Game Configuration - Action Argument Settings

title (string)
Sets the title of this argument.
Argument title can be also set in DECORATE.

tooltip (string) - GZDB only
Allows to specify a tooltip text displayed for a Thing or Linedef argument definition. Newline character ("\n") can be used to format the text.
Argument tooltips can be also set in DECORATE.

    title = "Mirror Polyobj Number";
    tooltip = "Polyobject that will mirror\nthis one's movements.";

type (integer)
Sets the type of this argument. This changes the behaviour of Argument inputs in Linedef and Thing Edit windows.
Argument type can be also set in DECORATE.
Supported values are:

targetclasses (string) - GZDB only
When set, only things of given classes will be shown in the argument dropdown list. Used only when argument type is 14.
The value can be either a thing class name of a comma-separated list of thing class names:

    title = "MapSpot Tag";
    type = 14;
    targetclasses = "MapSpot,MapSpotGravity";

enum (structure or string)
Provides a list of predefined values to display for this argument. Used only when argument type is 11 or 12.
The value can be either a name of a predefined enum:

    title = "Volume";
    type = 11;
    enum = "sound_volume";
or an explicit definition:
    title = "Apply to";
    type = 11;
        0 = "Floor and Ceiling";
        1 = "Ceiling";
        2 = "Floor";
Enums can be also set in DECORATE.

flags (structure or string) - GZDB only
Provides a list of predefined bit flag values to display for this argument. Used only when argument type is 26.
The value can be either a name of a predefined enum or an explicit definition.

		title = "Flags";
		type = 26;
		// Only a single enum value can be selected at a time
			0 = "Don't copy anything";
			1 = "Copy floor texture, remove sector special";
			2 = "Copy floor texture";
			3 = "Copy floor texture and special";
		// Any number of flags values can be selected
			4 = "Use numeric model if set, trigger model if not";
			8 = "Raise floor if set, lower it if not";
			16 = "Inflict crushing damage";

default (integer) - GZDB only
Sets the default value for a Thing or Linedef argument definition.
Default value can be also set in DECORATE.

    title = "ColorSetter";
        title = "Red";
        default = 255;