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1227 lines
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Executable file
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config
public class GameConfiguration
#region ================== Constants
#region ================== Variables
// Original configuration
private readonly Configuration cfg;
// General settings
private readonly string configname;
private readonly string enginename;
private readonly float defaulttexturescale;
private readonly float defaultflatscale;
private readonly string defaultwalltexture; //mxd
private readonly string defaultfloortexture; //mxd
private readonly string defaultceilingtexture; //mxd
private readonly bool scaledtextureoffsets;
private readonly string defaultsavecompiler;
private readonly string defaulttestcompiler;
private readonly string formatinterface;
private readonly string defaultlinedefactivation; //mxd
private readonly string singlesidedflag;
private readonly string doublesidedflag;
private readonly string impassableflag;
private readonly string upperunpeggedflag;
private readonly string lowerunpeggedflag;
private readonly bool mixtexturesflats;
private readonly bool generalizedactions;
private readonly bool generalizedeffects;
private readonly int start3dmodethingtype;
private readonly int linedefactivationsfilter;
private readonly string testparameters;
private readonly bool testshortpaths;
private readonly string makedoortrack;
private readonly string makedoordoor; //mxd
private readonly string makedoorceil; //mxd
private readonly int makedooraction;
private readonly int makedooractivate;
private readonly int[] makedoorargs;
private readonly Dictionary<string, bool> makedoorflags;
private readonly bool linetagindicatesectors;
private readonly string decorategames;
private string skyflatname;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> defaultskytextures; //mxd <map name, sky texture name>
private readonly int maxtexturenamelength;
private readonly bool longtexturenames; //mxd
private readonly int leftboundary;
private readonly int rightboundary;
private readonly int topboundary;
private readonly int bottomboundary;
private readonly int safeboundary; //mxd
private readonly bool doomlightlevels;
private readonly bool doomthingrotationangles; //mxd
private readonly string actionspecialhelp; //mxd
private readonly string thingclasshelp; //mxd
private readonly bool sidedefcompressionignoresaction; //mxd
private readonly bool localsidedeftextureoffsets; //MaxW
// Skills
private readonly List<SkillInfo> skills;
// Map lumps
private readonly Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> maplumps;
//mxd. Map format
private readonly bool doommapformat;
private readonly bool hexenmapformat;
private readonly bool universalmapformat;
// Texture/flat/voxel sources
private readonly IDictionary textureranges;
private readonly IDictionary hiresranges; //mxd
private readonly IDictionary flatranges;
private readonly IDictionary patchranges;
private readonly IDictionary spriteranges;
private readonly IDictionary colormapranges;
private readonly IDictionary voxelranges; //mxd
// Things
private readonly List<string> defaultthingflags;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> thingflags;
private readonly List<ThingCategory> thingcategories;
private readonly Dictionary<int, ThingTypeInfo> things;
private readonly List<FlagTranslation> thingflagstranslation;
private readonly Dictionary<string, ThingFlagsCompareGroup> thingflagscompare; //mxd
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> thingrenderstyles; //mxd
// Linedefs
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> linedefflags;
private readonly List<string> sortedlinedefflags;
private readonly Dictionary<int, LinedefActionInfo> linedefactions;
private readonly List<LinedefActionInfo> sortedlinedefactions;
private readonly List<LinedefActionCategory> actioncategories;
private readonly List<LinedefActivateInfo> linedefactivates;
private readonly List<GeneralizedCategory> genactioncategories;
private readonly List<FlagTranslation> linedefflagstranslation;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> linedefrenderstyles; //mxd
//mxd. Sidedefs
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> sidedefflags; //mxd
// Sectors
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> sectorflags; //mxd
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> ceilportalflags; //mxd
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> floorportalflags; //mxd
private readonly Dictionary<int, SectorEffectInfo> sectoreffects;
private readonly List<SectorEffectInfo> sortedsectoreffects;
private readonly List<GeneralizedOption> geneffectoptions;
private readonly StepsList brightnesslevels;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> sectorrenderstyles; //mxd
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> sectorportalrenderstyles; //mxd
// Universal fields
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> linedeffields;
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> sectorfields;
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> sidedeffields;
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> thingfields;
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> vertexfields;
// Enums
private readonly Dictionary<string, EnumList> enums;
//mxd. DamageTypes
private HashSet<string> damagetypes;
//mxd. Internal sounds. These logical sound names won't trigger a warning when they are not bound to actual sounds in SOUNDINFO.
