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synced 2025-03-03 08:20:55 +00:00
3884 lines
128 KiB
Executable file
3884 lines
128 KiB
Executable file
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.Scripting;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.MD3;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ZDoom;
using Matrix = CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering.Matrix;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Dehacked;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data
public sealed class DataManager
#region ================== Constants
public const string INTERNAL_PREFIX = "internal:";
public const int CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH = 8; //mxd
private const int MAX_SKYTEXTURE_SIZE = 2048; //mxd
internal static readonly char[] CATEGORY_SPLITTER = { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar }; //mxd
private long UNKNOWN_THING; //mxd
private long MISSING_THING; //mxd
#region ================== Variables
// Data containers
private List<DataReader> containers;
private DataReader currentreader;
// Palette
private Playpal palette;
private ColorMap mainColormap;
// Textures, Flats and Sprites
private Dictionary<long, ImageData> textures;
private Dictionary<long, long> texturenamesshorttofull; //mxd
private List<string> texturenames;
private Dictionary<long, ImageData> flats;
private Dictionary<long, long> flatnamesshorttofull; //mxd
private Dictionary<long, long> flatnamesfulltoshort; //mxd
private List<string> flatnames;
private Dictionary<long, ImageData> sprites;
private List<MatchingTextureSet> texturesets;
private List<ResourceTextureSet> resourcetextures;
private AllTextureSet alltextures;
private AllTextureSet walltextureset;
private AllTextureSet flattextureset;
private Dictionary<int, ModelData> modeldefentries; //Thing.Type, Model entry
private Dictionary<int, DynamicLightData> gldefsentries; //Thing.Type, Light entry
private MapInfo mapinfo;
private Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<int, int>> reverbs; //<name, <arg1, arg2>
private Dictionary<long, GlowingFlatData> glowingflats; // Texture name hash, Glowing Flat Data
private Dictionary<string, SkyboxInfo> skyboxes;
private string[] soundsequences;
private string[] terrainnames;
private string[] damagetypes;
private Dictionary<string, PixelColor> knowncolors; // Colors parsed from X11R6RGB lump. Color names are lowercase without spaces
private CvarsCollection cvars; // Variables parsed from CVARINFO
private Dictionary<int, PixelColor> lockcolors; // Lock colors defined in LOCKDEFS
private Dictionary<int, int> lockableactions; // <Action number, arg referenceing "keys" enum number>
private Dictionary<int, AmbientSoundInfo> ambientsounds;
//mxd. Text resources
private Dictionary<ScriptType, HashSet<ScriptResource>> scriptresources;
// Background loading
private object syncobject = new object();
private Queue<ImageData> imageque;
private Thread[] backgroundloader;
// Special images
private ImageData missingtexture3d;
private ImageData unknowntexture3d;
private UnknownImage unknownimage; //mxd
private ImageData hourglass3d;
private ImageData crosshair;
private ImageData crosshairbusy;
private Dictionary<string, long> internalspriteslookup; //mxd
private ImageData whitetexture;
private ImageData blacktexture; //mxd
private ImageData thingtexture; //mxd
//mxd. Texture Browser images
private ImageData foldertexture;
private ImageData folderuptexture;
//mxd. Sky textures
private CubeTexture skybox; // GZDoom skybox
//mxd. Comment icons
private ImageData[] commenttextures;
// Things combined with things created from Decorate
private DecorateParser decorate;
private ZScriptParser zscript;
private Dictionary<string, ActorStructure> zdoomclasses;
private List<ThingCategory> thingcategories;
private Dictionary<int, ThingTypeInfo> thingtypes;
// Dehacked
private DehackedParser dehacked;
// Disposing
private bool isdisposed;
#region ================== Properties
internal Dictionary<int, ModelData> ModeldefEntries { get { return modeldefentries; } }
internal Dictionary<int, DynamicLightData> GldefsEntries { get { return gldefsentries; } }
public MapInfo MapInfo { get { return mapinfo; } }
public Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<int, int>> Reverbs { get { return reverbs; } }
public Dictionary<long, GlowingFlatData> GlowingFlats { get { return glowingflats; } }
public string[] SoundSequences { get { return soundsequences; } }
public string[] TerrainNames { get { return terrainnames; } }
public string[] DamageTypes { get { return damagetypes; } }
public Dictionary<string, PixelColor> KnownColors { get { return knowncolors; } }
internal Dictionary<ScriptType, HashSet<ScriptResource>> ScriptResources { get { return scriptresources; } }
internal CvarsCollection CVars { get { return cvars; } }
public Dictionary<int, PixelColor> LockColors { get { return lockcolors; } }
public Dictionary<int, int> LockableActions { get { return lockableactions; } }
public Dictionary<int, AmbientSoundInfo> AmbientSounds { get { return ambientsounds; } }
internal IEnumerable<DataReader> Containers { get { return containers; } }
public Playpal Palette { get { return palette; } }
public ColorMap MainColorMap { get { return mainColormap; } }
public ICollection<ImageData> Textures { get { return textures.Values; } }
public ICollection<ImageData> Flats { get { return flats.Values; } }
public List<string> TextureNames { get { return texturenames; } }
public List<string> FlatNames { get { return flatnames; } }
public bool IsDisposed { get { return isdisposed; } }
public ImageData MissingTexture3D { get { return missingtexture3d; } }
public ImageData UnknownTexture3D { get { return unknowntexture3d; } }
public ImageData UnknownImage { get { return unknownimage; } }
public ImageData Hourglass3D { get { return hourglass3d; } }
public ImageData Crosshair3D { get { return crosshair; } }
public ImageData CrosshairBusy3D { get { return crosshairbusy; } }
public Texture LoadingTexture { get; private set; }
public Texture FailedTexture { get; private set; }
public ImageData WhiteTexture { get { return whitetexture; } }
public ImageData BlackTexture { get { return blacktexture; } } //mxd
public ImageData ThingTexture { get { return thingtexture; } } //mxd
internal ImageData FolderTexture { get { return foldertexture; } } //mxd
internal ImageData FolderUpTexture { get { return folderuptexture; } } //mxd
public ImageData[] CommentTextures { get { return commenttextures; } } //mxd
internal CubeTexture SkyBox { get { return skybox; } } //mxd
public List<ThingCategory> ThingCategories { get { return thingcategories; } }
public ICollection<ThingTypeInfo> ThingTypes { get { return thingtypes.Values; } }
public DecorateParser Decorate { get { return decorate; } }
public ZScriptParser ZScript { get { return zscript; } }
internal ICollection<MatchingTextureSet> TextureSets { get { return texturesets; } }
internal ICollection<ResourceTextureSet> ResourceTextureSets { get { return resourcetextures; } }
internal AllTextureSet AllTextureSet { get { return alltextures; } }
internal AllTextureSet WallTextureSet { get { return walltextureset; } }
internal AllTextureSet FlatTextureSet { get { return flattextureset; } }
public bool IsLoading
if(imageque != null)
return (backgroundloader != null) && backgroundloader.Any(x => x.IsAlive) && ((imageque.Count > 0));
return false;
internal const float DOOM_PIXEL_RATIO = 1.2f;
public float VerticalViewStretch
if (mapinfo == null)
return mapinfo.PixelRatio;
public float InvertedVerticalViewStretch
return 1.0f / VerticalViewStretch;
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
internal DataManager()
FailedTexture = new Texture(General.Map.Graphics, Properties.Resources.Failed);
LoadingTexture = new Texture(General.Map.Graphics, Properties.Resources.Hourglass);
// Load special images (mxd: the rest is loaded in LoadInternalTextures())
whitetexture = new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.White.png") { UseColorCorrection = false };
blacktexture = new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.Black.png") { UseColorCorrection = false }; //mxd
unknownimage = new UnknownImage(); //mxd. There should be only one!
//mxd. Textures browser images
foldertexture = new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.Folder96.png") { UseColorCorrection = false };
folderuptexture = new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.Folder96Up.png") { UseColorCorrection = false };
//mxd. Create comment icons
commenttextures = new ImageData[]
new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.CommentRegular.png") { UseColorCorrection = false },
new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.CommentInfo.png") { UseColorCorrection = false },
new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.CommentQuestion.png") { UseColorCorrection = false },
new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.CommentProblem.png") { UseColorCorrection = false },
new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.CommentSmile.png") { UseColorCorrection = false },
// Disposer
internal void Dispose()
// Not already disposed?
// Clean up
missingtexture3d = null;
unknowntexture3d = null;
hourglass3d = null;
crosshair = null;
crosshairbusy = null;
whitetexture = null;
blacktexture.Dispose(); //mxd
blacktexture = null; //mxd
thingtexture.Dispose(); //mxd
thingtexture = null; //mxd
unknownimage.Dispose(); //mxd
unknownimage = null; //mxd
foldertexture.Dispose(); //mxd
foldertexture = null; //mxd
folderuptexture.Dispose(); //mxd
folderuptexture = null; //mxd
for(int i = 0; i < commenttextures.Length; i++) //mxd
commenttextures[i] = null;
commenttextures = null;
if(skybox != null) //mxd
skybox = null;
// Done
isdisposed = true;
#region ================== Loading / Unloading
// This loads all data resources
internal void Load(DataLocationList configlist, DataLocationList maplist, DataLocation maplocation)
//mxd. Don't modify original lists
DataLocationList configlistcopy = new DataLocationList(configlist);
DataLocationList maplistcopy = new DataLocationList(maplist);
//mxd. If maplocation was already added as a resource, make sure it's singular and is the last in the list
Load(configlistcopy, maplistcopy);
// This loads all data resources
internal void Load(DataLocationList configlist, DataLocationList maplist)
Dictionary<long, ImageData> texturesonly = new Dictionary<long, ImageData>();
Dictionary<long, ImageData> colormapsonly = new Dictionary<long, ImageData>();
Dictionary<long, ImageData> flatsonly = new Dictionary<long, ImageData>();
// Create collections
containers = new List<DataReader>();
textures = new Dictionary<long, ImageData>();
flats = new Dictionary<long, ImageData>();
sprites = new Dictionary<long, ImageData>();
texturenames = new List<string>();
flatnames = new List<string>();
texturenamesshorttofull = new Dictionary<long, long>(); //mxd
flatnamesshorttofull = new Dictionary<long, long>(); //mxd
flatnamesfulltoshort = new Dictionary<long, long>(); //mxd
imageque = new Queue<ImageData>();
texturesets = new List<MatchingTextureSet>();
thingcategories = General.Map.Config.GetThingCategories();
thingtypes = General.Map.Config.GetThingTypes();
//mxd. Create even more collections!
modeldefentries = new Dictionary<int, ModelData>();
gldefsentries = new Dictionary<int, DynamicLightData>();
reverbs = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<int, int>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
glowingflats = new Dictionary<long, GlowingFlatData>();
skyboxes = new Dictionary<string, SkyboxInfo>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
soundsequences = new string[0];
terrainnames = new string[0];
scriptresources = new Dictionary<ScriptType, HashSet<ScriptResource>>();
damagetypes = new string[0];
knowncolors = new Dictionary<string, PixelColor>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
cvars = new CvarsCollection();
ambientsounds = new Dictionary<int, AmbientSoundInfo>();
// Load texture sets
foreach(DefinedTextureSet ts in General.Map.ConfigSettings.TextureSets)
texturesets.Add(new MatchingTextureSet(ts));
// Sort the texture sets
// Special textures sets
alltextures = new AllTextureSet();
walltextureset = new AllTextureSet();
flattextureset = new AllTextureSet();
resourcetextures = new List<ResourceTextureSet>();
// Go for all locations
DataLocationList locations = DataLocationList.Combined(configlist, maplist); //mxd
string prevofficialiwad = string.Empty; //mxd
foreach(DataLocation dl in locations)
// Nothing chosen yet
DataReader c = null;
// TODO: Make this work more elegant using reflection.
