mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 08:50:50 +00:00
Merged "Toggle models, dynamic lights and fog rendering" and "Toggle Geometry Effects" actions into "Toggle Enhanced Rendering Effects" action. Removed "Dynamic light size" and "Dynamic light intensity" settings. Updated documentation ("Rendering toolbar" page).
546 lines
17 KiB
546 lines
17 KiB
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.IO
#region ================== Structs
internal struct WavefrontExportSettings
public string Obj;
public readonly string ObjName;
public readonly string ObjPath;
public readonly float Scale;
public readonly bool FixScale;
public readonly bool ExportTextures;
public bool Valid;
public string[] Textures;
public string[] Flats;
public WavefrontExportSettings(string name, string path, float scale, bool fixScale, bool exportTextures)
ObjName = name;
ObjPath = path;
Scale = scale;
FixScale = fixScale;
ExportTextures = exportTextures;
Valid = false;
Obj = string.Empty;
Textures = null;
Flats = null;
internal class WavefrontExporter
#region ================== Variables and structs
private const string DEFAULT = "Default";
private struct VertexIndices
public int PositionIndex;
public int UVIndex;
public int NormalIndex;
#region ================== Export
public void Export(ICollection<Sector> sectors, WavefrontExportSettings settings)
CreateObjFromSelection(sectors, ref settings);
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "OBJ creation failed. Check 'Errors and Warnings' window for details.");
//save all used textures
if(settings.Textures != null)
foreach(string s in settings.Textures)
if(s == DEFAULT) continue;
ImageData id = General.Map.Data.GetTextureImage(s);
if(id.Width == 0 || id.Height == 0)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "OBJ Exporter: texture \"" + s + "\" has invalid size (" + id.Width + "x" + id.Height + ")!");
if(!id.IsImageLoaded) id.LoadImage();
Bitmap bmp = id.GetBitmap();
bmp.Save(Path.Combine(settings.ObjPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(s) + ".PNG"), ImageFormat.Png);
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "OBJ Exporter: texture \"" + s + "\" does not exist!");
if(settings.Flats != null)
foreach(string s in settings.Flats)
if(s == DEFAULT) continue;
ImageData id = General.Map.Data.GetFlatImage(s);
if(id.Width == 0 || id.Height == 0)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "OBJ Exporter: flat \"" + s + "\" has invalid size (" + id.Width + "x" + id.Height + ")!");
if(!id.IsImageLoaded) id.LoadImage();
Bitmap bmp = id.GetBitmap();
// Handle duplicate names
string flatname = s;
if(settings.Textures != null && Array.IndexOf(settings.Textures, s) != -1)
flatname += "_FLAT";
bmp.Save(Path.Combine(settings.ObjPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(flatname) + ".PNG"), ImageFormat.Png);
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "OBJ Exporter: flat \"" + s + "\" does not exist!");
//write obj
string savePath = Path.Combine(settings.ObjPath, settings.ObjName);
using(StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(savePath + ".obj", false))
//create mtl
StringBuilder mtl = new StringBuilder();
mtl.Append("# MTL for " + General.Map.FileTitle + ", map " + General.Map.Options.LevelName + Environment.NewLine);
mtl.Append("# Created by GZDoom Builder " + Application.ProductVersion + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
if(settings.Textures != null)
foreach(string s in settings.Textures)
if(s == DEFAULT) continue;
mtl.Append("newmtl " + s.ToUpperInvariant() + Environment.NewLine);
mtl.Append("Kd 1.0 1.0 1.0" + Environment.NewLine);
if(settings.ExportTextures) mtl.Append("map_Kd " + Path.Combine(settings.ObjPath, s.ToUpperInvariant() + ".PNG") + Environment.NewLine);
if(settings.Flats != null)
foreach(string s in settings.Flats)
if(s == DEFAULT) continue;
mtl.Append("newmtl " + s.ToUpperInvariant() + Environment.NewLine);
mtl.Append("Kd 1.0 1.0 1.0" + Environment.NewLine);
// Handle duplicate names
string flatname = s;
if(settings.Textures != null && Array.IndexOf(settings.Textures, s) != -1)
flatname += "_FLAT";
mtl.Append("map_Kd " + Path.Combine(settings.ObjPath, flatname.ToUpperInvariant() + ".PNG") + Environment.NewLine);
//write mtl
using(StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(savePath + ".mtl", false))
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Geometry exported to \"" + savePath + ".obj\"");
#region ================== Utility
private static void CreateObjFromSelection(ICollection<Sector> sectors, ref WavefrontExportSettings data)
