mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 17:51:00 +00:00
Changed, Map Analysis mode: some checks are now available only under certain conditions (for example, "Check polyobjects" is now available only when the map is in Hexen or UDMF map format). Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Basic Settings" page).
1175 lines
44 KiB
1175 lines
44 KiB
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config
public class GameConfiguration
#region ================== Constants
#region ================== Variables
// Original configuration
private readonly Configuration cfg;
// General settings
private readonly string configname;
private readonly string enginename;
private readonly float defaulttexturescale;
private readonly float defaultflatscale;
private readonly string defaultwalltexture; //mxd
private readonly string defaultfloortexture; //mxd
private readonly string defaultceilingtexture; //mxd
private readonly bool scaledtextureoffsets;
private readonly string defaultsavecompiler;
private readonly string defaulttestcompiler;
private readonly string formatinterface;
private readonly string defaultlinedefactivation; //mxd
private readonly string singlesidedflag;
private readonly string doublesidedflag;
private readonly string impassableflag;
private readonly string upperunpeggedflag;
private readonly string lowerunpeggedflag;
private readonly bool mixtexturesflats;
private readonly bool generalizedactions;
private readonly bool generalizedeffects;
private readonly int start3dmodethingtype;
private readonly int linedefactivationsfilter;
private readonly string testparameters;
private readonly bool testshortpaths;
private readonly string makedoortrack;
private readonly string makedoordoor; //mxd
private readonly string makedoorceil; //mxd
private readonly int makedooraction;
private readonly int makedooractivate;
private readonly int[] makedoorargs;
private readonly Dictionary<string, bool> makedoorflags;
private readonly bool linetagindicatesectors;
private readonly string decorategames;
private string skyflatname;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> defaultskytextures; //mxd <map name, sky texture name>
private readonly int maxtexturenamelength;
private readonly bool longtexturenames; //mxd
private readonly int leftboundary;
private readonly int rightboundary;
private readonly int topboundary;
private readonly int bottomboundary;
private readonly int safeboundary; //mxd
private readonly bool doomlightlevels;
private readonly string actionspecialhelp; //mxd
private readonly string thingclasshelp; //mxd
private readonly bool sidedefcompressionignoresaction; //mxd
// Skills
private readonly List<SkillInfo> skills;
// Map lumps
private readonly Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> maplumps;
//mxd. Map format
private readonly bool doommapformat;
private readonly bool hexenmapformat;
private readonly bool universalmapformat;
// Texture/flat/voxel sources
private readonly IDictionary textureranges;
private readonly IDictionary hiresranges; //mxd
private readonly IDictionary flatranges;
private readonly IDictionary patchranges;
private readonly IDictionary spriteranges;
private readonly IDictionary colormapranges;
private readonly IDictionary voxelranges; //mxd
// Things
private readonly List<string> defaultthingflags;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> thingflags;
private readonly List<ThingCategory> thingcategories;
private readonly Dictionary<int, ThingTypeInfo> things;
private readonly List<FlagTranslation> thingflagstranslation;
private readonly Dictionary<string, ThingFlagsCompareGroup> thingflagscompare; //mxd
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> thingrenderstyles; //mxd
// Linedefs
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> linedefflags;
private readonly List<string> sortedlinedefflags;
private readonly Dictionary<int, LinedefActionInfo> linedefactions;
private readonly List<LinedefActionInfo> sortedlinedefactions;
private readonly List<LinedefActionCategory> actioncategories;
private readonly List<LinedefActivateInfo> linedefactivates;
private readonly List<GeneralizedCategory> genactioncategories;
private readonly List<FlagTranslation> linedefflagstranslation;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> linedefrenderstyles; //mxd
//mxd. Sidedefs
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> sidedefflags; //mxd
// Sectors
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> sectorflags; //mxd
private readonly Dictionary<int, SectorEffectInfo> sectoreffects;
private readonly List<SectorEffectInfo> sortedsectoreffects;
private readonly List<GeneralizedOption> geneffectoptions;
private readonly StepsList brightnesslevels;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> sectorrenderstyles; //mxd
