#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com * This program is released under GNU General Public License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #endregion #region ================== Namespaces using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Windows; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Plugins; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Properties; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes; #endregion namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows { public partial class MainForm : DelayedForm, IMainForm { #region ================== Constants // Recent files private const int MAX_RECENT_FILES_PIXELS = 250; // Dockers //private const int DOCKER_TAB_WIDTH = 20; // Status bar private const string STATUS_READY_TEXT = "Ready."; private const string STATUS_NO_SELECTION_TEXT = "Nothing selected."; //mxd private const string STATUS_LOADING_TEXT = "Loading resources..."; private const int WARNING_FLASH_COUNT = 10; private const int WARNING_FLASH_INTERVAL = 100; private const int WARNING_RESET_DELAY = 5000; private const int INFO_RESET_DELAY = 5000; private const int ACTION_FLASH_COUNT = 3; private const int ACTION_FLASH_INTERVAL = 50; private const int ACTION_RESET_DELAY = 5000; private readonly Image[,] STATUS_IMAGES = new Image[,] { // Normal versions { Resources.Status0, Resources.Status1, Resources.Status2, Resources.Warning }, // Flashing versions { Resources.Status10, Resources.Status11, Resources.Status12, Resources.WarningOff } }; // Message pump public enum ThreadMessages { // Sent by the background threat to update the status UpdateStatus = General.WM_USER + 1, // This is sent by the background thread when images are loaded // but only when first loaded or when dimensions were changed ImageDataLoaded = General.WM_USER + 2, //mxd. This is sent by the background thread when sprites are loaded SpriteDataLoaded = General.WM_USER + 3, } #endregion #region ================== Delegates //private delegate void CallUpdateStatusIcon(); //private delegate void CallImageDataLoaded(ImageData img); private delegate void CallBlink(); //mxd #endregion #region ================== mxd. Events public event EventHandler OnEditFormValuesChanged; //mxd #endregion #region ================== Variables // Position/size private Point lastposition; private Size lastsize; private bool displayresized = true; private bool windowactive; // Mouse in display private bool mouseinside; // Input private bool shift, ctrl, alt; private MouseButtons mousebuttons; private MouseInput mouseinput; private Rectangle originalclip; private bool mouseexclusive; private int mouseexclusivebreaklevel; // Skills private ToolStripItem[] skills; // Last info on panels private object lastinfoobject; // Recent files private ToolStripMenuItem[] recentitems; // View modes private ToolStripButton[] viewmodesbuttons; private ToolStripMenuItem[] viewmodesitems; // Edit modes private List editmodeitems; // Toolbar private List pluginbuttons; private EventHandler buttonvisiblechangedhandler; private bool preventupdateseperators; private bool updatingfilters; private bool toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed; //mxd // Statusbar private StatusInfo status; private int statusflashcount; private bool statusflashicon; private string selectionInfo = STATUS_NO_SELECTION_TEXT; //mxd // Properties private IntPtr windowptr; // Processing private int processingcount; private float lastupdatetime; // Updating private int lockupdatecount; //mxd. Hints private Docker hintsDocker; private HintsPanel hintsPanel; //mxd private System.Timers.Timer blinkTimer; private bool editformopen; #endregion #region ================== Properties public bool ShiftState { get { return shift; } } public bool CtrlState { get { return ctrl; } } public bool AltState { get { return alt; } } new public MouseButtons MouseButtons { get { return mousebuttons; } } public bool MouseInDisplay { get { return mouseinside; } } public RenderTargetControl Display { get { return display; } } public bool SnapToGrid { get { return buttonsnaptogrid.Checked; } } public bool AutoMerge { get { return buttonautomerge.Checked; } } public bool MouseExclusive { get { return mouseexclusive; } } new public IntPtr Handle { get { return windowptr; } } public bool IsInfoPanelExpanded { get { return (panelinfo.Height == heightpanel1.Height); } } public string ActiveDockerTabName { get { return dockerspanel.IsCollpased ? "None" : dockerspanel.SelectedTabName; } } public bool IsActiveWindow { get { return windowactive; } } public StatusInfo Status { get { return status; } } public static Size ScaledIconSize = new Size(16, 16); //mxd public static SizeF DPIScaler = new SizeF(1.0f, 1.0f); //mxd #endregion #region ================== Constructor / Disposer // Constructor internal MainForm() { //mxd. Set DPI-aware icon size using(Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics()) { DPIScaler = new SizeF(g.DpiX / 96, g.DpiY / 96); if(DPIScaler.Width != 1.0f || DPIScaler.Height != 1.0f) { ScaledIconSize.Width = (int)Math.Round(ScaledIconSize.Width * DPIScaler.Width); ScaledIconSize.Height = (int)Math.Round(ScaledIconSize.Height * DPIScaler.Height); } } // Setup controls InitializeComponent(); //mxd. Resize status labels if(DPIScaler.Width != 1.0f) { gridlabel.Width = (int)Math.Round(gridlabel.Width * DPIScaler.Width); zoomlabel.Width = (int)Math.Round(zoomlabel.Width * DPIScaler.Width); xposlabel.Width = (int)Math.Round(xposlabel.Width * DPIScaler.Width); yposlabel.Width = (int)Math.Round(yposlabel.Width * DPIScaler.Width); warnsLabel.Width = (int)Math.Round(warnsLabel.Width * DPIScaler.Width); } pluginbuttons = new List(); editmodeitems = new List(); labelcollapsedinfo.Text = ""; display.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; // Fetch pointer windowptr = base.Handle; // Make array for view modes viewmodesbuttons = new ToolStripButton[Renderer2D.NUM_VIEW_MODES]; viewmodesbuttons[(int)ViewMode.Normal] = buttonviewnormal; viewmodesbuttons[(int)ViewMode.Brightness] = buttonviewbrightness; viewmodesbuttons[(int)ViewMode.FloorTextures] = buttonviewfloors; viewmodesbuttons[(int)ViewMode.CeilingTextures] = buttonviewceilings; viewmodesitems = new ToolStripMenuItem[Renderer2D.NUM_VIEW_MODES]; viewmodesitems[(int)ViewMode.Normal] = itemviewnormal; viewmodesitems[(int)ViewMode.Brightness] = itemviewbrightness; viewmodesitems[(int)ViewMode.FloorTextures] = itemviewfloors; viewmodesitems[(int)ViewMode.CeilingTextures] = itemviewceilings; // Visual Studio IDE doesn't let me set these in the designer :( buttonzoom.Font = menufile.Font; buttonzoom.DropDownDirection = ToolStripDropDownDirection.AboveLeft; buttongrid.Font = menufile.Font; buttongrid.DropDownDirection = ToolStripDropDownDirection.AboveLeft; // Event handlers buttonvisiblechangedhandler = ToolbarButtonVisibleChanged; //mxd display.OnKeyReleased += display_OnKeyReleased; toolbarContextMenu.KeyDown += toolbarContextMenu_KeyDown; toolbarContextMenu.KeyUp += toolbarContextMenu_KeyUp; // Apply shortcut keys ApplyShortcutKeys(); // Make recent items list CreateRecentFiles(); // Show splash ShowSplashDisplay(); // Keep last position and size lastposition = this.Location; lastsize = this.Size; //mxd blinkTimer = new System.Timers.Timer {Interval = 500}; blinkTimer.Elapsed += blinkTimer_Elapsed; //mxd. Debug Console #if DEBUG modename.Visible = false; #else console.Visible = false; #endif //mxd. Hints hintsPanel = new HintsPanel(); hintsDocker = new Docker("hints", "Help", hintsPanel); } #endregion #region ================== General // Editing mode changed! internal void EditModeChanged() { // Check appropriate button on interface // And show the mode name if(General.Editing.Mode != null) { General.MainWindow.CheckEditModeButton(General.Editing.Mode.EditModeButtonName); General.MainWindow.DisplayModeName(General.Editing.Mode.Attributes.DisplayName); } else { General.MainWindow.CheckEditModeButton(""); General.MainWindow.DisplayModeName(""); } // View mode only matters in classic editing modes for(int i = 0; i < Renderer2D.NUM_VIEW_MODES; i++) { viewmodesitems[i].Enabled = (General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode); viewmodesbuttons[i].Enabled = (General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode); } UpdateEditMenu(); UpdatePrefabsMenu(); } // This makes a beep sound public void MessageBeep(MessageBeepType type) { General.MessageBeep(type); } // This sets up the interface internal void SetupInterface() { // Setup docker if(General.Settings.DockersPosition != 2 && General.Map != null) { LockUpdate(); dockerspanel.Visible = true; dockersspace.Visible = true; // We can't place the docker easily when collapsed dockerspanel.Expand(); // Setup docker width if(General.Settings.DockersWidth < dockerspanel.GetCollapsedWidth()) General.Settings.DockersWidth = dockerspanel.GetCollapsedWidth(); // Determine fixed space required if(General.Settings.CollapseDockers) dockersspace.Width = dockerspanel.GetCollapsedWidth(); else dockersspace.Width = General.Settings.DockersWidth; // Setup docker int targetindex = this.Controls.IndexOf(display) + 1; //mxd if(General.Settings.DockersPosition == 0) { modestoolbar.Dock = DockStyle.Right; //mxd dockersspace.Dock = DockStyle.Left; AdjustDockersSpace(targetindex); //mxd dockerspanel.Setup(false); dockerspanel.Location = dockersspace.Location; dockerspanel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom; } else { modestoolbar.Dock = DockStyle.Left; //mxd dockersspace.Dock = DockStyle.Right; AdjustDockersSpace(targetindex); //mxd dockerspanel.Setup(true); dockerspanel.Location = new Point(dockersspace.Right - General.Settings.DockersWidth, dockersspace.Top); dockerspanel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom; } dockerspanel.Width = General.Settings.DockersWidth; dockerspanel.Height = dockersspace.Height; dockerspanel.BringToFront(); if(General.Settings.CollapseDockers) dockerspanel.Collapse(); UnlockUpdate(); } else { dockerspanel.Visible = false; dockersspace.Visible = false; modestoolbar.Dock = DockStyle.Left; //mxd } } //mxd. dockersspace display index gets messed up while re-docking. This fixes it... private void AdjustDockersSpace(int targetindex) { while(this.Controls.IndexOf(dockersspace) != targetindex) { this.Controls.SetChildIndex(dockersspace, targetindex); } } // This updates all menus for the current status internal void UpdateInterface() { // Map opened? if(General.Map != null) { // Show map name and filename in caption this.Text = General.Map.FileTitle + " (" + General.Map.Options.CurrentName + ") - " + Application.ProductName; } else { // Show normal caption #if DEBUG this.Text = Application.ProductName + " - DEVBUILD"; #else this.Text = Application.ProductName + " v" + Application.ProductVersion; #endif } // Update the status bar UpdateStatusbar(); // Update menus and toolbar icons UpdateFileMenu(); UpdateEditMenu(); UpdateViewMenu(); UpdateModeMenu(); UpdatePrefabsMenu(); UpdateToolsMenu(); UpdateToolbar(); UpdateSkills(); UpdateHelpMenu(); } // Generic event that invokes the tagged action public void InvokeTaggedAction(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Update(); if(sender is ToolStripItem) General.Actions.InvokeAction((sender as ToolStripItem).Tag.ToString()); else if(sender is Control) General.Actions.InvokeAction((sender as Control).Tag.ToString()); else General.Fail("InvokeTaggedAction used on an unexpected control."); this.Update(); } #endregion #region ================== Window // This locks the window for updating internal void LockUpdate() { lockupdatecount++; if(lockupdatecount == 1) General.LockWindowUpdate(this.Handle); } // This unlocks for updating internal void UnlockUpdate() { lockupdatecount--; if(lockupdatecount == 0) General.LockWindowUpdate(IntPtr.Zero); if(lockupdatecount < 0) lockupdatecount = 0; } // This unlocks for updating /*internal void ForceUnlockUpdate() { if(lockupdatecount > 0) General.LockWindowUpdate(IntPtr.Zero); lockupdatecount = 0; }*/ // This sets the focus on the display for correct key input public bool FocusDisplay() { return display.Focus(); } // Window is first shown private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Perform auto mapo loading action when the window is not delayed if(!General.DelayMainWindow) PerformAutoMapLoading(); } // Auto map loading that must be done when the window is first shown after loading // but also before the window is shown when the -delaywindow parameter is given internal void PerformAutoMapLoading() { // Check if the command line arguments tell us to load something if(General.AutoLoadFile != null) { bool showdialog = false; MapOptions options = new MapOptions(); // Any of the options already given? if(General.AutoLoadMap != null) { Configuration mapsettings; // Try to find existing options in the settings file string dbsfile = General.AutoLoadFile.Substring(0, General.AutoLoadFile.Length - 4) + ".dbs"; if(File.Exists(dbsfile)) try { mapsettings = new Configuration(dbsfile, true); } catch(Exception) { mapsettings = new Configuration(true); } else mapsettings = new Configuration(true); //mxd. Get proper configuration file bool longtexturenamessupported = false; string configfile = General.AutoLoadConfig; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(configfile)) configfile = mapsettings.ReadSetting("gameconfig", ""); if(configfile.Trim().Length == 0) { showdialog = true; } else { //TODO: test this! Configuration