/*************************************************************\ Doom Builder Game Configuration for Boom \*************************************************************/ // This is required to prevent accidental use of a different configuration type = "Doom Builder 2 Game Configuration"; // This is the title to show for this game game = "Boom"; // This is the simplified game engine/sourceport name engine = "boom"; // The format interface handles the map data format formatinterface = "DoomMapSetIO"; // Default lump name for new map defaultlumpname = "MAP01"; // Default testing parameters testparameters = "-iwad \"%WP\" -skill \"%S\" -file \"%AP\" \"%F\" -warp %L1 %L2 %NM"; // Default nodebuilder configurations defaultsavecompiler = "zennode_normal"; defaulttestcompiler = "zennode_fast"; // Skill levels skills { 1 = "I'm too young to die"; 2 = "Hey, not too rough"; 3 = "Hurt me plenty"; 4 = "Ultra-Violence"; 5 = "Nightmare!"; } // When this is set to true, sectors with the same tag will light up when a line is highlighted linetagindicatesectors = true; // Special linedefs soundlinedefflag = 64; // See linedefflags singlesidedflag = 1; // See linedefflags doublesidedflag = 4; // See linedefflags impassableflag = 1; upperunpeggedflag = 8; lowerunpeggedflag = 16; // Door making makedoortrack = "DOORTRAK"; makedooraction = 1; // See linedeftypes // Generalized actions generalizedlinedefs = true; generalizedsectors = true; // Texture loading options mixtexturesflats = false; defaulttexturescale = 1.0f; defaultflatscale = 1.0f; // Thing number for start position in 3D Mode start3dmode = 32000; // Default flags for first new thing defaultthingflags { 1; 2; 4; } /* TEXTURES AND FLAT SOURCES This tells Doom Builder where to find the information for textures and flats in the IWAD file, Addition WAD file and Map WAD file. Start and end lumps must be given in a structure (of which the key name doesnt matter) and any textures or flats in between them are loaded in either the textures category or flats category. For textures: PNAMES, TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 are loaded by default. */ // Texture sources textures { } // Patch sources patches { standard1 { start = "P_START"; end = "P_END"; } standard2 { start = "PP_START"; end = "PP_END"; } } // Sprite sources sprites { standard1 { start = "S_START"; end = "S_END"; } standard2 { start = "SS_START"; end = "SS_END"; } } // Flat sources flats { standard1 { start = "F_START"; end = "F_END"; } standard2 { start = "FF_START"; end = "FF_END"; } standard3 { start = "FF_START"; end = "F_END"; } standard4 { start = "F_START"; end = "FF_END"; } } // Colormap sources colormaps { standard1 { start = "C_START"; end = "C_END"; } } /* GAME DETECT PATTERN Used to guess the game for which a WAD file is made. 1 = One of these lumps must exist 2 = None of these lumps must exist 3 = All of these lumps must exist */ gamedetect { TEXTMAP = 2; ENDMAP = 2; EXTENDED = 2; BEHAVIOR = 2; E1M1 = 2; E1M2 = 2; E1M3 = 2; E1M4 = 2; E1M5 = 2; E1M6 = 2; E1M7 = 2; E1M8 = 2; E1M9 = 2; E2M1 = 2; E2M2 = 2; E2M3 = 2; E2M4 = 2; E2M5 = 2; E2M6 = 2; E2M7 = 2; E2M8 = 2; E2M9 = 2; E3M1 = 2; E3M2 = 2; E3M3 = 2; E3M4 = 2; E3M5 = 2; E3M6 = 2; E3M7 = 2; E3M8 = 2; E3M9 = 2; E4M1 = 2; E4M2 = 2; E4M3 = 2; E4M4 = 2; E4M5 = 2; E4M6 = 2; E4M7 = 2; E4M8 = 2; E4M9 = 2; MAP01 = 1; MAP02 = 1; MAP03 = 1; MAP04 = 1; MAP05 = 1; MAP06 = 1; MAP07 = 1; MAP08 = 1; MAP09 = 1; MAP10 = 1; MAP11 = 1; MAP12 = 1; MAP13 = 1; MAP14 = 1; MAP15 = 1; MAP16 = 1; MAP17 = 1; MAP18 = 1; MAP19 = 1; MAP20 = 1; MAP21 = 1; MAP22 = 1; MAP23 = 1; MAP24 = 1; MAP25 = 1; MAP26 = 1; MAP27 = 1; MAP28 = 1; MAP29 = 1; MAP30 = 1; MAP31 = 1; MAP32 = 1; MAP33 = 2; MAP34 = 2; MAP35 = 2; MAP36 = 2; MAP37 = 2; MAP38 = 2; MAP39 = 2; MAP40 = 2; MAP41 = 2; } /* MAP LUMP NAMES Map lumps are loaded with the map as long as they are right after each other. When the editor meets a lump which is not defined in this list it will ignore the map if not satisfied. The order of items defines the order in which lumps will be written to WAD file on save. To indicate the map header lump, use ~MAP Legenda: required = Lump is required to exist. blindcopy = Lump will be copied along with the map blindly. (usefull for lumps Doom Builder doesn't use) nodebuild = The nodebuilder generates this lump. allowempty = The nodebuilder is allowed to leave this lump empty. script = This lump is a text-based script. Specify the filename of the script configuration to use. */ maplumpnames { ~MAP { required = true; blindcopy = true; nodebuild = false; } THINGS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = true; } LINEDEFS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SIDEDEFS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } VERTEXES { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SEGS { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SSECTORS { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } NODES { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SECTORS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } REJECT { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } BLOCKMAP { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } DEHACKED { required = false; nodebuild = false; script = "Dehacked.cfg"; } } // DEFAULT SECTOR BRIGHTNESS LEVELS sectorbrightness { 255; 240; 224; 208; 192; 176; 160; 144; 128; 112; 96; 80; 64; 48; 32; 16; 0; } // SECTOR TYPES sectortypes { 0 = "Normal"; 1 = "Light Blinks (randomly)"; 2 = "Light Blinks (0.5 sec)"; 3 = "Light Blinks (1 sec)"; 4 = "Damage -10 or 20% health and Light Blinks (0.5 sec)"; 5 = "Damage -5 or 10% health"; 7 = "Damage -2 or 5% health"; 8 = "Light Glows (1+ sec)"; 9 = "Secret"; 10 = "Door Close Stay (after 30 sec)"; 11 = "Damage -10 or 20% health and End level"; 12 = "Light Blinks (0.5 sec sync)"; 13 = "Light Blinks (1 sec sync)"; 14 = "Door Open Close (opens after 5 