// Universal fields
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> linedeffields;
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> sectorfields;
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> sidedeffields;
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> thingfields;
private readonly List<UniversalFieldInfo> vertexfields;
// Enums
private readonly Dictionary<string, EnumList> enums;
//mxd. DamageTypes
private HashSet<string> damagetypes;
// Defaults
private readonly List<DefinedTextureSet> texturesets;
private readonly List<ThingsFilter> thingfilters;
//mxd. Holds base game type (doom, heretic, hexen or strife)
private readonly GameType gametype;
#region ================== Properties
// General settings
public string Name { get { return configname; } }
public string EngineName { get { return enginename; } }
public string DefaultSaveCompiler { get { return defaultsavecompiler; } }
public string DefaultTestCompiler { get { return defaulttestcompiler; } }
public float DefaultTextureScale { get { return defaulttexturescale; } }
public float DefaultFlatScale { get { return defaultflatscale; } }
public string DefaultWallTexture { get { return defaultwalltexture; } } //mxd
public string DefaultFloorTexture { get { return defaultfloortexture; } } //mxd
public string DefaultCeilingTexture { get { return defaultceilingtexture; } } //mxd
public bool ScaledTextureOffsets { get { return scaledtextureoffsets; } }
public string FormatInterface { get { return formatinterface; } }
public string DefaultLinedefActivationFlag { get { return defaultlinedefactivation; } } //mxd
public string SingleSidedFlag { get { return singlesidedflag; } }
public string DoubleSidedFlag { get { return doublesidedflag; } }
public string ImpassableFlag { get { return impassableflag; } }
public string UpperUnpeggedFlag { get { return upperunpeggedflag; } }
public string LowerUnpeggedFlag { get { return lowerunpeggedflag; } }
public bool MixTexturesFlats { get { return mixtexturesflats; } }
public bool GeneralizedActions { get { return generalizedactions; } }
public bool GeneralizedEffects { get { return generalizedeffects; } }
public int Start3DModeThingType { get { return start3dmodethingtype; } }
public int LinedefActivationsFilter { get { return linedefactivationsfilter; } }
public string TestParameters { get { return testparameters; } }
public bool TestShortPaths { get { return testshortpaths; } }
public string MakeDoorTrack { get { return makedoortrack; } }
public string MakeDoorDoor { get { return makedoordoor; } } //mxd
public string MakeDoorCeiling { get { return makedoorceil; } } //mxd
public int MakeDoorAction { get { return makedooraction; } }
public int MakeDoorActivate { get { return makedooractivate; } }
public Dictionary<string, bool> MakeDoorFlags { get { return makedoorflags; } }
public int[] MakeDoorArgs { get { return makedoorargs; } }
public bool LineTagIndicatesSectors { get { return linetagindicatesectors ; } }
public string DecorateGames { get { return decorategames; } }
public string SkyFlatName { get { return skyflatname; } internal set { skyflatname = value; } } //mxd. Added setter
public Dictionary<string, string> DefaultSkyTextures { get { return defaultskytextures; } } //mxd
public int MaxTextureNameLength { get { return maxtexturenamelength; } }
public bool UseLongTextureNames { get { return longtexturenames; } } //mxd
public int LeftBoundary { get { return leftboundary; } }
public int RightBoundary { get { return rightboundary; } }
public int TopBoundary { get { return topboundary; } }
public int BottomBoundary { get { return bottomboundary; } }
public int SafeBoundary { get { return safeboundary; } } //mxd
public bool DoomLightLevels { get { return doomlightlevels; } }
public string ActionSpecialHelp { get { return actionspecialhelp; } } //mxd
public string ThingClassHelp { get { return thingclasshelp; } } //mxd
internal bool SidedefCompressionIgnoresAction { get { return sidedefcompressionignoresaction; } } //mxd
// Skills
public List<SkillInfo> Skills { get { return skills; } }
// Map lumps
public Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> MapLumps { get { return maplumps; } }
//mxd. Map format
public bool UDMF { get { return universalmapformat; } }
public bool HEXEN { get { return hexenmapformat; } }
public bool DOOM { get { return doommapformat; } }
// Texture/flat/voxel sources
public IDictionary TextureRanges { get { return textureranges; } }
public IDictionary HiResRanges { get { return hiresranges; } } //mxd
public IDictionary FlatRanges { get { return flatranges; } }
public IDictionary PatchRanges { get { return patchranges; } }
public IDictionary SpriteRanges { get { return spriteranges; } }
