#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, 2014 Boris Iwanski /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * Copyright (c) 2014 Boris Iwanski * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Linq; using System.Diagnostics; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing; using System.Drawing; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.Interface; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls; // using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Geometry; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ThreeDFloorMode { [EditMode(DisplayName = "3D Floor Mode", SwitchAction = "threedfloorhelpermode", // Action name used to switch to this mode ButtonImage = "ThreeDFloorIcon.png", // Image resource name for the button ButtonOrder = int.MinValue + 501, // Position of the button (lower is more to the left) ButtonGroup = "000_editing", SupportedMapFormats = new[] { "HexenMapSetIO", "UniversalMapSetIO" }, UseByDefault = true, SafeStartMode = false, Volatile = false)] public class ThreeDFloorHelperMode : ClassicMode { #region ================== Constants #endregion #region ================== Variables // Highlighted item protected Sector highlighted; protected ThreeDFloor highlighted3dfloor; private Association highlightasso = new Association(); private FlatVertex[] overlayGeometry; private FlatVertex[] overlaygeometry3dfloors; private FlatVertex[] overlaygeometry3dfloors_highlighted; private FlatVertex[] overlaygeometry3dfloors_selected; // Interface private ThreeDFloorPanel panel; private Docker docker; // Labels private Dictionary<Sector, TextLabel[]> labels; private Dictionary<Sector, string[]> selected3Dfloorlabels; private Dictionary<Sector, string[]> unselected3Dfloorlabels; List<ThreeDFloorHelperTooltipElementControl> tooltipelements; ControlSectorArea.Highlight csahighlight = ControlSectorArea.Highlight.None; bool dragging = false; private List<ThreeDFloor> threedfloors; #endregion #region ================== Properties public override object HighlightedObject { get { return highlighted; } } public List<ThreeDFloor> ThreeDFloors { get { return threedfloors; } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor / Disposer // Constructor public ThreeDFloorHelperMode() { threedfloors = BuilderPlug.GetThreeDFloors(General.Map.Map.Sectors.ToList()); } // Disposer public override void Dispose() { // Not already disposed? if(!isdisposed) { // Dispose old labels foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, TextLabel[]> lbl in labels) foreach(TextLabel l in lbl.Value) l.Dispose(); // Dispose base base.Dispose(); } } #endregion #region ================== Methods // This makes a CRC for the selection public int CreateSelectionCRC() { CRC crc = new CRC(); ICollection<Sector> orderedselection = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true); crc.Add(orderedselection.Count); foreach(Sector s in orderedselection) { crc.Add(s.FixedIndex); } return (int)(crc.Value & 0xFFFFFFFF); } // This sets up new labels private void SetupLabels() { if(labels != null) { // Dispose old labels foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, TextLabel[]> lbl in labels) foreach(TextLabel l in lbl.Value) l.Dispose(); } // Make text labels for sectors labels = new Dictionary<Sector, TextLabel[]>(General.Map.Map.Sectors.Count); foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors) { // Setup labels TextLabel[] labelarray = new TextLabel[s.Labels.Count]; for(int i = 0; i < s.Labels.Count; i++) { labelarray[i] = new TextLabel(); labelarray[i].TransformCoords = true; labelarray[i].Location = s.Labels[i].position; labelarray[i].AlignX = TextAlignmentX.Center; labelarray[i].AlignY = TextAlignmentY.Middle; labelarray[i].Color = General.Colors.Highlight.WithAlpha(255); labelarray[i].BackColor = General.Colors.Background.WithAlpha(128); } labels.Add(s, labelarray); } } // This updates the overlay private void UpdateOverlay() { if(renderer.StartOverlay(true)) { if (BuilderPlug.Me.UseHighlight) { renderer.RenderHighlight(overlayGeometry, General.Colors.Selection.WithAlpha(64).ToInt()); } if (BuilderPlug.Me.UseHighlight && highlighted != null) { renderer.RenderHighlight(highlighted.FlatVertices, General.Colors.Highlight.WithAlpha(64).ToInt()); if (highlighted3dfloor != null) { renderer.RenderHighlight(overlaygeometry3dfloors, General.Colors.ModelWireframe.WithAlpha(64).ToInt()); //show the selected sectors in a darker shade PixelColor darker = General.Colors.ModelWireframe; darker.r = (byte)(darker.r * 0.5); darker.g = (byte)(darker.g * 0.5); darker.b = (byte)(darker.b * 0.5); renderer.RenderHighlight(overlaygeometry3dfloors_selected, darker.WithAlpha(64).ToInt()); //show the highlighted sectors in a lighter shade PixelColor lighter = General.Colors.ModelWireframe; lighter.r = (byte)(lighter.r + (0.5 * (255 - lighter.r))); lighter.g = (byte)(lighter.g + (0.5 * (255 - lighter.g))); lighter.b = (byte)(lighter.b + (0.5 * (255 - lighter.b))); renderer.RenderHighlight(overlaygeometry3dfloors_highlighted, lighter.WithAlpha(64).ToInt()); } } if (BuilderModes.BuilderPlug.Me.ViewSelectionNumbers) { // Go for all selected sectors ICollection<Sector> orderedselection = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true); foreach(Sector s in orderedselection) { // Render labels TextLabel[] labelarray = labels[s]; for(int i = 0; i < s.Labels.Count; i++) { TextLabel l = labelarray[i]; // Render only when enough space for the label to see float requiredsize = (l.TextSize.Height / 2) / renderer.Scale; if(requiredsize < s.Labels[i].radius) renderer.RenderText(l); } } } Render3DFloorLabels(unselected3Dfloorlabels); if (!BuilderModes.BuilderPlug.Me.ViewSelectionNumbers) Render3DFloorLabels(selected3Dfloorlabels); BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.Draw(renderer, csahighlight); renderer.Finish(); } } private void Render3DFloorLabels(Dictionary<Sector, string[]> labelsgroup) { foreach (KeyValuePair<Sector, string[]> group in labelsgroup) { // Render labels TextLabel[] labelarray = labels[group.Key]; for (int i = 0; i < group.Key.Labels.Count; i++) { TextLabel l = labelarray[i]; l.Color = General.Colors.InfoLine; // Render only when enough space for the label to see float requiredsize = (General.Interface.MeasureString(group.Value[0], l.Font).Width / 2) / renderer.Scale; if (requiredsize > group.Key.Labels[i].radius) { l.Text = group.Value[1]; } else { l.Text = group.Value[0]; } renderer.RenderText(l); } } } // Generates the tooltip for the 3D floors private void UpdateDocker(Sector s) { List<ThreeDFloor> tdfs = new List<ThreeDFloor>(); int count = 0; // Get all 3D floors that have the currently highlighted sector tagged. Also order them by their vertical position foreach (ThreeDFloor tdf in threedfloors.Where(o => o.TaggedSectors.Contains(s)).OrderByDescending(o => o.TopHeight)) tdfs.Add(tdf); // Hide all controls if no sector is selected or selected sector has no 3D floors if (s == null || tdfs.Count == 0) { foreach (Control c in tooltipelements) { c.Visible = false; } return; } foreach (ThreeDFloor tdf in tdfs) { // Add another control if the list if full if (count >= tooltipelements.Count) { var tte = new ThreeDFloorHelperTooltipElementControl(); panel.flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(tte); tooltipelements.Add(tte); } General.DisplayZoomedImage(tooltipelements[count].sectorBottomFlat, General.Map.Data.GetFlatImage(tdf.BottomFlat).GetPreview()); General.DisplayZoomedImage(tooltipelements[count].sectorBorderTexture, General.Map.Data.GetFlatImage(tdf.BorderTexture).GetPreview()); General.DisplayZoomedImage(tooltipelements[count].sectorTopFlat, General.Map.Data.GetFlatImage(tdf.TopFlat).GetPreview()); tooltipelements[count].bottomHeight.Text = tdf.BottomHeight.ToString(); tooltipelements[count].topHeight.Text = tdf.TopHeight.ToString(); tooltipelements[count].borderHeight.Text = (tdf.TopHeight - tdf.BottomHeight).ToString(); if (tdf == highlighted3dfloor) // tooltipelements[count].BackColor = General.Colors.ModelWireframe.ToColor(); tooltipelements[count].Highlighted = true; else // tooltipelements[count].BackColor = SystemColors.Control; tooltipelements[count].Highlighted = false; tooltipelements[count].Refresh(); tooltipelements[count].Visible = true; count++; } // Hide superfluous controls for (; count < tooltipelements.Count; count++) { tooltipelements[count].Visible = false; } } private void updateOverlaySurfaces() { ICollection<Sector> orderedselection = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true); List<FlatVertex> vertsList = new List<FlatVertex>(); List<FlatVertex> vertsList_highlighted = new List<FlatVertex>(); List<FlatVertex> vertsList_selected = new List<FlatVertex>(); // Go for all selected sectors foreach (Sector s in orderedselection) vertsList.AddRange(s.FlatVertices); overlayGeometry = vertsList.ToArray(); if (highlighted3dfloor != null) { vertsList = new List<FlatVertex>(); vertsList_highlighted = new List<FlatVertex>(); vertsList_selected = new List<FlatVertex>(); foreach (Sector s in highlighted3dfloor.TaggedSectors) { //bin the verticies so that then can be properly colored if (s == highlighted) vertsList_highlighted.AddRange(s.FlatVertices); else if (s.Selected) vertsList_selected.AddRange(s.FlatVertices); else vertsList.AddRange(s.FlatVertices); } overlaygeometry3dfloors = vertsList.ToArray(); overlaygeometry3dfloors_highlighted = vertsList_highlighted.ToArray(); overlaygeometry3dfloors_selected = vertsList_selected.ToArray(); } } // Support function for joining and merging sectors private void JoinMergeSectors(bool removelines) { // Remove lines in betwen joining sectors? if(removelines) { // Go for all selected linedefs List<Linedef> selectedlines = new List<Linedef>(General.Map.Map.GetSelectedLinedefs(true)); foreach(Linedef ld in selectedlines) { // Front and back side? if((ld.Front != null) && (ld.Back != null)) { // Both a selected sector, but not the same? if(ld.Front.Sector.Selected && ld.Back.Sector.Selected && (ld.Front.Sector != ld.Back.Sector)) { // Remove this line ld.Dispose(); } } } } // Find the first sector that is not disposed List<Sector> orderedselection = new List<Sector>(General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true)); Sector first = null; foreach(Sector s in orderedselection) if(!s.IsDisposed) { first = s; break; } // Join all selected sectors with the first for(int i = 0; i < orderedselection.Count; i++) if((orderedselection[i] != first) && !orderedselection[i].IsDisposed) orderedselection[i].Join(first); // Clear selection General.Map.Map.ClearAllSelected(); // Update General.Map.Map.Update(); // Make text labels for sectors SetupLabels(); UpdateLabels(); } // This highlights a new item protected void Highlight(Sector s) { bool completeredraw = false; // Often we can get away by simply undrawing the previous // highlight and drawing the new highlight. But if associations // are or were drawn we need to redraw the entire display. // Previous association highlights something? if((highlighted != null) && (highlighted.Tag > 0)) completeredraw = true; // Set highlight association if (s != null) { Vector2D center = (s.Labels.Count > 0 ? s.Labels[0].position : new Vector2D(s.BBox.X + s.BBox.Width / 2, s.BBox.Y + s.BBox.Height / 2)); highlightasso.Set(center, s.Tag, UniversalType.SectorTag); } else highlightasso.Set(new Vector2D(), 0, 0); // New association highlights something? if((s != null) && (s.Tag > 0)) completeredraw = true; // Change label color if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) { TextLabel[] labelarray = labels[highlighted]; foreach(TextLabel l in labelarray) l.Color = General.Colors.Selection; } // Change label color if((s != null) && !s.IsDisposed) { TextLabel[] labelarray = labels[s]; foreach(TextLabel l in labelarray) l.Color = General.Colors.Highlight; } // If we're changing associations, then we // need to redraw the entire display if(completeredraw) { // Set new highlight and redraw completely highlighted = s; highlighted3dfloor = null; General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } else { // Update display if(renderer.StartPlotter(false)) { // Undraw previous highlight if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) renderer.PlotSector(highlighted); // Set new highlight highlighted = s; // Render highlighted item if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) renderer.PlotSector(highlighted, General.Colors.Highlight); // Done renderer.Finish(); } UpdateOverlay(); renderer.Present(); } // Update the panel with the 3D floors UpdateDocker(s); // Show highlight info if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) General.Interface.ShowSectorInfo(highlighted); else General.Interface.HideInfo(); } // This selectes or deselects a sector protected void SelectSector(Sector s, bool selectstate, bool update) { bool selectionchanged = false; if(!s.IsDisposed) { // Select the