BaseVisualMode mode = new BaseVisualMode();
bool renderingEffectsDisabled = false;
renderingEffectsDisabled = true;
List<BaseVisualSector> visualSectors = new List<BaseVisualSector>();
//create visual geometry
foreach(Sector s in sectors)
BaseVisualSector bvs = mode.CreateBaseVisualSector(s);
if(bvs != null) visualSectors.Add(bvs);
if(visualSectors.Count == 0)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "OBJ Exporter: no visual sectors to export!");
//sort geometry
List<Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex[]>>> geometryByTexture = SortGeometry(visualSectors);
//restore vm settings
if(renderingEffectsDisabled) mode.ToggleEnhancedRendering();
//create obj
StringBuilder obj = CreateObjGeometry(geometryByTexture, data);
if(obj.Length == 0)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "OBJ Exporter: failed to create geometry!");
//add header
obj.Insert(0, "o " + General.Map.Options.LevelName + Environment.NewLine); //name
obj.Insert(0, "# Created by GZDoom Builder " + Application.ProductVersion + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
obj.Insert(0, "# " + General.Map.FileTitle + ", map " + General.Map.Options.LevelName + Environment.NewLine);
data.Obj = obj.ToString();
string[] textures = new string[geometryByTexture[0].Keys.Count];
geometryByTexture[0].Keys.CopyTo(textures, 0);
data.Textures = textures;
string[] flats = new string[geometryByTexture[1].Keys.Count];
geometryByTexture[1].Keys.CopyTo(flats, 0);
data.Flats = flats;
data.Valid = true;
private static List<Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex[]>>> SortGeometry(List<BaseVisualSector> visualSectors)
var texturegeo = new Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex[]>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
texturegeo.Add(DEFAULT, new List<WorldVertex[]>());
var flatgeo = new Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex[]>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
flatgeo.Add(DEFAULT, new List<WorldVertex[]>());
foreach(BaseVisualSector vs in visualSectors)
string texture;
if(vs.Floor != null)
texture = vs.Sector.FloorTexture;
CheckTextureName(ref flatgeo, ref texture);
flatgeo[texture].AddRange(OptimizeGeometry(vs.Floor.Vertices, vs.Floor.GeometryType, vs.Floor.Sector.Sector.Labels.Count > 1));
if(vs.Ceiling != null)
texture = vs.Sector.CeilTexture;
CheckTextureName(ref flatgeo, ref texture);
flatgeo[texture].AddRange(OptimizeGeometry(vs.Ceiling.Vertices, vs.Ceiling.GeometryType, vs.Ceiling.Sector.Sector.Labels.Count > 1));
if(vs.Sides != null)
foreach(VisualSidedefParts part in vs.Sides.Values)
if(part.upper != null && part.upper.Vertices != null)
texture = part.upper.Sidedef.HighTexture;
CheckTextureName(ref texturegeo, ref texture);
texturegeo[texture].AddRange(OptimizeGeometry(part.upper.Vertices, part.upper.GeometryType));
//middle single
if(part.middlesingle != null && part.middlesingle.Vertices != null)
texture = part.middlesingle.Sidedef.MiddleTexture;
CheckTextureName(ref texturegeo, ref texture);
texturegeo[texture].AddRange(OptimizeGeometry(part.middlesingle.Vertices, part.middlesingle.GeometryType));
//middle double
if(part.middledouble != null && part.middledouble.Vertices != null)
texture = part.middledouble.Sidedef.MiddleTexture;
CheckTextureName(ref texturegeo, ref texture);
texturegeo[texture].AddRange(OptimizeGeometry(part.middledouble.Vertices, part.middledouble.GeometryType));
if(part.middle3d != null && part.middle3d.Count > 0)
foreach(VisualMiddle3D m3d in part.middle3d)
if(m3d.Vertices == null) continue;
texture = m3d.GetControlLinedef().Front.MiddleTexture;
CheckTextureName(ref texturegeo, ref texture);
texturegeo[texture].AddRange(OptimizeGeometry(m3d.Vertices, m3d.GeometryType));
if(part.lower != null && part.lower.Vertices != null)
texture = part.lower.Sidedef.LowTexture;
CheckTextureName(ref texturegeo, ref texture);
texturegeo[texture].AddRange(OptimizeGeometry(part.lower.Vertices, part.lower.GeometryType));
//3d ceilings
foreach(VisualCeiling vc in vs.ExtraCeilings)
texture = vc.GetControlSector().CeilTexture;
CheckTextureName(ref flatgeo, ref texture);
flatgeo[texture].AddRange(OptimizeGeometry(vc.Vertices, (vc.ExtraFloor.VavoomType ? vc.GeometryType : VisualModes.VisualGeometryType.FLOOR)));
//3d floors
foreach(VisualFloor vf in vs.ExtraFloors)
texture = vf.GetControlSector().FloorTexture;
CheckTextureName(ref flatgeo, ref texture);
flatgeo[texture].AddRange(OptimizeGeometry(vf.Vertices, (vf.ExtraFloor.VavoomType ? vf.GeometryType : VisualModes.VisualGeometryType.CEILING)));
