using System; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data; using SlimDX; using SlimDX.Direct3D9; //mxd. Original version taken from here: namespace ColladaDotNet.Pipeline.MD3 { public class ModelReader { public static GZModel Parse(ModelDefEntry mde, Device D3DDevice) { string[] modelPaths = new string[mde.ModelNames.Count]; string[] texturePaths = new string[mde.TextureNames.Count]; mde.ModelNames.CopyTo(modelPaths); mde.TextureNames.CopyTo(texturePaths); if (modelPaths.Length != texturePaths.Length || texturePaths.Length == 0 || modelPaths.Length == 0) { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "MD3Reader: wrong parse params! (modelPaths=" + modelPaths.ToString() + "; texturePaths=" + texturePaths.ToString() + ")"); return null; } GZModel model = new GZModel(); model.NUM_MESHES = (byte)modelPaths.Length; BoundingBoxSizes bbs = new BoundingBoxSizes(); for (int i = 0; i < modelPaths.Length; i++) { if (File.Exists(mde.Path + "\\" + modelPaths[i])) { General.WriteLogLine("MD3Reader: loading '" + mde.Path + "\\" + modelPaths[i] + "'"); //mesh string ext = modelPaths[i].Substring(modelPaths[i].Length - 4); bool loaded = false; if (ext == ".md3") { loaded = ReadMD3Model(ref bbs, mde, model, mde.Path + "\\" + modelPaths[i], D3DDevice); } else if (ext == ".md2") { loaded = ReadMD2Model(ref bbs, mde, model, mde.Path + "\\" + modelPaths[i], D3DDevice); } //texture if (loaded) { if (File.Exists(mde.Path + "\\" + texturePaths[i])) { model.Textures.Add(Texture.FromFile(D3DDevice, mde.Path + "\\" + texturePaths[i])); } else { model.Textures.Add(General.Map.Data.UnknownTexture3D.Texture); General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "MD3Reader: unable to load texture '" + mde.Path + "\\" + texturePaths[i] + "' - no such file"); } } else { model.NUM_MESHES--; } } else { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "MD3Reader: unable to load model '" + mde.Path + "\\" + modelPaths[i] + "' - no such file"); model.NUM_MESHES--; } } if (model.NUM_MESHES <= 0) return null; model.BoundingBox = BoundingBoxTools.CalculateBoundingBox(bbs); return model; } private static bool ReadMD3Model(ref BoundingBoxSizes bbs, ModelDefEntry mde, GZModel model, string modelPath, Device D3DDevice) { FileStream s = new FileStream(modelPath, FileMode.Open); long start = s.Position; using (var br = new BinaryReader(s, Encoding.ASCII)) { if (ReadString(br, 4) != "IDP3") { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "MD3Reader: Error while loading '" + modelPath + "': Magic should be IDP3"); return false; } s.Position += 80; int numSurfaces = br.ReadInt32(); s.Position += 12; int ofsSurfaces = br.ReadInt32(); if (s.Position != ofsSurfaces + start) s.Position = ofsSurfaces + start; List polyIndecesList = new List(); List vertList = new List(); for (int c = 0; c < numSurfaces; ++c) ReadSurface(ref bbs, br, polyIndecesList, vertList, mde); //indeces for rendering current mesh in 2d short[] indeces2d_arr = CreateLineListIndeces(polyIndecesList); //mesh Mesh mesh = new Mesh(D3DDevice, polyIndecesList.Count / 3, vertList.Count, MeshFlags.IndexBufferManaged | MeshFlags.VertexBufferManaged, General.Map.Graphics.Shaders.World3D.VertexElements); DataStream stream = mesh.VertexBuffer.Lock(0, 0, LockFlags.None); stream.WriteRange(vertList.ToArray()); mesh.VertexBuffer.Unlock(); stream = mesh.IndexBuffer.Lock(0, 0, LockFlags.None); stream.WriteRange(polyIndecesList.ToArray()); mesh.IndexBuffer.Unlock(); mesh.OptimizeInPlace(MeshOptimizeFlags.AttributeSort); model.Meshes.Add(mesh); //2d data IndexBuffer indeces2d = new IndexBuffer(D3DDevice, 2 * indeces2d_arr.Length, Usage.WriteOnly, Pool.Managed, true); stream = indeces2d.Lock(0, 0, LockFlags.None); stream.WriteRange(indeces2d_arr); indeces2d.Unlock(); model.Indeces2D.Add(indeces2d); model.NumIndeces2D.Add((short)polyIndecesList.Count); } return true; } private static void ReadSurface(ref BoundingBoxSizes bbs, BinaryReader br, List polyIndecesList, List vertList, ModelDefEntry mde) { var start = br.BaseStream.Position; if (ReadString(br, 4) != "IDP3") { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "MD3Reader: Error while reading surface: Magic should be IDP3"); return; } br.BaseStream.Position += 76; int numVerts = br.ReadInt32(); //Number of Vertex objects defined in this Surface, up to MD3_MAX_VERTS. Current