mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 00:10:55 +00:00
430 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
430 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
#region ================== Namespaces
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using ScintillaNET;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
internal partial class ScriptEditorPreviewControl : UserControl
#region ================== Constants
private const int HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR = 8;
#region ================== Variables
private Dictionary<int, ScriptStyleType> styletranslation;
private string highlightedword;
private Color indicatorcolor;
private int lastcaretpos;
private readonly HashSet<char> bracechars;
#region ================== Properties
public string FontName { set { ApplyFont(value); } }
public int FontSize { set { ApplyFontSize(value); } }
public bool FontBold { set { ApplyFontBold(value); } }
public int TabWidth { set { scriptedit.TabWidth = value; } }
public bool ShowLineNumbers { set { UpdateLineNumbers(value); } }
public bool ShowFolding { set { UpdateFolding(value); } }
// Colors
public Color ScriptBackground
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].BackColor = value;
scriptedit.CaretForeColor = PixelColor.FromColor(value).Inverse().ToColor();
scriptedit.Styles[Style.LineNumber].BackColor = value;
scriptedit.SetWhitespaceBackColor(true, value);
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ScriptStyleType> group in styletranslation)
scriptedit.Styles[group.Key].BackColor = value;
public Color FoldForeColor { set { for(int i = 25; i < 32; i++) scriptedit.Markers[i].SetBackColor(value); } }
public Color FoldBackColor
scriptedit.SetFoldMarginColor(true, value);
scriptedit.SetFoldMarginHighlightColor(true, value);
for(int i = 25; i < 32; i++) scriptedit.Markers[i].SetForeColor(value);
public Color LineNumbers { set { ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType.LineNumber, value); } }
public Color PlainText { set { ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType.PlainText, value); } }
public Color Comments { set { ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType.Comment, value); } }
public Color Keywords { set { ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType.Keyword, value); } }
public Color Properties { set { ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType.Property, value); } }
public Color Literals { set { ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType.Literal, value); } }
public Color Constants { set { ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType.Constant, value); } }
public Color Strings { set { ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType.String, value); } }
public Color Includes { set { ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType.Include, value); } }
public Color SelectionForeColor { set { scriptedit.SetSelectionForeColor(true, value); } }
public Color SelectionBackColor { set { scriptedit.SetSelectionBackColor(true, value); } }
public Color WhitespaceColor
scriptedit.SetWhitespaceForeColor(true, value);
scriptedit.SetWhitespaceBackColor(false, value); // Otherwise selection back color won't be applied correctly...
public Color BraceHighlight { set { scriptedit.Styles[Style.BraceLight].BackColor = value; } }
public Color BadBraceHighlight { set { scriptedit.Styles[Style.BraceBad].BackColor = value; } }
public Color ScriptIndicator { set { indicatorcolor = value; UpdateWordHighlight(); } }
#region ================== Constructor / Setup
public ScriptEditorPreviewControl()
if(LicenseManager.UsageMode != LicenseUsageMode.Designtime)
bracechars = new HashSet<char> { '{', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']' };
// This sets up the script editor with default settings
private void SetupStyles()
// Symbol margin
scriptedit.Margins[0].Type = MarginType.Symbol;
scriptedit.Margins[0].Width = 20;
scriptedit.Margins[0].Mask = 0; // No markers here
scriptedit.Margins[0].Cursor = MarginCursor.Arrow;
scriptedit.Margins[0].Sensitive = true;
// Line numbers margin
scriptedit.Margins[1].Type = MarginType.Number;
scriptedit.Margins[1].Width = 16;
scriptedit.Margins[1].Mask = 0; // No markers here
// Spacing margin
scriptedit.Margins[2].Type = MarginType.Symbol;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Width = 5;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Cursor = MarginCursor.Arrow;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Mask = 0; // No markers here
// Set lexer
scriptedit.Lexer = Lexer.Cpp;
// Set script editor preview text
scriptedit.Text = "#include \"zcommon.acs\"" + "\n" +
"script 667 ENTER //A simple script example" + "\n" +
"{" + "\n" +
" int red = CR_RED;" + "\n" +
"\tPrint(s:\"Welcome!\");" + "\n" +
"\tThing_ChangeTID(0, 667);" + "\n" +
"} } // <- A spare brace!";
// No text editing beyond this point!
