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synced 2025-03-03 08:20:55 +00:00
1147 lines
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Executable file
1147 lines
35 KiB
Executable file
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Plugins.NodesViewer
[EditMode(DisplayName = "Nodes Viewer Mode",
SwitchAction = "nodesviewermode",
ButtonImage = "NodesView.png",
ButtonOrder = 350,
ButtonGroup = "002_tools",
Volatile = true,
UseByDefault = true,
AllowCopyPaste = false)]
public class NodesViewerMode : ClassicMode
#region ================== Constants
private const float EPSILON = 0.00001f;
#region ================== Variables
private Seg[] segs;
private Node[] nodes;
private Vector2D[] verts;
private Subsector[] ssectors;
private List<PixelColor> distinctcolors;
private NodesForm form;
private int mouseinssector = -1;
private string nodesformat = "Classic nodes";
#region ================== Properties
public Seg[] Segs { get { return segs; } }
public Node[] Nodes { get { return nodes; } }
public Vector2D[] Vertices { get { return verts; } }
public Subsector[] Subsectors { get { return ssectors; } }
public NodesForm Form { get { return form; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Destructor
// Constructor
public NodesViewerMode()
// Make a list of distict colors we can use to
// display multiple things on the screen
// Note that black and white are not in this list, because
// these are the most likely colors for the user's background
distinctcolors = new List<PixelColor> {
#region ================== Methods
/// <summary>
/// This loads all nodes structures data from the lumps
/// </summary>
private bool LoadClassicStructures()
// Load the nodes structure
MemoryStream nodesstream = General.Map.GetLumpData("NODES");
int numnodes = (int)nodesstream.Length / 28;
//mxd. Boilerplate!
if(numnodes < 1)
// Cancel mode
MessageBox.Show("The map has only one subsector. Please add more sectors, then try running this mode again.", "THY NODETH ARETH BROKH!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
BinaryReader nodesreader = new BinaryReader(nodesstream);
nodes = new Node[numnodes];
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
nodes[i].linestart.x = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].linestart.y = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].linedelta.x = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].linedelta.y = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
float top = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
float bot = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
float left = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
float right = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].rightbox = new RectangleF(left, top, (right - left), (bot - top));
top = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
bot = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
left = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
right = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].leftbox = new RectangleF(left, top, (right - left), (bot - top));
int rightindex = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
int leftindex = nodesreader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].rightchild = rightindex & 0x7FFF;
nodes[i].leftchild = leftindex & 0x7FFF;
nodes[i].rightsubsector = (rightindex & 0x8000) != 0;
nodes[i].leftsubsector = (leftindex & 0x8000) != 0;
// Add additional properties to nodes
nodes[nodes.Length - 1].parent = -1;
SetupNodes(); //mxd
// Load the segs structure
MemoryStream segsstream = General.Map.GetLumpData("SEGS");
BinaryReader segsreader = new BinaryReader(segsstream);
int numsegs = (int)segsstream.Length / 12;
//mxd. Boilerplate!
if(numsegs < 1)
// Cancel mode
MessageBox.Show("The map has empty SEGS lump. Please rebuild the nodes, then try running this mode again.", "THY SEGS HATH SINNETH!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
//mxd. ZDoom SEGS overflow error
if(numsegs >= ushort.MaxValue)
// Cancel mode
MessageBox.Show("The map has too many SEGS (" + numsegs + "/" + ushort.MaxValue + ").\nIt won't load in Vanilla-style source ports\nand may not load in some enhanced source ports.", "THY SEGS ARETH WAAAY TOO PHAT!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
//mxd. Vanilla SEGS overflow warning
else if(numsegs >= short.MaxValue)
MessageBox.Show("The map has too many SEGS (" + numsegs + "/" + short.MaxValue + ").\nIt won't load in Vanilla-style source ports.", "THY SEGS ARETH TOO PHAT!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
segs = new Seg[numsegs];
for(int i = 0; i < segs.Length; i++)
segs[i].startvertex = segsreader.ReadUInt16();
segs[i].endvertex = segsreader.ReadUInt16();
segs[i].angle = Angle2D.DegToRad(General.ClampAngle(segsreader.ReadInt16() / 182 + 90)); //mxd 182 == 65536 / 360;
segs[i].lineindex = segsreader.ReadUInt16();
segs[i].leftside = segsreader.ReadInt16() != 0;
segs[i].offset = segsreader.ReadInt16();
// Load the vertexes structure
MemoryStream vertsstream = General.Map.GetLumpData("VERTEXES");
BinaryReader vertsreader = new BinaryReader(vertsstream);
int numverts = (int)vertsstream.Length / 4;
//mxd. Boilerplate!
