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synced 2025-03-11 04:21:10 +00:00
Added Color Picker plugin Point, Flicker and Pulse light animation should now look almost exactly as seen in GZDoom. Fixed a bug when editing thing properties in Visual mode didn't update visual thing. Fixed incorrect doom-style walls shading when sector has "lightcolor" property set. Fixed "Index was outside the bounds of the array in CalculateNormalsAndShading()" error. GZDoomBuilder will now show error message prior to failing.
514 lines
19 KiB
514 lines
19 KiB
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using SlimDX;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes
public abstract class VisualThing : IVisualPickable, ID3DResource, IComparable<VisualThing>
#region ================== Constants
#region ================== Variables
// Thing
private Thing thing;
// Texture
private ImageData texture;
// Geometry
private WorldVertex[] vertices;
private VertexBuffer geobuffer;
private bool updategeo;
private int triangles;
// Rendering
private int renderpass;
private Matrix orientation;
private Matrix position;
private Matrix cagescales;
private bool billboard;
private Vector2D pos2d;
private float cameradistance;
private int cagecolor;
// Selected?
protected bool selected;
// Disposing
private bool isdisposed = false;
private int cameraDistance3D;
private int thingHeight;
//mxd. light properties
private int lightType;
private int lightRenderStyle;
private Color4 lightColor;
private float lightRadius; //current radius. used in light animation
private float lightPrimaryRadius;
private float lightSecondaryRadius;
private Vector3 position_v3;
private float lightDelta; //used in light animation
private Vector3[] boundingBox;
//mxd. model
private bool checkedIfModel;
#region ================== Properties
internal VertexBuffer GeometryBuffer { get { return geobuffer; } }
internal bool NeedsUpdateGeo { get { return updategeo; } }
internal int Triangles { get { return triangles; } }
internal int RenderPassInt { get { return renderpass; } }
internal Matrix Orientation { get { return orientation; } }
internal Matrix Position { get { return position; } }
internal Matrix CageScales { get { return cagescales; } }
internal int CageColor { get { return cagecolor; } }
internal int VertexColor { get { return vertices.Length > 0 ? vertices[0].c : 0;} }
public int CameraDistance3D { get { return cameraDistance3D; } }
public Vector3 Center { get { return new Vector3(position_v3.X, position_v3.Y, position_v3.Z + thingHeight / 2); } }
public Vector3 PositionV3 { get { return position_v3; } }
public Vector3[] BoundingBox { get { return boundingBox; } }
//mxd. light properties
public int LightType { get { return lightType; } }
public float LightRadius { get { return lightRadius; } }
public int LightRenderStyle { get { return lightRenderStyle; } }
public Color4 LightColor { get { return lightColor; } }
public Vector4 LightPositionAndRadius { get { return new Vector4(Center, lightRadius);} }
/// <summary>
/// Set to True to use billboarding for this thing. When using billboarding,
/// the geometry will be rotated on the XY plane to face the camera.
/// </summary>
public bool Billboard { get { return billboard; } set { billboard = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Thing that this VisualThing is created for.
/// </summary>
public Thing Thing { get { return thing; } }
/// <summary>
/// Render pass in which this geometry must be rendered. Default is Solid.
/// </summary>
public RenderPass RenderPass { get { return (RenderPass)renderpass; } set { renderpass = (int)value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Image to use as texture on the geometry.
/// </summary>
public ImageData Texture { get { return texture; } set { texture = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Disposed or not?
/// </summary>
public bool IsDisposed { get { return isdisposed; } }
/// <summary>
/// Selected or not? This is only used by the core to determine what color to draw it with.
/// </summary>
public bool Selected { get { return selected; } set { selected = value; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Destructor
// Constructor
public VisualThing(Thing t)
// Initialize
this.thing = t;
this.renderpass = (int)RenderPass.Mask;
this.billboard = true;
this.orientation = Matrix.Identity;
this.position = Matrix.Identity;
this.cagescales = Matrix.Identity;
lightType = -1;
lightRenderStyle = -1;
lightPrimaryRadius = -1;
lightSecondaryRadius = -1;
lightColor = new Color4();
boundingBox = new Vector3[9];
// Register as resource
// Disposer
public virtual void Dispose()
// Not already disposed?
// Clean up
if(geobuffer != null) geobuffer.Dispose();
geobuffer = null;
// Unregister resource
// Done
isdisposed = true;
#region ================== Methods
// This sets the distance from the camera
internal void CalculateCameraDistance(Vector2D campos)
cameradistance = Vector2D.DistanceSq(pos2d, campos);
internal void CalculateCameraDistance3D(Vector3 campos) {
cameraDistance3D = (int)Vector3.DistanceSquared(D3DDevice.V3(thing.Position), campos);
// This is called before a device is reset
// (when resized or display adapter was changed)
public void UnloadResource()
// Trash geometry buffer
if(geobuffer != null) geobuffer.Dispose();
geobuffer = null;
updategeo = true;
checkedIfModel = false;
// This is called resets when the device is reset
// (when resized or display adapter was changed)
public void ReloadResource()
// Make new geometry
/// <summary>
/// Sets the size of the cage around the thing geometry.
