#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes { [EditMode(DisplayName = "Edit Selection Mode", SwitchAction = "editselectionmode", ButtonImage = "Selection3.png", ButtonOrder = 1, ButtonGroup = "002_modify", Volatile = true, UseByDefault = true, Optional = false)] public class EditSelectionMode : BaseClassicMode { #region ================== Enums private enum ModifyMode { None, Dragging, Resizing, Rotating } private enum Grip { None, Main, SizeN, SizeS, SizeE, SizeW, RotateLT, RotateRT, RotateRB, RotateLB } internal enum HeightAdjustMode { NONE, ADJUST_FLOORS, ADJUST_CEILINGS, ADJUST_BOTH, } #endregion #region ================== Structs (mxd) private struct SectorTextureInfo { public readonly SurfaceTextureInfo Floor; public readonly SurfaceTextureInfo Ceiling; public SectorTextureInfo(Sector s) { // Get transform properties Floor.Offset = new Vector2D(UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "xpanningfloor", 0.0), UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "ypanningfloor", 0.0)); Ceiling.Offset = new Vector2D(UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "xpanningceiling", 0.0), UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "ypanningceiling", 0.0)); Floor.Scale = new Vector2D(UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "xscalefloor", 1.0), -UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "yscalefloor", 1.0)); Ceiling.Scale = new Vector2D(UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "xscaleceiling", 1.0), -UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "yscaleceiling", 1.0)); Floor.Rotation = Angle2D.DegToRad(UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "rotationfloor", 0.0)); Ceiling.Rotation = Angle2D.DegToRad(UniFields.GetFloat(s.Fields, "rotationceiling", 0.0)); // Get texture sizes Floor.TextureSize = GetTextureSize(s.LongFloorTexture); Ceiling.TextureSize = GetTextureSize(s.LongCeilTexture); // Surface name Floor.Part = "floor"; Ceiling.Part = "ceiling"; } private static Size GetTextureSize(long hash) { ImageData texture = General.Map.Data.GetFlatImage(hash); if((texture == null) || (texture == General.Map.Data.WhiteTexture) || (texture.Width <= 0) || (texture.Height <= 0) || !texture.IsImageLoaded) { return new Size(); } return new Size((int)Math.Round(texture.ScaledWidth), (int)Math.Round(texture.ScaledHeight)); } } private struct SurfaceTextureInfo { public Vector2D Offset; public Vector2D Scale; public Size TextureSize; public double Rotation; public string Part; } #endregion #region ================== Constants private const float GRIP_SIZE = 9.0f; private const float ZERO_SIZE_ADDITION = 20.0f; private const byte RECTANGLE_ALPHA = 60; private const byte EXTENSION_LINE_ALPHA = 150; private readonly Cursor[] RESIZE_CURSORS = { Cursors.SizeNS, Cursors.SizeNWSE, Cursors.SizeWE, Cursors.SizeNESW }; #endregion #region ================== Variables // Modes private bool modealreadyswitching; private bool clearselection; //mxd private bool pasting; private bool autodrag; //mxd private PasteOptions pasteoptions; private HeightAdjustMode heightadjustmode; //mxd // Docker private EditSelectionPanel panel; private Docker docker; // Highlighted vertex private MapElement highlighted; private Vector2D highlightedpos; // Selection private ICollection selectedvertices; private ICollection selectedthings; private Dictionary selectedsectors; //mxd private List fixedrotationthingtypes; //mxd private ICollection selectedlines; private List vertexpos; private List thingpos; private List thingangle; private ICollection unselectedvertices; private ICollection unselectedlines; private ICollection unstablelines; //mxd // Modification private double rotation; private Vector2D offset; private Vector2D size; private Vector2D scale = new Vector2D(1.0f, 1.0f); //mxd private Vector2D baseoffset; private Vector2D basesize; private bool linesflipped; private bool usepreciseposition; //mxd //mxd. Texture modification private static bool transformflooroffsets; private static bool transformceiloffsets; private static bool rotateflooroffsets; private static bool rotateceiloffsets; private static bool scaleflooroffsets; private static bool scaleceiloffsets; private Vector2D selectioncenter; private Vector2D selectionbasecenter; // Modifying Modes private ModifyMode mode; private Vector2D dragoffset; private Vector2D resizefilter; private Vector2D resizevector; private Vector2D edgevector; private Line2D resizeaxis; private int stickcorner; private double rotategripangle; private bool autopanning; // Rectangle components private Vector2D[] originalcorners; // lefttop, righttop, rightbottom, leftbottom private Vector2D[] corners; private FlatVertex[] cornerverts; private RectangleF[] resizegrips; // top, right, bottom, left private RectangleF[] rotategrips; // lefttop, righttop, rightbottom, leftbottom private Line2D extensionline; // Options private bool snaptogrid; // SHIFT to toggle private bool snaptonearest; // CTRL to enable private bool updateslopes; #endregion #region ================== Properties public override object HighlightedObject { get { return highlighted; } } public bool Pasting { get { return pasting; } set { pasting = value; } } public PasteOptions PasteOptions { get { return pasteoptions; } set { pasteoptions = value.Copy(); } } public bool UpdateSlopes { get { return updateslopes; } set { updateslopes = value; } } //mxd. Modification internal bool UsePrecisePosition { get { return usepreciseposition; } set { usepreciseposition = value; } } //mxd. Texture offset properties internal bool TransformFloorOffsets { get { return transformflooroffsets; } set { transformflooroffsets = value; UpdateAllChanges(); } } internal bool TransformCeilingOffsets { get { return transformceiloffsets; } set { transformceiloffsets = value; UpdateAllChanges(); } } internal bool RotateFloorOffsets { get { return rotateflooroffsets; } set { rotateflooroffsets = value; UpdateAllChanges(); } } internal bool RotateCeilingOffsets { get { return rotateceiloffsets; } set { rotateceiloffsets = value; UpdateAllChanges(); } } internal bool ScaleFloorOffsets { get { return scaleflooroffsets; } set { scaleflooroffsets = value; UpdateAllChanges(); } } internal bool ScaleCeilingOffsets { get { return scaleceiloffsets; } set { scaleceiloffsets = value; UpdateAllChanges(); } } //mxd. Height offset mode internal HeightAdjustMode SectorHeightAdjustMode { get { return heightadjustmode; } set { heightadjustmode = value; } } #endregion #region ================== Constructor / Disposer // Constructor public EditSelectionMode() { // Initialize mode = ModifyMode.None; updateslopes = true; } //mxd. Another constructor. Used indirectly from ImportObjAsTerrainMode.OnAccept. public EditSelectionMode(bool pasting) { // Initialize this.pasting = pasting; this.mode = ModifyMode.None; this.updateslopes = true; } // Disposer public override void Dispose() { // Not already disposed? if(!isdisposed) { // Clean up // Dispose base base.Dispose(); } } #endregion #region ================== Methods // The following functions set different properties and update public void SetAbsPosX(double posx) { offset.x = posx; UpdateAllChanges(); } public void SetAbsPosY(double posy) { offset.y = posy; UpdateAllChanges(); } public void SetRelPosX(double posx) { offset.x = posx + baseoffset.x; UpdateAllChanges(); } public void SetRelPosY(double posy) { offset.y = posy + baseoffset.y; UpdateAllChanges(); } public void SetAbsSizeX(double sizex) { size.x = sizex; UpdateAllChanges(); } public void SetAbsSizeY(double sizey) { size.y = sizey; UpdateAllChanges(); } public void SetRelSizeX(double sizex) { size.x = basesize.x * (sizex / 100.0f); UpdateAllChanges(); } public void SetRelSizeY(double sizey) { size.y = basesize.y * (sizey / 100.0f); UpdateAllChanges(); } public void SetAbsRotation(double absrot) { rotation = absrot; UpdateAllChanges(); } // This updates all after changes were made private void