if(numverts < 1)
// Cancel mode
MessageBox.Show("The map has empty VERTEXES lump. Please rebuild the nodes, then try running this mode again.", "THY VERTEXES ARETH FOUL!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
verts = new Vector2D[numverts];
for(int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
verts[i].x = vertsreader.ReadInt16();
verts[i].y = vertsreader.ReadInt16();
// Load the subsectors structure
MemoryStream ssecstream = General.Map.GetLumpData("SSECTORS");
BinaryReader ssecreader = new BinaryReader(ssecstream);
int numssec = (int)ssecstream.Length / 4;
//mxd. Boilerplate!
if(numssec < 1)
// Cancel mode
MessageBox.Show("The map has empty SSECTORS lump. Please rebuild the nodes, then try running this mode again.", "THY SSECTORS ARETH HERETYSH!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
ssectors = new Subsector[numssec];
for(int i = 0; i < ssectors.Length; i++)
ssectors[i].numsegs = ssecreader.ReadUInt16(); //TECH: these are short in Doom, ushort in ZDoom/PRBoom+
ssectors[i].firstseg = ssecreader.ReadUInt16();
// Link all segs to their subsectors
for(int i = 0; i < ssectors.Length; i++)
int lastseg = ssectors[i].firstseg + ssectors[i].numsegs - 1;
for(int sg = ssectors[i].firstseg; sg <= lastseg; sg++)
segs[sg].ssector = i;
return true;
//mxd. This loads all data from the ZNODES lump
private bool LoadZNodes()
List<string> supportedformats = new List<string> { "XNOD", "XGLN", "XGL2", "XGL3" };
MemoryStream stream = General.Map.GetLumpData("ZNODES");
// Boilerplate...
if(stream.Length < 4)
MessageBox.Show("ZNODES lump is empty.", "Nodes Viewer mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
using(BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
// Read signature
nodesformat = new string(reader.ReadChars(4));
MessageBox.Show("\"" + nodesformat + "\" node format is not supported.", "Nodes Viewer mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
uint vertscount = reader.ReadUInt32();
uint newvertscount = reader.ReadUInt32();
// Boilerplate...
if(vertscount != General.Map.Map.Vertices.Count)
MessageBox.Show("Error while reading ZNODES: vertices count in ZNODES lump (" + vertscount + ") doesn't match with map's vertices count (" + General.Map.Map.Vertices.Count + ")!", "Nodes Viewer mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
// Add map vertices
verts = new Vector2D[vertscount + newvertscount];
int counter = 0;
foreach(Vertex v in General.Map.Map.Vertices) verts[counter++] = v.Position;
// Read extra vertices
for(int i = counter; i < counter + newvertscount; i++)
verts[i].x = reader.ReadInt32() / 65536.0f;
verts[i].y = reader.ReadInt32() / 65536.0f;
// Read subsectors
uint sseccount = reader.ReadUInt32();
ssectors = new Subsector[sseccount];
int firstseg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ssectors.Length; i++)
ssectors[i].numsegs = (int)reader.ReadUInt32();
ssectors[i].firstseg = firstseg;
firstseg += ssectors[i].numsegs;
// Read segments. Offset and angle are unused anyway
uint segscount = reader.ReadUInt32();
segs = new Seg[segscount];
case "XGLN":
for(int i = 0; i < segs.Length; i++)
segs[i].startvertex = (int)reader.ReadUInt32();
reader.BaseStream.Position += 4; //skip partner
segs[i].lineindex = reader.ReadUInt16();
segs[i].leftside = reader.ReadBoolean();
case "XGL3":
case "XGL2":
for(int i = 0; i < segs.Length; i++)
segs[i].startvertex = (int)reader.ReadUInt32();
reader.BaseStream.Position += 4; //skip partner
uint lineindex = reader.ReadUInt32();
segs[i].lineindex = (lineindex == 0xFFFFFFFF ? -1 : (int)lineindex);
segs[i].leftside = reader.ReadBoolean();
case "XNOD":
for(int i = 0; i < segs.Length; i++)
segs[i].startvertex = (int)reader.ReadUInt32();
segs[i].endvertex = (int)reader.ReadUInt32();
segs[i].lineindex = reader.ReadUInt16();
segs[i].leftside = reader.ReadBoolean();
// Set second vertex, angle and reverse segs order
if(nodesformat == "XGLN" || nodesformat == "XGL2" || nodesformat == "XGL3")
int index = 0;
foreach(Subsector ss in ssectors)
// Set the last vert
int lastseg = ss.firstseg + ss.numsegs - 1;
segs[lastseg].endvertex = segs[ss.firstseg].startvertex;
// Set the rest
for(int i = ss.firstseg + 1; i <= lastseg; i++) segs[i - 1].endvertex = segs[i].startvertex;