// Make DataLocation.type of type Type and assign the
// types of the desired reader classes.
// Choose container type
switch (dl.type)
//mxd. Load resource in read-only mode if:
// 1. UseResourcesInReadonlyMode map option is set.
// 2. OR file has "Read only" flag set.
// 3. OR resource has "Exclude from testing parameters" flag set.
// 4. OR resource is official IWAD.
// WAD file container
case DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD:
c = new WADReader(dl, General.Map.Config, true);
if (((WADReader)c).WadFile.IsOfficialIWAD) //mxd
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prevofficialiwad))
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Using more than one official IWAD as a resource is not recommended. Consider removing \"" + prevofficialiwad + "\" or \"" + dl.GetDisplayName() + "\".");
prevofficialiwad = dl.GetDisplayName();
// Directory container
c = new DirectoryReader(dl, General.Map.Config, true);
// PK3 file container
case DataLocation.RESOURCE_PK3:
c = new PK3Reader(dl, General.Map.Config, true);
catch (Exception e)
// Unable to load resource
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to load resources from location \"" + dl.location + "\". Please make sure the location is accessible and not in use by another program. The resources will now be loaded with this location excluded. You may reload the resources to try again.\n" + e.GetType().Name + " when creating data reader: " + e.Message);
// Add container
if(c != null)
// Load stuff
LoadX11R6RGB(); //mxd
Dictionary<string, TexturesParser> cachedparsers = new Dictionary<string, TexturesParser>(); //mxd
int texcount = LoadTextures(texturesonly, texturenamesshorttofull, cachedparsers);
int flatcount = LoadFlats(flatsonly, flatnamesshorttofull, cachedparsers);
int colormapcount = LoadColormaps(colormapsonly);
cachedparsers = null; //mxd
//mxd. Load MAPINFO and CVARINFO. Should happen before parisng DECORATE
Dictionary<int, string> spawnnums, doomednums;
LoadMapInfo(out spawnnums, out doomednums);
//mxd. Load Script Editor-only stuff...
int thingcount = ApplyZDoomThings(spawnnums, doomednums);
int spritecount = LoadThingSprites();
LoadInternalTextures(); //mxd
//mxd. Load more stuff
// Process colormaps (we just put them in as textures)
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> t in colormapsonly)
textures.Add(t.Key, t.Value);
// Process textures
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> t in texturesonly)
textures.Add(t.Key, t.Value);
//mxd. Add both short and long names?
if(t.Value.HasLongName) texturenames.Add(t.Value.ShortName);
// Process flats
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> f in flatsonly)
flats.Add(f.Key, f.Value);
//mxd. Add both short and long names?
if(f.Value.HasLongName) flatnames.Add(f.Value.ShortName);
// Mixed textures and flats?
// Add textures to flats
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> t in texturesonly)
flats.Add(t.Key, t.Value);
//mxd. Add both short and long names?
if(t.Value.HasLongName) flatnames.Add(t.Value.ShortName);
else if(t.Value.TextureNamespace == TextureNamespace.TEXTURE)
//TODO: check this!
flats[t.Key] = t.Value;
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, long> t in texturenamesshorttofull)
if(!flatnamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(t.Key)) flatnamesshorttofull.Add(t.Key, t.Value);
flatnamesfulltoshort = flatnamesshorttofull.ToDictionary(t => t.Value, t => t.Key); //flatnamesshorttofull.ToDictionary(kp => kp.Value, kp => kp.Key);
// Add flats to textures
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> f in flatsonly)
textures.Add(f.Key, f.Value);
//mxd. Add both short and long names?
if(f.Value.HasLongName && !texturenames.Contains(f.Value.ShortName)) texturenames.Add(f.Value.ShortName);
if(!texturenames.Contains(f.Value.Name)) texturenames.Add(f.Value.Name);
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, long> t in flatnamesshorttofull)
if(!texturenamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(t.Key)) texturenamesshorttofull.Add(t.Key, t.Value);
// Do the same on the data readers
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
//mxd. Should be done after loading textures...
int hirestexcount = LoadHiResTextures();
//mxd. Create camera textures. Should be done after loading textures.
// Sort names
// biwa. Moved model processing after texture processing, since the model might need one of those textures
Dictionary<string, int> actorsbyclass = CreateActorsByClassList();
foreach (Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things) t.UpdateCache();
// Sort things
foreach (ThingCategory tc in thingcategories) tc.SortIfNeeded();
// Update the used textures
// Add texture names to texture sets
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> img in textures)
// Add to all sets
foreach(MatchingTextureSet ms in texturesets)
// Add to all
// Add flat names to texture sets
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> img in flats)
// Add to all sets
foreach(MatchingTextureSet ms in texturesets)
// Add to all
//mxd. Create skybox texture(s)
// [ZZ] clear texture/flat cache in ImageSelectorPanel
// Start background loading
// Output info
General.WriteLogLine("Loaded " + texcount + " textures, " + flatcount + " flats, " + hirestexcount + " hires textures, " +
colormapcount + " colormaps, " + spritecount + " sprites, " +
thingcount + " decorate things, " + modeldefentries.Count + " model/voxel definitions, " +
gldefsentries.Count + " dynamic light definitions, " +
glowingflats.Count + " glowing flat definitions, " + skyboxes.Count + " skybox definitions, " +
reverbs.Count + " sound environment definitions");
if (General.ErrorLogger.HasChanged)
string key = Actions.Action.GetShortcutKeyDesc(General.Actions.GetActionByName("builder_showerrors").ShortcutKey);
string keymessage = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
keymessage = $" ({key})";
if (General.ErrorLogger.IsWarningAdded)
General.ToastManager.ShowToast("resourcewarningsanderrors", ToastType.WARNING, ToastManager.TITLE_WARNING, $"There were warnings while loading the resources. Please review the messages in the Warnings and Errors window{keymessage}.", "There were warnings while loading the resources.");
else if(General.ErrorLogger.IsErrorAdded)
General.ToastManager.ShowToast("resourcewarningsanderrors", ToastType.ERROR, ToastManager.TITLE_ERROR, $"There were errors while loading the resources. Please review the messages in the Warnings and Errors window{keymessage}.", "There were errors while loading the resources.");
// This unloads all data
private void Unload()
// Stop background loader
// Dispose decorate
// Dispose resources
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> i in textures) i.Value.Dispose();
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> i in flats) i.Value.Dispose();
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> i in sprites) i.Value.Dispose();
palette = null;
//mxd. Dispose models
foreach(ModelData md in modeldefentries.Values) md.Dispose();
// Dispose containers
foreach(DataReader c in containers) c.Dispose();
// Trash collections
decorate = null;
containers = null;
textures = null;
flats = null;
sprites = null;
modeldefentries = null; //mxd
gldefsentries = null; //mxd
reverbs = null; //mxd
glowingflats = null; //mxd
skyboxes = null; //mxd
soundsequences = null; //mxd
terrainnames = null; //mxd
scriptresources = null; //mxd
damagetypes = null; //mxd
knowncolors = null; //mxd
cvars = null; //mxd
texturenames = null;
flatnames = null;
imageque = null;
mapinfo = null; //mxd
#region ================== Suspend / Resume
// This suspends data resources
internal void Suspend()
// Stop background loader
// Go for all containers
foreach(DataReader d in containers)
// Suspend
General.WriteLogLine("Suspended data resource \"" + d.Location.location + "\"");
// This resumes data resources
internal void Resume()
// Go for all containers
foreach(DataReader d in containers)
// Resume
General.WriteLogLine("Resumed data resource \"" + d.Location.location + "\"");
catch(Exception e)
// Unable to load resource
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to load resources from location \"" + d.Location.location + "\". Please make sure the location is accessible and not in use by another program. The resources will now be loaded with this location excluded. You may reload the resources to try again.\n" + e.GetType().Name + " when resuming data reader: " + e.Message + ")");
// Start background loading
#region ================== Background Loading
// This starts background loading
private void StartBackgroundLoader()
// If a loader is already running, stop it first
if(backgroundloader != null) StopBackgroundLoader();
// Start a low priority thread to load images in background
General.WriteLogLine("Starting background resource loading...");
int numThreads = Math.Min(Math.Max(Environment.ProcessorCount * 3 / 4, 1), 16); // Use 75% of processors available, minimum one and maximum 16
backgroundloader = new Thread[numThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
backgroundloader[i] = new Thread(BackgroundLoad);
backgroundloader[i].Name = "Background Loader";
// This stops background loading
private void StopBackgroundLoader()
General.WriteLogLine("Stopping background resource loading...");
if(backgroundloader != null)
// Stop the thread and wait for it to end
foreach (Thread t in backgroundloader) t.Interrupt();
foreach (Thread t in backgroundloader) t.Join();
// Reset load states on all images in the list
while(imageque.Count > 0)
ImageData img = imageque.Dequeue();
img.ImageState = ImageLoadState.None;
img.PreviewState = ImageLoadState.None;
// Done
backgroundloader = null;
// The background loader
private void BackgroundLoad()
// Wait a bit before loading to give the main thread a headstart on acquiring the locks in the resource loader part of the codebase..
while (true)
// Get next item
ImageData image = null;
// Fetch next image to process
if(imageque.Count > 0)
image = imageque.Dequeue();
catch(ThreadInterruptedException) { }
internal void QueueLoadImage(ImageData img)
if(img.ImageState == ImageLoadState.None)
img.ImageState = ImageLoadState.Loading;
img.PreviewState = ImageLoadState.Loading;
lock (syncobject)
internal void QueueLoadPreview(ImageData img)
if (img.PreviewState == ImageLoadState.None)
img.PreviewState = ImageLoadState.Loading;
lock (syncobject)
//mxd. This loads a model
internal bool ProcessModel(int type)
if(modeldefentries[type].LoadState != ModelLoadState.None) return true;
//create models
ModelReader.Load(modeldefentries[type], containers);
if(modeldefentries[type].Model != null)
modeldefentries[type].LoadState = ModelLoadState.Ready;
return true;
return false;
#region ================== Palette
// This loads the PLAYPAL palette
private void LoadPalette()
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Load palette
palette = containers[i].LoadPalette();
if(palette != null) break;
// Make empty palette when still no palette found
if(palette == null)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "None of the loaded resources define a color palette. Did you forget to configure an IWAD for this game configuration?");
palette = new Playpal();
private void LoadMainColorMap()
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Load palette
mainColormap = containers[i].LoadMainColorMap(palette);
if(mainColormap != null) break;
// Make empty palette when still no palette found
if(mainColormap == null)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "None of the loaded resources define a colormap. Did you forget to configure an IWAD for this game configuration?");
mainColormap = new ColorMap();
#region ================== Colormaps
// This loads the colormaps
private int LoadColormaps(Dictionary<long, ImageData> list)
int counter = 0;
// Go for all opened containers
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
// Load colormaps
ICollection<ImageData> images = dr.LoadColormaps();
if(images != null)
// Go for all colormaps
foreach(ImageData img in images)
// Add or replace in flats list
list.Add(img.LongName, img);
// Output info
return counter;
// This returns a specific colormap stream
internal Stream GetColormapData(string pname)
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This contain provides this flat?