scriptedit.ReadOnly = true;
// Set keywords (0)
const string keywords = "Print HudMessageBold Thing_ChangeTID";
scriptedit.SetKeywords(0, keywords.ToLowerInvariant());
// Set constants (1)
const string constants = "CR_RED";
scriptedit.SetKeywords(1, constants.ToLowerInvariant());
// Set properties (3)
const string properties = "script enter int";
scriptedit.SetKeywords(3, properties.ToLowerInvariant());
// Reset document slyle
// Create style translation dictionary
styletranslation = new Dictionary<int, ScriptStyleType>
{ 0, ScriptStyleType.PlainText }, // End of line
{ 10, ScriptStyleType.PlainText }, // Operator
{ 11, ScriptStyleType.PlainText }, // Identifier
{ 33, ScriptStyleType.LineNumber },
{ 1, ScriptStyleType.Comment },
{ 2, ScriptStyleType.Comment },
{ 5, ScriptStyleType.Keyword },
{ 4, ScriptStyleType.Literal },
{ 7, ScriptStyleType.Literal },
{ 16, ScriptStyleType.Constant },
{ 37, ScriptStyleType.LineNumber },
{ 6, ScriptStyleType.String },
{ 9, ScriptStyleType.Include },
{ 19, ScriptStyleType.Property },
// Set the default style and settings
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Font = General.Settings.ScriptFontName;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Size = General.Settings.ScriptFontSize;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Bold = General.Settings.ScriptFontBold;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Italic = false;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Underline = false;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].Case = StyleCase.Mixed;
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].ForeColor = General.Colors.PlainText.ToColor();
scriptedit.Styles[Style.Default].BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBackground.ToColor();
scriptedit.CaretPeriod = SystemInformation.CaretBlinkTime;
scriptedit.CaretForeColor = General.Colors.ScriptBackground.Inverse().ToColor();
// Set tabulation settings
scriptedit.UseTabs = General.Settings.ScriptUseTabs;
scriptedit.TabWidth = General.Settings.ScriptTabWidth;
// This applies the default style to all styles
// Set style for linenumbers and margins
scriptedit.Styles[Style.LineNumber].BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBackground.ToColor();
scriptedit.SetFoldMarginColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptFoldBackColor.ToColor());
scriptedit.SetFoldMarginHighlightColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptFoldBackColor.ToColor());
for(int i = 25; i < 32; i++)
// Set style for (mis)matching braces
scriptedit.Styles[Style.BraceLight].BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBraceHighlight.ToColor();
scriptedit.Styles[Style.BraceBad].BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBadBraceHighlight.ToColor();
// Set whitespace color
scriptedit.SetWhitespaceForeColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptWhitespace.ToColor());
// Set selection colors
scriptedit.SetSelectionForeColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptSelectionForeColor.ToColor());
scriptedit.SetSelectionBackColor(true, General.Colors.ScriptSelectionBackColor.ToColor());
indicatorcolor = General.Colors.ScriptIndicator.ToColor();
// Set words colors
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ScriptStyleType> group in styletranslation)
// Apply color to style
int colorindex;
case ScriptStyleType.PlainText: colorindex = ColorCollection.PLAINTEXT; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Comment: colorindex = ColorCollection.COMMENTS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Constant: colorindex = ColorCollection.CONSTANTS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Keyword: colorindex = ColorCollection.KEYWORDS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.LineNumber: colorindex = ColorCollection.LINENUMBERS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Literal: colorindex = ColorCollection.LITERALS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.String: colorindex = ColorCollection.STRINGS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Include: colorindex = ColorCollection.INCLUDES; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Property: colorindex = ColorCollection.PROPERTIES; break;
default: colorindex = ColorCollection.PLAINTEXT; break;
scriptedit.Styles[group.Key].ForeColor = General.Colors.Colors[colorindex].ToColor();
scriptedit.Styles[group.Key].BackColor = General.Colors.ScriptBackground.ToColor();
// Setup folding
// Rearrange the layout
#region ================== Methods
private void ApplyStyleColor(ScriptStyleType type, Color color)
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ScriptStyleType> group in styletranslation)
if(group.Value == type) scriptedit.Styles[group.Key].ForeColor = color;
private void ApplyFont(string font)
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ScriptStyleType> group in styletranslation)
scriptedit.Styles[group.Key].Font = font;
private void ApplyFontBold(bool bold)
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ScriptStyleType> group in styletranslation)
scriptedit.Styles[group.Key].Bold = bold;
private void ApplyFontSize(int size)