private HashSet<string> internalsoundnames;
//mxd. Stuff to ignore
private HashSet<string> ignoreddirectories;
private HashSet<string> ignoredextensions;
// Defaults
private readonly List<DefinedTextureSet> texturesets;
private readonly List<ThingsFilter> thingfilters;
//mxd. Holds base game type (doom, heretic, hexen or strife)
private readonly string basegame;
// [ZZ] compat
private readonly bool buggymodeldefpitch;
#region ================== Properties
// General settings
public string Name { get { return configname; } }
public string EngineName { get { return enginename; } }
public string DefaultSaveCompiler { get { return defaultsavecompiler; } }
public string DefaultTestCompiler { get { return defaulttestcompiler; } }
public float DefaultTextureScale { get { return defaulttexturescale; } }
public float DefaultFlatScale { get { return defaultflatscale; } }
public string DefaultWallTexture { get { return defaultwalltexture; } } //mxd
public string DefaultFloorTexture { get { return defaultfloortexture; } } //mxd
public string DefaultCeilingTexture { get { return defaultceilingtexture; } } //mxd
public bool ScaledTextureOffsets { get { return scaledtextureoffsets; } }
public string FormatInterface { get { return formatinterface; } }
public string DefaultLinedefActivationFlag { get { return defaultlinedefactivation; } } //mxd
public string SingleSidedFlag { get { return singlesidedflag; } }
public string DoubleSidedFlag { get { return doublesidedflag; } }
public string ImpassableFlag { get { return impassableflag; } }
public string UpperUnpeggedFlag { get { return upperunpeggedflag; } }
public string LowerUnpeggedFlag { get { return lowerunpeggedflag; } }
public bool MixTexturesFlats { get { return mixtexturesflats; } }
public bool GeneralizedActions { get { return generalizedactions; } }
public bool GeneralizedEffects { get { return generalizedeffects; } }
public int Start3DModeThingType { get { return start3dmodethingtype; } }
public int LinedefActivationsFilter { get { return linedefactivationsfilter; } }
public string TestParameters { get { return testparameters; } }
public bool TestShortPaths { get { return testshortpaths; } }
public string MakeDoorTrack { get { return makedoortrack; } }
public string MakeDoorDoor { get { return makedoordoor; } } //mxd
public string MakeDoorCeiling { get { return makedoorceil; } } //mxd
public int MakeDoorAction { get { return makedooraction; } }
public int MakeDoorActivate { get { return makedooractivate; } }
public Dictionary<string, bool> MakeDoorFlags { get { return makedoorflags; } }
public int[] MakeDoorArgs { get { return makedoorargs; } }
public bool LineTagIndicatesSectors { get { return linetagindicatesectors ; } }
public string DecorateGames { get { return decorategames; } }
public string SkyFlatName { get { return skyflatname; } internal set { skyflatname = value; } } //mxd. Added setter
public Dictionary<string, string> DefaultSkyTextures { get { return defaultskytextures; } } //mxd
public int MaxTextureNameLength { get { return maxtexturenamelength; } }
public bool UseLongTextureNames { get { return longtexturenames; } } //mxd
public int LeftBoundary { get { return leftboundary; } }
public int RightBoundary { get { return rightboundary; } }
public int TopBoundary { get { return topboundary; } }
public int BottomBoundary { get { return bottomboundary; } }
public int SafeBoundary { get { return safeboundary; } } //mxd
public bool DoomLightLevels { get { return doomlightlevels; } }
public bool DoomThingRotationAngles { get { return doomthingrotationangles; } } //mxd. When set to true, thing rotation angles will be clamped to the nearest 45 deg increment
public string ActionSpecialHelp { get { return actionspecialhelp; } } //mxd
public string ThingClassHelp { get { return thingclasshelp; } } //mxd
internal bool SidedefCompressionIgnoresAction { get { return sidedefcompressionignoresaction; } } //mxd
// Skills
public List<SkillInfo> Skills { get { return skills; } }
// Map lumps
public Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> MapLumps { get { return maplumps; } }
//mxd. Map format
public bool UDMF { get { return universalmapformat; } }
public bool HEXEN { get { return hexenmapformat; } }
public bool DOOM { get { return doommapformat; } }
public bool UseLocalSidedefTextureOffsets { get { return localsidedeftextureoffsets; } } //MaxW
// Texture/flat/voxel sources
public IDictionary TextureRanges { get { return textureranges; } }
public IDictionary HiResRanges { get { return hiresranges; } } //mxd
public IDictionary FlatRanges { get { return flatranges; } }
public IDictionary PatchRanges { get { return patchranges; } }
public IDictionary SpriteRanges { get { return spriteranges; } }
public IDictionary ColormapRanges { get { return colormapranges; } }
public IDictionary VoxelRanges { get { return voxelranges; } } //mxd
// Things
public ICollection<string> DefaultThingFlags { get { return defaultthingflags; } }
public IDictionary<string, string> ThingFlags { get { return thingflags; } }
public List<FlagTranslation> ThingFlagsTranslation { get { return thingflagstranslation; } }
public Dictionary<string, ThingFlagsCompareGroup> ThingFlagsCompare { get { return thingflagscompare; } } //mxd
