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#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using SlimDX.Direct3D;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using SlimDX;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering
internal unsafe class Renderer2D : Renderer
#region ================== Constants
private const byte DOUBLESIDED_LINE_ALPHA = 130;
private const float FSAA_BLEND_FACTOR = 0.6f;
private const float THING_ARROW_SIZE = 1.5f;
private const float THING_ARROW_SHRINK = 2f;
private const float THING_CIRCLE_SIZE = 1f;
private const float THING_CIRCLE_SHRINK = 2f;
private const int THING_BUFFER_STEP = 100;
private const float THINGS_BACK_ALPHA = 0.4f;
#region ================== Variables
// Rendertargets
private Texture structtex;
private Texture thingstex;
// Locking data
private LockedRect structlocked;
private Surface thingssurface;
// Rendertarget sizes
private Size windowsize;
private Size structsize;
private Size thingssize;
// Geometry plotter
private Plotter plotter;
// Vertices to present the textures
private FlatVertex[] structverts;
private FlatVertex[] thingsverts;
// Batch buffer for things rendering
private VertexBuffer thingsvertices;
private int maxthings, numthings;
// Render settings
private bool thingsfront;
private int vertexsize;
// Images
private ResourceImage thingtexture;
// View settings (world coordinates)
private float scale;
private float scaleinv;
private float offsetx;
private float offsety;
private float translatex;
private float translatey;
private float linenormalsize;
#region ================== Properties
public float OffsetX { get { return offsetx; } }
public float OffsetY { get { return offsety; } }
public float Scale { get { return scale; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public Renderer2D(D3DGraphics graphics) : base(graphics)
// Initialize
thingtexture = new ResourceImage("Thing2D.png");
// Create rendertargets
// We have no destructor
// Diposer
public override void Dispose()
// Not already disposed?
// Destroy rendertargets
// Done
#region ================== Displaying
// This draws the image on screen
public void Present()
// Start drawing
// Renderstates that count for this whole sequence
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.CullMode, Cull.None);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZEnable, false);
// Render things in back?
if(!thingsfront) PresentThings(THINGS_BACK_ALPHA);
// Set renderstates
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable, true);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaTestEnable, false);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.SourceBlend, Blend.SourceAlpha);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.DestBlend, Blend.InvSourceAlpha);
graphics.Device.SetTexture(0, structtex);
graphics.Shaders.Display2D.Texture1 = structtex;
graphics.Shaders.Display2D.SetSettings(1f / structsize.Width, 1f / structsize.Height, FSAA_BLEND_FACTOR, 1f);
// Draw the lines and vertices texture
try { graphics.Device.DrawUserPrimitives<FlatVertex>(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, 2, structverts); } catch(Exception) { }
// Render things in front?
if(thingsfront) PresentThings(1f);
// Done
// This presents the things
private void PresentThings(float alpha)
// Set renderstates
//graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable, false);
//graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaTestEnable, true);
//graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaFunc, Compare.GreaterEqual);
//graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaRef, 0x0000007F);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable, true);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaTestEnable, false);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.SourceBlend, Blend.SourceAlpha);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.DestBlend, Blend.InvSourceAlpha);
graphics.Device.SetTexture(0, thingstex);
graphics.Shaders.Display2D.Texture1 = thingstex;
graphics.Shaders.Display2D.SetSettings(1f / thingssize.Width, 1f / thingssize.Height, FSAA_BLEND_FACTOR, alpha);
// Draw the lines and vertices texture
try { graphics.Device.DrawUserPrimitives<FlatVertex>(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, 2, thingsverts); } catch(Exception) { }
