswidth);
pasteoptions.WriteConfiguration(cfg, "pasteoptions");
cfg.WriteSetting("toolbarscript", toolbarscript);
cfg.WriteSetting("toolbarundo", toolbarundo);
cfg.WriteSetting("toolbarcopy", toolbarcopy);
cfg.WriteSetting("toolbarprefabs", toolbarprefabs);
cfg.WriteSetting("toolbarfilter", toolbarfilter);
cfg.WriteSetting("toolbarviewmodes", toolbarviewmodes);
cfg.WriteSetting("toolbargeometry", toolbargeometry);
cfg.WriteSetting("toolbartesting", toolbartesting);
cfg.WriteSetting("toolbarfile", toolbarfile);
cfg.WriteSetting("filteranisotropy", filteranisotropy);
cfg.WriteSetting("antialiasingsamples", antialiasingsamples); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("showtexturesizes", showtexturesizes);
cfg.WriteSetting("texturesizesbelow", texturesizesbelow); // [ZZ]
cfg.WriteSetting("locatetexturegroup", locatetexturegroup); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("splitlinebehavior", (int)splitlinebehavior); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("mergegeometrymode", (int)mergegeomode); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("splitjoinedsectors", splitjoinedsectors); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("usehighlight", usehighlight); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("switchviewmodes", switchviewmodes); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("showfps", showfps);
cfg.WriteSetting("autolaunchontest", autolaunchontest);
//mxd. Script editor
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptfontname", scriptfontname);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptfontsize", scriptfontsize);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptfontbold", scriptfontbold);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptontop", scriptontop);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptusetabs", scriptusetabs);
cfg.WriteSetting("scripttabwidth", scripttabwidth);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptautoindent", scriptautoindent);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptallmanstyle", scriptallmanstyle);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptautoclosebrackets", scriptautoclosebrackets);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptshowlinenumbers", scriptshowlinenumbers);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptshowfolding", scriptshowfolding);
cfg.WriteSetting("scriptautoshowautocompletion", scriptautoshowautocompletion);
//mxd. Text labels
cfg.WriteSetting("textlabelfontname", textlabelfontname);
cfg.WriteSetting("textlabelfontsize", textlabelfontsize);
cfg.WriteSetting("textlabelfontbold", textlabelfontbold);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzdrawmodels", (int)gzDrawModelsMode);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzdrawlights", (int)gzDrawLightsMode);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzdrawfog", gzDrawFog);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzdrawsky", gzDrawSky);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzsynchcameras", gzSynchCameras);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzshoweventlines", gzShowEventLines);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzoldhighlightmode", gzOldHighlightMode);
cfg.WriteSetting("gztoolbargzdoom", gzToolbarGZDoom);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzmaxdynamiclights", gzMaxDynamicLights);
cfg.WriteSetting("doomstretchview", doomStretchView);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzvertexscale2d", gzVertexScale2D);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzshowvisualvertices", gzShowVisualVertices);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzvertexscale3d", gzVertexScale3D);
cfg.WriteSetting("gzmarkextrafloors", gzMarkExtraFloors);
cfg.WriteSetting("lastusedconfigname", lastUsedConfigName);
cfg.WriteSetting("lastusedmapfolder", lastUsedMapFolder);
cfg.WriteSetting("maxrecentfiles", maxRecentFiles);
cfg.WriteSetting("autoclearsidetextures", autoClearSideTextures);
cfg.WriteSetting("storeselectededittab", storeSelectedEditTab);
cfg.WriteSetting("checkforupdates", checkforupdates); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("rendercomments", rendercomments); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("fixedthingsscale", fixedthingsscale); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("rendergrid", rendergrid); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("dynamicgridsize", dynamicgridsize); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("ignoredremoterevision", ignoredremoterevision); //mxd
cfg.WriteSetting("classicrendering", classicRendering);
cfg.WriteSetting("alwaysshowvertices", alwaysShowVertices);
cfg.WriteSetting("flatshadevertices", flatShadeVertices);
cfg.WriteSetting("srb2rendernights", srb2rendernights);
cfg.WriteSetting("srb2renderzoomtubes", srb2renderzoomtubes);
cfg.WriteSetting("srb2renderpolyobjects", srb2renderpolyobjects);
// Toasts
//mxd. Sector defaults
cfg.WriteSetting("defaultceilheight", defaultceilheight);
cfg.WriteSetting("defaultfloorheight", defaultfloorheight);
cfg.WriteSetting("defaultbrightness", defaultbrightness);
// Color dialog custom colors
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
cfg.WriteSetting("colordialogcustomcolors.color" + i, colordialogcustomcolors[i]);
// Autosave
cfg.WriteSetting("autosave", autosave);
cfg.WriteSetting("autosavecount", autosavecount);
cfg.WriteSetting("autosaveinterval", autosaveinterval);
// Save settings configuration
General.WriteLogLine("Saving program configuration to \"" + filepathname + "\"...");
// This reads the configuration
private bool Read(string cfgfilepathname, string defaultfilepathname, string legacyfilepathname)
// Check if no config for this user exists yet
// Does an legacy configuration exist?