public IDictionary ColormapRanges { get { return colormapranges; } }
public IDictionary VoxelRanges { get { return voxelranges; } } //mxd
// Things
public ICollection<string> DefaultThingFlags { get { return defaultthingflags; } }
public IDictionary<string, string> ThingFlags { get { return thingflags; } }
public List<FlagTranslation> ThingFlagsTranslation { get { return thingflagstranslation; } }
public Dictionary<string, ThingFlagsCompareGroup> ThingFlagsCompare { get { return thingflagscompare; } } //mxd
public Dictionary<string, string> ThingRenderStyles { get { return thingrenderstyles; } } //mxd
// Linedefs
public IDictionary<string, string> LinedefFlags { get { return linedefflags; } }
public List<string> SortedLinedefFlags { get { return sortedlinedefflags; } }
public IDictionary<int, LinedefActionInfo> LinedefActions { get { return linedefactions; } }
public List<LinedefActionInfo> SortedLinedefActions { get { return sortedlinedefactions; } }
public List<LinedefActionCategory> ActionCategories { get { return actioncategories; } }
public List<LinedefActivateInfo> LinedefActivates { get { return linedefactivates; } }
public List<GeneralizedCategory> GenActionCategories { get { return genactioncategories; } }
public List<FlagTranslation> LinedefFlagsTranslation { get { return linedefflagstranslation; } }
public Dictionary<string, string> LinedefRenderStyles { get { return linedefrenderstyles; } } //mxd
//mxd. Sidedefs
public IDictionary<string, string> SidedefFlags { get { return sidedefflags; } }
// Sectors
public IDictionary<string, string> SectorFlags { get { return sectorflags; } } //mxd
public IDictionary<int, SectorEffectInfo> SectorEffects { get { return sectoreffects; } }
public List<SectorEffectInfo> SortedSectorEffects { get { return sortedsectoreffects; } }
public List<GeneralizedOption> GenEffectOptions { get { return geneffectoptions; } }
public StepsList BrightnessLevels { get { return brightnesslevels; } }
public Dictionary<string, string> SectorRenderStyles { get { return sectorrenderstyles; } } //mxd
// Universal fields
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> LinedefFields { get { return linedeffields; } }
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> SectorFields { get { return sectorfields; } }
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> SidedefFields { get { return sidedeffields; } }
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> ThingFields { get { return thingfields; } }
public List<UniversalFieldInfo> VertexFields { get { return vertexfields; } }
// Enums
public IDictionary<string, EnumList> Enums { get { return enums; } }
//mxd. DamageTypes
internal IEnumerable<string> DamageTypes { get { return damagetypes; } }
// Defaults
internal List<DefinedTextureSet> TextureSets { get { return texturesets; } }
public List<ThingsFilter> ThingsFilters { get { return thingfilters; } }
public GameType GameType { get { return gametype; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
internal GameConfiguration(Configuration cfg)
// Initialize
this.cfg = cfg;
this.thingflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.defaultthingflags = new List<string>();
this.thingcategories = new List<ThingCategory>();
this.things = new Dictionary<int, ThingTypeInfo>();
this.linedefflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.sortedlinedefflags = new List<string>();
this.linedefactions = new Dictionary<int, LinedefActionInfo>();
this.actioncategories = new List<LinedefActionCategory>();
this.sortedlinedefactions = new List<LinedefActionInfo>();
this.linedefactivates = new List<LinedefActivateInfo>();
this.sidedefflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.genactioncategories = new List<GeneralizedCategory>();
this.sectorflags = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.sectoreffects = new Dictionary<int, SectorEffectInfo>();
this.sortedsectoreffects = new List<SectorEffectInfo>();
this.geneffectoptions = new List<GeneralizedOption>();
this.enums = new Dictionary<string, EnumList>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.skills = new List<SkillInfo>();
this.texturesets = new List<DefinedTextureSet>();
this.makedoorargs = new int[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
this.maplumps = new Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.thingflagstranslation = new List<FlagTranslation>();
this.linedefflagstranslation = new List<FlagTranslation>();
this.thingfilters = new List<ThingsFilter>();
this.thingflagscompare = new Dictionary<string, ThingFlagsCompareGroup>(); //mxd
this.brightnesslevels = new StepsList();
this.makedoorflags = new Dictionary<string, bool>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.linedefrenderstyles = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.sectorrenderstyles = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.thingrenderstyles = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal); //mxd