min)"; 16 = "Damage -10 or 20% health"; 17 = "Light Flickers (randomly)"; } // GENERALIZED SECTOR TYPES gen_sectortypes { lighting { 0 = "Normal"; 1 = "Light Blinks (randomly)"; 2 = "Light Blinks (0.5 sec)"; 3 = "Light Blinks (1 sec)"; 8 = "Light Glows (1+ sec)"; 12 = "Light Blinks (0.5 sec sync)"; 13 = "Light Blinks (1 sec sync)"; 17 = "Light Flickers (randomly)"; } damage { 0 = "None"; 32 = "Damage 5 per second"; 64 = "Damage 10 per second"; 96 = "Damage 20 per second"; } secret { 0 = "No"; 128 = "Yes"; } friction { 0 = "Disabled"; 256 = "Enabled"; } wind { 0 = "Disabled"; 512 = "Enabled"; } } // LINEDEF FLAGS linedefflags { 1 = "Impassable"; 2 = "Block Monster"; 4 = "Double Sided"; 8 = "Upper Unpegged"; 16 = "Lower Unpegged"; 32 = "Secret"; 64 = "Block Sound"; 128 = "Hidden"; 256 = "Shown"; 512 = "PassThru"; } // Linedef flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted linedefflagstranslation { 1 = "blocking"; 2 = "blockmonsters"; 4 = "twosided"; 8 = "dontpegtop"; 16 = "dontpegbottom"; 32 = "secret"; 64 = "blocksound"; 128 = "dontdraw"; 256 = "mapped"; 512 = "passuse"; } // LINEDEF ACTIVATIONS linedefactivations { } // LINEDEF TYPES linedeftypes { misc { 0 { title = "None"; prefix = ""; } } door { title = "Door"; 1 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (also monsters)"; prefix = "DR"; } 2 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "W1"; } 3 { title = "Door Close Stay"; prefix = "W1"; } 4 { title = "Door Open Wait Close"; prefix = "W1"; } 16 { title = "Door Close Wait Open"; prefix = "W1"; } 26 { title = "Door (Blue) Open Wait Close"; prefix = "DR"; } 27 { title = "Door (Yellow) Open Wait Close"; prefix = "DR"; } 28 { title = "Door (Red) Open Wait Close"; prefix = "DR"; } 29 { title = "Door Open Wait Close"; prefix = "S1"; } 31 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "D1"; } 32 { title = "Door (Blue) Open Stay"; prefix = "D1"; } 33 { title = "Door (Red) Open Stay"; prefix = "D1"; } 34 { title = "Door (Yellow) Open Stay"; prefix = "D1"; } 42 { title = "Door Close Stay"; prefix = "SR"; } 46 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "GR"; } 50 { title = "Door Close Stay"; prefix = "S1"; } 61 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "SR"; } 63 { title = "Door Open Wait Close"; prefix = "SR"; } 75 { title = "Door Close Stay"; prefix = "WR"; } 76 { title = "Door Close Stay Open"; prefix = "WR"; } 86 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "WR"; } 90 { title = "Door Open Wait Close"; prefix = "WR"; } 99 { title = "Door (Blue) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 103 { title = "Door Open Stay"; prefix = "S1"; } 105 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 106 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 107 { title = "Door Close Stay (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 108 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 109 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 110 { title = "Door Close (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 111 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 112 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 113 { title = "Door Close Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 114 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 115 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 116 { title = "Door Close Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 117 { title = "Door Open Wait Close (fast)"; prefix = "DR"; } 118 { title = "Door Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "D1"; } 133 { title = "Door (Blue) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 134 { title = "Door (Red) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 135 { title = "Door (Red) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 136 { title = "Door (Yellow) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 137 { title = "Door (Yellow) Open Stay (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 175 { title = "Door Close Wait Open (30 seconds)"; prefix = "S1"; } 196 { title = "Door Close Wait Open (30 seconds)"; prefix = "SR"; } } floor { title = "Floor"; 5 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "W1"; } 14 { title = "Floor Raise by 32 (changes texture)"; prefix = "S1"; } 15 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "S1"; } 18 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 19 { title = "Floor Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 20 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "S1"; } 22 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "W1"; } 23 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 24 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "G1"; } 30 { title = "Floor Raise by Shortest Lower Texture"; prefix = "W1"; } 36 { title = "Floor Lower to 8 above Highest Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 37 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "W1"; } 38 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 45 { title = "Floor Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 47 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "G1"; } 53 { title = "Floor Start Moving Up and Down"; prefix = "W1"; } 54 { title = "Floor Stop Moving"; prefix = "W1"; } 55 { title = "Floor Raise to 8 below Lowest Ceiling (crushes)"; prefix = "S1"; } 56 { title = "Floor Raise to 8 below Lowest Ceiling (crushes)"; prefix = "W1"; } 58 { title = "Floor Raise by 24"; prefix = "W1"; } 59 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "W1"; } 60 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 64 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "SR"; } 65 { title = "Floor Raise to 8 below Lowest Ceiling (crushes)"; prefix = "SR"; } 66 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "SR"; } 67 { title = "Floor Raise by 32 (changes texture)"; prefix = "SR"; } 68 