// // This file defines which actions there are, what description they have and // some behaviour options. The Doom Builder core will bind to these actions // with delegates (function pointers) where you use the BeginAction and // EndAction attributes. This file must be named Actions.cfg and must be // included in the plugin project as "Embedded Resource". // // // Options: // // allowkeys: Allows the user to bind standard keys to this action. // allowmouse: Allows the user to bind mouse buttons to this action. // allowscroll: Allows the user to bind the scrollwheel to this action. // disregardshift: This action will trigger regardless if Shift or Control is used. // repeat: BeginAction will be called for automatic key repetition. // default: Default key is only used when the action is loaded for the first // time and the default key is not used by any other action. // // allowkeys and allowmouse are true by default, the others are false by default. // categories { threedfloorplugin = "3D Floor Plugin"; } threedfloorhelpermode { title = "3D floor editing mode"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "Edits 3D floors"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } threedslopemode { title = "Slope mode"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "Edits slope vertex groups"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } drawslopesmode { title = "Draw slope mode"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "Draws a slope vertex group"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } drawslopepoint { title = "Draw slope vertex"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "Draws a slope vertex at the mousecursor position."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; disregardshift = true; disregardcontrol = true; } drawfloorslope { title = "Draw Floor Slope"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "The drawn slope will be applied to the floor"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } drawceilingslope { title = "Draw Ceiling Slope"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "The drawn slope will be applied to the ceiling"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } drawfloorandceilingslope { title = "Draw Floor and Ceiling Slope"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "The drawn slope will be applied to the floor and ceiling"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } finishslopedraw { title = "Finish Slope Drawing"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "Finishes the slope drawing."; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } threedflipslope { title = "Flip 3D slope"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; } cyclehighlighted3dfloorup { title = "Cycle highlighted 3D floor up"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "Cycles up through the 3D floors of the currently highlighted sector"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; default = 131066; } cyclehighlighted3dfloordown { title = "Cycle highlighted 3D floor down"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "Cycles down through the 3D floors of the currently highlighted sector"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; default = 131067; } relocate3dfloorcontrolsectors { title = "Relocate 3D floor control sectors"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "Relocates the managed 3D floor control sectors to the current position of the control sector area"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; } select3dfloorcontrolsector { title = "Select 3D floor control sector"; category = "threedfloorplugin"; description = "Selects the control sector of the currently highlighted 3D floor. Removes all other selections"; allowkeys = true; allowmouse = true; allowscroll = true; }