gamecfg = new Configuration(configfile); longtexturenamessupported = gamecfg.ReadSetting("longtexturenames", false); } // Set map name and other options options = new MapOptions(mapsettings, General.AutoLoadMap, longtexturenamessupported); // Set resource data locations options.CopyResources(General.AutoLoadResources); // Set strict patches options.StrictPatches = General.AutoLoadStrictPatches; // Set configuration file (constructor already does this, but we want this info from the cmd args if possible) options.ConfigFile = configfile; } else { // No options given showdialog = true; } // Show open map dialog? if(showdialog) { // Show open dialog General.OpenMapFile(General.AutoLoadFile, null); } else { // Open with options General.OpenMapFileWithOptions(General.AutoLoadFile, options); } } } // Window is loaded private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Position window from configuration settings this.SuspendLayout(); this.Size = new Size(General.Settings.ReadSetting("mainwindow.sizewidth", this.Size.Width), General.Settings.ReadSetting("mainwindow.sizeheight", this.Size.Height)); this.Location = new Point(General.Clamp(General.Settings.ReadSetting("mainwindow.positionx", this.Location.X), SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Left - this.Size.Width + 128, SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Right - 128), General.Clamp(General.Settings.ReadSetting("mainwindow.positiony", this.Location.Y), SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Top, SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Bottom - 128)); this.WindowState = (FormWindowState)General.Settings.ReadSetting("mainwindow.windowstate", (int)FormWindowState.Maximized); this.ResumeLayout(true); // Normal windowstate? if(this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) { // Keep last position and size lastposition = this.Location; lastsize = this.Size; } //mxd. Enable drag and drop this.AllowDrop = true; this.DragEnter += OnDragEnter; this.DragDrop += OnDragDrop; // Info panel state? bool expandedpanel = General.Settings.ReadSetting("mainwindow.expandedinfopanel", true); if(expandedpanel != IsInfoPanelExpanded) ToggleInfoPanel(); } // Window receives focus private void MainForm_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { windowactive = true; //UpdateInterface(); ResumeExclusiveMouseInput(); ReleaseAllKeys(); FocusDisplay(); } // Window loses focus private void MainForm_Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e) { windowactive = false; BreakExclusiveMouseInput(); ReleaseAllKeys(); } // Window is moved private void MainForm_Move(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Normal windowstate? if(this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) { // Keep last position and size lastposition = this.Location; lastsize = this.Size; } } // Window resizes private void MainForm_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Resizing //this.SuspendLayout(); //resized = true; } // Window was resized private void MainForm_ResizeEnd(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Normal windowstate? if(this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) { // Keep last position and size lastposition = this.Location; lastsize = this.Size; } } // Window is being closed protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { base.OnFormClosing(e); if(e.CloseReason == CloseReason.ApplicationExitCall) return; if(General.Map != null && General.Map.Launcher.GameEngineRunning) General.Map.Launcher.StopGameEngine(); //mxd // Close the map if(General.CloseMap()) { General.WriteLogLine("Closing main interface window..."); // Stop timers statusflasher.Stop(); statusresetter.Stop(); blinkTimer.Stop(); //mxd // Stop exclusive mode, if any is active StopExclusiveMouseInput(); StopProcessing(); // Unbind methods General.Actions.UnbindMethods(this); // Determine window state to save int windowstate; if(this.WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized) windowstate = (int)this.WindowState; else windowstate = (int)FormWindowState.Normal; // Save window settings General.Settings.WriteSetting("mainwindow.positionx", lastposition.X); General.Settings.WriteSetting("mainwindow.positiony", lastposition.Y); General.Settings.WriteSetting("mainwindow.sizewidth", lastsize.Width); General.Settings.WriteSetting("mainwindow.sizeheight", lastsize.Height); General.Settings.WriteSetting("mainwindow.windowstate", windowstate); General.Settings.WriteSetting("mainwindow.expandedinfopanel", IsInfoPanelExpanded); // Save recent files SaveRecentFiles(); // Terminate the program General.Terminate(true); } else { // Cancel the close e.Cancel = true; } } //mxd private void OnDragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if(e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; } else { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None; } } //mxd private void OnDragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { string[] filePaths = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); if (filePaths.Length != 1) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Cannot open multiple files at once!"); return; } if (!File.Exists(filePaths[0])) { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Cannot open '" + filePaths[0] + "': file does not exist!"); return; } string ext = Path.GetExtension(filePaths[0]); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext) || ext.ToLower() != ".wad") { General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Cannot open '" + filePaths[0] + "': only WAD files can be loaded this way!"); return; } this.Update(); // Update main window General.OpenMapFile(filePaths[0], null); UpdateGZDoomPanel(); } } #endregion #region ================== Statusbar // This updates the status bar private void UpdateStatusbar() { // Map open? if(General.Map != null) { // Enable items xposlabel.Enabled = true; yposlabel.Enabled = true; poscommalabel.Enabled = true; zoomlabel.Enabled = true; buttonzoom.Enabled = true; gridlabel.Enabled = true; buttongrid.Enabled = true; configlabel.Text = General.Map.Config.Name; } else { // Disable items xposlabel.Text = "--"; yposlabel.Text = "--"; xposlabel.Enabled = false; yposlabel.Enabled = false; poscommalabel.Enabled = false; zoomlabel.Enabled = false; buttonzoom.Enabled = false; gridlabel.Enabled = false; buttongrid.Enabled = false; configlabel.Text = ""; } UpdateStatusIcon(); } // This flashes the status icon private void statusflasher_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { statusflashicon = !statusflashicon; UpdateStatusIcon(); statusflashcount--; if(statusflashcount == 0) statusflasher.Stop(); } // This resets the status to ready private void statusresetter_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisplayReady(); } // This changes status text public void DisplayStatus(StatusType type, string message) { DisplayStatus(new StatusInfo(type, message)); } public void DisplayStatus(StatusInfo newstatus) { //mxd. New message is the same as the one being displayed? if(newstatus.type != StatusType.Ready && status.displayed && newstatus.type == status.type && newstatus.message == status.message) return; // Stop timers if(newstatus.type != StatusType.Selection && !newstatus.displayed) //mxd { statusresetter.Stop(); statusflasher.Stop(); statusflashicon = false; } // Determine what to do specifically for this status type switch(newstatus.type) { // When no particular information is to be displayed. // The messages displayed depends on running background processes. case StatusType.Ready: if ((General.Map != null) && (General.Map.Data != null)) { newstatus.message = General.Map.Data.IsLoading ? STATUS_LOADING_TEXT : selectionInfo; } else { newstatus.message = STATUS_READY_TEXT; } break; case StatusType.Selection: //mxd if (statusresetter.Enabled) //don't change the message right now if info or warning is displayed { selectionInfo = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newstatus.message) ? STATUS_NO_SELECTION_TEXT : newstatus.message); return; } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(newstatus.message)) newstatus.message = STATUS_NO_SELECTION_TEXT; selectionInfo = newstatus.message; break; // Shows information without flashing the icon. case StatusType.Info: if(!newstatus.displayed) { statusresetter.Interval = INFO_RESET_DELAY; statusresetter.Start(); } break; // Shows action information and flashes up the status icon once. case StatusType.Action: if(!newstatus.displayed) { statusflashicon = true; statusflasher.Interval = ACTION_FLASH_INTERVAL; statusflashcount = ACTION_FLASH_COUNT; statusflasher.Start(); statusresetter.Interval = ACTION_RESET_DELAY; statusresetter.Start(); } break; // Shows a warning, makes a warning sound and flashes a warning icon. case StatusType.Warning: if(!newstatus.displayed) { MessageBeep(MessageBeepType.Warning); statusflasher.Interval = WARNING_FLASH_INTERVAL; statusflashcount = WARNING_FLASH_COUNT; statusflasher.Start(); statusresetter.Interval = WARNING_RESET_DELAY; statusresetter.Start(); } break; } // Update status description status = newstatus; status.displayed = true; if(statuslabel.Text != status.message) statuslabel.Text = status.message; // Update icon as well UpdateStatusIcon(); // Refresh statusbar.Invalidate(); this.Update(); } // This changes status text to Ready public void DisplayReady() { DisplayStatus(StatusType.Ready, null); } // This updates the status icon internal void UpdateStatusIcon() { int statusicon = 0; int statusflashindex = statusflashicon ? 1 : 0; // Loading icon? if((General.Map != null) && (General.Map.Data != null) && General.Map.Data.IsLoading) statusicon = 1; // Status type switch(status.type) { case StatusType.Ready: case StatusType.Info: case StatusType.Action: case StatusType.Selection: //mxd statuslabel.Image = STATUS_IMAGES[statusflashindex, statusicon]; break; case StatusType.Busy: statuslabel.Image = STATUS_IMAGES[statusflashindex, 2]; break; case StatusType.Warning: statuslabel.Image = STATUS_IMAGES[statusflashindex, 3]; break; } } // This changes coordinates display public void UpdateCoordinates(Vector2D coords) { // X position if(float.IsNaN(coords.x)) xposlabel.Text = "--"; else xposlabel.Text = coords.x.ToString("####0"); // Y position if(float.IsNaN(coords.y)) yposlabel.Text = "--"; else yposlabel.Text = coords.y.ToString("####0"); // Update status bar //statusbar.Update(); } // This changes zoom display internal void UpdateZoom(float scale) { // Update scale label if(float.IsNaN(scale)) zoomlabel.Text = "--"; else { scale *= 100; zoomlabel.Text = scale.ToString("##0") + "%"; } // Update status bar //statusbar.Update(); } // Zoom to a specified level private void itemzoomto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(General.Map == null) return; // In classic mode? if(General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode) { // Requested from menu? if(sender is ToolStripMenuItem) { // Get integral zoom level int zoom = int.Parse((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Tag.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Zoom now (General.Editing.Mode as ClassicMode).SetZoom(zoom / 100f); } } } // Zoom to fit in screen private void itemzoomfittoscreen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(General.Map == null) return; // In classic mode? if(General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode) (General.Editing.Mode as ClassicMode).CenterInScreen(); } // This changes grid display internal void UpdateGrid(int gridsize) { // Update grid label if(gridsize == 0) gridlabel.Text = "--"; else gridlabel.Text = gridsize.ToString("###0") + " mp"; // Update status bar //statusbar.Update(); } // Set grid to a specified size private void itemgridsize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int size; if(General.Map == null) return; // In classic mode? if(General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode) { // Requested from menu? if(sender is ToolStripMenuItem) { // Get integral zoom level size = int.Parse((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Tag.