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synced 2025-02-20 10:53:19 +00:00
Removed, Texture Browser: removed "Show image sizes" checkbox. "Show texture and flat sizes in browsers" preferences setting is now used instead. Fixed, Things mode: event line between pre-last and the last PatrolPoint was not drawn. Fixed, Things mode: highlight range for sizeless things (things with "fixedsize" game configuration property) was calculated incorrectly. Fixed: fixed a crash when opening Script Editor after using "Open map in current wad" command to switch to UDMF map with SCRIPTS lump when current script configuration was not saved in the wad's .dbs file. Fixed: map closing events were not triggered when using "Open map in current wad" command, which could potentially result in plugin crashes/incorrect behavior. Fixed: Sector Drawing overrides panel could trigger an exception when closing the map during resource loading. Internal: added "Debug + Profiler" solution configuration, added 2 profiling methods to DebugConsole. Internal: rewrote MainForm.DisplayStatus() / StatusInfo to handle selection info in a more structured way. Fixed, internal: some destructors could potentially be executed more than once potentially leading to exceptions. Other destructors were not called at all. Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
400 lines
14 KiB
400 lines
14 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data
public static class LinksCollector
private class SpecialThings
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> PatrolPoints; // PatrolPoint tag, list of PatrolPoints
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<PathNode>> InterpolationPoints; // InterpolationPoint tag, list of InterpolationPoints
public readonly List<Thing> ThingsWithGoal;
public readonly List<Thing> Cameras;
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> ActorMovers; // ActorMover target tag, list of ActorMovers
public readonly List<Thing> PathFollowers;
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> PolyobjectAnchors; //angle, list of PolyobjectAnchors
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> PolyobjectStartSpots; //angle, list of PolyobjectStartSpots
public SpecialThings()
PatrolPoints = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
InterpolationPoints = new Dictionary<int, List<PathNode>>();
ThingsWithGoal = new List<Thing>();
Cameras = new List<Thing>();
ActorMovers = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
PathFollowers = new List<Thing>();
PolyobjectAnchors = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
PolyobjectStartSpots = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
private class PathNode
private readonly Thing thing;
private readonly Vector3D position;
private readonly Dictionary<int, PathNode> nextnodes;
private readonly Dictionary<int, PathNode> prevnodes;
public Thing Thing { get { return thing; } }
public Dictionary<int, PathNode> NextNodes { get { return nextnodes; } } // Thing index, PathNode
public Dictionary<int, PathNode> PreviousNodes { get { return prevnodes; } } // Thing index, PathNode
public Vector3D Position { get { return position; } }
public bool IsCurved;
public PathNode(Thing t, bool correctzheight)
thing = t;
position = new Vector3D(t.Position, (correctzheight ? t.Position.z + GetCorrectHeight(t) : t.Position.z));
nextnodes = new Dictionary<int, PathNode>();
prevnodes = new Dictionary<int, PathNode>();
internal void PropagateCurvedFlag()
if(!IsCurved) return;
foreach(PathNode node in nextnodes.Values)
if(node.IsCurved) continue;
node.IsCurved = true;
foreach(PathNode node in prevnodes.Values)
if(node.IsCurved) continue;
node.IsCurved = true;
public static List<Line3D> GetThingLinks(IEnumerable<VisualThing> visualthings)
List<Thing> things = new List<Thing>();
foreach (VisualThing vt in visualthings) things.Add(vt.Thing);
return GetThingLinks(GetSpecialThings(things, true), true);
public static List<Line3D> GetThingLinks(IEnumerable<Thing> things)
return GetThingLinks(GetSpecialThings(things, false), false);
private static SpecialThings GetSpecialThings(IEnumerable<Thing> things, bool correctheight)
SpecialThings result = new SpecialThings();
// Process oh so special things
foreach(Thing t in things)
ThingTypeInfo info = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type);
if(info == null) continue;
switch (info.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant())
case "patrolpoint":
if(t.Tag != 0 || t.Args[0] != 0)
if(!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Tag)) result.PatrolPoints.Add(t.Tag, new List<Thing>());
case "$polyanchor":
if(!result.PolyobjectAnchors.ContainsKey(t.AngleDoom)) result.PolyobjectAnchors[t.AngleDoom] = new List<Thing>();
case "$polyspawn":
case "$polyspawncrush":
case "$polyspawnhurt":
if(!result.PolyobjectStartSpots.ContainsKey(t.AngleDoom)) result.PolyobjectStartSpots[t.AngleDoom] = new List<Thing>();
// Process Thing_SetGoal action
if(t.Action != 0
&& General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.ContainsKey(t.Action)
&& General.Map.Config.LinedefActions[t.Action].Id.ToLowerInvariant() == "thing_setgoal"
&& (t.Args[0] == 0 || t.Args[0] == t.Tag)
&& t.Args[1] != 0)
// We may need all of these actors...