this.defaultskytextures = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //mxd
// Read general settings
configname = cfg.ReadSetting("game", "<unnamed game>");
int gt = (cfg.ReadSetting("basegame", (int)GameType.UNKNOWN));
gametype = ( (gt > -1 && gt < Gldefs.GLDEFS_LUMPS_PER_GAME.Length) ? (GameType)gt : GameType.UNKNOWN);
enginename = cfg.ReadSetting("engine", "");
defaultsavecompiler = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultsavecompiler", "");
defaulttestcompiler = cfg.ReadSetting("defaulttestcompiler", "");
defaulttexturescale = cfg.ReadSetting("defaulttexturescale", 1f);
defaultflatscale = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultflatscale", 1f);
defaultwalltexture = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultwalltexture", "STARTAN"); //mxd
defaultfloortexture = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultfloortexture", "FLOOR0_1"); //mxd
defaultceilingtexture = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultceilingtexture", "CEIL1_1"); //mxd
scaledtextureoffsets = cfg.ReadSetting("scaledtextureoffsets", true);
formatinterface = cfg.ReadSetting("formatinterface", "");
mixtexturesflats = cfg.ReadSetting("mixtexturesflats", false);
generalizedactions = cfg.ReadSetting("generalizedlinedefs", false);
generalizedeffects = cfg.ReadSetting("generalizedsectors", false);
start3dmodethingtype = cfg.ReadSetting("start3dmode", 0);
linedefactivationsfilter = cfg.ReadSetting("linedefactivationsfilter", 0);
testparameters = cfg.ReadSetting("testparameters", "");
testshortpaths = cfg.ReadSetting("testshortpaths", false);
makedoortrack = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoortrack", "-");
makedoordoor = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoordoor", "-"); //mxd
makedoorceil = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoorceil", "-"); //mxd
makedooraction = cfg.ReadSetting("makedooraction", 0);
makedooractivate = cfg.ReadSetting("makedooractivate", 0);
linetagindicatesectors = cfg.ReadSetting("linetagindicatesectors", false);
decorategames = cfg.ReadSetting("decorategames", "");
skyflatname = cfg.ReadSetting("skyflatname", "F_SKY1");
leftboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("leftboundary", -32768);
rightboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("rightboundary", 32767);
topboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("topboundary", 32767);
bottomboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("bottomboundary", -32768);
safeboundary = cfg.ReadSetting("safeboundary", 32767); //mxd
doomlightlevels = cfg.ReadSetting("doomlightlevels", true);
actionspecialhelp = cfg.ReadSetting("actionspecialhelp", string.Empty); //mxd
thingclasshelp = cfg.ReadSetting("thingclasshelp", string.Empty); //mxd
sidedefcompressionignoresaction = cfg.ReadSetting("sidedefcompressionignoresaction", false); //mxd
defaultlinedefactivation = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultlinedefactivation", ""); //mxd
for(int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++) makedoorargs[i] = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoorarg" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), 0);
//mxd. Update map format flags
universalmapformat = (formatinterface == "UniversalMapSetIO");
hexenmapformat = (formatinterface == "HexenMapSetIO");
doommapformat = (formatinterface == "DoomMapSetIO");
//mxd. Texture names length
longtexturenames = cfg.ReadSetting("longtexturenames", false);
maxtexturenamelength = (longtexturenames ? short.MaxValue : DataManager.CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH);
// Flags have special (invariant culture) conversion
// because they are allowed to be written as integers in the configs
object obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("singlesidedflag", 0);
if(obj is int) singlesidedflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else singlesidedflag = obj.ToString();
obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("doublesidedflag", 0);
if(obj is int) doublesidedflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else doublesidedflag = obj.ToString();
obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("impassableflag", 0);
if(obj is int) impassableflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else impassableflag = obj.ToString();
obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("upperunpeggedflag", 0);
if(obj is int) upperunpeggedflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else upperunpeggedflag = obj.ToString();
obj = cfg.ReadSettingObject("lowerunpeggedflag", 0);