/// </summary>
public void SetCageSize(float radius, float height)
cagescales = Matrix.Scaling(radius, radius, height);
thingHeight = (int)height;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the color of the cage around the thing geometry.
/// </summary>
public void SetCageColor(PixelColor color)
cagecolor = color.ToInt();
/// <summary>
/// This sets the position to use for the thing geometry.
/// </summary>
public void SetPosition(Vector3D pos)
pos2d = new Vector2D(pos);
position_v3 = D3DDevice.V3(pos);
position = Matrix.Translation(position_v3);
//mxd. update bounding box
if (thing.IsModel) {
} else if (lightType != -1 && lightRadius > thing.Size) {
UpdateBoundingBox(lightRadius, lightRadius * 2);
} else {
UpdateBoundingBox((int)thing.Size, thingHeight);
/// <summary>
/// This sets the orientation to use for the thing geometry. When using this, you may want to turn off billboarding.
/// </summary>
public void SetOrientation(Vector3D angles)
orientation = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(angles.z, angles.y, angles.x);
// This sets the vertices for the thing sprite
protected void SetVertices(ICollection<WorldVertex> verts)
// Copy vertices
vertices = new WorldVertex[verts.Count];
verts.CopyTo(vertices, 0);
triangles = vertices.Length / 3;
updategeo = true;
// This updates the visual thing
public virtual void Update()
// Do we need to update the geometry buffer?
if (updategeo)
if (!checkedIfModel) {
//check if thing is model
if (GZBuilder.GZGeneral.ModelDefEntries.ContainsKey(thing.Type)) {
ModelDefEntry mde = GZBuilder.GZGeneral.ModelDefEntries[thing.Type];
if (mde.Model == null)
thing.IsModel = GZBuilder.GZGeneral.LoadModelForThing(thing);
thing.IsModel = true;
if (thing.IsModel)
checkedIfModel = true;
// Trash geometry buffer
if (geobuffer != null) geobuffer.Dispose();
geobuffer = null;
// Any vertics?
if (vertices.Length > 0) {
// Make a new buffer
geobuffer = new VertexBuffer(General.Map.Graphics.Device, WorldVertex.Stride * vertices.Length,
Usage.WriteOnly | Usage.Dynamic, VertexFormat.None, Pool.Default);
// Fill the buffer
DataStream bufferstream = geobuffer.Lock(0, WorldVertex.Stride * vertices.Length, LockFlags.Discard);
//mxd. Check if thing is light
int light_id = Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHTS, thing.Type);
if (light_id != -1) {
UpdateBoundingBox(lightRadius, lightRadius * 2);
} else {
if (thing.IsModel) {
} else {
UpdateBoundingBox((int)thing.Size, thingHeight);
lightType = -1;
lightRadius = -1;
lightPrimaryRadius = -1;
lightSecondaryRadius = -1;
lightRenderStyle = -1;
// Done
updategeo = false;
//used in ColorPicker to update light
public void UpdateLight() {
int light_id = Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHTS, thing.Type);
if (light_id != -1) {
//if (Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_ANIMATED_LIGHT_TYPES, lightType) != -1)
UpdateBoundingBox(lightRadius, lightRadius * 2);
//mxd update light info
private void updateLight(int light_id) {
float scaled_intensity = 255.0f / General.Settings.GZDynamicLightIntensity;
if (light_id < GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHT_TYPES[2]) { //if it's gzdoom light
int n;
if (light_id < GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHT_TYPES[0]) {
n = 0;
lightRenderStyle = (int)GZDoomLightRenderStyle.NORMAL;
//lightColor.Alpha used in shader to perform some calculations based on light type
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, (float)thing.Args[0] / scaled_intensity, (float)thing.Args[1] / scaled_intensity, (float)thing.Args[2] / scaled_intensity);
} else if (light_id < GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_LIGHT_TYPES[1]) {
n = 10;
lightRenderStyle = (int)GZDoomLightRenderStyle.ADDITIVE;
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, (float)thing.Args[0] / scaled_intensity, (float)thing.Args[1] / scaled_intensity, (float)thing.Args[2] / scaled_intensity);
} else {
n = 20;
lightRenderStyle = (int)GZDoomLightRenderStyle.NEGATIVE;
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, (float)thing.Args[0] / scaled_intensity, (float)thing.Args[1] / scaled_intensity, (float)thing.Args[2] / scaled_intensity);
lightType = thing.Type - 9800 - n;
if (lightType == (int)GZDoomLightType.SECTOR) {
int scaler = 1;
if (thing.Sector != null)
scaler = thing.Sector.Brightness / 4;
lightPrimaryRadius = (float)(thing.Args[3] * scaler) * General.Settings.GZDynamicLightRadius;
} else {
lightPrimaryRadius = (float)(thing.Args[3] * 2) * General.Settings.GZDynamicLightRadius; //works... that.. way in GZDoom
