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synced 2025-03-03 00:10:55 +00:00
404 lines
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404 lines
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Executable file
#region ================== Namespaces
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
internal class BaseVisualVertex : VisualVertex, IVisualEventReceiver
#region ================== Variables
private readonly BaseVisualMode mode;
private readonly double cageradius2;
private Vector3D boxp1;
private Vector3D boxp2;
// Undo/redo
private int undoticket;
private static Dictionary<BaseVisualSector, bool> updateList;
// Constructor
public BaseVisualVertex(BaseVisualMode mode, Vertex v, bool ceilingVertex)
: base(v, ceilingVertex)
this.mode = mode;
cageradius2 = DEFAULT_SIZE * General.Settings.GZVertexScale3D * Angle2D.SQRT2;
cageradius2 = cageradius2 * cageradius2;
// Synchronize selection?
if(mode.UseSelectionFromClassicMode && v.Selected
&& (General.Map.ViewMode == ViewMode.Normal ||
(!ceilingVertex && General.Map.ViewMode == ViewMode.FloorTextures)
|| (ceilingVertex && General.Map.ViewMode == ViewMode.CeilingTextures)))
this.selected = true;
changed = true;
//this updates the handle itself
public override void Update()
if(!changed) return;
double z = ceilingVertex ? vertex.ZCeiling : vertex.ZFloor;
haveOffset = true;
z = GetSectorHeight();
haveOffset = false;
Vector3D pos = new Vector3D(vertex.Position.x, vertex.Position.y, z);
double radius = DEFAULT_SIZE * General.Settings.GZVertexScale3D;
boxp1 = new Vector3D(pos.x - radius, pos.y - radius, (ceilingVertex ? pos.z - radius : pos.z));
boxp2 = new Vector3D(pos.x + radius, pos.y + radius, (ceilingVertex ? pos.z : pos.z + radius));
changed = false;
private void UpdateGeometry(Vertex v)
VertexData vd = mode.GetVertexData(v);
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, bool> s in vd.UpdateAlso)
BaseVisualSector vs = (BaseVisualSector)mode.GetVisualSector(s.Key);
//get the most appropriate height from sectors
private int GetSectorHeight()
int height;
VertexData vd = mode.GetVertexData(vertex);
Sector[] sectors = new Sector[vd.UpdateAlso.Keys.Count];
vd.UpdateAlso.Keys.CopyTo(sectors, 0);
height = sectors[0].CeilHeight;
for(int i = 1; i < sectors.Length; i++)
if(sectors[i].CeilHeight < height)
height = sectors[i].CeilHeight;
height = sectors[0].FloorHeight;
for(int i = 1; i < sectors.Length; i++)
if(sectors[i].FloorHeight > height)
height = sectors[i].FloorHeight;
return height;
public bool IsSelected()
return selected;
#region ================== Object picking
// This performs a fast test in object picking
public override bool PickFastReject(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir)
double distance2 = Line2D.GetDistanceToLineSq(from, to, vertex.Position, false);
return (distance2 <= cageradius2);
// This performs an accurate test for object picking
public override bool PickAccurate(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir, ref double u_ray)
Vector3D delta = to - from;
double tfar = float.MaxValue;
double tnear = float.MinValue;
// Ray-Box intersection code
// See http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=9941.0
// Check X slab
if(delta.x == 0.0f)
if(from.x > boxp2.x || from.x < boxp1.x)
// Ray is parallel to the planes & outside slab
return false;
double tmp = 1.0f / delta.x;
double t1 = (boxp1.x - from.x) * tmp;
double t2 = (boxp2.x - from.x) * tmp;
if(t1 > t2)
General.Swap(ref t1, ref t2);
if(t1 > tnear)
tnear = t1;
if(t2 < tfar)
tfar = t2;
if(tnear > tfar || tfar < 0.0f)
// Ray missed box or box is behind ray
return false;
// Check Y slab
if(delta.y == 0.0f)
if(from.y > boxp2.y || from.y < boxp1.y)
// Ray is parallel to the planes & outside slab
return false;
double tmp = 1.0f / delta.y;
double t1 = (boxp1.y - from.y) * tmp;
double t2 = (boxp2.y - from.y) * tmp;
if(t1 > t2)
General.Swap(ref t1, ref t2);
if(t1 > tnear)
tnear = t1;
if(t2 < tfar)
tfar = t2;
if(tnear > tfar || tfar < 0.0f)
// Ray missed box or box is behind ray
return false;
// Check Z slab
if(delta.z == 0.0f)
if(from.z > boxp2.z || from.z < boxp1.z)
// Ray is parallel to the planes & outside slab
return false;
double tmp = 1.0f / delta.z;
double t1 = (boxp1.z - from.z) * tmp;
double t2 = (boxp2.z - from.z) * tmp;