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "SR"; } 69 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 70 { title = "Floor Lower to 8 above Highest Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 71 { title = "Floor Lower to 8 above Highest Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 82 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 83 { title = "Floor Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 84 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "WR"; } 87 { title = "Floor Start Moving Up and Down"; prefix = "WR"; } 89 { title = "Floor Stop Moving"; prefix = "WR"; } 91 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "WR"; } 92 { title = "Floor Raise by 24"; prefix = "WR"; } 93 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "WR"; } 94 { title = "Floor Raise to 8 below Lowest Ceiling (crushes)"; prefix = "WR"; } 95 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "WR"; } 96 { title = "Floor Raise by Shortest Lower Texture"; prefix = "WR"; } 98 { title = "Floor Lower to 8 above Highest Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 101 { title = "Floor Raise to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "S1"; } 102 { title = "Floor Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 119 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 128 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 129 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 130 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 131 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 132 { title = "Floor Raise to Next Higher Floor (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 140 { title = "Floor Raise by 512"; prefix = "S1"; } 142 { title = "Floor Raise by 512"; prefix = "W1"; } 147 { title = "Floor Raise by 512"; prefix = "WR"; } 158 { title = "Floor Raise by Shortest Lower Texture"; prefix = "S1"; } 159 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "S1"; } 160 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture and effect)"; prefix = "S1"; } 161 { title = "Floor Raise by 24"; prefix = "S1"; } 176 { title = "Floor Raise by Shortest Lower Texture"; prefix = "SR"; } 177 { title = "Floor Lower to Lowest Floor (changes texture)"; prefix = "SR"; } 178 { title = "Floor Raise by 512"; prefix = "SR"; } 179 { title = "Floor Raise by 24 (changes texture and effect)"; prefix = "SR"; } 180 { title = "Floor Raise by 24"; prefix = "SR"; } 213 { title = "Floor Change Brightness to this Brightness"; prefix = ""; } 219 { title = "Floor Lower to Nearest Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 220 { title = "Floor Lower to Nearest Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 221 { title = "Floor Lower to Nearest Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 222 { title = "Floor Lower to Nearest Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } } crusher { title = "Crusher"; 6 { title = "Crusher Start with Fast Damage"; prefix = "W1"; } 25 { title = "Crusher Start with Slow Damage"; prefix = "W1"; } 57 { title = "Crusher Stop"; prefix = "W1"; } 73 { title = "Crusher Start with Slow Damage"; prefix = "WR"; } 74 { title = "Crusher Stop"; prefix = "WR"; } 77 { title = "Crusher Start with Fast Damage"; prefix = "WR"; } 141 { title = "Crusher Start with Slow Damage (silent)"; prefix = "W1"; } 150 { title = "Crusher Start (silent)"; prefix = "WR"; } 164 { title = "Crusher Start (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 165 { title = "Crusher Start (silent)"; prefix = "S1"; } 168 { title = "Crusher Stop"; prefix = "S1"; } 183 { title = "Crusher Start (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 184 { title = "Crusher Start"; prefix = "SR"; } 185 { title = "Crusher Start (silent)"; prefix = "SR"; } 188 { title = "Crusher Stop"; prefix = "SR"; } } stairs { title = "Stairs"; 7 { title = "Stairs Raise by 8"; prefix = "S1"; } 8 { title = "Stairs Raise by 8"; prefix = "W1"; } 100 { title = "Stairs Raise by 16 (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 127 { title = "Stairs Raise by 16 (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 256 { title = "Stairs Raise by 8"; prefix = "WR"; } 257 { title = "Stairs Raise by 16 (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 258 { title = "Stairs Raise by 8"; prefix = "SR"; } 259 { title = "Stairs Raise by 16 (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } } lift { title = "Lift"; 10 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise"; prefix = "W1"; } 21 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise"; prefix = "S1"; } 62 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise"; prefix = "SR"; } 88 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise"; prefix = "WR"; } 120 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 121 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 122 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 123 { title = "Lift Lower Wait Raise (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 143 { title = "Lift Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "W1"; } 144 { title = "Lift Raise by 32 (changes texture)"; prefix = "W1"; } 148 { title = "Lift Raise by 24 (changes texture)"; prefix = "WR"; } 149 { title = "Lift Raise by 32 (changes texture)"; prefix = "WR"; } 162 { title = "Lift Perpetual Lowest and Highest Floors"; prefix = "S1"; } 163 { title = "Lift Stop"; prefix = "S1"; } 181 { title = "Lift Perpetual Lowest and Highest Floors"; prefix = "SR"; } 182 { title = "Lift Stop"; prefix = "SR"; } 211 { title = "Lift Raise to Ceiling (instantly)"; prefix = "SR"; } 212 { title = "Lift Raise to Ceiling (instantly)"; prefix = "WR"; } 227 { title = "Lift Raise to Next Highest Floor (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 228 { title = "Lift Raise to Next Highest Floor (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 229 { title = "Lift