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<title>Draw Ellipse mode</title>
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  <h1>Enhanced rectangular selection</h1>
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  <p>A Rectangular selection can now be started even when a map element is already highlighted. This means that you can now use it to select sectors, which are completely surrounded by other sectors.<br />
    Hold <strong>Shift</strong> to enable additive selection, hold <strong>Ctrl</strong> to enable subtractive selection, hold <strong>Ctrl-Shift</strong> to intersect with an existing selection.<br />
  Hold <strong>Alt</strong> in <strong>Sectors </strong><strong> mode</strong> to (de)select things inside of (de)selected sectors when using regular, paint and rectangular selection. This behaviour is inverted when &quot;<strong>Syncronized Things Editing</strong>&quot; option is enabled.<br />
  Hold <strong>Alt</strong> in<strong> Linedefs mode</strong> to (de)select things inside of rectangular selection marquee. This behaviour is inverted when &quot;<strong>Syncronized Things Editing</strong>&quot; option is enabled.</p>
  <p>Current behaviour is indicated by the selection outline: additive selection uses the Highlight color, subtractive selection uses the inverted Highlight color.
  <p>The Rectangular selection mode in <strong>Sectors</strong> and <strong>Linedefs</strong> modes can  be toggled between &quot;Select inside&quot; (classic behavior: only map elements which are fully inside selection will be affected) and &quot;Select touching&quot; (map elements which are partially inside selection will be also   affected) using this button in the toolbar:
  <p><img src="selection_mode_btn.jpg" alt="" width="260" height="30" /><br />