mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:30:56 +00:00
Error checks: added "Check unused textures" option. Replaced MissingTexture3D and UnknownTexture3D. Sectors mode: restored "Lower/Raise Floor/Ceiling by 8 mp" actions. Visual mode: in some cases sidedefs were rendered as selected when they were not. Existing linedefs were not split while drawing new lines in some cases. Texture and height overrides were not applied correctly in some cases. Preferences form: "Ctrl+Alt+ScrollUp" and "Ctrl+Alt+ScrollDown" dropdown items were setting the shortcut to "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollUp" and "Ctrl+Shift+ScrollDown".
1113 lines
33 KiB
1113 lines
33 KiB
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes
/// <summary>
/// Provides specialized functionality for a visual (3D) Doom Builder editing mode.
/// </summary>
public abstract class VisualMode : EditMode
#region ================== Constants
private const float MOVE_SPEED_MULTIPLIER = 0.001f;
#region ================== Variables
// 3D Mode thing
protected Thing modething;
// Graphics
protected IRenderer3D renderer;
// Options
private bool processgeometry;
private bool processthings;
// Input
private bool keyforward;
private bool keybackward;
private bool keyleft;
private bool keyright;
private bool keyup;
private bool keydown;
private List<VisualThing> selectedVisualThings;
private List<VisualSector> selectedVisualSectors;
protected Dictionary<Vertex, VisualVertexPair> vertices;
//used in "Play From Here" Action
private Thing playerStart;
private Vector3D playerStartPosition;
private float playerStartAngle;
// Map
protected VisualBlockMap blockmap;
protected Dictionary<Thing, VisualThing> allthings;
protected Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> allsectors;
protected List<VisualBlockEntry> visibleblocks;
protected List<VisualThing> visiblethings;
protected Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> visiblesectors;
protected List<VisualGeometry> visiblegeometry;
#region ================== Properties
public bool ProcessGeometry { get { return processgeometry; } set { processgeometry = value; } }
public bool ProcessThings { get { return processthings; } set { processthings = value; } }
public VisualBlockMap BlockMap { get { return blockmap; } }
// Rendering
public IRenderer3D Renderer { get { return renderer; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
/// <summary>
/// Provides specialized functionality for a visual (3D) Doom Builder editing mode.
/// </summary>
public VisualMode()
// Initialize
this.renderer = General.Map.Renderer3D;
//this.renderer3d = (Renderer3D)General.Map.Renderer3D;
this.blockmap = new VisualBlockMap();
this.allsectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(General.Map.Map.Sectors.Count);
this.allthings = new Dictionary<Thing,VisualThing>(General.Map.Map.Things.Count);
this.visibleblocks = new List<VisualBlockEntry>();
this.visiblesectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(50);
this.visiblegeometry = new List<VisualGeometry>(200);
this.visiblethings = new List<VisualThing>(100);
this.processgeometry = true;
this.processthings = true;
if(General.Map.UDMF) this.vertices = new Dictionary<Vertex,VisualVertexPair>();
//mxd. Synch camera position to cursor position or center of the screen in 2d-mode
if (General.Settings.GZSynchCameras && General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode) {
ClassicMode oldmode = General.Editing.Mode as ClassicMode;
Vector2D pos2d;
if (oldmode.IsMouseInside)
pos2d = new Vector2D(oldmode.MouseMapPos.x, oldmode.MouseMapPos.y);
pos2d = new Vector2D(General.Map.CRenderer2D.Viewport.Left + General.Map.CRenderer2D.Viewport.Width / 2.0f, General.Map.CRenderer2D.Viewport.Top + General.Map.CRenderer2D.Viewport.Height / 2.0f);
//if position is inside sector - adjust camera.z accordingly
Sector sector = General.Map.Map.GetSectorByCoordinates(pos2d);
float posz = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.z;
if(sector != null) {
int sectorHeight = sector.CeilHeight - sector.FloorHeight;
if (General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.z < sector.FloorHeight + 41) {
if (sectorHeight < 41) {
posz = sector.FloorHeight + sectorHeight / 2;
} else {
posz = sector.FloorHeight + 41; // same as in doom
} else if(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.z > sector.CeilHeight) {
if(sectorHeight < 41) {
posz = sector.FloorHeight + sectorHeight / 2;
} else {
posz = sector.CeilHeight - 4;
General.Map.VisualCamera.Position = new Vector3D(pos2d.x, pos2d.y, posz);
// Disposer
public override void Dispose()
// Not already disposed?