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Change grid size General.Map.Grid.SetGridSize(size); // Redraw display RedrawDisplay(); } } } // Show grid setup private void itemgridcustom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(General.Map == null) return; GridSetup.ShowGridSetup(); } #endregion #region ================== Display // This shows the splash screen on display internal void ShowSplashDisplay() { // Change display to show splash logo display.SetSplashLogoDisplay(); display.Cursor = Cursors.Default; this.Update(); } // This clears the display internal void ClearDisplay() { // Clear the display display.SetManualRendering(); this.Update(); } // This sets the display cursor public void SetCursor(Cursor cursor) { // Only when a map is open if(General.Map != null) display.Cursor = cursor; } // This redraws the display on the next paint event public void RedrawDisplay() { if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditRedrawDisplayBegin(); General.Editing.Mode.OnRedrawDisplay(); General.Plugins.OnEditRedrawDisplayEnd(); statistics.UpdateStatistics(); //mxd } else { display.Invalidate(); } } // This event is called when a repaint is needed private void display_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if(General.Map != null) { if(General.Editing.Mode != null) { if(!displayresized) General.Editing.Mode.OnPresentDisplay(); } else { if(General.Colors != null) e.Graphics.Clear(Color.FromArgb(General.Colors.Background.ToInt())); else e.Graphics.Clear(SystemColors.AppWorkspace); } } } // Redraw requested private void redrawtimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Disable timer (only redraw once) redrawtimer.Enabled = false; // Don't do anything when minimized (mxd) if(this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) return; // Resume control layouts //if(displayresized) General.LockWindowUpdate(IntPtr.Zero); // Map opened? if(General.Map != null) { // Display was resized? if(displayresized) { // Reset graphics to match changes General.Map.Graphics.Reset(); } // This is a dirty trick to give the display a new mousemove event with correct arguments if(mouseinside) { Point mousepos = Cursor.Position; Cursor.Position = new Point(mousepos.X + 1, mousepos.Y + 1); Cursor.Position = mousepos; } // Redraw now RedrawDisplay(); } // Display resize is done displayresized = false; } // Display size changes private void display_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Resizing //if(!displayresized) General.LockWindowUpdate(display.Handle); displayresized = true; // Request redraw if(!redrawtimer.Enabled) redrawtimer.Enabled = true; } // This requests a delayed redraw public void DelayedRedraw() { // Request redraw if(!redrawtimer.Enabled) redrawtimer.Enabled = true; } // Mouse click private void display_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditMouseClick(e); General.Editing.Mode.OnMouseClick(e); } } // Mouse doubleclick private void display_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditMouseDoubleClick(e); General.Editing.Mode.OnMouseDoubleClick(e); } } // Mouse down private void display_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int key = 0; LoseFocus(this, EventArgs.Empty); int mod = 0; if(alt) mod |= (int)Keys.Alt; if(shift) mod |= (int)Keys.Shift; if(ctrl) mod |= (int)Keys.Control; // Apply button mousebuttons |= e.Button; // Create key switch(e.Button) { case MouseButtons.Left: key = (int)Keys.LButton; break; case MouseButtons.Middle: key = (int)Keys.MButton; break; case MouseButtons.Right: key = (int)Keys.RButton; break; case MouseButtons.XButton1: key = (int)Keys.XButton1; break; case MouseButtons.XButton2: key = (int)Keys.XButton2; break; } // Invoke any actions associated with this key General.Actions.KeyPressed(key | mod); // Invoke on editing mode if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditMouseDown(e); General.Editing.Mode.OnMouseDown(e); } } // Mouse enters private void display_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { mouseinside = true; if((General.Map != null) && (mouseinput == null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditMouseEnter(e); General.Editing.Mode.OnMouseEnter(e); if(Application.OpenForms.Count == 1 || editformopen) display.Focus(); //mxd } } // Mouse leaves private void display_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { mouseinside = false; if((General.Map != null) && (mouseinput == null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditMouseLeave(e); General.Editing.Mode.OnMouseLeave(e); } } // Mouse moves private void display_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if((General.Map != null) && (mouseinput == null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditMouseMove(e); General.Editing.Mode.OnMouseMove(e); } } // Mouse up private void display_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int key = 0; int mod = 0; if(alt) mod |= (int)Keys.Alt; if(shift) mod |= (int)Keys.Shift; if(ctrl) mod |= (int)Keys.Control; // Apply button mousebuttons &= ~e.Button; // Create key switch(e.Button) { case MouseButtons.Left: key = (int)Keys.LButton; break; case MouseButtons.Middle: key = (int)Keys.MButton; break; case MouseButtons.Right: key = (int)Keys.RButton; break; case MouseButtons.XButton1: key = (int)Keys.XButton1; break; case MouseButtons.XButton2: key = (int)Keys.XButton2; break; } // Invoke any actions associated with this key General.Actions.KeyReleased(key | mod); // Invoke on editing mode if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditMouseUp(e); General.Editing.Mode.OnMouseUp(e); } } #endregion #region ================== Input // This is a tool to lock the mouse in exclusive mode private void StartMouseExclusive() { // Not already locked? if(mouseinput == null) { // Start special input device mouseinput = new MouseInput(this); // Lock and hide the mouse in window originalclip = Cursor.Clip; Cursor.Clip = display.RectangleToScreen(display.ClientRectangle); Cursor.Hide(); } } // This is a tool to unlock the mouse private void StopMouseExclusive() { // Locked? if(mouseinput != null) { // Stop special input device mouseinput.Dispose(); mouseinput = null; // Release and show the mouse Cursor.Clip = originalclip; Cursor.Position = display.PointToScreen(new Point(display.ClientSize.Width / 2, display.ClientSize.Height / 2)); Cursor.Show(); } } // This requests exclusive mouse input public void StartExclusiveMouseInput() { // Only when not already in exclusive mode if(!mouseexclusive) { General.WriteLogLine("Starting exclusive mouse input mode..."); // Start special input device StartMouseExclusive(); mouseexclusive = true; mouseexclusivebreaklevel = 0; } } // This stops exclusive mouse input public void StopExclusiveMouseInput() { // Only when in exclusive mode if(mouseexclusive) { General.WriteLogLine("Stopping exclusive mouse input mode..."); // Stop special input device StopMouseExclusive(); mouseexclusive = false; mouseexclusivebreaklevel = 0; } } // This temporarely breaks exclusive mode and counts the break level public void BreakExclusiveMouseInput() { // Only when in exclusive mode if(mouseexclusive) { // Stop special input device StopMouseExclusive(); // Count the break level mouseexclusivebreaklevel++; } } // This resumes exclusive mode from a break when all breaks have been called to resume public void ResumeExclusiveMouseInput() { // Only when in exclusive mode if(mouseexclusive && (mouseexclusivebreaklevel > 0)) { // Decrease break level mouseexclusivebreaklevel--; // All break levels resumed? Then lock the mouse again. if(mouseexclusivebreaklevel == 0) StartMouseExclusive(); } } // This releases all keys internal void ReleaseAllKeys() { General.Actions.ReleaseAllKeys(); mousebuttons = MouseButtons.None; shift = false; ctrl = false; alt = false; } // When the mouse wheel is changed protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { int mod = 0; if(alt) mod |= (int)Keys.Alt; if(shift) mod |= (int)Keys.Shift; if(ctrl) mod |= (int)Keys.Control; // Scrollwheel up? if(e.Delta > 0) { // Invoke actions for scrollwheel //for(int i = 0; i < e.Delta; i += 120) General.Actions.KeyPressed((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollUp | mod); General.Actions.KeyReleased((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollUp | mod); } // Scrollwheel down? else if(e.Delta < 0) { // Invoke actions for scrollwheel //for(int i = 0; i > e.Delta; i -= 120) General.Actions.KeyPressed((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollDown | mod); General.Actions.KeyReleased((int)SpecialKeys.MScrollDown | mod); } // Let the base know base.OnMouseWheel(e); } // When a key is pressed private void MainForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { int mod = 0; // Keep key modifiers alt = e.Alt; shift = e.Shift; ctrl = e.Control; if(alt) mod |= (int)Keys.Alt; if(shift) mod |= (int)Keys.Shift; if(ctrl) mod |= (int)Keys.Control; // Don't process any keys when they are meant for other input controls if((ActiveControl == null) || (ActiveControl == display)) { // Invoke any actions associated with this key General.Actions.UpdateModifiers(mod); e.Handled = General.Actions.KeyPressed((int)e.KeyData); // Invoke on editing mode if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditKeyDown(e); General.Editing.Mode.OnKeyDown(e); } // Handled if(e.Handled) e.SuppressKeyPress = true; } // F1 pressed? if((e.KeyCode == Keys.F1) && (e.Modifiers == Keys.None)) { // No action bound to F1? Actions.Action[] f1actions = General.Actions.GetActionsByKey((int)e.KeyData); if(f1actions.Length == 0) { // If we don't have any map open, show the Main Window help // otherwise, give the help request to the editing mode so it // can open the appropriate help file. if((General.Map == null) || (General.Editing.Mode == null)) { General.ShowHelp("introduction.html"); } else { General.Editing.Mode.OnHelp(); } } } } // When a key is released private void MainForm_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { int mod = 0; // Keep key modifiers alt = e.Alt; shift = e.Shift; ctrl = e.Control; if(alt) mod |= (int)Keys.Alt; if(shift) mod |= (int)Keys.Shift; if(ctrl) mod |= (int)Keys.Control; // Don't process any keys when they are meant for other input controls if((ActiveControl == null) || (ActiveControl == display)) { // Invoke any actions associated with this key General.Actions.UpdateModifiers(mod); e.Handled = General.Actions.KeyReleased((int)e.KeyData); // Invoke on editing mode if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditKeyUp(e); General.Editing.Mode.OnKeyUp(e); } // Handled if(e.Handled) e.SuppressKeyPress = true; } } //mxd. Sometimes it's handeled by RenderTargetControl, not by MainForm leading to keys being "stuck" private void display_OnKeyReleased(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { MainForm_KeyUp(sender, e); } // These prevent focus changes by way of TAB or Arrow keys protected override bool IsInputChar(char charCode) { return false; } protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData) { return false; } protected override bool ProcessKeyPreview(ref Message m) { return false; } protected override bool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) { return false; } protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { return false; } // This fixes some odd input behaviour private void display_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e) { if((ActiveControl == null) || (ActiveControl == display)) { LoseFocus(this, EventArgs.Empty); KeyEventArgs ea = new KeyEventArgs(e.KeyData); MainForm_KeyDown(sender, ea); } } #endregion #region ================== Toolbar // This updates the skills list private void UpdateSkills() { // Clear list buttontest.DropDownItems.Clear(); // Map loaded? if(General.Map != null) { // Make the new skills list skills = new ToolStripItem[(General.Map.Config.Skills.Count * 2) + 3]; //mxd //mxd. Add engine selector ToolStripMenuItem menuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem("Engine:", Resources.Marine); for (int i = 0; i < General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestEngines.Count; i++) { ToolStripMenuItem engineItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestEngines[i].TestProgramName); engineItem.Tag = i; engineItem.Checked = (i == General.Map.ConfigSettings.CurrentEngineIndex); engineItem.Click += engineItem_Click; menuitem.DropDownItems.Add(engineItem); } skills[0] = menuitem; //mxd. Add seperator skills[1] = new ToolStripSeparator(); skills[1].Padding = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3); int addindex = 2; // Positive skills are with monsters for(int i = 0; i < General.Map.Config.Skills.Count; i++) { menuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem(General.Map.Config.Skills[i].ToString()); menuitem.Image = Resources.Monster2; menuitem.Click += TestSkill_Click; menuitem.Tag = General.Map.Config.Skills[i].Index; menuitem.Checked = (General.Settings.TestMonsters && (General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestSkill == General.Map.Config.Skills[i].Index)); skills[addindex++] = menuitem; } // Add seperator skills[addindex] = new ToolStripSeparator(); skills[addindex].Padding = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3); addindex++; // Negative skills are without monsters for(int i = 0; i < General.Map.Config.Skills.Count; i++) { menuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem(General.Map.Config.Skills[i].ToString()); menuitem.Image = Resources.Monster3; menuitem.Click += TestSkill_Click; menuitem.Tag = -General.Map.Config.Skills[i].Index; menuitem.Checked = (!General.Settings.TestMonsters && (General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestSkill == General.Map.Config.Skills[i].Index)); skills[addindex++] = menuitem; } // Add to list buttontest.DropDownItems.AddRange(skills); } } //mxd private void engineItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Map.ConfigSettings.CurrentEngineIndex = (int)(((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag); General.Map.ConfigSettings.Changed = true; UpdateSkills(); } // Event handler for testing at a specific skill private void TestSkill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int skill = (int)((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Tag); General.Settings.TestMonsters = (skill > 0); General.Map.ConfigSettings.TestSkill = Math.Abs(skill); General.Map.Launcher.TestAtSkill(Math.Abs(skill)); UpdateSkills(); } // This loses focus private void LoseFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Lose focus! try { display.Focus(); } catch(Exception) { } this.ActiveControl = null; } // Things filter selected private void thingfilters_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Only possible when a map is open if((General.Map != null) && !updatingfilters) { updatingfilters = true; // Change filter General.Map.ChangeThingFilter(thingfilters.SelectedItem as ThingsFilter); updatingfilters = false; } // Lose focus if(!thingfilters.DroppedDown) LoseFocus(sender, e); } // This updates the things filter on the toolbar internal void UpdateThingsFilters() { // Only possible to list filters when a map is open if(General.Map != null) { ThingsFilter oldfilter = null; if(thingfilters.SelectedIndex > -1) oldfilter = thingfilters.SelectedItem as ThingsFilter; updatingfilters = true; // Clear the list thingfilters.Items.Clear(); // Add null filter if(General.Map.ThingsFilter is NullThingsFilter) thingfilters.Items.Add(General.Map.ThingsFilter); else thingfilters.Items.Add(new NullThingsFilter()); // Add all filters foreach(ThingsFilter f in General.Map.ConfigSettings.ThingsFilters) thingfilters.Items.Add(f); // Select current filter foreach(ThingsFilter f in thingfilters.Items) if(f == General.Map.ThingsFilter) thingfilters.SelectedItem = f; updatingfilters = false; // No filter selected? if(thingfilters.SelectedIndex == -1) { // Select the first and update thingfilters.SelectedIndex = 0; } // Another filter got selected? else if(oldfilter != (thingfilters.SelectedItem as ThingsFilter)) { // Update! thingfilters_SelectedIndexChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } else { // Clear the list thingfilters.Items.Clear(); } } // This selects the things filter based on the filter set on the map manager internal void ReflectThingsFilter() { if(!updatingfilters) { updatingfilters = true; // Select current filter bool selecteditemfound = false; foreach(ThingsFilter f in thingfilters.Items) { if(f == General.Map.ThingsFilter) { thingfilters.SelectedItem = f; selecteditemfound = true; } } // Not in the list? if(!selecteditemfound) { // Select nothing thingfilters.SelectedIndex = -1; } updatingfilters = false; } } // This adds a button to the toolbar public void AddButton(ToolStripItem button) { AddButton(button, ToolbarSection.Custom, General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly())); } public void AddButton(ToolStripItem button, ToolbarSection section) { AddButton(button, section, General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly())); } private void AddButton(ToolStripItem button, ToolbarSection section, Plugin plugin) { // Fix tags to full action names ToolStripItemCollection items = new ToolStripItemCollection(toolbar, new ToolStripItem[0]); items.Add(button); RenameTagsToFullActions(items, plugin); // Add to the list so we can update it as needed PluginToolbarButton buttoninfo = new PluginToolbarButton(); buttoninfo.button = button; buttoninfo.section = section; pluginbuttons.Add(buttoninfo); // Bind visible changed event if(!(button is ToolStripSeparator)) button.VisibleChanged += buttonvisiblechangedhandler; // Insert the button in the right section switch(section) { case ToolbarSection.File: toolbar.Items.Insert(toolbar.Items.IndexOf(seperatorfile), button); break; case ToolbarSection.Script: toolbar.Items.Insert(toolbar.Items.IndexOf(seperatorscript), button); break; case ToolbarSection.UndoRedo: toolbar.Items.Insert(toolbar.Items.IndexOf(seperatorundo), button); break; case ToolbarSection.CopyPaste: toolbar.Items.Insert(toolbar.Items.IndexOf(seperatorcopypaste), button); break; case ToolbarSection.Prefabs: toolbar.Items.Insert(toolbar.Items.IndexOf(seperatorprefabs), button); break; case ToolbarSection.Things: toolbar.Items.Insert(toolbar.Items.IndexOf(buttonviewnormal), button); break; case ToolbarSection.Views: toolbar.Items.Insert(toolbar.Items.IndexOf(seperatorviews), button); break; case ToolbarSection.Geometry: toolbar.Items.Insert(toolbar.Items.IndexOf(seperatorgeometry), button); break; case ToolbarSection.Testing: toolbar.Items.Insert(toolbar.Items.IndexOf(seperatortesting), button); break; case ToolbarSection.Modes: modestoolbar.Items.Add(button); break; //mxd case ToolbarSection.Custom: modecontrolsloolbar.Items.Add(button); modecontrolsloolbar.Visible = true; break; //mxd } UpdateToolbar(); } //mxd public void AddModesButton(ToolStripItem button, string group) { // Set proper styling button.Padding = new Padding(0, 1, 0, 1); button.Margin = new Padding(); // Fix tags to full action names ToolStripItemCollection items = new ToolStripItemCollection(toolbar, new ToolStripItem[0]); items.Add(button); RenameTagsToFullActions(items, General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly())); // Add to the list so we can update it as needed PluginToolbarButton buttoninfo = new PluginToolbarButton(); buttoninfo.button = button; buttoninfo.section = ToolbarSection.Modes; pluginbuttons.Add(buttoninfo); button.VisibleChanged += buttonvisiblechangedhandler; //find the separator we need for(int i = 0; i < modestoolbar.Items.Count; i++) { if(modestoolbar.Items[i] is ToolStripSeparator && modestoolbar.Items[i].Text == group) { modestoolbar.Items.Insert(i + 1, button); break; } } UpdateToolbar(); } // Removes a button public void RemoveButton(ToolStripItem button) { // Find in the list and remove it PluginToolbarButton buttoninfo = new PluginToolbarButton(); for(int i = 0; i < pluginbuttons.Count; i++) { if(pluginbuttons[i].button == button) { buttoninfo = pluginbuttons[i]; pluginbuttons.RemoveAt(i); break; } } if(buttoninfo.button != null) { // Unbind visible changed event if(!(button is ToolStripSeparator)) button.VisibleChanged -= buttonvisiblechangedhandler; //mxd. Remove button from toolbars switch (buttoninfo.section) { case ToolbarSection.Modes: modestoolbar.Items.Remove(button); break; case ToolbarSection.Custom: modecontrolsloolbar.Items.Remove(button); modecontrolsloolbar.Visible = (modecontrolsloolbar.Items.Count > 0); break; default: toolbar.Items.Remove(button); break; } UpdateSeparators(); } } // This handle visibility changes in the toolbar buttons private void ToolbarButtonVisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!preventupdateseperators) { // Update the seeprators UpdateSeparators(); } } // This hides redundant separators internal void UpdateSeparators() { UpdateToolStripSeparators(toolbar.Items, false); UpdateToolStripSeparators(menumode.DropDownItems, true); //mxd UpdateToolStripSeparators(modestoolbar.Items, true); UpdateToolStripSeparators(modecontrolsloolbar.Items, true); } // This hides redundant separators private static void UpdateToolStripSeparators(ToolStripItemCollection items, bool defaultvisible) { ToolStripItem pvi = null; foreach(ToolStripItem i in items) { bool separatorvisible = false; // This is a seperator? if(i is ToolStripSeparator) { // Make visible when previous item was not a seperator separatorvisible = !(pvi is ToolStripSeparator) && (pvi != null); i.Visible = separatorvisible; } // Keep as previous visible item if(i.Visible || separatorvisible || (defaultvisible && !(i is ToolStripSeparator))) pvi = i; } // Hide last item if it is a seperator if(pvi is ToolStripSeparator) pvi.Visible = false; } // This enables or disables all editing mode items and toolbar buttons private void UpdateToolbar() { preventupdateseperators = true; // Show/hide items based on preferences bool maploaded = General.Map != null; //mxd buttonnewmap.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarFile; buttonopenmap.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarFile; buttonsavemap.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarFile; buttonscripteditor.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarScript && maploaded; buttonundo.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarUndo && maploaded; buttonredo.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarUndo && maploaded; buttoncut.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarCopy && maploaded; buttoncopy.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarCopy && maploaded; buttonpaste.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarCopy && maploaded; buttoninsertprefabfile.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarPrefabs && maploaded; buttoninsertpreviousprefab.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarPrefabs && maploaded; buttonthingsfilter.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarFilter && maploaded; thingfilters.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarFilter && maploaded; separatorfilters.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes && maploaded; //mxd buttonfullbrightness.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes && maploaded; //mxd separatorfullbrightness.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes && maploaded; //mxd buttonviewbrightness.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes && maploaded; buttonviewceilings.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes && maploaded; buttonviewfloors.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes && maploaded; buttonviewnormal.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes && maploaded; buttonsnaptogrid.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarGeometry && maploaded; buttonautomerge.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarGeometry && maploaded; buttonautoclearsidetextures.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarGeometry && maploaded; //mxd buttontest.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarTesting && maploaded; //mxd modelrendermode.Visible = General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom && maploaded; dynamiclightmode.Visible = General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom && maploaded; buttontogglefx.Visible = General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom && maploaded; buttontogglefog.Visible = General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom && maploaded; buttontoggleeventlines.Visible = General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom && maploaded; buttontogglevisualvertices.Visible = General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom && maploaded; separatorgzmodes.Visible = General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom && maploaded; // Enable/disable all edit mode items //foreach(ToolStripItem i in editmodeitems) i.Enabled = (General.Map != null); //mxd. Show/hide additional panels modestoolbar.Visible = (General.Map != null); panelinfo.Visible = (General.Map != null); modecontrolsloolbar.Visible = (General.Map != null && modecontrolsloolbar.Items.Count > 0); //mxd. modestoolbar index in Controls gets messed up when it's invisible. This fixes it. TODO: find why this happens in the first place if(modestoolbar.Visible) { int toolbarpos = this.Controls.IndexOf(toolbar); if(this.Controls.IndexOf(modestoolbar) > toolbarpos) { this.Controls.SetChildIndex(modestoolbar, toolbarpos); } } // Update plugin buttons foreach(PluginToolbarButton p in pluginbuttons) { switch(p.section) { case ToolbarSection.File: p.button.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarFile; break; case ToolbarSection.Script: p.button.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarScript; break; case ToolbarSection.UndoRedo: p.button.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarUndo; break; case ToolbarSection.CopyPaste: p.button.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarCopy; break; case ToolbarSection.Prefabs: p.button.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarPrefabs; break; case ToolbarSection.Things: p.button.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarFilter; break; case ToolbarSection.Views: p.button.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes; break; case ToolbarSection.Geometry: p.button.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarGeometry; break; case ToolbarSection.Testing: p.button.Visible = General.Settings.ToolbarTesting; break; } } preventupdateseperators = false; UpdateSeparators(); } // This checks one of the edit mode items (and unchecks all others) internal void CheckEditModeButton(string modeclassname) { // Go for all items foreach(ToolStripItem i in editmodeitems) { // Check what type it is if(i is ToolStripMenuItem) { // Check if mode type matches with given name (i as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = ((i.Tag as EditModeInfo).Type.Name == modeclassname); } else if(i is ToolStripButton) { // Check if mode type matches with given name (i as ToolStripButton).Checked = ((i.Tag as EditModeInfo).Type.Name == modeclassname); } } } // This removes the config-specific editing mode buttons internal void RemoveEditModeButtons() { // Go for all items foreach(ToolStripItem i in editmodeitems) { // Remove it and restart menumode.DropDownItems.Remove(i); i.Dispose(); } // Done modestoolbar.Items.Clear(); //mxd editmodeitems.Clear(); UpdateSeparators(); } // This adds an editing mode seperator on the toolbar and menu internal void AddEditModeSeperator(string group) { // Create a button ToolStripSeparator item = new ToolStripSeparator(); item.Text = group; //mxd item.Margin = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3); //mxd modestoolbar.Items.Add(item); //mxd editmodeitems.Add(item); // Create menu item int index = menumode.DropDownItems.Count; item = new ToolStripSeparator(); item.Text = group; //mxd item.Margin = new Padding(0, 3, 0, 3); menumode.DropDownItems.Insert(index, item); editmodeitems.Add(item); UpdateSeparators(); } // This adds an editing mode button to the toolbar and edit menu internal void AddEditModeButton(EditModeInfo modeinfo) { string controlname = modeinfo.ButtonDesc.Replace("&", "&&"); // Create a button ToolStripItem item = new ToolStripButton(modeinfo.ButtonDesc, modeinfo.ButtonImage, EditModeButtonHandler); item.