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synced 2025-02-28 23:01:58 +00:00
Added, DECORATE parser: damage types are now parsed. Added: the editor now reports duplicate textures/flats/patches/sprites/colormaps/voxels in the loaded wads. Added, all text parsers: added #region/#endregion support. Added TERRAIN parser. Added, Script Editor: added special handling for DECORATE special comments. Added, Sector Edit window, UDMF: Soundsequence value was setup incorrectly when showing the window for multiple sectors with mixed Soundsequence value. Fixed, Map Options window: "Strictly load patches between P_START and P_END" was not applied when applying the changes. Fixed, MAPINFO parser: MapInfo should be treated as defined when a map MAPINFO block corresponding to current map is encountered even if it doesn't define any properties recognized by the editor. Fixed, all text parsers: in some cases error line was calculated incorrectly when reporting an error detected by a text parser. Cosmetic: changed ' to " in the rest of Error and Warning messages. Internal: added text resource tracking. Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg. Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Basic Settings" page).
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<div id="title">
<h1>Game Configuration - Basic Settings</h1>
<div id="contents">
<p> <b class="fat">type</b> (string)<br />
This indicates the type of configuration to prevent accedential use of a different configuration. Must always be the string "Doom Builder 2 Game Configuration".<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">game</b> (string)<br />
The name that is displayed in Doom Buider for your Game Configuration.<br />
Default value is <b>"<unnamed game>"</b>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">enabledbydefault</b> (boolean) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
This game configuration is available by default. You can enable and disable game configurations using <a href="w_gameconfigurations.html">Game Configurations window</a>.<br />
Default value is <b>false</b>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">actionspecialhelp</b> (string) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
The URL used to display action special help. "<strong>%K</strong>" wildcard is replaced by <strong>id</strong> property defined in <a href="gc_linedefsettings.html#actionid">action definition</a>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">thingclasshelp</b> (string) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
The URL to open when thing class name is clicked in the Thing Edit form. "<strong>%K</strong>" wildcard is replaced by <strong>classname</strong> property defined in thing definition or by DECORATE actor name.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">basegame</b> (integer) [0 .. 4] - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Indicates which game the current configuration is based on. Used to load game-specific GLDEFS lumps (DOOMDEFS, HTICDEFS, HEXNDEFS or STRFDEFS). <br />
<b>Possible values:</b> 1 (DOOM), 2 (HERETIC), 3 (HEXEN) or 4 (STRIFE).<br />
Default value is <b>0</b> (don't load game-specific lumps).<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">engine</b> (string)<br />
Game engine/sourceport name. This is used as the UDMF namespace for UDMF map format interface. It currently has no other function.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">defaultlumpname</b> (string)<br />
Default lump name suggested when creating a new map and selecting this configuration.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">testparameters</b> (string)<br />
Default parameters used to launch the test game engine. See <a href="w_gameconfigurations.html">Game Configurations window</a> for the available parameter placeholders.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">testshortpaths</b> (boolean)<br />
Set to <b>true</b> to use MSDOS 8.3 format paths and filenames by default. The user can still change this in the <a href="w_gameconfigurations.html">Game Configurations window</a>.<br />
Default value is <b>false</b>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">defaultsavecompiler</b> (string)<br />
Name of the <a href="scriptingconfigs.html">Nodebuilder Compiler Configuration structure</a> to use as the default settings for the compiler that is used when saving the map. The user can still change this in the <a href="w_gameconfigurations.html">Game Configurations window</a>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">defaulttestcompiler</b> (string)<br />
Name of the <a href="scriptingconfigs.html">Nodebuilder Compiler Configuration structure</a> to use as the default settings for the compiler that is used when testing the map. The user can still change this in the <a href="w_gameconfigurations.html">Game Configurations window</a>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">defaultscriptcompiler</b> (string) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Name of the <a href="scriptingconfigs.html">Script Compiler Configuration file</a> to use as the default settings for the script compiler that is used when compiling map scripts. The user can still change this in the <a href="w_mapoptions.html">Map Options window</a>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">skills</b> (structure)<br />
This defines the skill options the user has available with this game engine/project. The settings in this structure are expected to be numbers with string values (the descriptive name for the skill level).<br />
<br />
1 = "I'm too young to die";
2 = "Hey, not too rough";
3 = "Hurt me plenty";
4 = "Ultra-Violence";
5 = "Nightmare!";
<br />
<b class="fat">damagetypes</b> (string) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Space-separated list of built-in damage types. This list is combined with DamageTypes parsed from DECORATE.<br />