value of MD3_MAX_VERTS is 4096. int numTriangles = br.ReadInt32(); //Number of Triangle objects defined in this Surface, maximum of MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES. Current value of MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES is 8192. int ofsTriangles = br.ReadInt32(); //Relative offset from SURFACE_START where the list of Triangle objects starts. br.BaseStream.Position += 4; int ofsST = br.ReadInt32(); //Relative offset from SURFACE_START where the list of ST objects (s-t texture coordinates) starts. int ofsNormal = br.ReadInt32(); //Relative offset from SURFACE_START where the list of Vertex objects (X-Y-Z-N vertices) starts. int ofsEnd = br.ReadInt32(); //Relative offset from SURFACE_START to where the Surface object ends. //polygons if (start + ofsTriangles != br.BaseStream.Position) br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsTriangles; for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles * 3; i++) polyIndecesList.Add( (short)br.ReadInt32() ); //Vertices if (start + ofsST != br.BaseStream.Position) br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsST; for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { WorldVertex v = new WorldVertex(); v.c = 0xffffff; v.u = br.ReadSingle(); v.v = br.ReadSingle(); vertList.Add(v); } //Normals if (start + ofsNormal != br.BaseStream.Position) br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsNormal; for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { WorldVertex v = vertList[i]; //short[] coords = new short[] { br.ReadInt16(), br.ReadInt16(), br.ReadInt16() }; //v.Position = new Vector3((float)coords[1] / 64, -(float)coords[0] / 64, (float)coords[2] / 64); v.y = -(float)br.ReadInt16() / 64 * mde.Scale.X; v.x = (float)br.ReadInt16() / 64 * mde.Scale.Y; v.z = (float)br.ReadInt16() / 64 * mde.Scale.Z + mde.zOffset; //bounding box BoundingBoxTools.UpdateBoundingBoxSizes(ref bbs, v); var lat = br.ReadByte() * (2 * Math.PI) / 255.0; var lng = br.ReadByte() * (2 * Math.PI) / 255.0; v.nx = (float)(Math.Sin(lng) * Math.Sin(lat)); v.ny = -(float)(Math.Cos(lng) * Math.Sin(lat)); = (float)(Math.Cos(lat)); vertList[i] = v; } if (start + ofsEnd != br.BaseStream.Position) br.BaseStream.Position = start + ofsEnd; } private static bool ReadMD2Model(ref BoundingBoxSizes bbs, ModelDefEntry mde, GZModel model, string modelPath, Device D3DDevice) { FileStream s = new FileStream(modelPath, FileMode.Open); long start = s.Position; using (var br = new BinaryReader(s, Encoding.ASCII)) { if (ReadString(br, 4) != "IDP2") { //magic number: "IDP2" General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "MD3Reader: Error while loading '" + modelPath + "': Magic should be IDP2"); return false; } int modelVersion = br.ReadInt32(); if (modelVersion != 8) { //MD2 version. Must be equal to 8 General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "MD3Reader: Error while loading '" + modelPath + "': MD2 version must be equal to 8 but is " + modelVersion); return false; } int texWidth = br.ReadInt32(); int texHeight = br.ReadInt32(); s.Position += 8; //Size of one frame in bytes //s.Position += 4; //Number of textures int num_verts = br.ReadInt32(); //Number of vertices int num_uv = br.ReadInt32(); //The number of UV coordinates in the model int num_tris = br.ReadInt32(); //Number of triangles s.Position += 4; //Number of OpenGL commands if (br.ReadInt32() == 0) { //Total number of frames General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "MD3Reader: Error while loading '" + modelPath + "': Model has 0 frames"); return false; } s.Position += 4; //Offset to skin names (each skin name is an unsigned char[64] and are null terminated) int ofs_uv = br.ReadInt32();//Offset to s-t texture coordinates int ofs_tris = br.ReadInt32(); //Offset to triangles int ofs_animFrame = br.ReadInt32(); //An offset to the first animation frame List polyIndecesList = new List(); List uvIndecesList = new List(); List uvCoordsList = new List(); List vertList = new List(); //polygons if (s.Position != ofs_tris + start) s.Position = ofs_tris + start; for (int i = 0; i < num_tris; i++) { polyIndecesList.Add((short)br.ReadInt16()); polyIndecesList.Add((short)br.ReadInt16()); polyIndecesList.Add((short)br.ReadInt16()); uvIndecesList.Add((short)br.ReadInt16()); uvIndecesList.Add((short)br.ReadInt16()); uvIndecesList.Add((short)br.ReadInt16()); } //UV