if(obj is int) lowerunpeggedflag = ((int)obj).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else lowerunpeggedflag = obj.ToString();
// Get texture and flat sources
textureranges = cfg.ReadSetting("textures", new Hashtable());
hiresranges = cfg.ReadSetting("hires", new Hashtable()); //mxd
flatranges = cfg.ReadSetting("flats", new Hashtable());
patchranges = cfg.ReadSetting("patches", new Hashtable());
spriteranges = cfg.ReadSetting("sprites", new Hashtable());
colormapranges = cfg.ReadSetting("colormaps", new Hashtable());
voxelranges = cfg.ReadSetting("voxels", new Hashtable()); //mxd
// Map lumps
// Skills
// Enums
//mxd. Damage types
// Things
LoadStringDictionary(thingrenderstyles, "thingrenderstyles"); //mxd
// Linedefs
LoadStringDictionary(linedefrenderstyles, "linedefrenderstyles"); //mxd
//mxd. Sidedefs
LoadStringDictionary(sidedefflags, "sidedefflags");
// Sectors
LoadStringDictionary(sectorflags, "sectorflags"); //mxd
LoadStringDictionary(sectorrenderstyles, "sectorrenderstyles"); //mxd
// Universal fields
linedeffields = LoadUniversalFields("linedef");
sectorfields = LoadUniversalFields("sector");
sidedeffields = LoadUniversalFields("sidedef");
thingfields = LoadUniversalFields("thing");
vertexfields = LoadUniversalFields("vertex");
// Defaults
//mxd. Vanilla sky textures
// Make door flags
// Destructor
foreach(ThingCategory tc in thingcategories) tc.Dispose();
foreach(LinedefActionCategory ac in actioncategories) ac.Dispose();
foreach(ThingsFilter tf in thingfilters) tf.Dispose(); //mxd
foreach(GeneralizedCategory gc in genactioncategories) gc.Dispose(); //mxd
#region ================== Loading
// This loads the map lumps
private void LoadMapLumps()
// Get map lumps list
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("maplumpnames", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Make map lumps
MapLumpInfo lumpinfo = new MapLumpInfo(de.Key.ToString(), cfg);
maplumps.Add(de.Key.ToString(), lumpinfo);
// This loads the enumerations
private void LoadEnums()
// Get enums list
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("enums", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Make new enum
EnumList list = new EnumList(de.Key.ToString(), cfg);
enums.Add(de.Key.ToString(), list);
//mxd. This loads built-in DamageTypes
private void LoadDamageTypes()
string dtypes = cfg.ReadSetting("damagetypes", "None");
string[] dtypesarr = dtypes.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
damagetypes = new HashSet<string>();
foreach(string dtype in dtypesarr)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "DamageType \"" + dtype + "\" is double defined in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// This loads a universal fields list
private List<UniversalFieldInfo> LoadUniversalFields(string elementname)
List<UniversalFieldInfo> list = new List<UniversalFieldInfo>();
// Get fields
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("universalfields." + elementname, new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Read the field info and add to list
UniversalFieldInfo uf = new UniversalFieldInfo(elementname, de.Key.ToString(), cfg, enums);
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Unable to read universal field definition \"universalfields." + elementname + "." + de.Key + "\" from game configuration \"" + this.Name + "\"");
// Return result
return list;
// Things and thing categories
private void LoadThingCategories()
// Get thing categories
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
if(de.Value is IDictionary)
// Make a category
ThingCategory thingcat = new ThingCategory(cfg, null, de.Key.ToString(), enums);
//mxd. Otherwise nesting problems might occure
// Add all things in category to the big list
AddThingsFromCategory(thingcat); //mxd
// Add category to list
//mxd. This recursively adds all things from a ThingCategory and it's children
private void AddThingsFromCategory(ThingCategory thingcat)
if(!thingcat.IsValid) return;
// Add all things in category to the big list
foreach(ThingTypeInfo t in thingcat.Things)
things.Add(t.Index, t);
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Thing number " + t.Index + " is defined more than once (as \"" + things[t.Index].Title + "\" and \"" + t.Title + "\") in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Recursively add things from child categories
foreach(ThingCategory c in thingcat.Children) AddThingsFromCategory(c);
// Linedef flags
private void LoadLinedefFlags()
// Get linedef flags
LoadStringDictionary(linedefflags, "linedefflags"); //mxd
// Get translations
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("linedefflagstranslation", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
linedefflagstranslation.Add(new FlagTranslation(de));
// Sort flags?