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image; item.Padding = new Padding(0, 2, 0, 2); item.Margin = new Padding(); item.Tag = modeinfo; modestoolbar.Items.Add(item); //mxd editmodeitems.Add(item); // Create menu item int index = menumode.DropDownItems.Count; item = new ToolStripMenuItem(controlname, modeinfo.ButtonImage, EditModeButtonHandler); item.Tag = modeinfo; menumode.DropDownItems.Insert(index, item); editmodeitems.Add(item); item.Visible = true; ApplyShortcutKeys(menumode.DropDownItems); UpdateSeparators(); } // This handles edit mode button clicks private void EditModeButtonHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Update(); EditModeInfo modeinfo = (EditModeInfo)((sender as ToolStripItem).Tag); General.Actions.InvokeAction(modeinfo.SwitchAction.GetFullActionName(modeinfo.Plugin.Assembly)); this.Update(); } //mxd public void UpdateGZDoomPanel() { if (General.Map != null) { modelrendermode.Enabled = true; dynamiclightmode.Enabled = true; buttontogglefog.Enabled = true; buttontogglefx.Enabled = true; buttontoggleeventlines.Enabled = true; buttontogglevisualvertices.Enabled = General.Map.UDMF; if (General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom) { foreach(ToolStripMenuItem item in modelrendermode.DropDownItems) { item.Checked = ((ModelRenderMode)item.Tag == General.Settings.GZDrawModelsMode); if (item.Checked) modelrendermode.Image = item.Image; } foreach(ToolStripMenuItem item in dynamiclightmode.DropDownItems) { item.Checked = ((LightRenderMode)item.Tag == General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode); if(item.Checked) dynamiclightmode.Image = item.Image; } buttontogglefog.Checked = General.Settings.GZDrawFog; buttontoggleeventlines.Checked = General.Settings.GZShowEventLines; buttontogglevisualvertices.Checked = General.Settings.GZShowVisualVertices; } } else { modelrendermode.Enabled = false; dynamiclightmode.Enabled = false; buttontogglefog.Enabled = false; buttontogglefx.Enabled = false; buttontoggleeventlines.Enabled = false; buttontogglevisualvertices.Enabled = false; } } #endregion #region ================== Toolbar context menu (mxd) private void toolbarContextMenu_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { if(General.Map == null) { e.Cancel = true; return; } toggleFile.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarFile ? Resources.Check : null; toggleScript.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarScript ? Resources.Check : null; toggleUndo.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarUndo ? Resources.Check : null; toggleCopy.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarCopy ? Resources.Check : null; togglePrefabs.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarPrefabs ? Resources.Check : null; toggleFilter.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarFilter ? Resources.Check : null; toggleViewModes.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes ? Resources.Check : null; toggleGeometry.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarGeometry ? Resources.Check : null; toggleTesting.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarTesting ? Resources.Check : null; toggleRendering.Image = General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom ? Resources.Check : null; } private void toolbarContextMenu_Closing(object sender, ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = (e.CloseReason == ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.ItemClicked && toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed); } private void toolbarContextMenu_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed = (e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey); } private void toolbarContextMenu_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed = (e.KeyCode != Keys.ShiftKey); } private void toggleFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.ToolbarFile = !General.Settings.ToolbarFile; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) toggleFile.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarFile ? Resources.Check : null; } private void toggleScript_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.ToolbarScript = !General.Settings.ToolbarScript; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) toggleScript.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarScript ? Resources.Check : null; } private void toggleUndo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.ToolbarUndo = !General.Settings.ToolbarUndo; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) toggleUndo.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarUndo ? Resources.Check : null; } private void toggleCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.ToolbarCopy = !General.Settings.ToolbarCopy; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) toggleCopy.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarCopy ? Resources.Check : null; } private void togglePrefabs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.ToolbarPrefabs = !General.Settings.ToolbarPrefabs; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) togglePrefabs.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarPrefabs ? Resources.Check : null; } private void toggleFilter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.ToolbarFilter = !General.Settings.ToolbarFilter; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) toggleFilter.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarFilter ? Resources.Check : null; } private void toggleViewModes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes = !General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) toggleViewModes.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarViewModes ? Resources.Check : null; } private void toggleGeometry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.ToolbarGeometry = !General.Settings.ToolbarGeometry; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) toggleGeometry.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarGeometry ? Resources.Check : null; } private void toggleTesting_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.ToolbarTesting = !General.Settings.ToolbarTesting; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) toggleTesting.Image = General.Settings.ToolbarTesting ? Resources.Check : null; } private void toggleRendering_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom = !General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom; UpdateToolbar(); if(toolbarContextMenuShiftPressed) toggleRendering.Image = General.Settings.GZToolbarGZDoom ? Resources.Check : null; } #endregion #region ================== Menus // This adds a menu to the menus bar public void AddMenu(ToolStripMenuItem menu) { AddMenu(menu, MenuSection.Top, General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly())); } public void AddMenu(ToolStripMenuItem menu, MenuSection section) { AddMenu(menu, section, General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly())); } private void AddMenu(ToolStripMenuItem menu, MenuSection section, Plugin plugin) { // Fix tags to full action names ToolStripItemCollection items = new ToolStripItemCollection(this.menumain, new ToolStripItem[0]); items.Add(menu); RenameTagsToFullActions(items, plugin); // Insert the menu in the right location switch(section) { case MenuSection.FileNewOpenClose: menufile.DropDownItems.Insert(menufile.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatorfileopen), menu); break; case MenuSection.FileSave: menufile.DropDownItems.Insert(menufile.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatorfilesave), menu); break; case MenuSection.FileImport: itemimport.DropDownItems.Add(menu); break; //mxd case MenuSection.FileExport: itemexport.DropDownItems.Add(menu); break; //mxd case MenuSection.FileRecent: menufile.DropDownItems.Insert(menufile.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatorfilerecent), menu); break; case MenuSection.FileExit: menufile.DropDownItems.Insert(menufile.DropDownItems.IndexOf(itemexit), menu); break; case MenuSection.EditUndoRedo: menuedit.DropDownItems.Insert(menuedit.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatoreditundo), menu); break; case MenuSection.EditCopyPaste: menuedit.DropDownItems.Insert(menuedit.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatoreditcopypaste), menu); break; case MenuSection.EditGeometry: menuedit.DropDownItems.Insert(menuedit.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatoreditgeometry), menu); break; case MenuSection.EditGrid: menuedit.DropDownItems.Insert(menuedit.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatoreditgrid), menu); break; case MenuSection.EditMapOptions: menuedit.DropDownItems.Add(menu); break; case MenuSection.ViewThings: menuview.DropDownItems.Insert(menuview.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatorviewthings), menu); break; case MenuSection.ViewViews: menuview.DropDownItems.Insert(menuview.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatorviewviews), menu); break; case MenuSection.ViewZoom: menuview.DropDownItems.Insert(menuview.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatorviewzoom), menu); break; case MenuSection.ViewScriptEdit: menuview.DropDownItems.Add(menu); break; case MenuSection.PrefabsInsert: menuprefabs.DropDownItems.Insert(menuprefabs.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatorprefabsinsert), menu); break; case MenuSection.PrefabsCreate: menuprefabs.DropDownItems.Add(menu); break; case MenuSection.ToolsResources: menutools.DropDownItems.Insert(menutools.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatortoolsresources), menu); break; case MenuSection.ToolsConfiguration: menutools.DropDownItems.Insert(menutools.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatortoolsconfig), menu); break; case MenuSection.ToolsTesting: menutools.DropDownItems.Add(menu); break; case MenuSection.HelpManual: menuhelp.DropDownItems.Insert(menuhelp.DropDownItems.IndexOf(seperatorhelpmanual), menu); break; case MenuSection.HelpAbout: menuhelp.DropDownItems.Add(menu); break; case MenuSection.Top: menumain.Items.Insert(menumain.Items.IndexOf(menutools), menu); break; } ApplyShortcutKeys(items); } //mxd public void AddModesMenu(ToolStripMenuItem menu, string group) { // Fix tags to full action names ToolStripItemCollection items = new ToolStripItemCollection(this.menumain, new ToolStripItem[0]); items.Add(menu); RenameTagsToFullActions(items, General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly())); //find the separator we need for(int i = 0; i < menumode.DropDownItems.Count; i++) { if(menumode.DropDownItems[i] is ToolStripSeparator && menumode.DropDownItems[i].Text == group) { menumode.DropDownItems.Insert(i + 1, menu); break; } } ApplyShortcutKeys(items); } // Removes a menu public void RemoveMenu(ToolStripMenuItem menu) { // We actually have no idea in which menu this item is, // so try removing from all menus and the top strip menufile.DropDownItems.Remove(menu); menuedit.DropDownItems.Remove(menu); menumode.DropDownItems.Remove(menu); //mxd menuview.DropDownItems.Remove(menu); menuprefabs.DropDownItems.Remove(menu); menutools.DropDownItems.Remove(menu); menuhelp.DropDownItems.Remove(menu); menumain.Items.Remove(menu); } // Public method to apply shortcut keys internal void ApplyShortcutKeys() { // Apply shortcut keys to menus ApplyShortcutKeys(menumain.Items); } // This sets the shortcut keys on menu items private static void ApplyShortcutKeys(ToolStripItemCollection items) { // Go for all controls to find menu items foreach(ToolStripItem item in items) { // This is a menu item? if(item is ToolStripMenuItem) { // Get the item in proper type ToolStripMenuItem menuitem = (item as ToolStripMenuItem); // Tag set for this item? if(menuitem.Tag is string) { // Action with this name available? string actionname = menuitem.Tag.ToString(); if(General.Actions.Exists(actionname)) { // Put the action shortcut key on the menu item menuitem.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = Actions.Action.GetShortcutKeyDesc(General.Actions[actionname].ShortcutKey); } } // Edit mode info set for this item? else if(menuitem.Tag is EditModeInfo) { // Action with this name available? EditModeInfo modeinfo = (menuitem.Tag as EditModeInfo); string actionname = modeinfo.SwitchAction.GetFullActionName(modeinfo.Plugin.Assembly); if(General.Actions.Exists(actionname)) { // Put the action shortcut key on the menu item menuitem.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = Actions.Action.GetShortcutKeyDesc(General.Actions[actionname].ShortcutKey); } } // Recursively apply shortcut keys to child menu items as well ApplyShortcutKeys(menuitem.DropDownItems); } } } // This fixes short action names to fully qualified // action names on menu item tags private static void RenameTagsToFullActions(ToolStripItemCollection items, Plugin plugin) { // Go for all controls to find menu items foreach(ToolStripItem item in items) { // Tag set for this item? if(item.Tag is string) { // Check if the tag doe not already begin with the assembly name if(!