// Set angle and subsector index
for(int i = ss.firstseg; i <= lastseg; i++)
segs[i].angle = Vector2D.GetAngle(verts[segs[i].endvertex], verts[segs[i].startvertex]);
segs[i].ssector = index;
// Read nodes
uint nodescount = reader.ReadUInt32();
// Boilerplate...
if(nodescount < 1)
MessageBox.Show("The map has only one subsector.\nPlease add more sectors before using this mode.", "Why are you doing this, Stanley?..", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
nodes = new Node[nodescount];
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
if(nodesformat == "XGL3")
nodes[i].linestart.x = reader.ReadInt32() / 65536.0f;
nodes[i].linestart.y = reader.ReadInt32() / 65536.0f;
nodes[i].linedelta.x = reader.ReadInt32() / 65536.0f;
nodes[i].linedelta.y = reader.ReadInt32() / 65536.0f;
nodes[i].linestart.x = reader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].linestart.y = reader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].linedelta.x = reader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].linedelta.y = reader.ReadInt16();
float top = reader.ReadInt16();
float bot = reader.ReadInt16();
float left = reader.ReadInt16();
float right = reader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].rightbox = new RectangleF(left, top, (right - left), (bot - top));
top = reader.ReadInt16();
bot = reader.ReadInt16();
left = reader.ReadInt16();
right = reader.ReadInt16();
nodes[i].leftbox = new RectangleF(left, top, (right - left), (bot - top));
uint rightindex = reader.ReadUInt32();
uint leftindex = reader.ReadUInt32();
nodes[i].rightchild = (int)(rightindex & 0x7FFFFFFF);
nodes[i].leftchild = (int)(leftindex & 0x7FFFFFFF);
nodes[i].rightsubsector = (rightindex & 0x80000000) != 0;
nodes[i].leftsubsector = (leftindex & 0x80000000) != 0;
// Add additional properties to nodes
nodes[nodes.Length - 1].parent = -1;
SetupNodes(); //mxd
return true;
/// <summary>
/// This recursively sets up the nodes structure with additional properties
/// </summary>
/*private void RecursiveSetupNodes(int nodeindex)
Node n = nodes[nodeindex];
nodes[n.leftchild].parent = nodeindex;
nodes[n.rightchild].parent = nodeindex;
/// <summary>
/// This sets up the nodes structure with additional properties
/// </summary>
private void SetupNodes() //mxd. StackOverflowless implementation :)
for(int i = nodes.Length - 1; i > -1; i--)
Node n = nodes[i];
if(!n.leftsubsector) nodes[n.leftchild].parent = i;
if(!n.rightsubsector) nodes[n.rightchild].parent = i;
/// <summary>
/// This builds the polygons for all subsectors
/// </summary>
private void RecursiveBuildSubsectorPoly(int nodeindex, Stack<Split> splits)
// Do the left side
Split s = new Split(nodes[nodeindex].linestart, -nodes[nodeindex].linedelta);
BuildSubsectorPoly(nodes[nodeindex].leftchild, splits);
RecursiveBuildSubsectorPoly(nodes[nodeindex].leftchild, splits);
// Do the right side
s = new Split(nodes[nodeindex].linestart, nodes[nodeindex].linedelta);
BuildSubsectorPoly(nodes[nodeindex].rightchild, splits);
RecursiveBuildSubsectorPoly(nodes[nodeindex].rightchild, splits);
/// <summary>
/// Build the polygon for a specific subsector
/// </summary>
private void BuildSubsectorPoly(int ss, IEnumerable<Split> nodesplits)
// Begin with a giant square polygon that covers the entire map
List<Vector2D> poly = new List<Vector2D>(16);
poly.Add(new Vector2D(-General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate));
poly.Add(new Vector2D(General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate));
poly.Add(new Vector2D(General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate, -General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate));
poly.Add(new Vector2D(-General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate, -General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxCoordinate));
// Crop the polygon by the node tree splits
foreach(Split s in nodesplits) CropPolygon(poly, s);
// Crop the polygon by the subsector segs
for(int i = 0; i < ssectors[ss].numsegs; i++)
Split s;
Seg sg = segs[ssectors[ss].firstseg + i];
//mxd. Sanity check, because some segs in Doom maps refer to non-existing verts.