Stream colormap = containers[i].GetColormapData(pname);
if(colormap != null) return colormap;
// No such patch found
return null;
#region ================== Textures
// This loads the textures
private int LoadTextures(Dictionary<long, ImageData> list, Dictionary<long, long> nametranslation, Dictionary<string, TexturesParser> cachedparsers)
PatchNames pnames = new PatchNames();
int counter = 0;
// Go for all opened containers
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
// Load PNAMES info
// Note that pnames is NOT set to null in the loop
// because if a container has no pnames, the pnames
// of the previous (higher) container should be used.
PatchNames newpnames = dr.LoadPatchNames();
if(newpnames != null) pnames = newpnames;
// Load textures
IEnumerable<ImageData> images = dr.LoadTextures(pnames, cachedparsers);
if(images != null)
// Go for all textures
foreach(ImageData img in images)
// Add or replace in textures list
list[img.LongName] = img;
//mxd. Also add as short name when texture name is longer than 8 chars
// Or remove when a wad image with short name overrides previously added
// resource image with long name
long longshortname = Lump.MakeLongName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(img.Name), false);
nametranslation[longshortname] = img.LongName;
else if(img is TextureImage && nametranslation.ContainsKey(img.LongName))
// Output info
return counter;
// This returns a specific patch stream
internal Stream GetPatchData(string pname, bool longname, ref string patchlocation)
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
// This contain provides this patch?
Stream patch = containers[i].GetPatchData(pname, longname, ref patchlocation);
if(patch != null) return patch;
// No such patch found
return null;
// This returns a specific texture stream
internal Stream GetTextureData(string pname, bool longname, ref string texturelocation)
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This container provides this patch?
Stream patch = containers[i].GetTextureData(pname, longname, ref texturelocation);
if(patch != null) return patch;
// No such patch found
return null;
// This checks if a given texture is known
public bool GetTextureExists(string name)
return GetTextureExists(Lump.MakeLongName(name)); //mxd
// This checks if a given texture is known
public bool GetTextureExists(long longname)
return textures.ContainsKey(longname) || texturenamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(longname);
// This returns an image by string
public ImageData GetTextureImage(string name)
// Get the long name
long longname = Lump.MakeLongName(name);
return GetTextureImage(longname);
// This returns an image by long
public ImageData GetTextureImage(long longname)
// Does this texture exist?
if (textures.ContainsKey(longname))
return textures[longname];
if (texturenamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(longname)) return textures[texturenamesshorttofull[longname]]; //mxd
if (textures.ContainsKey(longname)) return textures[longname];
// Return null image
return unknownimage; //mxd
//mxd. This tries to find and load any image with given name
internal Bitmap GetTextureBitmap(string name) { Vector2D unused = new Vector2D(); return GetTextureBitmap(name, out unused); }
internal Bitmap GetTextureBitmap(string name, out Vector2D scale)
// Check the textures first...
ImageData img = GetTextureImage(name);
if(img is UnknownImage && !General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats)
img = GetFlatImage(name);
if(!(img is UnknownImage))
// HiResImage will not give us it's actual scale
Bitmap texture = img.GetSkyboxBitmap();
lock (texture)
scale = new Vector2D((float)img.Width / texture.Width, (float)img.Height / texture.Height);
return texture;
// Try to find any image...
scale = new Vector2D(1.0f, 1.0f);
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This container has a lump with given name?
if(containers[i] is PK3StructuredReader)
string foundname = ((PK3StructuredReader)containers[i]).FindFirstFile(name, true);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(foundname)) continue;
name = foundname;
else if(!(containers[i] is WADReader))
throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported container type!");
if(!containers[i].FileExists(name)) continue;
MemoryStream mem = containers[i].LoadFile(name);
if(mem == null) continue;
// Is it an image?
Bitmap bitmap = ImageDataFormat.TryLoadImage(mem, ImageDataFormat.DOOMPICTURE, General.Map.Data.Palette);
if(bitmap != null) return bitmap;
// No such image found
return null;
public string GetFullTextureName(string name)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) return name;
if(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name) == name && name.Length > CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH)
name = name.Substring(0, CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH);
long hash = MurmurHash2.Hash(name.Trim().ToUpperInvariant());
if(textures.ContainsKey(hash) && (textures[hash] is TEXTURESImage || textures[hash] is HiResImage))
return textures[hash].Name; //TEXTURES and HiRes textures should still override regular ones...
if(texturenamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(hash)) return textures[texturenamesshorttofull[hash]].Name;
if(textures.ContainsKey(hash)) return textures[hash].Name;
return name;
internal long GetFullLongTextureName(long hash)
if(textures.ContainsKey(hash) && (textures[hash] is TEXTURESImage || textures[hash] is HiResImage))
return hash; //TEXTURES and HiRes textures should still override regular ones...
return (General.Map.Config.UseLongTextureNames && texturenamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(hash) ? texturenamesshorttofull[hash] : hash);
private void LoadInternalTextures()
missingtexture3d = LoadInternalTexture("MissingTexture3D.png");
unknowntexture3d = LoadInternalTexture("UnknownTexture3D.png");
thingtexture = LoadInternalTexture("ThingTexture2D.png");
hourglass3d = LoadInternalTexture("Hourglass3D.png");
crosshair = LoadInternalTexture("Crosshair.png");
crosshairbusy = LoadInternalTexture("CrosshairBusy.png");
thingtexture.UseColorCorrection = false;
private static ImageData LoadInternalTexture(string name)
ImageData result;
string path = Path.Combine(General.TexturesPath, name);
result = new FileImage(name, path) { AllowUnload = false };
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Unable to load editor texture \"" + name + "\". Using built-in one instead.");
result = new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources." + name);
return result;
#region ================== Flats
// This loads the flats
private int LoadFlats(Dictionary<long, ImageData> list, Dictionary<long, long> nametranslation, Dictionary<string, TexturesParser> cachedparsers)
int counter = 0;
// Go for all opened containers
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
// Load flats
IEnumerable<ImageData> images = dr.LoadFlats(cachedparsers);
if(images != null)
// Go for all flats
foreach(ImageData img in images)
// Add or replace in flats list
list[img.LongName] = img; //mxd
//mxd. Also add as short name when texture name is longer than 8 chars
// Or remove when a wad image with short name overrides previously added
// resource image with long name
long longshortname = Lump.MakeLongName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(img.Name), false);
nametranslation[longshortname] = img.LongName;
else if(img is FlatImage && nametranslation.ContainsKey(img.LongName))
// Output info
return counter;
// This returns a specific flat stream
internal Stream GetFlatData(string pname, bool longname, ref string flatlocation)
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This contain provides this flat?
Stream flat = containers[i].GetFlatData(pname, longname, ref flatlocation);
if(flat != null) return flat;
// No such patch found
return null;
// This checks if a flat is known
public bool GetFlatExists(string name)
return GetFlatExists(Lump.MakeLongName(name)); //mxd
// This checks if a flat is known
public bool GetFlatExists(long longname)
if (flats.ContainsKey(longname))
return true;
return flatnamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(longname);
// This returns an image by string
public ImageData GetFlatImage(string name)
// Get the long name
long longname = Lump.MakeLongName(name);
return GetFlatImage(longname);
// This returns an image by long
public ImageData GetFlatImage(long longname)
// Does this flat exist?
if (flats.ContainsKey(longname) && (flats[longname] is TEXTURESImage || flats[longname] is HiResImage))
return flats[longname]; //TEXTURES and HiRes flats should still override regular ones...
if (flatnamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(longname))
return flats[flatnamesshorttofull[longname]]; //mxd
if (flats.ContainsKey(longname))
return flats[longname];
// Return null image
return unknownimage; //mxd
// This returns an image by long and doesn't check if it exists
/*public ImageData GetFlatImageKnown(long longname)
// Return flat
return flatnamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(longname) ? flats[flatnamesshorttofull[longname]] : flats[longname]; //mxd
//mxd. Gets full flat name by short flat name
public string GetFullFlatName(string name)
if(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name) == name && name.Length > CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH)
name = name.Substring(0, CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH);
long hash = MurmurHash2.Hash(name.ToUpperInvariant());
if(flats.ContainsKey(hash) && (flats[hash] is TEXTURESImage || flats[hash] is HiResImage))
return flats[hash].Name; //TEXTURES and HiRes flats should still override regular ones...
if(flatnamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(hash)) return flats[flatnamesshorttofull[hash]].Name;
if(flats.ContainsKey(hash)) return flats[hash].Name;
return name;
internal long GetFullLongFlatName(long hash)
if(flats.ContainsKey(hash) && (flats[hash] is TEXTURESImage || flats[hash] is HiResImage))
return hash; //TEXTURES and HiRes flats should still override regular ones...
return (General.Map.Config.UseLongTextureNames && flatnamesshorttofull.ContainsKey(hash) ? flatnamesshorttofull[hash] : hash);
internal long GetShortLongFlatName(long hash)
return (flatnamesfulltoshort.ContainsKey(hash) ? flatnamesfulltoshort[hash] : hash);
#region ================== mxd. HiRes textures
// This loads the textures
private int LoadHiResTextures()
int counter = 0;
// Go for all opened containers
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
//mxd. Load HiRes texures
IEnumerable<HiResImage> hiresimages = dr.LoadHiResTextures();
if(hiresimages != null)
// Go for all textures
foreach(HiResImage img in hiresimages)
// Replace when HiRes image name exactly matches a regular texture name,
// or when regular texture filename is 8 or less chars long
//bool replaced = false;
// Replace texture?
long hash = GetFullLongTextureName(img.LongName);
if(textures.ContainsKey(hash) && (hash == img.LongName || Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(textures[hash].Name).Length <= CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH))
HiResImage replacer = new HiResImage(img);
textures[img.LongName] = replacer;
//replaced = true;
// Replace flat?
hash = GetFullLongFlatName(img.LongName);
if(flats.ContainsKey(hash) && (hash == img.LongName || Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(flats[hash].Name).Length <= CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH))
HiResImage replacer = new HiResImage(img);
flats[img.LongName] = replacer;
//replaced = true;
// Replace sprite?
HiResImage replacer = new HiResImage(img);
sprites[img.LongName] = replacer;
//replaced = true;
// We don't load any graphics and most of the sprites, so this can result in a ton of false warnings...
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "HiRes texture \"" + Path.Combine(dr.Location.GetDisplayName(), img.FilePathName.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) + "\" does not override any existing texture or flat.");
// Add to textures and flats
textures[img.LongName] = img;
flats[img.LongName] = img;
// Add to preview manager
// Output info
return counter;
//mxd. This returns a specific HiRes texture stream
internal Stream GetHiResTextureData(string name, ref string hireslocation)
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This container provides this texture?
Stream data = containers[i].GetHiResTextureData(name, ref hireslocation);
if(data != null) return data;
// No such patch texture
return null;
#region ================== Sprites
// This loads the hard defined sprites (not all the lumps, we do that on a need-to-know basis, see LoadThingSprites)
private int LoadSprites(Dictionary<string, TexturesParser> cachedparsers)
int counter = 0;
// Load all defined sprites. Note that we do not use all sprites,
// so we don't add them for previews just yet.