// Clean up
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> s in allsectors) s.Value.Dispose();
visiblesectors = null;
visiblegeometry = null;
visibleblocks = null;
visiblethings = null;
allsectors = null;
allthings = null;
blockmap = null;
selectedVisualSectors = null;
selectedVisualThings = null;
// Done
#region ================== Start / Stop
// Mode is engaged
public override void OnEngage()
// Update the used textures
// Fill the blockmap
// Start special input mode
// Mode is disengaged
public override void OnDisengage()
// Dispose
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in allsectors)
if(vs.Value != null) vs.Value.Dispose();
// Dispose
foreach(KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> vt in allthings)
if(vt.Value != null) vt.Value.Dispose();
// Apply camera position to thing
// Do not leave the sector on the camera
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = null;
selectedVisualSectors = null;
selectedVisualThings = null;
// Stop special input mode
#region ================== Events
public override bool OnUndoBegin()
return base.OnUndoBegin();
public override void OnUndoEnd()
public override bool OnRedoBegin()
return base.OnRedoBegin();
public override void OnRedoEnd()
public override void OnReloadResources()
public override bool OnMapTestBegin() {
if (General.Settings.GZTestFromCurrentPosition) {
//find Single Player Start. Should have Type 1 in all games
Thing start = null;
foreach (Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things) {
if (t.Type == 1) {
//store thing and position
start = t;
if (start == null) {
General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Can't test from current position: no Player 1 start found!");
return false;
//now check if camera is located inside a sector
Vector3D camPos = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
Sector s = General.Map.Map.GetSectorByCoordinates(new Vector2D(camPos.x, camPos.y));
if (s == null) {
General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Can't test from current position: cursor is not inside sector!");
return false;
//41 = player's height in Doom. Is that so in all other games as well?
if (s.CeilHeight - s.FloorHeight < 41) {
General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Can't test from current position: sector is too low!");
return false;
//check camera Z
float pz = camPos.z - s.FloorHeight;
int ceilRel = s.CeilHeight - s.FloorHeight - 41; //relative ceiling height
if(pz > ceilRel) pz = ceilRel; //above ceiling?
else if(pz < 0) pz = 0; //below floor?
//store initial position
playerStart = start;
playerStartPosition = start.Position;
playerStartAngle = start.Angle;
//everything should be valid, let's move player start here
start.Move(new Vector3D(camPos.x, camPos.y, pz));
start.Rotate(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY - Angle2D.PI);// (float)Math.PI);
return true;
public override void OnMapTestEnd() {
if (General.Settings.GZTestFromCurrentPosition) {
//restore position
playerStart = null;
#region ================== Input
// Mouse input
public override void OnMouseInput(Vector2D delta)
[BeginAction("moveforward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveForward()
keyforward = true;
[EndAction("moveforward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveForward()
keyforward = false;
[BeginAction("movebackward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveBackward()
keybackward = true;
[EndAction("movebackward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveBackward()
keybackward = false;
[BeginAction("moveleft", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveLeft()
keyleft = true;
[EndAction("moveleft", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveLeft()
keyleft = false;
[BeginAction("moveright", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveRight()
keyright = true;
[EndAction("moveright", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveRight()
keyright = false;
[BeginAction("moveup", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveUp()
keyup = true;
[EndAction("moveup", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveUp()
keyup = false;
[BeginAction("movedown", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveDown()
keydown = true;
[EndAction("movedown", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveDown()