#region ================== Management
// This is called before a device is reset
// (when resized or display adapter was changed)
public override void UnloadResource()
// Destroy rendertargets
// This is called resets when the device is reset
// (when resized or display adapter was changed)
public override void ReloadResource()
// Re-create rendertargets
// This resets the graphics
public override void Reset()
// This destroys the rendertargets
private void DestroyRendertargets()
// Trash rendertargets
if(structtex != null) structtex.Dispose();
if(thingstex != null) thingstex.Dispose();
structtex = null;
thingstex = null;
// Trash things batch buffer
if(thingsvertices != null) thingsvertices.Dispose();
thingsvertices = null;
numthings = 0;
maxthings = 0;
// Allocates new image memory to render on
public void CreateRendertargets()
SurfaceDescription sd;
// Destroy rendertargets
// Get new width and height
windowsize.Width = graphics.RenderTarget.ClientSize.Width;
windowsize.Height = graphics.RenderTarget.ClientSize.Height;
// Create rendertargets textures
structtex = new Texture(graphics.Device, windowsize.Width, windowsize.Height, 1, Usage.Dynamic, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
thingstex = new Texture(graphics.Device, windowsize.Width, windowsize.Height, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
// Get the real surface sizes
sd = structtex.GetLevelDescription(0);
structsize.Width = sd.Width;
structsize.Height = sd.Height;
sd = thingstex.GetLevelDescription(0);
thingssize.Width = sd.Width;
thingssize.Height = sd.Height;
// Setup screen vertices
structverts = CreateScreenVerts(structsize);
thingsverts = CreateScreenVerts(thingssize);
// This makes screen vertices for display
private FlatVertex[] CreateScreenVerts(Size texturesize)
FlatVertex[] screenverts = new FlatVertex[4];
screenverts[0].x = 0.5f;
screenverts[0].y = 0.5f;
screenverts[0].w = 1f;
screenverts[0].c = -1;
screenverts[0].u = 1f / texturesize.Width;
screenverts[0].v = 1f / texturesize.Height;
screenverts[1].x = texturesize.Width - 1.5f;
screenverts[1].y = 0.5f;
screenverts[1].w = 1f;
screenverts[1].c = -1;
screenverts[1].u = 1f - 1f / texturesize.Width;
screenverts[1].v = 1f / texturesize.Height;
screenverts[2].x = 0.5f;
screenverts[2].y = texturesize.Height - 1.5f;
screenverts[2].c = -1;
screenverts[2].w = 1f;
screenverts[2].u = 1f / texturesize.Width;
screenverts[2].v = 1f - 1f / texturesize.Height;
screenverts[3].x = texturesize.Width - 1.5f;
screenverts[3].y = texturesize.Height - 1.5f;
screenverts[3].w = 1f;
screenverts[3].c = -1;
screenverts[3].u = 1f - 1f / texturesize.Width;
screenverts[3].v = 1f - 1f / texturesize.Height;
return screenverts;
#region ================== Coordination
// This changes view position
public void PositionView(float x, float y)
// Change position in world coordinates
offsetx = x;
offsety = y;
// This changes zoom
public void ScaleView(float scale)
// Change zoom scale
this.scale = scale;
// Show zoom on main window
// Recalculate linedefs (normal lengths must be adjusted)
foreach(Linedef l in General.Map.Map.Linedefs) l.NeedUpdate();
// This updates some maths
private void UpdateTransformations()
scaleinv = 1f / scale;
translatex = -offsetx + (windowsize.Width * 0.5f) * scaleinv;
translatey = -offsety - (windowsize.Height * 0.5f) * scaleinv;
linenormalsize = 10f * scaleinv;
vertexsize = (int)(1.7f * scale + 0.5f);
if(vertexsize < 0) vertexsize = 0;
if(vertexsize > 4) vertexsize = 4;
// This unprojects mouse coordinates into map coordinates
public Vector2D GetMapCoordinates(Vector2D mousepos)
return mousepos.GetInvTransformed(-translatex, -translatey, scaleinv, -scaleinv);
#region ================== Things
// This ensures there is enough place in the things buffer
private void ReserveThingsMemory(int newnumthings, bool preserve)
int newmaxthings;
DataStream stream;
FlatVertex[] verts = null;
// Do we need to make changes?
if((newnumthings > maxthings) || !preserve)
// Read old things data if we want to keep it
if(preserve && (thingsvertices != null) && (numthings > 0))
stream = thingsvertices.Lock(0, numthings * 12 * FlatVertex.Stride, LockFlags.ReadOnly | LockFlags.NoSystemLock);
verts = stream.ReadRange<FlatVertex>(numthings * 12);
// Buffer needs to be reallocated?
