Fork 0
mirror of https://git.do.srb2.org/STJr/UltimateZoneBuilder.git synced 2025-03-06 09:40:58 +00:00
MaxED ea57d45eb3 Added: action argument inputs now support incremental increase/decrease prefixes (+++ and ---).
Probably fixed probable I/O race condition when loading images.
Fixed Visual mode stuttering due to floating point precision degradation when running the editor for several days without restarting (internal timer is now reset when saving the map or creating a new one).
Fixed, Nodes Viewer, cosmetic: Nodes Viewer window position was reset after pressing the "Rebuild Nodes" button.
Added Eternity Game configurations by printz.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (CheckClass).
Updated ZDoom ACC (CheckClass).
2016-08-29 10:06:16 +00:00

846 lines
29 KiB

#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data; //mxd
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using SlimDX;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using Plane = CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry.Plane;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes
public abstract class VisualThing : IVisualPickable, ID3DResource, IDisposable
#region ================== Constants
protected const int FIXED_RADIUS = 8; //mxd. Used to render things with zero width and radius
#region ================== Variables
// Thing
private readonly Thing thing;
//mxd. Info
protected ThingTypeInfo info;
// Textures
protected ImageData[] textures;
// Geometry
private WorldVertex[][] vertices;
private VertexBuffer[] geobuffers;
private VertexBuffer cagebuffer; //mxd
private int cagelength; //mxd
private bool updategeo;
private bool updatecage; //mxd
private int[] triangles;
private int spriteframe; //mxd
// Rendering
private RenderPass renderpass;
private Matrix position;
private int cameradistance;
private Color4 cagecolor;
protected bool sizeless; //mxd. Used to render visual things with 0 width and height
protected float fogfactor; //mxd
// Selected?
protected bool selected;
// Disposing
private bool isdisposed;
protected float thingheight;
//mxd. light properties
private DynamicLightType lightType;
private DynamicLightRenderStyle lightRenderStyle;
private Color4 lightColor;
private float lightRadius; //current radius. used in light animation
private float lightPrimaryRadius;
private float lightSecondaryRadius;
private Vector3 position_v3;
private float lightDelta; //used in light animation
private Vector3D[] boundingBox;
//gldefs light
private Vector3 lightOffset;
private int lightInterval;
private bool isGldefsLight;
#region ================== Properties
internal VertexBuffer GeometryBuffer { get { return geobuffers[spriteframe]; } }
internal VertexBuffer CageBuffer { get { return cagebuffer; } } //mxd
internal int CageLength { get { return cagelength; } } //mxd
internal bool NeedsUpdateGeo { get { return updategeo; } }
internal int Triangles { get { return triangles[spriteframe]; } }
internal Matrix Position { get { return position; } }
internal Color4 CageColor { get { return cagecolor; } }
public ThingTypeInfo Info { get { return info; } } //mxd
internal int VertexColor { get { return vertices.Length > 0 && vertices[0].Length > 0 ? vertices[0][0].c : 0; } }
public int CameraDistance { get { return cameradistance; } }
public float FogFactor { get { return fogfactor; } }
public Vector3 Center
if(isGldefsLight) return position_v3 + lightOffset;
return new Vector3(position_v3.X, position_v3.Y, position_v3.Z + thingheight / 2f);
public Vector3D CenterV3D { get { return D3DDevice.V3D(Center); } }
public float LocalCenterZ { get { return thingheight / 2f; } } //mxd
public Vector3 PositionV3 { get { return position_v3; } }
public Vector3D[] BoundingBox { get { return boundingBox; } }
//mxd. light properties
public DynamicLightType LightType { get { return lightType; } }
public float LightRadius { get { return lightRadius; } }
public DynamicLightRenderStyle LightRenderStyle { get { return lightRenderStyle; } }
public Color4 LightColor { get { return lightColor; } }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Thing that this VisualThing is created for.