keydown = false;
[BeginAction("movethingleft", BaseAction = true)]
protected void moveSelectedThingsLeft() {
moveSelectedThings(new Vector2D(0f, -General.Map.Grid.GridSize), false);
[BeginAction("movethingright", BaseAction = true)]
protected void moveSelectedThingsRight() {
moveSelectedThings(new Vector2D(0f, General.Map.Grid.GridSize), false);
[BeginAction("movethingfwd", BaseAction = true)]
protected void moveSelectedThingsForward() {
moveSelectedThings(new Vector2D(-General.Map.Grid.GridSize, 0f), false);
[BeginAction("movethingback", BaseAction = true)]
protected void moveSelectedThingsBackward() {
moveSelectedThings(new Vector2D(General.Map.Grid.GridSize, 0f), false);
[BeginAction("placethingatcursor", BaseAction = true)]
protected void placeThingAtCursor() {
Vector2D hitpos = GetHitPosition();
if (!hitpos.IsFinite()) {
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Cannot place Thing here");
moveSelectedThings(new Vector2D((float)Math.Round(hitpos.x), (float)Math.Round(hitpos.y)), true);
public Vector2D GetHitPosition() {
Vector3D start = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
Vector3D delta = General.Map.VisualCamera.Target - General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
delta = delta.GetFixedLength(General.Settings.ViewDistance * 0.98f);
VisualPickResult target = PickObject(start, start + delta);
if (target.picked == null) return new Vector2D(float.NaN, float.NaN);
//now find where exactly did we hit
Vector2D hitCoords = new Vector2D();
if (target.picked is VisualGeometry) {
VisualGeometry vg = target.picked as VisualGeometry;
hitCoords = getIntersection(start, start + delta, new Vector3D(vg.BoundingBox[0].X, vg.BoundingBox[0].Y, vg.BoundingBox[0].Z), new Vector3D(vg.Vertices[0].nx, vg.Vertices[0].ny, vg.Vertices[0].nz));
} else if (target.picked is VisualThing) {
VisualThing vt = target.picked as VisualThing;
hitCoords = getIntersection(start, start + delta, new Vector3D(vt.BoundingBox[0].X, vt.BoundingBox[0].Y, vt.BoundingBox[0].Z), D3DDevice.V3D(vt.Center - vt.PositionV3));
} else {
return new Vector2D(float.NaN, float.NaN);
return hitCoords;
//mxd. This checks intersection between line and plane
protected Vector2D getIntersection(Vector3D start, Vector3D end, Vector3D planeCenter, Vector3D planeNormal) {
Vector3D delta = new Vector3D(planeCenter.x - start.x, planeCenter.y - start.y, planeCenter.z - start.z);
return start + Vector3D.DotProduct(planeNormal, delta) / Vector3D.DotProduct(planeNormal, end - start) * (end - start);
//mxd. Should move selected things in specified direction
protected abstract void moveSelectedThings(Vector2D direction, bool absolutePosition);
#region ================== Visibility Culling
// This preforms visibility culling
protected void DoCulling()
Dictionary<Linedef, Linedef> visiblelines = new Dictionary<Linedef, Linedef>(200);
Vector2D campos2d = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
// Make collections
visiblesectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(visiblesectors.Count);
visiblegeometry = new List<VisualGeometry>(visiblegeometry.Capacity);
visiblethings = new List<VisualThing>(visiblethings.Capacity);
// Get the blocks within view range
visibleblocks = blockmap.GetFrustumRange(renderer.Frustum2D);
// Fill collections with geometry and things
foreach(VisualBlockEntry block in visibleblocks)
// Lines
foreach(Linedef ld in block.Lines)
// Line not already processed?
// Add line if not added yet
visiblelines.Add(ld, ld);
// Which side of the line is the camera on?
if(ld.SideOfLine(campos2d) < 0)
// Do front of line
if(ld.Front != null) ProcessSidedefCulling(ld.Front);
// Do back of line
if(ld.Back != null) ProcessSidedefCulling(ld.Back);
// Things
foreach(Thing t in block.Things)
VisualThing vt;
// Not filtered out?
vt = allthings[t];
// Create new visual thing
vt = CreateVisualThing(t);
allthings.Add(t, vt);
if(vt != null)
// Find camera sector
Linedef nld = MapSet.NearestLinedef(visiblelines.Values, campos2d);
if(nld != null)
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = GetCameraSectorFromLinedef(nld);
// Exceptional case: no lines found in any nearby blocks!
// This could happen in the middle of an extremely large sector and in this case
// the above code will not have found any sectors/sidedefs for rendering.
