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using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Models
internal class MD3ModelLoader : ModelLoader
internal static ModelLoadResult Load(ref BoundingBoxSizes bbs, Dictionary<int, string> skins, Stream s, int frame)
long start = s.Position;
ModelLoadResult result = new ModelLoadResult();
using (var br = new BinaryReader(s, Encoding.ASCII))
string magic = ReadString(br, 4);
if (magic != "IDP3")
result.Errors = "unknown header: expected \"IDP3\", but got \"" + magic + "\"";
return result;
int modelVersion = br.ReadInt32();
if (modelVersion != 15) //MD3 version. Must be equal to 15
result.Errors = "expected MD3 version 15, but got " + modelVersion;
return result;
s.Position += 76;
int numSurfaces = br.ReadInt32();
s.Position += 12;
int ofsSurfaces = br.ReadInt32();
s.Position = ofsSurfaces + start;
List<int> polyIndecesList = new List<int>();
List<WorldVertex> vertList = new List<WorldVertex>();
Dictionary<string, List<List<int>>> polyIndecesListsPerTexture = new Dictionary<string, List<List<int>>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex>> vertListsPerTexture = new Dictionary<string, List<WorldVertex>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
Dictionary<string, List<int>> vertexOffsets = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
bool useskins = false;
for (int c = 0; c < numSurfaces; c++)
string skin = "";
string error = ReadSurface(ref bbs, ref skin, br, polyIndecesList, vertList, frame);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
result.Errors = error;
return result;
// Pick a skin to use
if (skins == null)
// skins is null when Skin MODELDEF property is set
skin = string.Empty;
else if (skins.ContainsKey(c))
// Overrtide surface skin with SurfaceSkin MODELDEF property
skin = skins[c];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(skin))
useskins = true;
if (polyIndecesListsPerTexture.ContainsKey(skin))
polyIndecesListsPerTexture.Add(skin, new List<List<int>> { polyIndecesList });
vertListsPerTexture.Add(skin, vertList);
vertexOffsets.Add(skin, new List<int> { vertList.Count });
//reset lists
polyIndecesList = new List<int>();
vertList = new List<WorldVertex>();
if (!useskins)
//create mesh
CreateMesh(ref result, vertList, polyIndecesList);
//create a mesh for each surface texture
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<List<int>>> group in polyIndecesListsPerTexture)
polyIndecesList = new List<int>();
int offset = 0;
//collect indices, fix vertex offsets
for (int i = 0; i < group.Value.Count; i++)
if (i > 0)
//TODO: Damn I need to rewrite all of this stuff from scratch...
offset += vertexOffsets[group.Key][i - 1];
for (int c = 0; c < group.Value[i].Count; c++)
group.Value[i][c] += offset;
CreateMesh(ref result, vertListsPerTexture[group.Key], polyIndecesList);
return result;
private static string ReadSurface(ref BoundingBoxSizes bbs, ref string skin, BinaryReader br, List<int> polyIndecesList, List<WorldVertex> vertList, int frame)
int vertexOffset = vertList.Count;
long start = br.BaseStream.Position;
string magic = ReadString(br, 4);
if (magic != "IDP3") return "error while reading surface. Unknown header: expected \"IDP3\", but got \"" + magic + "\"";
string name = ReadString(br, 64);
int flags = br.ReadInt32();
int numFrames = br.ReadInt32(); //Number of animation frames. This should match NUM_FRAMES in the MD3 header.
int numShaders = br.ReadInt32(); //Number of Shader objects defined in this Surface, with a limit of MD3_MAX_SHADERS. Current value of MD3_MAX_SHADERS is 256.
int numVerts = br.ReadInt32(); //Number of Vertex objects defined in this Surface, up to MD3_MAX_VERTS. Current value of MD3_MAX_VERTS is 4096.
int numTriangles = br.ReadInt32(); //Number of Triangle objects defined in this Surface, maximum of MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES. Current value of MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES is 8192.
int ofsTriangles = br.ReadInt32(); //Relative offset from SURFACE_START where the list of Triangle objects starts.
int ofsShaders = br.ReadInt32();
int ofsST = br.ReadInt32(); //Relative offset from SURFACE_START where the list of ST objects (s-t texture coordinates) starts.
int ofsNormal = br.ReadInt32(); //Relative offset from SURFACE_START where the list of Vertex objects (X-Y-Z-N vertices) starts.
int ofsEnd = br.ReadInt32(); //Relative offset from SURFACE_START to where the Surface object ends.
// Sanity check
if (frame < 0 || frame >= numFrames)
return "frame " + frame + " is outside of model's frame range [0.." + (numFrames - 1) + "]";
// Polygons
if (start + ofsTriangles != br.BaseStream.Position)
br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsTriangles;
for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles * 3; i++)
polyIndecesList.Add(vertexOffset + br.ReadInt32());
// Shaders
if (start + ofsShaders != br.BaseStream.Position)
br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsShaders;
skin = ReadString(br, 64); //we are interested only in the first one
// Vertices
if (start + ofsST != br.BaseStream.Position)
br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsST;
for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++)
WorldVertex v = new WorldVertex();
v.c = -1; //white
v.u = br.ReadSingle();
v.v = br.ReadSingle();
// Positions and normals
long vertoffset = start + ofsNormal + numVerts * 8 * frame; // The length of Vertex struct is 8 bytes
if (br.BaseStream.Position != vertoffset) br.BaseStream.Position = vertoffset;
for (int i = vertexOffset; i < vertexOffset + numVerts; i++)
WorldVertex v = vertList[i];
//read vertex
v.y = -(float)br.ReadInt16() / 64;
v.x = (float)br.ReadInt16() / 64;
v.z = (float)br.ReadInt16() / 64;
//bounding box
BoundingBoxTools.UpdateBoundingBoxSizes(ref bbs, v);
var lat = br.ReadByte() * (2 * Math.PI) / 255.0;
var lng = br.ReadByte() * (2 * Math.PI) / 255.0;
v.nx = (float)(Math.Sin(lng) * Math.Sin(lat));
v.ny = -(float)(Math.Cos(lng) * Math.Sin(lat));
v.nz = (float)(Math.Cos(lat));
vertList[i] = v;
if (start + ofsEnd != br.BaseStream.Position)
br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsEnd;
return "";