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synced 2025-02-16 00:51:10 +00:00
Dynamic lights defined in GLDEFS are now rendered in Visual modes (currently only one light per Thing is supported). Several values from (Z)MAPINFO are now used in Visual modes. Added "Reload GLDEFS", "Reload (Z)MAPINFO" and "Reload MODELDEF" menu options (in "Tools" section). MODELDEF parser now checks which model(s) is/are used in first frame. Dynamic lights are now created with more meaningful default parameters. Added errors and warnings indicator to main window.
348 lines
20 KiB
348 lines
20 KiB
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using SlimDX;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ZDoom;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.GZDoom {
public class MapinfoParser : ZDTextParser {
private MapInfo mapInfo;
public MapInfo MapInfo { get { return mapInfo; } }
public bool Parse(Stream stream, string sourcefilename, string mapName) {
base.Parse(stream, sourcefilename);
mapName = mapName.ToLowerInvariant();
mapInfo = new MapInfo();
while (SkipWhitespace(true)) {
string token = ReadToken();
if (token != null) {
token = token.ToLowerInvariant();
if (parseBlock(token, mapName))
//check values
if (mapInfo.FadeColor != null && (mapInfo.FadeColor.Red > 0 || mapInfo.FadeColor.Green > 0 || mapInfo.FadeColor.Blue > 0))
mapInfo.HasFadeColor = true;
if (mapInfo.OutsideFogColor != null && (mapInfo.OutsideFogColor.Red > 0 || mapInfo.OutsideFogColor.Green > 0 || mapInfo.OutsideFogColor.Blue > 0))
mapInfo.HasOutsideFogColor = true;
//Cannot fail here
return true;
//returns true if parsing is finished
private bool parseBlock(string token, string mapName) {
string curBlockName;
mapName = mapName.ToLowerInvariant();
if (token == "map" || token == "defaultmap" || token == "adddefaultmap") {
curBlockName = token;
if (token == "map") { //check map name
//get map name
token = ReadToken().ToLowerInvariant();
if (token != mapName)
return false; //not finished, search for next "map", "defaultmap" or "adddefaultmap" block
} else if (token == "defaultmap") {
//reset MapInfo
mapInfo = new MapInfo();
//search for required keys
while (SkipWhitespace(true)) {
token = ReadToken().ToLowerInvariant();
//sky1 or sky2
if (token == "sky1" || token == "sky2") {
//Form1.Trace("Got sky " + token);
string skyType = token;
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken()).ToLowerInvariant();
//new format
if (token == "=") {
//should be sky texture name
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
bool gotComma = (token.IndexOf(",") != -1);
if (gotComma)
token = token.Replace(",", "");
string skyTexture = StripTokenQuotes(token).ToLowerInvariant();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(skyTexture)) {
if (skyType == "sky1")
mapInfo.Sky1 = skyTexture;
mapInfo.Sky2 = skyTexture;
//check if we have scrollspeed
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!gotComma && token == ",") {
gotComma = true;
token = ReadToken();
if (gotComma) {
float scrollSpeed = 0;
/*if (!float.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out scrollSpeed)) {
// Not numeric!
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + skyType + " scroll speed value, but got '" + token + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
if (!ReadSignedFloat(token, ref scrollSpeed)) {
// Not numeric!
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + skyType + " scroll speed value, but got '" + token + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
if (skyType == "sky1")
mapInfo.Sky1ScrollSpeed = scrollSpeed;
mapInfo.Sky2ScrollSpeed = scrollSpeed;
} else {
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
} else {
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + skyType + " texture name.");
//old format
} else {
//token should be sky1/2 name
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) {
if (skyType == "sky1")
mapInfo.Sky1 = token;
mapInfo.Sky2 = token;
//try to read scroll speed
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
float scrollSpeed = 0;
/*if (!float.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out scrollSpeed)) {
// Not numeric!
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + skyType + " scroll speed value, but got '" + token + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
if (!ReadSignedFloat(token, ref scrollSpeed)) {
// Not numeric!
