<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>About Compiler Configurations</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" media="screen" title="Default" /> </head> <body> <object type="application/x-oleobject" classid="clsid:1e2a7bd0-dab9-11d0-b93a-00c04fc99f9e"> <param name="keyword" value="command line"> <param name="keyword" value="arguments"> </object> <div id="gz_title"> <h1>Command Line Parameters</h1> </div> <div id="contents"> <h2>Usage:</h2> All command line parameters are case-insensitive.<br /> <br /> <b class="fat">GZBuilder.exe [wadfile] [-map mapname] [-cfg configname] [-delaywindow] [-nosettings] [-strictpatches] [-portable] [-resource wad|dir|pk3 [roottextures] [rootflats] [strictpatches] [notest] resourcename]</b> <h2>Parameters:</h2> <br /> <b class="fat">wadfile</b><br /> This is a .WAD file to load immediately after GZDoom Builder has started up. Unless <strong>-map</strong> and <strong>-cfg</strong> are used, this will show the map-options dialog.<br /> <p><b class="fat">-map "mapname"</b><br /> Where "mapname" is the name of the map (map header lump name) such as <strong>MAP01</strong> or <strong>E1M1</strong>.<br /> When specified, this will indicate the map to load from the specified wad file.<br /> Use in combination with <strong>-cfg</strong> to provide the required information to skip the map-options dialog. <p><b class="fat">-delaywindow</b><br /> This delays showing the main interface window until the automatic map loading from command line parameters is completed, and the program is not terminating yet.<br />This is usefull for plugins that can be used to perform batch processes where the showing of the main interface window is not desired.<br />If a plugin completes it's actions on map load and terminates the application immediately, the main window will not be shown at all. <p> <b class="fat">-nosettings</b><br /> When this parameter is specified, GZDoom Builder will not load your preferences or game configuration settings and will use the default settings instead.<br />You will not lose your original settings, but when this parameter is specified your settings will not be saved.<br /> <br /> <b class="fat">-portable</b> - <span class="red">GZDB only.</span><br /> The editor will be launched in portable mode. It will use the "UDBuilder.cfg" located in the program directory instead of the one located in the "%LocalAppData%\Doom Builder\UDBuilder.cfg" to load and save program settings. Log and crash report files will be also created in the program directory.<br /> <h2>The following parameters are used only when both "wadfile" and "-map" parameters are present</h2> They replicate the settings, which can be set in the <a href="w_openmapoptions.html">Open Map Window</a>.<br /> <br /> <b class="fat">-strictpatches</b><br /> Specify this parameter to enforce strictly loading texture patches from between P_START and P_END marker lumps only. This can solve lump name conflicts, but old WAD files do not always adhere to this rule.<br /> <br /> <b class="fat">-cfg "game_configuration.cfg"</b><br /> <b class="fat">-config "game_configuration.cfg"</b><br /> The editor will use the specified game configuration file when loading the map.<br /> Do not include the path, all game configurations must be in the "Configurations" subfolder.<br /> <br /> <b class="fat">-resource <resource type> [flags] "path\to\resource"</b><br /> Adds a map resource. Note that these are added to the resources, which are automatically loaded according to selected game configuration.<br /> <strong>Resource type</strong> (required): "wad", "dir" or "pk3".<br /> <strong>Flags</strong> (optional): <ul> <li><strong>ROOTTEXTURES</strong> - load images in the root directory of the resource as textures (directory/pk3 resources only).</li> <li><strong>ROOTFLATS</strong> - load images in the root directory of the resource as flats (directory/pk3 resources only).</li> <li><strong>STRICTPATCHES</strong> - use strict rules for patches (wad resources only).</li> <li><strong>NOTEST</strong> - exclude this resource from testing parameters.</li> </ul> <h2>Examples:</h2> This loads the file "Ubermegawad.wad" after GZDoom Builder is initialized and shows the map-options dialog: <pre> GZBuilder.exe "C:\Games\Doom\My Maps\Ubermegawad.wad" </pre> Same as the example above, but now without showing the map-options dialog and instead immediately loading map MAP23 with the Doom 2 game configuration: <pre> GZBuilder.exe "C:\Games\Doom\My Maps\Ubermegawad.wad" -map MAP23 -cfg "Doom_Doom2Doom.cfg" </pre> Same as the example above, but using one of GZDoom game configurations with added wad file resource and PK3 file resources: <pre> GZBuilder.exe "C:\Games\Doom\My Maps\Ubermegawad.wad" -map MAP23 -cfg "GZDoom_DoomUDMF.cfg" -resource pk3 notest "C:\GZDoom\gzdoom.pk3" -resource wad strictpatches "C:\Games\Doom\gothtextures.wad" -resource pk3 "C:\Games\Doom\hardmonsters.pk3" </pre> </div> </body>