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#region ================== Copyright (c) 2020 Boris Iwanski
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.If not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Plugins;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.UDBScript.Wrapper;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.UDBScript
internal class ScriptDirectoryStructure
public string Path;
public string Name;
public bool Expanded;
public string Hash;
public List<ScriptDirectoryStructure> Directories;
public List<ScriptInfo> Scripts;
public ScriptDirectoryStructure(string path, string name, bool expanded, string hash)
Path = path;
Name = name;
Expanded = expanded;
Hash = hash;
Directories = new List<ScriptDirectoryStructure>();
Scripts = new List<ScriptInfo>();
public class BuilderPlug : Plug
#region ================== Constants
private static readonly string SCRIPT_FOLDER = "udbscript";
public static readonly uint UDB_SCRIPT_VERSION = 4;
private delegate void CallVoidMethodDeletage();
#region ================== Constants
public const int NUM_SCRIPT_SLOTS = 30;
#region ================== Variables
private static BuilderPlug me;
private ScriptDockerControl panel;
private Docker docker;
private string currentscriptfile;
private ScriptInfo currentscript;
private ScriptRunner scriptrunner;
private List<ScriptInfo> scriptinfo;
private ScriptDirectoryStructure scriptdirectorystructure;
private FileSystemWatcher watcher;
private object lockobj;
private Dictionary<int, ScriptInfo> scriptslots;
private string editorexepath;
private PreferencesForm preferencesform;
private ScriptRunnerForm scriptrunnerform;
#region ================== Properties
public static BuilderPlug Me { get { return me; } }
public string CurrentScriptFile { get { return currentscriptfile; } set { currentscriptfile = value; } }
internal ScriptInfo CurrentScript { get { return currentscript; } set { currentscript = value; } }
internal ScriptRunner ScriptRunner { get { return scriptrunner; } }
internal ScriptDirectoryStructure ScriptDirectoryStructure { get { return scriptdirectorystructure; } }
internal string EditorExePath { get { return editorexepath; } }
public ScriptRunnerForm ScriptRunnerForm { get { return scriptrunnerform; } }
public override void OnInitialize()
me = this;
lockobj = new object();
scriptinfo = new List<ScriptInfo>();
scriptslots = new Dictionary<int, ScriptInfo>();
panel = new ScriptDockerControl(SCRIPT_FOLDER);
docker = new Docker("udbscript", "Scripts", panel);
watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Path.Combine(General.AppPath, SCRIPT_FOLDER, "scripts"));
watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.CreationTime | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.Size;
watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true;
watcher.Changed += OnWatcherEvent;
watcher.Created += OnWatcherEvent;
watcher.Deleted += OnWatcherEvent;
watcher.Renamed += OnWatcherEvent;
editorexepath = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("externaleditor", string.Empty);
scriptrunnerform = new ScriptRunnerForm();
public override void OnMapNewEnd()
// Methods called by LoadScripts might sleep for some time, so call LoadScripts asynchronously
new Task(LoadScripts).Start();
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
public override void OnMapOpenEnd()
// Methods called by LoadScripts might sleep for some time, so call LoadScripts asynchronously
new Task(LoadScripts).Start();
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
public override void OnMapCloseBegin()
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
public override void OnShowPreferences(PreferencesController controller)
preferencesform = new PreferencesForm();
public override void OnClosePreferences(PreferencesController controller)
preferencesform = null;
private void OnWatcherEvent(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
// We can't use the filter on the watcher, since for whatever reason that filter also applies to
// directory names. So we have to do some filtering ourselves.
bool load = false;
if (e.ChangeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted || (Directory.Exists(e.FullPath) && e.ChangeType != WatcherChangeTypes.Changed) || Path.GetExtension(e.FullPath).ToLowerInvariant() == ".js")
load = true;
// This is called when the plugin is terminated
public override void Dispose()
// This must be called to remove bound methods for actions.
