#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; using SlimDX.Direct3D9; using System.Drawing; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map { public sealed class Linedef : SelectableElement { #region ================== Constants public const float SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE = 0.001f; public const int NUM_ARGS = 5; #endregion #region ================== Variables // Map private MapSet map; // List items private LinkedListNode<Linedef> startvertexlistitem; private LinkedListNode<Linedef> endvertexlistitem; private LinkedListNode<Linedef> selecteditem; // Vertices private Vertex start; private Vertex end; // Sidedefs private Sidedef front; private Sidedef back; // Cache private bool updateneeded; private float lengthsq; private float lengthsqinv; private float length; private float lengthinv; private float angle; private RectangleF rect; private bool blocksoundflag; private bool impassableflag; // Properties private Dictionary<string, bool> flags; private int action; private int activate; private int tag; private int[] args; private bool frontinterior; // for drawing only // Clone private int serializedindex; #endregion #region ================== Properties public MapSet Map { get { return map; } } public Vertex Start { get { return start; } } public Vertex End { get { return end; } } public Sidedef Front { get { return front; } } public Sidedef Back { get { return back; } } public Line2D Line { get { return new Line2D(start.Position, end.Position); } } internal Dictionary<string, bool> Flags { get { return flags; } } public int Action { get { return action; } set { BeforePropsChange(); action = value; } } public int Activate { get { return activate; } set { BeforePropsChange(); activate = value; } } public int Tag { get { return tag; } set { BeforePropsChange(); tag = value; if((tag < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTag) || (tag > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTag)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Tag", "Invalid tag number"); } } public float LengthSq { get { return lengthsq; } } public float Length { get { return length; } } public float LengthInv { get { return lengthinv; } } public float Angle { get { return angle; } } public int AngleDeg { get { return (int)(angle * Angle2D.PIDEG); } } public RectangleF Rect { get { return rect; } } public int[] Args { get { return args; } } internal int SerializedIndex { get { return serializedindex; } set { serializedindex = value; } } internal bool FrontInterior { get { return frontinterior; } set { frontinterior = value; } } internal bool ImpassableFlag { get { return impassableflag; } } internal bool BlockSoundFlag { get { return blocksoundflag; } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor / Disposer // Constructor internal Linedef(MapSet map, int listindex, Vertex start, Vertex end) { // Initialize this.map = map; this.listindex = listindex; this.updateneeded = true; this.args = new int[NUM_ARGS]; this.flags = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); // Attach to vertices this.start = start; this.startvertexlistitem = start.AttachLinedefP(this); this.end = end; this.endvertexlistitem = end.AttachLinedefP(this); if(map == General.Map.Map) General.Map.UndoRedo.RecAddLinedef(this); // We have no destructor GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } // Disposer public override void Dispose() { // Not already disposed? if(!isdisposed) { // Already set isdisposed so that changes can be prohibited isdisposed = true; // Dispose sidedefs if((front != null) && map.AutoRemove) front.Dispose(); else AttachFrontP(null); if((back != null) && map.AutoRemove) back.Dispose(); else AttachBackP(null); if(map == General.Map.Map) General.Map.UndoRedo.RecRemLinedef(this); // Remove from main list map.RemoveLinedef(listindex); // Detach from vertices if(startvertexlistitem != null) start.DetachLinedefP(startvertexlistitem); startvertexlistitem = null; start = null; if(endvertexlistitem != null) end.DetachLinedefP(endvertexlistitem); endvertexlistitem = null; end = null; // Clean up start = null; end = null; front = null; back = null; map = null; // Clean up base base.Dispose(); } } #endregion #region ================== Management // Call this before changing properties protected override void BeforePropsChange() { if(map == General.Map.Map) General.Map.UndoRedo.RecPrpLinedef(this); } // Serialize / deserialize (passive: doesn't record) internal void ReadWrite(IReadWriteStream s) { if(!s.IsWriting) BeforePropsChange(); base.ReadWrite(s); if(s.IsWriting) { s.wInt(flags.Count); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> f in flags) { s.wString(f.Key); s.wBool(f.Value); } } else { int c; s.rInt(out c); flags = new Dictionary<string, bool>(c); for(int i = 0; i < c; i++) { string t; s.rString(out t); bool b; s.rBool(out