if(sg.startvertex > verts.Length - 1 || sg.endvertex > verts.Length - 1) continue;
s.pos = verts[sg.startvertex];
s.delta = verts[sg.endvertex] - verts[sg.startvertex];
CropPolygon(poly, s);
if(poly.Count > 1)
// Remove any zero-length lines
Vector2D prevpoint = poly[0];
for(int i = poly.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if(Vector2D.DistanceSq(poly[i], prevpoint) < 0.001f)
prevpoint = poly[i];
ssectors[ss].points = poly.ToArray();
// Setup vertices for rendering
if(poly.Count >= 3)
FlatVertex[] fverts = new FlatVertex[(poly.Count - 2) * 3];
int intcolor = PixelColor.FromColor(Color.Gray).WithAlpha(100).ToInt();
int pi = 0;
for(int t = 0; t < (poly.Count - 2); t++)
fverts[pi].x = poly[0].x;
fverts[pi].y = poly[0].y;
fverts[pi].c = intcolor;
fverts[pi + 1].x = poly[t + 1].x;
fverts[pi + 1].y = poly[t + 1].y;
fverts[pi + 1].c = intcolor;
fverts[pi + 2].x = poly[t + 2].x;
fverts[pi + 2].y = poly[t + 2].y;
fverts[pi + 2].c = intcolor;
pi += 3;
ssectors[ss].vertices = fverts;
/// <summary>
/// Crop a polygon by a split line
/// </summary>
private static void CropPolygon(List<Vector2D> poly, Split split)
if(poly.Count == 0) return;
Vector2D prev = poly[poly.Count - 1];
float side1 = (prev.y - split.pos.y) * split.delta.x - (prev.x - split.pos.x) * split.delta.y;
List<Vector2D> newp = new List<Vector2D>(poly.Count);
for(int i = 0; i < poly.Count; i++)
// Fetch vertex and determine side
Vector2D cur = poly[i];
float side2 = (cur.y - split.pos.y) * split.delta.x - (cur.x - split.pos.x) * split.delta.y;
// Front?
if(side2 < -EPSILON)
if(side1 > EPSILON)
// Split line with plane and insert the vertex
float u;
Line2D.GetIntersection(split.pos, split.pos + split.delta, prev.x, prev.y, cur.x, cur.y, out u, false);
Vector2D newv = prev + (cur - prev) * u;
// Back?
else if(side2 > EPSILON)
if(side1 < -EPSILON)
// Split line with plane and insert the vertex
float u;
Line2D.GetIntersection(split.pos, split.pos + split.delta, prev.x, prev.y, cur.x, cur.y, out u, false);
Vector2D newv = prev + (cur - prev) * u;
// On the plane
// Next
prev = cur;
side1 = side2;
// The code below would be more efficient, because it modifies the polygon in place...