if(t1 > t2)
General.Swap(ref t1, ref t2);
if(t1 > tnear)
tnear = t1;
if(t2 < tfar)
tfar = t2;
if(tnear > tfar || tfar < 0.0f)
// Ray missed box or box is behind ray
return false;
// Set interpolation point
u_ray = (tnear > 0.0f) ? tnear : tfar;
return true;
#region ================== Unused events
// Unused
public void OnSelectBegin() { }
public void OnEditBegin() { }
public void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { }
public void OnChangeTargetBrightness(bool up) { }
public bool OnChangeTextureOffset(int horizontal, int vertical, bool doSurfaceAngleCorrection) { return true; }
public void OnChangeScale(int incrementX, int incrementY) { }
public void OnSelectTexture() { }
public void OnCopyTexture() { }
public void OnPasteTexture() { }
public void OnCopyTextureOffsets() { }
public void OnPasteTextureOffsets() { }
public void OnTextureAlign(bool alignx, bool aligny) { }
public void OnTextureFit(FitTextureOptions options) { } //mxd
public void OnToggleUpperUnpegged() { }
public void OnToggleLowerUnpegged() { }
public void OnResetTextureOffset() { }
public void OnResetLocalTextureOffset() { } //mxd
public void OnProcess(long deltatime) { }
public void OnTextureFloodfill() { }
public void OnInsert() { }
public void ApplyTexture(string texture) { }
public void ApplyUpperUnpegged(bool set) { }
public void ApplyLowerUnpegged(bool set) { }
public string GetTextureName() { return ""; }
public void SelectNeighbours(bool select, bool withSameTexture, bool withSameHeight, bool stopatselected) { } //mxd
public virtual void OnPaintSelectBegin() { } // biwa
public virtual void OnPaintSelectEnd() { } // biwa
#region ================== Events
// Select or deselect
public void OnSelectEnd()
this.selected = false;
this.selected = true;
// Copy properties
public void OnCopyProperties()
BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedVertexProps = new VertexProperties(vertex);
mode.SetActionResult("Copied vertex properties.");
// Paste properties
public void OnPasteProperties(bool usecopysettings)
if(BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedVertexProps != null)
mode.CreateUndo("Paste vertex properties");
mode.SetActionResult("Pasted vertex properties.");
BuilderPlug.Me.CopiedVertexProps.Apply(new List<Vertex> { vertex }, usecopysettings);
//update affected sectors
changed = true;
//Delete key pressed - remove zoffset field
public void OnDelete()
mode.CreateUndo("Clear vertex height offset");
mode.SetActionResult("Cleared vertex height offset.");
if(double.IsNaN(vertex.ZCeiling)) return;
vertex.ZCeiling = double.NaN;
//update affected sectors
changed = true;
if(double.IsNaN(vertex.ZFloor)) return;
vertex.ZFloor = double.NaN;
//update affected sectors
changed = true;
// Edit button released
public void OnEditEnd()
List<Vertex> verts = mode.GetSelectedVertices();
updateList = new Dictionary<BaseVisualSector, bool>();
foreach(Vertex v in verts)
VertexData vd = mode.GetVertexData(v);
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, bool> s in vd.UpdateAlso)
BaseVisualSector vs = (BaseVisualSector)mode.GetVisualSector(s.Key);
if(!updateList.ContainsKey(vs)) updateList.Add(vs, s.Value);
General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged += Interface_OnEditFormValuesChanged;
General.Interface.ShowEditVertices(verts, false);
General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged -= Interface_OnEditFormValuesChanged;
updateList = null;
private void Interface_OnEditFormValuesChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
foreach(KeyValuePair<BaseVisualSector, bool> group in updateList)
changed = true;
// Raise/lower thing
public void OnChangeTargetHeight(int amount)
if((General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo == null) || (General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo.TicketID != undoticket))
undoticket = mode.CreateUndo("Change vertex height");
vertex.ZCeiling = (double.IsNaN(vertex.ZCeiling) ? GetSectorHeight() + amount : vertex.ZCeiling + amount);
mode.SetActionResult("Changed vertex height to " + vertex.ZCeiling + ".");
vertex.ZFloor = (double.IsNaN(vertex.ZFloor) ? GetSectorHeight() + amount : vertex.ZFloor + amount);
mode.SetActionResult("Changed vertex height to " + vertex.ZFloor + ".");
// Update what must be updated
changed = true;