// Here we handle this special case with brute-force. Let's find the sector
// the camera is in by searching the entire map and render that sector only.
nld = General.Map.Map.NearestLinedef(campos2d);
if(nld != null)
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = GetCameraSectorFromLinedef(nld);
if(General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector != null)
foreach(Sidedef sd in General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector.Sidedefs)
float side = sd.Line.SideOfLine(campos2d);
if(((side < 0) && sd.IsFront) ||
((side > 0) && !sd.IsFront))
// Too far away from the map to see anything
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = null;
// Map is empty
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = null;
// This finds and adds visible sectors
private void ProcessSidedefCulling(Sidedef sd)
VisualSector vs;
// Find the visualsector and make it if needed
// Take existing visualsector
vs = allsectors[sd.Sector];
// Make new visualsector
vs = CreateVisualSector(sd.Sector);
//if(vs != null) allsectors.Add(sd.Sector, vs); //mxd
if(vs != null)
// Add to visible sectors if not added yet
visiblesectors.Add(sd.Sector, vs);
// Add sidedef geometry
// This returns the camera sector from linedef
private Sector GetCameraSectorFromLinedef(Linedef ld)
if(ld.SideOfLine(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position) < 0)
if(ld.Front != null)
return ld.Front.Sector;
return null;
if(ld.Back != null)
return ld.Back.Sector;
return null;
#region ================== Object Picking
// This picks an object from the scene
public VisualPickResult PickObject(Vector3D from, Vector3D to)
VisualPickResult result = new VisualPickResult();
Line2D ray2d = new Line2D(from, to);
Vector3D delta = to - from;
// Setup no result
result.picked = null;
result.hitpos = new Vector3D();
result.u_ray = 1.0f;
// Find all blocks we are intersecting
List<VisualBlockEntry> blocks = blockmap.GetLineBlocks(from, to);
// Make collections
Dictionary<Linedef, Linedef> lines = new Dictionary<Linedef, Linedef>(blocks.Count * 10);
Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> sectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(blocks.Count * 10);
List<IVisualPickable> pickables = new List<IVisualPickable>(blocks.Count * 10);
// Add geometry from the camera sector
if((General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector != null) && allsectors.ContainsKey(General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector))
VisualSector vs = allsectors[General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector];
sectors.Add(General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector, vs);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in vs.FixedGeometry) pickables.Add(g);
// Go for all lines to see which ones we intersect
// We will collect geometry from the sectors and sidedefs
foreach(VisualBlockEntry b in blocks)
foreach(Linedef ld in b.Lines)
// Make sure we don't test a line twice
lines.Add(ld, ld);
// Intersecting?
float u;
if(ld.Line.GetIntersection(ray2d, out u))
// Check on which side we are
float side = ld.SideOfLine(ray2d.v1);
// Calculate intersection point
Vector3D intersect = from + delta * u;
// We must add the sectors of both sides of the line
// If we wouldn't, then aiming at a sector that is just within range
// could result in an incorrect hit (because the far line of the
// sector may not be included in this loop)
if(ld.Front != null)
// Find the visualsector
VisualSector vs = allsectors[ld.Front.Sector];
// Add sector if not already added
sectors.Add(ld.Front.Sector, vs);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in vs.FixedGeometry)
// Must have content
if(g.Triangles > 0)
// Add sidedef if on the front side
if(side < 0.0f)
List<VisualGeometry> sidedefgeo = vs.GetSidedefGeometry(ld.Front);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in sidedefgeo)
// Must have content
if(g.Triangles > 0)
g.SetPickResults(intersect, u);
// Add back side also
if(ld.Back != null)
// Find the visualsector
VisualSector vs = allsectors[ld.Back.Sector];
// Add sector if not already added
sectors.Add(ld.Back.Sector, vs);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in vs.FixedGeometry)
// Must have content
if(g.Triangles > 0)
// Add sidedef if on the front side
if(side > 0.0f)
List<VisualGeometry> sidedefgeo = vs.GetSidedefGeometry(ld.Back);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in sidedefgeo)
// Must have content
if(g.Triangles > 0)
g.SetPickResults(intersect, u);
// Add all the visible things
foreach(VisualThing vt in visiblethings)
//mxd. And all visual vertices
if(General.Map.UDMF && General.Settings.GZShowVisualVertices) {
foreach(KeyValuePair<Vertex, VisualVertexPair> pair in vertices)
// Now we have a list of potential geometry that lies along the trace line.