public Dictionary<string, string> ThingRenderStyles { get { return thingrenderstyles; } } //mxd
// Linedefs
public IDictionary<string, string> LinedefFlags { get { return linedefflags; } }
public List<string> SortedLinedefFlags { get { return sortedlinedefflags; } }
public IDictionary<int, LinedefActionInfo> LinedefActions { get { return linedefactions; } }
public List<LinedefActionInfo> SortedLinedefActions { get { return sortedlinedefactions; } }
public List<LinedefActionCategory> ActionCategories { get { return actioncategories; } }
public List<LinedefActivateInfo> LinedefActivates { get { return linedefactivates; } }
public List<GeneralizedCategory> GenActionCategories { get { return genactioncategories; } }
public List<FlagTranslation> LinedefFlagsTranslation { get { return linedefflagstranslation; } }
public Dictionary<string, string> LinedefRenderStyles { get { return linedefrenderstyles; } } //mxd
//mxd. Sidedefs
public IDictionary<string, string> SidedefFlags { get { return sidedefflags; } }
// Sectors
public IDictionary<string, string> SectorFlags { get { return sectorflags; } } //mxd
public IDictionary<string, string> CeilingPortalFlags { get { return ceilportalflags; } } //mxd
public IDictionary<string, string> FloorPortalFlags { get { return floorportalflags; } } //mxd
public IDictionary<int, SectorEffectInfo> SectorEffects { get { return sectoreffects; } }
public List<SectorEffectInfo> SortedSectorEffects { get { return sortedsectoreffects; } }
public List<GeneralizedOption> GenEffectOptions { get { return geneffectoptions; } }
public StepsList BrightnessLevels { get { return brightnesslevels; } }
public Dictionary<string, string> SectorRenderStyles { get { return sectorrenderstyles; } } //mxd
public Dictionary<string, string> SectorPortalRenderStyles { get { return sectorportalrenderstyles; } } //mxd
// Universal fields
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> LinedefFields { get { return linedeffields; } }
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> SectorFields { get { return sectorfields; } }
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> SidedefFields { get { return sidedeffields; } }
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> ThingFields { get { return thingfields; } }
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> VertexFields { get { return vertexfields; } }
// Enums
public IDictionary<string, EnumList> Enums { get { return enums; } }
//mxd. DamageTypes
internal IEnumerable<string> DamageTypes { get { return damagetypes; } }
//mxd. Internal sounds
internal HashSet<string> InternalSoundNames { get { return internalsoundnames; } }
//mxd. Stuff to ignore
internal HashSet<string> IgnoredFileExtensions { get { return ignoredextensions; } }
internal HashSet<string> IgnoredDirectoryNames { get { return ignoreddirectories; } }
// Defaults
internal List<DefinedTextureSet> TextureSets { get { return texturesets; } }
public List<ThingsFilter> ThingsFilters { get { return thingfilters; } }
public string BaseGame { get { return basegame; } }
// [ZZ] compat
public bool BuggyModelDefPitch { get { return buggymodeldefpitch; } } // reverses +USEACTORPITCH (as in before GZDoom 2.4, but after +INHERITACTORPITCH)
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
internal GameConfiguration(Configuration cfg)
// Initialize
this.cfg = cfg;
this.thingflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.defaultthingflags = new List<string>();
this.thingcategories = new List<ThingCategory>();
this.things = new Dictionary<int, ThingTypeInfo>();
this.linedefflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.sortedlinedefflags = new List<string>();
this.linedefactions = new Dictionary<int, LinedefActionInfo>();
this.actioncategories = new List<LinedefActionCategory>();
this.sortedlinedefactions = new List<LinedefActionInfo>();
this.linedefactivates = new List<LinedefActivateInfo>();
this.sidedefflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.genactioncategories = new List<GeneralizedCategory>();
this.sectorflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.ceilportalflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.floorportalflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.sectoreffects = new Dictionary<int, SectorEffectInfo>();
this.sortedsectoreffects = new List<SectorEffectInfo>();
this.geneffectoptions = new List<GeneralizedOption>();
this.enums = new Dictionary<string, EnumList>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.skills = new List<SkillInfo>();
this.texturesets = new List<DefinedTextureSet>();
this.makedoorargs = new int[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
this.maplumps = new Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.thingflagstranslation = new List<FlagTranslation>();
this.linedefflagstranslation = new List<FlagTranslation>();
this.thingfilters = new List<ThingsFilter>();
this.thingflagscompare = new Dictionary<string, ThingFlagsCompareGroup>(); //mxd
this.brightnesslevels = new StepsList();