UpdateAllChanges() { UpdateGeometry(); UpdateRectangleComponents(); if(General.Map.UDMF) UpdateTextureTransform(); //mxd General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } // This highlights a new vertex private void Highlight(MapElement h) { // Undraw previous highlight if(highlighted != null && !highlighted.IsDisposed) { if(highlighted is Vertex) { if(renderer.StartPlotter(false)) { renderer.PlotVertex((Vertex)highlighted, renderer.DetermineVertexColor((Vertex)highlighted)); renderer.Finish(); } } else { if(renderer.StartThings(false)) { renderer.RenderThing((Thing)highlighted, renderer.DetermineThingColor((Thing)highlighted), General.Settings.ActiveThingsAlpha); renderer.Finish(); } } } // Set new highlight highlighted = h; // Render highlighted item if(highlighted != null && !highlighted.IsDisposed) { if(highlighted is Vertex) { if(renderer.StartPlotter(false)) { renderer.PlotVertex((Vertex)highlighted, ColorCollection.HIGHLIGHT); renderer.Finish(); } } else { if(renderer.StartThings(false)) { renderer.RenderThing((Thing)highlighted, General.Colors.Highlight, General.Settings.ActiveThingsAlpha); renderer.Finish(); } } } // Done renderer.Present(); } // This updates the selection private void Update() { // biwa. This is a fix for autodrag, since it will actually fire OnMouseLeave and would crash when Update is called while the // mouse is outside the window. This does *not* happen when dragging without autodrag. if (!mouseinside) return; // Not in any modifying mode? if(mode == ModifyMode.None) { // Check what grip the mouse is over // and change cursor accordingly Grip mousegrip = (autodrag ? Grip.Main : CheckMouseGrip()); //mxd. We only want to move when starting auto-dragging switch(mousegrip) { case Grip.Main: // Find the nearest vertex within highlight range Vertex v = MapSet.NearestVertex(selectedvertices, mousemappos); // Find the nearest thing within range Thing t = MapSet.NearestThing(selectedthings, mousemappos); // Highlight the one that is closer if((v != null) && (t != null)) { if(v.DistanceToSq(mousemappos) < t.DistanceToSq(mousemappos)) { if(v != highlighted) Highlight(v); } else { if(t != highlighted) Highlight(t); } } else if(v != null) { if(v != highlighted) Highlight(v); } else { if(t != highlighted) Highlight(t); } General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Hand); break; case Grip.RotateLB: case Grip.RotateLT: case Grip.RotateRB: case Grip.RotateRT: Highlight(null); General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Cross); break; case Grip.SizeE: case Grip.SizeS: case Grip.SizeW: case Grip.SizeN: // Pick the best matching cursor depending on rotation and side double resizeangle = rotation; if((mousegrip == Grip.SizeE) || (mousegrip == Grip.SizeW)) resizeangle += Angle2D.PIHALF; resizeangle = Angle2D.Normalized(resizeangle); if(resizeangle > Angle2D.PI) resizeangle -= Angle2D.PI; resizeangle = Math.Abs(resizeangle + Angle2D.PI / 8.000001f); int cursorindex = (int)Math.Floor((resizeangle / Angle2D.PI) * 4.0f) % 4; General.Interface.SetCursor(RESIZE_CURSORS[cursorindex]); Highlight(null); break; default: Highlight(null); General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Default); break; } } else { Vector2D snappedmappos = mousemappos; bool dosnaptogrid = snaptogrid; // Options snaptogrid = General.Interface.ShiftState ^ General.Interface.SnapToGrid; snaptonearest = General.Interface.CtrlState ^ General.Interface.AutoMerge; // Change to crosshair cursor so we can clearly see around the mouse cursor General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Cross); // Check what modifying mode we are in switch(mode) { // Dragging case ModifyMode.Dragging: // Change offset without snapping offset = mousemappos - dragoffset; // Calculate transformed position of highlighted vertex Vector2D transformedpos = TransformedPoint(highlightedpos); // Snap to nearest vertex? if(snaptonearest && (highlighted != null)) { double vrange = BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange / renderer.Scale; // Try the nearest vertex Vertex nv = MapSet.NearestVertexSquareRange(unselectedvertices, transformedpos, vrange); if(nv != null) { // Change offset to snap to target offset += nv.Position - transformedpos; dosnaptogrid = false; } else { // Find the nearest unselected line within range Linedef nl = MapSet.NearestLinedefRange(unselectedlines, transformedpos, BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange / renderer.Scale); if(nl != null) { // Snap to grid? if(dosnaptogrid) { // Get grid intersection coordinates List coords = nl.GetGridIntersections(General.Map.Grid.GridRotate, General.Map.Grid.GridOriginX, General.Map.Grid.GridOriginY); // Find nearest grid intersection double found_distance = double.MaxValue; Vector2D found_pos = new Vector2D(double.NaN, double.NaN); foreach(Vector2D v in coords) { Vector2D dist = transformedpos - v; if(dist.GetLengthSq() < found_distance) { // Found a better match found_distance = dist.GetLengthSq(); found_pos = v; // Do not snap to grid anymore dosnaptogrid = false; } } // Found something? if(!double.IsNaN(found_pos.x)) { // Change offset to snap to target offset += found_pos - transformedpos; } } else { // Change offset to snap onto the line offset += nl.NearestOnLine(transformedpos) - transformedpos; } } } } // Snap to grid? if(dosnaptogrid && (highlighted != null)) { // Change offset to align to grid offset += General.Map.Grid.SnappedToGrid(transformedpos) - transformedpos; } // Update UpdateGeometry(); UpdateRectangleComponents(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); break; // Resizing case ModifyMode.Resizing: // Snap to nearest vertex? if(snaptonearest) { float vrange = BuilderPlug.Me.StitchRange / renderer.Scale; // Try the nearest vertex Vertex nv = MapSet.NearestVertexSquareRange(unselectedvertices, snappedmappos, vrange); if(nv != null) { snappedmappos = nv.Position; dosnaptogrid = false; } } // Snap to grid? if(dosnaptogrid) { // Aligned to grid snappedmappos = General.Map.Grid.SnappedToGrid(snappedmappos); } // Keep corner position Vector2D oldcorner = corners[stickcorner]; // Change size with the scale from the ruler double newscale = resizeaxis.GetNearestOnLine(snappedmappos); size = (basesize * resizefilter) * newscale + size * (1.0f - resizefilter); //mxd. Update scale newscale = 1f / newscale; if(double.IsInfinity(newscale) || double.IsNaN(newscale)) newscale = 99999f; scale = (newscale * resizefilter) + scale * (1.0f - resizefilter); if(double.IsInfinity(scale.x) || double.IsNaN(scale.x)) scale.x = 99999f; if(double.IsInfinity(scale.y) || double.IsNaN(scale.y)) scale.y = 99999f; // Adjust corner position Vector2D newcorner = TransformedPoint(originalcorners[stickcorner]); offset -= newcorner - oldcorner; // Show the extension line so that the user knows what it is aligning to Vector2D sizefiltered = (size * resizefilter); double sizelength = sizefiltered.x + sizefiltered.y; Line2D edgeline = new Line2D(resizeaxis.v1 + resizevector * sizelength, resizeaxis.v1 + resizevector * sizelength - edgevector); double nearestonedge = edgeline.GetNearestOnLine(snappedmappos); if(nearestonedge > 0.5f) extensionline = new Line2D(edgeline.v1, snappedmappos); else extensionline = new Line2D(edgeline.v2, snappedmappos); // Update UpdateGeometry(); UpdateRectangleComponents(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); break; // Rotating case ModifyMode.Rotating: // Get angle from mouse to center Vector2D center = offset + size * 0.5f; Vector2D delta = snappedmappos - center; rotation = delta.GetAngle() - rotategripangle; // Snap rotation to grip? if(dosnaptogrid) { // We make 24 vectors that the rotation can snap to double founddistance = double.MaxValue; double foundrotation = rotation; Vector3D rotvec = Vector2D.FromAngle(rotation); for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { // Make the vectors double angle = i * Angle2D.PI * 0.08333333333f; //mxd. 15-degree