Raise to Next Highest Floor (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 230 { title = "Lift Raise to Next Highest Floor (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 231 { title = "Lift Lower to Next Lowest Floor (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 232 { title = "Lift Lower to Next Lowest Floor (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 233 { title = "Lift Lower to Next Lowest Floor (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 234 { title = "Lift Lower to Next Lowest Floor (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } 235 { title = "Lift Move to Same Floor Height (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 236 { title = "Lift Move to Same Floor Height (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 237 { title = "Lift Move to Same Floor Height (fast)"; prefix = "S1"; } 238 { title = "Lift Move to Same Floor Height (fast)"; prefix = "SR"; } } exit { title = "Exit"; 11 { title = "Exit Level"; prefix = "S1"; } 51 { title = "Exit Level (goes to secret level)"; prefix = "S1"; } 52 { title = "Exit Level"; prefix = "W1"; } 124 { title = "Exit Level (goes to secret level)"; prefix = "W1"; } 197 { title = "Exit Level"; prefix = "G1"; } 198 { title = "Exit Level (goes to secret level)"; prefix = "G1"; } } light { title = "Light"; 12 { title = "Light Change to Brightest Adjacent"; prefix = "W1"; } 13 { title = "Light Change to 255"; prefix = "W1"; } 17 { title = "Light Start Blinking"; prefix = "W1"; } 35 { title = "Light Change to 35"; prefix = "W1"; } 79 { title = "Light Change to 35"; prefix = "WR"; } 80 { title = "Light Change to Brightest Adjacent"; prefix = "WR"; } 81 { title = "Light Change to 255"; prefix = "WR"; } 104 { title = "Light Change to Darkest Adjacent"; prefix = "W1"; } 138 { title = "Light Change to 255"; prefix = "SR"; } 139 { title = "Light Change to 35"; prefix = "SR"; } 156 { title = "Light Start Blinking"; prefix = "WR"; } 157 { title = "Light Change to Darkest Adjacent"; prefix = "WR"; } 169 { title = "Light Change to Brightest Adjacent"; prefix = "S1"; } 170 { title = "Light Change to 35"; prefix = "S1"; } 171 { title = "Light Change to 255"; prefix = "S1"; } 172 { title = "Light Start Blinking"; prefix = "S1"; } 173 { title = "Light Change to Darkest Adjacent"; prefix = "S1"; } 192 { title = "Light Change to Brightest Adjacent"; prefix = "SR"; } 193 { title = "Light Start Blinking"; prefix = "SR"; } 194 { title = "Light Change to Darkest Adjacent"; prefix = "SR"; } } teleport { title = "Teleport"; 97 { title = "Teleport"; prefix = "WR"; } 39 { title = "Teleport"; prefix = "W1"; } 125 { title = "Teleport (monsters only)"; prefix = "W1"; } 126 { title = "Teleport (monsters only)"; prefix = "WR"; } 174 { title = "Teleport (also monsters)"; prefix = "S1"; } 195 { title = "Teleport (also monsters)"; prefix = "SR"; } 207 { title = "Teleport (also monsters, silent, same angle)"; prefix = "W1"; } 208 { title = "Teleport (also monsters, silent, same angle)"; prefix = "WR"; } 209 { title = "Teleport (also monsters, silent, same angle)"; prefix = "S1"; } 210 { title = "Teleport (also monsters, silent, same angle)"; prefix = "SR"; } 243 { title = "Teleport to Line With Same Tag (silent, same angle)"; prefix = "W1"; } 244 { title = "Teleport to Line With Same Tag (silent, same angle)"; prefix = "WR"; } 262 { title = "Teleport to Line With Same Tag (silent, reversed angle)"; prefix = "W1"; } 263 { title = "Teleport to Line With Same Tag (silent, reversed angle)"; prefix = "WR"; } 264 { title = "Teleport to Line With Same Tag (also monsters, silent, reversed angle)"; prefix = "W1"; } 265 { title = "Teleport to Line With Same Tag (also monsters, reversed angle)"; prefix = "WR"; } 266 { title = "Teleport to Line With Same Tag (monsters only, silent)"; prefix = "W1"; } 267 { title = "Teleport to Line With Same Tag (monsters only, silent)"; prefix = "WR"; } 268 { title = "Teleport (monsters only, silent)"; prefix = "W1"; } 269 { title = "Teleport (monsters only, silent)"; prefix = "WR"; } } ceiling { title = "Ceiling"; 40 { title = "Ceiling Raise to Highest Ceiling"; prefix = "W1"; } 41 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 43 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 44 { title = "Ceiling Lower to 8 above Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 49 { title = "Ceiling Lower to 8 above Floor (perpetual slow crusher damage)"; prefix = "S1"; } 72 { title = "Ceiling Lower to 8 above Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 145 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Floor (fast)"; prefix = "W1"; } 151 { title = "Ceiling Raise to Highest Ceiling"; prefix = "WR"; } 152 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Floor (fast)"; prefix = "WR"; } 166 { title = "Ceiling Raise to Highest Ceiling"; prefix = "S1"; } 167 { title = "Ceiling Lower to 8 Above Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 186 { title = "Ceiling Raise to Highest Ceiling"; prefix = "SR"; } 187 { title = "Ceiling Lower to 8 Above Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 199 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "W1"; } 200 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "W1"; } 201 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "WR"; } 202 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "WR"; } 203 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "S1"; } 204 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "S1"; } 205 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Lowest Ceiling"; prefix = "SR"; } 206 { title = "Ceiling Lower to Highest Floor"; prefix = "SR"; } 261 { title = "Ceiling Brightness to this Brightness"; prefix = ""; } } scroll { title = "Scroll"; 48 { title = "Scroll Texture Left"; prefix = ""; } 85 { title = "Scroll Texture Right"; prefix = ""; } 214 { title = "Scroll Ceiling Accelerates