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synced 2025-03-03 08:20:55 +00:00
974 lines
37 KiB
Executable file
974 lines
37 KiB
Executable file
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ZDoom;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering.Shaders
internal class ShaderField
public int Line;
public List<List<ZScriptToken>> ArrayDimensions;
public string TypeName;
public List<ZScriptToken> Initializer;
public string Name;
internal class ShaderFunction
public int Line;
public int CodeLine;
public string ReturnValue;
public string Name;
public bool Override;
public List<ZScriptToken> Arguments;
public List<ZScriptToken> Code;
class Shader
internal ShaderGroup Group;
internal string ParentName;
public int CodeLine;
public string Name;
// data input for vertex shader
public List<ShaderField> In;
// data between vertex and fragment shader
public List<ShaderField> V2F;
// data output for fragment shader
public List<ShaderField> Out;
// source for main() of vertex shader
public int SourceVertexLine;
public List<ZScriptToken> SourceVertex;
// source for main() of fragment shader
public int SourceFragmentLine;
public List<ZScriptToken> SourceFragment;
// functions local to the shader/parents
public List<ShaderFunction> Functions = new List<ShaderFunction>();
private const string GLSLInternalSeparator = "_";
public Shader(ShaderGroup group)
Group = group;
public ShaderFunction GetFunction(string identifier)
foreach (ShaderFunction func in Functions)
if (func.Name == identifier)
return func;
return null;
// dumps all uniforms into a string
private string GetTokenListSource(List<ZScriptToken> tokens)
string ss = "";
foreach (ZScriptToken tok in tokens)
bool isBlock = false;
switch (tok.Type)
case ZScriptTokenType.LineComment:
ss += "//";
case ZScriptTokenType.BlockComment:
ss += "/*";
isBlock = true;
ss += tok.Value;
if (isBlock) ss += "*/";
return ss;
private string GetUniformSource()
string output = "";
foreach (ShaderField field in Group.Uniforms)
output += string.Format("#line {0}\n", field.Line);
output += "uniform ";
output += field.TypeName;
if (field.ArrayDimensions != null)
foreach (List<ZScriptToken> arrayDim in field.ArrayDimensions)
output += "[" + GetTokenListSource(arrayDim) + "]";
output += " " + field.Name;
if (field.Initializer != null)
output += GetTokenListSource(field.Initializer);
output += ";\n";
return output;
private string GetDataIOInternalName(string block, string name)
return string.Format("{2}SC{2}B{0}{2}F{1}", block, name, GLSLInternalSeparator);
private string GetDataIOSource(string prefix, string blockid, List<ShaderField> block, bool vertexInput)
string output = "";
foreach (ShaderField field in block)
output += string.Format("#line {0}\n", field.Line);
if (vertexInput)
int location;
switch (field.Name)
case "Position":
location = 0;
case "Color":
location = 1;
case "TextureCoordinate":
location = 2;
case "Normal":
location = 3;
throw new ShaderCompileException("Invalid input field {0} (not supported)", field.Name);
output += string.Format("layout(location = {0}) ", location);
output += prefix + " ";
output += field.TypeName;
if (field.ArrayDimensions != null)
foreach (List<ZScriptToken> arrayDim in field.ArrayDimensions)
output += "[" + GetTokenListSource(arrayDim) + "]";
output += " " + GetDataIOInternalName(blockid, field.Name);
if (field.Initializer != null)
output += GetTokenListSource(field.Initializer);
output += ";\n";
return output;
private void GetReferencedFunctions(List<ZScriptToken> source, List<string> functions)
for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i++)
ZScriptToken token = source[i];
if (token.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Identifier)
if (functions.Contains(token.Value))
// check token to the left - needs to not be identifier.
// check token to the right - needs to be open parenthesis
// ---
// the idea is that we can differentiate pixel = desaturate(...) from vec4 desaturate(1,1,1,1)
ZScriptTokenType leftToken = ZScriptTokenType.Invalid;
ZScriptTokenType rightToken = ZScriptTokenType.Invalid;
for (int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--)
ZScriptTokenType tt = source[j].Type;
if (!IsWhitespace(tt))
leftToken = tt;
for (int j = i+1; j < source.Count; j++)
ZScriptTokenType tt = source[j].Type;
if (!IsWhitespace(tt))
rightToken = tt;
if (leftToken != ZScriptTokenType.Identifier && rightToken == ZScriptTokenType.OpenParen)
// find function
// if function was found, recurse and find functions it may depend on.
