#pragma once static const char* display2D_vs = R"( #version 150 in vec3 AttrPos; in vec4 AttrColor; in vec2 AttrUV; out vec4 Color; out vec2 UV; uniform mat4 transformsettings; void main() { gl_Position = transformsettings * vec4(AttrPos, 1.0f); Color = AttrColor; UV = AttrUV; } )"; static const char* display2D_ps_fsaa = R"( #version 150 in vec4 Color; in vec2 UV; out vec4 FragColor; // Render settings // x = texel width // y = texel height // z = FSAA blend factor // w = transparency uniform vec4 rendersettings; uniform float desaturation; uniform sampler2D texture1; // This blends the max of 2 pixels vec4 addcolor(vec4 c1, vec4 c2) { return vec4( max(c1.r, c2.r), max(c1.g, c2.g), max(c1.b, c2.b), clamp(c1.a + c2.a * 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)); } vec3 desaturate(vec3 texel) { float gray = (texel.r * 0.3 + texel.g * 0.56 + texel.b * 0.14); return mix(texel, vec3(gray), desaturation); } void main() { vec4 c = texture(texture1, UV); // If this pixel is not drawn on... if(c.a < 0.1f) { // Mix the colors of nearby pixels vec4 n = vec4(0.0); n = addcolor(n, texture(texture1, vec2(UV.x + rendersettings.x, UV.y))); n = addcolor(n, texture(texture1, vec2(UV.x - rendersettings.x, UV.y))); n = addcolor(n, texture(texture1, vec2(UV.x, UV.y + rendersettings.y))); n = addcolor(n, texture(texture1, vec2(UV.x, UV.y - rendersettings.y))); FragColor = vec4(desaturate(n.rgb), n.a * rendersettings.z * rendersettings.w); } else { FragColor = vec4(desaturate(c.rgb), c.a * rendersettings.w) * Color; } } )"; const char* display2D_ps_normal = R"( #version 150 in vec4 Color; in vec2 UV; out vec4 FragColor; // Render settings // x = texel width // y = texel height // z = FSAA blend factor // w = transparency uniform vec4 rendersettings; uniform float desaturation; uniform sampler2D texture1; vec3 desaturate(vec3 texel) { float gray = (texel.r * 0.3 + texel.g * 0.56 + texel.b * 0.14); return mix(texel, vec3(gray), desaturation); } void main() { vec4 c = texture(texture1, UV); FragColor = vec4(desaturate(c.rgb), c.a * rendersettings.w) * Color; } )"; const char* display2D_ps_fullbright = R"( #version 150 in vec4 Color; in vec2 UV; out vec4 FragColor; // Render settings // x = texel width // y = texel height // z = FSAA blend factor // w = transparency uniform vec4 rendersettings; uniform sampler2D texture1; void main() { vec4 c = texture(texture1, UV); FragColor = vec4(c.rgb, c.a * rendersettings.w); } )";