when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 215 { title = "Scroll Floor Accelerates when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 216 { title = "Scroll Things Accelerates when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 217 { title = "Scroll Floor/Things Accelerates when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 218 { title = "Scroll Wall Accelerates when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 245 { title = "Scroll Ceiling when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 246 { title = "Scroll Floor when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 247 { title = "Scroll Move Things when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 248 { title = "Scroll Floor/Move Things when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 249 { title = "Scroll Wall when Sector Changes Height"; prefix = ""; } 250 { title = "Scroll Ceiling according to Line Vector"; prefix = ""; } 251 { title = "Scroll Floor according to Line Vector"; prefix = ""; } 252 { title = "Scroll Move Things according to Line Vector"; prefix = ""; } 253 { title = "Scroll Floor, Move Things"; prefix = ""; } 254 { title = "Scroll Wall according to Line Vector"; prefix = ""; } 255 { title = "Scroll Wall using Sidedef Offsets"; prefix = ""; } } change { title = "Change"; 78 { title = "Change Texture and Effect to Nearest"; prefix = "SR"; } 153 { title = "Change Texture And Effect"; prefix = "W1"; } 154 { title = "Change Texture And Effect"; prefix = "WR"; } 189 { title = "Change Texture And Effect"; prefix = "S1"; } 190 { title = "Change Texture And Effect"; prefix = "SR"; } 239 { title = "Change Texture and Effect to Nearest"; prefix = "W1"; } 240 { title = "Change Texture and Effect to Nearest"; prefix = "WR"; } 241 { title = "Change Texture and Effect to Nearest"; prefix = "S1"; } } donut { title = "Donut"; 9 { title = "Donut Raise (changes texture)"; prefix = "S1"; } 146 { title = "Donut Raise (changes texture)"; prefix = "W1"; } 155 { title = "Donut Raise (changes texture)"; prefix = "WR"; } 191 { title = "Donut Raise (changes texture)"; prefix = "SR"; } } friction { title = "Friction"; 223 { title = "Friction Tagged Sector: Drag < 100, Slide > 100"; prefix = ""; } } wind { title = "Wind"; 224 { title = "Wind according to Line Vector"; prefix = ""; } } current { title = "Current"; 225 { title = "Current according to Line Vector"; prefix = ""; } } wind/current { title = "Wind/Current"; 226 { title = "Wind/Current by Push/Pull Thing In Sector"; prefix = ""; } } create { title = "Create"; 242 { title = "Create Fake Ceiling and Floor"; prefix = ""; } } translucent { title = "Translucent"; 260 { title = "Translucent (Middle Texture)"; prefix = ""; } } transfer { title = "Transfer"; 271 { title = "Transfer Sky Texture to Tagged Sectors"; prefix = ""; } 272 { title = "Transfer Sky Texture to Tagged Sectors (flipped)"; prefix = ""; } } } // GENERALIZED LINEDEF TYPES gen_linedeftypes { normal { title = "None"; offset = 0; length = 0; } floors { title = "Floor"; offset = 24576; length = 8192; trigger { 0 = "Walk Over Once"; 1 = "Walk Over Repeatable"; 2 = "Switch Once"; 3 = "Switch Repeatable"; 4 = "Gunfire Once"; 5 = "Gunfire Repeatable"; 6 = "Door Once"; 7 = "Door Repeatable"; } direction { 0 = "Down"; 64 = "Up"; } target { 0 = "Highest Adjacent Floor"; 128 = "Lowest Adjacent Floor"; 256 = "Next Adjacent Floor"; 384 = "Lowest Adjacent Ceiling"; 512 = "Ceiling"; 640 = "Shortest Lower Texture"; 768 = "24 Map Pixels (relative)"; 896 = "32 Map Pixels (relative)"; } speed { 0 = "Slow"; 8 = "Normal"; 16 = "Fast"; 24 = "Turbo"; } model { 0 = "Trigger"; 32 = "Numeric"; } change { 0 = "None"; 1024 = "Change Texture and Remove Effect"; 2048 = "Change Texture Only"; 3072 = "Change Texture and Effect"; } crusher { 0 = "No"; 4096 = "Yes"; } } ceilings { title = "Ceiling"; offset = 16384; length = 8192; trigger { 0 = "Walk Over Once"; 1 = "Walk Over Repeatable"; 2 = "Switch Once"; 3 = "Switch Repeatable"; 4 = "Gunfire Once"; 5 = "Gunfire Repeatable"; 6 = "Door Once"; 7 = "Door Repeatable"; } direction { 0 = "Down"; 64 = "Up"; } target { 0 = "Highest Adjacent Ceiling"; 128 = "Lowest Adjacent Ceiling"; 256 = "Next Adjacent Ceiling"; 384 = "Highest Adjacent Floor"; 512 = "Floor"; 640 = "Shortest Lower Texture"; 768 = "24 Map Pixels (relative)"; 896 = "32 Map Pixels (relative)"; } speed { 0 = "Slow"; 8 = "Normal"; 16 = "Fast"; 24 = "Turbo"; } model { 0 = "Trigger"; 32 = "Numeric"; } change { 0 = "None"; 1024 = "Change Texture and Remove Effect"; 2048 = "Change Texture Only"; 3072 = "Change Texture and Effect"; } crusher { 0 = "No"; 4096 = "Yes"; } } doors { title = "Door"; offset = 15360; length = 1024; trigger { 0 = "Walk Over Once"; 1 = "Walk Over Repeatable"; 2 = "Switch Once"; 3 = "Switch Repeatable"; 4 = "Gunfire Once"; 5 = "Gunfire Repeatable"; 6 = "Door Once"; 7 = "Door Repeatable"; } action { 0 = "Open Wait Close"; 32 = "Open Only"; 64 = "Close Wait Open"; 96 = "Close Only"; } speed { 0 = "Slow"; 8 = "Normal"; 16 = "Fast"; 24 = "Turbo"; } wait { 0 = "1 Second"; 256 = "4 Seconds"; 512 = "9 Seconds"; 768 = "30 Seconds"; } monsters { 0 = "No"; 128 = "Yes"; } } lockeddoors { title = "Locked Door"; offset = 14336; length = 1024; trigger { 0 = "Walk Over Once"; 1 = "Walk Over Repeatable"; 2 = "Switch Once"; 3 = "Switch Repeatable"; 4 = "Gunfire Once"; 5 = "Gunfire Repeatable"; 6 = "Door Once"; 7 = "Door Repeatable"; } action { 0 = "Open Wait Close"; 32 = "Open Only"; } speed { 0 = "Slow"; 8 = "Normal"; 16 = "Fast"; 24 = "Turbo"; } lock { 0 = "Any"; 64 = "Red Keycard"; 128 = "Blue Keycard"; 192 = "Yellow Keycard"; 256 = "Red Skullkey"; 320 = "Blue Skullkey"; 384 = "Yellow Skullkey"; 448 = "All"; } combination { 0 = "No (each is a different key)"; 512 = "Keycard and Skullkey are same"; } } lifts { title = "Lift"; offset = 13312; length = 1024; trigger { 0 = "Walk