sector? if(selectstate && !s.Selected) { s.Selected = true; selectionchanged = true; // Setup labels ICollection<Sector> orderedselection = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true); TextLabel[] labelarray = labels[s]; foreach(TextLabel l in labelarray) { l.Text = orderedselection.Count.ToString(); l.Color = General.Colors.Selection; } } // Deselect the sector? else if(!selectstate && s.Selected) { s.Selected = false; selectionchanged = true; // Clear labels TextLabel[] labelarray = labels[s]; foreach(TextLabel l in labelarray) l.Text = ""; } // Selection changed? if(selectionchanged) { // Make update lines selection foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs) { bool front, back; if(sd.Line.Front != null) front = sd.Line.Front.Sector.Selected; else front = false; if(sd.Line.Back != null) back = sd.Line.Back.Sector.Selected; else back = false; sd.Line.Selected = front | back; } // Update all other labels UpdateLabels(); } if(update) { UpdateOverlay(); renderer.Present(); } } } private void UpdateLabels() { Update3DFloorLabels(); if (BuilderModes.BuilderPlug.Me.ViewSelectionNumbers) UpdateSelectedLabels(); } // This updates labels from the selected sectors private void UpdateSelectedLabels() { // Go for all labels in all selected sectors ICollection<Sector> orderedselection = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true); int index = 0; foreach(Sector s in orderedselection) { TextLabel[] labelarray = labels[s]; foreach(TextLabel l in labelarray) { // Make sure the text and color are right int labelnum = index + 1; l.Text = labelnum.ToString(); l.Color = General.Colors.Selection; } index++; } } // Update labels for 3D floors private void Update3DFloorLabels() { Dictionary<Sector, int> num3dfloors = new Dictionary<Sector, int>(); selected3Dfloorlabels = new Dictionary<Sector, string[]>(); unselected3Dfloorlabels = new Dictionary<Sector, string[]>(); foreach (ThreeDFloor tdf in threedfloors) { foreach (Sector s in tdf.TaggedSectors) { if (num3dfloors.ContainsKey(s)) num3dfloors[s]++; else num3dfloors.Add(s, 1); } } foreach (KeyValuePair<Sector, int> group in num3dfloors) { if (group.Key.Selected) selected3Dfloorlabels.Add(group.Key, new string[] { group.Value + (group.Value == 1 ? " floor" : " floors"), group.Value.ToString() }); else unselected3Dfloorlabels.Add(group.Key, new string[] { group.Value + (group.Value == 1 ? " floor" : " floors"), group.Value.ToString() }); } /* foreach (Sector s in General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true)) { List<ThreeDFloor> tdfs = BuilderPlug.GetThreeDFloors(new List<Sector> { s }); if (tdfs.Count == 0) selected3Dfloorlabels.Add(s, new string[] { "", "" }); else selected3Dfloorlabels.Add(s, new string[] { tdfs.Count + (tdfs.Count == 1 ? " floor" : " floors"), tdfs.Count.ToString() }); } foreach (Sector s in General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(false)) { List<ThreeDFloor> tdfs = BuilderPlug.GetThreeDFloors(new List<Sector> { s }); if (tdfs.Count == 0) unselected3Dfloorlabels.Add(s, new string[] { "", "" }); else unselected3Dfloorlabels.Add(s, new string[] { tdfs.Count + (tdfs.Count == 1 ? " floor" : " floors"), tdfs.Count.ToString() }); } */ } #endregion #region ================== Events public override void OnHelp() { General.ShowHelp("gzdb/features/classic_modes/mode_3dfloor.html"); } // Cancel mode public override void OnCancel() { base.OnCancel(); // Return to this mode General.Editing.ChangeMode(new SectorsMode()); } // Mode engages public override void OnEngage() { base.OnEngage(); renderer.SetPresentation(Presentation.Standard); tooltipelements = new List<ThreeDFloorHelperTooltipElementControl>(); // Add docker panel = new ThreeDFloorPanel(); docker = new Docker("threedfloorhelper", "3D floors", panel); General.Interface.AddDocker(docker); General.Interface.SelectDocker(docker); // Add the view selection number button from BuilderModes. Also add a click event handler // so we can update the labels when the button is pressed General.Interface.AddButton(BuilderModes.BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.ViewSelectionNumbers); BuilderModes.BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.ViewSelectionNumbers.Click += ViewSelectionNumbers_Click; General.Interface.AddButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.RelocateControlSectors); // Convert