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Doom Builder Actions Configuration
// Categories for the Controls preferences
file = "File";
edit = "Edit";
view = "View";
modes = "Modes";
tools = "Tools";
prefabs = "Prefabs";
classic = "Classic Modes";
visual = "Visual Modes";
selecting = "Selecting";
// This just defines which actions there are, what description they have and
// some behaviour options. The Doom Builder core will bind to these actions
// with delegates (function pointers) where you use the BeginAction and
// EndAction attributes.
// Options:
// allowkeys: Allows the user to bind standard keys to this action.
// allowmouse: Allows the user to bind mouse buttons to this action.
// allowscroll: Allows the user to bind the scrollwheel to this action.
// disregardshift: This action will trigger regardless if Shift or Control is used.
// repeat: BeginAction will be called for automatic key repetition.
// default: Default key is only used when the action is loaded for the first
// time and the default key is not used by any other action.
// allowkeys and allowmouse are true by default, the others are false by default.
title = "Developer Test";
category = "tools";
description = "Does whatever the developer wants to test.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "New Map";
category = "file";
description = "Starts with a new, empty workspace to begin drawing a map from scratch.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Open Map";
category = "file";
description = "Opens an existing map from WAD file for viewing or modifying.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Close Map";
category = "file";
description = "Closes the current map and the WAD file in which it exists.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Save Map";
category = "file";
description = "Saves the current map to the opened source WAD file.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Save Map As";
category = "file";
description = "Saves the current map and all resources from the source WAD file to a new WAD file.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Save Map Into";
category = "file";
description = "Saves the current map without any other resources into an existing or new WAD file.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Map Options";
category = "edit";
description = "Shows the Map Options dialog which allows changing the map lump name, game configuration and custom resources.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Game Configurations";
category = "tools";
description = "Shows the Game Configurations dialog which allows you to configure settings such as nodebuilder, testing program and resources.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Preferences";
category = "tools";
description = "Shows this Preferences dialog.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Reload Resources";
category = "tools";
description = "Reloads all data resources such as game configuration, textures and flats. Useful when resource files have been changed outside of Doom Builder.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Cancel Action";
category = "classic";
description = "Cancels the current action and switches back to normal editing mode.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Accept Action";
category = "classic";
description = "Accepts the changes in the current action and switches back to normal editing mode.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Select";
category = "classic";
description = "Selects the highlighted item. Also allows selection by drawing a rectangle.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
disregardshift = true;
title = "Edit";
category = "classic";
description = "Edits the properties of the selected items or drags the selected items. Also initiates drawing or inserts new things when no selection is made.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
disregardshift = true;
title = "Scroll West";
category = "classic";
description = "Scrolls the 2D map view to the left.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
repeat = true;
title = "Scroll East";
category = "classic";
description = "Scrolls the 2D map view to the right.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
repeat = true;
title = "Scroll North";
category = "classic";
description = "Scrolls the 2D map view up.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
repeat = true;
title = "Scroll South";
category = "classic";
description = "Scrolls the 2D map view down.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
repeat = true;
title = "Pan View";
category = "classic";
description = "Pans the map in the direction of the mouse while held down.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Zoom In";
category = "classic";
description = "Zooms in on the map at the current mouse location.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
repeat = true;
title = "Zoom Out";
category = "classic";
description = "Zooms out on the map from the current mouse location.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
repeat = true;
title = "Fit To Screen";
category = "classic";
description = "Zooms out the map and centers it to make it completely fit in the screen, giving a high overview of the map.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Insert Item";
category = "classic";
description = "Creates a new vertex or thing at the current mouse position.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Delete Item";
category = "classic";
description = "Deletes the highlighted or selected items.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Grid Setup";
category = "classic";
description = "Shows the Custom Grid Setup dialog which allows you to set custom grid sizes and a background image.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Grid Decrease";
category = "edit";
description = "Decreases the grid density.";
unbind = 1;
mousebuttons = 0;
mousescroll = 1;
title = "Grid Increase";
category = "edit";
description = "Increases the grid density.";
unbind = 1;
mousebuttons = 0;
mousescroll = 1;
title = "Undo";
category = "edit";
description = "Restores the current map as it was before last action(s) performed.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Redo";
category = "edit";
description = "Repeats the action(s) performed before Undo was used.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Snap to Grid";
category = "edit";
description = "Toggles snapping to the grid for things and vertices that are being dragged.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Merge Geometry";
category = "edit";
