misc { 0 { title = "None"; prefix = ""; } } door { title = "Door"; 1 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (also monsters)"; prefix = "DR"; } 2 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "W1"; } 3 { title = "Door Close Stay"; prefix = "W1"; } 4 { title = "Door Open Wait Close"; prefix = "W1"; } 16 { title = "Door Close Wait Open"; prefix = "W1"; } 26 { title = "Door (Blue) Open Wait Close"; prefix = "DR"; } 27 { title = "Door (Yellow) Open Wait Close"; prefix = "DR"; } 28 { title = "Door (Red) Open Wait Close"; prefix = "DR"; } 29 { title = "Door Open Wait Close"; prefix = "S1"; } 31 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "D1"; } 32 { title = "Door (Blue) Open Stay"; prefix = "D1"; } 33 { title = "Door (Red) Open Stay"; prefix = "D1"; } 34 { title = "Door (Yellow) Open Stay"; prefix = "D1"; } 42 { title = "Door Close Stay"; prefix = "SR"; } 46 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "GR"; } 50 { title = "Door Close Stay"; prefix = "S1"; } 61 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "SR"; } 63 { title = "Door Open Wait Close"; prefix = "SR"; } 75 { title = "Door Close Stay"; prefix = "WR"; } 76 { title = "Door Close Stay Open"; prefix = "WR"; } 86 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "WR"; } 90 { title = "Door Open Wait Close"; prefix = "WR"; } 99 { title = "Door (Blue) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 103 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "S1"; } 105 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 106 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 107 { title = "Door Close Stay (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 108 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 109 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 110 { title = "Door Close (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 111 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 112 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 113 { title = "Door Close Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 114 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 115 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 116 { title = "Door Close Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 117 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "DR"; } 118 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "D1"; } 133 { title = "Door (Blue) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 134 { title = "Door (Red) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 135 { title = "Door (Red) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 136 { title = "Door (Yellow) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 137 { title = "Door (Yellow) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } } floor { title = "Floor"; 5 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "W1"; } 9 { title = "Floor Raise Donut (changes texture)"; prefix = "S1"; } 14 { title = "Floor Raise by 32 (changes texture)"; prefix = "S1"; } 15 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "S1"; } 18 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 19 { title = "Floor Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 20 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "S1"; } 22 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "W1"; } 23 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 24 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "G1"; } 30 { title = "Floor Raise by Shortest Lower Texture"; prefix = "W1"; } 36 { title = "Floor Lower to 8 above Highest Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 37 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "W1"; } 38 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 45 { title = "Floor Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 47 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "G1"; } 53 { title = "Floor Start Moving Up and Down"; prefix = "W1"; } 54 { title = "Floor Stop Moving"; prefix = "W1"; } 55 { title = "Floor Raise to 8 below Lowest Ceiling (crushes)"; prefix = "S1"; } 56 { title = "Floor Raise to 8 below Lowest Ceiling (crushes)"; prefix = "W1"; } 58 { title = "Floor Raise by 24"; prefix = "W1"; } 59 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "W1"; } 60 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 64 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "SR"; } 65 { title = "Floor Raise to 8 below Lowest Ceiling (crushes)"; prefix = "SR"; } 66 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "SR"; } 67 { title = "Floor Raise by 32 (changes texture)"; prefix = "SR"; } 68 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "SR"; } 69 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 70 { title = "Floor Lower to 8 above Highest Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 71 { title = "Floor Lower to 8 above Highest Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 82 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 83 { title = "Floor Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 84 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "WR"; } 87 { title = "Floor Start Moving Up and Down"; prefix = "WR"; } 89 { title = "Floor Stop Moving"; prefix = "WR"; } 91 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "WR"; } 92 { title = "Floor Raise by 24"; prefix = "WR"; } 93 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "WR"; } 94 { title = "Floor Raise to 8 below Lowest Ceiling (crushes)"; prefix = "WR"; } 95 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "WR"; } 96 { title = "Floor Raise by Shortest Lower Texture"; prefix = "WR"; } 98 { title = "Floor Lower to 8 above Highest Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 101 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "S1"; } 102 { title = "Floor Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 119 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 128 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 129 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 130 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 131 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 132 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 140 { title = "Floor Raise by 512"; prefix = "S1"; } } crusher { title = "Crusher"; 6 { title = "Crusher Start with Fast Damage"; prefix = "W1"; } 25 { title = "Crusher Start with Slow Damage"; prefix = "W1"; } 57 { title = "Crusher Stop"; prefix = "W1"; } 73 { title = "Crusher Start with Slow Damage"; prefix = "WR"; } 74 { title = "Crusher Stop"; prefix = "WR"; } 77 { title = "Crusher Start with Fast Damage"; prefix = "WR"; } 141 { title = "Crusher Start with Slow Damage (silent)"; prefix = "W1"; } } stairs { title = "Stairs"; 7 { title = "Stairs Raise by 8"; prefix = "S1"; } 8 { title = "Stairs Raise by 8"; prefix = "W1"; } 100 { title = "Stairs Raise by 16 (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 127 { title = "Stairs Raise by 16 (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } } lift { title = "Lift"; 10 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise"; prefix = "W1"; } 21 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise"; prefix = "S1"; } 62 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise"; prefix = "SR"; } 88 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise"; prefix = "WR"; } 120 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 121 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 122 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 123 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } } exit { title = "Exit"; 11 { title = "Exit Level"; prefix = "S1"; } 51 { title = "Exit Level (goes to secret level)"; prefix = "S1"; } 52 { title = "Exit Level"; prefix = "W1"; } 124 { title = "Exit Level (goes to secret level)"; prefix = "W1"; } } light { title = "Light"; 12 { title = "Light Change to Brightest Adjacent"; prefix = "W1"; } 13 { title = "Light Change to 255"; prefix = "W1"; } 17 { title = "Light Start Blinking"; prefix = "W1"; } 35 { title = "Light Change to 35"; prefix = "W1"; } 79 { title = "Light Change to 35"; prefix = "WR"; } 80 { title = "Light Change to Brightest Adjacent"; prefix = "WR"; } 81 { title = "Light Change to 255"; prefix = "WR"; } 104 { title = "Light Change to Darkest Adjacent"; prefix = "W1"; } 138 { title = "Light Change to 255"; prefix = "SR"; } 139 { title = "Light Change to 35"; prefix = "SR"; } } ceiling { title = "Ceiling"; 40 { title = "Ceiling Raise to Highest Ceiling"; prefix = "W1"; } 41 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 43 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 44 { title = "Ceiling Lower to 8 above Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 49 { title = "Ceiling Lower to 8 above Floor (perpetual slow crusher damage)"; prefix = "S1"; } 72 { title = "Ceiling Lower to 8 above Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } } scroll { title = "Scroll"; 48 { title = "Scroll Texture Left"; prefix = ""; } } teleport { title = "Teleport"; 125 { title = "Teleport (monsters only)"; prefix = "W1"; } 126 { title = "Teleport (monsters only)"; prefix = "WR"; } 97 { title = "Teleport"; prefix = "WR"; } 39 { title = "Teleport"; prefix = "W1"; } }