this.makedoorflags = new Dictionary<string, bool>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.linedefrenderstyles = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.sectorrenderstyles = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.sectorportalrenderstyles = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.thingrenderstyles = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.defaultskytextures = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //mxd
// Read general settings
configname = cfg.ReadSetting("game", "<unnamed game>");
basegame = cfg.ReadSetting("basegame", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant();
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unknown basegame value specified in current Game Configuration: \"" + basegame + "\"");
basegame = GameType.UNKNOWN;
enginename = cfg.ReadSetting("engine", "");
defaultsavecompiler = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultsavecompiler", "");
defaulttestcompiler = cfg.ReadSetting("defaulttestcompiler", "");
defaulttexturescale = cfg.ReadSetting("defaulttexturescale", 1f);
defaultflatscale = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultflatscale", 1f);
defaultwalltexture = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultwalltexture", "STARTAN"); //mxd
defaultfloortexture = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultfloortexture", "FLOOR0_1"); //mxd
defaultceilingtexture = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultceilingtexture", "CEIL1_1"); //mxd
scaledtextureoffsets = cfg.ReadSetting("scaledtextureoffsets", true);
formatinterface = cfg.ReadSetting("formatinterface", "");
mixtexturesflats = cfg.ReadSetting("mixtexturesflats", false);
generalizedactions = cfg.ReadSetting("generalizedlinedefs", false);
generalizedeffects = cfg.ReadSetting("generalizedsectors", false);
start3dmodethingtype = cfg.ReadSetting("start3dmode", 0);
linedefactivationsfilter = cfg.ReadSetting("linedefactivationsfilter", 0);
testparameters = cfg.ReadSetting("testparameters", "");
testshortpaths = cfg.ReadSetting("testshortpaths", false);
makedoortrack = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoortrack", "-");
makedoordoor = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoordoor", "-"); //mxd
makedoorceil = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoorceil", "-"); //mxd
makedooraction = cfg.ReadSetting("makedooraction", 0);
makedooractivate = cfg.ReadSetting("makedooractivate", 0);
linetagindicatesectors = cfg.ReadSetting("linetagindicatesectors", false);
decorategames = cfg.ReadSetting("decorategames", "");
skyflatname = cfg.ReadSetting("skyflatname", "F_SKY1");
leftboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("leftboundary", -32768);
rightboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("rightboundary", 32767);
topboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("topboundary", 32767);
bottomboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("bottomboundary", -32768);
safeboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("safeboundary", 32767); //mxd
doomlightlevels = cfg.ReadSetting("doomlightlevels", true);
doomthingrotationangles = cfg.ReadSetting("doomthingrotationangles", false); //mxd
actionspecialhelp = cfg.ReadSetting("actionspecialhelp", string.Empty); //mxd
thingclasshelp = cfg.ReadSetting("thingclasshelp", string.Empty); //mxd
sidedefcompressionignoresaction = cfg.ReadSetting("sidedefcompressionignoresaction", false); //mxd
defaultlinedefactivation = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultlinedefactivation", ""); //mxd
localsidedeftextureoffsets = (cfg.ReadSetting("localsidedeftextureoffsets", false)); //MaxW
for(int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++) makedoorargs[i] = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoorarg" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), 0);
//mxd. Update map format flags
universalmapformat = (formatinterface == "UniversalMapSetIO");
hexenmapformat = (formatinterface == "HexenMapSetIO");
doommapformat = (formatinterface == "DoomMapSetIO");
//mxd. Texture names length
longtexturenames = cfg.ReadSetting("longtexturenames", false);
maxtexturenamelength = (longtexturenames ? short.MaxValue : DataManager.CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH);
// [ZZ] compat
buggymodeldefpitch = cfg.ReadSetting("buggymodeldefpitch", false);
// Flags have special (invariant culture) conversion
// because they are allowed to be written as integers in the configs
object obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("singlesidedflag", 0);
if(obj is int) singlesidedflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else singlesidedflag = obj.ToString();
obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("doublesidedflag", 0);
if(obj is int) doublesidedflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else doublesidedflag = obj.ToString();
obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("impassableflag", 0);
if(obj is int) impassableflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else impassableflag = obj.ToString();
obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("upperunpeggedflag", 0);
if(obj is int) upperunpeggedflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else upperunpeggedflag = obj.ToString();
obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("lowerunpeggedflag", 0);