// but it has a bug, some polygons are corrupted.
bool prevremoved = false;
float prevside = (prev.y - split.pos.y) * split.delta.x - (prev.x - split.pos.x) * split.delta.y;
int i = 0;
while(i < poly.Count)
Vector2D cur = poly[i];
float curside = (cur.y - split.pos.y) * split.delta.x - (cur.x - split.pos.x) * split.delta.y;
// Point is in FRONT of the split?
if(curside < -EPSILON)
if(prevside > EPSILON)
// Previous point was BEHIND the split
// Line crosses the split, we need to add the intersection point
float u;
Line2D.GetIntersection(split.pos, split.pos + split.delta, prev.x, prev.y, cur.x, cur.y, out u);
Vector2D newv = prev + (cur - prev) * u;
poly.Insert(i, newv);
else if(prevside < -EPSILON)
// Previous point was also in FRONT of the split
// We don't need to do anything
// Previous point was ON the split
// If the previous point was removed, we have to add it again
poly.Insert(i, prev);
prevremoved = false;
// Point is BEHIND the split?
else if(curside > EPSILON)
if(prevside < -EPSILON)
// Previous point was in FRONT of the split
// Line crosses the split, so we must add the intersection point
float u;
Line2D.GetIntersection(split.pos, split.pos + split.delta, prev.x, prev.y, cur.x, cur.y, out u);
Vector2D newv = prev + (cur - prev) * u;
poly.Insert(i, newv);
else if(prevside > EPSILON)
// Previous point was also BEHIND the split
// We don't need to do anything, this point will be removed
// Previous point was ON the split
// We don't need to do anything, this point will be removed
prevremoved = true;
// Point is ON the split?
if(prevside > EPSILON)
// Previous point was BEHIND the split
// Remove this point
prevremoved = true;
else if(prevside < -EPSILON)
// Previous point was in FRONT of the split
// We want to keep this point
prevremoved = false;
// Previous point is ON the split
// Only if the previous point was also removed, we remove this one as well
prev = cur;
prevside = curside;
/// <summary>
/// This tests if the given coordinate is inside the specified subsector.
/// </summary>
private bool PointInSubsector(int index, Vector2D p)
if(ssectors[index].points.Length == 0) return false; //mxd
// Subsectors are convex, so we can simply test if the point is on the front side of all lines.
Vector2D[] points = ssectors[index].points;
Vector2D prevpoint = points[points.Length - 1];
for(int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
float side = Line2D.GetSideOfLine(prevpoint, points[i], p);
if(side > 0f) return false;
prevpoint = points[i];
return true;
// For rendering
private void DrawSubsectorArea(FlatVertex[] vertices, PixelColor color)
if(vertices == null) return;
if(vertices.Length < 3) return;
// Copy array and change color
FlatVertex[] poly = new FlatVertex[vertices.Length];
vertices.CopyTo(poly, 0);
int intcolor = color.WithAlpha(100).ToInt();
for(int i = 0; i < poly.Length; i++) poly[i].c = intcolor;
// Draw
renderer.RenderGeometry(poly, null, true);
// For rendering
private void DrawSubsectorArea(FlatVertex[] vertices)
if(vertices == null || vertices.Length < 3) return;
renderer.RenderGeometry(vertices, null, true);
// For rendering
private void PlotSubsectorLines(Vector2D[] points, PixelColor color)
if(points.Length < 2) return;
Vector2D prevpoint = points[points.Length - 1];
for(int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
renderer.PlotLine(prevpoint, points[i], color);
prevpoint = points[i];
// For rendering
private void DrawSplitArea(RectangleF bbox, int nodeindex, bool left, PixelColor color)
Node node = nodes[nodeindex];
// Begin with a square bounding box polygon
List<Vector2D> poly = new List<Vector2D>(16);
poly.Add(new Vector2D(bbox.Left, bbox.Top));
poly.Add(new Vector2D(bbox.Right, bbox.Top));
poly.Add(new Vector2D(bbox.Right, bbox.Bottom));
poly.Add(new Vector2D(bbox.Left, bbox.Bottom));
// Remove everything behind the split from the area
CropPolygon(poly, new Split(node.linestart, -node.linedelta));
CropPolygon(poly, new Split(node.linestart, node.linedelta));
// Remove everything behind parent splits from the area
int prevnode = nodeindex;
int parentnode = node.parent;
while(parentnode > -1)
Node pn = nodes[parentnode];
if(!pn.leftsubsector && (pn.leftchild == prevnode))