increments Vector2D gridvec = Vector2D.FromAngle(angle); // Check distance double dist = 2.0f - Vector2D.DotProduct(gridvec, rotvec); if(dist < founddistance) { foundrotation = angle; founddistance = dist; } } // Keep rotation rotation = foundrotation; } // Update UpdateGeometry(); UpdateRectangleComponents(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); break; } } } // This checks and returns the grip the mouse pointer is in private Grip CheckMouseGrip() { if(PointInRectF(resizegrips[0], mousemappos)) return Grip.SizeN; if(PointInRectF(resizegrips[2], mousemappos)) return Grip.SizeS; if(PointInRectF(resizegrips[1], mousemappos)) return Grip.SizeE; if(PointInRectF(resizegrips[3], mousemappos)) return Grip.SizeW; if(PointInRectF(rotategrips[0], mousemappos)) return Grip.RotateLT; if(PointInRectF(rotategrips[1], mousemappos)) return Grip.RotateRT; if(PointInRectF(rotategrips[2], mousemappos)) return Grip.RotateRB; if(PointInRectF(rotategrips[3], mousemappos)) return Grip.RotateLB; if(Tools.PointInPolygon(corners, mousemappos)) return Grip.Main; return Grip.None; } // This applies the current rotation and resize to a point private Vector2D TransformedPoint(Vector2D p) { // Resize p = (p - baseoffset) * (size / basesize) + baseoffset; // Rotate Vector2D center = baseoffset + size * 0.5f; Vector2D po = p - center; p = po.GetRotated(rotation); p += center; // Translate p += offset - baseoffset; return p; } // This applies the current rotation and resize to a point private Vector2D TransformedPointNoScale(Vector2D p) { // Rotate Vector2D center = baseoffset + size * 0.5f; Vector2D po = p - center; p = po.GetRotated(rotation); p += center; // Translate p += offset - baseoffset; return p; } // This applies the current rotation and resize to a point private Vector2D TransformedPointNoRotate(Vector2D p) { // Resize p = (p - baseoffset) * (size / basesize) + baseoffset; // Translate p += offset - baseoffset; return p; } // This applies the current rotation and resize to a point private Vector2D TransformedPointNoRotateNoScale(Vector2D p) { // Translate p += offset - baseoffset; return p; } // This checks if a point is in a rect private static bool PointInRectF(RectangleF rect, Vector2D point) { return !(point.x < rect.Left || point.x > rect.Right || point.y < rect.Top || point.y > rect.Bottom); //mxd } // This updates the values in the panel private void UpdatePanel() { Vector2D relsize = (size / basesize) * 100.0f; if(panel != null) panel.ShowCurrentValues(offset, offset - baseoffset, size, relsize, rotation); } // This moves all things and vertices to match the current transformation private void UpdateGeometry() { double[] newthingangle = thingangle.ToArray(); int index; // Flip things horizontally if(size.x < 0.0f) { for(index = 0; index < newthingangle.Length; index++) { // Check quadrant if((newthingangle[index] >= 0f) && (newthingangle[index] < Angle2D.PIHALF)) newthingangle[index] = newthingangle[index] - (newthingangle[index] * 2); else if((newthingangle[index] >= Angle2D.PIHALF) && (newthingangle[index] <= Angle2D.PI)) newthingangle[index] = newthingangle[index] + (Angle2D.PI - newthingangle[index]) * 2; else if((newthingangle[index] >= Angle2D.PI) && (newthingangle[index] <= Angle2D.PI + Angle2D.PIHALF)) newthingangle[index] = newthingangle[index] - (newthingangle[index] - Angle2D.PI) * 2; else newthingangle[index] = newthingangle[index] + (Angle2D.PI2 - newthingangle[index]) * 2; } } // Flip things vertically if(size.y < 0.0f) { for(index = 0; index < newthingangle.Length; index++) { // Check quadrant if((newthingangle[index] >= 0f) && (newthingangle[index] < Angle2D.PIHALF)) newthingangle[index] = newthingangle[index] + (Angle2D.PI - newthingangle[index] * 2); else if((newthingangle[index] >= Angle2D.PIHALF) && (newthingangle[index] <= Angle2D.PI)) newthingangle[index] = newthingangle[index] - (newthingangle[index] - Angle2D.PIHALF) * 2; else if((newthingangle[index] >= Angle2D.PI) && (newthingangle[index] <= Angle2D.PI + Angle2D.PIHALF)) newthingangle[index] = newthingangle[index] + (Angle2D.PI - (newthingangle[index] - Angle2D.PI) * 2); else newthingangle[index] = newthingangle[index] - (newthingangle[index] - (Angle2D.PI + Angle2D.PIHALF)) * 2; } } // We use optimized versions of the TransformedPoint depending on what needs to be done. // This is mainly done because 0.0 rotation and 1.0 scale may still give slight inaccuracies. bool norotate = Math.Abs(rotation) < 0.0001f; bool noscale = Math.Abs(size.x - basesize.x) + Math.Abs(size.y - basesize.y) < 0.0001f; if(norotate && noscale) { index = 0; foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) { v.Move(TransformedPointNoRotateNoScale(vertexpos[index++])); } index = 0; foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { t.Move(TransformedPointNoRotateNoScale(thingpos[index++])); } } else if(norotate) { index = 0; foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) { v.Move(TransformedPointNoRotate(vertexpos[index++])); } index = 0; foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { t.Move(TransformedPointNoRotate(thingpos[index++])); } } else if(noscale) { index = 0; foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) { v.Move(TransformedPointNoScale(vertexpos[index++])); } index = 0; foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { newthingangle[index] = Angle2D.Normalized(newthingangle[index] + rotation); t.Move(TransformedPointNoScale(thingpos[index++])); } } else { index = 0; foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) { v.Move(TransformedPoint(vertexpos[index++])); } index = 0; foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { newthingangle[index] = Angle2D.Normalized(newthingangle[index] + rotation); t.Move(TransformedPoint(thingpos[index++])); } } // This checks if the lines should be flipped bool shouldbeflipped = (size.x < 0.0f) ^ (size.y < 0.0f); if(shouldbeflipped != linesflipped) FlipLinedefs(); // Apply new thing rotations index = 0; foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { //mxd. Added special Polyobj Anchor handling and Doom angle clamping if(!fixedrotationthingtypes.Contains(t.Type)) { int newangle = Angle2D.RealToDoom(Angle2D.Normalized(newthingangle[index])); if(General.Map.Config.DoomThingRotationAngles) newangle = newangle / 45 * 45; t.Rotate(newangle); } index++; } UpdatePanel(); General.Map.Map.Update(true, false); } //mxd. This updates texture transforms for all sectors private void UpdateTextureTransform() { foreach(KeyValuePair group in selectedsectors) { group.Key.Fields.BeforeFieldsChange(); // Apply transforms UpdateTextureTransform(group.Key.Fields, group.Value.Ceiling, transformceiloffsets, rotateceiloffsets, scaleceiloffsets); UpdateTextureTransform(group.Key.Fields, group.Value.Floor, transformflooroffsets, rotateflooroffsets, scaleflooroffsets); // Update cache group.Key.UpdateNeeded = true; group.Key.UpdateCache(); } // Map was changed General.Map.IsChanged = true; } //mxd. This updates texture transforms in given UniFields private void UpdateTextureTransform(UniFields fields, SurfaceTextureInfo si, bool transformoffsets, bool rotateoffsets, bool scaleoffsets) { // Get offset-ready values double texrotation = Angle2D.PI2 - rotation; // Update texture offsets if (transformoffsets) { double trotation = rotateoffsets ? (si.Rotation + texrotation) : (si.Rotation); Vector2D offset = selectioncenter.GetRotated(trotation); fields["xpanning" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, Math.Round(-offset.x, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals)); fields["ypanning" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, Math.Round(offset.y, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals)); } // Restore texture offsets else { fields["xpanning" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, si.Offset.x); fields["ypanning" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, si.Offset.y); } // Update rotation