coords if (s.Position != ofs_uv + start) s.Position = ofs_uv + start; for (int i = 0; i < num_uv; i++) { uvCoordsList.Add(new Vector2((float)br.ReadInt16() / texWidth, (float)br.ReadInt16() / texHeight)); } //first frame //header if (s.Position != ofs_animFrame + start) s.Position = ofs_animFrame + start; Vector3 scale = new Vector3((float)br.ReadSingle(), (float)br.ReadSingle(), (float)br.ReadSingle()); Vector3 translate = new Vector3((float)br.ReadSingle(), (float)br.ReadSingle(), (float)br.ReadSingle()); s.Position += 16; //frame name //verts for (int i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) { //pos WorldVertex v = new WorldVertex(); v.x = ((float)br.ReadByte() * scale.X + translate.X) * mde.Scale.X; v.y = ((float)br.ReadByte() * scale.Y + translate.Y) * mde.Scale.Y; v.z = ((float)br.ReadByte() * scale.Z + translate.Z) * mde.Scale.Z + mde.zOffset; vertList.Add(v); s.Position += 1; //vertex normal } for (int i = 0; i < polyIndecesList.Count; i++) { WorldVertex v = vertList[polyIndecesList[i]]; //bounding box BoundingBoxTools.UpdateBoundingBoxSizes(ref bbs, v); //uv v.u = uvCoordsList[uvIndecesList[i]].X; v.v = uvCoordsList[uvIndecesList[i]].Y; vertList[polyIndecesList[i]] = v; } //indeces for rendering current mesh in 2d short[] indeces2d_arr = CreateLineListIndeces(polyIndecesList); //mesh Mesh mesh = new Mesh(D3DDevice, polyIndecesList.Count / 3, vertList.Count, MeshFlags.IndexBufferManaged | MeshFlags.VertexBufferManaged, General.Map.Graphics.Shaders.World3D.VertexElements); DataStream stream = mesh.VertexBuffer.Lock(0, 0, LockFlags.None); stream.WriteRange(vertList.ToArray()); mesh.VertexBuffer.Unlock(); stream = mesh.IndexBuffer.Lock(0, 0, LockFlags.None); stream.WriteRange(polyIndecesList.ToArray()); mesh.IndexBuffer.Unlock(); mesh.OptimizeInPlace(MeshOptimizeFlags.AttributeSort); model.Meshes.Add(mesh); //2d data IndexBuffer indeces2d = new IndexBuffer(D3DDevice, 2 * indeces2d_arr.Length, Usage.WriteOnly, Pool.Managed, true); stream = indeces2d.Lock(0, 0, LockFlags.None); stream.WriteRange(indeces2d_arr); indeces2d.Unlock(); model.Indeces2D.Add(indeces2d); model.NumIndeces2D.Add((short)polyIndecesList.Count); return true; } } //this creates list of vertex indeces for rendering using LineList method private static short[] CreateLineListIndeces(List polyIndecesList) { short[] indeces2d_arr = new short[polyIndecesList.Count * 2]; short ind1, ind2, ind3; for (short i = 0; i < polyIndecesList.Count; i += 3) { ind1 = polyIndecesList[i]; ind2 = polyIndecesList[i + 1]; ind3 = polyIndecesList[i + 2]; indeces2d_arr[i * 2] = ind1; indeces2d_arr[i * 2 + 1] = ind2; indeces2d_arr[i * 2 + 2] = ind2; indeces2d_arr[i * 2 + 3] = ind3; indeces2d_arr[i * 2 + 4] = ind3; indeces2d_arr[i * 2 + 5] = ind1; } return indeces2d_arr; } //this creates array of vectors resembling bounding box /*private static Vector3[] CalculateBoundingBox(BoundingBoxSizes bbs) { //center Vector3 v0 = new Vector3(bbs.MinX + (bbs.MaxX - bbs.MinX) / 2, bbs.MinY + (bbs.MaxY - bbs.MinY) / 2, bbs.MinZ + (bbs.MaxZ - bbs.MinZ) / 2); //corners Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(bbs.MinX, bbs.MinY, bbs.MinZ); Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(bbs.MaxX, bbs.MinY, bbs.MinZ); Vector3 v3 = new Vector3(bbs.MinX, bbs.MaxY, bbs.MinZ); Vector3 v4 = new Vector3(bbs.MaxX, bbs.MaxY, bbs.MinZ); Vector3 v5 = new Vector3(bbs.MinX, bbs.MinY, bbs.MaxZ); Vector3 v6 = new Vector3(bbs.MaxX, bbs.MinY, bbs.MaxZ); Vector3 v7 = new Vector3(bbs.MinX, bbs.MaxY, bbs.MaxZ); Vector3 v8 = new Vector3(bbs.MaxX, bbs.MaxY, bbs.MaxZ); return new Vector3[] { v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8 }; } private static void UpdateBoundingBoxSizes(ref BoundingBoxSizes bbs, WorldVertex v) { if (v.x < bbs.MinX) bbs.MinX = (short)v.x; else if (v.x > bbs.MaxX) bbs.MaxX = (short)v.x; if (v.z < bbs.MinZ) bbs.MinZ = (short)v.z; else if (v.z > bbs.MaxZ) bbs.MaxZ = (short)v.z; if (v.y < bbs.MinY) bbs.MinY = (short)v.y; else if (v.y > bbs.MaxY) bbs.MaxY = (short)v.y; }*/ private static string ReadString(BinaryReader br, int len) { var NAME = string.Empty; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var c = br.ReadChar(); if (c == '\0') { ++i; break; } NAME += c; } for (; i < len; ++i) { br.ReadChar(); } return NAME; } } }