if (lightType > 0)
lightSecondaryRadius = (float)(thing.Args[4] * 2) * General.Settings.GZDynamicLightRadius;
} else { //it's one of vavoom lights
lightRenderStyle = (int)GZDoomLightRenderStyle.VAVOOM;
lightType = thing.Type;
if (lightType == (int)GZDoomLightType.VAVOOM_COLORED)
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, (float)thing.Args[1] / scaled_intensity, (float)thing.Args[2] / scaled_intensity, (float)thing.Args[3] / scaled_intensity);
lightColor = new Color4((float)lightRenderStyle / 100.0f, General.Settings.GZDynamicLightIntensity, General.Settings.GZDynamicLightIntensity, General.Settings.GZDynamicLightIntensity);
lightPrimaryRadius = (float)(thing.Args[0] * 8) * General.Settings.GZDynamicLightRadius;
public void UpdateLightRadius() {
if (lightType == -1) {
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Please check that thing is light before accessing it's PositionAndRadius! You can use lightType, which is -1 if thing isn't light");
if (!General.Settings.GZAnimateLights || Array.IndexOf(GZBuilder.GZGeneral.GZ_ANIMATED_LIGHT_TYPES, lightType) == -1) {
lightRadius = lightPrimaryRadius;
double time = General.Clock.GetCurrentTime();
float rMin, rMax;
if (lightPrimaryRadius > lightSecondaryRadius) {
rMax = lightPrimaryRadius;
rMin = lightSecondaryRadius;
} else {
rMin = lightPrimaryRadius;
rMax = lightSecondaryRadius;
float diff = rMax - rMin;
if (lightType == (int)GZDoomLightType.PULSE) {
lightDelta = ((float)Math.Sin(time / (thing.AngleDoom * 4.0f)) + 1.0f) / 2.0f; //just playing by the eye here... in [0.0 ... 1.0] interval
lightRadius = rMin + diff * lightDelta;
} else if (lightType == (int)GZDoomLightType.FLICKER) {
//float delta = (float)Math.Sin(time / thing.AngleDoom);
float delta = (float)Math.Sin(time / 0.1f); //just playing by the eye here...
if (Math.Sign(delta) != Math.Sign(lightDelta)) {
lightDelta = delta;
if (new Random().Next(0, 359) < thing.AngleDoom)
lightRadius = rMax;
lightRadius = rMin;
} else if (lightType == (int)GZDoomLightType.RANDOM) {
//float delta = (float)Math.Sin(time / (thing.AngleDoom));
float delta = (float)Math.Sin(time / (thing.AngleDoom * 9.0f)); //just playing by the eye here...
if (Math.Sign(delta) != Math.Sign(lightDelta))
lightRadius = rMin + (float)(new Random().Next(0, (int)(diff * 10))) / 10.0f;
lightDelta = delta;
//mxd. update bounding box
public void UpdateBoundingBox(float width, float height) {
boundingBox = new Vector3[9];
boundingBox[0] = Center;
float h2 = height / 2.0f;
boundingBox[1] = new Vector3(position_v3.X - width, position_v3.Y - width, Center.Z - h2);
boundingBox[2] = new Vector3(position_v3.X + width, position_v3.Y - width, Center.Z - h2);
boundingBox[3] = new Vector3(position_v3.X - width, position_v3.Y + width, Center.Z - h2);
boundingBox[4] = new Vector3(position_v3.X + width, position_v3.Y + width, Center.Z - h2);
boundingBox[5] = new Vector3(position_v3.X - width, position_v3.Y - width, Center.Z + h2);
boundingBox[6] = new Vector3(position_v3.X + width, position_v3.Y - width, Center.Z + h2);
boundingBox[7] = new Vector3(position_v3.X - width, position_v3.Y + width, Center.Z + h2);
boundingBox[8] = new Vector3(position_v3.X + width, position_v3.Y + width, Center.Z + h2);
//mxd. update bounding box from model bounding box
private void updateBoundingBoxForModel() {
ModelDefEntry mde = GZBuilder.GZGeneral.ModelDefEntries[thing.Type];
int len = mde.Model.BoundingBox.Length;
boundingBox = new Vector3[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Vector3 v = mde.Model.BoundingBox[i];
boundingBox[i] = new Vector3(v.X + position_v3.X, v.Y + position_v3.Y, v.Z + position_v3.Z);
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the thing must be tested for line intersection. This should reject
/// as fast as possible to rule out all geometry that certainly does not touch the line.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool PickFastReject(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the thing must be tested for line intersection. This should perform
/// accurate hit detection and set u_ray to the position on the ray where this hits the geometry.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool PickAccurate(Vector3D from, Vector3D to, Vector3D dir, ref float u_ray)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This sorts things by distance from the camera. Farthest first.
/// </summary>
public int CompareTo(VisualThing other)
return Math.Sign(other.cameradistance - this.cameradistance);