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
// Load sprites
IEnumerable<ImageData> images = dr.LoadSprites(cachedparsers);
if(images != null)
// Add or replace in sprites list
foreach(ImageData img in images)
sprites[img.LongName] = img;
// Output info
return counter;
// This loads the sprites that we really need for things
private int LoadThingSprites()
//mxd. Get all sprite names
HashSet<string> spritenames = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
// [ZZ] in order to properly replace different rotation count, we need more complex processing here.
HashSet<string> loadedspritenames = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
for (int i = containers.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
IEnumerable<string> result = containers[i].GetSpriteNames();
if (result != null)
// remove old sprites with this name
result = result.Where(str => !loadedspritenames.Contains(str.Substring(0, 4))); // only sprites that we still don't have. remember, reverse iteration!
// add new sprites with this name
// remember
foreach (string spr in result)
loadedspritenames.Add(spr.Substring(0, 4));
//mxd. Add sprites from sprites collection (because GetSpriteNames() doesn't return TEXTURES sprites)
foreach(ImageData data in sprites.Values)
//mxd. Get names of all voxel models, which can be used "as is" (these do not require corresponding sprite to work)
HashSet<string> voxelnames = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
IEnumerable<string> result = dr.GetVoxelNames();
if(result != null) voxelnames.UnionWith(result);
// Go for all things
foreach(ThingTypeInfo ti in General.Map.Data.ThingTypes)
// Valid sprite name?
if(ti.Sprite.Length == 0 || ti.Sprite.Length > CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH) continue; //mxd
//mxd. Find all sprite angles
bool isvoxel = ti.SetupSpriteFrame(spritenames, voxelnames);
//mxd. Create voxel sprite?
// Make new voxel image
VoxelImage image = new VoxelImage(ti.Sprite, ti.Sprite);
// Add to collection
sprites.Add(image.LongName, image);
//mxd. Load all sprites
foreach(SpriteFrameInfo info in ti.SpriteFrame)
ImageData image = null;
// Sprite not in our collection yet?
//mxd. Go for all opened containers
bool spritefound = false;
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This container provides this sprite?
spritefound = true;
// Make new sprite image
image = new SpriteImage(info.Sprite);
// Add to collection
sprites.Add(info.SpriteLongName, image);
if (!ti.Optional)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to find sprite lump \"" + info.Sprite + "\" used by actor \"" + ti.Title + "\":" + ti.Index + ". Forgot to include required resources?");
image = sprites[info.SpriteLongName];
// Output info
return sprites.Count;
// This returns a specific sprite stream
internal Stream GetSpriteData(string pname, ref string spritelocation)
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This container provides this sprite?
Stream spritedata = containers[i].GetSpriteData(pname, ref spritelocation);
if(spritedata != null)
return spritedata;
// No such sprite found
return null;
// This tests if a given sprite can be found
internal bool GetSpriteExists(string pname)
long longname = Lump.MakeLongName(pname);
if(sprites.ContainsKey(longname)) return true;
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This contain provides this sprite?
if(containers[i].GetSpriteExists(pname)) return true;
// No such sprite found
return false;
// This loads the internal sprites
private void LoadInternalSprites()
// Add sprite icon files from directory
string name;
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(General.SpritesPath, "*.png", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
internalspriteslookup = new Dictionary<string, long>(files.Length + 2); //mxd
foreach(string spritefile in files)
ImageData img = new FileImage(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(spritefile).ToLowerInvariant(), spritefile);
img.AllowUnload = false;
name = INTERNAL_PREFIX + img.Name;
long hash = Lump.MakeLongName(name, true); //mxd
sprites[hash] = img; //mxd
internalspriteslookup[name] = hash; //mxd
// Add some internal resources.
// mxd. Doesn't seem to be used anywhere
/*name = INTERNAL_PREFIX + "nothing";
ImageData img = new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.Nothing.png");
img.AllowUnload = false;
long hash = Lump.MakeLongName(name, true); //mxd
sprites[hash] = img; //mxd
internalspriteslookup[name] = hash; //mxd
name = INTERNAL_PREFIX + "unknownthing";
UNKNOWN_THING = Lump.MakeLongName(name, true);
ImageData img = new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.UnknownThing.png");
img.AllowUnload = false;
sprites[UNKNOWN_THING] = img; //mxd
internalspriteslookup[name] = UNKNOWN_THING; //mxd
name = INTERNAL_PREFIX + "missingthing";
MISSING_THING = Lump.MakeLongName(name, true);
ImageData img = new ResourceImage("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.MissingThing.png");
img.AllowUnload = false;
sprites[MISSING_THING] = img; //mxd
internalspriteslookup[name] = MISSING_THING; //mxd
// This returns an image by name
public ImageData GetSpriteImage(string name)
// Is this referring to an internal sprite image?
if((name.Length > INTERNAL_PREFIX.Length) && name.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith(INTERNAL_PREFIX))
// Get the internal sprite
string internalname = name.ToLowerInvariant();
if(internalspriteslookup.ContainsKey(internalname)) //mxd
return sprites[internalspriteslookup[internalname]];
ImageData img = sprites[UNKNOWN_THING]; //mxd
if (img != null)
img.UsedInMap = true;
return img;
// Get the long name
long longname = Lump.MakeLongName(name);
// Sprite already loaded?
// Return exiting sprite
ImageData img = sprites[longname];
if (img != null)
img.UsedInMap = true;
return img;
//mxd. Go for all opened containers
bool spritefound = false;
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This contain provides this sprite?
spritefound = true;
// Found anything?
// Make new sprite image
SpriteImage image = new SpriteImage(name);
// Add to collection
sprites.Add(longname, image);
// Return result
if (image != null)
image.UsedInMap = true;
return image;
else //mxd
ImageData img = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? sprites[UNKNOWN_THING] : sprites[MISSING_THING];
// Add to collection
sprites.Add(longname, img);
// Return image
if (img != null)
img.UsedInMap = true;
return img;
//mxd. Returns all sprite names, which start with given string
internal IEnumerable<string> GetSpriteNames()
HashSet<string> result = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach(DataReader reader in containers)
return result;
#region ================== mxd. Voxels
// This returns a specific voxel stream
internal Stream GetVoxelData(string pname, ref string voxellocation)
// Go for all opened containers
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// This container provides this sprite?
Stream spritedata = containers[i].GetVoxelData(pname, ref voxellocation);
if(spritedata != null) return spritedata;
// No such voxel found
return null;
#region ================== Things
private void LoadZScriptThings()
// Create new parser
zscript = new ZScriptParser { OnInclude = LoadZScriptFromLocation };
// Only load these when the game configuration supports the use of decorate
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames))
// Go for all opened containers
foreach (DataReader dr in containers)
// Load Decorate info cumulatively (the last Decorate is added to the previous)
// I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do though.
Stopwatch t = new Stopwatch();
currentreader = dr;
foreach (TextResourceData data in dr.GetZScriptData("ZSCRIPT"))
// Parse the data
data.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
zscript.Parse(data, true);
//mxd. DECORATE lumps are interdepandable. Can't carry on...
if (zscript.HasError)
DebugConsole.WriteLine(string.Format("Loading ZScript lumps from {0} took {1}ms", dr.Location.location, t.ElapsedMilliseconds));
Stopwatch t2 = new Stopwatch();
DebugConsole.WriteLine(string.Format("Finalizing ZScript lumps took {0}ms", t2.ElapsedMilliseconds));
if (zscript.HasError)
//mxd. Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[zscript.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(zscript.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
if (zscript.HasError)
// This loads the things from Decorate
private void LoadDecorateThings()
// Create new parser
decorate = new DecorateParser(zscript.AllActorsByClass) { OnInclude = LoadDecorateFromLocation };
// Only load these when the game configuration supports the use of decorate
// Go for all opened containers
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
// Load Decorate info cumulatively (the last Decorate is added to the previous)
// I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do though.
currentreader = dr;
foreach(TextResourceData data in dr.GetDecorateData("DECORATE"))
// Parse the data
data.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
decorate.Parse(data, true);
//mxd. DECORATE lumps are interdepandable. Can't carry on...
if (decorate.HasError)
//mxd. Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[decorate.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(decorate.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
if (decorate.HasError)
/// <summary>
/// Loads Dehacked things
/// </summary>
private void LoadDehackedThings()
// Create new parser
dehacked = new DehackedParser();
HashSet<string> availablesprites = new HashSet<string>();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
List<TextResourceData> dehackedstreams = new List<TextResourceData>(dr.GetDehackedData());
foreach(TextResourceData trd in dehackedstreams)
trd.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
dehacked.Parse(trd, General.Map.Config.DehackedData, availablesprites);
// [ZZ] this retrieves ZDoom actor structure by class name.
public ActorStructure GetZDoomActor(string classname)
classname = classname.ToLowerInvariant();
ActorStructure outv;
if (!zdoomclasses.TryGetValue(classname, out outv))
return null;
return outv;
// [ZZ] this merges in the parsed actor lists from zscript+decorate using the original DECORATE merging code
private int ApplyZDoomThings(Dictionary<int, string> spawnnumsoverride, Dictionary<int, string> doomednumsoverride)
int counter = 0;
/////////////// ====================== DAMAGETYPES
//mxd. Create DamageTypes list
// Combine damage types from config and decorate
HashSet<string> dtset = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (!decorate.HasError) dtset.UnionWith(decorate.DamageTypes);
// Sort values
List<string> dtypes = new List<string>(dtset);
// Apply to collection
damagetypes = new string[dtypes.Count];
/////////////// ====================== /DAMAGETYPES
// Step 0. Create ThingTypeInfo by classname collection...
Dictionary<string, ThingTypeInfo> thingtypesbyclass = new Dictionary<string, ThingTypeInfo>(thingtypes.Count, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (ThingTypeInfo info in thingtypes.Values)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.ClassName)) thingtypesbyclass[info.ClassName] = info;
// [ZZ] create combined array of actors to process.
IEnumerable<ActorStructure> mergedActors = zscript.Actors.Union(decorate.Actors);
IEnumerable<ActorStructure> mergedAllActors = zscript.AllActors.Union(decorate.AllActors);
Dictionary<string, ActorStructure> mergedActorsByClass = decorate.ActorsByClass.Concat(zscript.ActorsByClass.Where(x => !decorate.ActorsByClass.ContainsKey(x.Key))).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
Dictionary<string, ActorStructure> mergedAllActorsByClass = decorate.AllActorsByClass.Concat(zscript.AllActorsByClass.Where(x => !decorate.AllActorsByClass.ContainsKey(x.Key))).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
zdoomclasses = mergedAllActorsByClass;
// Dictionary of replaced actors that have to be recategorized
Dictionary<int, ActorStructure> recategorizeactors = new Dictionary<int, ActorStructure>();
// Step 1. Go for all actors in the decorate to make things or update things
foreach (ActorStructure actor in mergedActors)
//mxd. Apply "replaces" DECORATE override...