/// </summary>
public Thing Thing { get { return thing; } }
/// <summary>
/// Render pass in which this geometry must be rendered. Default is Mask.
/// </summary>
public RenderPass RenderPass { get { return renderpass; } set { renderpass = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Image to use as texture on the geometry.
/// </summary>
public ImageData Texture { get { return textures[spriteframe]; } }
/// <summary>
/// Disposed or not?
/// </summary>
public bool IsDisposed { get { return isdisposed; } }
/// <summary>
/// Selected or not? This is only used by the core to determine what color to draw it with.
/// </summary>
public bool Selected { get { return selected; } set { selected = value; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Destructor
// Constructor
protected VisualThing(Thing t)
// Initialize
this.thing = t;
this.renderpass = RenderPass.Mask;
this.position = Matrix.Identity;
lightType = DynamicLightType.NONE;
lightRenderStyle = DynamicLightRenderStyle.NONE;
lightPrimaryRadius = -1;
lightSecondaryRadius = -1;
lightInterval = -1;
lightColor = new Color4();
boundingBox = new Vector3D[9];
// Register as resource
// Disposer
public virtual void Dispose()
// Not already disposed?
// Clean up
if(geobuffers != null) //mxd
foreach(VertexBuffer buffer in geobuffers) buffer.Dispose();
geobuffers = null;
if(cagebuffer != null) cagebuffer.Dispose(); //mxd
cagebuffer = null; //mxd
// Unregister resource
// Done
isdisposed = true;
#region ================== Methods
internal void CalculateCameraDistance(Vector3D campos)
cameradistance = (int)((CenterV3D - campos).GetLengthSq());
// This is called before a device is reset (when resized or display adapter was changed)
public void UnloadResource()
// Trash geometry buffers
if(geobuffers != null) //mxd
foreach(VertexBuffer buffer in geobuffers) buffer.Dispose();
geobuffers = null;
if(cagebuffer != null) cagebuffer.Dispose(); //mxd
cagebuffer = null; //mxd
updategeo = true;
updatecage = true; //mxd
// This is called resets when the device is reset
// (when resized or display adapter was changed)
public void ReloadResource()
// Make new geometry
/// <summary>
/// Sets the color of the cage around the thing geometry and rebuilds the thing cage.
/// </summary>
protected void SetCageColor(PixelColor color)
cagecolor = color.ToColorValue();
updatecage = true;
/// <summary>
/// This sets the position to use for the thing geometry.
/// </summary>
public void SetPosition(Vector3D pos)
position_v3 = D3DDevice.V3(pos); //mxd
position = Matrix.Translation(position_v3);
updategeo = true;
updatecage = true; //mxd
//mxd. update bounding box?
if(lightType != DynamicLightType.NONE && lightRadius > thing.Size)
UpdateBoundingBox(lightRadius, lightRadius * 2);
// This sets the vertices for the thing sprite
protected void SetVertices(WorldVertex[][] verts, Vector2D[] offsets/*, Plane floor, Plane ceiling*/)
// Copy vertices
vertices = new WorldVertex[verts.Length][];
triangles = new int[verts.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
vertices[i] = new WorldVertex[verts[i].Length];
verts[i].CopyTo(vertices[i], 0);
triangles[i] = vertices[i].Length / 3;
updategeo = true;
//mxd. Do some special GZDoom rendering shenanigans...
for(int c = 0; c < vertices.Length; c++)
if(triangles[c] < 2) continue;
Matrix transform, rotation;
float centerx, centerz;
// ROLLCENTER flag support
if(info.RollSprite && info.RollCenter && thing.Roll != 0)
// Rotate around sprite center
centerx = offsets[c].x;
centerz = vertices[c][1].z * 0.5f - offsets[c].y;
// Sprite center is already where it needs to be
centerx = 0f;
centerz = 0f;
// Don't do anything
case ThingRenderMode.MODEL: break;
case ThingRenderMode.VOXEL: break;
// Actor becomes a flat sprite which can be tilted with the use of the Pitch actor property.