if(obj is int) lowerunpeggedflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else lowerunpeggedflag = obj.ToString();
// Get texture and flat sources
textureranges = cfg.ReadSetting("textures", new Hashtable());
hiresranges = cfg.ReadSetting("hires", new Hashtable()); //mxd
flatranges = cfg.ReadSetting("flats", new Hashtable());
patchranges = cfg.ReadSetting("patches", new Hashtable());
spriteranges = cfg.ReadSetting("sprites", new Hashtable());
colormapranges = cfg.ReadSetting("colormaps", new Hashtable());
voxelranges = cfg.ReadSetting("voxels", new Hashtable()); //mxd
// Map lumps
// Skills
// Enums
//mxd. Load damage types and internal sound names
char[] splitter = {' '};
damagetypes = new HashSet<string>(cfg.ReadSetting("damagetypes", "None").Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
internalsoundnames = new HashSet<string>(cfg.ReadSetting("internalsoundnames", string.Empty).Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
//mxd. Load stuff to ignore
ignoreddirectories = new HashSet<string>(cfg.ReadSetting("ignoreddirectories", string.Empty).Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
ignoredextensions = new HashSet<string>(cfg.ReadSetting("ignoredextensions", string.Empty).Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Things
LoadStringDictionary(thingrenderstyles, "thingrenderstyles"); //mxd
// Linedefs
LoadStringDictionary(linedefrenderstyles, "linedefrenderstyles"); //mxd
//mxd. Sidedefs
LoadStringDictionary(sidedefflags, "sidedefflags");
// Sectors
LoadStringDictionary(sectorflags, "sectorflags"); //mxd
LoadStringDictionary(ceilportalflags, "ceilingportalflags"); //mxd
LoadStringDictionary(floorportalflags, "floorportalflags"); //mxd
LoadStringDictionary(sectorrenderstyles, "sectorrenderstyles"); //mxd
LoadStringDictionary(sectorportalrenderstyles, "sectorportalrenderstyles"); //mxd
// Universal fields
linedeffields = LoadUniversalFields("linedef");
sectorfields = LoadUniversalFields("sector");
sidedeffields = LoadUniversalFields("sidedef");
thingfields = LoadUniversalFields("thing");
vertexfields = LoadUniversalFields("vertex");
// Defaults
//mxd. Vanilla sky textures
// Make door flags
// Destructor
foreach(ThingCategory tc in thingcategories) tc.Dispose();
foreach(LinedefActionCategory ac in actioncategories) ac.Dispose();
foreach(ThingsFilter tf in thingfilters) tf.Dispose(); //mxd
foreach(GeneralizedCategory gc in genactioncategories) gc.Dispose(); //mxd
#region ================== Loading
// This loads the map lumps
private void LoadMapLumps()
// Get map lumps list
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("maplumpnames", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Make map lumps
MapLumpInfo lumpinfo = new MapLumpInfo(de.Key.ToString(), cfg);
maplumps.Add(de.Key.ToString(), lumpinfo);
// This loads the enumerations
private void LoadEnums()
// Get enums list
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("enums", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Make new enum
EnumList list = new EnumList(de.Key.ToString(), cfg);
enums.Add(de.Key.ToString(), list);
// This loads a universal fields list
private List<UniversalFieldInfo> LoadUniversalFields(string elementname)
List<UniversalFieldInfo> list = new List<UniversalFieldInfo>();
// Get fields
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("universalfields." + elementname, new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
#if !DEBUG
// Read the field info and add to list
UniversalFieldInfo uf = new UniversalFieldInfo(elementname, de.Key.ToString(), this.Name, cfg, enums);
#if !DEBUG
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Unable to read universal field definition \"universalfields." + elementname + "." + de.Key + "\" from game configuration \"" + this.Name + "\"");
// Return result
return list;
// Things and thing categories
private void LoadThingCategories()
// Get thing categories
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
if(de.Value is IDictionary)
// Make a category
ThingCategory thingcat = new ThingCategory(cfg, null, de.Key.ToString(), enums);
//mxd. Otherwise nesting problems might occure
// Add all things in category to the big list
AddThingsFromCategory(thingcat); //mxd
// Add category to list
//mxd. This recursively adds all things from a ThingCategory and it's children
private void AddThingsFromCategory(ThingCategory thingcat)
if(!thingcat.IsValid) return;
// Add all things in category to the big list
foreach(ThingTypeInfo t in thingcat.Things)
things.Add(t.Index, t);
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Thing number " + t.Index + " is defined more than once (as \"" + things[t.Index].Title + "\" and \"" + t.Title + "\") in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Recursively add things from child categories
foreach(ThingCategory c in thingcat.Children) AddThingsFromCategory(c);
// Linedef flags
private void LoadLinedefFlags()
// Get linedef flags
LoadStringDictionary(linedefflags, "linedefflags"); //mxd
// Get translations
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("linedefflagstranslation", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
linedefflagstranslation.Add(new FlagTranslation(de));
// Sort flags?