b); flags.Add(t, b); } } s.rwInt(ref action); s.rwInt(ref activate); s.rwInt(ref tag); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_ARGS; i++) s.rwInt(ref args[i]); } // This sets new start vertex public void SetStartVertex(Vertex v) { if(map == General.Map.Map) General.Map.UndoRedo.RecRefLinedefStart(this); // Change start if(startvertexlistitem != null) start.DetachLinedefP(startvertexlistitem); startvertexlistitem = null; start = v; if(start != null) startvertexlistitem = start.AttachLinedefP(this); this.updateneeded = true; } // This sets new end vertex public void SetEndVertex(Vertex v) { if(map == General.Map.Map) General.Map.UndoRedo.RecRefLinedefEnd(this); // Change end if(endvertexlistitem != null) end.DetachLinedefP(endvertexlistitem); endvertexlistitem = null; end = v; if(end != null) endvertexlistitem = end.AttachLinedefP(this); this.updateneeded = true; } // This detaches a vertex internal void DetachVertexP(Vertex v) { if(v == start) { if(startvertexlistitem != null) start.DetachLinedefP(startvertexlistitem); startvertexlistitem = null; start = null; } else if(v == end) { if(endvertexlistitem != null) end.DetachLinedefP(endvertexlistitem); endvertexlistitem = null; end = null; } else throw new Exception("Specified Vertex is not attached to this Linedef."); } // This copies all properties to another line new public void CopyPropertiesTo(Linedef l) { l.BeforePropsChange(); // Copy properties l.action = action; l.args = (int[])args.Clone(); l.flags = new Dictionary<string, bool>(flags); l.tag = tag; l.updateneeded = true; l.activate = activate; l.impassableflag = impassableflag; l.blocksoundflag = blocksoundflag; base.CopyPropertiesTo(l); } // This attaches a sidedef on the front internal void AttachFront(Sidedef s) { if(map == General.Map.Map) General.Map.UndoRedo.RecRefLinedefFront(this); // Attach and recalculate AttachFrontP(s); } // Passive version, does not record the change internal void AttachFrontP(Sidedef s) { // Attach and recalculate front = s; if(front != null) front.SetLinedefP(this); updateneeded = true; } // This attaches a sidedef on the back internal void AttachBack(Sidedef s) { if(map == General.Map.Map) General.Map.UndoRedo.RecRefLinedefBack(this); // Attach and recalculate AttachBackP(s); } // Passive version, does not record the change internal void AttachBackP(Sidedef s) { // Attach and recalculate back = s; if(back != null) back.SetLinedefP(this); updateneeded = true; } // This detaches a sidedef from the front internal void DetachSidedefP(Sidedef s) { // Sidedef is on the front? if(front == s) { // Remove sidedef reference if(front != null) front.SetLinedefP(null); front = null; updateneeded = true; } // Sidedef is on the back? else if(back == s) { // Remove sidedef reference if(back != null) back.SetLinedefP(null); back = null; updateneeded = true; } //else throw new Exception("Specified Sidedef is not attached to this Linedef."); } // This updates the line when changes have been made public void UpdateCache() { // Update if needed if(updateneeded) { // Delta vector Vector2D delta = end.Position - start.Position; // Recalculate values lengthsq = delta.GetLengthSq(); length = (float)Math.Sqrt(lengthsq); if(length > 0f) lengthinv = 1f / length; else lengthinv = 1f / 0.0000000001f; if(lengthsq > 0f) lengthsqinv = 1f / lengthsq; else lengthsqinv = 1f / 0.0000000001f; angle = delta.GetAngle(); float l = Math.Min(start.Position.x, end.Position.x); float t = Math.Min(start.Position.y, end.Position.y); float r = Math.Max(start.Position.x, end.Position.x); float b = Math.Max(start.Position.y, end.Position.y); rect = new RectangleF(l, t, r - l, b - t); // Cached flags blocksoundflag = IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.SoundLinedefFlag); impassableflag = IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.ImpassableFlag); // Updated updateneeded = false; } } // This flags the line needs an update because it moved public void NeedUpdate() { // Update this line updateneeded = true; // Update sectors as well if(front != null) front.Sector.UpdateNeeded = true; if(back != null) back.Sector.UpdateNeeded = true; } // This translates the flags and activations into UDMF fields internal void TranslateToUDMF() { // First make a single integer with all bits from activation and flags int bits = activate; int flagbit = 0; foreach(KeyValuePair<string, bool> f in flags) if(int.TryParse(f.Key, out flagbit) && f.Value) bits |= flagbit; // Now make the new flags flags.Clear(); foreach(FlagTranslation f in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlagsTranslation) { // Flag found in bits? if((bits & f.Flag) == f.Flag) { // Add fields and remove bits bits &= ~f.Flag; for(int i = 0; i < f.Fields.Count; i++) flags[f.Fields[i]] = f.FieldValues[i]; } else { // Add fields with inverted value for(int i = 0; i < f.Fields.Count; i++) flags[f.Fields[i]] = !f.FieldValues[i]; } } } // This