geometry selection to sectors only General.Map.Map.ConvertSelection(SelectionType.Sectors); // Make text labels for sectors SetupLabels(); // Update UpdateLabels(); updateOverlaySurfaces(); UpdateOverlay(); } void ViewSelectionNumbers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateLabels(); OnRedrawDisplay(); } // Mode disengages public override void OnDisengage() { base.OnDisengage(); // Remove docker General.Interface.RemoveDocker(docker); // Remove the button and event handler for view selection numbers General.Interface.RemoveButton(BuilderModes.BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.ViewSelectionNumbers); BuilderModes.BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.ViewSelectionNumbers.Click -= ViewSelectionNumbers_Click; General.Interface.RemoveButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.RelocateControlSectors); // Keep only sectors selected General.Map.Map.ClearSelectedLinedefs(); // Going to EditSelectionMode? if(General.Editing.NewMode is EditSelectionMode) { // Not pasting anything? EditSelectionMode editmode = (General.Editing.NewMode as EditSelectionMode); if(!editmode.Pasting) { // No selection made? But we have a highlight! if((General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true).Count == 0) && (highlighted != null)) { // Make the highlight the selection SelectSector(highlighted, true, false); } } } BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SaveConfig(); // Hide highlight info General.Interface.HideInfo(); } // This redraws the display public override void OnRedrawDisplay() { renderer.RedrawSurface(); // Render lines and vertices if(renderer.StartPlotter(true)) { renderer.PlotLinedefSet(General.Map.Map.Linedefs); renderer.PlotVerticesSet(General.Map.Map.Vertices); if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) { renderer.PlotSector(highlighted, General.Colors.Highlight); // BuilderPlug.Me.PlotReverseAssociations(renderer, highlightasso); } renderer.Finish(); } // Render things if(renderer.StartThings(true)) { renderer.RenderThingSet(General.Map.ThingsFilter.HiddenThings, Presentation.THINGS_HIDDEN_ALPHA); renderer.RenderThingSet(General.Map.ThingsFilter.VisibleThings, 1.0f); renderer.Finish(); } // Render selection if(renderer.StartOverlay(true)) { // if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) BuilderPlug.Me.RenderReverseAssociations(renderer, highlightasso); if(selecting) RenderMultiSelection(); renderer.Finish(); } // Render overlay UpdateOverlay(); renderer.Present(); } // Selection protected override void OnSelectBegin() { // Item highlighted? if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) { // Flip selection SelectSector(highlighted, !highlighted.Selected, true); // Update display if(renderer.StartPlotter(false)) { // Redraw highlight to show selection renderer.PlotSector(highlighted); renderer.Finish(); renderer.Present(); } } base.OnSelectBegin(); } // End selection protected override void OnSelectEnd() { // Not stopping from multiselection? if(!selecting) { // Item highlighted? if((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) { // Update display if(renderer.StartPlotter(false)) { // Render highlighted item renderer.PlotSector(highlighted, General.Colors.Highlight); renderer.Finish(); renderer.Present(); } // Update overlay TextLabel[] labelarray = labels[highlighted]; foreach(TextLabel l in labelarray) l.Color = General.Colors.Highlight; updateOverlaySurfaces(); UpdateOverlay(); renderer.Present(); } } base.OnSelectEnd(); } // Start editing protected override void OnEditBegin() { // Item highlighted? if (((highlighted != null) && !highlighted.IsDisposed) || csahighlight == ControlSectorArea.Highlight.Body) { // Edit pressed in this mode editpressed = true; if (csahighlight != ControlSectorArea.Highlight.Body) { // Highlighted item not selected? if (!highlighted.Selected && (BuilderPlug.Me.AutoClearSelection || (General.Map.Map.SelectedSectorsCount == 0))) { // Make this the only selection General.Map.Map.ClearSelectedSectors(); General.Map.Map.ClearSelectedLinedefs(); SelectSector(highlighted, true, false); updateOverlaySurfaces(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } // Update display if (renderer.StartPlotter(false)) { // Redraw highlight