if(newnumthings > maxthings)
// Calculate new size
newmaxthings = newnumthings + THING_BUFFER_STEP;
// Trash old buffer
if(thingsvertices != null) thingsvertices.Dispose();
// Create new buffer
thingsvertices = new VertexBuffer(graphics.Device, newmaxthings * 12 * FlatVertex.Stride, Usage.Dynamic, VertexFormat.None, Pool.Default);
maxthings = newmaxthings;
// Buffer stays the same
newmaxthings = maxthings;
// Keep old things?
if(preserve && (verts != null))
// Write old things into new buffer
stream = thingsvertices.Lock(0, maxthings * 12 * FlatVertex.Stride, LockFlags.Discard | LockFlags.NoSystemLock);
// Things were trashed
numthings = 0;
// This makes vertices for a thing
// Returns false when not on the screen
private bool CreateThingVerts(Thing t, ref FlatVertex[] verts, int offset, PixelColor c)
float circlesize;
float arrowsize;
int color;
// Transform to screen coordinates
Vector2D screenpos = ((Vector2D)t.Position).GetTransformed(translatex, translatey, scale, -scale);
// Determine sizes
circlesize = (t.Size - THING_CIRCLE_SHRINK) * scale * THING_CIRCLE_SIZE;
arrowsize = (t.Size - THING_ARROW_SHRINK) * scale * THING_ARROW_SIZE;
// Check if the thing is actually on screen
if(((screenpos.x + circlesize) > 0.0f) && ((screenpos.x - circlesize) < (float)windowsize.Width) &&
((screenpos.y + circlesize) > 0.0f) && ((screenpos.y - circlesize) < (float)windowsize.Height))
// Get integral color
color = c.ToInt();
// Setup fixed rect for circle
verts[offset].x = screenpos.x - circlesize;
verts[offset].y = screenpos.y - circlesize;
verts[offset].w = 1f;
verts[offset].c = color;
verts[offset].u = 1f / 512f;
verts[offset].v = 1f / 128f;
verts[offset].x = screenpos.x + circlesize;
verts[offset].y = screenpos.y - circlesize;
verts[offset].w = 1f;
verts[offset].c = color;
verts[offset].u = 0.25f - 1f / 512f;
verts[offset].v = 1f / 128f;
verts[offset].x = screenpos.x - circlesize;
verts[offset].y = screenpos.y + circlesize;
verts[offset].w = 1f;
verts[offset].c = color;
verts[offset].u = 1f / 512f;
verts[offset].v = 1f - 1f / 128f;
verts[offset] = verts[offset - 2];
verts[offset] = verts[offset - 2];
verts[offset].x = screenpos.x + circlesize;
verts[offset].y = screenpos.y + circlesize;
verts[offset].w = 1f;
verts[offset].c = color;
verts[offset].u = 0.25f - 1f / 512f;
verts[offset].v = 1f - 1f / 128f;
// Setup rotated rect for arrow
verts[offset].x = screenpos.x + (float)Math.Sin(t.Angle - Angle2D.PI * 0.25f) * arrowsize;
verts[offset].y = screenpos.y + (float)Math.Cos(t.Angle - Angle2D.PI * 0.25f) * arrowsize;
verts[offset].w = 1f;
verts[offset].c = -1;
verts[offset].u = 0.50f + t.IconOffset;
verts[offset].v = 0f;
verts[offset].x = screenpos.x + (float)Math.Sin(t.Angle + Angle2D.PI * 0.25f) * arrowsize;
verts[offset].y = screenpos.y + (float)Math.Cos(t.Angle + Angle2D.PI * 0.25f) * arrowsize;
verts[offset].w = 1f;
verts[offset].c = -1;
verts[offset].u = 0.75f + t.IconOffset;
verts[offset].v = 0f;
verts[offset].x = screenpos.x + (float)Math.Sin(t.Angle - Angle2D.PI * 0.75f) * arrowsize;
verts[offset].y = screenpos.y + (float)Math.Cos(t.Angle - Angle2D.PI * 0.75f) * arrowsize;
verts[offset].w = 1f;
verts[offset].c = -1;
verts[offset].u = 0.50f + t.IconOffset;
verts[offset].v = 1f;
verts[offset] = verts[offset - 2];
verts[offset] = verts[offset - 2];