MapSetIO io = MapSetIO.Create(formatinterface);
// Make list for integers that we can sort
List<int> sortlist = new List<int>(linedefflags.Count);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> f in linedefflags)
int num;
if(int.TryParse(f.Key, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num)) sortlist.Add(num);
// Sort
// Make list of strings
foreach(int i in sortlist)
// Sort the flags, because they must be compared highest first!
// Linedef actions and action categories
private void LoadLinedefActions()
Dictionary<string, LinedefActionCategory> cats = new Dictionary<string, LinedefActionCategory>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
// Get linedef categories
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("linedeftypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry cde in dic)
if(cde.Value is IDictionary)
// Read category title
string cattitle = cfg.ReadSetting("linedeftypes." + cde.Key + ".title", "");
// Make or get category
LinedefActionCategory ac;
ac = cats[cde.Key.ToString()];
ac = new LinedefActionCategory(cde.Key.ToString(), cattitle);
cats.Add(cde.Key.ToString(), ac);
// Go for all line types in category
IDictionary catdic = cfg.ReadSetting("linedeftypes." + cde.Key, new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in catdic)
// Check if the item key is numeric
int actionnumber;
NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out actionnumber))
// Check if the item value is a structure
if(de.Value is IDictionary)
//mxd. Sanity check...
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Structure \"linedeftypes\" contains duplicate action definition for action " + actionnumber
+ " in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration. If you want to override the existing action definition, make sure to put it in the same category (\""
+ linedefactions[actionnumber].Category + "\").");
// Make the line type
LinedefActionInfo ai = new LinedefActionInfo(actionnumber, cfg, cde.Key.ToString(), enums);
// Add action to category and sorted list
linedefactions.Add(actionnumber, ai);
// Failure
if(de.Value != null)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"linedeftypes\" contains invalid types in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration. All types must be expanded structures.");
// Sort the actions list
// Copy categories to final list
// Sort the categories list
// Linedef activates
private void LoadLinedefActivations()
// Get linedef activations
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("linedefactivations", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Add to the list
linedefactivates.Add(new LinedefActivateInfo(de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString()));
//mxd. Sort only when activations are numeric
MapSetIO io = MapSetIO.Create(formatinterface);
// Linedef generalized actions
private void LoadLinedefGeneralizedActions()
// Get linedef activations
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("gen_linedeftypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Check for valid structure
if(de.Value is IDictionary)
// Add category
genactioncategories.Add(new GeneralizedCategory("gen_linedeftypes", de.Key.ToString(), cfg));
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"gen_linedeftypes\" contains invalid entries in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Sector effects
private void LoadSectorEffects()
// Get sector effects
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("sectortypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Try parsing the action number
int actionnumber;
NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out actionnumber))
// Make effects
SectorEffectInfo si = new SectorEffectInfo(actionnumber, de.Value.ToString(), true, false);
// Add action to category and sorted list
sectoreffects.Add(actionnumber, si);
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"sectortypes\" contains invalid keys in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Sort the actions list
// Brightness levels
private void LoadBrightnessLevels()
// Get brightness levels structure
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("sectorbrightness", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Try paring the level
int level;
NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out level))
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"sectorbrightness\" contains invalid keys in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Sort the list
// Sector generalized effects
private void LoadSectorGeneralizedEffects()
// Get sector effects
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("gen_sectortypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Check for valid structure
IDictionary value = de.Value as IDictionary;
if(value != null)
// Add option
geneffectoptions.Add(new GeneralizedOption("gen_sectortypes", "", de.Key.ToString(), value));
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"gen_sectortypes\" contains invalid entries in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Thing flags
private void LoadThingFlags()
// Get thing flags
LoadStringDictionary(thingflags, "thingflags"); //mxd
// Get translations