MapSetIO io = MapSetIO.Create(formatinterface);
// Make list for integers that we can sort
List<int> sortlist = new List<int>(linedefflags.Count);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> f in linedefflags)
int num;
if(int.TryParse(f.Key, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num)) sortlist.Add(num);
// Sort
// Make list of strings
foreach(int i in sortlist)
// Sort the flags, because they must be compared highest first!
// Linedef actions and action categories
private void LoadLinedefActions()
Dictionary<string, LinedefActionCategory> cats = new Dictionary<string, LinedefActionCategory>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
// Get linedef categories
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("linedeftypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry cde in dic)
if(cde.Value is IDictionary)
// Read category title
string cattitle = cfg.ReadSetting("linedeftypes." + cde.Key + ".title", "");
// Make or get category
LinedefActionCategory ac;
ac = cats[cde.Key.ToString()];
ac = new LinedefActionCategory(cde.Key.ToString(), cattitle);
cats.Add(cde.Key.ToString(), ac);
// Go for all line types in category
IDictionary catdic = cfg.ReadSetting("linedeftypes." + cde.Key, new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in catdic)
// Check if the item key is numeric
int actionnumber;
NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out actionnumber))
// Check if the item value is a structure
if(de.Value is IDictionary)
// Make the line type
LinedefActionInfo ai = new LinedefActionInfo(actionnumber, cfg, cde.Key.ToString(), enums);
// Add action to category and sorted list
linedefactions.Add(actionnumber, ai);
// Failure
if(de.Value != null)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"linedeftypes\" contains invalid types in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration. All types must be expanded structures.");
// Sort the actions list
// Copy categories to final list
// Sort the categories list
// Linedef activates
private void LoadLinedefActivations()
// Get linedef activations
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("linedefactivations", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Add to the list
linedefactivates.Add(new LinedefActivateInfo(de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString()));
//mxd. Sort only when activations are numeric
MapSetIO io = MapSetIO.Create(formatinterface);
// Linedef generalized actions
private void LoadLinedefGeneralizedActions()
// Get linedef activations
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("gen_linedeftypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Check for valid structure
if(de.Value is IDictionary)
// Add category
genactioncategories.Add(new GeneralizedCategory("gen_linedeftypes", de.Key.ToString(), cfg));
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"gen_linedeftypes\" contains invalid entries in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Sector effects
private void LoadSectorEffects()
// Get sector effects
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("sectortypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Try parsing the action number
int actionnumber;
NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out actionnumber))
// Make effects
SectorEffectInfo si = new SectorEffectInfo(actionnumber, de.Value.ToString(), true, false);
// Add action to category and sorted list
sectoreffects.Add(actionnumber, si);
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"sectortypes\" contains invalid keys in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Sort the actions list
// Brightness levels
private void LoadBrightnessLevels()
// Get brightness levels structure
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("sectorbrightness", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Try paring the level
int level;
NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out level))
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"sectorbrightness\" contains invalid keys in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Sort the list
// Sector generalized effects
private void LoadSectorGeneralizedEffects()
// Get sector effects
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("gen_sectortypes", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Check for valid structure
IDictionary value = de.Value as IDictionary;
if(value != null)
// Add option
geneffectoptions.Add(new GeneralizedOption("gen_sectortypes", "", de.Key.ToString(), value));
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"gen_sectortypes\" contains invalid entries in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Thing flags
private void LoadThingFlags()
// Get thing flags
LoadStringDictionary(thingflags, "thingflags"); //mxd
// Get translations
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingflagstranslation", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
thingflagstranslation.Add(new FlagTranslation(de));
// Get thing compare flag info (for the stuck thing error checker
HashSet<string> flagscache = new HashSet<string>();
dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingflagscompare", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
string group = de.Key.ToString(); //mxd
thingflagscompare[group] = new ThingFlagsCompareGroup(cfg, group); //mxd
foreach(string s in thingflagscompare[group].Flags.Keys)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "ThingFlagsCompare flag \"" + s + "\" is double defined in the \"" + group + "\" group of the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
//mxd. Integrity check
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ThingFlagsCompareGroup> group in thingflagscompare)
foreach(ThingFlagsCompare flag in group.Value.Flags.Values)
// Required groups are missing?