verts[offset].x = screenpos.x + (float)Math.Sin(t.Angle + Angle2D.PI * 0.75f) * arrowsize;
verts[offset].y = screenpos.y + (float)Math.Cos(t.Angle + Angle2D.PI * 0.75f) * arrowsize;
verts[offset].w = 1f;
verts[offset].c = -1;
verts[offset].u = 0.75f + t.IconOffset;
verts[offset].v = 1f;
// Done
return true;
// Not on screen
return false;
// This draws a set of things
private void RenderThingsBatch(int offset, int count)
// Set renderstates for things rendering
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable, false);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaTestEnable, true);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaFunc, Compare.GreaterEqual);
graphics.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaRef, 0x0000007F);
graphics.Device.SetTexture(0, thingtexture.Texture);
graphics.Shaders.Things2D.Texture1 = thingtexture.Texture;
graphics.Device.SetStreamSource(0, thingsvertices, 0, FlatVertex.Stride);
// Draw the things batched
try { graphics.Device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, offset * 12, count * 4); } catch(Exception) { }
#region ================== Colors
// This returns the color for a thing
public PixelColor DetermineThingColor(Thing t)
// Determine color
if(t.Selected > 0) return General.Colors.Selection;
else return t.Color;
// This returns the color for a vertex
public int DetermineVertexColor(Vertex v)
// Determine color
if(v.Selected > 0) return ColorCollection.SELECTION;
else return ColorCollection.VERTICES;
// This returns the color for a linedef
public PixelColor DetermineLinedefColor(Linedef l)
// Sinlgesided lines
if((l.Back == null) || (l.Front == null))
// Determine color
if(l.Selected > 0) return General.Colors.Selection;
else if(l.Action != 0) return General.Colors.Actions;
else return General.Colors.Linedefs;
// Doublesided lines
// Determine color
if(l.Selected > 0) return General.Colors.Selection;
else if(l.Action != 0) return General.Colors.Actions.WithAlpha(DOUBLESIDED_LINE_ALPHA);
else if((l.Flags & General.Map.Configuration.SoundLinedefFlags) != 0) return General.Colors.Sounds.WithAlpha(DOUBLESIDED_LINE_ALPHA);
else return General.Colors.Linedefs.WithAlpha(DOUBLESIDED_LINE_ALPHA);
#region ================== Settings
// This sets the things in front or back
public void SetThingsRenderOrder(bool front)
// Set things render order
this.thingsfront = front;
#region ================== Rendering
// This begins a drawing session
public unsafe bool StartRendering(bool clearstructs, bool clearthings)
LockFlags lockflags;
// Rendertargets available?
if((structtex != null) && (thingstex != null))
// Determine lock requirements
if(clearstructs) lockflags = LockFlags.Discard | LockFlags.NoSystemLock;
else lockflags = LockFlags.NoSystemLock;
// Lock structures rendertarget memory
structlocked = structtex.LockRectangle(0, lockflags);
// Create structures plotter
plotter = new Plotter((PixelColor*)structlocked.Data.DataPointer.ToPointer(), structlocked.Pitch / sizeof(PixelColor), structsize.Height, structsize.Width, structsize.Height);
if(clearstructs) plotter.Clear();
// Set the rendertarget to the things texture
thingssurface = thingstex.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
graphics.Device.SetRenderTarget(0, thingssurface);
// Clear the things?