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actor.ReplacesClass) && thingtypesbyclass.ContainsKey(actor.ReplacesClass))
// Update info
// A replaced actor might have to go to another category. Only store the last one in case the same actor is replaced multiple times
if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("$category"))
recategorizeactors[thingtypesbyclass[actor.ReplacesClass].Index] = actor;
// Count
// Check if we want to add this actor
if (actor.DoomEdNum > 0)
// Check if we can find this thing in our existing collection
if (thingtypes.ContainsKey(actor.DoomEdNum))
// Update the thing
// Find the category to put the actor in
ThingCategory cat = GetThingCategory(null, thingcategories, GetCategoryInfo(actor)); //mxd
// Add new thing
ThingTypeInfo t;
// If the thing inherits from another actor use the base actor's thing type info, otherwise create a new one
// This makes sure that inherited actors get all properties like the icon color
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actor.InheritsClass) && thingtypesbyclass.ContainsKey(actor.InheritsClass))
t = new ThingTypeInfo(cat, actor, thingtypesbyclass[actor.InheritsClass]);
t = new ThingTypeInfo(cat, actor);
thingtypes.Add(t.Index, t);
// Count
// Step 1.1. Recategorize actors that replace other actors
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ActorStructure> kvp in recategorizeactors)
int i = kvp.Key;
ActorStructure actor = kvp.Value;
// Remove the thing from its old thing category
// Get the new thing category
ThingCategory tc = GetThingCategory(null, thingcategories, GetCategoryInfo(actor));
// Remove the existing ThingTypeInfo and create a new one (with the new DoomEdNum)
thingtypes[i] = new ThingTypeInfo(i, thingtypesbyclass[actor.ReplacesClass]);
// Re-add the ThingTypeInfo to the ThingCategory
//mxd. Step 2. Apply DoomEdNum MAPINFO overrides, remove actors disabled in MAPINFO
if (doomednumsoverride.Count > 0)
List<int> toremove = new List<int>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> group in doomednumsoverride)
// Remove thing from the list?
if (group.Value == "none")
// Skip if already added.
if (thingtypes.ContainsKey(group.Key) && thingtypes[group.Key].ClassName.ToLowerInvariant() == group.Value)
// Try to find the actor...
ActorStructure actor = null;
//... in ActorsByClass
if (mergedActorsByClass.ContainsKey(group.Value))
actor = mergedActorsByClass[group.Value];
// Try finding in ArchivedActors
else if (mergedAllActorsByClass.ContainsKey(group.Value))
actor = mergedAllActorsByClass[group.Value];
if (actor != null)
// Find the category to put the actor in
ThingCategory cat = GetThingCategory(null, thingcategories, GetCategoryInfo(actor)); //mxd
// Add a new ThingTypeInfo, replacing already existing one if necessary
ThingTypeInfo info = new ThingTypeInfo(cat, actor, group.Key);
thingtypes[group.Key] = info;
// Check thingtypes...
else if (thingtypesbyclass.ContainsKey(group.Value))
ThingTypeInfo t = new ThingTypeInfo(group.Key, thingtypesbyclass[group.Value]);
// Add new thing, replacing already existing one if necessary
thingtypes[group.Key] = t;
// Loudly give up...
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override \"" + group.Key + " = " + group.Value + "\": failed to find corresponding actor class...");
// Remove items
foreach (int id in toremove)
if (thingtypes.ContainsKey(id))
//mxd. Step 3. Gather DECORATE SpawnIDs
Dictionary<int, EnumItem> configspawnnums = new Dictionary<int, EnumItem>();
// Update or create the main enums list
if (General.Map.Config.Enums.ContainsKey("spawnthing"))
foreach (EnumItem item in General.Map.Config.Enums["spawnthing"])
configspawnnums.Add(item.GetIntValue(), item);
bool spawnidschanged = false;
foreach (ActorStructure actor in mergedActors)
int spawnid = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("spawnid", 0);
if (spawnid != 0)
configspawnnums[spawnid] = new EnumItem(spawnid.ToString(), (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("$title") ? actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$title") : actor.ClassName));
spawnidschanged = true;
//mxd. Step 4. Update SpawnNums using MAPINFO overrides
if (spawnnumsoverride.Count > 0)
// Modify by MAPINFO data
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> group in spawnnumsoverride)
configspawnnums[group.Key] = new EnumItem(group.Key.ToString(), (thingtypes.ContainsKey(group.Key) ? thingtypes[group.Key].Title : group.Value));
spawnidschanged = true;
if (spawnidschanged)
// Update the main collection
EnumList newenums = new EnumList();
newenums.Sort((a, b) => a.Title.CompareTo(b.Title));
General.Map.Config.Enums["spawnthing"] = newenums;
// Update all ArgumentInfos...
foreach (ThingTypeInfo info in thingtypes.Values)
foreach (ArgumentInfo ai in info.Args)
if (ai.Enum.Name == "spawnthing") ai.Enum = newenums;
foreach (LinedefActionInfo info in General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.Values)
foreach (ArgumentInfo ai in info.Args)
if (ai.Enum.Name == "spawnthing") ai.Enum = newenums;
return counter;
/// <summary>
/// Adds things defined in a Dehacked patch to the list of things
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Number of changed/added Dehacked things</returns>
private int ApplyDehackedThings()
int numaddthings = 0;
foreach(DehackedThing t in dehacked.Things)
// This is not a thing that can be placed in the map
if (t.DoomEdNum <= 0)
DecorateCategoryInfo dci = GetCategoryInfo(t, thingcategories);
ThingCategory cat = GetThingCategory(null, thingcategories, dci);
ThingTypeInfo tti = new ThingTypeInfo(cat, t);
if (!thingtypes.ContainsKey(t.DoomEdNum))
thingtypes[t.DoomEdNum] = tti;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Category))
// Remove the thing from its old category...
thingtypes[t.DoomEdNum] = tti;
// ... and add it to the new one
return numaddthings;
/// <summary>
/// Fixes all thing type infos to use the sprites that were renamed through Dehacked
/// </summary>
private void FixRenamedDehackedSprites()
if (dehacked.Things.Count == 0)
foreach(ThingTypeInfo tti in thingtypes.Values)
private static ThingCategory GetThingCategory(ThingCategory parent, List<ThingCategory> categories, DecorateCategoryInfo catinfo)
// Find the category to put the actor in
ThingCategory cat = null;
string catname = (catinfo.Category.Count > 0 ? catinfo.Category[0].Trim().ToLowerInvariant() : string.Empty); //catnames[0].ToLowerInvariant().Trim();
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(catname)) catname = "custom";
// First search by Title...
foreach(ThingCategory c in categories)
if(string.Equals(c.Title, catname, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
cat = c;
// Make full name
if(parent != null) catname = parent.Name.ToLowerInvariant() + "." + catname;
//...then - by Name
if(cat == null)
foreach(ThingCategory c in categories)
if(string.Equals(c.Name, catname, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
cat = c;
// Make the category if needed
if(cat == null)
string cattitle = (catinfo.Category.Count > 0 ? catinfo.Category[0].Trim() : string.Empty);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(cattitle)) cattitle = "User-defined";
cat = new ThingCategory(parent, catname, cattitle, catinfo);
categories.Add(cat); // ^.^
// Still have subcategories?
if(catinfo.Category.Count > 1)
return GetThingCategory(cat, cat.Children, catinfo);
return cat;
private static DecorateCategoryInfo GetCategoryInfo(DehackedThing thing, List<ThingCategory> categories)
string catname = null;
// Try to find which category the thing is in
foreach(ThingCategory c in categories)
foreach (ThingTypeInfo tti in c.Things)
if (tti.Index == thing.DoomEdNum)
catname = c.Title;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catname))
DecorateCategoryInfo catinfo = new DecorateCategoryInfo();
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(thing.Category)) // No category for the thing was set through Dehacked
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catname)) // We did find the category the thing was originally in
catinfo.Category = catname.Split(CATEGORY_SPLITTER, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
else // The thing wasn't in a category before, put it in the "User-defined" category
catinfo.Category = new List<string> { "User-defined" };
else // A category for the thing was set through Dehacked
catinfo.Category = thing.Category.Split(CATEGORY_SPLITTER, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
return catinfo;
private static DecorateCategoryInfo GetCategoryInfo(ActorStructure actor)
string catname = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$category")).Trim();
DecorateCategoryInfo catinfo = new DecorateCategoryInfo();
if(actor.CategoryInfo != null)
catinfo.Category = new List<string>(actor.CategoryInfo.Category);
catinfo.Properties = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(actor.CategoryInfo.Properties);
catinfo.Category = new List<string> { "User-defined" };
catinfo.Category = catname.Split(CATEGORY_SPLITTER, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); //mxd
return catinfo;
// This loads Decorate data from a specific file or lump name
private void LoadDecorateFromLocation(DecorateParser parser, string location)
//General.WriteLogLine("Including DECORATE resource '" + location + "'...");
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> decostreams = currentreader.GetDecorateData(location);
foreach(TextResourceData data in decostreams)
// Parse this data
parser.Parse(data, false);
//mxd. DECORATE lumps are interdepandable. Can't carry on...
private void LoadZScriptFromLocation(ZScriptParser parser, string location)
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = currentreader.GetZScriptData(location);
foreach (TextResourceData data in streams)
// Parse this data
parser.Parse(data, false);
//mxd. DECORATE lumps are interdepandable. Can't carry on...
if (parser.HasError)
// This loads MODELDEF data from a specific file or lump name
private void LoadModeldefFromLocation(ModeldefParser parser, string location)
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = currentreader.GetModeldefData(location);
foreach (TextResourceData data in streams)
// Parse this data
parser.Parse(data, false);
//mxd. DECORATE lumps are interdepandable. Can't carry on...
if (parser.HasError)
// This gets thing information by index
public ThingTypeInfo GetThingInfo(int thingtype)
// Index in config?
// Return from config
return thingtypes[thingtype];
// Create unknown thing info
return new ThingTypeInfo(thingtype);
// This gets thing information by index
// Returns null when thing type info could not be found
public ThingTypeInfo GetThingInfoEx(int thingtype)
// Index in config?
// Return from config
return thingtypes[thingtype];
// No such thing type known
return null;
#region ================== mxd. Modeldef, Voxeldef, Gldefs, Mapinfo
//mxd. This creates <Actor Class, Thing.Type> dictionary. Should be called after all DECORATE actors are parsed
private Dictionary<string, int> CreateActorsByClassList()
Dictionary<string, int> actors = new Dictionary<string, int>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return actors;
//read our new shiny ClassNames for default game things
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ThingTypeInfo> ti in thingtypes)
if(actors.ContainsKey(ti.Value.ClassName) && actors[ti.Value.ClassName] != ti.Key)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Actor \"" + ti.Value.ClassName + "\" has several editor numbers (" + actors[ti.Value.ClassName] + " and " + ti.Key + "). Only the last one will be used.");
actors[ti.Value.ClassName] = ti.Key;
if(actors.Count == 0)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Unable to find any DECORATE actor definitions!");
return actors;
public void ReloadModeldef()
if(modeldefentries != null)
foreach(ModelData md in modeldefentries.Values) md.Dispose();
// Bail out when not supported by current game configuration
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return;
General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Reloading model definitions...");
General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Reloading voxel definitions...");
foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things) t.UpdateCache();
// Rebuild geometry if in Visual mode
if(General.Editing.Mode != null && General.Editing.Mode.GetType().Name == "BaseVisualMode")
public void ReloadGldefs()
// Bail out when not supported by current game configuration
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return;
General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Busy, "Reloading GLDEFS...");
MessageBox.Show("GLDEFS reload failed. Try using 'Reload Resources' instead.\nCheck 'Errors and Warnings' window for more details.");
// Rebuild skybox texture
// Rebuild geometry if in Visual mode
if(General.Editing.Mode != null && General.Editing.Mode.GetType().Name == "BaseVisualMode")
//mxd. This parses modeldefs. Should be called after all DECORATE actors are parsed
private void LoadModeldefs(Dictionary<string, int> actorsbyclass)
// Abort if no classnames are defined in DECORATE or game config...
if(actorsbyclass.Count == 0) return;
ModeldefParser parser = new ModeldefParser(actorsbyclass) { OnInclude = LoadModeldefFromLocation };
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.MODELDEF, false, true);
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
// Parse the data
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Modeldefs are independable, so parsing fail in one file should not affect the others
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
// Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ModelData> e in parser.Entries)
modeldefentries[actorsbyclass[e.Key]] = parser.Entries[e.Key];
else if(!decorate.ActorsByClass.ContainsKey(e.Key))
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "MODELDEF model \"" + e.Key + "\" doesn't match any Decorate actor class");
private void LoadVoxels()
// Bail out when not supported by current game configuration
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return;
// Go for all things
Dictionary<string, List<int>> allsprites = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
foreach(ThingTypeInfo ti in thingtypes.Values)
// Valid sprite name?