internal void SaveScriptSlotsAndOptions()
// Save the script option values
foreach (ScriptInfo si in scriptinfo)
// Save the script slots
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ScriptInfo> kvp in scriptslots)
if (kvp.Value == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kvp.Value.ScriptFile))
General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("scriptslots.slot" + kvp.Key, kvp.Value.ScriptFile);
internal void SaveScriptDirectoryExpansionStatus(ScriptDirectoryStructure root)
General.Settings.DeletePluginSetting("directoryexpand." + root.Hash);
General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("directoryexpand." + root.Hash, false);
foreach (ScriptDirectoryStructure sds in root.Directories)
private void FindEditor()
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(editorexepath))
string editor = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "notepad.exe");
if (!File.Exists(editor))
editorexepath = editor;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the new external editor exe path.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="exepath">Path and file name of the external editor</param>
internal void SetEditor(string exepath)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exepath))
editorexepath = exepath;
General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("externaleditor", editorexepath);
/// <summary>
/// Opens a script in the external editor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file"></param>
internal void EditScript(string file)
MessageBox.Show("No external editor set. Please set the external editor in the UDBScript tab in the preferences.");
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = editorexepath;
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + file + "\""; // File name might contain spaces, so put it in quotes
/// <summary>
/// Sets a ScriptInfo to a specific slot.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="slot">The slot</param>
/// <param name="si">The ScriptInfo to assign to the slot. Pass null to clear the slot</param>
public void SetScriptSlot(int slot, ScriptInfo si)
if (si == null)
// Check if the ScriptInfo is already assigned to a slot, and remove it if so
// Have to use ToList because otherwise the collection would be changed while iterating over it
foreach (int s in scriptslots.Keys.ToList())
if (scriptslots[s] == si)
scriptslots[s] = null;
scriptslots[slot] = si;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a ScriptInfo for a specific script slot.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="slot">The slot to get the ScriptInfo for</param>
/// <returns>The ScriptInfo for the slot, or null if the ScriptInfo is at no slot</returns>
public ScriptInfo GetScriptSlot(int slot)
if (scriptslots.ContainsKey(slot))
return scriptslots[slot];
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the script slot by a ScriptInfo.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="si">The ScriptInfo to get the slot of</param>
/// <returns>The slot the ScriptInfo is in, or 0 if the ScriptInfo is not assigned to a slot</returns>
public int GetScriptSlotByScriptInfo(ScriptInfo si)
if (!scriptslots.Values.Contains(si))
return 0;
return scriptslots.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value == si).Key;
/// <summary>
/// Loads all scripts and fills the docker panel.
/// </summary>
public void LoadScripts()
lock (lockobj)
scriptinfo = new List<ScriptInfo>();
scriptdirectorystructure = LoadScriptDirectoryStructure(Path.Combine(General.AppPath, SCRIPT_FOLDER, "scripts"));
scriptslots = new Dictionary<int, ScriptInfo>();
for(int i=0; i < NUM_SCRIPT_SLOTS; i++)
int num = i + 1;
string file = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("scriptslots.slot" + num, string.Empty);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
foreach(ScriptInfo si in scriptinfo)
if (si.ScriptFile == file)
scriptslots[num] = si;
// This might not be called from the main thread when called by the file system watcher, so use a delegate
// to run it cleanly
if (panel.InvokeRequired)
CallVoidMethodDeletage d = panel.FillTree;
/// <summary>
/// Recursively load information about the script files in a directory and its subdirectories.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path to process</param>
/// <returns>ScriptDirectoryStructure for the given path</returns>
private ScriptDirectoryStructure LoadScriptDirectoryStructure(string path)
string hash = SHA256Hash.Get(path);
bool expanded = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("directoryexpand." + hash, true);
string name = path.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last();
ScriptDirectoryStructure sds = new ScriptDirectoryStructure(path, name, expanded, hash);
foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(path))
foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.js"))
bool retry = true;
int retrycounter = 5;
while (retry)
ScriptInfo si = new ScriptInfo(filename);
retry = false;
catch (IOException)
// The FileSystemWatcher can fire the event while the file is still being written, in that case we'll get
// an IOException (file is locked by another process). So just try to load the file a couple times
if (retrycounter == 0)
retry = false;