ShaderFunction func = GetFunction(token.Value);
if (func == null) func = Group.GetFunction(token.Value);
if (func != null) GetReferencedFunctions(func.Code, functions);
private string GetFunctionSource(List<ZScriptToken> shaderSource)
List<string> functionNames = new List<string>();
GetReferencedFunctions(shaderSource, functionNames);
string preOutput = "";
string output = "";
foreach (string functionName in functionNames)
ShaderFunction func = GetFunction(functionName);
if (func == null) func = Group.GetFunction(functionName);
if (func == null) continue;
string funcOutput = string.Format("#line {0}\n", func.Line) + func.ReturnValue + " " + func.Name + " (" + GetTokenListSource(func.Arguments) + ")";
preOutput += funcOutput + ";\n";
funcOutput += " {\n" + string.Format("#line {0}\n", func.CodeLine) + GetTokenListSource(func.Code) + "}\n";
output += funcOutput;
return preOutput + "\n" + output;
private static bool IsWhitespace(ZScriptTokenType t)
switch (t)
case ZScriptTokenType.Whitespace:
case ZScriptTokenType.LineComment:
case ZScriptTokenType.BlockComment:
case ZScriptTokenType.Newline:
return true;
return false;
public List<ZScriptToken> ReplaceIO(List<ZScriptToken> tokens)
List<ZScriptToken> output = new List<ZScriptToken>(tokens);
// we replace all <structPrefix>.<field> with GetDataBlockInternalName(<structPrefix>, <field>)
// thus, "in" and "out" are reserved keywords and may not be found out of such context
for (int i = 0; i < output.Count; i++)
ZScriptToken token = output[i];
if (token.Type != ZScriptTokenType.Identifier)
if (token.Value != "in" && token.Value != "out" && token.Value != "v2f")
string structPrefix = token.Value;
int startIndex = i;
// skip whitespace...
for (; i < output.Count; i++)
if (!IsWhitespace(output[i].Type)) break;
if (i >= output.Count || output[i].Type != ZScriptTokenType.Dot)
// skip whitespace again...
for (; i < output.Count; i++)
if (!IsWhitespace(output[i].Type)) break;
if (i >= output.Count || output[i].Type != ZScriptTokenType.Identifier)
string fieldName = output[i].Value;
string realName = GetDataIOInternalName(structPrefix, fieldName);
// now, remove all tokens between prefix and current
output.RemoveRange(startIndex + 1, i - startIndex);
ZScriptToken realToken = new ZScriptToken(output[startIndex]);
realToken.Value = realName;
output[startIndex] = realToken;
i = startIndex - 1;
// check if this field exists, just in case. and produce an error
List<ShaderField> searchIn = null;
switch (structPrefix)
case "in":
searchIn = In;
case "out":
searchIn = Out;
case "v2f":
searchIn = V2F;
if (searchIn != null)
bool found = false;
foreach (ShaderField field in searchIn)
if (field.Name == fieldName)
found = true;
if (!found)
throw new ShaderCompileException("Referenced non-existent {0} field {1}", structPrefix, fieldName);
return output;
public string GetVertexSource()
if (In == null || V2F == null || SourceVertex == null)
throw new ShaderCompileException("Tried to compile incomplete shader {0}", Name);
string src = "";
src += GetDataIOSource("in", "in", In, true) + "\n\n";
src += GetDataIOSource("out", "v2f", V2F, false) + "\n\n";
src += GetUniformSource() + "\n";
src += GetFunctionSource(SourceVertex) + "\n\n";
src += "void main() {\n" + string.Format("#line {0}\n", SourceVertexLine) + GetTokenListSource(ReplaceIO(SourceVertex)) + "\n}\n\n";
return src;
public string GetFragmentSource()
if (Out == null || V2F == null || SourceFragment == null)
throw new ShaderCompileException("Tried to compile incomplete shader {0}", Name);
string src = "";
src += GetDataIOSource("in", "v2f", V2F, false) + "\n\n";
src += GetDataIOSource("out", "out", Out, false) + "\n\n";
src += GetUniformSource() + "\n";
src += GetFunctionSource(SourceFragment) + "\n\n";
src += "void main() {\n" + string.Format("#line {0}\n", SourceFragmentLine) + GetTokenListSource(ReplaceIO(SourceFragment)) + "\n}\n\n";
return src;
class ShaderGroup
internal List<ShaderField> Uniforms = new List<ShaderField>();
internal List<Shader> Shaders = new List<Shader>();
internal List<ShaderFunction> Functions = new List<ShaderFunction>();
public Shader GetShader(string identifier)
foreach (Shader s in Shaders)
if (s.Name == identifier) return s;
return null;
public ShaderFunction GetFunction(string identifier)
foreach (ShaderFunction f in Functions)
if (f.Name == identifier) return f;
return null;
class ShaderCompileException : Exception
public ShaderCompileException(string fmt, params object[] v) : base(string.Format(fmt, v)) { }
class ShaderCompiler
// this is to implement partial parsing. it counts {}, (), and []. it stops parsing at the specified type, if outside of nesting.