foreach(string s in flag.RequiredGroups)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "ThingFlagsCompare group \"" + s + "\" required by flag \"" + flag.Flag + "\" does not exist in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Ignored groups are missing?
foreach(string s in flag.IgnoredGroups)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "ThingFlagsCompare group \"" + s + "\", ignored by flag \"" + flag.Flag + "\" does not exist in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Required flag is missing?
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flag.RequiredFlag) && !flagscache.Contains(flag.RequiredFlag))
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "ThingFlagsCompare flag \"" + flag.RequiredFlag + "\", required by flag \"" + flag.Flag + "\" does not exist in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
flag.RequiredFlag = string.Empty;
// Sort the translation flags, because they must be compared highest first!
// Default thing flags
private void LoadDefaultThingFlags()
// Get linedef flags
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultthingflags", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Check if flag exists
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"defaultthingflags\" contains unknown thing flags in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Skills
private void LoadSkills()
// Get skills
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("skills", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
int num;
if(int.TryParse(de.Key.ToString(), out num))
skills.Add(new SkillInfo(num, de.Value.ToString()));
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Structure \"skills\" contains invalid skill numbers in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
// Texture Sets
private void LoadTextureSets()
// Get sets
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("texturesets", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
DefinedTextureSet s = new DefinedTextureSet(cfg, "texturesets." + de.Key);
// Thing Filters
private void LoadThingFilters()
// Get sets
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingsfilters", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
ThingsFilter f = new ThingsFilter(cfg, "thingsfilters." + de.Key);
// Make door flags
private void LoadMakeDoorFlags()
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("makedoorflags", new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Using minus will unset the flag
if(de.Key.ToString()[0] == '-')
makedoorflags[de.Key.ToString().TrimStart('-')] = false;
makedoorflags[de.Key.ToString()] = true;
private void LoadDefaultSkies()
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("defaultskytextures", new Hashtable());
char[] separator = new []{ ',' };
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
string skytex = de.Key.ToString();
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Sky texture \"" + skytex + "\" is double defined in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
string[] maps = de.Value.ToString().Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if(maps.Length == 0)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Sky texture \"" + skytex + "\" has no map names defined in the \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
foreach(string map in maps)
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Map \"" + map + "\" is double defined in the \"DefaultSkyTextures\" block of \"" + this.Name + "\" game configuration");
defaultskytextures[map] = skytex;
private void LoadStringDictionary(Dictionary<string, string> target, string settingname)
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting(settingname, new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
target.Add(de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString());
#region ================== Methods
// ReadSetting
public string ReadSetting(string setting, string defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public int ReadSetting(string setting, int defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public float ReadSetting(string setting, float defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public short ReadSetting(string setting, short defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public long ReadSetting(string setting, long defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public bool ReadSetting(string setting, bool defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public byte ReadSetting(string setting, byte defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
public IDictionary ReadSetting(string setting, IDictionary defaultsetting) { return cfg.ReadSetting(setting, defaultsetting); }
