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mirror of https://git.do.srb2.org/STJr/UltimateZoneBuilder.git synced 2025-03-01 07:11:36 +00:00
codeimp b45ae2b905 - removed the million parameters that create an action and let the action read them from configuration itsself
- added optional default key setting to actions
- updated default keys in default user configuration
2008-10-09 05:49:46 +00:00

272 lines
7.5 KiB

#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions
internal class Action
#region ================== Variables
// Description
private string name;
private string shortname;
private string title;
private string description;
private string category;
// Shortcut key
private int key;
private int keymask;
private int defaultkey;
// Shortcut options
private bool allowkeys;
private bool allowmouse;
private bool allowscroll;
private bool disregardshift;
private bool repeat;
// Delegate
private List<ActionDelegate> begindelegates;
private List<ActionDelegate> enddelegates;
#region ================== Properties
public string Name { get { return name; } }
public string ShortName { get { return shortname; } }
public string Category { get { return category; } }
public string Title { get { return title; } }
public string Description { get { return description; } }
public int ShortcutKey { get { return key; } }
public int ShortcutMask { get { return keymask; } }
public int DefaultShortcutKey { get { return defaultkey; } }
public bool AllowKeys { get { return allowkeys; } }
public bool AllowMouse { get { return allowmouse; } }
public bool AllowScroll { get { return allowscroll; } }
public bool DisregardShift { get { return disregardshift; } }
public bool Repeat { get { return repeat; } }
public bool BeginBound { get { return (begindelegates.Count > 0); } }
public bool EndBound { get { return (enddelegates.Count > 0); } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public Action(Configuration cfg, string name, string shortname, int key)
// Initialize
this.name = name;
this.shortname = shortname;
this.title = cfg.ReadSetting(shortname + ".title", "[" + name + "]");
this.category = cfg.ReadSetting(shortname + ".category", "");
this.description = cfg.ReadSetting(shortname + ".description", "");
this.allowkeys = cfg.ReadSetting(shortname + ".allowkeys", true);
this.allowmouse = cfg.ReadSetting(shortname + ".allowmouse", true);
this.allowscroll = cfg.ReadSetting(shortname + ".allowscroll", false);
this.disregardshift = cfg.ReadSetting(shortname + ".disregardshift", false);
this.repeat = cfg.ReadSetting(shortname + ".repeat", false);
this.defaultkey = cfg.ReadSetting(shortname + ".default", 0);
this.begindelegates = new List<ActionDelegate>();
this.enddelegates = new List<ActionDelegate>();
keymask = (int)Keys.Shift | (int)Keys.Control;
keymask = ~keymask;
keymask = ~0;
if(key == -1)
this.key = -1;
this.key = key & keymask;
// Destructor
// Moo.
#region ================== Static Methods
// This returns the shortcut key description for a key
public static string GetShortcutKeyDesc(int key)
KeysConverter conv = new KeysConverter();
int ctrl, button;
string ctrlprefix = "";
// When key is 0, then return an empty string
if(key == 0) return "";
// Split the key in Control and Button
ctrl = key & ((int)Keys.Control | (int)Keys.Shift | (int)Keys.Alt);
button = key & ~((int)Keys.Control | (int)Keys.Shift | (int)Keys.Alt);
// When the button is a control key, then remove the control itsself
if((button == (int)Keys.ControlKey) ||
(button == (int)Keys.ShiftKey))
ctrl = 0;
key = key & ~((int)Keys.Control | (int)Keys.Shift | (int)Keys.Alt);
// Determine control prefix
if(ctrl != 0) ctrlprefix = conv.ConvertToString(key);
// Check if button is special
// Scroll down
case (int)SpecialKeys.MScrollDown:
// Make string representation
return ctrlprefix + "ScrollDown";
// Scroll up
case (int)SpecialKeys.MScrollUp:
// Make string representation
return ctrlprefix + "ScrollUp";
// Keys that would otherwise have odd names
case (int)Keys.Oemtilde: return ctrlprefix + "~";
case (int)Keys.OemMinus: return ctrlprefix + "-";
case (int)Keys.Oemplus: return ctrlprefix + "+";
case (int)Keys.Subtract: return ctrlprefix + "NumPad-";
case (int)Keys.Add: return ctrlprefix + "NumPad+";
case (int)Keys.Decimal: return ctrlprefix + "NumPad.";
case (int)Keys.Multiply: return ctrlprefix + "NumPad*";
case (int)Keys.Divide: return ctrlprefix + "NumPad/";
case (int)Keys.OemOpenBrackets: return ctrlprefix + "[";
case (int)Keys.OemCloseBrackets: return ctrlprefix + "]";
case (int)Keys.Oem1: return ctrlprefix + ";";
case (int)Keys.Oem7: return ctrlprefix + "'";
case (int)Keys.Oemcomma: return ctrlprefix + ",";
case (int)Keys.OemPeriod: return ctrlprefix + ".";
case (int)Keys.OemQuestion: return ctrlprefix + "?";
case (int)Keys.Oem5: return ctrlprefix + "\\";
case (int)Keys.Capital: return ctrlprefix + "CapsLock";
case (int)Keys.Back: return ctrlprefix + "Backspace";
// Use standard key-string conversion
return conv.ConvertToString(key);
#region ================== Methods
// This sets a new key for the action
public void SetShortcutKey(int key)
// Make it so.
this.key = key & keymask;
// This binds a delegate to this action
public void BindBegin(ActionDelegate method)
// This removes a delegate from this action
public void UnbindBegin(ActionDelegate method)
// This binds a delegate to this action
public void BindEnd(ActionDelegate method)
// This removes a delegate from this action
public void UnbindEnd(ActionDelegate method)
// This raises events for this action
public void Begin()
List<ActionDelegate> delegateslist;
// Method bound?
if(begindelegates.Count > 0)
// Copy delegates list
delegateslist = new List<ActionDelegate>(begindelegates);
// Invoke all the delegates
foreach(ActionDelegate ad in delegateslist) ad.Invoke();
// This raises events for this action
public void End()
List<ActionDelegate> delegateslist;
// Method bound?
if(enddelegates.Count > 0)
// Copy delegates list
delegateslist = new List<ActionDelegate>(enddelegates);
// Invoke all the delegates
foreach(ActionDelegate ad in delegateslist) ad.Invoke();
// This checks if the action qualifies for a key combination
public bool KeyMatches(int pressedkey)
return (key == (pressedkey & keymask));