(item.Tag as string).StartsWith(plugin.Name + "_", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // Change the tag to a fully qualified action name item.Tag = plugin.Name.ToLowerInvariant() + "_" + (item.Tag as string); } } // This is a menu item? if(item is ToolStripMenuItem) { // Get the item in proper type ToolStripMenuItem menuitem = (item as ToolStripMenuItem); // Recursively perform operation on child menu items RenameTagsToFullActions(menuitem.DropDownItems, plugin); } } } #endregion #region ================== File Menu // This sets up the file menu private void UpdateFileMenu() { // Enable/disable items itemclosemap.Enabled = (General.Map != null); itemsavemap.Enabled = (General.Map != null); itemsavemapas.Enabled = (General.Map != null); itemsavemapinto.Enabled = (General.Map != null); itemtestmap.Enabled = (General.Map != null); itemopenmapincurwad.Enabled = (General.Map != null); //mxd itemimport.Enabled = (General.Map != null); //mxd itemexport.Enabled = (General.Map != null); //mxd // Toolbar icons buttonnewmap.Enabled = itemnewmap.Enabled; buttonopenmap.Enabled = itemopenmap.Enabled; buttonsavemap.Enabled = itemsavemap.Enabled; } // This sets the recent files from configuration private void CreateRecentFiles() { bool anyitems = false; string filename; // Where to insert int insertindex = menufile.DropDownItems.IndexOf(itemnorecent); // Create all items recentitems = new ToolStripMenuItem[General.Settings.MaxRecentFiles]; for(int i = 0; i < General.Settings.MaxRecentFiles; i++) { // Create item recentitems[i] = new ToolStripMenuItem(""); recentitems[i].Tag = ""; recentitems[i].Click += recentitem_Click; menufile.DropDownItems.Insert(insertindex + i, recentitems[i]); // Get configuration setting filename = General.Settings.ReadSetting("recentfiles.file" + i, ""); if(filename != "" && File.Exists(filename)) { // Set up item int number = i + 1; recentitems[i].Text = "&" + number + " " + GetDisplayFilename(filename); recentitems[i].Tag = filename; recentitems[i].Visible = true; anyitems = true; } else { // Hide item recentitems[i].Visible = false; } } // Hide the no recent item when there are items itemnorecent.Visible = !anyitems; } // This saves the recent files list private void SaveRecentFiles() { // Go for all items for(int i = 0; i < recentitems.Length; i++) { // Recent file set? if(recentitems[i].Text != "") { // Save to configuration General.Settings.WriteSetting("recentfiles.file" + i, recentitems[i].Tag.ToString()); } } } // This adds a recent file to the list internal void AddRecentFile(string filename) { //mxd. Recreate recent files list if (recentitems.Length != General.Settings.MaxRecentFiles) { foreach(ToolStripMenuItem item in recentitems) menufile.DropDownItems.Remove(item); SaveRecentFiles(); CreateRecentFiles(); } int movedownto = General.Settings.MaxRecentFiles - 1; // Check if this file is already in the list for(int i = 0; i < General.Settings.MaxRecentFiles; i++) { // File same as this item? if(string.Compare(filename, recentitems[i].Tag.ToString(), true) == 0) { // Move down to here so that this item will disappear movedownto = i; break; } } // Go for all items, except the last one, backwards for(int i = movedownto - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Move recent file down the list int number = i + 2; recentitems[i + 1].Text = "&" + number + " " + GetDisplayFilename(recentitems[i].Tag.ToString()); recentitems[i + 1].Tag = recentitems[i].Tag.ToString(); recentitems[i + 1].Visible = (recentitems[i].Tag.ToString() != ""); } // Add new file at the top recentitems[0].Text = "&1 " + GetDisplayFilename(filename); recentitems[0].Tag = filename; recentitems[0].Visible = true; // Hide the no recent item itemnorecent.Visible = false; } // This returns the trimmed file/path string private string GetDisplayFilename(string filename) { string newname; // String doesnt fit? if(GetStringWidth(filename) > MAX_RECENT_FILES_PIXELS) { // Start chopping off characters for(int i = filename.Length - 6; i >= 0; i--) { // Does it fit now? newname = filename.Substring(0, 3) + "..." + filename.Substring(filename.Length - i, i); if(GetStringWidth(newname) <= MAX_RECENT_FILES_PIXELS) return newname; } // Cant find anything that fits (most unlikely!) return "wtf?!"; } else { // The whole string fits return filename; } } // This returns the width of a string private float GetStringWidth(string str) { Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwndInternal(this.Handle); SizeF strsize = g.MeasureString(str, this.Font); return strsize.Width; } // Exit clicked private void itemexit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } // Recent item clicked private void recentitem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get the item that was clicked ToolStripItem item = (sender as ToolStripItem); // Open this file General.OpenMapFile(item.Tag.ToString(), null); } #endregion #region ================== Edit Menu // This sets up the edit menu private void UpdateEditMenu() { // No edit menu when no map open menuedit.Visible = (General.Map != null); // Enable/disable items itemundo.Enabled = (General.Map != null) && (General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo != null); itemredo.Enabled = (General.Map != null) && (General.Map.UndoRedo.NextRedo != null); itemcut.Enabled = (General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null) && General.Editing.Mode.Attributes.AllowCopyPaste; itemcopy.Enabled = (General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null) && General.Editing.Mode.Attributes.AllowCopyPaste; itempaste.Enabled = (General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null) && General.Editing.Mode.Attributes.AllowCopyPaste; itempastespecial.Enabled = (General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null) && General.Editing.Mode.Attributes.AllowCopyPaste; itemautoclearsidetextures.Checked = General.Settings.AutoClearSidedefTextures; //mxd // Determine undo description if(itemundo.Enabled) itemundo.Text = "Undo " + General.Map.UndoRedo.NextUndo.Description; else itemundo.Text = "Undo"; // Determine redo description if(itemredo.Enabled) itemredo.Text = "Redo " + General.Map.UndoRedo.NextRedo.Description; else itemredo.Text = "Redo"; // Toolbar icons buttonundo.Enabled = itemundo.Enabled; buttonredo.Enabled = itemredo.Enabled; buttonundo.ToolTipText = itemundo.Text; buttonredo.ToolTipText = itemredo.Text; buttonautoclearsidetextures.Checked = itemautoclearsidetextures.Checked; //mxd buttoncut.Enabled = itemcut.Enabled; buttoncopy.Enabled = itemcopy.Enabled; buttonpaste.Enabled = itempaste.Enabled; } //mxd private void menuedit_DropDownOpening(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (General.Map == null) { selectGroup.Enabled = false; clearGroup.Enabled = false; addToGroup.Enabled = false; return; } //get data ToolStripItem item; GroupInfo[] infos = new GroupInfo[10]; for(int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) infos[i] = General.Map.Map.GetGroupInfo(i); //update "Add to group" menu addToGroup.Enabled = true; addToGroup.DropDownItems.Clear(); foreach (GroupInfo gi in infos) { item = addToGroup.DropDownItems.Add(gi.ToString()); item.Tag = "builder_assigngroup" + gi.Index; item.Click += InvokeTaggedAction; } //update "Select group" menu selectGroup.DropDownItems.Clear(); foreach (GroupInfo gi in infos) { if(gi.Empty) continue; item = selectGroup.DropDownItems.Add(gi.ToString()); item.Tag = "builder_selectgroup" + gi.Index; item.Click += InvokeTaggedAction; } //update "Clear group" menu clearGroup.DropDownItems.Clear(); foreach(GroupInfo gi in infos) { if(gi.Empty) continue; item = clearGroup.DropDownItems.Add(gi.ToString()); item.Tag = "builder_cleargroup" + gi.Index; item.Click += InvokeTaggedAction; } selectGroup.Enabled = selectGroup.DropDownItems.Count > 0; clearGroup.Enabled = clearGroup.DropDownItems.Count > 0; } // Action to toggle snap to grid [BeginAction("togglesnap")] internal void ToggleSnapToGrid() { buttonsnaptogrid.Checked = !buttonsnaptogrid.Checked; itemsnaptogrid.Checked = buttonsnaptogrid.Checked; DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Snap to grid is " + (buttonsnaptogrid.Checked ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED")); } // Action to toggle auto merge [BeginAction("toggleautomerge")] internal void ToggleAutoMerge() { buttonautomerge.Checked = !buttonautomerge.Checked; itemautomerge.Checked = buttonautomerge.Checked; DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Snap to geometry is " + (buttonautomerge.Checked ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED")); } //mxd [BeginAction("togglebrightness")] internal void ToggleBrightness() { Renderer.FullBrightness = !Renderer.FullBrightness; buttonfullbrightness.Checked = Renderer.FullBrightness; menufullbrightness.Checked = Renderer.FullBrightness; General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Full Brightness is now " + (Renderer.FullBrightness ? "ON" : "OFF")); // Redraw display to show changes General.Interface.RedrawDisplay(); } //mxd [BeginAction("toggleautoclearsidetextures")] internal void ToggleAutoClearSideTextures() { buttonautoclearsidetextures.Checked = !buttonautoclearsidetextures.Checked; itemautoclearsidetextures.Checked = buttonautoclearsidetextures.Checked; General.Settings.AutoClearSidedefTextures = buttonautoclearsidetextures.Checked; DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Auto removal of unused sidedef textures is " + (buttonautoclearsidetextures.Checked ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED")); } //mxd [BeginAction("viewusedtags")] internal void ViewUsedTags() { TagStatisticsForm f = new TagStatisticsForm(); f.ShowDialog(this); } //mxd [BeginAction("viewthingtypes")] internal void ViewThingTypes() { ThingStatisticsForm f = new ThingStatisticsForm(); f.ShowDialog(this); } #endregion #region ================== View Menu // This sets up the modes menu private void UpdateViewMenu() { // Menu items itemthingsfilter.Enabled = (General.Map != null); itemscripteditor.Enabled = (General.Map != null); itemfittoscreen.Enabled = (General.Map != null); menuzoom.Enabled = (General.Map != null); menugotocoords.Enabled = (General.Map != null); //mxd menufullbrightness.Enabled = (General.Map != null); //mxd itemtoggleinfo.Enabled = (General.Map != null); //mxd itemtoggleinfo.Checked = IsInfoPanelExpanded; // View mode items for(int i = 0; i < Renderer2D.NUM_VIEW_MODES; i++) { // NOTE: We only disable them when no map is loaded, because they may // need to be disabled for non-classic modes if(General.Map == null) { viewmodesbuttons[i].Enabled = false; viewmodesbuttons[i].Checked = false; viewmodesitems[i].Enabled = false; viewmodesitems[i].Checked = false; } else { // Check the correct item viewmodesbuttons[i].Checked = (i == (int)General.Map.CRenderer2D.ViewMode); viewmodesitems[i].Checked = (i == (int)General.Map.CRenderer2D.ViewMode); } } } #endregion #region ================== Mode Menu // This sets up the modes menu private void UpdateModeMenu() { menumode.Visible = (General.Map != null); } #endregion #region ================== Help Menu // This sets up the help menu private void UpdateHelpMenu() { itemhelpeditmode.Enabled = ((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)); } // About clicked private void itemhelpabout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Show about dialog AboutForm aboutform = new AboutForm(); aboutform.ShowDialog(this); } // Reference Manual clicked private void itemhelprefmanual_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.ShowHelp("introduction.html"); } // About this Editing Mode private void itemhelpeditmode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) General.Editing.Mode.OnHelp(); } //mxd private void itemShortcutReference_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { const string columnLabels = "Action
Description"; const string categoryPadding = ""; const string categoryStart = ""; const string categoryEnd = "
[to top]
"; const string fileName = "GZDB Actions Reference.html"; Actions.Action[] actions = General.Actions.GetAllActions(); Dictionary> sortedActions = new Dictionary>(StringComparer.Ordinal); foreach(Actions.Action action in actions) { if(!sortedActions.ContainsKey(action.Category)) sortedActions.Add(action.Category, new List()); sortedActions[action.Category].Add(action); } System.Text.StringBuilder html = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); //head html.AppendLine("" + Environment.NewLine + "" + Environment.NewLine + "GZDoom Builder Actions Reference" + Environment.NewLine + "" + Environment.NewLine + "
" + Environment.NewLine); //table header html.AppendLine("" + Environment.NewLine + ""); //categories navigator List catnames = new List(sortedActions.Count); int counter = 0; int numActions = 0; foreach(KeyValuePair> category in sortedActions) { catnames.Add("" + General.Actions.Categories[category.Key] + ""); numActions += category.Value.Count; } html.AppendLine("" + Environment.NewLine); //add descriptions counter = 0; foreach(KeyValuePair> category in sortedActions) { //add category title html.AppendLine(categoryPadding); html.AppendLine(categoryStart + "" + General.Actions.Categories[category.Key] + categoryEnd); html.AppendLine(columnLabels); counter++; Dictionary actionsByTitle = new Dictionary(StringComparer.Ordinal); List actionTitles = new List(); foreach(Actions.Action action in category.Value) { actionsByTitle.Add(action.Title, action); actionTitles.Add(action.Title); } actionTitles.Sort(); Actions.Action a; foreach(string title in actionTitles) { a = actionsByTitle[title]; List modifiers = new List(); html.AppendLine(""); html.AppendLine(""); html.AppendLine(""); if(a.DisregardControl) modifiers.Add("Ctrl"); if(a.DisregardAlt) modifiers.Add("Alt"); if(a.DisregardShift) modifiers.Add("Shift"); html.AppendLine(""); html.AppendLine(""); html.AppendLine(""); } } //add bottom html.AppendLine("