case ThingRenderMode.FLATSPRITE:
transform = Matrix.Identity;
// Apply roll
if(info.RollSprite && thing.Roll != 0)
rotation = Matrix.RotationY(-thing.RollRad);
transform = Matrix.Translation(-centerx, -centerx, -centerz) * rotation * Matrix.Translation(centerx, centerx, centerz);
// Sprite center is already where it needs to be
transform = Matrix.RotationY(-thing.RollRad);
// Pitch should be performed from the center of the sprite regardless of ROLLCENTER flag...
if(thing.Pitch != 0)
float localcenterz = vertices[c][1].z * 0.5f;
rotation = Matrix.RotationX(-thing.PitchRad);
transform *= Matrix.Translation(0f, 0f, -localcenterz) * rotation * Matrix.Translation(0f, 0f, localcenterz);
// Add thing angle into the mix
transform *= Matrix.RotationZ(thing.Angle);
// Apply transform
for(int i = 0; i < vertices[c].Length; i++)
Vector4 transformed = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(vertices[c][i].x, vertices[c][i].y, vertices[c][i].z), transform);
vertices[c][i].x = transformed.X;
vertices[c][i].y = transformed.Y;
vertices[c][i].z = transformed.Z;
// Similar to FLATSPRITE but is not affected by pitch.
case ThingRenderMode.WALLSPRITE:
// Apply sprite roll?
if(info.RollSprite && thing.Roll != 0)
rotation = Matrix.RotationY(-thing.RollRad) * Matrix.RotationZ(thing.Angle);
transform = Matrix.Translation(-centerx, -centerx, -centerz) * rotation * Matrix.Translation(centerx, centerx, centerz);
transform = rotation; // Sprite center is already where it needs to be
transform = Matrix.RotationZ(thing.Angle);
// Apply transform
for(int i = 0; i < vertices[c].Length; i++)
Vector4 transformed = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(vertices[c][i].x, vertices[c][i].y, vertices[c][i].z), transform);
vertices[c][i].x = transformed.X;
vertices[c][i].y = transformed.Y;
vertices[c][i].z = transformed.Z;
#region Some old GLOOME FLOOR_SPRITE/CEILING_SPRITE support code
/*case Thing.SpriteRenderMode.FLOOR_SPRITE:
Matrix floorrotation = Matrix.RotationZ(info.RollSprite ? Thing.RollRad : 0f)
* Matrix.RotationY(Thing.Angle)
* Matrix.RotationX(Angle2D.PIHALF);
m = Matrix.Translation(0f, 0f, -localcenterz) * floorrotation * Matrix.Translation(0f, 0f, localcenterz);
for(int i = 0; i < vertices[c].Length; i++)
Vector4 transformed = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(vertices[c][i].x, vertices[c][i].y, vertices[c][i].z), m);
vertices[c][i].x = transformed.X;
vertices[c][i].y = transformed.Y;
vertices[c][i].z = transformed.Z;
// TODO: this won't work on things with AbsoluteZ flag
if(info.StickToPlane || info.RollSprite)
// Calculate vertical offset
float floorz = floor.GetZ(Thing.Position);
float ceilz = ceiling.GetZ(Thing.Position);
if(!float.IsNaN(floorz) && !float.IsNaN(ceilz))
float voffset;
float thingz = ceilz - Thing.Position.z + Thing.Height;
voffset = 0.01f - floorz - General.Clamp(thingz, 0, ceilz - floorz);