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ti.Sprite) || ti.Sprite.Length > CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH) continue;
if(!allsprites.ContainsKey(ti.Sprite)) allsprites.Add(ti.Sprite, new List<int>());
VoxeldefParser parser = new VoxeldefParser();
HashSet<string> processed = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.VOXELDEF, false, false);
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
if(parser.Parse(data, true))
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ModelData> entry in parser.Entries)
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, List<int>> sc in allsprites)
if(sc.Key.StartsWith(entry.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
foreach(int id in sc.Value) modeldefentries[id] = entry.Value;
// Create preview image if it doesn't exist...
ImageData sprite = GetSpriteImage(sc.Key);
if(sprite == null)
// Make new voxel image
sprite = new VoxelImage(sc.Key, entry.Value.ModelNames[0]);
// Add to collection
sprites.Add(sprite.LongName, sprite);
// Apply VOXELDEF settings to the preview image...
VoxelImage vi = sprite as VoxelImage;
if(vi != null)
vi.AngleOffset = (int)Math.Round(entry.Value.AngleOffset);
vi.OverridePalette = entry.Value.OverridePalette;
// Report errors?
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
// Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
// Get voxel models
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, List<int>> sc in allsprites)
if(processed.Contains(sc.Key)) continue;
VoxelImage vi = GetSpriteImage(sc.Key) as VoxelImage;
if(vi != null)
// It's a model without a definition, and it corresponds to a sprite we can display, so let's add it
ModelData data = new ModelData { IsVoxel = true };
foreach(int id in sc.Value) modeldefentries[id] = data;
//mxd. This parses gldefs. Should be called after all DECORATE actors are parsed
private void LoadGldefs(Dictionary<string, int> actorsbyclass)
// Skip if no actors defined in DECORATE or game config...
if(actorsbyclass.Count == 0) return;
GldefsParser parser = new GldefsParser { OnInclude = ParseFromLocation };
// Load gldefs from resources
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
if(parser.HasError) break;
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetGldefsData(General.Map.Config.BaseGame);
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
parser.Parse(data, false);
// Gldefs can be interdependable. Can't carry on
//mxd. Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
//mxd. Abort on errors, but after adding parsed text resources
if(parser.HasError) return;
// Create Gldefs Entries dictionary
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> e in parser.Objects) //<ClassName, Light name>
// Check if we have decorate actor and light definition for given ClassName
//INFO: objects without corresponding actors are already reported by the parser
gldefsentries[actorsbyclass[e.Key]] = parser.LightsByName[e.Value];
//INFO: Lights CAN be defiend after Objects, so we can't perform any object->light matching checks while parsing
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "GLDEFS object \"" + e.Key + "\" references undefined light \"" + e.Value + "\"");
// Apply dynamic lights defined using Light() state expression
foreach(ThingTypeInfo info in thingtypes.Values)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.LightName)) continue;
gldefsentries[info.Index] = parser.LightsByName[info.LightName];
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Actor \"" + info.Title + "\":" + info.Index + " references undefined light \"" + info.LightName + "\"");
// Grab them glowy flats!
glowingflats = parser.GlowingFlats;
// And skyboxes
skyboxes = parser.Skyboxes;
//mxd. This updates mapinfo class only
internal void ReloadMapInfoPartial()
Dictionary<int, string> spawnnums, doomednums;
LoadMapInfo(out spawnnums, out doomednums);
//mxd. This loads (Z)MAPINFO
private void LoadMapInfo(out Dictionary<int, string> spawnnums, out Dictionary<int, string> doomednums)
MapinfoParser parser = new MapinfoParser { OnInclude = ParseFromLocation };
// Parse mapinfo
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetMapinfoData();
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
// Parse the data
parser.Parse(data, General.Map.Options.LevelName, false);
//MAPINFO lumps are interdependable. Can't carry on...
// Store parsed data
spawnnums = parser.SpawnNums;
doomednums = parser.DoomEdNums;
mapinfo = parser.MapInfo;
// No nulls allowed!
spawnnums = new Dictionary<int, string>();
doomednums = new Dictionary<int, string>();
mapinfo = new MapInfo();
//mxd. Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
private void ParseFromLocation(ZDTextParser parser, string location, bool clearerrors)
if(currentreader.IsSuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");
parser.Parse(new TextResourceData(currentreader, currentreader.LoadFile(location), location, true), clearerrors);
//mxd. This loads REVERBS
private void LoadReverbs()
// Bail out when not supported by current game configuration
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return;
ReverbsParser parser = new ReverbsParser();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.REVERBS, false, false);
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
// Parse the data
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Report errors?
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
//mxd. Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
reverbs = parser.GetReverbs();
//mxd. This loads SNDINFO
private void LoadSndInfo()
// Bail out when not supported by current game configuration
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return;
SndInfoParser parser = new SndInfoParser();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.SNDINFO, false, false);
// Parse the data
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Report errors?
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
// Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
// Anything to do?
if(parser.AmbientSounds.Count > 0)
// Update or create the main enums list
Dictionary<int, EnumItem> configenums = new Dictionary<int, EnumItem>();
foreach(EnumItem item in General.Map.Config.Enums["ambient_sounds"])
configenums.Add(item.GetIntValue(), item);
if(configenums.ContainsKey(0)) configenums.Remove(0);
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, AmbientSoundInfo> group in parser.AmbientSounds)
configenums[group.Key] = new EnumItem(group.Key.ToString(), group.Value.SoundDescription);
// Store results in "ambient_sounds" enum
EnumList newenums = new EnumList();
newenums.Sort(); // Sort by ambient sound index
newenums.Insert(0, new EnumItem("0", "None")); // Add "None" value
General.Map.Config.Enums["ambient_sounds"] = newenums;
// Update all ArgumentInfos...
foreach(ThingTypeInfo info in thingtypes.Values)
foreach(ArgumentInfo ai in info.Args)
if(ai.Enum.Name == "ambient_sounds") ai.Enum = newenums;
foreach(LinedefActionInfo info in General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.Values)
foreach(ArgumentInfo ai in info.Args)
if(ai.Enum.Name == "ambient_sounds") ai.Enum = newenums;
// Update "Ambient Sound XX" thing names. Hardcoded for things 14001 - 14064 for now...
for(int i = 14001; i < 14065; i++)
int ambsoundindex = i - 14000;
// Attach AmbientSoundInfo
thingtypes[i].AmbientSound = parser.AmbientSounds[ambsoundindex];
// Update title
if(configenums.ContainsKey(ambsoundindex) && thingtypes.ContainsKey(i) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(thingtypes[i].ClassName))
thingtypes[i].Title += " (" + configenums[ambsoundindex] + ")";
// Store collection
ambientsounds = parser.AmbientSounds;
//mxd. This loads SNDSEQ
private void LoadSndSeq()
// Bail out when not supported by current game configuration
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return;
SndSeqParser parser = new SndSeqParser();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.SNDSEQ, false, false);
// Parse the data
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Report errors?
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
// Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
soundsequences = parser.GetSoundSequences();
//mxd. This loads cameratextures from ANIMDEFS
private void LoadAnimdefs()
// Bail out when not supported by current game configuration
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return;
AnimdefsParser parser = new AnimdefsParser();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.ANIMDEFS, false, false);
// Parse the data
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Report errors?
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
// Create images
foreach(var g in parser.CameraTextures)
// Grab a local copy
CameraTextureData camtexdata = g.Value;
// Apply texture size override?
long longname = Lump.MakeLongName(camtexdata.Name);
camtexdata.ScaleX = (float)textures[longname].Width / camtexdata.Width;
camtexdata.ScaleY = (float)textures[longname].Height / camtexdata.Height;
else if(flats.ContainsKey(longname))
camtexdata.ScaleX = (float)flats[longname].Width / camtexdata.Width;
camtexdata.ScaleY = (float)flats[longname].Height / camtexdata.Height;
// Create texture
CameraTextureImage camteximage = new CameraTextureImage(camtexdata);
// Add to flats and textures
//TODO: Do cameratextures override stuff like this?..
textures[camteximage.LongName] = camteximage;
flats[camteximage.LongName] = camteximage;
// Add to container's texture set
//mxd. Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
//mxd. This loads TERRAIN
private void LoadTerrain()
// Bail out when not supported by current game configuration
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return;
TerrainParser parser = new TerrainParser();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.TERRAIN, false, false);
// Parse the data
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Report errors?
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
// Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
// Sort
List<string> names = new List<string>(parser.TerrainNames);
// Set as collection
terrainnames = names.ToArray();
//mxd. This loads X11R6RGB
private void LoadX11R6RGB()
X11R6RGBParser parser = new X11R6RGBParser();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.X11R6RGB, true, false);
// Parse the data
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Report errors?
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
// Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
// Set as collection
knowncolors = parser.KnownColors;
//mxd. This loads CVARINFO lumps
private void LoadCvarInfo()
CvarInfoParser parser = new CvarInfoParser();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.CVARINFO, false, false);
// Parse the data
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Report errors?
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
// Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
// Set as collection
cvars = parser.Cvars;
//mxd. This loads LOCKDEFS lumps
private void LoadLockDefs()
LockDefsParser parser = new LockDefsParser();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.LOCKDEFS, false, false);
// Parse the data
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Report errors?
if(parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
// Add to text resources collection
scriptresources[parser.ScriptType] = new HashSet<ScriptResource>(parser.ScriptResources.Values);
currentreader = null;
// Apply to the enums list?
EnumList keys = parser.GetLockDefs();
lockableactions = new Dictionary<int, int>();
if(keys.Count > 0)
keys.Sort((a, b) => a.Title.CompareTo(b.Title));
keys.Insert(0, new EnumItem("0", "None"));
General.Map.Config.Enums["keys"] = keys;
// Update all ArgumentInfos...
foreach(ThingTypeInfo info in thingtypes.Values)
foreach(ArgumentInfo ai in info.Args)
if(ai.Enum.Name == "keys") ai.Enum = General.Map.Config.Enums["keys"];
foreach(LinedefActionInfo info in General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.Values)
for(int i = 0; i < info.Args.Length; i++)
if(info.Args[i].Enum.Name == "keys")
info.Args[i].Enum = General.Map.Config.Enums["keys"];
lockableactions[info.Index] = i;
// Also store lock colors
lockcolors = parser.MapColors;
lockcolors = new Dictionary<int, PixelColor>();
/// <summary>
/// Load DECALDEF decal definitions
/// </summary>
private void LoadDecalDefs()
// Bail out when not supported by current game configuration
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(General.Map.Config.DecorateGames)) return;
DecalDefsParser parser = new DecalDefsParser();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr; // Why?
