using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Models { internal class UnrealModelLoader : ModelLoader { internal static ModelLoadResult Load(ref BoundingBoxSizes bbs, Dictionary skins, Stream s, int frame, string filename, List containers) { Stream stream_d; Stream stream_a; if (filename.IndexOf("_d.3d") == filename.Length - 5) { string filename_a = filename.Replace("_d.3d", "_a.3d"); stream_d = s; stream_a = LoadFile(containers, filename_a, true); if (stream_a == null) { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Error while loading \"" + filename + "\": unable to find corresponding \"_a.3d\" file."); return null; } } else { string filename_d = filename.Replace("_a.3d", "_d.3d"); stream_a = s; stream_d = LoadFile(containers, filename_d, true); if (stream_d == null) { General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Error while loading \"" + filename + "\": unable to find corresponding \"_d.3d\" file."); return null; } } ModelLoadResult result = new ModelLoadResult(); BinaryReader br_d = new BinaryReader(stream_d); BinaryReader br_a = new BinaryReader(stream_a); // read d3d header uint d3d_numpolys = br_d.ReadUInt16(); uint d3d_numverts = br_d.ReadUInt16(); stream_d.Position += 44; // bogusrot, bogusframe, bogusnorm[3], fixscale, unused[3], padding[12] long start_d = stream_d.Position; // read a3d header uint a3d_numframes = br_a.ReadUInt16(); uint a3d_framesize = br_a.ReadUInt16(); long start_a = stream_a.Position; // Sanity check if (frame < 0 || frame >= a3d_numframes) { result.Errors = "frame " + frame + " is outside of model's frame range [0.." + (a3d_numframes - 1) + "]"; return result; } // check for deus ex format bool isdeusex = false; if ((a3d_framesize / d3d_numverts) == 8) isdeusex = true; // read vertices WorldVertex[] vertices = new WorldVertex[d3d_numverts]; for (uint i = 0; i < d3d_numverts; i++) { WorldVertex Vert = new WorldVertex(); if (isdeusex) { stream_a.Position = start_a + (i + frame * d3d_numverts) * 8; int vx = br_a.ReadInt16(); int vy = br_a.ReadInt16(); int vz = br_a.ReadInt16(); Vert.y = -vx; Vert.z = vz; Vert.x = -vy; } else { stream_a.Position = start_a + (i + frame * d3d_numverts) * 4; int v_uint = br_a.ReadInt32(); Vert.y = -UnpackUVertex(v_uint, 0); Vert.z = UnpackUVertex(v_uint, 2); Vert.x = -UnpackUVertex(v_uint, 1); } vertices[i] = Vert; } // read polygons //int minverthack = 0; //int minvert = 2147483647; UE1Poly[] polys = new UE1Poly[d3d_numpolys]; int[] polyindexlist = new int[d3d_numpolys * 3]; for (uint i = 0; i < d3d_numpolys; i++) { // stream_d.Position = start_d + 16 * i; polys[i].V = new int[3]; polys[i].S = new float[3]; polys[i].T = new float[3]; bool brokenpoly = false; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { polyindexlist[i * 3 + j] = polys[i].V[j] = br_d.ReadInt16(); if (polys[i].V[j] >= vertices.Length || polys[i].V[j] < 0) brokenpoly = true; } // Resolves polygons that reference out-of-bounds vertices by simply making them null size. // This is easier than changing array to dynamically sized list. if (brokenpoly) { polys[i].V[0] = 0; polys[i].V[1] = 0; polys[i].V[2] = 0; } polys[i].Type = br_d.ReadByte(); stream_d.Position += 1; // color for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { byte u = br_d.ReadByte(); byte v = br_d.ReadByte(); polys[i].S[j] = u / 255f; polys[i].T[j] = v / 255f; } polys[i].TexNum = br_d.ReadByte(); } // calculate poly normals for (uint i = 0; i < d3d_numpolys; i++) { Vector3D[] dir = new