GZDoom Builder Actions Reference
Total number of actions: " + numActions + "
Jump to: "); html.AppendLine(string.Join(" | ", catnames.ToArray())); html.AppendLine("
" + title + "
" + Actions.Action.GetShortcutKeyDesc(a.ShortcutKey) + "
" + string.Join(", ", modifiers.ToArray()) + "
" + a.Description + "
"); //write string path; try { path = Path.Combine(General.AppPath, fileName); using(StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(path)) { writer.Write(html.ToString()); } } catch (Exception) { //Configurtions path SHOULD be accessible and not read-only, right? path = Path.Combine(General.SettingsPath, fileName); using(StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(path)) { writer.Write(html.ToString()); } } //open file DisplayStatus(StatusType.Info, "Shortcut reference saved to '" + path + "'"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path); } #endregion #region ================== Prefabs Menu // This sets up the prefabs menu private void UpdatePrefabsMenu() { // Enable/disable items itemcreateprefab.Enabled = (General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null) && General.Editing.Mode.Attributes.AllowCopyPaste; iteminsertprefabfile.Enabled = (General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null) && General.Editing.Mode.Attributes.AllowCopyPaste; iteminsertpreviousprefab.Enabled = (General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null) && General.Map.CopyPaste.IsPreviousPrefabAvailable && General.Editing.Mode.Attributes.AllowCopyPaste; // Toolbar icons buttoninsertprefabfile.Enabled = iteminsertprefabfile.Enabled; buttoninsertpreviousprefab.Enabled = iteminsertpreviousprefab.Enabled; } #endregion #region ================== Tools Menu // This sets up the tools menu private void UpdateToolsMenu() { // Enable/disable items bool enabled = (General.Map != null); itemreloadresources.Enabled = enabled; //mxd itemReloadGldefs.Enabled = enabled; itemReloadModedef.Enabled = enabled; } // Errors and Warnings [BeginAction("showerrors")] internal void ShowErrors() { ErrorsForm errform = new ErrorsForm(); errform.ShowDialog(this); errform.Dispose(); //mxd SetWarningsCount(General.ErrorLogger.ErrorsCount, false); } // Game Configuration action [BeginAction("configuration")] internal void ShowConfiguration() { // Show configuration dialog ShowConfigurationPage(-1); } // This shows the configuration on a specific page internal void ShowConfigurationPage(int pageindex) { // Show configuration dialog ConfigForm cfgform = new ConfigForm(); if(pageindex > -1) cfgform.ShowTab(pageindex); if(cfgform.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { // Update stuff SetupInterface(); UpdateInterface(); General.Editing.UpdateCurrentEditModes(); General.Plugins.ProgramReconfigure(); // Reload resources if a map is open if((General.Map != null) && cfgform.ReloadResources) General.Actions.InvokeAction("builder_reloadresources"); // Redraw display RedrawDisplay(); } // Done cfgform.Dispose(); } // Preferences action [BeginAction("preferences")] internal void ShowPreferences() { // Show preferences dialog PreferencesForm prefform = new PreferencesForm(); if(prefform.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { // Update stuff SetupInterface(); UpdateInterface(); ApplyShortcutKeys(); General.Colors.CreateCorrectionTable(); General.Plugins.ProgramReconfigure(); // Map opened? if(General.Map != null) { // Reload resources! if(General.Map.ScriptEditor != null) General.Map.ScriptEditor.Editor.RefreshSettings(); General.Map.Graphics.SetupSettings(); General.Map.UpdateConfiguration(); if(prefform.ReloadResources) General.Actions.InvokeAction("builder_reloadresources"); } // Redraw display RedrawDisplay(); } // Done prefform.Dispose(); } //mxd internal void SaveScreenshot(bool activeControlOnly) { //pick a valid folder string folder = General.Settings.ScreenshotsPath; if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) { if (folder != General.DefaultScreenshotsPath && General.ShowErrorMessage("Screenshots save path '" + folder + "' does not exist!\nPress OK to save to the default folder ('" + General.DefaultScreenshotsPath + "').\nPress Cancel to abort.", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel) return; folder = General.DefaultScreenshotsPath; if(!Directory.Exists(folder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } // Create name and bounds string name; Rectangle bounds; bool displayextrainfo = false; string mapname = (General.Map != null ? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(General.Map.FileTitle) : General.ThisAssembly.GetName().Name); if(activeControlOnly) { if (Form.ActiveForm != null && Form.ActiveForm != this) { name = mapname + " (" + Form.ActiveForm.Text + ") at "; bounds = (Form.ActiveForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized ? Screen.GetWorkingArea(Form.ActiveForm) : Form.ActiveForm.Bounds); } else { name = mapname + " (edit area) at "; bounds = this.display.Bounds; bounds.Offset(this.PointToScreen(new Point())); displayextrainfo = true; } } else { name = mapname + " at "; bounds = (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized ? Screen.GetWorkingArea(this) : this.Bounds); } Point cursorLocation = Point.Empty; //dont want to render the cursor in VisualMode if(General.Editing.Mode == null || !(General.Editing.Mode is VisualMode)) cursorLocation = Cursor.Position - new Size(bounds.Location); //create path string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH-mm-ss.fff"); string revision = (General.DebugBuild ? "DEVBUILD" : "R" + General.ThisAssembly.GetName().Version.MinorRevision); string path = Path.Combine(folder, name + date + " [" + revision + "].jpg"); //save image using(Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height)) { using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { g.CopyFromScreen(new Point(bounds.Left, bounds.Top), Point.Empty, bounds.Size); //draw the cursor if(!cursorLocation.IsEmpty) g.DrawImage(Resources.Cursor, cursorLocation); //gather some info string info; if(displayextrainfo && General.Editing.Mode != null) { info = General.Map.FileTitle + " | " + General.Map.Options.CurrentName + " | "; //get map coordinates if (General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode) { Vector2D pos = ((ClassicMode) General.Editing.Mode).MouseMapPos; //mouse inside the view? if (pos.IsFinite()) { info += "X:" + Math.Round(pos.x) + " Y:" + Math.Round(pos.y); } else { info += "X:" + Math.Round(General.Map.Renderer2D.TranslateX) + " Y:" + Math.Round(General.Map.Renderer2D.TranslateY); } } else { //should be visual mode info += "X:" + Math.Round(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.x) + " Y:" + Math.Round(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.y) + " Z:" + Math.Round(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.z); } //add the revision number info += " | " + revision; } else { //just use the revision number info = revision; } //draw info Font font = new Font("Tahoma", 10); SizeF rect = g.MeasureString(info, font); float px = bounds.Width - rect.Width - 4; float py = 4; g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, px, py, rect.Width, rect.Height + 3); using(SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White)) { g.DrawString(info, font, brush, px + 2, py + 2); } } try { ImageCodecInfo jpegCodec = null; ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders(); foreach(ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs) { if(codec.FormatID == ImageFormat.Jpeg.Guid) { jpegCodec = codec; break; } } EncoderParameter qualityParam = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, 90L); EncoderParameters encoderParams = new EncoderParameters(1); encoderParams.Param[0] = qualityParam; bitmap.Save(path, jpegCodec, encoderParams); DisplayStatus(StatusType.Info, "Screenshot saved to '" + path + "'"); } catch(ExternalException e) { DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Failed to save screenshot..."); General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Failed to save screenshot: " + e.Message); } } } #endregion #region ================== Models and Lights mode (mxd) private void ChangeModelRenderingMode(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.GZDrawModelsMode = (ModelRenderMode)((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag; switch(General.Settings.GZDrawModelsMode) { case ModelRenderMode.NONE: General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Models rendering mode: NONE"); break; case ModelRenderMode.SELECTION: General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Models rendering mode: SELECTION ONLY"); break; case ModelRenderMode.ALL: General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Models rendering mode: ALL"); break; } UpdateGZDoomPanel(); RedrawDisplay(); } private void ChangeLightRenderingMode(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode = (LightRenderMode)((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag; switch(General.Settings.GZDrawLightsMode) { case LightRenderMode.NONE: General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Dynamic lights rendering mode: NONE"); break; case LightRenderMode.ALL: General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Models rendering mode: ALL"); break; case LightRenderMode.ALL_ANIMATED: General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Models rendering mode: ANIMATED"); break; } UpdateGZDoomPanel(); RedrawDisplay(); } #endregion #region ================== Info Panels // This toggles the panel expanded / collapsed [BeginAction("toggleinfopanel")] internal void ToggleInfoPanel() { if(IsInfoPanelExpanded) { panelinfo.Height = buttontoggleinfo.Height + buttontoggleinfo.Top; buttontoggleinfo.Image = Resources.InfoPanelExpand; //mxd if(linedefinfo.Visible) linedefinfo.Hide(); if(vertexinfo.Visible) vertexinfo.Hide(); if(sectorinfo.Visible) sectorinfo.Hide(); if(thinginfo.Visible) thinginfo.Hide(); modename.Visible = false; #if DEBUG console.Visible = false; //mxd #endif statistics.Visible = false; //mxd labelcollapsedinfo.Visible = true; itemtoggleinfo.Checked = false; } else { panelinfo.Height = heightpanel1.Height; buttontoggleinfo.Image = Resources.InfoPanelCollapse; //mxd labelcollapsedinfo.Visible = false; itemtoggleinfo.Checked = true; if(lastinfoobject is Vertex) ShowVertexInfo(lastinfoobject as Vertex); else if(lastinfoobject is Linedef) ShowLinedefInfo(lastinfoobject as Linedef); else if(lastinfoobject is Sector) ShowSectorInfo(lastinfoobject as Sector); else if(lastinfoobject is Thing) ShowThingInfo(lastinfoobject as Thing); else HideInfo(); } dockerspanel.Height = dockersspace.Height; //mxd FocusDisplay(); } // Mouse released on info panel toggle button private void buttontoggleinfo_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { dockerspanel.Height = dockersspace.Height; //mxd FocusDisplay(); } // This displays the current mode name internal void DisplayModeName(string name) { if(lastinfoobject == null) { labelcollapsedinfo.Text = name; labelcollapsedinfo.Refresh(); } modename.Text = name; modename.Refresh(); } // This hides all info panels public void HideInfo() { // Hide them all bool showModeName = ((General.Map != null) && IsInfoPanelExpanded); //mxd lastinfoobject = null; if(linedefinfo.Visible) linedefinfo.Hide(); if(vertexinfo.Visible) vertexinfo.Hide(); if(sectorinfo.Visible) sectorinfo.Hide(); if(thinginfo.Visible) thinginfo.Hide(); labelcollapsedinfo.Text = modename.Text; labelcollapsedinfo.Refresh(); #if DEBUG console.Visible = true; #else modename.Visible = showModeName; #endif modename.Refresh(); statistics.Visible = showModeName; //mxd //mxd. let the plugins know General.Plugins.OnHighlightLost(); } // This refreshes info public void RefreshInfo() { if(lastinfoobject is Vertex) ShowVertexInfo(lastinfoobject as Vertex); else if(lastinfoobject is Linedef) ShowLinedefInfo(lastinfoobject as Linedef); else if(lastinfoobject is Sector) ShowSectorInfo(lastinfoobject as Sector); else if(lastinfoobject is Thing) ShowThingInfo(lastinfoobject as Thing); //mxd. let the plugins know General.Plugins.OnHighlightRefreshed(lastinfoobject); } //mxd public void ShowHints(string hintsText) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hintsText)) { hintsPanel.SetHints(hintsText); } else { ClearHints(); } } //mxd public void ClearHints() { hintsPanel.ClearHints(); } //mxd internal void AddHintsDocker() { if(!dockerspanel.Contains(hintsDocker)) dockerspanel.Add(hintsDocker); } //mxd internal void RemoveHintsDocker() { dockerspanel.Remove(hintsDocker); } //mxd. Show linedef info public void ShowLinedefInfo(Linedef l) { ShowLinedefInfo(l, null); } //mxd. Show linedef info and highlight given sidedef public void ShowLinedefInfo(Linedef l, Sidedef highlightside) { if(l.IsDisposed) { HideInfo(); return; } lastinfoobject = l; modename.Visible = false; #if DEBUG console.Visible = console.AlwaysOnTop; //mxd #endif statistics.Visible = false; //mxd if(vertexinfo.Visible) vertexinfo.Hide(); if(sectorinfo.Visible) sectorinfo.Hide(); if(thinginfo.Visible) thinginfo.Hide(); if(IsInfoPanelExpanded) linedefinfo.ShowInfo(l, highlightside); // Show info on collapsed label if(General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.ContainsKey(l.Action)) { LinedefActionInfo act = General.Map.Config.LinedefActions[l.Action]; labelcollapsedinfo.Text = act.ToString(); } else if (l.Action == 0) { labelcollapsedinfo.Text = l.Action + " - None"; } else { labelcollapsedinfo.Text = l.Action + " - Unknown"; } labelcollapsedinfo.Refresh(); //mxd. let the plugins know General.Plugins.OnHighlightLinedef(l); } // Show vertex info public void ShowVertexInfo(Vertex v) { if (v.IsDisposed) { HideInfo(); return; } lastinfoobject = v; modename.Visible = false; #if DEBUG console.Visible = console.AlwaysOnTop; //mxd #endif statistics.Visible = false; //mxd if (linedefinfo.Visible) linedefinfo.Hide(); if (sectorinfo.Visible) sectorinfo.Hide(); if (thinginfo.Visible) thinginfo.Hide(); if (IsInfoPanelExpanded) vertexinfo.ShowInfo(v); // Show info on collapsed label labelcollapsedinfo.Text = v.Position.x.ToString("0.