if(rotateoffsets) fields["rotation" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.AngleDegreesFloat, General.ClampAngle(Math.Round(Angle2D.RadToDeg(si.Rotation + texrotation), General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals))); // Restore rotation else fields["rotation" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.AngleDegreesFloat, Angle2D.RadToDeg(si.Rotation)); // Update scale if(scaleoffsets) { fields["xscale" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, Math.Round(si.Scale.x * scale.x, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals)); fields["yscale" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, Math.Round(-si.Scale.y * scale.y, General.Map.FormatInterface.VertexDecimals)); } // Restore scale else { fields["xscale" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, si.Scale.x); fields["yscale" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, -si.Scale.y); } } //mxd. This restores texture transforms for all sectors private void RestoreTextureTransform() { foreach(KeyValuePair group in selectedsectors) { group.Key.Fields.BeforeFieldsChange(); // Revert transforms RestoreTextureTransform(group.Key.Fields, group.Value.Ceiling); RestoreTextureTransform(group.Key.Fields, group.Value.Floor); // Update cache group.Key.UpdateNeeded = true; group.Key.UpdateCache(); } } //mxd. This restores texture transforms in given UniFields private static void RestoreTextureTransform(UniFields fields, SurfaceTextureInfo si) { fields["rotation" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.AngleDegreesFloat, Angle2D.RadToDeg(si.Rotation)); fields["xscale" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, si.Scale.x); fields["yscale" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, -si.Scale.y); fields["xpanning" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, si.Offset.x); fields["ypanning" + si.Part] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Float, si.Offset.y); } // This updates the selection rectangle components private void UpdateRectangleComponents() { float gripsize = GRIP_SIZE / renderer.Scale; PixelColor rectcolor = General.Colors.Highlight.WithAlpha(RECTANGLE_ALPHA); // Original (untransformed) corners originalcorners = new Vector2D[4]; originalcorners[0] = new Vector2D(baseoffset.x, baseoffset.y); originalcorners[1] = new Vector2D(baseoffset.x + basesize.x, baseoffset.y); originalcorners[2] = new Vector2D(baseoffset.x + basesize.x, baseoffset.y + basesize.y); originalcorners[3] = new Vector2D(baseoffset.x, baseoffset.y + basesize.y); // Corners corners = new Vector2D[4]; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) corners[i] = TransformedPoint(originalcorners[i]); // Vertices cornerverts = new FlatVertex[6]; for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { cornerverts[i] = new FlatVertex(); cornerverts[i].z = 1.0f; cornerverts[i].c = rectcolor.ToInt(); } cornerverts[0].x = (float)corners[0].x; cornerverts[0].y = (float)corners[0].y; cornerverts[1].x = (float)corners[1].x; cornerverts[1].y = (float)corners[1].y; cornerverts[2].x = (float)corners[2].x; cornerverts[2].y = (float)corners[2].y; cornerverts[3].x = (float)corners[0].x; cornerverts[3].y = (float)corners[0].y; cornerverts[4].x = (float)corners[2].x; cornerverts[4].y = (float)corners[2].y; cornerverts[5].x = (float)corners[3].x; cornerverts[5].y = (float)corners[3].y; // Middle points between corners Vector2D middle01 = corners[0] + (corners[1] - corners[0]) * 0.5f; Vector2D middle12 = corners[1] + (corners[2] - corners[1]) * 0.5f; Vector2D middle23 = corners[2] + (corners[3] - corners[2]) * 0.5f; Vector2D middle30 = corners[3] + (corners[0] - corners[3]) * 0.5f; // Resize grips resizegrips = new RectangleF[4]; resizegrips[0] = new RectangleF((float)(middle01.x - gripsize * 0.5f), (float)(middle01.y - gripsize * 0.5f), gripsize, gripsize); resizegrips[1] = new RectangleF((float)(middle12.x - gripsize * 0.5f), (float)(middle12.y - gripsize * 0.5f), gripsize, gripsize); resizegrips[2] = new RectangleF((float)(middle23.x - gripsize * 0.5f), (float)(middle23.y - gripsize * 0.5f), gripsize, gripsize); resizegrips[3] = new RectangleF((float)(middle30.x - gripsize * 0.5f), (float)(middle30.y - gripsize * 0.5f), gripsize, gripsize); // Rotate grips rotategrips = new RectangleF[4]; rotategrips[0] = new RectangleF((float)(corners[0].x - gripsize * 0.5f), (float)(corners[0].y - gripsize * 0.5f), gripsize, gripsize); rotategrips[1] = new RectangleF((float)(corners[1].x - gripsize * 0.5f), (float)(corners[1].y - gripsize * 0.5f), gripsize, gripsize); rotategrips[2] = new RectangleF((float)(corners[2].x - gripsize * 0.5f), (float)(corners[2].y - gripsize * 0.5f), gripsize, gripsize); rotategrips[3] = new RectangleF((float)(corners[3].x - gripsize * 0.5f), (float)(corners[3].y - gripsize * 0.5f), gripsize, gripsize); //mxd. Update selection center selectioncenter = new Vector2D(offset.x + size.x * 0.5f, offset.y + size.y * 0.5f); } // This flips all linedefs in the selection (used for mirroring) private void FlipLinedefs() { //mxd. Check if we need to flip sidedefs bool flipsides = false; HashSet selectedlineshash = new HashSet(selectedlines); foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) { foreach(Linedef l in v.Linedefs) { if(!selectedlineshash.Contains(l)) { flipsides = true; break; } } } // Flip linedefs foreach(Linedef ld in selectedlines) { ld.FlipVertices(); if(flipsides) ld.FlipSidedefs(); //mxd } // Done linesflipped = !linesflipped; } /// /// Returns a transformed Vector2D /// /// The Vector2D to transform /// Transformed Vector2D private Vector2D GetTransformedVector(Vector2D v) { // We use optimized versions of the TransformedPoint depending on what needs to be done. // This is mainly done because 0.0 rotation and 1.0 scale may still give slight inaccuracies. bool norotate = Math.Abs(rotation) < 0.0001f; bool noscale = Math.Abs(size.x - basesize.x) + Math.Abs(size.y - basesize.y) < 0.0001f; if (norotate && noscale) { return new Vector2D(TransformedPointNoRotateNoScale(v)); } else if (norotate) { return new Vector2D(TransformedPointNoRotate(v)); } else if (noscale) { return new Vector2D(TransformedPointNoScale(v)); } else { return new Vector2D(TransformedPoint(v)); } } #endregion #region ================== Sector height adjust methods (mxd) //x = floor height, y = ceiling height private static Point GetOutsideHeights(HashSet sectors) { Sector target = null; Point result = new Point { X = int.MinValue, Y = int.MinValue }; foreach(Sector s in sectors) { foreach(Sidedef side in s.Sidedefs) { // Don't compare with our own stuff, among other things if(side.Other == null || side.Other.Sector == null || sectors.Contains(side.Other.Sector)) continue; if(target == null) { target = side.Other.Sector; result.X = target.FloorHeight; result.Y = target.CeilHeight; } else if(target != side.Other.Sector) { // Compare heights if(target.FloorHeight != side.Other.Sector.FloorHeight) result.X = int.MinValue; if(target.CeilHeight != side.Other.Sector.CeilHeight) result.Y = int.MinValue; // We can stop now... if(result.X == int.MinValue && result.Y == int.MinValue) return result; } } } return result; } private static void AdjustSectorsHeight(HashSet toadjust, HeightAdjustMode adjustmode, int oldfloorheight, int oldceilheight) { // Adjust only when selection is inside a single sector if(adjustmode == HeightAdjustMode.NONE || oldfloorheight == int.MinValue || oldceilheight == int.MinValue) return; Point outsideheights = GetOutsideHeights(toadjust); if(outsideheights.X == int.MinValue && outsideheights.Y == int.MinValue) return; // Height differences int floorheightdiff = (outsideheights.X == int.MinValue ? int.MinValue : outsideheights.X - oldfloorheight); int ceilheightdiff = (outsideheights.Y == int.MinValue ? int.MinValue : outsideheights.Y - oldceilheight); switch(adjustmode) { case HeightAdjustMode.ADJUST_FLOORS: if(floorheightdiff != int.MinValue) { foreach(Sector