if (File.Exists(legacyfilepathname))
General.WriteLogLine("Local user program configuration is missing!");
File.Copy(legacyfilepathname, cfgfilepathname);
General.WriteLogLine("Copied legacy configuration \"" + legacyfilepathname + "\" for local user");
// Copy new configuration
General.WriteLogLine("Local user program configuration is missing!");
File.Copy(defaultfilepathname, cfgfilepathname);
General.WriteLogLine("New program configuration copied for local user");
// Load it
cfg = new Configuration(cfgfilepathname, true);
// Error in configuration
// Ask user for a new copy
DialogResult result = General.ShowErrorMessage("Error in program configuration near line " + cfg.ErrorLine + ": " + cfg.ErrorDescription + "\n\nWould you like to overwrite your settings with a new configuration to restore the default settings?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);
if(result == DialogResult.Yes)
// Remove old configuration and make a new copy
General.WriteLogLine("User requested a new copy of the program configuration");
File.Copy(defaultfilepathname, cfgfilepathname);
General.WriteLogLine("New program configuration copied for local user");
// Load it
cfg = new Configuration(cfgfilepathname, true);
// Error in configuration
General.WriteLogLine("Error in program configuration near line " + cfg.ErrorLine + ": " + cfg.ErrorDescription);
General.ShowErrorMessage("Default program configuration is corrupted. Please re-install Doom Builder.", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
return false;
else if(result == DialogResult.Cancel)
// User requested to cancel startup
General.WriteLogLine("User cancelled startup");
return false;
// Check if a version number is missing
previousversion = cfg.ReadSetting("currentversion", -1);
if(!General.NoSettings && (previousversion == -1))
// Remove old configuration and make a new copy
General.WriteLogLine("Program configuration is outdated, new configuration will be copied for local user");
File.Copy(defaultfilepathname, cfgfilepathname);
// Load it
cfg = new Configuration(cfgfilepathname, true);
// Error in configuration
General.WriteLogLine("Error in program configuration near line " + cfg.ErrorLine + ": " + cfg.ErrorDescription);
General.ShowErrorMessage("Default program configuration is corrupted. Please re-install Doom Builder.", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
return false;
// Success
return true;
#region ================== Methods
// This makes the path prefix for the given assembly
private static string GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly asm)
Plugin p = General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(asm);
return GetPluginPathPrefix(p.Name);
// This makes the path prefix for the given assembly
private static string GetPluginPathPrefix(string assemblyname)
return "plugins." + assemblyname.ToLowerInvariant() + ".";
// ReadPluginSetting
public string ReadPluginSetting(string setting, string defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public int ReadPluginSetting(string setting, int defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public float ReadPluginSetting(string setting, float defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public short ReadPluginSetting(string setting, short defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public long ReadPluginSetting(string setting, long defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public bool ReadPluginSetting(string setting, bool defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public byte ReadPluginSetting(string setting, byte defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public IDictionary ReadPluginSetting(string setting, IDictionary defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, defaultsetting); }
// ReadPluginSetting with specific plugin
public string ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, string defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(pluginname) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public int ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, int defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(pluginname) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public float ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, float defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(pluginname) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public short ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, short defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(pluginname) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public long ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, long defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(pluginname) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public bool ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, bool defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(pluginname) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public byte ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, byte defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(pluginname) + setting, defaultsetting); }