catch (Exception e)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Failed to process " + filename + ": " + e.Message);
General.WriteLogLine("Failed to process " + filename + ": " + e.Message);
retry = false;
return sds;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name of the script file. This is either read from the .cfg file of the script or taken from the file name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">Full path with file name of the script</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetScriptName(string filename)
string configfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)) + ".cfg";
if (File.Exists(configfile))
Configuration cfg = new Configuration(configfile, true);
string name = cfg.ReadSetting("name", string.Empty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
return name;
return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
public void EndOptionEdit()
internal object GetVectorFromObject(object data, bool allow3d)
if (data is Vector2D)
return (Vector2D)data;
else if (data is Vector2DWrapper)
return new Vector2D(((Vector2DWrapper)data)._x, ((Vector2DWrapper)data)._y);
else if (data is Vector3DWrapper)
return new Vector3D(((Vector3DWrapper)data)._x, ((Vector3DWrapper)data)._y, ((Vector3DWrapper)data)._z);
return new Vector2D(((Vector3DWrapper)data)._x, ((Vector3DWrapper)data)._y);
else if (data.GetType().IsArray)
//else if(data is double[])
object[] vals = (object[])data;
//double[] vals = (double[])data;
// Make sure all values in the array are doubles
foreach (object v in vals)
if (!(v is double))
throw new CantConvertToVectorException("Values in array must be numbers.");
if (vals.Length == 2)
return new Vector2D((double)vals[0], (double)vals[1]);
if (vals.Length == 3)
return new Vector3D((double)vals[0], (double)vals[1], (double)vals[2]);
else if (data is ExpandoObject)
IDictionary<string, object> eo = data as IDictionary<string, object>;
double x = double.NaN;
double y = double.NaN;
double z = double.NaN;
if (eo.ContainsKey("x"))
x = Convert.ToDouble(eo["x"]);
catch (Exception e)
throw new CantConvertToVectorException("Can not convert 'x' property of data: " + e.Message);
if (eo.ContainsKey("y"))
y = Convert.ToDouble(eo["y"]);
catch (Exception e)
throw new CantConvertToVectorException("Can not convert 'y' property of data: " + e.Message);
if (eo.ContainsKey("z"))
z = Convert.ToDouble(eo["z"]);
catch (Exception e)
throw new CantConvertToVectorException("Can not convert 'z' property of data: " + e.Message);
if (allow3d)
if (!double.IsNaN(x) && !double.IsNaN(y) && double.IsNaN(z))
return new Vector2D(x, y);
else if (!double.IsNaN(x) && !double.IsNaN(y) && !double.IsNaN(z))
return new Vector3D(x, y, z);
if (x != double.NaN && y != double.NaN)
return new Vector2D(x, y);
if (allow3d)
throw new CantConvertToVectorException("Data must be a Vector2D, Vector3D, or an array of numbers.");
throw new CantConvertToVectorException("Data must be a Vector2D, or an array of numbers.");
internal object GetConvertedUniValue(UniValue uv)
switch ((UniversalType)uv.Type)
case UniversalType.AngleRadians:
case UniversalType.AngleDegreesFloat:
case UniversalType.Float:
return Convert.ToDouble(uv.Value);
case UniversalType.AngleDegrees:
case UniversalType.AngleByte: //mxd
case UniversalType.Color:
case UniversalType.EnumBits:
case UniversalType.EnumOption:
case UniversalType.Integer:
case UniversalType.LinedefTag:
case UniversalType.LinedefType:
case UniversalType.SectorEffect:
case UniversalType.SectorTag:
case UniversalType.ThingTag:
case UniversalType.ThingType:
return Convert.ToInt32(uv.Value);
case UniversalType.Boolean:
return Convert.ToBoolean(uv.Value);
case UniversalType.Flat:
case UniversalType.String:
case UniversalType.Texture:
case UniversalType.EnumStrings:
case UniversalType.ThingClass:
return Convert.ToString(uv.Value);
return null;
internal Type GetTypeFromUniversalType(int type)
switch ((UniversalType)type)
case UniversalType.AngleRadians:
case UniversalType.AngleDegreesFloat:
case UniversalType.Float:
return typeof(double);
case UniversalType.AngleDegrees:
case UniversalType.AngleByte: //mxd
case UniversalType.Color:
case UniversalType.EnumBits:
case UniversalType.EnumOption:
case UniversalType.Integer:
case UniversalType.LinedefTag:
case UniversalType.LinedefType:
case UniversalType.SectorEffect:
case UniversalType.SectorTag:
case UniversalType.ThingTag:
case UniversalType.ThingType:
return typeof(int);
case UniversalType.Boolean:
return typeof(bool);
case UniversalType.Flat:
case UniversalType.String:
case UniversalType.Texture:
case UniversalType.EnumStrings:
case UniversalType.ThingClass:
return typeof(string);
return null;
#region ================== Actions
public void ScriptExecute()
if (currentscript == null)
scriptrunner = new ScriptRunner(currentscript);
public void ScriptExecuteSlot()
// Extract the slot number from the action name. The action name is something like udbscript__udbscriptexecuteslot1.
// Not super nice, but better than having 30 identical methods for each slot.
Regex re = new Regex(@"(\d+)$");
Match m = re.Match(General.Actions.Current.Name);
int slot = int.Parse(m.Value);
// Check if there's a ScriptInfo in the slot and run it if so
if (scriptslots.ContainsKey(slot) && scriptslots[slot] != null)
scriptrunner = new ScriptRunner(scriptslots[slot]);