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingflagstranslation", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
thingflagstranslation.Add(new FlagTranslation(de));
// Get thing compare flag info (for the stuck thing error checker
HashSet<string> flagscache = new HashSet<string>();
dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingflagscompare", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
string group = de.Key.ToString(); //mxd
thingflagscompare[group] = new ThingFlagsCompareGroup(cfg, group); //mxd
foreach(string s in thingflagscompare[group].Flags.Keys)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "ThingFlagsCompare flag \"" + s + "\" is double defined in the \"" + group + "\" group of the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
//mxd. Integrity check
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ThingFlagsCompareGroup> group in thingflagscompare)
foreach(ThingFlagsCompare flag in group.Value.Flags.Values)
// Required groups are missing?
foreach(string s in flag.RequiredGroups)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "ThingFlagsCompare group \"" + s + "\" required by flag \"" + flag.Flag + "\" does not exist in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Ignored groups are missing?
foreach(string s in flag.IgnoredGroups)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "ThingFlagsCompare group \"" + s + "\", ignored by flag \"" + flag.Flag + "\" does not exist in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Required flag is missing?
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flag.RequiredFlag) && !flagscache.Contains(flag.RequiredFlag))
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "ThingFlagsCompare flag \"" + flag.RequiredFlag + "\", required by flag \"" + flag.Flag + "\" does not exist in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
flag.RequiredFlag = string.Empty;
// Sort the translation flags, because they must be compared highest first!
// Default thing flags
private void LoadDefaultThingFlags()
// Get linedef flags
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultthingflags", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Check if flag exists
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"defaultthingflags\" contains unknown thing flags in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Skills
private void LoadSkills()
// Get skills
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("skills", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
int num;
if(int.TryParse(de.Key.ToString(), out num))
skills.Add(new SkillInfo(num, de.Value.ToString()));
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"skills\" contains invalid skill numbers in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Texture Sets
private void LoadTextureSets()
// Get sets
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("texturesets", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
DefinedTextureSet s = new DefinedTextureSet(cfg, "texturesets." + de.Key);
// Thing Filters
private void LoadThingFilters()
// Get sets
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingsfilters", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
ThingsFilter f = new ThingsFilter(cfg, "thingsfilters." + de.Key);
// Make door flags
private void LoadMakeDoorFlags()
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoorflags", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Using minus will unset the flag
if(de.Key.ToString()[0] == '-')
makedoorflags[de.Key.ToString().TrimStart('-')] = false;
makedoorflags[de.Key.ToString()] = true;
private void LoadDefaultSkies()
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultskytextures", new Hashtable());
char[] separator = new []{ ',' };
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
string skytex = de.Key.ToString();
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Sky texture \"" + skytex + "\" is double defined in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
string[] maps = de.Value.ToString().Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if(maps.Length == 0)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Sky texture \"" + skytex + "\" has no map names defined in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
foreach(string map in maps)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Map \"" + map + "\" is double defined in the \"DefaultSkyTextures\" block of \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
defaultskytextures[map] = skytex;
private void LoadStringDictionary(Dictionary<string, string> target, string settingname)
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting(settingname, new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
target.Add(de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString());
#region ================== Methods
// ReadSetting
