biwa 634225b77b UDBScript: Exported the classes Linedef, Sector, Sidedef, Thing, and Vertex, so that they can be used with instanceof
UDBScript: Map class: the getSidedefsFromSelectedLinedefs() method now correctly only returns the Sidedefs of selected Linedefs in visual mode (and not also the highlighted one)
UDBScript: Map class: added a new getSidedefsFromSelectedOrHighlightedLinedefs() method as the equivalent to the other getSelectedOrHighlighted*() methods
UDBScript: Sector class: added new floorSelected, ceilingSelected, floorHighlighted, and ceilingHighlighted properties. Those are mostly useful in visual mode, since they always return true when the Sector is selected or highlighted in the classic modes. The properties are read-only
UDBScript: Sidedef class: added new upperSelected, middleSelected, lowerSelected, upperHighlighted, middleHighlighted, and lowerHighlighted properties. Those are mostly useful in visual mode, since they always return true when the parent Linedef is selected or highlighted in the classic modes. The properties are read-only
UDBScript: added new example to apply textures for floor/ceiling and upper/middle/lower texture for selected map elements
UDBScript: updated documentation
2021-12-25 14:43:56 +01:00

126 lines
5.4 KiB

import xmltodict
import glob
import pprint
import re
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
def determine_text_type(text):
signature = text.replace('public ', '').replace ('static ', '').replace('Wrapper', '')
if 'class ' in text or 'struct ' in text:
return 'global', None
if '(' not in text:
return 'properties', re.sub(r'[^\s]+\s+', r'', signature).rstrip(';')
signaturefields = signature.split('(')
signature = re.sub(r'[^\s]+\s+', r'', signaturefields[0]) + '(' + re.sub(r'([^\s]+) ([^,]+)(,?\s*)', r'\2\3', signaturefields[1])
fields = text.split()
if fields[0] == 'public' and ('Wrapper(' in fields[1] or 'QueryOptions(' in fields[1]):
return 'constructors', signature
elif fields[1] == 'static':
return 'staticmethods', signature
return 'methods', signature
def get_sorted_comment_texts(texts):
text = ''
for t in sorted(texts.keys()):
text += texts[t]
return text
topics = {
'GameConfiguration': [ '../API/GameConfigurationWrapper.cs' ],
'Angle2D': [ '../API/Angle2DWrapper.cs' ],
'Data': [ '../API/DataWrapper.cs' ],
'ImageInfo': [ '../API/ImageInfo.cs' ],
'Line2D': [ '../API/Line2DWrapper.cs' ],
'Linedef': [ '../API/LinedefWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ],
'Map': [ '../API/MapWrapper.cs' ],
'Sector': [ '../API/SectorWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ],
'Sidedef': [ '../API/SidedefWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ],
'Thing': [ '../API/ThingWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ],
'Vector2D': [ '../API/Vector2DWrapper.cs' ],
'Vector3D': [ '../API/Vector3DWrapper.cs' ],
'Vertex': [ '../API/VertexWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ],
'QueryOptions': [ '../QueryOptions.cs' ],
for topic in topics:
texts = {
'global': '',
'properties': {},
'constructors': {},
'methods': {},
'staticmethods': {}
for filename in topics[topic]:
topicname = filename.split('\\')[-1].replace('Wrapper.cs', '')
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
xmltext = ''
parsingcomment = False
incodeblock = False
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('///'):
parsingcomment = True
line = re.sub(r'^\t', r'', line.lstrip('/').lstrip(' '))
if line.startswith('```'):
if incodeblock:
xmltext += '```\n'
incodeblock = False
xmltext += '\n```js\n'
incodeblock = True
xmltext += line + '\n'
elif parsingcomment is True:
commenttext = ''
d = xmltodict.parse('<d>' + xmltext + '</d>')['d']
summary = d['summary']
texttype, signature = determine_text_type(line)
if texttype == 'global':
texts['global'] = f'{summary}\n'
commenttext += '\n---\n'
if 'version' in d:
commenttext += f'<span style="float:right;font-weight:normal;font-size:66%">Version: {d["version"]}</span>\n'
commenttext += f'### {signature}\n'
commenttext += f'{summary}\n'
if 'param' in d:
commenttext += '#### Parameters\n'
if isinstance(d['param'], list):
for p in d['param']:
text = '*missing*'
if '#text' in p:
text = p['#text']
commenttext += f'* {p["@name"]}: {text}\n'
text ='*missing*'
if '#text' in d['param']:
text = d['param']['#text'].replace('```', '\n```\n')
commenttext += f'* {d["param"]["@name"]}: {text}\n'
if 'returns' in d:
commenttext += '#### Return value\n'
text = '*missing*'
if d['returns'] is not None:
text = d['returns']
commenttext += f'{text}\n'
if signature not in texts[texttype]:
texts[texttype][signature] = ''
texts[texttype][signature] += commenttext
xmltext = ''
parsingcomment = False
outfile = open(f'htmldoc/docs/{topic}.md', 'w')
outfile.write(f'# {topic}\n\n')
if len(texts["constructors"]) > 0:
outfile.write(f'## Constructors\n{get_sorted_comment_texts(texts["constructors"])}')
if len(texts["staticmethods"]) > 0:
outfile.write(f'## Static methods\n{get_sorted_comment_texts(texts["staticmethods"])}')
if len(texts["properties"]) > 0:
outfile.write(f'## Properties\n{get_sorted_comment_texts(texts["properties"])}')
if len(texts["methods"]) > 0:
outfile.write(f'## Methods\n{get_sorted_comment_texts(texts["methods"])}')