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + skyType + " scroll speed value, but got '" + token + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
if (skyType == "sky1")
mapInfo.Sky1ScrollSpeed = scrollSpeed;
mapInfo.Sky2ScrollSpeed = scrollSpeed;
} else {
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + skyType + " texture name.");
//fade or outsidefog
} else if (token == "fade" || token == "outsidefog") {
string fadeType = token;
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken()).ToLowerInvariant();
//new format
if (token == "=") {
//red color value or color name...
token = ReadToken();
string colorVal = StripTokenQuotes(token).ToLowerInvariant();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(colorVal)) {
Color4 color = new Color4();
//color.Alpha = 1.0f;
//is it color name?
if (getColorByName(colorVal, ref color)) {
if (fadeType == "fade")
mapInfo.FadeColor = color;
mapInfo.OutsideFogColor = color;
} else { //no, it's not
//try to get color values
int r, g, b;
string[] parts = colorVal.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (parts.Length != 3) {
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + fadeType + " color values, but got '" + token + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
if (!int.TryParse(parts[0], NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out r)) {
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + fadeType + " red value, but got '" + parts[0] + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
if (!int.TryParse(parts[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out g)) {
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + fadeType + " green value, but got '" + parts[1] + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
if (!int.TryParse(parts[2], NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out b)) {
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + fadeType + " blue value, but got '" + parts[2] + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
color.Red = (float)r / 255;
color.Green = (float)g / 255;
color.Blue = (float)b / 255;
if (fadeType == "fade")
mapInfo.FadeColor = color;
mapInfo.OutsideFogColor = color;
} else {
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + fadeType + " color value.");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
//old format
} else {
//token should contain red color value or color name...
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) {
int r, g, b;
Color4 color = new Color4();
if (!int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out r)) {
//Not numeric! Maybe it's a color name?
if (getColorByName(token, ref color)) {
if (fadeType == "fade")
mapInfo.FadeColor = color;
mapInfo.OutsideFogColor = color;
} else {
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
token = ReadToken();
//should be color, let's continue parsing it.
if (!int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out g)) {
// Not numeric!
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + fadeType + " green value, but got '" + token + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out b)) {
// Not numeric!
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + fadeType + " blue value, but got '" + token + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
color.Red = (float)r / 255;
color.Green = (float)g / 255;
color.Blue = (float)b / 255;
if (fadeType == "fade")
mapInfo.FadeColor = color;
mapInfo.OutsideFogColor = color;
} else {
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + fadeType + " color value.");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
//vertwallshade or horizwallshade
} else if (token == "vertwallshade" || token == "horizwallshade") {
string shadeType = token;
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
//new format
if (token == "=") {
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
int val = 0;
if (!ReadSignedInt(token, ref val)) {
// Not numeric!
GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LogAndTraceWarning("Unexpected token found in '" + sourcename + "' at line " + GetCurrentLineNumber() + ": expected " + shadeType + " value, but got '" + token + "'");
datastream.Seek(-token.Length - 1, SeekOrigin.Current); //step back and try parsing this token again
if (shadeType == "vertwallshade")
mapInfo.VertWallShade = General.Clamp(val, -255, 255);
mapInfo.HorizWallShade = General.Clamp(val, -255, 255);
} else if (token == "doublesky") {
mapInfo.DoubleSky = true;
} else if (token == "evenlighting") {
mapInfo.EvenLighting = true;
} else if (token == "smoothlighting") {
mapInfo.SmoothLighting = true;
//block end
} else if (token == "}") {
if (curBlockName == "map") {
return true; //we are done here
} else {
return parseBlock(token, mapName);
return false;
private bool getColorByName(string name, ref Color4 color) {
if (name == "black")
return true;
Color c = Color.FromName(name); //should be similar to C++ color name detection, I suppose
if (c.IsKnownColor) {
color = new Color4(c);
return true;
return false;