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(ScriptType.DECALDEF, false, false);
// Parse the data
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams)
parser.Parse(data, true);
// Report errors?
if (parser.HasError) parser.LogError();
currentreader = null; // Why?
if(parser.Decals.Count > 0)
// Update or create the main enums list
Dictionary<int, EnumItem> configenums = new Dictionary<int, EnumItem>();
if (General.Map.Config.Enums.ContainsKey("decals"))
foreach (EnumItem item in General.Map.Config.Enums["decals"])
configenums.Add(item.GetIntValue(), item);
if (configenums.ContainsKey(0)) configenums.Remove(0);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, DecalInfo> group in parser.GetDecalDefsById())
configenums[group.Key] = new EnumItem(group.Key.ToString(), group.Value.Description);
// Store results in "decals" enum
EnumList newenums = new EnumList();
newenums.Insert(0, new EnumItem("0", "None"));
General.Map.Config.Enums["decals"] = newenums;
// Update all ArgumentInfos...
foreach (ThingTypeInfo info in thingtypes.Values)
foreach (ArgumentInfo ai in info.Args)
if (ai.Enum.Name == "decals") ai.Enum = newenums;
//mxd. This collects ZDoom text lumps, which are not used by the editor anywhere outside the Script Editor
private void LoadExtraTextLumps()
Dictionary<ScriptType, bool> extralumptypes = new Dictionary<ScriptType, bool> // <script type, singular>
{ ScriptType.MENUDEF, true },
{ ScriptType.SBARINFO, true }, //TODO: SBARINFO supports #include
{ ScriptType.GAMEINFO, true },
{ ScriptType.KEYCONF, true },
{ ScriptType.FONTDEFS, true },
//TODO: load/create SCRIPTS and DIALOG here?
foreach(KeyValuePair<ScriptType, bool> group in extralumptypes)
HashSet<ScriptResource> resources = new HashSet<ScriptResource>();
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
currentreader = dr;
IEnumerable<TextResourceData> streams = dr.GetTextLumpData(group.Key, group.Value, false);
// Add text tesources
foreach(TextResourceData data in streams) resources.Add(new ScriptResource(data, group.Key));
// Add to collection
if(resources.Count > 0) scriptresources[group.Key] = resources;
internal TextResourceData GetTextResourceData(string name)
// Filesystem path?
if (Path.IsPathRooted(name))
if (File.Exists(name))
DataLocation location = new DataLocation { location = name, type = DataLocation.RESOURCE_DIRECTORY };
return new TextResourceData(File.OpenRead(name), location, name);
return null;
catch (ArgumentException e)
// File and/or path contained illegal characters
return null;
// Search in resources
for(int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
return new TextResourceData(containers[i], containers[i].LoadFile(name), name, true);
return null;
#region ================== Tools
// This finds the first IWAD or IPK3 resource
// Returns false when not found
public bool FindFirstIWAD(out DataLocation result)
// Go for all data containers
foreach(DataReader dr in containers)
// Container is a WAD file?
if(dr is WADReader)
// Check if it is an IWAD
WADReader wr = dr as WADReader;
// Return location!
result = wr.Location;
return true;
else if(dr is PK3Reader)
PK3Reader pk3r = dr as PK3Reader;
if(pk3r.GetIWadInfos().Count == 1)
result = pk3r.Location;
return true;
// No IWAD found
result = new DataLocation();
return false;
// This signals the background thread to update the
// used-in-map status on all textures and flats
public void UpdateUsedTextures()
var usedtextures = new Dictionary<long, bool>();
var usedflats = new Dictionary<long, bool>();
if (General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats)
// Go through the map to find the used textures
foreach(Sidedef sd in General.Map.Map.Sidedefs)
// Add used textures to dictionary
if(sd.LongHighTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName)
usedtextures[sd.LongHighTexture] = true;
//mxd. Part of long name support shennanigans
usedtextures[texturenamesshorttofull[sd.LongHighTexture]] = true;
if(sd.LongMiddleTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName)
usedtextures[sd.LongMiddleTexture] = true;
//mxd. Part of long name support shennanigans
usedtextures[texturenamesshorttofull[sd.LongMiddleTexture]] = true;
if(sd.LongLowTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName)
usedtextures[sd.LongLowTexture] = true;
//mxd. Part of long name support shennanigans
usedtextures[texturenamesshorttofull[sd.LongLowTexture]] = true;
// Go through the map to find the used flats
foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
// Add used flats to dictionary
usedtextures[s.LongFloorTexture] = false;
usedtextures[s.LongCeilTexture] = false;
//mxd. Part of long name support shennanigans
usedtextures[flatnamesshorttofull[s.LongFloorTexture]] = false;
usedtextures[flatnamesshorttofull[s.LongCeilTexture]] = false;
// Go through the map to find the used textures
foreach(Sidedef sd in General.Map.Map.Sidedefs)
// Add used textures to dictionary
if(sd.LongHighTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName)
usedtextures[sd.LongHighTexture] = true;
//mxd. Part of long name support shennanigans
usedtextures[texturenamesshorttofull[sd.LongHighTexture]] = true;
if(sd.LongMiddleTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName)
usedtextures[sd.LongMiddleTexture] = true;
//mxd. Part of long name support shennanigans
usedtextures[texturenamesshorttofull[sd.LongMiddleTexture]] = true;
if(sd.LongLowTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName)
usedtextures[sd.LongLowTexture] = true;
//mxd. Part of long name support shennanigans
usedtextures[texturenamesshorttofull[sd.LongLowTexture]] = true;
// Go through the map to find the used flats
foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
// Add used flats to dictionary
usedflats[s.LongFloorTexture] = false;
usedflats[s.LongCeilTexture] = false;
//mxd. Part of long name support shennanigans
usedflats[flatnamesshorttofull[s.LongFloorTexture]] = false;
usedflats[flatnamesshorttofull[s.LongCeilTexture]] = false;
// Notify the background thread that it needs to update the images
// Set used on all textures
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> i in textures)
if (i.Value.LoadFailed)
i.Value.UsedInMap = usedtextures.ContainsKey(i.Key);
// Set used on all flats
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> i in flats)
if (i.Value.LoadFailed)
i.Value.UsedInMap = usedtextures.ContainsKey(i.Key);
//mxd. Use separate collections
// Set used on all textures
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> i in textures)
if (i.Value.LoadFailed)
i.Value.UsedInMap = usedtextures.ContainsKey(i.Key);
// Set used on all flats
foreach(KeyValuePair<long, ImageData> i in flats)
if (i.Value.LoadFailed)
i.Value.UsedInMap = usedflats.ContainsKey(i.Key);
// Update icon
#region ================== mxd. Skybox Making
internal void SetupSkybox()
// Get rid of old texture
if(skybox != null) skybox.Dispose(); skybox = null;
// Determine which texture name to use
string skytex = string.Empty;
skytex = mapinfo.Sky1;
// Use vanilla sky only when current map doesn't have a MAPINFO entry
else if(!mapinfo.IsDefined)
skytex = General.Map.Config.DefaultSkyTextures[General.Map.Options.CurrentName];
skytex = General.GetByIndex(General.Map.Config.DefaultSkyTextures, 0).Value;
// Create sky texture
// Create cubemap texture
skybox = (skyboxes[skytex].Textures.Count == 6 ? MakeSkyBox6(skyboxes[skytex]) : MakeSkyBox3(skyboxes[skytex]));
// Create classic texture
Vector2D scale;
Bitmap sky1 = GetTextureBitmap(skytex, out scale);
if(sky1 != null)
// Special handling for wide skies. They are drawn from the east, but normal skyboxes are not,
// to we have to rearrange the texture a bit (paste the right half to the left and vice versa)
if(sky1.Width == 1024)
Bitmap tmpbmp = new Bitmap(sky1);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tmpbmp);
g.DrawImage(sky1, 512, 0, new Rectangle(0, 0, 512, sky1.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
g.DrawImage(sky1, 0, 0, new Rectangle(512, 0, 512, sky1.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
sky1 = tmpbmp;
// Double skies?
Bitmap sky2 = GetTextureBitmap(mapinfo.Sky2);
if(sky2 != null)
// Special handling for wide skies. They are drawn from the east, but normal skyboxes are not,
// to we have to rearrange the texture a bit (paste the right half to the left and vice versa)
if (sky2.Width == 1024)
Bitmap tmpbmp = new Bitmap(sky2);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tmpbmp);
g.DrawImage(sky2, 512, 0, new Rectangle(0, 0, 512, sky2.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
g.DrawImage(sky2, 0, 0, new Rectangle(512, 0, 512, sky2.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
sky2 = tmpbmp;
// Resize if needed
if (sky2.Width != sky1.Width || sky2.Height != sky1.Height)
ResizeImage(sky2, sky1.Width, sky1.Height);
// Combine both textures. Sky2 is below Sky1
using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(sky2))
g.DrawImageUnscaled(sky1, 0, 0);
// Use the composite one
sky1 = sky2;
skybox = MakeClassicSkyBox(sky1, scale);
// Sky texture will be missing in ZDoom. Use internal texture
if(skybox == null)
// Whine and moan
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Skybox creation failed: Sky1 property is missing from the MAPINFO map definition");
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Skybox creation failed: unable to load texture \"" + skytex + "\"");
// Use the built-in texture
ImageData tex = LoadInternalTexture("MissingSky3D.png");
Bitmap bmp = tex.GetSkyboxBitmap();
Bitmap sky;
lock (bmp)
sky = new Bitmap(bmp);
sky.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX); // We don't want our built-in image mirrored...
skybox = MakeClassicSkyBox(sky);
//INFO: 1. Looks like GZDoom tries to tile a sky texture into a 1024 pixel width texture.