// also if last block token equals to the type, it will stop at the outer level. (i.e. last })
private static List<ZScriptToken> ReadEverythingUntil(ZScriptTokenizer t, ZScriptTokenType type, bool eofIsOk, bool skipWhitespace)
List<ZScriptToken> tokens = new List<ZScriptToken>();
int levelCurly = 0;
int levelSquare = 0;
int levelParen = 0;
while (true)
if (skipWhitespace)
long cpos = t.Reader.BaseStream.Position;
ZScriptToken token = t.ReadToken();
if (token == null)
if (!eofIsOk)
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected {0} or token, got <EOF>", type);
// if this is the end token, don't check anything -- just return
if (levelCurly == 0 && levelSquare == 0 && levelParen == 0 && token.Type == type)
// rewind and return token list
t.Reader.BaseStream.Position = cpos;
switch (token.Type)
case ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly:
case ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly:
case ZScriptTokenType.OpenParen:
case ZScriptTokenType.CloseParen:
case ZScriptTokenType.OpenSquare:
case ZScriptTokenType.CloseSquare:
return tokens;
private static void CompileShaderField(ShaderField field, ZScriptTokenizer t)
ZScriptToken token;
// read name and array dimensions
while (true)
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenSquare, ZScriptTokenType.Identifier);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected array dimensions or field name, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
// array finished
if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Identifier)
field.Name = token.Value;
// read array
List<ZScriptToken> arrayDimTokens = ReadEverythingUntil(t, ZScriptTokenType.CloseSquare, false, false);
if (field.ArrayDimensions == null)
field.ArrayDimensions = new List<List<ZScriptToken>>();
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.CloseSquare);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected closing square brace, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
// read additional array dimensions if present, and initializer. or end parsing
while (true)
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenSquare, ZScriptTokenType.OpAssign, ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected array dimensions, initializer or semicolon, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
// field is done
if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon)
// has initializer
if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.OpAssign)
field.Initializer = ReadEverythingUntil(t, ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon, false, false);
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Semicolon);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected semicolon, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
// read array
List<ZScriptToken> arrayDimTokens = ReadEverythingUntil(t, ZScriptTokenType.CloseSquare, false, false);
if (field.ArrayDimensions == null)
field.ArrayDimensions = new List<List<ZScriptToken>>();
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.CloseSquare);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected closing square brace, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
private static void CompileUniforms(ShaderGroup output, ZScriptTokenizer t)
// so a type of a variable is normally identifier+array dimensions
// array dimensions may also exist on the variable itself (oh god this shitty C syntax)
ZScriptToken token;
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected uniforms block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
while (true)
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier, ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected uniform or end of block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly)
break; // done reading uniforms
// first goes the name, then array dimensions, then the variable name, then array dimensions, then initializer
ShaderField field = new ShaderField();
field.Line = t.PositionToLine(token.Position);
field.TypeName = token.Value;
CompileShaderField(field, t);
// done reading field, add it
private static void CompileShaderFunction(ShaderFunction func, ZScriptTokenizer t)
ZScriptToken token;
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected function name, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
func.Name = token.Value;
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenParen);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected function argument list, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
func.Arguments = ReadEverythingUntil(t, ZScriptTokenType.CloseParen, false, false);
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.CloseParen);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected end of function arguments, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected function code block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
func.CodeLine = t.PositionToLine(token.Position);
func.Code = ReadEverythingUntil(t, ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly, false, false);
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected end of function code block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
private static void CompileFunctions(ShaderGroup output, ZScriptTokenizer t)
ZScriptToken token;
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected functions block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
while (true)
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier, ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected function or end of block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly)
break; // done reading functions
bool isoverride = false;
if (token.Value == "override")
isoverride = true;
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected function return type, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
// <return value> <name> (<arguments>) { <code> }
ShaderFunction func = new ShaderFunction();
func.Line = t.PositionToLine(token.Position);
func.ReturnValue = token.Value;
func.Override = isoverride;
CompileShaderFunction(func, t);
// check if function with such name already exists in the shader
// delete it.
// overloading is not supported for now
for (int i = 0; i < output.Functions.Count; i++)
if (output.Functions[i].Name == func.Name)
if (!isoverride)
throw new ShaderCompileException("Function {0} is double-defined without 'override' keyword! (previous declaration at line {1})", func.Name, output.Functions[i].Line);
private static void CompileShaderFunctions(Shader output, ZScriptTokenizer t)
ZScriptToken token;
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected functions block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
while (true)
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier, ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected function or end of block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly)
break; // done reading functions
bool isoverride = false;
if (token.Value == "override")
isoverride = true;
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected function return type, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
// <return value> <name> (<arguments>) { <code> }
ShaderFunction func = new ShaderFunction();
func.Line = t.PositionToLine(token.Position);
func.ReturnValue = token.Value;
func.Override = isoverride;
CompileShaderFunction(func, t);
// check if function with such name already exists in the shader
// delete it.