voffset = 0.01f - floorz - General.Clamp(Thing.Position.z, 0, ceilz - floorz);
// Apply it
for(int i = 0; i < vertices[c].Length; i++)
vertices[c][i].z = floor.GetZ(vertices[c][i].x + Thing.Position.x, vertices[c][i].y + Thing.Position.y) + voffset;
case Thing.SpriteRenderMode.CEILING_SPRITE:
Matrix ceilrotation = Matrix.RotationZ(info.RollSprite ? Thing.RollRad : 0f)
* Matrix.RotationY(Thing.Angle)
* Matrix.RotationX(Angle2D.PIHALF);
m = Matrix.Translation(0f, 0f, -localcenterz) * ceilrotation * Matrix.Translation(0f, 0f, localcenterz);
for(int i = 0; i < vertices[c].Length; i++)
Vector4 transformed = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(vertices[c][i].x, vertices[c][i].y, vertices[c][i].z), m);
vertices[c][i].x = transformed.X;
vertices[c][i].y = transformed.Y;
vertices[c][i].z = transformed.Z;
// TODO: this won't work on things with AbsoluteZ flag
if(info.StickToPlane || info.RollSprite)
// Calculate vertical offset
float floorz = floor.GetZ(Thing.Position);
float ceilz = ceiling.GetZ(Thing.Position);
if(!float.IsNaN(floorz) && !float.IsNaN(ceilz))
float voffset;
float thingz = ceilz - Math.Max(0, Thing.Position.z) - Thing.Height;
voffset = -0.01f - General.Clamp(thingz, 0, ceilz - floorz);
voffset = -0.01f - floorz - General.Clamp(Thing.Position.z, 0, ceilz - floorz);
// Apply it
for(int i = 0; i < vertices[c].Length; i++)
vertices[c][i].z = ceiling.GetZ(vertices[c][i].x + Thing.Position.x, vertices[c][i].y + Thing.Position.y) + voffset;
case ThingRenderMode.NORMAL:
if(info.RollSprite && thing.Roll != 0)
rotation = Matrix.RotationY(-thing.RollRad);
transform = Matrix.Translation(-centerx, -centerx, -centerz) * rotation * Matrix.Translation(centerx, centerx, centerz);
transform = rotation; // Sprite center is already where it needs to be
// Apply transform
for(int i = 0; i < vertices[c].Length; i++)
Vector4 transformed = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(vertices[c][i].x, vertices[c][i].y, vertices[c][i].z), transform);
vertices[c][i].x = transformed.X;
vertices[c][i].y = transformed.Y;
vertices[c][i].z = transformed.Z;
default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown ThingRenderMode");
// This updates the visual thing
public virtual void Update()
// Do we need to update the geometry buffer?
//mxd. Trash geometry buffers
if(geobuffers != null)
foreach(VertexBuffer geobuffer in geobuffers) geobuffer.Dispose();
// Any vertics?
if(vertices.Length > 0)
geobuffers = new VertexBuffer[vertices.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
// Make a new buffer
geobuffers[i] = new VertexBuffer(General.Map.Graphics.Device, WorldVertex.Stride * vertices[i].Length,
Usage.WriteOnly | Usage.Dynamic, VertexFormat.None, Pool.Default);
// Fill the buffer
DataStream bufferstream = geobuffers[i].Lock(0, WorldVertex.Stride * vertices[i].Length, LockFlags.Discard);
//mxd. Check if thing is light
// Done
updategeo = false;
//mxd. Need to update thing cage?
