/******************************************\ Doom Builder Actions Configuration \******************************************/ // This just defines which actions there are and what description they have // The source code will bind to these actions with delegates (function pointers) newmap { title = "File: New Map"; description = "Starts with a new, empty workspace to begin drawing a map from scratch."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; } openmap { title = "File: Open Map"; description = "Opens an existing map from WAD file for viewing or modifying."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; } closemap { title = "File: Close Map"; description = "Closes the current map and the WAD file in which it exits."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; } savemap { title = "File: Save Map"; description = "Saves the current map to the opened source WAD file."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; } savemapas { title = "File: Save Map As"; description = "Saves the current map and all resources from the source WAD file to a new WAD file."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; } savemapinto { title = "File: Save Map Into"; description = "Saves the current map without any other resources into an existing or new WAD file."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; } mapoptions { title = "Edit: Map Options"; description = "Shows the map options dialog which allows changing the map lump name, game configuration and custom resources."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; } scrollwest { title = "2D: Scroll West"; description = "Scrolls the 2D map view to the left."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } scrolleast { title = "2D: Scroll East"; description = "Scrolls the 2D map view to the right."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } scrollnorth { title = "2D: Scroll North"; description = "Scrolls the 2D map view to the north."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } scrollsouth { title = "2D: Scroll South"; description = "Scrolls the 2D map view to the south."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } zoomin { title = "2D: Zoom In"; description = "Zooms in on the map at the current mouse location."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } zoomout { title = "2D: Zoom Out"; description = "Zooms out on the map from the current mouse location."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } configuration { title = "Tools: Game Configurations"; description = "Shows the game configurations dialog which allows you to configure settings such as nodebuilder, testing program and resources."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; } preferences { title = "Tools: Preferences"; description = "Shows this preferences dialog."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; } reloadresources { title = "Tools: Reload Resources"; description = "Reloads all data resources such as game configuration, textures and flats. Usefull when resource files have been changed outside of Doom Builder."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = false; allowscroll = false; }