//INFO: 2. If sky texture width <= height, it will be tiled to fit into 512 pixel height texture vertically.
private static CubeTexture MakeClassicSkyBox(Bitmap img) { return MakeClassicSkyBox(img, new Vector2D(1.0f, 1.0f)); }
private static CubeTexture MakeClassicSkyBox(Bitmap img, Vector2D scale)
// Get averaged top and bottom colors from the original image
int tr = 0, tg = 0, tb = 0, br = 0, bg = 0, bb = 0;
int defaultcolorsampleheight = (int)Math.Round(28 / scale.x);
int colorsampleheight = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(defaultcolorsampleheight, img.Height / 2)); // TODO: is this value calculated from the image's height?
int scaledwidth = (int)Math.Round(img.Width * scale.x);
int scaledheight = (int)Math.Round(img.Height * scale.y);
bool dogradients = colorsampleheight < img.Height / 2;
for(int w = 0; w < img.Width; w++)
for(int h = 0; h < colorsampleheight; h++)
Color c = img.GetPixel(w, h);
tr += c.R;
tg += c.G;
tb += c.B;
c = img.GetPixel(w, img.Height - 1 - h);
br += c.R;
bg += c.G;
bb += c.B;
int pixelscount = img.Width * colorsampleheight;
Color topcolor = Color.FromArgb(255, tr / pixelscount, tg / pixelscount, tb / pixelscount);
Color bottomcolor = Color.FromArgb(255, br / pixelscount, bg / pixelscount, bb / pixelscount);
// Make tiling image. Take custom scale into account
int horiztiles = (int)Math.Ceiling(1024.0f / scaledwidth);
int verttiles = scaledheight > 256 ? 1 : 2;
Bitmap skyimage = new Bitmap((int)Math.Round(1024 / scale.x), img.Height * verttiles, img.PixelFormat);
// Draw original image
using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(skyimage))
for(int w = 0; w < horiztiles; w++)
for(int h = 0; h < verttiles; h++)
g.DrawImage(img, img.Width * w, img.Height * h);
// Make top and bottom images
int capsimgsize = (int)Math.Round(16 / scale.x);
Bitmap topimg = new Bitmap(capsimgsize, capsimgsize);
using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(topimg))
using(SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(topcolor))
g.FillRectangle(b, 0, 0, capsimgsize, capsimgsize);
Bitmap bottomimg = new Bitmap(capsimgsize, capsimgsize);
using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bottomimg))
using(SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(bottomcolor))
g.FillRectangle(b, 0, 0, capsimgsize, capsimgsize);
// Apply top/bottom gradients
using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(skyimage))
Rectangle area = new Rectangle(0, 0, skyimage.Width, colorsampleheight);
using(LinearGradientBrush b = new LinearGradientBrush(area, topcolor, Color.FromArgb(0, topcolor), 90f))
g.FillRectangle(b, area);
area = new Rectangle(0, skyimage.Height - colorsampleheight, skyimage.Width, colorsampleheight);
using(LinearGradientBrush b = new LinearGradientBrush(area, Color.FromArgb(0, bottomcolor), bottomcolor, 90f))
area.Y += 1;
g.FillRectangle(b, area);
// Rendering errors occure when image size exceeds MAX_SKYTEXTURE_SIZE...
if(skyimage.Width > MAX_SKYTEXTURE_SIZE || skyimage.Height > MAX_SKYTEXTURE_SIZE)
float scaler = (float)MAX_SKYTEXTURE_SIZE / Math.Max(skyimage.Width, skyimage.Height);
skyimage = ResizeImage(skyimage, (int)Math.Round(skyimage.Width * scaler), (int)Math.Round(skyimage.Height * scaler));
// Make custom rendertarget
const int cubemaptexsize = 1024;
Texture rendertarget = new Texture(cubemaptexsize, cubemaptexsize, TextureFormat.Rgba8);
// Start rendering
General.Map.Graphics.StartRendering(true, new Color4(), rendertarget, true);
// Load the skysphere model...
BoundingBoxSizes bbs = new BoundingBoxSizes();
Stream modeldata = General.ThisAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Resources.SkySphere.md3");
ModelReader.MD3LoadResult meshes = ModelReader.ReadMD3Model(ref bbs, new Dictionary<int, string>(), modeldata, 0);
if(meshes.Meshes.Count != 3) throw new Exception("Skybox creation failed: "
+ (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meshes.Errors) ? "skybox model must contain 3 surfaces" : meshes.Errors));
// Make skysphere textures...
Texture texside = TextureFromBitmap(skyimage);
Texture textop = TextureFromBitmap(topimg);
Texture texbottom = TextureFromBitmap(bottomimg);
// Calculate model scaling (gl.skydone.cpp:RenderDome() in GZDoom)
float yscale;
if(scaledheight < 128) yscale = 128 / 230.0f;
else if(scaledheight < 200) yscale = scaledheight / 230.0f;
else if(scaledheight < 241) yscale = 1.0f + ((scaledheight - 200.0f) / 200.0f) * 1.17f;
else yscale = 1.2f * 1.17f;
// I guess my sky model doesn't exactly match the one GZDoom generates...
yscale *= 1.65f;
// Make cubemap texture
CubeTexture cubemap = new CubeTexture(General.Map.Graphics, cubemaptexsize);
// Set render settings...
// Setup matrices
Vector3f offset = new Vector3f(0f, 0f, -1.8f); // Sphere size is 10 mu
Matrix mworld = Matrix.Translation(offset) * Matrix.Scaling(1.0f, 1.0f, yscale);
Matrix mprojection = Matrix.PerspectiveFov((float)Angle2D.PIHALF, 1.0f, 0.5f, 100.0f);
// Place camera at origin
General.Map.Graphics.SetUniform(UniformName.campos, new Vector4f());
// Begin fullbright shaderpass
General.Map.Graphics.SetUniform(UniformName.fogsettings, new Vector4f(-1.0f));
// Render to the six faces of the cube map
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Matrix faceview = GetCubeMapViewMatrix((CubeMapFace)i);
General.Map.Graphics.SetUniform(UniformName.world, mworld);
General.Map.Graphics.SetUniform(UniformName.view, faceview);
General.Map.Graphics.SetUniform(UniformName.projection, mprojection);
// Render the skysphere meshes
for(int j = 0; j < meshes.Meshes.Count; j++)
// Set appropriate texture
case "top.png": General.Map.Graphics.SetTexture(textop); break;
case "bottom.png": General.Map.Graphics.SetTexture(texbottom); break;
case "side.png": General.Map.Graphics.SetTexture(texside); break;
default: throw new Exception("Unexpected skin!");
// Render mesh
General.Map.Graphics.CopyTexture(cubemap, (CubeMapFace)i);
// End rendering
// Dispose unneeded stuff
// Dispose skybox meshes
foreach(Mesh m in meshes.Meshes) m.Dispose();
// All done...
return cubemap;
// Makes CubeTexture from 6 images
private CubeTexture MakeSkyBox6(SkyboxInfo info)
// Gather images. They should be defined in this order: North, East, South, West, Top, Bottom
Bitmap[] sides = new Bitmap[6];
int targetsize = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < info.Textures.Count; i++)
sides[i] = GetTextureBitmap(info.Textures[i]);
if(sides[i] != null)
targetsize = Math.Max(targetsize, Math.Max(sides[i].Width, sides[i].Height));
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to create \"" + info.Name + "\" skybox: unable to find \"" + info.Textures[i] + "\" texture");
return null;
// All images must be square and have the same size
if(targetsize == 0)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to create \"" + info.Name + "\" skybox: invalid texture size");
return null;
// Make it Po2
targetsize = Math.Min(General.NextPowerOf2(targetsize), MAX_SKYTEXTURE_SIZE);
for(int i = 0; i < sides.Length; i++)
if(sides[i].Width != targetsize || sides[i].Height != targetsize)
sides[i] = ResizeImage(sides[i], targetsize, targetsize);
// Return cubemap texture
return MakeSkyBox(sides, targetsize, info.FlipTop);
// Makes CubeTexture from 3 images
private CubeTexture MakeSkyBox3(SkyboxInfo info)
// Gather images. They should be defined in this order: Sides, Top, Bottom
Bitmap[] sides = new Bitmap[6];
int targetsize = 0;
// Create NWSE images from the side texture
Bitmap sideimg = GetTextureBitmap(info.Textures[0]);
if(sideimg != null)
// This should be 4x1 format image. If it's not, we'll need to resize it
targetsize = Math.Max(sideimg.Width / 4, sideimg.Height);
if(targetsize == 0)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to create \"" + info.Name + "\" skybox: invalid texture size");
return null;
// Make it Po2
targetsize = Math.Min(General.NextPowerOf2(targetsize), MAX_SKYTEXTURE_SIZE);
// Resize if needed
if(sideimg.Width != targetsize * 4 || sideimg.Height != targetsize)
sideimg = ResizeImage(sideimg, targetsize * 4, targetsize);
// Chop into tiny pieces
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// Create square image
Bitmap img = new Bitmap(targetsize, targetsize);
using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img))
// Copy area from the side image
g.DrawImage(sideimg, 0, 0, new Rectangle(targetsize * i, 0, targetsize, targetsize), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
// Add to collection
sides[i] = img;
// Sanity check...
if(sides[0] == null || sides[1] == null || sides[2] == null || sides[3] == null)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to create \"" + info.Name + "\" skybox: unable to find \"" + info.Textures[0] + "\" texture");
return null;
// Create top
Bitmap topimg = GetTextureBitmap(info.Textures[1]);
if(topimg != null)
// Resize if needed
if(topimg.Width != targetsize || topimg.Height != targetsize)
topimg = ResizeImage(topimg, targetsize, targetsize);
// Add to collection
sides[4] = topimg;
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to create \"" + info.Name + "\" skybox: unable to find \"" + info.Textures[1] + "\" texture");
return null;
// Create bottom
Bitmap bottomimg = GetTextureBitmap(info.Textures[2]);
if(bottomimg != null)
// Resize if needed
if(bottomimg.Width != targetsize || bottomimg.Height != targetsize)
bottomimg = ResizeImage(bottomimg, targetsize, targetsize);
// Add to collection
sides[5] = bottomimg;
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Unable to create \"" + info.Name + "\" skybox: unable to find \"" + info.Textures[2] + "\" texture");
return null;
// Return cubemap texture
return MakeSkyBox(sides, targetsize, info.FlipTop);
// Makes CubeTexture from 6 images.
// sides[] must contain 6 square Po2 images in this order: North, East, South, West, Top, Bottom
private static CubeTexture MakeSkyBox(Bitmap[] sides, int targetsize, bool fliptop)
CubeTexture cubemap = new CubeTexture(General.Map.Graphics, targetsize);
// Draw faces
DrawCubemapFace(cubemap, CubeMapFace.NegativeX, sides[3]); // West
DrawCubemapFace(cubemap, CubeMapFace.NegativeY, sides[0]); // North
DrawCubemapFace(cubemap, CubeMapFace.PositiveX, sides[1]); // East
DrawCubemapFace(cubemap, CubeMapFace.PositiveY, sides[2]); // South
if(!fliptop) sides[4].RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipX);
DrawCubemapFace(cubemap, CubeMapFace.PositiveZ, sides[4]); // Top
DrawCubemapFace(cubemap, CubeMapFace.NegativeZ, sides[5]); // Bottom
// All done...
return cubemap;
private static void DrawCubemapFace(CubeTexture texture, CubeMapFace face, Bitmap image)
General.Map.Graphics.SetPixels(texture, face, image);
private static Bitmap ResizeImage(Image image, int width, int height)
var destrect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
var destimage = new Bitmap(width, height);
destimage.SetResolution(image.HorizontalResolution, image.VerticalResolution);
using(var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(destimage))
graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
using(var wrapmode = new ImageAttributes())
graphics.DrawImage(image, destrect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, wrapmode);
return destimage;
private static Matrix GetCubeMapViewMatrix(CubeMapFace face)
Vector3f lookdir, updir;
case CubeMapFace.PositiveX:
lookdir = new Vector3f(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
updir = new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
case CubeMapFace.NegativeX:
lookdir = new Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
updir = new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
case CubeMapFace.PositiveY:
lookdir = new Vector3f(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
updir = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
case CubeMapFace.NegativeY:
lookdir = new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
updir = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
case CubeMapFace.PositiveZ:
lookdir = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
updir = new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
case CubeMapFace.NegativeZ:
lookdir = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
updir = new Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
throw new Exception("Unknown CubeMapFace!");
Vector3f eye = new Vector3f();
return Matrix.LookAt(eye, lookdir, updir);
private static Texture TextureFromBitmap(Image image)
using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(image))
return new Texture(General.Map.Graphics, bitmap);