uniforms { mat4 world; mat4 view; mat4 projection; mat4 modelnormal; vec4 campos; vec4 highlightcolor; vec4 stencilColor; float desaturation; vec4 fogsettings; vec4 fogcolor; vec4 sectorfogcolor; vec4 vertexColor; sampler2D texture1; sampler2D texture2; sampler2D texture3; // classic lighting related int drawPaletted; ivec2 colormapSize; int doomlightlevels; int sectorLightLevel; // dynamic light related vec4 lightPosAndRadius[64]; vec4 lightOrientation[64]; // this is a vector that points in light's direction vec2 light2Radius[64]; // this is used with spotlights vec4 lightColor[64]; float ignoreNormals; float lightsEnabled; // Slope handle length float slopeHandleLength; } functions { vec4 getColorMappedColor(int entry, int depth) { vec2 uv = vec2((float(entry) + 0.5) / colormapSize.x, (float(depth) + 0.5) / colormapSize.y); vec4 colormapColor = texture(texture2, uv); return colormapColor; } int lightLevelFromVertexColor(vec3 color) { float result = max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b) * 255; if (result < 192 && doomlightlevels > 0) { // correct for darkening in Doom light mode result = -0.666667 * (-96 - result); } return int(result); } int classicLightLevelToColorMapOffset(int lightLevel, vec3 position, vec3 normal, bool hvmod) { const int LIGHTLEVELS = 16; const int LIGHTSEGSHIFT = 4; const int NUMCOLORMAPS = 32; const int MAXLIGHTSCALE = 48; const int DISTMAP = 2; int scaledLightLevel = lightLevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT; bool isFlat = abs(dot(normal, vec3(0, 0, 1))) > 1e-3; if (hvmod) { if (abs(dot(normal, vec3(0, 1, 0))) < 1e-3) { scaledLightLevel++; } else if (abs(dot(normal, vec3(1, 0, 0))) < 1e-3) { scaledLightLevel--; } } int level; float dist = distance(position, campos.xyz); if (!isFlat) { int startmap = int(((LIGHTLEVELS-1-scaledLightLevel)*2)*NUMCOLORMAPS/LIGHTLEVELS); // same calculation as Eternity Engine int index = int(2560.0 / dist); if (index >= MAXLIGHTSCALE) index = MAXLIGHTSCALE - 1; level = startmap - index / DISTMAP; } else { // same calculation as Eternity Engine float startmap = 2.0 * (30.0 - lightLevel / 8.0f); level = int(startmap - (1280.0f / dist)) + 1; } if (level < 0) level = 0; if (level >= NUMCOLORMAPS) level = NUMCOLORMAPS - 1; return level; } // This adds fog color to current pixel color vec4 getFogColor(vec3 PosW, vec4 color) { float fogdist = max(16.0, distance(PosW, campos.xyz)); float fogfactor = exp2(campos.w * fogdist); color.rgb = mix(sectorfogcolor.rgb, color.rgb, fogfactor); return color; } vec4 desaturate(vec4 texel) { float gray = (texel.r * 0.3 + texel.g * 0.56 + texel.b * 0.14); return vec4(mix(texel.rgb, vec3(gray), desaturation), texel.a); } vec3 getOneDynLightContribution(vec3 PosW, vec3 Normal, vec3 light, vec4 lColor, vec4 lPosAndRadius, vec4 lOrientation, vec2 l2Radius) { //is face facing away from light source? // update 01.02.2017: offset the equation by 3px back to try to emulate GZDoom's broken visibility check. float diffuseContribution = dot(Normal, normalize(lPosAndRadius.xyz - PosW + Normal * 3.0)); if (diffuseContribution < 0.0 && (ignoreNormals == 0 || (lColor.a > 0.979 && lColor.a < 0.981))) // attenuated light and facing away return light; diffuseContribution = max(diffuseContribution, 0.0); // to make sure //is pixel in light range? float dist = distance(PosW, lPosAndRadius.xyz); if (dist > lPosAndRadius.w) return light; float power = 1.0; power *= max(lPosAndRadius.w - dist, 0.0) / lPosAndRadius.w; if (lOrientation.w > 0.5) { vec3 lightDirection = normalize(lPosAndRadius.xyz - PosW); float cosDir = dot(lightDirection, lOrientation.xyz); float df = smoothstep(l2Radius.y, l2Radius.x, cosDir); power *= df; } if (lColor.a > 0.979 && lColor.a < 0.981) // attenuated light 98% power *= diffuseContribution; // for w/e reason GZDoom also does this power *= lColor.a; if (lColor.a >= 1) return light.rgb - lColor.rgb * power; return light.rgb + lColor.rgb * power; } vec4 getDynLightContribution(vec4 tcolor, vec4 baselight, vec3 PosW, vec3 Normal) { vec3 light = vec3(0, 0, 0); vec3 addlight = vec3(0, 0, 0); if (lightsEnabled != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (lightColor[i].a == 0) break; if (lightColor[i].a < 0.4) // additive addlight = getOneDynLightContribution(PosW, Normal, addlight, lightColor[i], lightPosAndRadius[i], lightOrientation[i], light2Radius[i]); else light = getOneDynLightContribution(PosW, Normal, light, lightColor[i], lightPosAndRadius[i], lightOrientation[i], light2Radius[i]); } } return vec4(tcolor.rgb*(baselight.rgb+light)+addlight, tcolor.a*baselight.a); } } shader world3d_main { in { vec3 Position; vec4 Color; vec2 TextureCoordinate; vec3 Normal; } v2f { vec4 Color; vec2 UV; vec3 PosW; vec3 Normal; vec4 viewpos; vec3_flat flatNormal; vec4_flat flatColor; } out { vec4 FragColor; } vertex { v2f.viewpos = view * world * vec4(in.Position, 1.0); gl_Position = projection * v2f.viewpos; v2f.PosW = (world * vec4(in.Position, 1.0)).xyz; v2f.Color = in.Color; v2f.UV = in.TextureCoordinate; v2f.Normal = normalize((modelnormal * vec4(in.Normal, 1.0)).xyz); v2f.flatColor = in.Color; v2f.flatNormal = normalize(in.Normal); } fragment { vec4 tcolor = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); tcolor = mix(tcolor, vec4(stencilColor.rgb, tcolor.a), stencilColor.a); tcolor = getDynLightContribution(tcolor, v2f.Color, v2f.PosW, v2f.Normal); out.FragColor = desaturate(tcolor); #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif if (fogsettings.x >= 0.0) out.FragColor = mix(out.FragColor, fogcolor, clamp((-v2f.viewpos.z - fogsettings.x) / (fogsettings.y - fogsettings.x), 0.0, 1.0)); } } shader world3d_fullbright extends world3d_main { fragment { vec4 tcolor = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); tcolor = mix(tcolor, vec4(stencilColor.rgb, tcolor.a), stencilColor.a); tcolor.a *= v2f.Color.a; out.FragColor = tcolor; #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif if (fogsettings.x >= 0.0) out.FragColor = mix(out.FragColor, fogcolor, clamp((-v2f.viewpos.z - fogsettings.x) / (fogsettings.y - fogsettings.x), 0.0, 1.0)); } } shader world3d_main_highlight extends world3d_main { fragment { vec4 tcolor = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); tcolor = mix(tcolor, vec4(stencilColor.rgb, tcolor.a), stencilColor.a); tcolor = getDynLightContribution(tcolor, v2f.Color, v2f.PosW, v2f.Normal); if (tcolor.a == 0.0) { out.FragColor = tcolor; } else { // Blend texture color and vertex color vec4 ncolor = desaturate(tcolor); out.FragColor = vec4(highlightcolor.rgb * highlightcolor.a + (ncolor.rgb - 0.4 * highlightcolor.a), max(v2f.Color.a + 0.25, 0.5)); } #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif if (fogsettings.x >= 0.0) out.FragColor = mix(out.FragColor, fogcolor, clamp((-v2f.viewpos.z - fogsettings.x) / (fogsettings.y - fogsettings.x), 0.0, 1.0)); } } shader world3d_fullbright_highlight extends world3d_fullbright { fragment { vec4 tcolor = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); tcolor = mix(tcolor, vec4(stencilColor.rgb, tcolor.a), stencilColor.a); if(tcolor.a == 0.0) { out.FragColor = tcolor; } else { // Blend texture color and vertex color vec4 ncolor = tcolor * v2f.Color; out.FragColor = vec4(highlightcolor.rgb * highlightcolor.a + (tcolor.rgb - 0.4 * highlightcolor.a), max(v2f.Color.a + 0.25, 0.5)); } #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif if (fogsettings.x >= 0.0) out.FragColor = mix(out.FragColor, fogcolor, clamp((-v2f.viewpos.z - fogsettings.x) / (fogsettings.y - fogsettings.x), 0.0, 1.0)); } } shader world3d_vertex_color extends world3d_main { fragment { out.FragColor = v2f.Color; #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif if (fogsettings.x >= 0.0) out.FragColor = mix(out.FragColor, fogcolor, clamp((-v2f.viewpos.z - fogsettings.x) / (fogsettings.y - fogsettings.x), 0.0, 1.0)); } } shader world3d_main_vertexcolor extends world3d_main { vertex { v2f.viewpos = view * world * vec4(in.Position, 1.0); gl_Position = projection * v2f.viewpos; v2f.Color = vertexColor; v2f.UV = in.TextureCoordinate; } } shader world3d_constant_color extends world3d_main_vertexcolor { fragment { out.FragColor = vertexColor; #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif if (fogsettings.x >= 0.0f) out.FragColor = mix(out.FragColor, fogcolor, clamp((-v2f.viewpos.z - fogsettings.x) / (fogsettings.y - fogsettings.x), 0.0, 1.0)); } } // world3d_main_highlight with vertex program from