description = "Toggles automatic merging of geometry for vertices and structures that are being dragged.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Clear Selection";
category = "edit";
description = "Deselects all selected elements.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
title = "Move Forward";
category = "visual";
description = "Moves the camera forward in 3D Visual Mode.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
disregardshift = true;
title = "Move Backward";
category = "visual";
description = "Moves the camera backward in 3D Visual Mode.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
disregardshift = true;
title = "Move Left (strafe)";
category = "visual";
description = "Strafes the camera left in 3D Visual Mode.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
disregardshift = true;
title = "Move Right (strafe)";
category = "visual";
description = "Strafes the camera right in 3D Visual Mode.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
disregardshift = true;
title = "Double Speed";
category = "visual";
description = "Double the movement speed for the Move actions in visual mode while holding this button.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = true;
disregardshift = true;
title = "Test Map";
category = "tools";
description = "Starts the game and loads this map for playing.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Configure Things Filters";
category = "tools";
description = "Shows the Things Filters setup dialog which allows you to add, remove and change the things filters.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = false;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Copy Selection";
category = "edit";
description = "Copies the current selection to the clipboard.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Cut Selection";
category = "edit";
description = "Copies the current selection to the clipboard and removes it from the map.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Paste Selection";
category = "edit";
description = "Pastes the current contents of the clipboard into the map as a new selection.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 1";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 1";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 2";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 2";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 3";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 3";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 4";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 4";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 5";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 5";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 6";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 6";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 7";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 7";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 8";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 8";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 9";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 9";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select Group 10";
category = "selecting";
description = "Selects all geometry that was assigned to group 10";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 1";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 1";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 2";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 2";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 3";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 3";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 4";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 4";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 5";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 5";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 6";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 6";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 7";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 7";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 8";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 8";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 9";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 9";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Assign Group 10";
category = "selecting";
description = "Assigns the selected geometry to group 10";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Script Editor";
category = "view";
description = "This opens the script editor that allows you to edit any scripts in your map or any script files.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "View Wireframe";
category = "view";
description = "This sets the view mode to Wireframe. This shows only the map elements without any sector filling.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "View Brightness Levels";
category = "view";
description = "This sets the view mode to Brightness Levels. This fills all sectors with their brightness levels.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "View Floor Textures";
category = "view";
description = "This sets the view mode to Floor Textures. In this view mode the sectors are filled with their floor texture and with their brightness level applied.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "View Ceiling Textures";
category = "view";
description = "This sets the view mode to Ceiling Textures. In this view mode the sectors are filled with their ceiling texture and with their brightness level applied.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Select";
category = "visual";
description = "Selects the highlighted item.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
disregardshift = true;
title = "Edit";
category = "visual";
description = "Edits the properties of the selected items or drags the selected items.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
disregardshift = true;
title = "Create Prefab";
category = "prefabs";
description = "Creates a prefab from the selected geometry and saves it to a prefab file.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Insert Prefab File";
category = "prefabs";
description = "Browses for a Prefab file and inserts theprefab geometry into the map.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Insert Previous Prefab";
category = "prefabs";
description = "Inserts the previously opened Prefab file again.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;
title = "Toggle Info Panel";
category = "view";
description = "Toggles the info panel between expanded and collapsed.";
allowkeys = true;
allowmouse = true;
allowscroll = false;