// This gets a list of things categories
internal List<ThingCategory> GetThingCategories()
return new List<ThingCategory>(thingcategories);
// This gets a list of things
internal Dictionary<int, ThingTypeInfo> GetThingTypes()
return new Dictionary<int, ThingTypeInfo>(things);
// This checks if an action is generalized or predefined
public static bool IsGeneralized(int action) { return IsGeneralized(action, General.Map.Config.GenActionCategories); }
public static bool IsGeneralized(int action, IEnumerable<GeneralizedCategory> categories)
// Only actions above 0
if(action > 0)
// Go for all categories
foreach(GeneralizedCategory ac in categories)
// Check if the action is within range of this category
if((action >= ac.Offset) && (action < (ac.Offset + ac.Length))) return true;
// Not generalized
return false;
// This gets the generalized action category from action number
public GeneralizedCategory GetGeneralizedActionCategory(int action)
// Only actions above 0
if(action > 0)
// Go for all categories
foreach(GeneralizedCategory ac in genactioncategories)
// Check if the action is within range of this category
if((action >= ac.Offset) && (action < (ac.Offset + ac.Length))) return ac;
// Not generalized
return null;
public static bool IsGeneralizedSectorEffect(int effect) { return IsGeneralizedSectorEffect(effect, General.Map.Config.GenEffectOptions); }
public static bool IsGeneralizedSectorEffect(int effect, List<GeneralizedOption> options)
if(effect == 0) return false;
int cureffect = effect;
for(int i = options.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
for(int j = options[i].Bits.Count - 1; j > -1; j--)
GeneralizedBit bit = options[i].Bits[j];
if(bit.Index > cureffect) continue;
if(bit.Index > 0 && (cureffect & bit.Index) == bit.Index) return true;
cureffect -= bit.Index;
return false;
public static HashSet<int> GetGeneralizedSectorEffectBits(int effect) { return GetGeneralizedSectorEffectBits(effect, General.Map.Config.GenEffectOptions); }
public static HashSet<int> GetGeneralizedSectorEffectBits(int effect, List<GeneralizedOption> options)
HashSet<int> result = new HashSet<int>();
if(effect > 0)
int cureffect = effect;
for(int i = options.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
for(int j = options[i].Bits.Count - 1; j > -1; j--)
GeneralizedBit bit = options[i].Bits[j];
if(bit.Index > 0 && (cureffect & bit.Index) == bit.Index)
cureffect -= bit.Index;
if(cureffect > 0) result.Add(cureffect);
return result;
public string GetGeneralizedSectorEffectName(int effect)
if(effect == 0) return "None";
string title = "Unknown generalized effect";
int matches = 0;
int nongeneralizedeffect = effect;
// Check all options, in bigger to smaller order
for(int i = geneffectoptions.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
for(int j = geneffectoptions[i].Bits.Count - 1; j > -1; j--)
GeneralizedBit bit = geneffectoptions[i].Bits[j];
if(bit.Index > 0 && (effect & bit.Index) == bit.Index)
title = geneffectoptions[i].Name + ": " + bit.Title;
nongeneralizedeffect -= bit.Index;
// Make generalized effect title
string gentitle = (matches > 1 ? "Generalized (" + matches + " effects)" : title);
// Generalized effect only
if(nongeneralizedeffect <= 0) return gentitle;
// Classic and generalized effects
return General.Map.Config.SectorEffects[nongeneralizedeffect].Title + " + " + gentitle;
if(matches > 0) return "Unknown effect + " + gentitle;
return "Unknown effect";
// This checks if a specific edit mode class is listed
public bool IsEditModeSpecified(string classname)
return cfg.SettingExists("editingmodes." + classname.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// This returns information on a linedef type
public LinedefActionInfo GetLinedefActionInfo(int action)
// No action?
if(action == 0) return new LinedefActionInfo(0, "None", true, false);
// Known type?
if(linedefactions.ContainsKey(action)) return linedefactions[action];
// Generalized action?
if(IsGeneralized(action, genactioncategories))
return new LinedefActionInfo(action, "Generalized (" + GetGeneralizedActionCategory(action) + ")", true, true);
// Unknown action...
return new LinedefActionInfo(action, "Unknown", false, false);
// This returns information on a sector effect
public SectorEffectInfo GetSectorEffectInfo(int effect)
// No effect?
if(effect == 0) return new SectorEffectInfo(0, "None", true, false);
// Known type?
if(sectoreffects.ContainsKey(effect)) return sectoreffects[effect];
//mxd. Generalized sector effect?
if(IsGeneralizedSectorEffect(effect, geneffectoptions))
return new SectorEffectInfo(effect, GetGeneralizedSectorEffectName(effect), true, true);
// Unknown sector effect...
return new SectorEffectInfo(effect, "Unknown", false, false);