##") + ", " + v.Position.y.ToString("0.##"); labelcollapsedinfo.Refresh(); //mxd. let the plugins know General.Plugins.OnHighlightVertex(v); } //mxd. Show sector info public void ShowSectorInfo(Sector s) { ShowSectorInfo(s, false, false); } // Show sector info public void ShowSectorInfo(Sector s, bool highlightceiling, bool highlightfloor) { if (s.IsDisposed) { HideInfo(); return; } lastinfoobject = s; modename.Visible = false; #if DEBUG console.Visible = console.AlwaysOnTop; //mxd #endif statistics.Visible = false; //mxd if (linedefinfo.Visible) linedefinfo.Hide(); if (vertexinfo.Visible) vertexinfo.Hide(); if (thinginfo.Visible) thinginfo.Hide(); if(IsInfoPanelExpanded) sectorinfo.ShowInfo(s, highlightceiling, highlightfloor); //mxd // Show info on collapsed label if(General.Map.Config.SectorEffects.ContainsKey(s.Effect)) labelcollapsedinfo.Text = General.Map.Config.SectorEffects[s.Effect].ToString(); else if(s.Effect == 0) labelcollapsedinfo.Text = s.Effect + " - Normal"; else labelcollapsedinfo.Text = s.Effect + " - Unknown"; labelcollapsedinfo.Refresh(); //mxd. let the plugins know General.Plugins.OnHighlightSector(s); } // Show thing info public void ShowThingInfo(Thing t) { if(t.IsDisposed) { HideInfo(); return; } lastinfoobject = t; modename.Visible = false; #if DEBUG console.Visible = console.AlwaysOnTop; //mxd #endif statistics.Visible = false; //mxd if(linedefinfo.Visible) linedefinfo.Hide(); if(vertexinfo.Visible) vertexinfo.Hide(); if(sectorinfo.Visible) sectorinfo.Hide(); if(IsInfoPanelExpanded) thinginfo.ShowInfo(t); // Show info on collapsed label ThingTypeInfo ti = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfo(t.Type); labelcollapsedinfo.Text = t.Type + " - " + ti.Title; labelcollapsedinfo.Refresh(); //mxd. let the plugins know General.Plugins.OnHighlightThing(t); } #endregion #region ================== Dialogs // This browses for a texture // Returns the new texture name or the same texture name when cancelled public string BrowseTexture(IWin32Window owner, string initialvalue) { return TextureBrowserForm.Browse(owner, initialvalue, false);//mxd } // This browses for a flat // Returns the new flat name or the same flat name when cancelled public string BrowseFlat(IWin32Window owner, string initialvalue) { return TextureBrowserForm.Browse(owner, initialvalue, true); //mxd. was FlatBrowserForm } // This browses the lindef types // Returns the new action or the same action when cancelled public int BrowseLinedefActions(IWin32Window owner, int initialvalue) { return ActionBrowserForm.BrowseAction(owner, initialvalue); } // This browses sector effects // Returns the new effect or the same effect when cancelled public int BrowseSectorEffect(IWin32Window owner, int initialvalue) { return EffectBrowserForm.BrowseEffect(owner, initialvalue); } // This browses thing types // Returns the new thing type or the same thing type when cancelled public int BrowseThingType(IWin32Window owner, int initialvalue) { return ThingBrowserForm.BrowseThing(owner, initialvalue); } //mxd public DialogResult ShowEditVertices(ICollection vertices) { return ShowEditVertices(vertices, true); } //mxd. This shows the dialog to edit vertices public DialogResult ShowEditVertices(ICollection vertices, bool allowPositionChange) { // Show sector edit dialog VertexEditForm f = new VertexEditForm(); DisableProcessing(); //mxd f.Setup(vertices, allowPositionChange); EnableProcessing(); //mxd f.OnValuesChanged += EditForm_OnValuesChanged; editformopen = true; //mxd DialogResult result = f.ShowDialog(this); editformopen = false; //mxd f.Dispose(); return result; } // This shows the dialog to edit lines public DialogResult ShowEditLinedefs(ICollection lines) { return ShowEditLinedefs(lines, false, false); } // This shows the dialog to edit lines public DialogResult ShowEditLinedefs(ICollection lines, bool selectfront, bool selectback) { DialogResult result; // Show line edit dialog if(General.Map.UDMF) //mxd { LinedefEditFormUDMF f = new LinedefEditFormUDMF(selectfront, selectback); DisableProcessing(); //mxd f.Setup(lines); EnableProcessing(); //mxd f.OnValuesChanged += EditForm_OnValuesChanged; editformopen = true; //mxd result = f.ShowDialog(this); editformopen = false; //mxd f.Dispose(); } else { LinedefEditForm f = new LinedefEditForm(); DisableProcessing(); //mxd f.Setup(lines); EnableProcessing(); //mxd f.OnValuesChanged += EditForm_OnValuesChanged; editformopen = true; //mxd result = f.ShowDialog(this); editformopen = false; //mxd f.Dispose(); } return result; } // This shows the dialog to edit sectors public DialogResult ShowEditSectors(ICollection sectors) { DialogResult result; // Show sector edit dialog if(General.Map.UDMF) //mxd { SectorEditFormUDMF f = new SectorEditFormUDMF(); DisableProcessing(); //mxd f.Setup(sectors); EnableProcessing(); //mxd f.OnValuesChanged += EditForm_OnValuesChanged; editformopen = true; //mxd result = f.ShowDialog(this); editformopen = false; //mxd f.Dispose(); } else { SectorEditForm f = new SectorEditForm(); DisableProcessing(); //mxd f.Setup(sectors); EnableProcessing(); //mxd f.OnValuesChanged += EditForm_OnValuesChanged; editformopen = true; //mxd result = f.ShowDialog(this); editformopen = false; //mxd f.Dispose(); } return result; } // This shows the dialog to edit things public DialogResult ShowEditThings(ICollection things) { DialogResult result; // Show thing edit dialog if(General.Map.UDMF) { ThingEditFormUDMF f = new ThingEditFormUDMF(); DisableProcessing(); //mxd f.Setup(things); EnableProcessing(); //mxd f.OnValuesChanged += EditForm_OnValuesChanged; editformopen = true; //mxd result = f.ShowDialog(this); editformopen = false; //mxd f.Dispose(); } else { ThingEditForm f = new ThingEditForm(); DisableProcessing(); //mxd f.Setup(things); EnableProcessing(); //mxd f.OnValuesChanged += EditForm_OnValuesChanged; editformopen = true; //mxd result = f.ShowDialog(this); editformopen = false; //mxd f.Dispose(); } return result; } //mxd private void EditForm_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (OnEditFormValuesChanged != null) { OnEditFormValuesChanged(sender, e); } else { //If current mode doesn't handle this event, let's at least update the map and redraw display. General.Map.Map.Update(); RedrawDisplay(); } } #endregion #region ================== Message Pump // This handles messages protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { // Notify message? switch(m.Msg) { case (int)ThreadMessages.UpdateStatus: DisplayStatus(status); break; case (int)ThreadMessages.ImageDataLoaded: string imagename = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(m.WParam); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(m.WParam); if((General.Map != null) && (General.Map.Data != null)) { ImageData img = General.Map.Data.GetFlatImage(imagename); ImageDataLoaded(img); } break; case (int)ThreadMessages.SpriteDataLoaded: //mxd string spritename = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(m.WParam); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(m.WParam); if ((General.Map != null) && (General.Map.Data != null)) { ImageData img = General.Map.Data.GetSpriteImage(spritename); if (img != null && img.UsedInMap && !img.IsDisposed) { DelayedRedraw(); } } break; case General.WM_SYSCOMMAND: // We don't want to open a menu when ALT is pressed if(m.WParam.ToInt32() != General.SC_KEYMENU) { base.WndProc(ref m); } break; default: // Let the base handle the message base.WndProc(ref m); break; } } //mxd. Warnings panel internal void SetWarningsCount(int count, bool blink) { if(count > 0) { if (warnsLabel.Image != Resources.Warning) warnsLabel.Image = Resources.Warning; } else { warnsLabel.Image = Resources.WarningOff; warnsLabel.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; } warnsLabel.Text = count.ToString(); //start annoying blinking! if (blink) { if(!blinkTimer.Enabled) blinkTimer.Start(); } else { blinkTimer.Stop(); warnsLabel.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; } } //mxd. Bliks warnings indicator private void Blink() { warnsLabel.BackColor = (warnsLabel.BackColor == Color.Red ? SystemColors.Control : Color.Red); } //mxd private void warnsLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowErrors(); } //mxd private void blinkTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { try { this.Invoke(new CallBlink(Blink)); } catch(ObjectDisposedException) { } //la-la-la. We don't care. } #endregion #region ================== Processing // This is called from the background thread when images are loaded // but only when first loaded or when dimensions were changed internal void ImageDataLoaded(ImageData img) { // Image is used in the map? if((img != null) && img.UsedInMap && !img.IsDisposed) { // Go for all setors bool updated = false; foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors) { // Update floor buffer if needed if(s.LongFloorTexture == img.LongName) { s.UpdateFloorSurface(); updated = true; } // Update ceiling buffer if needed if(s.LongCeilTexture == img.LongName) { s.UpdateCeilingSurface(); updated = true; } } // If we made updates, redraw the screen if(updated) DelayedRedraw(); } } public void EnableProcessing() { // Increase count processingcount++; // If not already enabled, enable processing now if(!processor.Enabled) { processor.Enabled = true; lastupdatetime = Clock.CurrentTime; } } public void DisableProcessing() { // Increase count processingcount--; if(processingcount < 0) processingcount = 0; // Turn off if(processor.Enabled && (processingcount == 0)) processor.Enabled = false; } internal void StopProcessing() { // Turn off processingcount = 0; processor.Enabled = false; } // Processor event private void processor_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { float curtime = Clock.CurrentTime; float deltatime = curtime - lastupdatetime; lastupdatetime = curtime; // In exclusive mouse mode? if(mouseinput != null) { // Process mouse input Vector2D deltamouse = mouseinput.Process(); if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) { General.Plugins.OnEditMouseInput(deltamouse); General.Editing.Mode.OnMouseInput(deltamouse); } } // Process signal if((General.Map != null) && (General.Editing.Mode != null)) General.Editing.Mode.OnProcess(deltatime); } #endregion #region ================== Dockers // This adds a docker public void AddDocker(Docker d) { if(dockerspanel.Contains(d)) return; //mxd // Make sure the full name is set with the plugin name as prefix Plugin plugin = General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); d.MakeFullName(plugin.Name.ToLowerInvariant()); dockerspanel.Add(d); } // This removes a docker public bool RemoveDocker(Docker d) { // Make sure the full name is set with the plugin name as prefix Plugin plugin = General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); d.MakeFullName(plugin.Name.ToLowerInvariant()); // We must release all keys because the focus may be stolen when // this was the selected docker (the previous docker is automatically selected) ReleaseAllKeys(); return dockerspanel.Remove(d); } // This selects a docker public bool SelectDocker(Docker d) { // Make sure the full name is set with the plugin name as prefix Plugin plugin = General.Plugins.FindPluginByAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); d.MakeFullName(plugin.Name.ToLowerInvariant()); // We must release all keys because the focus will be stolen ReleaseAllKeys(); return dockerspanel.SelectDocker(d); } // This selects the previous selected docker public void SelectPreviousDocker() { // We must release all keys because the focus will be stolen ReleaseAllKeys(); dockerspanel.SelectPrevious(); } // Mouse enters dockers window private void dockerspanel_MouseContainerEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(General.Settings.CollapseDockers) dockerscollapser.Start(); dockerspanel.Expand(); } // Automatic collapsing private void dockerscollapser_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(General.Settings.CollapseDockers) { if(!dockerspanel.IsFocused) { Point p = this.PointToClient(Cursor.Position); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(dockerspanel.Location, dockerspanel.Size); if(!r.IntersectsWith(new Rectangle(p, Size.Empty))) { dockerspanel.Collapse(); dockerscollapser.Stop(); } } } else { dockerscollapser.Stop(); } } // User resizes the docker private void dockerspanel_UserResize(object sender, EventArgs e) { General.Settings.DockersWidth = dockerspanel.Width; if(!General.Settings.CollapseDockers) { dockersspace.Width = dockerspanel.Width; dockerspanel.Left = dockersspace.Left; } } #endregion } }