translates UDMF fields back into the normal flags and activations internal void TranslateFromUDMF() { // Make copy of the flags Dictionary<string, bool> oldfields = new Dictionary<string, bool>(flags); // Make the flags flags.Clear(); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> f in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlags) { // Flag must be numeric int flagbit = 0; if(int.TryParse(f.Key, out flagbit)) { foreach(FlagTranslation ft in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlagsTranslation) { if(ft.Flag == flagbit) { // Only set this flag when the fields match bool fieldsmatch = true; for(int i = 0; i < ft.Fields.Count; i++) { if(!oldfields.ContainsKey(ft.Fields[i]) || (oldfields[ft.Fields[i]] != ft.FieldValues[i])) { fieldsmatch = false; break; } } // Field match? Then add the flag. if(fieldsmatch) { flags.Add(f.Key, true); break; } } } } } // Make the activation foreach(LinedefActivateInfo a in General.Map.Config.LinedefActivates) { bool foundactivation = false; foreach(FlagTranslation ft in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlagsTranslation) { if(ft.Flag == a.Index) { // Only set this activation when the fields match bool fieldsmatch = true; for(int i = 0; i < ft.Fields.Count; i++) { if(!oldfields.ContainsKey(ft.Fields[i]) || (oldfields[ft.Fields[i]] != ft.FieldValues[i])) { fieldsmatch = false; break; } } // Field match? Then add the flag. if(fieldsmatch) { activate = a.Index; foundactivation = true; break; } } } if(foundactivation) break; } } // Selected protected override void DoSelect() { base.DoSelect(); selecteditem = map.SelectedLinedefs.AddLast(this); } // Deselect protected override void DoUnselect() { base.DoUnselect(); if(selecteditem.List != null) selecteditem.List.Remove(selecteditem); selecteditem = null; } #endregion #region ================== Methods // This checks and returns a flag without creating it public bool IsFlagSet(string flagname) { if(flags.ContainsKey(flagname)) return flags[flagname]; else return false; } // This sets a flag public void SetFlag(string flagname, bool value) { if(!flags.ContainsKey(flagname) || (IsFlagSet(flagname) != value)) { BeforePropsChange(); flags[flagname] = value; // Cached flags if(flagname == General.Map.Config.SoundLinedefFlag) blocksoundflag = value; if(flagname == General.Map.Config.ImpassableFlag) impassableflag = value; } } // This returns a copy of the flags dictionary public Dictionary<string, bool> GetFlags() { return new Dictionary<string, bool>(flags); } // This clears all flags public void ClearFlags() { flags.Clear(); blocksoundflag = false; impassableflag = false; } // This flips the linedef's vertex attachments public void FlipVertices() { // make sure the start/end vertices are not automatically // deleted if they do not belong to any other line General.Map.Map.AutoRemove = false; // Flip vertices Vertex oldstart = start; Vertex oldend = end; SetStartVertex(oldend); SetEndVertex(oldstart); General.Map.Map.AutoRemove = true; // For drawing, the interior now lies on the other side frontinterior = !frontinterior; // Update required (angle changed) NeedUpdate(); General.Map.IsChanged = true; } // This flips the sidedefs public void FlipSidedefs() { // Flip sidedefs Sidedef oldfront = front; Sidedef oldback = back; AttachFront(oldback); AttachBack(oldfront); General.Map.IsChanged = true; } // This returns a point for testing on one side public Vector2D GetSidePoint(bool front) { Vector2D n = new Vector2D(); n.x = (end.Position.x - start.Position.x) * lengthinv * SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE; n.y = (end.Position.y - start.Position.y) * lengthinv * SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE; if(front) { n.x = -n.x; n.y = -n.y; } Vector2D p = new Vector2D(); p.x = start.Position.x + (end.Position.x - start.Position.x) * 0.5f - n.y; p.y = start.Position.y + (end.Position.y - start.Position.y) * 0.5f + n.x; return p; } // This returns a point in the middle of the line public Vector2D GetCenterPoint() { return start.Position + (end.Position - start.Position) * 0.5f; } // This applies single/double sided flags public void ApplySidedFlags() { // Doublesided? if((front != null) && (back != null)) { // Apply or remove flags for doublesided line SetFlag(General.Map.Config.SingleSidedFlag, false); SetFlag(General.Map.Config.DoubleSidedFlag, true); } else { // Apply or remove flags for singlesided line SetFlag(General.Map.Config.SingleSidedFlag, true); SetFlag(General.Map.Config.DoubleSidedFlag, false); } General.Map.IsChanged = true; } // This returns all points at which the line intersects with the grid public List<Vector2D> GetGridIntersections() { List<Vector2D> coords = new List<Vector2D>(); Vector2D v = new Vector2D(); float gx, gy, minx, maxx, miny, maxy; bool reversex, reversey; if(start.Position.x > end.Position.x) { minx = end.Position.x; maxx = start.Position.x; reversex = true; } else { minx = start.Position.x; maxx = end.Position.x; reversex = false; } if(start.Position.y > end.Position.y) { miny = end.Position.y; maxy = start.Position.y; reversey = true; } else { miny = start.Position.y; maxy = end.Position.y; reversey = false; } // Go for all vertical grid lines in between line start and end gx = General.Map.Grid.GetHigher(minx); if(gx < maxx) { for(; gx < maxx; gx += General.Map.Grid.GridSizeF) { // Add intersection point at this x coordinate float u = (gx - minx) / (maxx - minx); if(reversex) u = 1.0f - u; v.x = gx; v.y = start.Position.y + (end.Position.y - start.Position.y) * u; coords.Add(v); } } // Go for all horizontal grid lines in between line start and end gy = General.Map.Grid.GetHigher(miny); if(gy < maxy) { for(; gy < maxy; gy += General.Map.Grid.GridSizeF) { // Add intersection point at this y coordinate float u = (gy - miny) / (maxy - miny); if(reversey) u = 1.0f - u; v.x = start.Position.x + (end.Position.x - start.Position.x) * u; v.y = gy; coords.Add(v); } } // Profit return coords; } // This returns the closest coordinates ON the line public Vector2D NearestOnLine(Vector2D pos) { float u = Line2D.GetNearestOnLine(start.Position, end.Position, pos); if(u < 0f) u = 0f; else if(u > 1f) u = 1f; return Line2D.GetCoordinatesAt(start.Position, end.Position, u); } // This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line public float SafeDistanceToSq(Vector2D p, bool bounded) { Vector2D v1 = start.Position; Vector2D v2 = end.Position; // Calculate intersection offset float u = ((p.x - v1.x) * (v2.x - v1.x) + (p.y - v1.y) * (v2.y - v1.y)) * lengthsqinv; // Limit intersection offset to the line if(bounded) if(u < lengthinv) u = lengthinv; else if(u > (1f - lengthinv)) u = 1f - lengthinv; // Calculate intersection point Vector2D i = v1 + u * (v2 - v1); // Return distance between intersection and point // which is the shortest distance to the line float ldx = p.x - i.x; float ldy = p.y - i.y; return ldx * ldx + ldy * ldy; } // This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line public float SafeDistanceTo(Vector2D p, bool bounded) { return (float)Math.Sqrt(SafeDistanceToSq(p, bounded)); } // This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line public float DistanceToSq(Vector2D p, bool bounded) { Vector2D v1 = start.Position; Vector2D v2 = end.Position; // Calculate intersection offset float u = ((p.x - v1.x) * (v2.x - v1.x) + (p.y - v1.y) * (v2.y - v1.y)) * lengthsqinv; // Limit intersection offset to the line if(bounded) if(u < 0f) u = 0f; else if(u > 1f) u = 1f; // Calculate intersection point Vector2D i = v1 + u * (v2 - v1); // Return distance between intersection and point // which is the shortest distance to the line float ldx = p.x - i.x; float ldy = p.y - i.y; return ldx * ldx + ldy * ldy; } // This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line public float DistanceTo(Vector2D p, bool bounded) { return (float)Math.Sqrt(DistanceToSq(p, bounded)); } // This tests on which side of the line the given coordinates are // returns < 0 for front (right) side, > 0 for back (left) side and 0 if on the line public float SideOfLine(Vector2D p) { Vector2D v1 = start.Position; Vector2D v2 = end.Position; // Calculate and return side information return (p.y - v1.y) * (v2.x - v1.x) - (p.x - v1.x) * (v2.y - v1.y); } // This splits this line by vertex v // Returns the new line resulting from the split public Linedef Split(Vertex v) { Linedef nl; Sidedef nsd; // Copy linedef and change vertices nl = map.CreateLinedef(v, end); CopyPropertiesTo(nl); SetEndVertex(v); nl.Selected = this.Selected; nl.marked = this.marked; // Copy front sidedef if exists if(front != null) { nsd = map.CreateSidedef(nl, true, front.Sector); front.CopyPropertiesTo(nsd); nsd.Marked = front.Marked; // Make texture offset adjustments nsd.OffsetX += (int)Vector2D.Distance(this.start.Position, this.end.Position); } // Copy back sidedef if exists if(back != null) { nsd = map.CreateSidedef(nl, false, back.Sector); back.CopyPropertiesTo(nsd); nsd.Marked = back.Marked; // Make texture offset adjustments back.OffsetX += (int)Vector2D.Distance(nl.start.Position, nl.end.Position); } // Return result General.Map.IsChanged = true; return nl; } // This joins the line with another line // This line will be disposed public void Join(Linedef other) { Sector l1fs, l1bs, l2fs, l2bs; bool l1was2s, l2was2s; // Check which lines were 2 sided l1was2s = ((other.Front != null) && (other.Back != null)); l2was2s = ((this.Front != null) && (this.Back != null)); // Get sector references if(other.front != null) l1fs = other.front.Sector; else l1fs = null; if(other.back != null) l1bs = other.back.Sector; else l1bs = null; if(this.front != null) l2fs = this.front.Sector; else l2fs = null; if(this.back != null) l2bs = this.back.Sector; else