// Clear rendertarget
graphics.Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, 0, 1f, 0);
// Always trash things batch buffer
if(thingsvertices != null) thingsvertices.Dispose();
thingsvertices = null;
numthings = 0;
maxthings = 0;
// Ready for rendering
return true;
// Can't render!
return false;
// This ends a drawing session
public void FinishRendering()
// Unlock memory
plotter = null;
// Release rendertarget
graphics.Device.SetRenderTarget(0, graphics.BackBuffer);
thingssurface = null;
// Present new image
// This adds a thing in the things buffer for rendering
public void RenderThing(Thing t, PixelColor c)
FlatVertex[] verts = new FlatVertex[12];
DataStream stream;
// Create vertices
if(CreateThingVerts(t, ref verts, 0, c))
// Make sure there is enough memory reserved
ReserveThingsMemory(numthings + 1, true);
// Store vertices in buffer
stream = thingsvertices.Lock(numthings * 12 * FlatVertex.Stride, 12 * FlatVertex.Stride, LockFlags.NoSystemLock);
// Thing added, render it
RenderThingsBatch(numthings, 1);
// This adds a thing in the things buffer for rendering
public void RenderThingSet(ICollection<Thing> things)
FlatVertex[] verts = new FlatVertex[things.Count * 12];
DataStream stream;
int addcount = 0;
// Make sure there is enough memory reserved
ReserveThingsMemory(numthings + things.Count, true);
// Go for all things
foreach(Thing t in things)
// Create vertices
if(CreateThingVerts(t, ref verts, addcount * 12, DetermineThingColor(t)))
// Next
// Store vertices in buffer
stream = thingsvertices.Lock(numthings * 12 * FlatVertex.Stride, things.Count * 12 * FlatVertex.Stride, LockFlags.NoSystemLock);
// Things added, render them
RenderThingsBatch(numthings, addcount);
numthings += addcount;
// This renders the linedefs of a sector with special color
public void RenderSector(Sector s, PixelColor c)
// Go for all sides in the sector
foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs)
// Render this linedef
RenderLinedef(sd.Line, c);
// Render the two vertices on top
RenderVertex(sd.Line.Start, DetermineVertexColor(sd.Line.Start));
RenderVertex(sd.Line.End, DetermineVertexColor(sd.Line.End));
// This renders the linedefs of a sector
public void RenderSector(Sector s)
// Go for all sides in the sector
foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs)
// Render this linedef
RenderLinedef(sd.Line, DetermineLinedefColor(sd.Line));
// Render the two vertices on top
RenderVertex(sd.Line.Start, DetermineVertexColor(sd.Line.Start));
RenderVertex(sd.Line.End, DetermineVertexColor(sd.Line.End));
// This renders a single linedef
public void RenderLinedef(Linedef l, PixelColor c)
// Transform vertex coordinates
Vector2D v1 = l.Start.Position.GetTransformed(translatex, translatey, scale, -scale);
Vector2D v2 = l.End.Position.GetTransformed(translatex, translatey, scale, -scale);
// Draw line
plotter.DrawLineSolid((int)v1.x, (int)v1.y, (int)v2.x, (int)v2.y, c);
// Calculate normal indicator
float mx = (v2.x - v1.x) * 0.5f;
float my = (v2.y - v1.y) * 0.5f;
// Draw normal indicator
plotter.DrawLineSolid((int)(v1.x + mx), (int)(v1.y + my),
(int)((v1.x + mx) - (my * l.LengthInv) * linenormalsize),
(int)((v1.y + my) + (mx * l.LengthInv) * linenormalsize), c);
// This renders a set of linedefs
public void RenderLinedefSet(ICollection<Linedef> linedefs)
// Go for all linedefs
foreach(Linedef l in linedefs) RenderLinedef(l, DetermineLinedefColor(l));
// This renders a single vertex
public void RenderVertex(Vertex v, int colorindex)
// Transform vertex coordinates
Vector2D nv = v.Position.GetTransformed(translatex, translatey, scale, -scale);
// Draw pixel here
plotter.DrawVertexSolid((int)nv.x, (int)nv.y, vertexsize, General.Colors.Colors[colorindex], General.Colors.BrightColors[colorindex], General.Colors.DarkColors[colorindex]);
// This renders a set of vertices
public void RenderVerticesSet(ICollection<Vertex> vertices)
// Go for all vertices
foreach(Vertex v in vertices) RenderVertex(v, DetermineVertexColor(v));