// We still don't know what geometry actually hits, but we ruled out that which doesn't get even close.
// This is still too much for accurate intersection testing, so we do a fast reject pass first.
Vector3D direction = to - from;
direction = direction.GetNormal();
List<IVisualPickable> potentialpicks = new List<IVisualPickable>(pickables.Count);
foreach(IVisualPickable p in pickables)
if(p.PickFastReject(from, to, direction)) potentialpicks.Add(p);
// Now we do an accurate intersection test for all resulting geometry
// We keep only the closest hit!
foreach(IVisualPickable p in potentialpicks)
float u = result.u_ray;
if(p.PickAccurate(from, to, direction, ref u))
// Closer than previous find?
if((u > 0.0f) && (u < result.u_ray))
result.u_ray = u;
result.picked = p;
// Setup final result
result.hitpos = from + to * result.u_ray;
// Done
return result;
#region ================== Processing
/// <summary>
/// This disposes all resources. Needed geometry will be rebuild automatically.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ResourcesReloaded()
// Dispose
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in allsectors)
if(vs.Value != null) vs.Value.Dispose();
foreach(KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> vt in allthings)
if(vt.Value != null) vt.Value.Dispose();
// Clear collections
if(General.Map.UDMF) vertices.Clear(); //mxd
// Make new blockmap
// Visibility culling (this re-creates the needed resources)
/// <summary>
/// This disposes orphaned resources and resources on changed geometry.
/// This usually happens when geometry is changed by undo, redo, cut or paste actions
/// and uses the marks to check what needs to be reloaded.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ResourcesReloadedPartial()
Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> newsectors = new Dictionary<Sector,VisualSector>(allsectors.Count);
// Neighbour sectors must be updated as well
foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs)
if(sd.Other != null) sd.Other.Marked = true;
// Go for all sidedefs to mark sectors that need updating
foreach(Sidedef sd in General.Map.Map.Sidedefs)
if(sd.Marked) sd.Sector.Marked = true;
// Go for all vertices to mark linedefs that need updating
foreach(Vertex v in General.Map.Map.Vertices)
foreach(Linedef ld in v.Linedefs)
ld.Marked = true;
// Go for all linedefs to mark sectors that need updating
foreach(Linedef ld in General.Map.Map.Linedefs)
if(ld.Front != null) ld.Front.Sector.Marked = true;
if(ld.Back != null) ld.Back.Sector.Marked = true;
// Dispose if source was disposed or marked
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in allsectors)
if(vs.Value != null)
if(vs.Key.IsDisposed || vs.Key.Marked)
newsectors.Add(vs.Key, vs.Value);
// Things depend on the sector they are in and because we can't
// easily determine which ones changed, we dispose all things
foreach(KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> vt in allthings)
if(vt.Value != null) vt.Value.Dispose();
// Apply new lists
allsectors = newsectors;
allthings = new Dictionary<Thing, VisualThing>(allthings.Count);
// Clear visibility collections
// Make new blockmap
// Visibility culling (this re-creates the needed resources)
/// <summary>
/// Implement this to create an instance of your VisualSector implementation.
/// </summary>
protected abstract VisualSector CreateVisualSector(Sector s);
/// <summary>
/// Implement this to create an instance of your VisualThing implementation.
/// </summary>
protected abstract VisualThing CreateVisualThing(Thing t);
/// <summary>
/// This returns the VisualSector for the given Sector.
/// </summary>
public VisualSector GetVisualSector(Sector s) {
if(!allsectors.ContainsKey(s)) return CreateVisualSector(s); //mxd
return allsectors[s];
/// <summary>
/// This returns the VisualThing for the given Thing.