s in toadjust) AdjustSectorHeight(s, floorheightdiff, int.MinValue); } break; case HeightAdjustMode.ADJUST_CEILINGS: if(ceilheightdiff != int.MinValue) { foreach(Sector s in toadjust) AdjustSectorHeight(s, int.MinValue, ceilheightdiff); } break; case HeightAdjustMode.ADJUST_BOTH: foreach(Sector s in toadjust) AdjustSectorHeight(s, floorheightdiff, ceilheightdiff); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown HeightAdjustMode: " + adjustmode); } } private static void AdjustSectorHeight(Sector s, int flooroffset, int ceiloffset) { // Adjust floor height if(flooroffset != int.MinValue) { // Adjust regular height s.FloorHeight += flooroffset; if(General.Map.UDMF) { // Adjust slope height? if(s.FloorSlope.GetLengthSq() > 0 && !double.IsNaN(s.FloorSlopeOffset / s.FloorSlope.z)) { s.FloorSlopeOffset -= flooroffset * Math.Sin(s.FloorSlope.GetAngleZ()); } // Adjust vertex height? else if(s.Sidedefs.Count == 3) { // Collect verts HashSet verts = new HashSet(); foreach(Sidedef side in s.Sidedefs) { verts.Add(side.Line.Start); verts.Add(side.Line.End); } // Offset verts foreach(Vertex v in verts) { if(!double.IsNaN(v.ZFloor)) v.ZFloor += flooroffset; } } } } // Adjust ceiling height if(ceiloffset != int.MinValue) { // Adjust regular height s.CeilHeight += ceiloffset; if(General.Map.UDMF) { // Adjust slope height? if(s.CeilSlope.GetLengthSq() > 0 && !double.IsNaN(s.CeilSlopeOffset / s.CeilSlope.z)) { s.CeilSlopeOffset -= ceiloffset * Math.Sin(s.CeilSlope.GetAngleZ()); } // Adjust vertex height? else if(s.Sidedefs.Count == 3) { // Collect verts HashSet verts = new HashSet(); foreach(Sidedef side in s.Sidedefs) { verts.Add(side.Line.Start); verts.Add(side.Line.End); } // Offset verts foreach(Vertex v in verts) { if(!double.IsNaN(v.ZCeiling)) v.ZCeiling += ceiloffset; } } } } } #endregion #region ================== Events public override void OnHelp() { General.ShowHelp("e_editselection.html"); } // Mode engages public override void OnEngage() { base.OnEngage(); autodrag = (pasting && mouseinside && BuilderPlug.Me.AutoDragOnPaste); snaptonearest = General.Interface.AutoMerge; //mxd selectedsectors = new Dictionary(); //mxd // Add toolbar buttons General.Interface.BeginToolbarUpdate(); //mxd General.Interface.AddButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.FlipSelectionH); General.Interface.AddButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.FlipSelectionV); General.Interface.EndToolbarUpdate(); //mxd //mxd. Get EditPanel-related settings usepreciseposition = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("editselectionmode.usepreciseposition", true); heightadjustmode = (HeightAdjustMode)General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("editselectionmode.heightadjustmode", (int)HeightAdjustMode.NONE); // Add docker panel = new EditSelectionPanel(this); docker = new Docker("editselection", "Edit Selection", panel); General.Interface.AddDocker(docker, true); General.Interface.SelectDocker(docker); // We don't want to record this for undoing while we move the geometry around. // This will be set back to normal when we're done. General.Map.UndoRedo.IgnorePropChanges = true; // Convert geometry selection General.Map.Map.ClearAllMarks(false); General.Map.Map.MarkSelectedVertices(true, true); General.Map.Map.MarkSelectedThings(true, true); General.Map.Map.MarkSelectedLinedefs(true, true); General.Map.Map.MarkSelectedSectors(true, true); ICollection verts = General.Map.Map.GetVerticesFromLinesMarks(true); foreach(Vertex v in verts) v.Marked = true; ICollection sectors = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true); //mxd foreach(Sector s in sectors) { foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs) { sd.Line.Marked = true; sd.Line.Start.Marked = true; sd.Line.End.Marked = true; } } selectedvertices = General.Map.Map.GetMarkedVertices(true); selectedthings = General.Map.Map.GetMarkedThings(true); unselectedvertices = General.Map.Map.GetMarkedVertices(false); // Make sure everything is selected so that it turns up red foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) v.Selected = true; ICollection markedlines = General.Map.Map.LinedefsFromMarkedVertices(false, true, false); foreach(Linedef l in markedlines) l.Selected = true; selectedlines = General.Map.Map.LinedefsFromMarkedVertices(false, true, false); unselectedlines = General.Map.Map.LinedefsFromMarkedVertices(true, false, false); unstablelines = (pasting ? new List() : General.Map.Map.LinedefsFromMarkedVertices(false, false, true)); //mxd if (General.Map.UDMF) { foreach (Sector s in General.Map.Map.GetSectorsFromLinedefs(selectedlines)) selectedsectors.Add(s, new SectorTextureInfo(s)); } // Array to keep original coordinates vertexpos = new List(selectedvertices.Count); thingpos = new List(selectedthings.Count); thingangle = new List(selectedthings.Count); fixedrotationthingtypes = new List(); //mxd // A selection must be made! if((selectedvertices.Count > 0) || (selectedthings.Count > 0)) { // Initialize offset and size offset.x = float.MaxValue; offset.y = float.MaxValue; Vector2D right; right.x = float.MinValue; right.y = float.MinValue; foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) { // Find left-top and right-bottom if(v.Position.x < offset.x) offset.x = v.Position.x; if(v.Position.y < offset.y) offset.y = v.Position.y; if(v.Position.x > right.x) right.x = v.Position.x; if(v.Position.y > right.y) right.y = v.Position.y; // Keep original coordinates vertexpos.Add(v.Position); } foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { // Find left-top and right-bottom if((t.Position.x - t.Size) < offset.x) offset.x = t.Position.x - t.Size; if((t.Position.y - t.Size) < offset.y) offset.y = t.Position.y - t.Size; if((t.Position.x + t.Size) > right.x) right.x = t.Position.x + t.Size; if((t.Position.y + t.Size) > right.y) right.y = t.Position.y + t.Size; if(!fixedrotationthingtypes.Contains(t.Type)) //mxd { ThingTypeInfo tti = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfoEx(t.Type); if(tti != null && tti.FixedRotation) fixedrotationthingtypes.Add(t.Type); } // Keep original coordinates thingpos.Add(t.Position); thingangle.Add(t.Angle); } // Calculate size size = right - offset; // If the width of a dimension is zero, add a little if(Math.Abs(size.x) < 1.0f) { size.x += ZERO_SIZE_ADDITION; offset.x -= ZERO_SIZE_ADDITION / 2; } if(Math.Abs(size.y) < 1.0f) { size.y += ZERO_SIZE_ADDITION; offset.y -= ZERO_SIZE_ADDITION / 2; } basesize = size; baseoffset = offset; selectionbasecenter = new Vector2D(offset.x + size.x * 0.5f, offset.y + size.y * 0.5f); //mxd // When pasting, we want to move the geometry so it is visible if(pasting) { // Mouse in screen? if(mouseinside) { offset = mousemappos - size / 2; } else { Vector2D viewmappos = new Vector2D(renderer.OffsetX, renderer.OffsetY); offset = viewmappos - size / 2; } if(General.Interface.SnapToGrid) //mxd offset = General.Map.Grid.SnappedToGrid(offset); UpdateGeometry(); General.Map.Data.UpdateUsedTextures(); if(!autodrag) General.Map.Map.Update(); } // Set presentation if(selectedthings.Count > 0) renderer.SetPresentation(Presentation.Things); else renderer.SetPresentation(Presentation.Standard); // Update panel.ShowOriginalValues(baseoffset, basesize); panel.SetTextureTransformSettings(General.Map.UDMF); //mxd panel.SetHeightAdjustMode(heightadjustmode, sectors.Count > 0); //mxd UpdateRectangleComponents(); UpdatePanel(); Update(); // When pasting and mouse is in screen, drag selection immediately if(autodrag) { OnSelectBegin(); autodrag = false; //mxd. Don't need this any more } } else { General.Interface.MessageBeep(MessageBeepType.Default); General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Info, "A selection is required for this action."); // Cancel now General.Editing.CancelMode(); } } // Cancel mode public override void OnCancel() { // Only allow the following code to be run once if (cancelled) return; base.OnCancel(); // Paste