Over Once"; 1 = "Walk Over Repeatable"; 2 = "Switch Once"; 3 = "Switch Repeatable"; 4 = "Gunfire Once"; 5 = "Gunfire Repeatable"; 6 = "Door Once"; 7 = "Door Repeatable"; } target { 0 = "Lowest adjacent Floor"; 256 = "Next adjacent Floor"; 512 = "Lowest adjacent Ceiling"; 768 = "Perpetual Lowest and Highest Floors"; } speed { 0 = "Slow"; 8 = "Normal"; 16 = "Fast"; 24 = "Turbo"; } delay { 0 = "1 Second"; 64 = "3 Seconds"; 128 = "5 Seconds"; 192 = "10 Seconds"; } monsters { 0 = "No"; 32 = "Yes"; } } stairs { title = "Stairs"; offset = 12288; length = 1024; trigger { 0 = "Walk Over Once"; 1 = "Walk Over Repeatable"; 2 = "Switch Once"; 3 = "Switch Repeatable"; 4 = "Gunfire Once"; 5 = "Gunfire Repeatable"; 6 = "Door Once"; 7 = "Door Repeatable"; } direction { 0 = "Down"; 256 = "Up"; } step { 0 = "4 Map Pixels"; 64 = "8 Map Pixels"; 128 = "16 Map Pixels"; 192 = "24 Map Pixels"; } speed { 0 = "Slow"; 8 = "Normal"; 16 = "Fast"; 24 = "Turbo"; } break { 0 = "At different texture"; 512 = "No"; } monsters { 0 = "No"; 32 = "Yes"; } } crushers { title = "Crusher"; offset = 12160; length = 128; trigger { 0 = "Walk Over Once"; 1 = "Walk Over Repeatable"; 2 = "Switch Once"; 3 = "Switch Repeatable"; 4 = "Gunfire Once"; 5 = "Gunfire Repeatable"; 6 = "Door Once"; 7 = "Door Repeatable"; } speed { 0 = "Slow"; 8 = "Normal"; 16 = "Fast"; 24 = "Turbo"; } silent { 0 = "No"; 64 = "Yes"; } monsters { 0 = "No"; 32 = "Yes"; } } } // THING FLAGS thingflags { 1 = "Easy"; 2 = "Medium"; 4 = "Hard"; 8 = "Deaf"; 16 = "Multiplayer"; 32 = "Not Deathmatch"; 64 = "Not Cooperative"; } // Thing flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted thingflagstranslation { 1 = "skill1"; 2 = "skill2"; 4 = "skill3"; 8 = "ambush"; 16 = "!single"; 32 = "!dm"; 64 = "!coop"; } // THING FLAGS ERROR MASK // Mask for the thing flags which indicates the options // that make the same thing appear in the same modes thingflagsmask1 = 7; // 1 + 2 + 4 thingflagsmask2 = 0; // THING TYPES thingtypes { editor { color = 15; // White arrow = 1; title = "Editor Things"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 0; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; error = 0; fixedsize = true; 32000 = "Visual Mode camera"; } players { color = 10; // Light Green arrow = 1; title = "Player Starts"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 56; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; error = 2; 1 { title = "Player 1 start"; sprite = "PLAYA2A8"; } 2 { title = "Player 2 start"; sprite = "PLAYA2A8"; } 3 { title = "Player 3 start"; sprite = "PLAYA2A8"; } 4 { title = "Player 4 start"; sprite = "PLAYA2A8"; } 11 { title = "Player Deathmatch start"; sprite = "PLAYF1"; } } teleports { color = 2; // Green arrow = 1; title = "Teleports"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 56; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; error = 0; 14 { title = "Teleport Destination"; sprite = "TFOGB0"; } } monsters { color = 12; // Light Red arrow = 1; title = "Monsters"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 56; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; error = 2; 3004 { title = "Former Human"; sprite = "POSSA2A8"; } 9 { title = "Former Sergeant"; sprite = "SPOSA2A8"; } 3001 { title = "Imp"; sprite = "TROOA2A8"; } 65 { title = "Chaingunner"; sprite = "CPOSA2"; } 3002 { title = "Demon"; width = 30; sprite = "SARGA2A8"; } 58 { title = "Spectre"; width = 30; sprite = "SARGA2A8"; } 3006 { title = "Lost Soul"; width = 16; sprite = "SKULA8A2"; } 3005 { title = "Cacodemon"; width = 31; sprite = "HEADA2A8"; } 69 { title = "Hell Knight"; width = 24; sprite = "BOS2A2C8"; height = 64; } 3003 { title = "Baron of Hell"; width = 24; sprite = "BOSSA2A8"; height = 64; } 68 { title = "Arachnotron"; width = 64; sprite = "BSPIA2A8"; height = 64; } 71 { title = "Pain Elemental"; width = 31; sprite = "PAINA2A8"; } 66 { title = "Revenant"; sprite = "SKELA2D8"; } 67 { title = "Mancubus"; width = 48; sprite = "FATTC2C8"; height = 64; } 64 { title = "Archvile"; sprite = "VILEA2D8"; } 16 { title = "Cyberdemon"; width = 40; sprite = "CYBRA2"; height = 110; } 7 { title = "Spider Mastermind"; width = 128; sprite = "SPIDA2A8"; height = 100; } 84 { title = "Wolfenstein SS"; sprite = "SSWVA2"; } 72 { title = "Commander Keen"; width = 16; sprite = "KEENA0"; height = 72; hangs = 1; } 88 { title = "Icon of Sin"; width = 16; sprite = "BBRNA0"; height = 16; } 89 { title = "Monsters Spawner"; sprite = "BOSFB0"; height = 32; } 87 { title = "Monsters Target"; height = 32; } } weapons { color = 14; // Yellow arrow = 0; title = "Weapons"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 25; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 2005 { title = "Chainsaw"; sprite = "CSAWA0"; } 2001 { title = "Shotgun"; sprite = "SHOTA0"; } 82 { title = "Super Shotgun"; sprite = "SGN2A0"; } 2002 { title = "Chaingun"; sprite = "MGUNA0"; } 2003 { title = "Rocket launcher"; sprite = "LAUNA0"; } 2004 { title = "Plasma gun"; sprite = "PLASA0"; } 2006 { title = "BFG9000"; sprite = "BFUGA0"; height = 30; } } ammunition { color = 6; // Brown arrow = 0; title = "Ammunition"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 16; blocking = 0; hangs = 0; 2007 { title = "Ammo clip"; sprite = "CLIPA0"; } 2008 { title = "Shotgun shells"; sprite = "SHELA0"; } 2010 { title = "Rocket"; sprite = "ROCKA0"; height = 25; } 2047 { title = "Cell charge"; sprite = "CELLA0"; } 2048 { title = "Box of Ammo"; sprite = "AMMOA0"; } 2049 { title = "Box of Shells"; sprite = "SBOXA0"; } 2046 { title = "Box of Rockets"; sprite = "BROKA0"; width = 30; height = 25; } 17 { title = "Cell charge pack"; sprite = "CELPA0"; height = 25; } 8 { title = "Backpack"; sprite = "BPAKA0"; } } health { color = 1; // Blue arrow = 0; title = "Health and Armor"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 2011 { title = "Stimpack"; sprite = "STIMA0"; } 2012 { title = "Medikit"; sprite = "MEDIA0"; height = 25; } 2014 { title = "Health bonus"; sprite = "BON1A0"; } 2015 { title = "Armor bonus"; sprite = "BON2A0"; } 2018 { title = "Green armor"; sprite = "ARM1A0"; } 2019 { title = "Blue armor"; sprite = "ARM2A0"; } } powerups { color = 9; // Light Blue arrow = 0; title = "Powerups"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 83 { title = "Megasphere"; sprite = "MEGAA0"; height = 40; } 2013 { title = "Soulsphere"; sprite = "SOULA0"; height = 45; } 2022 { title = "Invulnerability"; sprite = "PINVA0"; height = 30; } 2023 { title = "Berserk"; sprite = "PSTRA0"; } 2024 { title = "Invisibility"; sprite = "PINSA0"; height = 45; } 2025 { title = "Radiation suit"; sprite = "SUITA0"; height = 60; } 2026 { title = "Computer map"; sprite = "PMAPA0"; height = 35; } 2045 { title = "Lite Amplification goggles"; sprite = "PVISA0"; } } keys { color = 13; // Light Magenta arrow = 0; title = "Keys"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 5 { title = "Blue keycard"; sprite = "BKEYA0"; } 40 { title = "Blue skullkey"; sprite = "BSKUB0"; } 13 { title = "Red keycard"; sprite = "RKEYA0"; } 38 { title = "Red skullkey"; sprite = "RSKUB0"; } 6 { title = "Yellow keycard"; sprite = "YKEYA0"; } 39 { title = "Yellow skullkey"; sprite = "YSKUB0"; } } obstacles { color = 3; // Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Obstacles"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; 2035 { title = "Barrel"; width = 10; sprite = "BAR1A0"; height = 32; } 70 { title = "Burning barrel"; width = 10; sprite = "FCANA0"; height = 32; } 48 { title = "Tall techno pillar"; sprite = "ELECA0"; } 30 { title = "Tall green pillar"; sprite = "COL1A0"; } 32 { title = "Tall red pillar"; sprite = "COL3A0"; } 31 { title = "Short green pillar"; sprite = "COL2A0"; } 36 { title = "Short green pillar (beating heart)"; sprite = "COL5A0"; } 33 { title = "Short red pillar"; sprite = "COL4A0"; } 37 { title = "Short red pillar (skull)"; sprite = "COL6A0"; } 47 { title = "Stalagmite"; sprite = "SMITA0"; } 43 { title = "Gray tree"; sprite = "TRE1A0"; } 54 { title = "Large brown tree"; width = 32; sprite = "TRE2A0"; } 41 { title = "Evil Eye"; sprite = "CEYEA0"; } 42 { title = "Floating skull rock"; sprite = "FSKUA0"; } } lights { color = 11; // Light Cyan arrow = 0; title = "Light sources"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 16; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; 85 { title = "Tall techno floor lamp"; sprite = "TLMPA0"; } 86 { title = "Short techno floor lamp"; sprite = "TLP2A0"; } 2028 { title = "Floor lamp"; sprite = "COLUA0"; } 34 { title = "Candle"; sprite = "CANDA0"; blocking = 0; } 35 { title = "Candelabra"; sprite = "CBRAA0"; } 44 { title = "Tall blue firestick"; sprite = "TBLUA0"; } 45 { title = "Tall green firestick"; sprite = "TGRNA0"; } 46 { title = "Tall red firestick"; sprite = "TREDA0"; } 55 { title = "Short blue firestick"; sprite = "SMBTA0"; } 56 { title = "Short green firestick"; sprite = "SMGTA0"; } 57 { title = "Short red firestick"; sprite = "SMRTA0"; } } decoration { color = 4; // Red arrow = 0; title = "Decoration"; width = 16; sort = 1; height = 16; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; 79 { title = "Pool of blood and guts"; sprite = "POB1A0"; } 80 { title = "Pool of blood"; sprite = "POB2A0"; } 81 { title = "Pool of brains"; sprite = "BRS1A0"; } 49 { title = "Hanging victim, twitching (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR1A0"; height = 68; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 63 { title = "Hanging victim, twitching"; sprite = "GOR1A0"; height = 68; hangs = 1; } 50 { title = "Hanging victim, arms out (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR2A0"; height = 84; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 59 { title = "Hanging victim, arms out"; sprite = "GOR2A0"; height = 84; hangs = 1; } 52 { title = "Hanging pair of legs (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR4A0"; height = 68; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 60 { title = "Hanging pair of legs"; sprite = "GOR4A0"; height = 68; hangs = 1; } 51 { title = "Hanging victim, 1-legged (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR3A0"; height = 84; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 61 { title = "Hanging victim, 1-legged"; sprite = "GOR3A0"; height = 52; hangs = 1; } 53 { title = "Hanging leg (blocking)"; sprite = "GOR5A0"; height = 52; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 62 { title = "Hanging leg"; sprite = "GOR5A0"; height = 52; hangs = 1; } 25 { title = "Impaled human"; sprite = "POL1A0"; blocking = 1; } 26 { title = "Twitching impaled human"; sprite = "POL6A0"; blocking = 1; } 27 { title = "Skull on a pole"; sprite = "POL4A0"; blocking = 1; } 28 { title = "5 skulls shish kebob"; sprite = "POL2A0"; blocking = 1; } 29 { title = "Pile of skulls and candles"; sprite = "POL3A0"; blocking = 1; } 10 { title = "Bloody mess 1"; sprite = "PLAYW0"; } 12 { title = "Bloody mess 2"; sprite = "PLAYW0"; } 24 { title = "Pool of blood and bones"; sprite = "POL5A0"; } 15 { title = "Dead player"; sprite = "PLAYN0"; } 18 { title = "Dead former human"; sprite = "POSSL0"; width = 20; } 19 { title = "Dead former sergeant"; sprite = "SPOSL0"; width = 20; } 20 { title = "Dead imp"; sprite = "TROOM0"; width = 20; } 21 { title = "Dead demon"; sprite = "SARGN0"; width = 30; } 22 { title = "Dead cacodemon"; sprite = "HEADL0"; width = 31; } 23 = "Dead lost soul"; 73 { title = "Hanging victim, guts removed"; sprite = "HDB1A0"; height = 88; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 74 { title = "Hanging victim, guts and brain removed"; sprite = "HDB2A0"; height = 88; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 75 { title = "Hanging torso, looking down"; sprite = "HDB3A0"; height = 64; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 76 { title = "Hanging