CropPolygon(poly, new Split(pn.linestart, -pn.linedelta));
else if(!pn.rightsubsector && (pn.rightchild == prevnode))
CropPolygon(poly, new Split(pn.linestart, pn.linedelta));
prevnode = parentnode;
parentnode = pn.parent;
if(poly.Count >= 3)
// Create render vertices
FlatVertex[] fverts = new FlatVertex[(poly.Count - 2) * 3];
int intcolor = color.ToInt();
int pi = 0;
for(int t = 0; t < (poly.Count - 2); t++)
fverts[pi].x = poly[0].x;
fverts[pi].y = poly[0].y;
fverts[pi].c = intcolor;
fverts[pi + 1].x = poly[t + 1].x;
fverts[pi + 1].y = poly[t + 1].y;
fverts[pi + 1].c = intcolor;
fverts[pi + 2].x = poly[t + 2].x;
fverts[pi + 2].y = poly[t + 2].y;
fverts[pi + 2].c = intcolor;
pi += 3;
// Draw
renderer.RenderGeometry(fverts, null, true);
#region ================== Events
// Mode starts
public override void OnEngage()
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
bool haveNodes = General.Map.LumpExists("NODES");
bool haveZnodes = General.Map.LumpExists("ZNODES");
bool haveSectors = General.Map.LumpExists("SSECTORS");
bool haveSegs = General.Map.LumpExists("SEGS");
bool haveVerts = General.Map.LumpExists("VERTEXES");
if(General.Map.IsChanged || !(haveZnodes || (haveNodes || haveSectors || haveSegs || haveVerts)))
// We need to build the nodes!
if(!General.Map.RebuildNodes(General.Map.ConfigSettings.NodebuilderSave, true)) return;
//mxd. Update nodes availability
haveNodes = General.Map.LumpExists("NODES");
haveZnodes = General.Map.LumpExists("ZNODES");
haveSectors = General.Map.LumpExists("SSECTORS");
haveSegs = General.Map.LumpExists("SEGS");
haveVerts = General.Map.LumpExists("VERTEXES");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Reading map nodes...");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Failed to read map nodes.");
MessageBox.Show("Unable to find the NODES lump. It may be that the nodes could not be built correctly.", "Nodes Viewer mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
MessageBox.Show("Unable to find the SSECTORS lump. It may be that the nodes could not be built correctly.", "Nodes Viewer mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
MessageBox.Show("Unable to find the SEGS lump. It may be that the nodes could not be built correctly.", "Nodes Viewer mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
MessageBox.Show("Unable to find the VERTEXES lump. It may be that the nodes could not be built correctly.", "Nodes Viewer mode", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Reading map nodes...");
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Failed to read map nodes.");
// Setup presentation
CustomPresentation presentation = new CustomPresentation();
presentation.AddLayer(new PresentLayer(RendererLayer.Background, BlendingMode.Mask, General.Settings.BackgroundAlpha));
presentation.AddLayer(new PresentLayer(RendererLayer.Grid, BlendingMode.Mask));
presentation.AddLayer(new PresentLayer(RendererLayer.Overlay, BlendingMode.Alpha, 1f, true));
presentation.AddLayer(new PresentLayer(RendererLayer.Geometry, BlendingMode.Alpha, 1f, true));
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Building subsectors...");
RecursiveBuildSubsectorPoly(nodes.Length - 1, new Stack<Split>(nodes.Length / 2 + 1));
// Load and display dialog window
form = new NodesForm(this);
form.Text += " (" + nodesformat + " format)";
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
// Mode ends
public override void OnDisengage()
if(form != null)
form = null;
// Cancelled
public override void OnCancel()
// Cancel base class
// Return to previous mode
// Mouse moves
public override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
if(form.SelectedTab == 0)
int newssector = -1;
// Traverse the tree to find the subsector we could be in
Node n = nodes[nodes.Length - 1];
float side = (mousemappos.y - n.linestart.y) * n.linedelta.x - (mousemappos.x - n.linestart.x) * n.linedelta.y;
if(side > 0f)
// Mouse is on the left side of this split
newssector = n.leftchild;
n = nodes[n.leftchild];
// Mouse is on the right side of this split
newssector = n.rightchild;
n = nodes[n.rightchild];
while(newssector == -1);
// The mouse could be outside the map (which can't be determined through the BSP tree).