operation? if(pasting) { // Resume normal undo/redo recording General.Map.UndoRedo.IgnorePropChanges = false; General.Map.Map.BeginAddRemove(); //mxd // Remove the geometry foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) v.Dispose(); foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) t.Dispose(); General.Map.Map.EndAddRemove(); //mxd // Withdraw the undo if(General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo != null) General.Map.UndoRedo.WithdrawUndo(); } else { // Reset geometry in original position int index = 0; foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) v.Move(vertexpos[index++]); index = 0; foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { t.Rotate(thingangle[index]); t.Move(thingpos[index++]); } //mxd. Reset texture offsets to original values if(General.Map.UDMF) RestoreTextureTransform(); // Resume normal undo/redo recording General.Map.UndoRedo.IgnorePropChanges = false; } General.Map.Map.Update(true, true); // Return to previous stable mode General.Editing.ChangeMode(General.Editing.PreviousStableMode.Name); } // When accepted public override void OnAccept() { base.OnAccept(); // Anything to do? if((selectedthings.Count > 0) || (selectedvertices.Count > 0)) { Vector2D tl = new Vector2D(General.Map.Config.RightBoundary, General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary); Vector2D br = new Vector2D(General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary, General.Map.Config.RightBoundary); foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) { if(v.Position.x < tl.x) tl.x = (int)v.Position.x; if(v.Position.x > br.x) br.x = (int)v.Position.x; if(v.Position.y > tl.y) tl.y = (int)v.Position.y; if(v.Position.y < br.y) br.y = (int)v.Position.y; } foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { if(t.Position.x < tl.x) tl.x = (int)t.Position.x; if(t.Position.x > br.x) br.x = (int)t.Position.x; if(t.Position.y > tl.y) tl.y = (int)t.Position.y; if(t.Position.y < br.y) br.y = (int)t.Position.y; } // Check if the selection is outside the map boundaries if(tl.x < General.Map.Config.LeftBoundary || br.x > General.Map.Config.RightBoundary || tl.y > General.Map.Config.TopBoundary || br.y < General.Map.Config.BottomBoundary) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Error: selection out of map boundaries."); // If we're in the process of switching to another mode, reset to selection // to its old position if(modealreadyswitching) { // Reset geometry in original position int index = 0; foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) v.Move(vertexpos[index++]); index = 0; foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { t.Rotate(thingangle[index]); t.Move(thingpos[index++]); } //mxd. Reset texture offsets to their original position if(General.Map.UDMF) RestoreTextureTransform(); // Resume normal undo/redo recording General.Map.UndoRedo.IgnorePropChanges = false; General.Map.Map.Update(true, true); } return; } Cursor.Current = Cursors.AppStarting; if(!pasting) { // Reset geometry in original position to create an undo if(linesflipped) FlipLinedefs(); // Flip linedefs back if they were flipped int index = 0; foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) v.Move(vertexpos[index++]); index = 0; foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { t.Rotate(thingangle[index]); t.Move(thingpos[index++]); } //mxd. Reset texture offsets to their original position if(General.Map.UDMF) RestoreTextureTransform(); General.Map.Map.Update(true, true); // Make undo General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Edit selection"); } // Resume normal undo/redo recording General.Map.UndoRedo.IgnorePropChanges = false; // Mark selected geometry General.Map.Map.ClearAllMarks(false); General.Map.Map.MarkAllSelectedGeometry(true, true, true, true, false); //mxd. Update sector slopes? // Do this after UpdateGeometry() because it makes calculating the new slopes much easier if (General.Map.UDMF) { Dictionary> controlsectors = new Dictionary>(); // Keep track which floors and ceilings were already updated, otherwise it could happen that they are updated multiple times, // resulting in wrong offsets List updatedcsfloors = new List(); List updatedcsceilings = new List(); // Create cache of 3D floor control sectors that reference the selected sectors. Only do it if not pasting, since the slopes // will only be updated when not pasting, since it'd otherwise screw up the original slopes if (updateslopes) { foreach (Linedef ld in General.Map.Map.Linedefs) { if (ld.Action != 160) // Action 160 defines a 3D floor continue; if (ld.Args[0] == 0) // First argument of the action is the sector tag. 0 is not a valid value continue; Sector cs = ld.Front.Sector; // Skip sectors that don't have a slope if ((cs.FloorSlope.GetLengthSq() <= 0 || double.IsNaN(cs.FloorSlopeOffset / cs.FloorSlope.z)) && (cs.CeilSlope.GetLengthSq() <= 0 || double.IsNaN(cs.CeilSlopeOffset / cs.CeilSlope.z))) continue; foreach (Sector s in selectedsectors.Keys) { if (!s.Tags.Contains(ld.Args[0])) continue; if (!controlsectors.ContainsKey(s)) controlsectors.Add(s, new List()); controlsectors[s].Add(cs); } } } foreach (Sector s in selectedsectors.Keys) { // Manually update the sector bounding boxes, because they still contain the old values s.UpdateBBox(); // Update floor slope? if (s.FloorSlope.GetLengthSq() > 0 && !double.IsNaN(s.FloorSlopeOffset / s.FloorSlope.z)) { // Flip the plane normal if necessary Vector3D normal = s.FloorSlope; if (size.x < 0.0f) normal.x *= -1; if (size.y < 0.0f) normal.y *= -1; double angle = normal.GetAngleXY() + rotation + Angle2D.PIHALF; // Get the center of the *new* sector position. Use the z value of the center *old* sector position Vector2D originalcenter = new Vector2D(s.BBox.X + s.BBox.Width / 2, s.BBox.Y + s.BBox.Height / 2); Vector3D newcenter = GetTransformedVector(originalcenter); newcenter.z = new Plane(s.FloorSlope, s.FloorSlopeOffset).GetZ(originalcenter); Plane p = new Plane(newcenter, angle, -s.FloorSlope.GetAngleZ(), true); s.FloorSlope = p.Normal; s.FloorSlopeOffset = p.Offset; } // Update the slopes of 3D floor control sectors. Only do it if not pasting, since it'd otherwise screw up the original slopes if (updateslopes && controlsectors.ContainsKey(s)) { foreach (Sector cs in controlsectors[s]) { // Floor of the control sector already uptated? if (updatedcsfloors.Contains(cs)) continue; // Is the floor sloped? if (cs.FloorSlope.GetLengthSq() <= 0 || double.IsNaN(cs.FloorSlopeOffset / cs.FloorSlope.z)) continue; // Flip the plane normal if necessary Vector3D normal = cs.FloorSlope; if (size.x < 0.0f) normal.x *= -1; if (size.y < 0.0f) normal.y *= -1; double angle = normal.GetAngleXY() + rotation + Angle2D.PIHALF; // Get the center of the *new* tagged sector position. Use the z value of the center *old* tagged sector position Vector2D originalcenter = new Vector2D(s.BBox.X + s.BBox.Width / 2, s.BBox.Y + s.BBox.Height / 2); Vector3D newcenter = GetTransformedVector(originalcenter); newcenter.z = new Plane(cs.FloorSlope, cs.FloorSlopeOffset).GetZ(originalcenter); Plane p = new Plane(newcenter, angle, -cs.FloorSlope.GetAngleZ(), true); cs.FloorSlope = p.Normal; cs.FloorSlopeOffset = p.Offset; updatedcsfloors.Add(cs); } } // Update ceiling slope? if (s.CeilSlope.GetLengthSq() > 0 && !double.IsNaN(s.CeilSlopeOffset / s.CeilSlope.z)) { // Flip the plane normal if necessary Vector3D normal = s.CeilSlope; if (size.x < 0.0f) normal.x *= -1; if (size.y < 0.0f) normal.y *= -1; double angle = normal.GetAngleXY() + rotation + Angle2D.PIHALF; // Get the center of the *new* sector position. Use the z value of the center *old* sector position Vector2D originalcenter = new Vector2D(s.BBox.X + s.BBox.Width / 2, s.BBox.Y + s.BBox.Height / 2); Vector3D newcenter = GetTransformedVector(originalcenter); newcenter.z = new Plane(s.CeilSlope, s.CeilSlopeOffset).GetZ(originalcenter); Plane p = new