torso, open skull"; sprite = "HDB4A0"; height = 64; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 77 { title = "Hanging torso, looking up"; sprite = "HDB5A0"; height = 64; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } 78 { title = "Hanging torso, brain removed"; sprite = "HDB6A0"; height = 64; hangs = 1; blocking = 1; } } boom { color = 8; // Grey arrow = 1; title = "Boom Items"; width = 0; sort = 1; fixedsize = true; 5001 = "Pusher"; 5002 = "Puller"; } } // Default thing filters // (these are not required, just usefull for new users) thingsfilters { filter0 { name = "Easy skill"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 1 = true; } } filter1 { name = "Hard skill"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 4 = true; } } filter2 { name = "Keys only"; category = "keys"; type = -1; } filter3 { name = "Medium skill"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 2 = true; } } filter4 { name = "Multiplayer"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 16 = true; } } } // Default texture sets // (these are not required, but usefull for new users) texturesets { set0 { name = "Rock"; filter0 = "ASHWALL*"; filter1 = "BSTONE*"; filter2 = "FLAT1_1"; filter3 = "FLAT1_2"; filter4 = "FLAT1_3"; filter5 = "FLAT10"; filter6 = "FLAT5_7"; filter7 = "FLAT5_8"; filter8 = "FLOOR6_1"; filter9 = "FLOOR6_2"; filter10 = "GRNROCK"; filter11 = "MFLR8_2"; filter12 = "MFLR8_3"; filter13 = "MFLR8_4"; filter14 = "ROCK*"; filter15 = "SLIME09"; filter16 = "SLIME10"; filter17 = "SLIME11"; filter18 = "SLIME12"; filter19 = "SP_ROCK1"; filter20 = "STONE4"; filter21 = "STONE5"; filter22 = "STONE6"; filter23 = "STONE7"; filter24 = "SW1ROCK"; filter25 = "SW1STON6"; filter26 = "SW2ROCK"; filter27 = "SW2STON6"; filter28 = "TANROCK*"; filter29 = "RROCK*"; } set1 { name = "Brick"; filter0 = "BIGBRIK*"; filter1 = "BRICK*"; filter2 = "FLOOR5_4"; filter3 = "FLAT8"; filter4 = "GSTFONT1"; filter5 = "GSTFONT2"; filter6 = "GSTFONT3"; filter7 = "GSTGARG"; filter8 = "GSTLION"; filter9 = "GSTONE1"; filter10 = "GSTONE2"; filter11 = "GSTSATYR"; filter12 = "GSTVINE1"; filter13 = "GSTVINE2"; filter14 = "MFLR8_1"; filter15 = "RROCK10"; filter16 = "RROCK14"; filter17 = "SLIME13"; filter18 = "SP_DUDE1"; filter19 = "SP_DUDE2"; filter20 = "SP_DUDE4"; filter21 = "SP_DUDE5"; filter22 = "SP_DUDE7"; filter23 = "SP_DUDE8"; filter24 = "SP_HOT1"; filter25 = "STONE2"; filter26 = "STONE3"; filter27 = "SW1GSTON"; filter28 = "SW1HOT"; filter29 = "SW2GSTON"; filter30 = "SW2HOT"; } set2 { name = "Liquids"; filter0 = "BFALL*"; filter1 = "BLOOD*"; filter2 = "DBRAIN*"; filter3 = "FWATER*"; filter4 = "LAVA*"; filter5 = "NUKAGE*"; filter6 = "SFALL*"; filter7 = "SLIME01"; filter8 = "SLIME02"; filter9 = "SLIME03"; filter10 = "SLIME04"; filter11 = "SLIME05"; filter12 = "SLIME06"; filter13 = "SLIME07"; filter14 = "SLIME08"; } set3 { name = "Doors"; filter0 = "BIGDOOR*"; filter1 = "DOOR*"; filter2 = "EXITDOOR"; filter3 = "SPCDOOR*"; filter4 = "TEKBRON1"; filter5 = "TEKBRON2"; } set4 { name = "Steps"; filter0 = "STEP*"; } set5 { name = "Wood"; filter0 = "BIGDOOR5"; filter1 = "BIGDOOR6"; filter2 = "BIGDOOR7"; filter3 = "CEIL1_1"; filter4 = "CEIL1_3"; filter5 = "FLAT5_1"; filter6 = "FLAT5_2"; filter7 = "PAN*"; filter8 = "SW1PANEL"; filter9 = "SW1WDMET"; filter10 = "SW1WOOD"; filter11 = "SW2PANEL"; filter12 = "SW2WDMET"; filter13 = "SW2WOOD"; filter14 = "WOOD*"; } set6 { name = "Flesh"; filter0 = "AASHITTY"; filter1 = "FLAT5_6"; filter2 = "SFLR6_1"; filter3 = "SFLR6_4"; filter4 = "SFLR7_1"; filter5 = "SFLR7_4"; filter6 = "SK_LEFT"; filter7 = "SK_RIGHT"; filter8 = "SKIN*"; filter9 = "SKSNAKE1"; filter10 = "SKSNAKE2"; filter11 = "SKSPINE1"; filter12 = "SKSPINE2"; filter13 = "SLOPPY1"; filter14 = "SLOPPY2"; filter15 = "SP_DUDE1"; filter16 = "SP_DUDE2"; filter17 = "SP_DUDE4"; filter18 = "SP_DUDE5"; filter19 = "SP_DUDE7"; filter20 = "SP_DUDE8"; filter21 = "SP_FACE1"; filter22 = "SP_FACE2"; filter23 = "SW1SKIN"; filter24 = "SW1SKULL"; filter25 = "SW2SKIN"; filter26 = "SW2SKULL"; } set7 { name = "Switches"; filter0 = "SW1*"; filter1 = "SW2*"; } set8 { name = "Marble"; filter0 = "DEM1_*"; filter1 = "FLOOR7_2"; filter2 = "GST*"; filter3 = "MARB*"; filter4 = "SP_DUDE1"; filter5 = "SP_DUDE2"; filter6 = "SP_DUDE4"; filter7 = "SP_DUDE5"; filter8 = "SP_HOT1"; filter9 = "SW1GSTON"; filter10 = "SW1MARB"; filter11 = "SW2GSTON"; filter12 = "SW2MARB"; } set9 { name = "Lights"; filter0 = "BRICKLIT"; filter1 = "BSTONE3"; filter2 = "CEIL1_2"; filter3 = "CEIL1_3"; filter4 = "CEIL3_4"; filter5 = "CEIL3_6"; filter6 = "CEIL4_3"; filter7 = "FLAT17"; filter8 = "FLAT2"; filter9 = "FLAT22"; filter10 = "FLOOR1_7"; filter11 = "GRNLITE1"; filter12 = "LITE3"; filter13 = "LITE5"; filter14 = "LITEBLU1"; filter15 = "LITEBLU4"; filter16 = "TLITE6_1"; filter17 = "TLITE6_4"; filter18 = "TLITE6_5"; filter19 = "TLITE6_6"; } set10 { name = "Metal"; filter0 = "CEIL1_2"; filter1 = "METAL*"; filter2 = "METAL"; filter3 = "MIDBRN1"; filter4 = "MIDGRATE"; filter5 = "SW1GARG"; filter6 = "SW1LION"; filter7 = "SW1SATYR"; filter8 = "SW2GARG"; filter9 = "SW2LION"; filter10 = "SW2MET2"; filter11 = "SW2METAL"; filter12 = "SW1METAL"; filter13 = "SW1MET2"; filter14 = "SW2SATYR"; filter15 = "WOODMET1"; filter16 = "WOODMET2"; filter17 = "WOODMET3"; filter18 = "WOODMET4"; filter19 = "SW2WDMET"; filter20 = "SW1WDMET"; filter21 = "SUPPORT*"; } set11 { name = "Silver"; filter0 = "BIGDOOR1"; filter1 = "DOORSTOP"; filter2 = "LITEBLU1"; filter3 = "SHAWN*"; filter4 = "SILVER*"; filter5 = "SPCDOOR3"; filter6 = "STEP4"; filter7 = "SUPPORT2"; filter8 = "SW1COMM"; filter9 = "SW2COMM"; } set12 { name = "Base"; filter0 = "BIGBRIK*"; filter1 = "BIGDOOR1"; filter2 = "BIGDOOR2"; filter3 = "BIGDOOR3"; filter4 = "BIGDOOR4"; filter5 = "BLAKWAL*"; filter6 = "BRN*"; filter7 = "BRONZE*"; filter8 = "BROWN*"; filter9 = "BROVINE2"; filter10 = "CEIL3_1"; 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