Vector3D[2]; Vector3D norm; dir[0].x = vertices[polys[i].V[1]].x - vertices[polys[i].V[0]].x; dir[0].y = vertices[polys[i].V[1]].y - vertices[polys[i].V[0]].y; dir[0].z = vertices[polys[i].V[1]].z - vertices[polys[i].V[0]].z; dir[1].x = vertices[polys[i].V[2]].x - vertices[polys[i].V[0]].x; dir[1].y = vertices[polys[i].V[2]].y - vertices[polys[i].V[0]].y; dir[1].z = vertices[polys[i].V[2]].z - vertices[polys[i].V[0]].z; norm.x = dir[0].y * dir[1].z - dir[0].z * dir[1].y; norm.y = dir[0].z * dir[1].x - dir[0].x * dir[1].z; norm.z = dir[0].x * dir[1].y - dir[0].y * dir[1].x; polys[i].Normal = norm.GetNormal(); } // calculate vertex normals for (uint i = 0; i < d3d_numverts; i++) { Vector3D nsum = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0); int total = 0; for (uint j = 0; j < d3d_numpolys; j++) { if ((polys[j].V[0] != i) && (polys[j].V[1] != i) && (polys[j].V[2] != i)) continue; nsum.x += polys[j].Normal.x; nsum.y += polys[j].Normal.y; nsum.z += polys[j].Normal.z; total++; } vertices[i].nx = (float)-nsum.x / total; vertices[i].ny = (float)-nsum.y / total; vertices[i].nz = (float)-nsum.z / total; } List exGroups = new List(); Dictionary textureGroupRemap = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < polys.Length; i++) { if (exGroups.Contains(polys[i].TexNum)) continue; if (exGroups.Count == 0 || polys[i].TexNum <= exGroups[0]) exGroups.Insert(0, polys[i].TexNum); else if (exGroups.Count == 0 || polys[i].TexNum >= exGroups[exGroups.Count - 1]) exGroups.Add(polys[i].TexNum); } for (int i = 0; i < exGroups.Count; i++) textureGroupRemap[exGroups[i]] = i; if (skins == null) { List out_verts = new List(); List out_polys = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < polys.Length; i++) { if ((polys[i].Type & 0x08) != 0) continue; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { WorldVertex vx = vertices[polys[i].V[j]]; vx.u = polys[i].S[j]; vx.v = polys[i].T[j]; if ((polys[i].Type & 0x20) != 0) { vx.nx = (float)polys[i].Normal.x; vx.ny = (float)polys[i].Normal.y; = (float)polys[i].Normal.z; } out_polys.Add(out_verts.Count); out_verts.Add(vx); } } CreateMesh(ref result, out_verts, out_polys); result.Skins.Add(""); } else { for (int k = 0; k < exGroups.Count; k++) { List out_verts = new List(); List out_polys = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < polys.Length; i++) { if ((polys[i].Type & 0x08) != 0) continue; if (textureGroupRemap[polys[i].TexNum] != k) continue; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { WorldVertex vx = vertices[polys[i].V[j]]; vx.u = polys[i].S[j]; vx.v = polys[i].T[j]; if ((polys[i].Type & 0x20) != 0) { vx.nx = (float)polys[i].Normal.x; vx.ny = (float)polys[i].Normal.y; = (float)polys[i].Normal.z; } out_polys.Add(out_verts.Count); out_verts.Add(vx); } } CreateMesh(ref result, out_verts, out_polys); result.Skins.Add(skins.ContainsKey(k) ? skins[k].ToLowerInvariant() : string.Empty); } } return result; } // there is probably better way to emulate 16-bit cast, but this was easiest for me at 3am private static int PadInt16(int n) { if (n > 32767) return -(65536 - n); return n; } private static float UnpackUVertex(int n, int c) { switch (c) { case 0: return PadInt16((n & 0x7ff) << 5) / 128f; case 1: return PadInt16((((int)n >> 11) & 0x7ff) << 5) / 128f; case 2: return PadInt16((((int)n >> 22) & 0x3ff) << 6) / 128f; default: return 0f; } } private struct UE1Poly { public int[] V; public float[] S; public float[] T; public int TexNum, Type; public Vector3D Normal; } } }