Plane(newcenter, angle, -s.CeilSlope.GetAngleZ(), false); s.CeilSlope = p.Normal; s.CeilSlopeOffset = p.Offset; } // Update the slopes of 3D floor control sectors. Only do it if not pasting, since it'd otherwise screw up the original slopes if (updateslopes && controlsectors.ContainsKey(s)) { foreach (Sector cs in controlsectors[s]) { // Ceiling of the controlsector already updated? if (updatedcsceilings.Contains(cs)) continue; // Is the ceiling sloped? if (cs.CeilSlope.GetLengthSq() <= 0 || double.IsNaN(cs.CeilSlopeOffset / cs.CeilSlope.z)) continue; // Flip the plane normal if necessary Vector3D normal = cs.CeilSlope; if (size.x < 0.0f) normal.x *= -1; if (size.y < 0.0f) normal.y *= -1; double angle = normal.GetAngleXY() + rotation + Angle2D.PIHALF; // Get the center of the *new* tagged sector position. Use the z value of the center *old* tagged sector position Vector2D originalcenter = new Vector2D(s.BBox.X + s.BBox.Width / 2, s.BBox.Y + s.BBox.Height / 2); Vector3D newcenter = GetTransformedVector(originalcenter); newcenter.z = new Plane(cs.CeilSlope, cs.CeilSlopeOffset).GetZ(originalcenter); Plane p = new Plane(newcenter, angle, -cs.CeilSlope.GetAngleZ(), false); cs.CeilSlope = p.Normal; cs.CeilSlopeOffset = p.Offset; updatedcsceilings.Add(cs); } } } } // Move geometry to new position UpdateGeometry(); //mxd. Update floor/ceiling texture settings if (General.Map.UDMF) UpdateTextureTransform(); General.Map.Map.Update(true, true); //mxd int oldoutsidefloorheight = int.MinValue; int oldoutsideceilingheight = int.MinValue; // When pasting, we want to join with the parent sector // where the sidedefs are referencing a virtual sector if(pasting) { Sector parent = null; Sector vsector = null; General.Settings.FindDefaultDrawSettings(); // Go for all sidedes in the new geometry List newsides = General.Map.Map.GetMarkedSidedefs(true); List oldlines = General.Map.Map.GetMarkedLinedefs(false); //mxd //mxd. Let's use a blockmap... RectangleF area = MapSet.CreateArea(oldlines); BlockMap blockmap = new BlockMap(area); blockmap.AddLinedefsSet(oldlines); foreach(Sidedef s in newsides) { // Connected to a virtual sector? if(s.Marked && s.Sector.Fields.ContainsKey(MapSet.VirtualSectorField)) { bool joined = false; // Keep reference to virtual sector vsector = s.Sector; // Not virtual on both sides? // Pascal 3-1-08: I can't remember why I have this check here, but it causes problems when // pasting a single linedef that refers to the same sector on both sides (the line then // loses both its sidedefs because it doesn't join any sector) //if((s.Other != null) && !s.Other.Sector.Fields.ContainsKey(MapSet.VirtualSectorField)) { // Find out in which sector this was pasted Vector2D testpoint = s.Line.GetSidePoint(!s.IsFront); Linedef nl = MapSet.NearestLinedef(blockmap, testpoint); //mxd if(nl != null) { Sidedef joinsidedef = (nl.SideOfLine(testpoint) <= 0 ? nl.Front : nl.Back); // Join? if(joinsidedef != null) { // Join! s.SetSector(joinsidedef.Sector); s.Marked = false; joined = true; // If we have no parent sector yet, then this is it! if(parent == null) parent = joinsidedef.Sector; } } } // Not joined any sector? if(!joined) { Linedef l = s.Line; // Remove the sidedef s.Dispose(); // Correct the linedef if((l.Front == null) && (l.Back != null)) { l.FlipVertices(); l.FlipSidedefs(); } // Correct the sided flags l.ApplySidedFlags(); } } } // Do we have a virtual and parent sector? if((vsector != null) && (parent != null)) { //mxd. Store floor/ceiling height oldoutsidefloorheight = vsector.FloorHeight; oldoutsideceilingheight = vsector.CeilHeight; } // Remove any virtual sectors General.Map.Map.RemoveVirtualSectors(); } else { //mxd. Get floor/ceiling height from outside sectors if(unstablelines.Count == 0 && heightadjustmode != HeightAdjustMode.NONE) { // Get affected sectors HashSet affectedsectors = new HashSet(General.Map.Map.GetSelectedSectors(true)); Point outsideheights = GetOutsideHeights(affectedsectors); oldoutsidefloorheight = outsideheights.X; oldoutsideceilingheight = outsideheights.Y; } } //mxd. We'll need sidedefs marked by StitchGeometry, not all sidedefs from selection... General.Map.Map.ClearMarkedSidedefs(false); // Snap to map format accuracy. We need to do that before stitching geometry because vertices that are very very slightly off the grid (like 0.00001) can // cause problems with BlockMapGetBlockCoordinates in the 32bit version General.Map.Map.SnapAllToAccuracy(General.Map.UDMF && usepreciseposition); // Stitch geometry General.Map.Map.StitchGeometry(General.Settings.MergeGeometryMode); // Snap to map format accuracy General.Map.Map.SnapAllToAccuracy(General.Map.UDMF && usepreciseposition); //mxd. Get new lines from linedef marks... HashSet newlines = new HashSet(General.Map.Map.GetMarkedLinedefs(true)); //mxd. Marked lines were created during linedef splitting HashSet changedlines = new HashSet(selectedlines); changedlines.UnionWith(newlines); //mxd. Update sector height? if(changedlines.Count > 0 && heightadjustmode != HeightAdjustMode.NONE && oldoutsidefloorheight != int.MinValue && oldoutsideceilingheight != int.MinValue) { // Sectors may've been created/removed when applying dragging... HashSet draggedsectors = new HashSet(General.Map.Map.GetMarkedSectors(true)); foreach(Sector ss in selectedsectors.Keys) if(!ss.IsDisposed) draggedsectors.Add(ss); // Change floor/ceiling height AdjustSectorsHeight(draggedsectors, heightadjustmode, oldoutsidefloorheight, oldoutsideceilingheight); } // Update cached values General.Map.Data.UpdateUsedTextures(); General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Map.ThingsFilter.Update(); // Make normal selection? General.Map.Map.ClearAllSelected(); if(!clearselection) //mxd { foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) if(!v.IsDisposed) v.Selected = true; foreach(Linedef l in selectedlines) { if(!l.IsDisposed) { l.Start.Selected = true; l.End.Selected = true; } } foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) if(!t.IsDisposed) t.Selected = true; } General.Map.Map.SelectionType = SelectionType.Vertices | SelectionType.Things; // Done selectedvertices = new List(); selectedthings = new List(); selectedlines = new List(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; General.Map.IsChanged = true; } if(!modealreadyswitching) { // Return to previous stable mode General.Editing.ChangeMode(General.Editing.PreviousStableMode.Name); } } // Mode disengages public override void OnDisengage() { base.OnDisengage(); // Remove toolbar buttons General.Interface.BeginToolbarUpdate(); //mxd General.Interface.RemoveButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.FlipSelectionH); General.Interface.RemoveButton(BuilderPlug.Me.MenusForm.FlipSelectionV); General.Interface.EndToolbarUpdate(); //mxd //mxd. Save EditPanel-related settings General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("editselectionmode.usepreciseposition", usepreciseposition); General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("editselectionmode.heightadjustmode", (int)heightadjustmode); // Remove docker General.Interface.RemoveDocker(docker); panel.Dispose(); panel = null; // When not cancelled manually, we assume it is accepted if(!cancelled) { modealreadyswitching = true; //this.OnAccept(); // BAD! Any other plugins won't know this mode was accepted General.Editing.AcceptMode(); } // Update General.Map.ThingsFilter.Update(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); // Hide highlight info General.Interface.HideInfo(); General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Default); } // This redraws the display public override void OnRedrawDisplay() { UpdateRectangleComponents(); renderer.RedrawSurface(); // Render lines if(renderer.StartPlotter(true)) { renderer.PlotLinedefSet(General.Map.Map.Linedefs); renderer.PlotVerticesSet(General.Map.Map.Vertices); if(highlighted is Vertex) renderer.PlotVertex((Vertex)highlighted, ColorCollection.HIGHLIGHT); renderer.Finish(); } // Render