to show selection renderer.PlotSector(highlighted); renderer.Finish(); renderer.Present(); } } } base.OnEditBegin(); } // Done editing protected override void OnEditEnd() { // Edit pressed in this mode? if(editpressed && !dragging) { if (csahighlight == ControlSectorArea.Highlight.Body) { BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.Edit(); } else { // Anything selected? ICollection<Sector> selected = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true); if (selected.Count > 0) { if (General.Interface.IsActiveWindow) { // Show sector edit dialog // General.Interface.ShowEditSectors(selected); DialogResult result = BuilderPlug.Me.ThreeDFloorEditor(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { BuilderPlug.ProcessThreeDFloors(BuilderPlug.TDFEW.ThreeDFloors); General.Map.Map.Update(); threedfloors = BuilderPlug.GetThreeDFloors(General.Map.Map.Sectors.ToList()); } // When a single sector was selected, deselect it now if (selected.Count == 1) { General.Map.Map.ClearSelectedSectors(); General.Map.Map.ClearSelectedLinedefs(); } SetupLabels(); UpdateLabels(); // Update entire display updateOverlaySurfaces(); UpdateOverlay(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } } } } editpressed = false; base.OnEditEnd(); } // Mouse moves public override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseMove(e); if (selectpressed && !editpressed && !selecting) { // Check if moved enough pixels for multiselect Vector2D delta = mousedownpos - mousepos; if ((Math.Abs(delta.x) > 2) || (Math.Abs(delta.y) > 2)) { // Start multiselecting StartMultiSelection(); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.None) { csahighlight = BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.CheckHighlight(mousemappos, renderer.Scale); if (csahighlight != ControlSectorArea.Highlight.None) { switch (csahighlight) { case ControlSectorArea.Highlight.OuterTop: case ControlSectorArea.Highlight.OuterBottom: General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.SizeNS); break; case ControlSectorArea.Highlight.OuterLeft: case ControlSectorArea.Highlight.OuterRight: General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.SizeWE); break; case ControlSectorArea.Highlight.OuterTopLeft: case ControlSectorArea.Highlight.OuterBottomRight: General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.SizeNWSE); break; case ControlSectorArea.Highlight.OuterTopRight: case ControlSectorArea.Highlight.OuterBottomLeft: General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.SizeNESW); break; case ControlSectorArea.Highlight.Body: General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Hand); break; } Highlight(null); return; } General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Default); // Find the nearest linedef within highlight range Linedef l = General.Map.Map.NearestLinedef(mousemappos); if (l != null) { // Check on which side of the linedef the mouse is float side = l.SideOfLine(mousemappos); if (side > 0) { // Is there a sidedef here? if (l.Back != null) { // Highlight if not the same if (l.Back.Sector != highlighted) Highlight(l.Back.Sector); } else { // Highlight nothing Highlight(null); } } else { // Is there a sidedef here? if (l.Front != null) { // Highlight if not the same if (l.Front.Sector != highlighted) Highlight(l.Front.Sector); } else { // Highlight nothing Highlight(null); } } } else { // Highlight nothing Highlight(null); } } else if (dragging && csahighlight != ControlSectorArea.Highlight.None) { BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SnapToGrid(csahighlight, mousemappos, renderer.DisplayToMap(mouselastpos)); Highlight(null); } } // Mouse leaves public override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e) { base.OnMouseLeave(e); // Highlight nothing Highlight(null); } // Mouse wants to drag protected override void OnDragStart(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnDragStart(e); if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) dragging = true; } protected override void OnDragStop(MouseEventArgs e) { dragging = false; BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SaveConfig(); } // This is called wheh selection ends protected override void OnEndMultiSelection() { bool selectionvolume = ((Math.Abs(base.selectionrect.Width) > 