// Only the new Doom 2 things, use in combination with Doom_thingtypes.cfg monsters { color = 12; // Light Red arrow = 1; title = "Monsters"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 56; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; error = 2; 65 { title = "Chaingunner"; sprite = "CPOSA2"; class = "ChaingunGuy"; } 69 { title = "Hell Knight"; width = 24; sprite = "BOS2A2C8"; height = 64; class = "HellKnight"; } 68 { title = "Arachnotron"; width = 64; sprite = "BSPIA2A8"; height = 64; class = "Arachnotron"; } 71 { title = "Pain Elemental"; width = 31; sprite = "PAINA2A8"; class = "PainElemental"; } 66 { title = "Revenant"; sprite = "SKELA2D8"; class = "Revenant"; } 67 { title = "Mancubus"; width = 48; sprite = "FATTC2C8"; height = 64; class = "Fatso"; } 64 { title = "Archvile"; sprite = "VILEA2D8"; class = "Archvile"; } 84 { title = "Wolfenstein SS"; sprite = "SSWVA2"; class = "WolfensteinSS"; } 72 { title = "Commander Keen"; width = 16; sprite = "KEENA0"; height = 72; hangs = 1; class = "CommanderKeen"; } 88 { title = "Icon of Sin"; width = 16; sprite = "BBRNA0"; height = 16; class = "BossBrain"; } 89 { title = "Monsters Spawner"; sprite = "BOSFB0"; height = 32; } 87 { title = "Monsters Target"; height = 32; } } weapons { color = 14; // Yellow arrow = 0; title = "Weapons"; width = 20; height = 25; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; sort = 1; 82 { title = "Super Shotgun"; sprite = "SGN2A0"; class = "SuperShotgun"; } } powerups { color = 9; // Light Blue arrow = 0; title = "Powerups"; width = 20; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; sort = 1; 83 { title = "Megasphere"; sprite = "MEGAA0"; height = 40; class = "Megasphere"; } } obstacles { color = 3; // Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Obstacles"; sort = 1; blocking = 1; 70 { title = "Burning barrel"; width = 16; sprite = "FCANA0"; height = 32; class = "BurningBarrel"; } } lights { color = 11; // Light Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Light sources"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 16; blocking = 1; hangs = 0; 85 { title = "Tall techno floor lamp"; sprite = "TLMPA0"; class = "TechLamp"; } 86 { title = "Short techno floor lamp"; sprite = "TLP2A0"; class = "TechLamp2"; } } decoration { color = 4; // Red arrow = 0; title = "Decoration"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 16; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; 79 { title = "Pool of blood and guts"; sprite = "POB1A0"; class = "ColonGibs"; } 80 { title = "Pool of blood"; sprite = "POB2A0"; class = "SmallBloodPool"; } 81 { title = "Pool of brains"; sprite = "BRS1A0"; class = "BrainStem"; } 73 { title = "Hanging victim, guts removed"; sprite = "HDB1A0"; height = 88; hangs = 1; class = "HangNoGuts"; } 74 { title = "Hanging victim, guts and brain removed"; sprite = "HDB2A0"; height = 88; hangs = 1; class = "HangBNoBrain"; } 75 { title = "Hanging torso, looking down"; sprite = "HDB3A0"; height = 64; hangs = 1; class = "HangTLookingDown"; } 76 { title = "Hanging torso, open skull"; sprite = "HDB4A0"; height = 64; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; class = "HangTSkull"; } 77 { title = "Hanging torso, looking up"; sprite = "HDB5A0"; height = 64; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; class = "HangTLookingUp"; } 78 { title = "Hanging torso, brain removed"; sprite = "HDB6A0"; height = 64; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; class = "HangTNoBrain"; } }