common { // Simulate Doom brightness levels (turn this off for linear lighting) doomlightlevels = true; // Enables support for long (> 8 chars) texture names // WARNING: this should only be enabled for UDMF game configurations! // WARNING: enabling this will make maps incompatible with Doom Builder 2 and can lead to problems in Slade 3! longtexturenames = false; // These directory names are ignored when loading PK3/PK7/Directory resources ignoreddirectories = ".svn .git"; // Files with these extensions are ignored when loading PK3/PK7/Directory resources ignoredextensions = "wad pk3 pk7 bak backup1 backup2 backup3 zip rar 7z"; // Default testing parameters testparameters = "-file \"%AP\" \"%F\" -warp %L"; testshortpaths = true; // Action special help actionspecialhelp = ""; // Generalized actions generalizedlinedefs = false; generalizedsectors = true; // Maximum safe map size check (0 means skip check) safeboundary = 0; // Map boundaries. Map objects can only be placed within these boundaries leftboundary = -32768; rightboundary = 32767; topboundary = 32767; bottomboundary = -32768; // Texture loading options mixtexturesflats = true; defaulttexturescale = 1.0f; defaultflatscale = 1.0f; scaledtextureoffsets = true; maxcolormapalpha = 25; // Thing number for start position in 3D Mode start3dmode = 3328; // Texture sources textures { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "textures"); } // Patch sources patches { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "patches"); } // Sprite sources sprites { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sprites"); } // Flat sources flats { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "flats"); } } mapformat_udmf { // The format interface handles the map data format formatinterface = "UniversalMapSetIO"; // Default nodebuilder configurations defaultsavecompiler = "zdbsp_udmf_normal"; defaulttestcompiler = "zdbsp_udmf_fast"; // Determines the textmap namespace engine = "srb2"; maplumpnames { include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames_begin"); include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames"); include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames_end"); } universalfields { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "universalfields"); } // When this is set to true, sectors with the same tag will light up when a line is highlighted linetagindicatesectors = false; localsidedeftextureoffsets = false; distinctfloorandceilingbrightness = true; planeequationsupport = true; // Special linedefs include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "speciallinedefs_udmf"); // Default flags for first new thing defaultthingflags { } // SECTOR FLAGS sectorflags { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorflags"); } sectorflagscategories { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorflagscategories"); } // DEFAULT SECTOR BRIGHTNESS LEVELS sectorbrightness { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorbrightness"); } damagetypes = "Generic Water Fire Lava Electric Spike DeathPitTilt DeathPitNoTilt Instakill SpecialStage"; triggerertypes = "Player AllPlayers Mobj"; // LINEDEF FLAGS linedefflags { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefflags_udmf"); } linedefflagstranslation { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefflagstranslation"); } // LINEDEF RENDERSTYLES linedefrenderstyles { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefrenderstyles"); } // THING FLAGS thingflags { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflags_udmf"); } // Thing flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted thingflagstranslation { include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflagstranslation"); } // How to compare thing flags (for the stuck things error checker) thingflagscompare { } // THING TYPES thingtypes { include("SRB222_things.cfg", "udmf"); } // LINEDEF TYPES linedeftypes { include("SRB222_linedefs.cfg", "udmf"); } }