0.1f) && (Math.Abs(base.selectionrect.Height) > 0.1f)); if(BuilderPlug.Me.AutoClearSelection && !selectionvolume) { General.Map.Map.ClearSelectedLinedefs(); General.Map.Map.ClearSelectedSectors(); } if(selectionvolume) { if(General.Interface.ShiftState ^ BuilderPlug.Me.AdditiveSelect) { // Go for all lines foreach(Linedef l in General.Map.Map.Linedefs) { l.Selected |= ((l.Start.Position.x >= selectionrect.Left) && (l.Start.Position.y >= selectionrect.Top) && (l.Start.Position.x <= selectionrect.Right) && (l.Start.Position.y <= selectionrect.Bottom) && (l.End.Position.x >= selectionrect.Left) && (l.End.Position.y >= selectionrect.Top) && (l.End.Position.x <= selectionrect.Right) && (l.End.Position.y <= selectionrect.Bottom)); } } else { // Go for all lines foreach(Linedef l in General.Map.Map.Linedefs) { l.Selected = ((l.Start.Position.x >= selectionrect.Left) && (l.Start.Position.y >= selectionrect.Top) && (l.Start.Position.x <= selectionrect.Right) && (l.Start.Position.y <= selectionrect.Bottom) && (l.End.Position.x >= selectionrect.Left) && (l.End.Position.y >= selectionrect.Top) && (l.End.Position.x <= selectionrect.Right) && (l.End.Position.y <= selectionrect.Bottom)); } } // Go for all sectors foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors) { // Go for all sidedefs bool allselected = true; foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs) { if(!sd.Line.Selected) { allselected = false; break; } } // Sector completely selected? SelectSector(s, allselected, false); } // Make sure all linedefs reflect selected sectors foreach(Sidedef sd in General.Map.Map.Sidedefs) if(!sd.Sector.Selected && ((sd.Other == null) || !sd.Other.Sector.Selected)) sd.Line.Selected = false; updateOverlaySurfaces(); } base.OnEndMultiSelection(); if(renderer.StartOverlay(true)) renderer.Finish(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } // This is called when the selection is updated protected override void OnUpdateMultiSelection() { base.OnUpdateMultiSelection(); // Render selection if(renderer.StartOverlay(true)) { RenderMultiSelection(); renderer.Finish(); renderer.Present(); } } // When copying public override bool OnCopyBegin() { // No selection made? But we have a highlight! if((General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true).Count == 0) && (highlighted != null)) { // Make the highlight the selection SelectSector(highlighted, true, true); } return base.OnCopyBegin(); } // When undo is used public override bool OnUndoBegin() { // Clear ordered selection General.Map.Map.ClearAllSelected(); return base.OnUndoBegin(); } // When undo is performed public override void OnUndoEnd() { // Get all 3D floors in case th undo did affect them threedfloors = BuilderPlug.GetThreeDFloors(General.Map.Map.Sectors.ToList()); // Clear labels SetupLabels(); UpdateLabels(); } // When redo is used public override bool OnRedoBegin() { // Clear ordered selection General.Map.Map.ClearAllSelected(); return base.OnRedoBegin(); } // When redo is performed public override void OnRedoEnd() { // Get all 3D floors in case th redo did affect them threedfloors = BuilderPlug.GetThreeDFloors(General.Map.Map.Sectors.ToList()); // Clear labels SetupLabels(); UpdateLabels(); } #endregion #region ================== Actions // This clears the selection [BeginAction("clearselection", BaseAction = true)] public void ClearSelection() { // Clear selection General.Map.Map.ClearAllSelected(); // Clear labels foreach (TextLabel[] labelarray in labels.Values) foreach (TextLabel l in labelarray) l.Text = ""; SetupLabels(); UpdateLabels(); updateOverlaySurfaces(); // Redraw General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } [BeginAction("cyclehighlighted3dfloorup")] public void CycleHighlighted3DFloorUp() { if (highlighted == null) return; List<ThreeDFloor> tdfs = new List<ThreeDFloor>(); // Get all 3D floors that have the currently highlighted sector tagged. Also order them by their vertical position foreach (ThreeDFloor tdf in threedfloors.Where(o => o.TaggedSectors.Contains(highlighted)).OrderByDescending(o => o.TopHeight)) tdfs.Add(tdf); if (tdfs.Count == 0) // Nothing to highlight { highlighted3dfloor = null; } else if (highlighted3dfloor == null) // No 3D floor currently highlighted? Just get the last one { highlighted3dfloor = tdfs.Last(); } else // Find the currently highlighted 3D floor in the list and take the next one { int i; for (i = tdfs.