UltimateZoneBuilder/Build/Configurations/Configs for other games/GZDoom_Action2Hexen.cfg
MaxED 7d9b846d20 Dynamic lights had 0 width and height in Skulltag config, so they weren't shown in Visual modes.
Now only the root node of Folder/PK3/PK7 resource is expanded in Textures browser.
2012-09-09 19:14:03 +00:00

68 lines
2.3 KiB

Doom Builder 2 Game Configuration for ZDoom-compatible port
// This is required to prevent accidental use of a different configuration
type = "Doom Builder 2 Game Configuration";
// This is the title to show for this game
game = "GZDoom: Urban Brawl (Hexen format)";
// This is the simplified game engine/sourceport name
engine = "zdoom";
// *******************************************************
// * *
// * Note: all the elements that could be factorized *
// * because they were common to ZDoom, GZDoom and *
// * Skulltag have been moved to ZDoom_common.cfg. *
// * *
// *******************************************************
// Settings common to all games and all map formats
include("Includes\\ZDoom_common.cfg", "common");
// Settings common to Hexen map format
include("Includes\\ZDoom_common.cfg", "mapformat_hexen");
// Settings common to Urban Brawl games
include("Includes\\ZDoom_common.cfg", "game_action2");
// Depends on both game and map format
// Map format
include("Includes\\ZDoom_misc.cfg", "gamedetect_hexen");
// Game scheme
include("Includes\\Action2_misc.cfg", "gamedetect");
// Each engine has its own additional thing types
// Order should always be 1: Game; 2: ZDoom/game; 3: ZDoom/zdoom
// Basic game actors
// Additional ZDoom actors for that game
include("Includes\\ZDoom_things.cfg", "default");
// Standard ZDoom actors
include("Includes\\ZDoom_things.cfg", "zdoom");
// Additional actors from the engine
include("Includes\\GZDoom_things.cfg", "gzdoom");
include("Includes\\GZDoom_things.cfg", "gzdoom_lights");
// Each engine has its own additional thing types
// These are enumerated lists for linedef types and UDMF fields.
// Basic game enums
include("Includes\\Doom_misc.cfg", "enums");
// Standard ZDoom enums
include("Includes\\ZDoom_misc.cfg", "enums");
// Additional ZDoom enums for that game
include("Includes\\ZDoom_misc.cfg", "enums_action2");