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mirror of https://git.do.srb2.org/STJr/UltimateZoneBuilder.git synced 2025-03-05 17:30:47 +00:00
Magnus Norddahl 8eb522c873 Move vpo native code into BuilderNative as it is easier to manage. The plugins folder doesn't support including native dlls properly anyway.
Fix visplane explorer busy looping when waiting for data and reduce the used core count to 75% of the total available
Made vpo native code thread safe, removing the need for ungodly DLL patching hacks
2020-04-19 15:56:24 +02:00

235 lines
5.2 KiB

// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
// Copyright(C) 2005 Simon Howard
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
// 02111-1307, USA.
// all external data is defined here
// most of the data is loaded into different structures at run time
// some internal structures shared by many modules are here
#ifndef __DOOMDATA__
#define __DOOMDATA__
// The most basic types we use, portability.
#include "doomtype.h"
// Some global defines, that configure the game.
#include "doomdef.h"
// Map level types.
// The following data structures define the persistent format
// used in the lumps of the WAD files.
// Lump order in a map WAD: each map needs a couple of lumps
// to provide a complete scene geometry description.
ML_LABEL, // A separator, name, ExMx or MAPxx
ML_THINGS, // Monsters, items..
ML_LINEDEFS, // LineDefs, from editing
ML_SIDEDEFS, // SideDefs, from editing
ML_VERTEXES, // Vertices, edited and BSP splits generated
ML_SEGS, // LineSegs, from LineDefs split by BSP
ML_SSECTORS, // SubSectors, list of LineSegs
ML_NODES, // BSP nodes
ML_SECTORS, // Sectors, from editing
ML_REJECT, // LUT, sector-sector visibility
ML_BLOCKMAP, // LUT, motion clipping, walls/grid element
ML_BEHAVIOR // HEXEN ONLY: compiled ACS scripts
// A single Vertex.
typedef struct
short x;
short y;
} PACKEDATTR mapvertex_t;
// A SideDef, defining the visual appearance of a wall,
// by setting textures and offsets.
typedef struct
short textureoffset;
short rowoffset;
char toptexture[8];
char bottomtexture[8];
char midtexture[8];
// Front sector, towards viewer.
short sector;
} PACKEDATTR mapsidedef_t;
// A LineDef, as used for editing, and as input
// to the BSP builder.
typedef struct
short v1;
short v2;
short flags;
short special;
short tag;
// sidenum[1] will be -1 if one sided
short sidenum[2];
} PACKEDATTR maplinedef_t;
// the Hexen LineDef structure [andrewj: added this]
typedef struct
short v1;
short v2;
short flags;
unsigned char special;
unsigned char args[5];
short sidenum[2];
} PACKEDATTR maplinedef_hexen_t;
// LineDef attributes.
// Solid, is an obstacle.
#define ML_BLOCKING 1
// Blocks monsters only.
// Backside will not be present at all
// if not two sided.
#define ML_TWOSIDED 4
// If a texture is pegged, the texture will have
// the end exposed to air held constant at the
// top or bottom of the texture (stairs or pulled
// down things) and will move with a height change
// of one of the neighbor sectors.
// Unpegged textures allways have the first row of
// the texture at the top pixel of the line for both
// top and bottom textures (use next to windows).
// upper texture unpegged
// lower texture unpegged
// In AutoMap: don't map as two sided: IT'S A SECRET!
#define ML_SECRET 32
// Sound rendering: don't let sound cross two of these.
#define ML_SOUNDBLOCK 64
// Don't draw on the automap at all.
#define ML_DONTDRAW 128
// Set if already seen, thus drawn in automap.
#define ML_MAPPED 256
// Sector definition, from editing.
typedef struct
short floorheight;
short ceilingheight;
char floorpic[8];
char ceilingpic[8];
short lightlevel;
short special;
short tag;
} PACKEDATTR mapsector_t;
// SubSector, as generated by BSP.
typedef struct
short numsegs;
// Index of first one, segs are stored sequentially.
short firstseg;
} PACKEDATTR mapsubsector_t;
// LineSeg, generated by splitting LineDefs
// using partition lines selected by BSP builder.
typedef struct
short v1;
short v2;
short angle;
short linedef;
short side;
short offset;
} PACKEDATTR mapseg_t;
// BSP node structure.
// Indicate a leaf.
#define NF_SUBSECTOR 0x8000
typedef struct
// Partition line from (x,y) to x+dx,y+dy)
short x;
short y;
short dx;
short dy;
// Bounding box for each child,
// clip against view frustum.
short bbox[2][4];
// If NF_SUBSECTOR its a subsector,
// else it's a node of another subtree.
unsigned short children[2];
} PACKEDATTR mapnode_t;
// Thing definition, position, orientation and type,
// plus skill/visibility flags and attributes.
typedef struct
short x;
short y;
short angle;
short type;
short options;
} PACKEDATTR mapthing_t;
#endif // __DOOMDATA__