// Trash cage buffer
if(cagebuffer != null) cagebuffer.Dispose();
cagebuffer = null;
// Make a new cage
List<WorldVertex> cageverts;
WorldVertex v0 = new WorldVertex(-thing.Size + position_v3.X, -thing.Size + position_v3.Y, position_v3.Z);
WorldVertex v1 = new WorldVertex(thing.Size + position_v3.X, thing.Size + position_v3.Y, position_v3.Z);
WorldVertex v2 = new WorldVertex(thing.Size + position_v3.X, -thing.Size + position_v3.Y, position_v3.Z);
WorldVertex v3 = new WorldVertex(-thing.Size + position_v3.X, thing.Size + position_v3.Y, position_v3.Z);
WorldVertex v4 = new WorldVertex(position_v3.X, position_v3.Y, thing.Size + position_v3.Z);
WorldVertex v5 = new WorldVertex(position_v3.X, position_v3.Y, -thing.Size + position_v3.Z);
cageverts = new List<WorldVertex>(new[] { v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 });
float top = position_v3.Z + thing.Height;
float bottom = position_v3.Z;
WorldVertex v0 = new WorldVertex(-thing.Size + position_v3.X, -thing.Size + position_v3.Y, bottom);
WorldVertex v1 = new WorldVertex(-thing.Size + position_v3.X, thing.Size + position_v3.Y, bottom);
WorldVertex v2 = new WorldVertex(thing.Size + position_v3.X, thing.Size + position_v3.Y, bottom);
WorldVertex v3 = new WorldVertex(thing.Size + position_v3.X, -thing.Size + position_v3.Y, bottom);
WorldVertex v4 = new WorldVertex(-thing.Size + position_v3.X, -thing.Size + position_v3.Y, top);
WorldVertex v5 = new WorldVertex(-thing.Size + position_v3.X, thing.Size + position_v3.Y, top);
WorldVertex v6 = new WorldVertex(thing.Size + position_v3.X, thing.Size + position_v3.Y, top);
WorldVertex v7 = new WorldVertex(thing.Size + position_v3.X, -thing.Size + position_v3.Y, top);
cageverts = new List<WorldVertex>(new[] { v0, v1,
v1, v2,
v2, v3,
v3, v0,
v4, v5,
v5, v6,
v6, v7,
v7, v4,
v0, v4,
v1, v5,
v2, v6,
v3, v7 });
// Make new arrow
Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling(thing.Size, thing.Size, thing.Size)
* (Matrix.RotationY(-Thing.RollRad) * Matrix.RotationX(-Thing.PitchRad) * Matrix.RotationZ(Thing.Angle))
* (sizeless ? position : position * Matrix.Translation(0.0f, 0.0f, thingheight / 2f));
WorldVertex a0 = new WorldVertex(Vector3D.Transform(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, transform)); //start
WorldVertex a1 = new WorldVertex(Vector3D.Transform(0.0f, -1.5f, 0.0f, transform)); //end
WorldVertex a2 = new WorldVertex(Vector3D.Transform(0.2f, -1.1f, 0.2f, transform));
WorldVertex a3 = new WorldVertex(Vector3D.Transform(-0.2f, -1.1f, 0.2f, transform));
WorldVertex a4 = new WorldVertex(Vector3D.Transform(0.2f, -1.1f, -0.2f, transform));
WorldVertex a5 = new WorldVertex(Vector3D.Transform(-0.2f, -1.1f, -0.2f, transform));
cageverts.AddRange(new[] { a0, a1,
a1, a2,
a1, a3,
a1, a4,
a1, a5 });
// Create buffer
WorldVertex[] cv = cageverts.ToArray();
cagelength = cv.Length / 2;
cagebuffer = new VertexBuffer(General.Map.Graphics.Device, WorldVertex.Stride * cv.Length, Usage.WriteOnly | Usage.Dynamic, VertexFormat.None, Pool.Default);
cagebuffer.Lock(0, WorldVertex.Stride * cv.Length, LockFlags.None).WriteRange(cv);
// Done
updatecage = false;
protected void CheckLightState()
//mxd. Check if thing is light
int light_id = Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHTS, thing.Type);
if(light_id != -1)
isGldefsLight = false;
lightInterval = -1;
UpdateBoundingBox(lightRadius, lightRadius * 2);
//check if we have light from GLDEFS
else if(General.Map.Data.GldefsEntries.ContainsKey(thing.Type))
isGldefsLight = true;
UpdateBoundingBox(lightRadius, lightRadius * 2);
UpdateBoundingBox((int)thing.Size, thingheight);