foreach (Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
ThingTypeInfo info = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type);
if(info == null) continue;
switch (info.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant())
case "interpolationpoint":
if(!result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(t.Tag)) result.InterpolationPoints.Add(t.Tag, new List<PathNode>());
result.InterpolationPoints[t.Tag].Add(new PathNode(t, correctheight));
case "movingcamera":
if(t.Args[0] != 0 || t.Args[1] != 0) result.Cameras.Add(t);
case "pathfollower":
if(t.Args[0] != 0 || t.Args[1] != 0) result.PathFollowers.Add(t);
case "actormover":
if((t.Args[0] != 0 || t.Args[1] != 0) && t.Args[3] != 0)
if(!result.ActorMovers.ContainsKey(t.Args[3])) result.ActorMovers.Add(t.Args[3], new List<Thing>());
return result;
private static List<Line3D> GetThingLinks(SpecialThings result, bool correctheight)
List<Line3D> lines = new List<Line3D>();
Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> actormovertargets = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
// Get ActorMover targets
if(result.ActorMovers.Count > 0)
foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
if(t.Tag == 0 || !result.ActorMovers.ContainsKey(t.Tag)) continue;
if(!actormovertargets.ContainsKey(t.Tag)) actormovertargets[t.Tag] = new List<Thing>();
Vector3D start, end;
// Process patrol points
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<Thing>> group in result.PatrolPoints)
foreach(Thing t in group.Value)
if(!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Args[0])) continue;
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(Thing tt in result.PatrolPoints[t.Args[0]])
end = tt.Position;
if(correctheight) end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt);
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end));
// Process things with Thing_SetGoal
foreach (Thing t in result.ThingsWithGoal)
if(!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Args[1])) continue;
start = t.Position;
if (correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(Thing tt in result.PatrolPoints[t.Args[1]])
end = tt.Position;
if(correctheight) end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt);
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));
// Process cameras [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
foreach (Thing t in result.Cameras)
int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
if(targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag)) continue; //no target / target desn't exist
bool interpolatepath = ((t.Args[2] & 1) != 1);
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));
//process actor movers [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
foreach(List<Thing> things in result.ActorMovers.Values)
foreach (Thing t in things)
int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
// Add interpolation point targets
if(targettag != 0 && result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))
bool interpolatepath = ((t.Args[2] & 1) != 1);
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));
// Add thing-to-move targets
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(Thing tt in actormovertargets[t.Args[3]])
end = tt.Position;
if(correctheight) end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt);
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));
// Process path followers [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
foreach(Thing t in result.PathFollowers)
int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
if(targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag)) continue; //no target / target desn't exist
bool interpolatepath = (t.Args[2] & 1) != 1;
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));
// Process polyobjects
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, List<Thing>> group in result.PolyobjectAnchors)
if(!result.PolyobjectStartSpots.ContainsKey(group.Key)) continue;
foreach(Thing anchor in group.Value)
start = anchor.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(anchor);
foreach(Thing startspot in result.PolyobjectStartSpots[group.Key])
end = startspot.Position;
if(correctheight) end.z += GetCorrectHeight(startspot);
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));
// Process interpolation points [CAN BE INTERPOLATED]
// 1. Connect PathNodes
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, List<PathNode>> group in result.InterpolationPoints)
foreach(PathNode node in group.Value)
int targettag = node.Thing.Args[3] + (node.Thing.Args[4] << 8);
if(targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag)) continue;
foreach(PathNode targetnode in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
// Connect both ways
if(!node.NextNodes.ContainsKey(targetnode.Thing.Index)) node.NextNodes.Add(targetnode.Thing.Index, targetnode);
if(!targetnode.PreviousNodes.ContainsKey(node.Thing.Index)) targetnode.PreviousNodes.Add(node.Thing.Index, node);
// 2. Propagate IsCurved flag
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, List<PathNode>> group in result.InterpolationPoints)
foreach(PathNode node in group.Value) node.PropagateCurvedFlag();
// 3. Make lines
HashSet<int> processedindices = new HashSet<int>();
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, List<PathNode>> group in result.InterpolationPoints)
foreach(PathNode node in group.Value)
// Draw as a curve?
if(node.IsCurved && !processedindices.Contains(node.Thing.Index) && node.NextNodes.Count > 0 && node.PreviousNodes.Count > 0)
PathNode prev = General.GetByIndex(node.PreviousNodes, 0).Value;
PathNode next = General.GetByIndex(node.NextNodes, 0).Value;
if(next.NextNodes.Count > 0)
PathNode nextnext = General.GetByIndex(next.NextNodes, 0).Value;
// Generate curve points
List<Vector3D> points = new List<Vector3D>(11);
for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
float u = i * 0.1f;
points.Add(new Vector3D(
SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.x, node.Position.x, next.Position.x, nextnext.Position.x),
SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.y, node.Position.y, next.Position.y, nextnext.Position.y),
(!correctheight ? 0 : SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.z, node.Position.z, next.Position.z, nextnext.Position.z))
// Add line segments
for(int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
lines.Add(new Line3D(points[i - 1], points[i], i == 10));
// Draw regular lines
bool startnode = (node.IsCurved && node.PreviousNodes.Count == 0); // When using curves, this node won't be used by camera (the last node won't be used as well), so draw them using different color
foreach(PathNode targetnode in node.NextNodes.Values)
bool isskipped = (startnode || (targetnode.IsCurved && targetnode.NextNodes.Count == 0));
lines.Add(new Line3D(node.Position, targetnode.Position, (isskipped ? General.Colors.Highlight : General.Colors.InfoLine), !isskipped));
return lines;
// Taken from Xabis' "curved interpolation points paths" patch.
private static float SplineLerp(float u, float p1, float p2, float p3, float p4)
float t2 = u;
float res = 2 * p2;
res += (p3 - p1) * u;
t2 *= u;
res += (2 * p1 - 5 * p2 + 4 * p3 - p4) * t2;
t2 *= u;
res += (3 * p2 - 3 * p3 + p4 - p1) * t2;
return 0.5f * res;
private static float GetCorrectHeight(Thing thing)
float height = thing.Height / 2f;
if (thing.Sector != null) height += thing.Sector.FloorHeight;
return height;