// So here we check if the mouse is really inside the subsector.
if((newssector > -1) && !PointInSubsector(newssector, mousemappos)) newssector = -1;
// Update?
if(newssector != mouseinssector)
mouseinssector = newssector;
// Mouse leaves
public override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)
mouseinssector = -1;
// Mouse clicks to select a subsector
protected override void OnSelectBegin()
if(mouseinssector > -1)
// Draw the display
public override void OnRedrawDisplay()
if(form == null) return;
if(form.SelectedTab == 0)
// Render all subsectors in original color
for(int si = 0; si < ssectors.Length; si++)
Subsector s = ssectors[si];
PlotSubsectorLines(s.points, PixelColor.FromColor(Color.Gray));
if(mouseinssector > -1)
PlotSubsectorLines(ssectors[mouseinssector].points, General.Colors.Highlight);
// Draw additional vertices
for(int i = General.Map.Map.Vertices.Count; i < verts.Length; i++)
renderer.PlotVertexAt(verts[i], ColorCollection.VERTICES);
if(form.SelectedTab == 1)
// Render selected node split
if((form.ViewSplitIndex >= 0) && (form.ViewSplitIndex < nodes.Length))
Node n = nodes[form.ViewSplitIndex];
// Draw parent splits
int parentsplit = n.parent;
while(parentsplit > -1)
Node pn = nodes[parentsplit];
renderer.PlotLine(pn.linestart, pn.linestart + pn.linedelta, General.Colors.Selection);
parentsplit = pn.parent;
// Draw this split
renderer.PlotLine(n.linestart, n.linestart + n.linedelta, General.Colors.Highlight);
if(form.SelectedTab == 2)
// Render selected subsector
if((form.ViewSubsectorIndex >= 0) && (form.ViewSubsectorIndex < ssectors.Length))
Subsector s = ssectors[form.ViewSubsectorIndex];
PlotSubsectorLines(s.points, General.Colors.Highlight);
// Draw selected segment
if(form.ViewSegIndex > -1)
Seg sg = segs[form.ViewSegIndex];
renderer.PlotLine(verts[sg.startvertex], verts[sg.endvertex], General.Colors.Selection);
case 0:
if(mouseinssector > -1)
// Render all subsectors in original color
for(int si = 0; si < ssectors.Length; si++)
Subsector s = ssectors[si];
DrawSubsectorArea(ssectors[mouseinssector].vertices, General.Colors.Highlight);
// Render all subsectors with distinct colors
for(int si = 0; si < ssectors.Length; si++)
Subsector s = ssectors[si];
PixelColor color = distinctcolors[si % distinctcolors.Count];
DrawSubsectorArea(s.vertices, color);
case 1:
if((form.ViewSplitIndex >= 0) && (form.ViewSplitIndex < nodes.Length))
Node n = nodes[form.ViewSplitIndex];
// Draw areas. We draw these first, because they would otherwise erase any splits we want to show.
DrawSplitArea(n.leftbox, form.ViewSplitIndex, true, new PixelColor(100, 50, 80, 255));
DrawSplitArea(n.rightbox, form.ViewSplitIndex, false, new PixelColor(100, 20, 220, 20));
// Draw parent splits
int parentsplit = n.parent;
while(parentsplit > -1)
Node pn = nodes[parentsplit];
renderer.RenderLine(pn.linestart, pn.linestart + pn.linedelta, 1f, General.Colors.Selection, true);
parentsplit = pn.parent;
// Draw this split
renderer.RenderLine(n.linestart, n.linestart + n.linedelta, 1f, General.Colors.Highlight, true);
case 2:
if((form.ViewSubsectorIndex >= 0) && (form.ViewSubsectorIndex < ssectors.Length))
Subsector s = ssectors[form.ViewSubsectorIndex];
// Draw area
DrawSubsectorArea(s.vertices, General.Colors.Highlight);
// Draw selected segment
if(form.ViewSegIndex > -1)
Seg sg = segs[form.ViewSegIndex];
renderer.RenderLine(verts[sg.startvertex], verts[sg.endvertex], 1f, General.Colors.Selection, true);