lightType = DynamicLightType.NONE;
lightRadius = -1;
lightPrimaryRadius = -1;
lightSecondaryRadius = -1;
lightRenderStyle = DynamicLightRenderStyle.NONE;
lightInterval = -1;
isGldefsLight = false;
//mxd. Used in ColorPicker to update light
public void UpdateLight()
int light_id = Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHTS, thing.Type);
if(light_id != -1)
UpdateBoundingBox(lightRadius, lightRadius * 2);
//mxd. Update light info
private void UpdateLight(int lightId)
float scaled_intensity = 255.0f / General.Settings.GZDynamicLightIntensity;
if(lightId < GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHT_TYPES[2]) //if it's gzdoom light
int n;
if(lightId < GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHT_TYPES[0])
n = 0;
lightRenderStyle = DynamicLightRenderStyle.NORMAL;
//lightColor.Alpha used in shader to perform some calculations based on light type
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, thing.Args[0] / scaled_intensity / 2, thing.Args[1] / scaled_intensity / 2, thing.Args[2] / scaled_intensity / 2);
else if(lightId < GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHT_TYPES[1])
n = 10;
lightRenderStyle = DynamicLightRenderStyle.ADDITIVE;
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, thing.Args[0] / scaled_intensity / 2, thing.Args[1] / scaled_intensity / 2, thing.Args[2] / scaled_intensity / 2);
n = 20;
lightRenderStyle = DynamicLightRenderStyle.NEGATIVE;
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, thing.Args[0] / scaled_intensity / 3, thing.Args[1] / scaled_intensity / 3, thing.Args[2] / scaled_intensity / 3);
lightType = (DynamicLightType)(thing.Type - 9800 - n);
if(lightType == DynamicLightType.SECTOR)
int scaler = 1;
if(thing.Sector != null) scaler = thing.Sector.Brightness / 4;
lightPrimaryRadius = (thing.Args[3] * scaler) * General.Settings.GZDynamicLightRadius;
lightPrimaryRadius = (thing.Args[3] * 2) * General.Settings.GZDynamicLightRadius; //works... that.. way in GZDoom
if(lightType > 0) lightSecondaryRadius = (thing.Args[4] * 2) * General.Settings.GZDynamicLightRadius;
else //it's one of vavoom lights
lightRenderStyle = DynamicLightRenderStyle.VAVOOM;
lightType = (DynamicLightType)thing.Type;
if(lightType == DynamicLightType.VAVOOM_COLORED)
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, thing.Args[1] / scaled_intensity / 2, thing.Args[2] / scaled_intensity / 2, thing.Args[3] / scaled_intensity / 2);
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, General.Settings.GZDynamicLightIntensity / 2, General.Settings.GZDynamicLightIntensity / 2, General.Settings.GZDynamicLightIntensity / 2);
lightPrimaryRadius = (thing.Args[0] * 8) * General.Settings.GZDynamicLightRadius;
private void UpdateGldefsLight()
DynamicLightData light = General.Map.Data.GldefsEntries[thing.Type];
float intensity_mod = General.Settings.GZDynamicLightIntensity;
float scale_mod = General.Settings.GZDynamicLightRadius;
//apply settings
lightRenderStyle = light.Subtractive ? DynamicLightRenderStyle.NEGATIVE : DynamicLightRenderStyle.NORMAL;
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, light.Color.Red * intensity_mod, light.Color.Green * intensity_mod, light.Color.Blue * intensity_mod);
Vector2D o = new Vector2D(light.Offset.X, light.Offset.Y).GetRotated(thing.Angle - Angle2D.PIHALF);
lightOffset = new Vector3(o.x, o.y, light.Offset.Z);
lightType = light.Type;
if(lightType == DynamicLightType.SECTOR)
lightPrimaryRadius = light.Interval * thing.Sector.Brightness / 5.0f;
lightPrimaryRadius = light.PrimaryRadius * scale_mod;
lightSecondaryRadius = light.SecondaryRadius * scale_mod;