public IDictionary ReadPluginSetting(string pluginname, string setting, IDictionary defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(pluginname) + setting, defaultsetting); }
// WritePluginSetting
public bool WritePluginSetting(string setting, object settingvalue) { return cfg.WriteSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting, settingvalue); }
// DeletePluginSetting
public bool DeletePluginSetting(string setting) { return cfg.DeleteSetting(GetPluginPathPrefix(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()) + setting); }
// ReadSetting
internal string ReadSetting(string setting, string defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
internal int ReadSetting(string setting, int defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
internal float ReadSetting(string setting, float defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
internal short ReadSetting(string setting, short defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
internal long ReadSetting(string setting, long defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
internal bool ReadSetting(string setting, bool defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
internal byte ReadSetting(string setting, byte defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
internal IDictionary ReadSetting(string setting, IDictionary defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
// WriteSetting
internal bool WriteSetting(string setting, object settingvalue) { return cfg.WriteSetting(setting, settingvalue); }
internal bool WriteSetting(string setting, object settingvalue, string pathseperator) { return cfg.WriteSetting(setting, settingvalue, pathseperator); }
// DeleteSetting
internal bool DeleteSetting(string setting) { return cfg.DeleteSetting(setting); }
internal bool DeleteSetting(string setting, string pathseperator) { return cfg.DeleteSetting(setting, pathseperator); }
#region ================== Default Settings
// This sets the default thing flags
public void SetDefaultThingFlags(ICollection<string> setflags)
defaultthingflags = new List<string>(setflags);
/// <summary>
/// This applies the settings of the last edited thing to the given thing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="t">Thing to apply the settings to</param>
public void ApplyDefaultThingSettings(Thing t)
t.Type = defaultthingtype;
foreach(string f in defaultthingflags) t.SetFlag(f, true);
//mxd. Set default arguments
ThingTypeInfo tti = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type);
if(tti != null)
for (int i = 0; i < t.Args.Length; i++)
t.Args[i] = (int)tti.Args[i].DefaultValue;
// Add user vars
if (tti.Actor != null)
Dictionary<string, UniversalType> uservars = tti.Actor.GetAllUserVars();
Dictionary<string, object> uservardefaults = tti.Actor.GetAllUserVarDefaults();
foreach (string fname in uservars.Keys)
if (uservardefaults.ContainsKey(fname))
t.Fields[fname] = new UniValue(uservars[fname], uservardefaults[fname]);
/// <summary>
/// Applies clean thing settings to the given thing, with the flags and aruments set in the game's config.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="t">Thing to apply the settings to</param>
/// <param name="type">Optional thing type. If not set the current thing type will be used, otherwise the type will be changed and used</param>
public void ApplyCleanThingSettings(Thing t, int type = 0)
if (type > 0)
t.Type = type;
// Remove all current flags
foreach (string flag in t.GetFlags().Keys)
t.SetFlag(flag, false);
// Add default flags
foreach(string flag in General.Map.Config.DefaultThingFlags)
t.SetFlag(flag, true);
// Set default arguments
ThingTypeInfo tti = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type);
if (tti != null)
for (int i = 0; i < t.Args.Length; i++)
t.Args[i] = (int)tti.Args[i].DefaultValue;
// Add user vars
if (tti.Actor != null)
Dictionary<string, UniversalType> uservars = tti.Actor.GetAllUserVars();
Dictionary<string, object> uservardefaults = tti.Actor.GetAllUserVarDefaults();
foreach (string fname in uservars.Keys)
if (uservardefaults.ContainsKey(fname))
t.Fields[fname] = new UniValue(uservars[fname], uservardefaults[fname]);
// This attempts to find the default drawing settings
public void FindDefaultDrawSettings()
bool foundone;
// Only possible when a map is loaded
if(General.Map == null || General.Map.Options == null) return;
// Default texture missing?