<br />
damagetypes = "None BFGSplash Drowning Slime";
<br />
<b class="fat">linetagindicatesectors</b> (boolean)<br />
When <b>true</b>, Doom Builder will highlight sectors associated with the same tag number when a line is highlighted. This is only really useful for Doom format maps, because Hexen format and UDMF format has no single tag on linedefs (in those formats, the arguments of the linedef's action can be tags, which also works to highlight sectors).<br />
Default value is <b>false</b>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">singlesidedflag</b> (integer or string)<br />
This lets Doom Builder know the <a href="gc_linedefflags.html">linedef flag</a> that indicates a line with only one side. Doom Builder will set this flag value on a linedef when it changes a line to become single sided and removes the flag from a linedef when it becomes double sided. Plugins can also use this information to perform operations on linedefs. For map formats that use numeric flags (Doom and Hexen) this must be an integer flag value. For map formats that use named flags (UDMF), this must be a string indicating the name of the flag.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">doublesidedflag</b> (integer or string)<br />
This lets Doom Builder know the <a href="gc_linedefflags.html">linedef flag</a> that indicates a line with two sides. Doom Builder will set this flag value on a linedef when it changes a line to become double sided and removes the flag from a linedef when it becomes single sided. Plugins can also use this information to perform operations on linedefs. For map formats that use numeric flags (Doom and Hexen) this must be an integer flag value. For map formats that use named flags (UDMF), this must be a string indicating the name of the flag.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">impassableflag</b> (integer or string)<br />
This lets Doom Builder know the <a href="gc_linedefflags.html">linedef flag</a> that indicates a line which blocks players and monsters. Doom Builder uses this to give the line a special color and plugins can use this information to perform operations related to blocking sound lines. For map formats that use numeric flags (Doom and Hexen) this must be an integer specifying the flag value of the Impassable flag. For map formats that use named flags (UDMF), this must be a string indicating the name of the Impassable flag.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">defaultwalltexture</b> (string) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Name of a texture to use on sidedefs when creating a new sector.<br />
Default value is <b>"STARTAN"</b>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">defaultfloortexture</b> (string) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Name of a flat to use on the floor when creating a new sector.<br />
Default value is <b>"FLOOR0_1"</b>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">defaultceilingtexture</b> (string) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Name of a flat to use on the ceiling when creating a new sector.<br />
Default value is <b>"CEIL1_1"</b>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">makedoortrack</b> (string)<br />
Name of a texture to use on the walls when making a door.<br />
Default value is <b>"-"</b> (no texture).<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">makedoordoor</b> (string) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Name of a texture to use as the door texture when making a door.<br />
Default value is <b>"-"</b> (no texture).<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">makedoorceil</b> (string) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Name of a texture to use as the door's ceiling texture when making a door.<br />
Default value is <b>"-"</b> (no texture).<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">makedooraction</b> (integer)<br />
Linedef action number to put on the lines when making a door.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">makedoorarg#</b> (0 .. 4) (integer)<br />
Arguments for the linedef action number to put on the lines when making a door.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">doomlightlevels</b> (boolean)<br />
Set this to <b>false</b> to use linear lighting in Doom Builder. Normally Doom Builder uses a simulation of Doom's light levels. <br />
Default value is <b>true</b>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">start3dmode</b> (integer)<br />
Thing type number that Doom Builder will use to keep your Visual Mode camera position stored in the map. Doom Builder will place a single thing of this type in your map and move it along as you move in Visual Mode.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">skyflatname</b> (string)<br />
Name of the flat that is interpreted as sky (meaning there is no ceiling). Doom Builder and plugins can use this information for various purposes. <br />
Default value is <b>"F_SKY1"</b>.<br />
<br />
<b class="fat">defaultskytextures</b> (structure) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Defines the relationship between map names and sky texture names used by vanilla maps.<br />
<br />
SKY1 = "MAP01,MAP02,MAP03,MAP04,MAP05";
SKY2 = "MAP12,MAP13,MAP14,MAP15,MAP16";
SKY3 = "MAP21,MAP22,MAP23,MAP24,MAP25";
<br />
<b class="fat">longtexturenames</b> (boolean) - <span class="red">GZDB only</span>.<br />
Enables support for long (> 8 chars) texture names. This is used by GZDoom Builder to limit the input fields in the user interface and to check the validity of texture names in resources. This setting should only be enabled for UDMF game configurations. Enabling this setting will make maps incompatible with Doom Builder 2 and can lead to problems in Slade 3 This does NOT determine the actual limitation on the texture names in the map file format.<br />
Default value is <b>false</b>.<br />
<br />