lightInterval = light.Interval;
public void UpdateLightRadius()
UpdateLightRadius( (lightInterval != -1 ? lightInterval : thing.AngleDoom) );
private void UpdateLightRadius(int interval)
if(lightType == DynamicLightType.NONE)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Please check that thing is light before accessing it's PositionAndRadius! You can use lightType, which is -1 if thing isn't light");
if(General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode == LightRenderMode.ALL || Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_ANIMATED_LIGHT_TYPES, lightType) == -1)
lightRadius = lightPrimaryRadius;
if(interval == 0)
lightRadius = 0;
float rMin = Math.Min(lightPrimaryRadius, lightSecondaryRadius);
float rMax = Math.Max(lightPrimaryRadius, lightSecondaryRadius);
float diff = rMax - rMin;
case DynamicLightType.PULSE:
lightDelta = ((float)Math.Sin(Clock.CurrentTime / (interval * 4.0f)) + 1.0f) / 2.0f; //just playing by the eye here... in [0.0 ... 1.0] interval
lightRadius = rMin + diff * lightDelta;
case DynamicLightType.FLICKER:
float fdelta = (float)Math.Sin(Clock.CurrentTime / 0.1f); //just playing by the eye here...
if(Math.Sign(fdelta) != Math.Sign(lightDelta))
lightDelta = fdelta;
lightRadius = (General.Random(0, 359) < interval ? rMax : rMin);
case DynamicLightType.RANDOM:
float rdelta = (float)Math.Sin(Clock.CurrentTime / (interval * 9.0f)); //just playing by the eye here...
if(Math.Sign(rdelta) != Math.Sign(lightDelta))
lightRadius = rMin + (General.Random(0, (int) (diff * 10))) / 10.0f;
lightDelta = rdelta;
//mxd. update bounding box
public void UpdateBoundingBox()
if(lightType != DynamicLightType.NONE && lightRadius > thing.Size)
UpdateBoundingBox(lightRadius, lightRadius * 2);
private void UpdateBoundingBox(float width, float height)
boundingBox = new Vector3D[9];
boundingBox[0] = CenterV3D;
float h2 = height / 2.0f;
boundingBox[1] = new Vector3D(position_v3.X - width, position_v3.Y - width, Center.Z - h2);
boundingBox[2] = new Vector3D(position_v3.X + width, position_v3.Y - width, Center.Z - h2);
boundingBox[3] = new Vector3D(position_v3.X - width, position_v3.Y + width, Center.Z - h2);
boundingBox[4] = new Vector3D(position_v3.X + width, position_v3.Y + width, Center.Z - h2);
boundingBox[5] = new Vector3D(position_v3.X - width, position_v3.Y - width, Center.Z + h2);
boundingBox[6] = new Vector3D(position_v3.X + width, position_v3.Y - width, Center.Z + h2);
boundingBox[7] = new Vector3D(position_v3.X - width, position_v3.Y + width, Center.Z + h2);
boundingBox[8] = new Vector3D(position_v3.X + width, position_v3.Y + width, Center.Z + h2);
//mxd. This updates the sprite frame to be rendered
internal void UpdateSpriteFrame()
if(textures.Length != 8)
spriteframe = 0;
spriteframe = (General.ClampAngle((int)Angle2D.RadToDeg((General.Map.VisualCamera.Position - thing.Position).GetAngleXY()) - thing.AngleDoom + 292)) / 45; // Convert to [0..7] range; 292 == 270 + 45/2
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the thing must be tested for line intersection. This should reject
/// as fast as possible to rule out all geometry that certainly does not touch the line.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool PickFastReject(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the thing must be tested for line intersection. This should perform
/// accurate hit detection and set u_ray to the position on the ray where this hits the geometry.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool PickAccurate(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir, ref float u_ray)
return false;