world3d_vertexcolor // to-do: rewrite into a function shader world3d_highlight_vertexcolor extends world3d_main_highlight { vertex { v2f.viewpos = view * world * vec4(in.Position, 1.0); gl_Position = projection * v2f.viewpos; v2f.Color = vertexColor; v2f.UV = in.TextureCoordinate; } } shader world3d_main_fog extends world3d_main { fragment { vec4 tcolor = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); tcolor = mix(tcolor, vec4(stencilColor.rgb, tcolor.a), stencilColor.a); tcolor = getDynLightContribution(tcolor, v2f.Color, v2f.PosW, v2f.Normal); if (tcolor.a == 0.0) { out.FragColor = tcolor; } else { out.FragColor = desaturate(getFogColor(v2f.PosW, tcolor)); } #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif if (fogsettings.x >= 0.0) out.FragColor = mix(out.FragColor, fogcolor, clamp((-v2f.viewpos.z - fogsettings.x) / (fogsettings.y - fogsettings.x), 0.0, 1.0)); } } shader world3d_main_highlight_fog extends world3d_main_fog { fragment { vec4 tcolor = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); tcolor = mix(tcolor, vec4(stencilColor.rgb, tcolor.a), stencilColor.a); tcolor = vec4(getDynLightContribution(tcolor, v2f.Color, v2f.PosW, v2f.Normal).rgb, tcolor.a); if (tcolor.a == 0.0) { out.FragColor = tcolor; } else { // Blend texture color and vertex color vec4 ncolor = desaturate(getFogColor(v2f.PosW, tcolor)); out.FragColor = vec4(highlightcolor.rgb * highlightcolor.a + (ncolor.rgb - 0.4 * highlightcolor.a), max(ncolor.a + 0.25, 0.5)); } #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif if (fogsettings.x >= 0.0) out.FragColor = mix(out.FragColor, fogcolor, clamp((-v2f.viewpos.z - fogsettings.x) / (fogsettings.y - fogsettings.x), 0.0, 1.0)); } } // world3d_fog, but with vertex shader from customvertexcolor_fog // to-do: rewrite into a function shader world3d_main_fog_vertexcolor extends world3d_main_fog { vertex { v2f.viewpos = view * world * vec4(in.Position, 1.0); gl_Position = projection * v2f.viewpos; v2f.PosW = (world * vec4(in.Position, 1.0)).xyz; v2f.Color = vertexColor; v2f.UV = in.TextureCoordinate; v2f.Normal = normalize((modelnormal * vec4(in.Normal, 1.0)).xyz); } } shader world3d_main_highlight_fog_vertexcolor extends world3d_main_highlight_fog { vertex { v2f.viewpos = view * world * vec4(in.Position, 1.0); gl_Position = projection * v2f.viewpos; v2f.PosW = (world * vec4(in.Position, 1.0)).xyz; v2f.Color = vertexColor; v2f.UV = in.TextureCoordinate; v2f.Normal = normalize((modelnormal * vec4(in.Normal, 1.0)).xyz); } } // Slope handle shader shader world3d_slope_handle extends world3d_vertex_color { vertex { v2f.viewpos = view * world * vec4(in.Position.x * slopeHandleLength, in.Position.y, in.Position.z, 1.0); gl_Position = projection * v2f.viewpos; v2f.Color = in.Color * vertexColor; v2f.UV = in.TextureCoordinate; } } shader world3d_classic extends world3d_main { fragment { vec4 pcolor; if (bool(drawPaletted)) { vec4 color = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); int entry = int(color.r * 255); float alpha = color.a; int lightLevel = lightLevelFromVertexColor(v2f.flatColor.rgb); int colorMapOffset = classicLightLevelToColorMapOffset(lightLevel, v2f.PosW, v2f.flatNormal, false); pcolor = getColorMappedColor(entry, colorMapOffset); pcolor.a = alpha; } else { pcolor = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); } out.FragColor = pcolor; #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif } } shader world3d_classic_highlight extends world3d_main { fragment { vec4 pcolor; if (bool(drawPaletted)) { vec4 color = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); int entry = int(color.r * 255); float alpha = color.a; int lightLevel = lightLevelFromVertexColor(v2f.flatColor.rgb); int modifiedLightLevel = max(lightLevel, 128); int colorMapOffset = classicLightLevelToColorMapOffset(modifiedLightLevel, v2f.PosW, v2f.flatNormal, false); pcolor = getColorMappedColor(entry, colorMapOffset); pcolor.a = alpha; } else { pcolor = texture(texture1, v2f.UV); } out.FragColor = pcolor; if (pcolor.a > 0.0) { out.FragColor = vec4(highlightcolor.rgb * highlightcolor.a + (pcolor.rgb - 0.4 * highlightcolor.a), max(pcolor.a + 0.25, 0.5)); } #if defined(ALPHA_TEST) if (out.FragColor.a < 0.5) discard; #endif } }