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ScriptStyleType> group in styletranslation)
scriptedit.Styles[group.Key].Size = size;
private void UpdateLineNumbers(bool show)
scriptedit.Margins[1].Type = MarginType.Number;
scriptedit.Margins[1].Width = 16;
scriptedit.Margins[1].Type = MarginType.Symbol;
scriptedit.Margins[1].Width = 0;
private void UpdateFolding(bool show)
// Instruct the lexer to calculate folding
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold", "1");
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold.compact", "0"); // 1 = folds blank lines
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold.comment", "1"); // Enable block comment folding
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold.preprocessor", "1"); // Enable #region folding
scriptedit.SetFoldFlags(FoldFlags.LineAfterContracted); // Draw line below if not expanded
// Configure a margin to display folding symbols
scriptedit.Margins[2].Type = MarginType.Symbol;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Mask = Marker.MaskFolders;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Sensitive = true;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Width = 12;
// Configure folding markers with respective symbols
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.Folder].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.BoxPlus;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderOpen].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.BoxMinus;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderEnd].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.BoxPlusConnected;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderMidTail].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.TCorner;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderOpenMid].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.BoxMinusConnected;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderSub].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.VLine;
scriptedit.Markers[Marker.FolderTail].Symbol = MarkerSymbol.LCorner;
// Enable automatic folding
scriptedit.AutomaticFold = (AutomaticFold.Show | AutomaticFold.Click | AutomaticFold.Change);
// Disable folding
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold", "0");
scriptedit.SetProperty("fold.compact", "0");
scriptedit.Margins[2].Type = MarginType.Symbol;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Mask = 0; // No markers here
scriptedit.Margins[2].Sensitive = false;
scriptedit.Margins[2].Width = 5;
scriptedit.AutomaticFold = AutomaticFold.None;
private void UpdateWordHighlight()
// If a word is selected, highlight the same words
if(scriptedit.SelectedText != highlightedword)
// Highlight only when whole word is selected
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptedit.SelectedText) && scriptedit.GetWordFromPosition(scriptedit.SelectionStart) == scriptedit.SelectedText) {
// Clear highlight
scriptedit.IndicatorCurrent = HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR;
scriptedit.IndicatorClearRange(0, scriptedit.TextLength);
highlightedword = scriptedit.SelectedText;
private void HighlightWord(string text)
// Remove all uses of our indicator
scriptedit.IndicatorCurrent = HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR;
scriptedit.IndicatorClearRange(0, scriptedit.TextLength);
// Update indicator appearance
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].Style = IndicatorStyle.RoundBox;
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].Under = true;
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].ForeColor = indicatorcolor;
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].OutlineAlpha = 50;
scriptedit.Indicators[HIGHLIGHT_INDICATOR].Alpha = 30;
// Search the document
scriptedit.TargetStart = 0;
scriptedit.TargetEnd = scriptedit.TextLength;
scriptedit.SearchFlags = SearchFlags.WholeWord;
while(scriptedit.SearchInTarget(text) != -1)
//mxd. Don't mark currently selected word
if(scriptedit.SelectionStart != scriptedit.TargetStart && scriptedit.SelectionEnd != scriptedit.TargetEnd)
// Mark the search results with the current indicator
scriptedit.IndicatorFillRange(scriptedit.TargetStart, scriptedit.TargetEnd - scriptedit.TargetStart);
// Search the remainder of the document
scriptedit.TargetStart = scriptedit.TargetEnd;
scriptedit.TargetEnd = scriptedit.TextLength;
#region ================== Events
private void scriptedit_UpdateUI(object sender, UpdateUIEventArgs e)
// Has the caret changed position?
int caretpos = scriptedit.CurrentPosition;
if(lastcaretpos != caretpos)
lastcaretpos = caretpos;
int bracepos1 = -1;
// Is there a brace to the left or right?
if(caretpos > 0 && bracechars.Contains((char)scriptedit.GetCharAt(caretpos - 1)))
bracepos1 = (caretpos - 1);
else if(bracechars.Contains((char)(scriptedit.GetCharAt(caretpos))))
bracepos1 = caretpos;
if(bracepos1 > -1)
// Find the matching brace
int bracepos2 = scriptedit.BraceMatch(bracepos1);
if(bracepos2 == Scintilla.InvalidPosition)
scriptedit.BraceHighlight(bracepos1, bracepos2);
// Turn off brace matching
scriptedit.BraceHighlight(Scintilla.InvalidPosition, Scintilla.InvalidPosition);