l2bs = null; // This line has no sidedefs? if((l2fs == null) && (l2bs == null)) { // We have no sidedefs, so we have no influence // Nothing to change on the other line } // Other line has no sidedefs? else if((l1fs == null) && (l1bs == null)) { // The other has no sidedefs, so it has no influence // Copy my sidedefs to the other if(this.Start == other.Start) { JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, front); JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, back); } else { JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front); JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, back); } // Copy my properties to the other this.CopyPropertiesTo(other); } else { // Compare front sectors if(l1fs == l2fs) { // Copy textures if(other.front != null) other.front.AddTexturesTo(this.back); if(this.front != null) this.front.AddTexturesTo(other.back); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, back); } // Compare back sectors else if(l1bs == l2bs) { // Copy textures if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.front); if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.front); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front); } // Compare front and back else if(l1fs == l2bs) { // Copy textures if(other.front != null) other.front.AddTexturesTo(this.front); if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.back); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, front); } // Compare back and front else if(l1bs == l2fs) { // Copy textures if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.back); if(this.front != null) this.front.AddTexturesTo(other.front); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, back); } else { // Other line single sided? if(other.back == null) { // This line with its back to the other? if(this.start == other.end) { // Copy textures if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.front); if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.front); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front); } else { // Copy textures if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.back); if(this.front != null) this.front.AddTexturesTo(other.front); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, back); } } // This line single sided? if(this.back == null) { // Other line with its back to this? if(other.start == this.end) { // Copy textures if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.front); if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.front); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front); } else { // Copy textures if(other.front != null) other.front.AddTexturesTo(this.front); if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.back); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, true, front); } } else { // This line with its back to the other? if(this.start == other.end) { // Copy textures if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.front); if(this.back != null) this.back.AddTexturesTo(other.front); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, front); } else { // Copy textures if(other.back != null) other.back.AddTexturesTo(this.back); if(this.front != null) this.front.AddTexturesTo(other.front); // Change sidedefs JoinChangeSidedefs(other, false, back); } } } // Apply single/double sided flags if the double-sided-ness changed if( (!l1was2s && ((other.Front != null) && (other.Back != null))) || (l1was2s && ((other.Front == null) || (other.Back == null))) ) other.ApplySidedFlags(); // Remove unneeded textures if(other.front != null) other.front.RemoveUnneededTextures(!(l1was2s && l2was2s)); if(other.back != null) other.back.RemoveUnneededTextures(!(l1was2s && l2was2s)); } // If either of the two lines was selected, keep the other selected if(this.Selected) other.Selected = true; if(this.marked) other.marked = true; // I got killed by the other. this.Dispose(); General.Map.IsChanged = true; } // This changes sidedefs (used for joining lines) private void JoinChangeSidedefs(Linedef other, bool front, Sidedef newside) { Sidedef sd; // Change sidedefs if(front) { if(other.front != null) other.front.Dispose(); } else { if(other.back != null) other.back.Dispose(); } if(newside != null) { sd = map.CreateSidedef(other, front, newside.Sector); newside.CopyPropertiesTo(sd); sd.Marked = newside.Marked; } } // String representation public override string ToString() { return "Linedef " + listindex; } #endregion #region ================== Changes // This updates all properties public void Update(Dictionary<string, bool> flags, int activate, int tag, int action, int[] args) { BeforePropsChange(); // Apply changes this.flags = new Dictionary<string, bool>(flags); this.tag = tag; this.activate = activate; this.action = action; this.args = new int[NUM_ARGS]; args.CopyTo(this.args, 0); this.updateneeded = true; } #endregion } }