// overloading is not supported for now
if (!isoverride)
ShaderFunction existingFunc = output.Group.GetFunction(func.Name);
if (existingFunc != null)
throw new ShaderCompileException("Function {0} is double-defined without 'override' keyword! (previous declaration at line {1})", func.Name, existingFunc.Line);
for (int i = 0; i < output.Functions.Count; i++)
if (output.Functions[i].Name == func.Name)
if (!isoverride)
throw new ShaderCompileException("Function {0} is double-defined without 'override' keyword! (previous declaration at line {1})", func.Name, output.Functions[i].Line);
private static List<ShaderField> CompileShaderDataBlock(ZScriptTokenizer t)
List<ShaderField> fields = new List<ShaderField>();
ZScriptToken token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected data block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
while (true)
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier, ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected data field or end of block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly)
ShaderField field = new ShaderField();
field.Line = t.PositionToLine(token.Position);
field.TypeName = token.Value;
CompileShaderField(field, t);
return fields;
private static List<ZScriptToken> CompileShaderSource(ZScriptTokenizer t)
// syntax:
// fragment { ... code ... }
// or
// vertex { ... code ... }
ZScriptToken token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected shader source block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
List<ZScriptToken> tokens = ReadEverythingUntil(t, ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly, false, false);
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected end of shader source block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
return tokens;
private static void CompileShader(ShaderGroup output, ZScriptTokenizer t)
ZScriptToken token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected shader identifier, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
Shader s = new Shader(output);
s.Name = token.Value;
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier, ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected parent identifier or shader block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
// has parent shader id
if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.Identifier)
if (token.Value != "extends")
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected 'extends', got {0}", token.ToString());
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected parent identifier, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
s.ParentName = token.Value;
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.OpenCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected shader block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
s.CodeLine = t.PositionToLine(token.Position);
while (true)
token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier, ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly);
if (!(token?.IsValid ?? true))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected shader sub-block or end of block, got {0}", token?.ToString() ?? "<EOF>");
if (token.Type == ZScriptTokenType.CloseCurly)
switch (token.Value)
case "in":
s.In = CompileShaderDataBlock(t);
case "out":
s.Out = CompileShaderDataBlock(t);
case "v2f":
s.V2F = CompileShaderDataBlock(t);
case "functions":
CompileShaderFunctions(s, t);
case "vertex":
s.SourceVertex = CompileShaderSource(t);
if (s.SourceVertex != null && s.SourceVertex.Count > 0)
s.SourceVertexLine = t.PositionToLine(s.SourceVertex[0].Position);
case "fragment":
s.SourceFragment = CompileShaderSource(t);
if (s.SourceFragment != null && s.SourceFragment.Count > 0)
s.SourceFragmentLine = t.PositionToLine(s.SourceFragment[0].Position);
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected shader sub-block, got {0}", token.ToString());
public static ShaderGroup Compile(string src)
ShaderGroup output = new ShaderGroup();
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(src)))
using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms))
ZScriptTokenizer t = new ZScriptTokenizer(br);
// main cycle
// in the root scope, we allow three blocks:
// - uniforms{}
// - functions{}
// - shader <name> {}
// everything else is a syntax error.
while (true)
ZScriptToken token = t.ExpectToken(ZScriptTokenType.Identifier);
if (token == null)
if (!token.IsValid)
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected 'uniforms', 'functions', or 'shader'; got {0}", token.ToString());
switch (token.Value)
case "uniforms":
CompileUniforms(output, t);
case "functions":
CompileFunctions(output, t);
case "shader":
CompileShader(output, t);
throw new ShaderCompileException("Expected 'uniforms', 'functions', or 'shader'; got {0}", token.ToString());
// done parsing, postprocess - apply parents
foreach (Shader s in output.Shaders)
List<string> parents = new List<string>();
Shader p = s;
while (p.ParentName != null && p.ParentName != "")
string parentName = p.ParentName;
if (parents.Contains(parentName))
throw new ShaderCompileException("Recursive parent shader {0} found", parentName);
p = output.GetShader(parentName);
if (p == null)
throw new ShaderCompileException("Parent shader {0} not found", parentName);
if (s.In == null) s.In = p.In;
if (s.Out == null) s.Out = p.Out;
if (s.V2F == null) s.V2F = p.V2F;
if (s.SourceFragment == null)
s.SourceFragment = p.SourceFragment;
s.SourceFragmentLine = p.SourceFragmentLine;
if (s.SourceVertex == null)
s.SourceVertex = p.SourceVertex;
s.SourceVertexLine = p.SourceVertexLine;
// add functions from parent
foreach (ShaderFunction func in p.Functions)
if (s.GetFunction(func.Name) == null)
return output;