public string ReadSetting(string setting, string defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public int ReadSetting(string setting, int defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public float ReadSetting(string setting, float defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public short ReadSetting(string setting, short defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public long ReadSetting(string setting, long defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public bool ReadSetting(string setting, bool defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public byte ReadSetting(string setting, byte defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public IDictionary ReadSetting(string setting, IDictionary defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
// This gets a list of things categories
internal List<ThingCategory> GetThingCategories()
return new List<ThingCategory>(thingcategories);
// This gets a list of things
internal Dictionary<int, ThingTypeInfo> GetThingTypes()
return new Dictionary<int, ThingTypeInfo>(things);
// This checks if an action is generalized or predefined
public static bool IsGeneralized(int action) { return IsGeneralized(action, General.Map.Config.GenActionCategories); }
public static bool IsGeneralized(int action, IEnumerable<GeneralizedCategory> categories)
// Only actions above 0
if(action > 0)
// Go for all categories
foreach(GeneralizedCategory ac in categories)
// Check if the action is within range of this category
if((action >= ac.Offset) && (action < (ac.Offset + ac.Length))) return true;
// Not generalized
return false;
// This gets the generalized action category from action number
public GeneralizedCategory GetGeneralizedActionCategory(int action)
// Only actions above 0
if(action > 0)
// Go for all categories
foreach(GeneralizedCategory ac in genactioncategories)
// Check if the action is within range of this category
if((action >= ac.Offset) && (action < (ac.Offset + ac.Length))) return ac;
// Not generalized
return null;
public static bool IsGeneralizedSectorEffect(int effect) { return IsGeneralizedSectorEffect(effect, General.Map.Config.GenEffectOptions); }
public static bool IsGeneralizedSectorEffect(int effect, List<GeneralizedOption> options)
if(effect == 0) return false;
int cureffect = effect;
for(int i = options.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
for(int j = options[i].Bits.Count - 1; j > -1; j--)
GeneralizedBit bit = options[i].Bits[j];
if(bit.Index > cureffect) continue;
if(bit.Index > 0 && (cureffect & bit.Index) == bit.Index) return true;
cureffect -= bit.Index;
return false;
public SectorEffectData GetSectorEffectData(int effect) { return GetSectorEffectData(effect, General.Map.Config.GenEffectOptions); }
public SectorEffectData GetSectorEffectData(int effect, List<GeneralizedOption> options)
SectorEffectData result = new SectorEffectData();
if(effect > 0)
int cureffect = effect;
for(int i = options.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
for(int j = options[i].Bits.Count - 1; j > -1; j--)
GeneralizedBit bit = options[i].Bits[j];
if(bit.Index > 0 && (cureffect & bit.Index) == bit.Index)
cureffect -= bit.Index;
if(cureffect > 0) result.Effect = cureffect;
return result;
public string GetGeneralizedSectorEffectName(int effect)
if(effect == 0) return "None";
string title = "Unknown generalized effect";
int matches = 0;
int nongeneralizedeffect = effect;
// Check all options, in bigger to smaller order
for(int i = geneffectoptions.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
for(int j = geneffectoptions[i].Bits.Count - 1; j > -1; j--)
GeneralizedBit bit = geneffectoptions[i].Bits[j];
if(bit.Index > 0 && (effect & bit.Index) == bit.Index)
title = geneffectoptions[i].Name + ": " + bit.Title;
nongeneralizedeffect -= bit.Index;
// Make generalized effect title
string gentitle = (matches > 1 ? "Generalized (" + matches + " effects)" : title);
// Generalized effect only
if(nongeneralizedeffect <= 0) return gentitle;
// Classic and generalized effects
return General.Map.Config.SectorEffects[nongeneralizedeffect].Title + " + " + gentitle;
if(matches > 0) return "Unknown effect + " + gentitle;
return "Unknown effect";
// This checks if a specific edit mode class is listed
public bool IsEditModeSpecified(string classname)
return cfg.SettingExists("editingmodes." + classname.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// This returns information on a linedef type
public LinedefActionInfo GetLinedefActionInfo(int action)
// No action?
if(action == 0) return new LinedefActionInfo(0, "None", true, false);
// Known type?
if(linedefactions.ContainsKey(action)) return linedefactions[action];
// Generalized action?
if(IsGeneralized(action, genactioncategories))
return new LinedefActionInfo(action, "Generalized (" + GetGeneralizedActionCategory(action) + ")", true, true);
// Unknown action...
return new LinedefActionInfo(action, "Unknown", false, false);
// This returns information on a sector effect
public SectorEffectInfo GetSectorEffectInfo(int effect)
// No effect?
if(effect == 0) return new SectorEffectInfo(0, "None", true, false);
// Known type?
if(sectoreffects.ContainsKey(effect)) return sectoreffects[effect];
//mxd. Generalized sector effect?
if(IsGeneralizedSectorEffect(effect, geneffectoptions))
return new SectorEffectInfo(effect, GetGeneralizedSectorEffectName(effect), true, true);
// Unknown sector effect...
return new SectorEffectInfo(effect, "Unknown", false, false);