return new List<Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex[]>>> { texturegeo, flatgeo };
private static void CheckTextureName(ref Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex[]>> geo, ref string texture)
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(texture) && texture != "-")
if(!geo.ContainsKey(texture)) geo.Add(texture, new List<WorldVertex[]>());
texture = DEFAULT;
#region ================== Surface optimization
private static List<WorldVertex[]> OptimizeGeometry(WorldVertex[] verts, VisualModes.VisualGeometryType geotype)
return OptimizeGeometry(verts, geotype, false);
private static List<WorldVertex[]> OptimizeGeometry(WorldVertex[] verts, VisualModes.VisualGeometryType geotype, bool skiprectoptimization)
List<WorldVertex[]> groups = new List<WorldVertex[]>();
if(!skiprectoptimization && verts.Length == 6) //rectangular surface
if(geotype == VisualModes.VisualGeometryType.CEILING)
verts = new[] { verts[2], verts[5], verts[1], verts[0] };
verts = new[] { verts[5], verts[2], verts[1], verts[0] };
for(int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i += 3)
groups.Add(new[] { verts[i + 2], verts[i + 1], verts[i] });
return groups;
#region ================== OBJ Creation
private static StringBuilder CreateObjGeometry(List<Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex[]>>> geometryByTexture, WavefrontExportSettings data)
StringBuilder obj = new StringBuilder();
const string vertexFormatter = "{0} {2} {1}\n";
Dictionary<Vector3D, int> uniqueVerts = new Dictionary<Vector3D, int>();
Dictionary<Vector3D, int> uniqueNormals = new Dictionary<Vector3D, int>();
Dictionary<PointF, int> uniqueUVs = new Dictionary<PointF, int>();
var vertexDataByTexture = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<WorldVertex, VertexIndices>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
int pc = 0;
int nc = 0;
int uvc = 0;
//optimize geometry
foreach(Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex[]>> dictionary in geometryByTexture)
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, List<WorldVertex[]>> group in dictionary)
Dictionary<WorldVertex, VertexIndices> vertsData = new Dictionary<WorldVertex, VertexIndices>();
foreach(WorldVertex[] verts in group.Value)
//vertex normals
Vector3D n = new Vector3D(verts[0].nx, verts[0].ny, verts[0].nz).GetNormal();
int ni;
ni = uniqueNormals[n];
uniqueNormals.Add(n, ++nc);
ni = nc;
foreach(WorldVertex v in verts)
if(vertsData.ContainsKey(v)) continue;
VertexIndices indices = new VertexIndices();
indices.NormalIndex = ni;
//vertex coords
Vector3D vc = new Vector3D(v.x, v.y, v.z);
indices.PositionIndex = uniqueVerts[vc];
uniqueVerts.Add(vc, ++pc);
indices.PositionIndex = pc;
PointF uv = new PointF(v.u, v.v);
indices.UVIndex = uniqueUVs[uv];
uniqueUVs.Add(uv, ++uvc);
indices.UVIndex = uvc;
vertsData.Add(v, indices);
if(vertsData.Count > 0)
foreach(KeyValuePair<WorldVertex, VertexIndices> g in vertsData)
vertexDataByTexture[group.Key].Add(g.Key, g.Value);
vertexDataByTexture.Add(group.Key, vertsData);
//write geometry
//write vertices
foreach(KeyValuePair<Vector3D, int> group in uniqueVerts)
obj.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v " + vertexFormatter, -group.Key.x * data.Scale, group.Key.y * data.Scale, group.Key.z * data.Scale * 1.2f));
foreach(KeyValuePair<Vector3D, int> group in uniqueVerts)
obj.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v " + vertexFormatter, -group.Key.x * data.Scale, group.Key.y * data.Scale, group.Key.z * data.Scale));
//write normals
foreach(KeyValuePair<Vector3D, int> group in uniqueNormals)
obj.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "vn " + vertexFormatter, group.Key.x, group.Key.y, group.Key.z));
//write UV coords
foreach(KeyValuePair<PointF, int> group in uniqueUVs)
obj.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "vt {0} {1}\n", group.Key.X, -group.Key.Y));
//write material library
obj.Append("mtllib ").Append(data.ObjName + ".mtl").Append("\n");
//write materials and surface indices
foreach(Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex[]>> dictionary in geometryByTexture)
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, List<WorldVertex[]>> group in dictionary)
obj.Append("usemtl ").Append(group.Key).Append("\n");
foreach(WorldVertex[] verts in group.Value)
//surface indices
foreach(WorldVertex v in verts)
VertexIndices vi = vertexDataByTexture[group.Key][v];
obj.Append(" " + vi.PositionIndex + "/" + vi.UVIndex + "/" + vi.NormalIndex);
return obj;