/// </summary>
public VisualThing GetVisualThing(Thing t) { return allthings[t]; }
public List<VisualThing> GetSelectedVisualThings(bool refreshSelection) {
if (refreshSelection || selectedVisualThings == null) {
selectedVisualThings = new List<VisualThing>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> group in allthings) {
if (group.Value != null && group.Value.Selected)
//if nothing is selected - try to get thing from hilighted object
if (selectedVisualThings.Count == 0) {
Vector3D start = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
Vector3D delta = General.Map.VisualCamera.Target - General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
delta = delta.GetFixedLength(General.Settings.ViewDistance * 0.98f);
VisualPickResult target = PickObject(start, start + delta);
//not appropriate way to do this, but...
if (target.picked != null && target.picked is VisualThing)
return selectedVisualThings;
/// <summary>
/// mxd. This returns list of selected sectors based on surfaces selected in visual mode
/// </summary>
public List<VisualSector> GetSelectedVisualSectors(bool refreshSelection) {
if (refreshSelection || selectedVisualSectors == null) {
selectedVisualSectors = new List<VisualSector>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> group in allsectors) {
foreach (VisualGeometry vg in group.Value.AllGeometry) {
if (vg.Selected) {
//if nothing is selected - try to get sector from hilighted object
if (selectedVisualSectors.Count == 0) {
VisualGeometry vg = getHilightedSurface();
if (vg != null) selectedVisualSectors.Add(vg.Sector);
return selectedVisualSectors;
/// <summary>
/// mxd. This returns list of surfaces selected in visual mode
/// </summary>
public List<VisualGeometry> GetSelectedSurfaces() {
List<VisualGeometry> selectedSurfaces = new List<VisualGeometry>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> group in allsectors) {
foreach (VisualGeometry vg in group.Value.AllGeometry) {
if (vg.Selected)
//if nothing is selected - try to get hilighted surface
if (selectedSurfaces.Count == 0) {
VisualGeometry vg = getHilightedSurface();
if (vg != null) selectedSurfaces.Add(vg);
return selectedSurfaces;
private VisualGeometry getHilightedSurface() {
Vector3D start = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
Vector3D delta = General.Map.VisualCamera.Target - General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
delta = delta.GetFixedLength(General.Settings.ViewDistance * 0.98f);
VisualPickResult target = PickObject(start, start + delta);
if(target.picked != null && target.picked is VisualGeometry) {
VisualGeometry vg = (VisualGeometry)target.picked;
if (vg.Sector != null)
return vg;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns True when a VisualSector has been created for the specified Sector.
/// </summary>
public bool VisualSectorExists(Sector s) { return allsectors.ContainsKey(s) && (allsectors[s] != null); }
/// <summary>
/// Returns True when a VisualThing has been created for the specified Thing.
/// </summary>
public bool VisualThingExists(Thing t) { return allthings.ContainsKey(t) && (allthings[t] != null); }
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the blockmap needs to be refilled, because it was invalidated.
/// This usually happens when geometry is changed by undo, redo, cut or paste actions.
/// Lines and Things are added to the block map by the base implementation.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void FillBlockMap()
/// <summary>
/// While this mode is active, this is called continuously to process whatever needs processing.
/// </summary>
public override void OnProcess(float deltatime)
float multiplier;
// Camera vectors
Vector3D camvec = Vector3D.FromAngleXYZ(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY, General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleZ);
Vector3D camvecstrafe = Vector3D.FromAngleXY(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY + Angle2D.PIHALF);
Vector3D cammovemul = General.Map.VisualCamera.MoveMultiplier;
Vector3D camdeltapos = new Vector3D();
Vector3D upvec = new Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Move the camera
if(General.Interface.ShiftState) multiplier = MOVE_SPEED_MULTIPLIER * 2.0f; else multiplier = MOVE_SPEED_MULTIPLIER;
if(keyforward) camdeltapos += camvec * cammovemul * (float)General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keybackward) camdeltapos -= camvec * cammovemul * (float)General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keyleft) camdeltapos -= camvecstrafe * cammovemul * (float)General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keyright) camdeltapos += camvecstrafe * cammovemul * (float)General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keyup) camdeltapos += upvec * cammovemul * (float)General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keydown) camdeltapos += -upvec * cammovemul * (float)General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
// Move the camera
// Apply new camera matrices
renderer.PositionAndLookAt(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position, General.Map.VisualCamera.Target);
// Visibility culling
// Update labels in main window
// Now redraw
#region ================== Actions