if(!General.Map.Options.OverrideMiddleTexture || string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture)) //mxd
// Find default texture from map
foundone = false;
foreach(Sidedef sd in General.Map.Map.Sidedefs)
if(sd.MiddleTexture != "-" && General.Map.Data.GetTextureExists(sd.MiddleTexture))
foundone = true;
General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture = sd.MiddleTexture;
// Not found yet?
//mxd. Use the wall texture from the game configuration?
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DefaultWallTexture) && General.Map.Data.GetTextureExists(General.Map.Config.DefaultWallTexture))
General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture = General.Map.Config.DefaultWallTexture;
foundone = true;
// Pick the first STARTAN from the list.
// I love the STARTAN texture as default for some reason.
foreach(string s in General.Map.Data.TextureNames)
foundone = true;
General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture = s;
// Otherwise just pick the first
if(General.Map.Data.TextureNames.Count > 1)
General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture = General.Map.Data.TextureNames[1];
// Default floor missing?
if(!General.Map.Options.OverrideFloorTexture || string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Options.DefaultFloorTexture))
// Find default texture from map
foundone = false;
if(General.Map.Map.Sectors.Count > 0)
// Find one that is known
foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
foundone = true;
General.Map.Options.DefaultFloorTexture = s.FloorTexture;
//mxd. Use the floor flat from the game configuration?
if(!foundone && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DefaultFloorTexture) && General.Map.Data.GetFlatExists(General.Map.Config.DefaultFloorTexture))
General.Map.Options.DefaultFloorTexture = General.Map.Config.DefaultFloorTexture;
foundone = true;
// Pick the first FLOOR from the list.
foreach(string s in General.Map.Data.FlatNames)
foundone = true;
General.Map.Options.DefaultFloorTexture = s;
// Otherwise just pick the first
if(General.Map.Data.FlatNames.Count > 1)
General.Map.Options.DefaultFloorTexture = General.Map.Data.FlatNames[1];
// Default ceiling missing?
if(!General.Map.Options.OverrideCeilingTexture || string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Options.DefaultCeilingTexture))
// Find default texture from map
foundone = false;
if(General.Map.Map.Sectors.Count > 0)
// Find one that is known
foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
foundone = true;
General.Map.Options.DefaultCeilingTexture = s.CeilTexture;
//mxd. Use the floor flat from the game configuration?
if(!foundone && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DefaultCeilingTexture) && General.Map.Data.GetFlatExists(General.Map.Config.DefaultCeilingTexture))
General.Map.Options.DefaultCeilingTexture = General.Map.Config.DefaultCeilingTexture;
foundone = true;
// Pick the first CEIL from the list.
foreach(string s in General.Map.Data.FlatNames)
foundone = true;
General.Map.Options.DefaultCeilingTexture = s;
// Otherwise just pick the first
if(General.Map.Data.FlatNames.Count > 1)
General.Map.Options.DefaultCeilingTexture = General.Map.Data.FlatNames[1];
// Texture names may not be null
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture)) General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture = "-";
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Options.DefaultTopTexture) || !General.Map.Options.OverrideTopTexture) General.Map.Options.DefaultTopTexture = General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture; //mxd
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Options.DefaultBottomTexture) || !General.Map.Options.OverrideBottomTexture) General.Map.Options.DefaultBottomTexture = General.Map.Options.DefaultWallTexture; //mxd
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Options.DefaultFloorTexture)) General.Map.Options.DefaultFloorTexture = "-";
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Options.DefaultCeilingTexture)) General.Map.Options.DefaultCeilingTexture = "-";