things if(renderer.StartThings(true)) { renderer.RenderThingSet(General.Map.ThingsFilter.HiddenThings, General.Settings.HiddenThingsAlpha); renderer.RenderThingSet(General.Map.ThingsFilter.VisibleThings, General.Settings.ActiveThingsAlpha); if(highlighted is Thing) renderer.RenderThing((Thing)highlighted, General.Colors.Highlight, General.Settings.ActiveThingsAlpha); renderer.Finish(); } // Render selection if(renderer.StartOverlay(true)) { // Rectangle PixelColor rectcolor = General.Colors.Highlight.WithAlpha(RECTANGLE_ALPHA); renderer.RenderGeometry(cornerverts, null, true); renderer.RenderLine(corners[0], corners[1], 4, rectcolor, true); renderer.RenderLine(corners[1], corners[2], 4, rectcolor, true); renderer.RenderLine(corners[2], corners[3], 4, rectcolor, true); renderer.RenderLine(corners[3], corners[0], 4, rectcolor, true); // Extension line if(extensionline.GetLengthSq() > 0.0f) renderer.RenderLine(extensionline.v1, extensionline.v2, 1, General.Colors.Indication.WithAlpha(EXTENSION_LINE_ALPHA), true); // Grips for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { renderer.RenderRectangleFilled(resizegrips[i], General.Colors.Background, true); renderer.RenderRectangle(resizegrips[i], 2, General.Colors.Highlight, true); renderer.RenderRectangleFilled(rotategrips[i], General.Colors.Background, true); renderer.RenderRectangle(rotategrips[i], 2, General.Colors.Indication, true); } renderer.Finish(); } renderer.Present(); } // Mouse moves public override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseMove(e); if(panning) return; //mxd. Skip all this jazz while panning Update(); } // Mouse leaves the display public override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e) { base.OnMouseLeave(e); // Reset cursor General.Interface.SetCursor(Cursors.Default); } // When edit button is pressed protected override void OnEditBegin() { base.OnEditBegin(); OnSelectBegin(); } // When edit button is released protected override void OnEditEnd() { base.OnEditEnd(); OnSelectEnd(); } // When select button is pressed protected override void OnSelectBegin() { base.OnSelectBegin(); if(mode != ModifyMode.None) return; // Used in many cases: Vector2D center = offset + size * 0.5f; Vector2D delta; // Check what grip the mouse is over Grip mousegrip = (autodrag ? Grip.Main : CheckMouseGrip()); //mxd. We only want to move when starting auto-dragging switch(mousegrip) { // Drag main rectangle case Grip.Main: // Find the original position of the highlighted element if(highlighted is Vertex) { int index = 0; foreach(Vertex v in selectedvertices) { if(v == highlighted) { highlightedpos = vertexpos[index]; break; } index++; } } else if(highlighted is Thing) { int index = 0; foreach(Thing t in selectedthings) { if(t == highlighted) { highlightedpos = thingpos[index]; break; } index++; } } dragoffset = mousemappos - offset; mode = ModifyMode.Dragging; EnableAutoPanning(); autopanning = true; break; // Resize case Grip.SizeN: // The resize vector is a unit vector in the direction of the resize. // We multiply this with the sign of the current size, because the // corners may be reversed when the selection is flipped. resizevector = corners[1] - corners[2]; resizevector = resizevector.GetNormal() * Math.Sign(size.y); // The edgevector is a vector with length and direction of the edge perpendicular to the resizevector edgevector = corners[1] - corners[0]; // Make the resize axis. This is a line with the length and direction // of basesize used to calculate the resize percentage. resizeaxis = new Line2D(corners[2], corners[2] + resizevector * basesize.y); // Original axis filter resizefilter = new Vector2D(0.0f, 1.0f); // This is the corner that must stay in the same position stickcorner = 2; Highlight(null); mode = ModifyMode.Resizing; EnableAutoPanning(); autopanning = true; break; // Resize case Grip.SizeE: // See description above resizevector = corners[1] - corners[0]; resizevector = resizevector.GetNormal() * Math.Sign(size.x); edgevector = corners[1] - corners[2]; resizeaxis = new Line2D(corners[0], corners[0] + resizevector * basesize.x); resizefilter = new Vector2D(1.0f, 0.0f); stickcorner = 0; Highlight(null); mode = ModifyMode.Resizing; EnableAutoPanning(); autopanning = true; break; // Resize case Grip.SizeS: // See description above resizevector = corners[2] - corners[1]; resizevector = resizevector.GetNormal() * Math.Sign(size.y); edgevector = corners[2] - corners[3]; resizeaxis = new Line2D(corners[1], corners[1] + resizevector * basesize.y); resizefilter = new Vector2D(0.0f, 1.0f); stickcorner = 0; Highlight(null); mode = ModifyMode.Resizing; EnableAutoPanning(); autopanning = true; break; // Resize case Grip.SizeW: // See description above resizevector = corners[0] - corners[1]; resizevector = resizevector.GetNormal() * Math.Sign(size.x); edgevector = corners[0] - corners[3]; resizeaxis = new Line2D(corners[1], corners[1] + resizevector * basesize.x); resizefilter = new Vector2D(1.0f, 0.0f); stickcorner = 1; Highlight(null); mode = ModifyMode.Resizing; EnableAutoPanning(); autopanning = true; break; // Rotate case Grip.RotateLB: delta = corners[3] - center; rotategripangle = delta.GetAngle() - rotation; Highlight(null); mode = ModifyMode.Rotating; EnableAutoPanning(); autopanning = true; break; // Rotate case Grip.RotateLT: delta = corners[0] - center; rotategripangle = delta.GetAngle() - rotation; Highlight(null); mode = ModifyMode.Rotating; EnableAutoPanning(); autopanning = true; break; // Rotate case Grip.RotateRB: delta = corners[2] - center; rotategripangle = delta.GetAngle() - rotation; Highlight(null); mode = ModifyMode.Rotating; EnableAutoPanning(); autopanning = true; break; // Rotate case Grip.RotateRT: delta = corners[1] - center; rotategripangle = delta.GetAngle() - rotation; Highlight(null); mode = ModifyMode.Rotating; EnableAutoPanning(); autopanning = true; break; // Outside the selection? default: // Accept and be done with it General.Editing.AcceptMode(); break; } } // When selected button is released protected override void OnSelectEnd() { base.OnSelectEnd(); // Remove extension line extensionline = new Line2D(); if(autopanning) { DisableAutoPanning(); autopanning = false; } // No modifying mode mode = ModifyMode.None; //mxd. Update floor/ceiling texture settings if(General.Map.UDMF) UpdateTextureTransform(); // Redraw General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } // When a key is released public override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { base.OnKeyUp(e); if((snaptogrid != (General.Interface.ShiftState ^ General.Interface.SnapToGrid)) || (snaptonearest != (General.Interface.CtrlState ^ General.Interface.AutoMerge))) Update(); } // When a key is pressed public override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) { base.OnKeyDown(e); if((snaptogrid != (General.Interface.ShiftState ^ General.Interface.SnapToGrid)) || (snaptonearest != (General.Interface.CtrlState ^ General.Interface.AutoMerge))) Update(); } #endregion #region ================== Actions // This clears the selection [BeginAction("clearselection", BaseAction = true)] public void ClearSelection() { //mxd. Accept changes clearselection = true; General.Editing.AcceptMode(); //mxd. Clear selection info General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Selection, string.Empty); } // Flip vertically [BeginAction("flipselectionv")] public void FlipVertically() { // Flip the selection offset.y += size.y; size.y = -size.y; // Update UpdateGeometry(); UpdateRectangleComponents(); General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } // Flip horizontally [BeginAction("flipselectionh")] public void FlipHorizontally() { // Flip the selection offset.x += size.x; size.x = -size.x; // Update UpdateGeometry(); UpdateRectangleComponents(); General.Map.Map.Update(); General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } #endregion } }