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tdfs[i] == highlighted3dfloor) { if (i > 0) { highlighted3dfloor = tdfs[i - 1]; break; } } } // Beginning of the list was reached, so don't highlight any 3D floor if (i < 0) highlighted3dfloor = null; } UpdateDocker(highlighted); updateOverlaySurfaces(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } [BeginAction("cyclehighlighted3dfloordown")] public void CycleHighlighted3DFloorDown() { if (highlighted == null) return; List<ThreeDFloor> tdfs = new List<ThreeDFloor>(); // Get all 3D floors that have the currently highlighted sector tagged. Also order them by their vertical position foreach (ThreeDFloor tdf in threedfloors.Where(o => o.TaggedSectors.Contains(highlighted)).OrderByDescending(o => o.TopHeight)) tdfs.Add(tdf); if (tdfs.Count == 0) // Nothing to highlight { highlighted3dfloor = null; } else if (highlighted3dfloor == null) // No 3D floor currently highlighted? Just get the first one { highlighted3dfloor = tdfs[0]; } else // Find the currently highlighted 3D floor in the list and take the next one { int i; for (i = 0; i < tdfs.Count; i++) { if (tdfs[i] == highlighted3dfloor) { if (i < tdfs.Count-1) { highlighted3dfloor = tdfs[i + 1]; break; } } } // End of the list was reached, so don't highlight any 3D floor if (i == tdfs.Count) highlighted3dfloor = null; } UpdateDocker(highlighted); updateOverlaySurfaces(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } [BeginAction("relocate3dfloorcontrolsectors")] public void RelocateControlSectors() { List<Vector2D> positions; if (threedfloors.Count == 0) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "There are no control sectors to relocate"); return; } try { positions = BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.GetRelocatePositions(threedfloors.Count); } catch (Exception e) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, e.Message + ". Please increase the size of the control sector area"); return; } // Some sanity checks if (positions.Count != threedfloors.Count) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Mismatch between number of relocation points and control sectors. Aborted"); return; } // Control sectors are not allowed to be bigger than what the CSA expects, otherwise sectors might overlap // Abort relocation if one of the control sectors is too big (that should only happen if the user edited the // sector manually foreach (ThreeDFloor tdf in threedfloors) { if (tdf.Sector.BBox.Width > BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SectorSize || tdf.Sector.BBox.Height > BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SectorSize) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, string.Format("Control sector {0} exceeds horizontal or vertical dimenstion of {1}. Aborted", tdf.Sector.Index, BuilderPlug.Me.ControlSectorArea.SectorSize)); return; } } General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Relocate 3D floor control sectors"); // Counter for the new positions int i = 0; // Move the control sectors foreach (ThreeDFloor tdf in threedfloors) { Vector2D offset = new Vector2D(tdf.Sector.BBox.Left - positions[i].x, tdf.Sector.BBox.Bottom - positions[i].y); HashSet<Vertex> vertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(); // Get all vertices foreach (Sidedef sd in tdf.Sector.Sidedefs) { vertices.Add(sd.Line.Start); vertices.Add(sd.Line.End); } foreach (Vertex v in vertices) v.Move(v.Position - offset); i++; } General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } [BeginAction("select3dfloorcontrolsector")] public void Select3DFloorControlSector() { //if there is no 3d floor highlighted, then try to select the first one from the top-down, if possible if (highlighted3dfloor == null) { CycleHighlighted3DFloorDown(); } if (highlighted3dfloor == null) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "You have to highlight a 3D floor to select its control sector"); return; } SelectSector(highlighted3dfloor.Sector, true, true); updateOverlaySurfaces(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Info, String.Format("3D floor control sector selected. {0} sector(s) selected.", General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true).Count)); } #endregion } }